Salem, Ore., Friday, China Assails Tito for Row With Kremlin HONG KONG m - Communist tninas rulers came out Friday night on the side of the Kremlin In its controversy with Yugoslav President Tito. In its first comment on the Tito-Moscow quarrel over the amount of independence which national Communist movements should be allowed, the Peiping regime said the Yugoslav leader's policies could only destroy the Communist movement. At the same time, China's Polit burothe handful of men who rule the Red mainland praised Uie Kremlin for trying to wipe out Stalin's "errors." The Peiping rulers made the declarations in a 14,000-w o r d statement broadcast over Peiping Radio following meetings of the Politburo. The Politburo acknowledged Stalin's errors "did harm" but added firmly that "in our opinion Stalin's mistakes take second place to his achievements." Loss Light in 3 Fire Alarms Salem firemen responded to three alarms Thursday. The home of Mrs. Fred David, 1525 North 21s' street, was dam aged when a fire started in an attic bedroom. Insulation of the room was burned and damage was estimated at $100. Firemen said that shortly before the alarm children were reported to have been playing with matches in an attic closet. Defective wiring in a record player was said to have caused a fire that started at the home of Melvin Kelley, 960 Jefferson. A dresser and a wall were damaged, estimated at $125, North Salem firemen responded to the call. A chimney fire was reported from the home of Arthur Tucker, 2835 Brooks Ave. Winter Slams England Hard LONDON Iff Winter dumped its full bag of gales, heavy rain, freezing temperatures and snow on Britain Friday. Twenty-one main roads were blocked by snow in the Midlands, Wales and Scotland. Floods wash ed out homes and roads in the Axminstcr area. Fifty engineers were rushed to Northern Ireland to restore tele phone lines blown down during the Christmas'holidays. . Winds of gale force struck north ern coastal areas, including the Isle of Man and the Western Isles of Scotland. An overnight blizzard struck in North Yorkshire and a foot of snow fell during a brief period in the hills. Five climbers three men and two women were missing late Friday in the Scottish highlands. County to Open Petroleum Bids Bids for supplying Marion coun ty with its 1957 requirements of petroleum will be opened at 10 a.m. January 21 in the conference room of the county court. The following day at the same time bids will be opened for tires, Can't Do It CO and December 28, 1950 Steel Dice Used by Smugglers in Diamond Ring LONDON Ul Scotland Yard said Friday it had broken up a diamond smuggling ring because it found the dice were really loaded. The investigation began a year ago after the Yard picked up ru mors that diamonds were being smuggled in and out of Britain. Detectives started making air trips between Britain, Ireland and the continent, keeping a sharp eve on a group of "businessmen" who played dice regularly to while away the time. One of the Yard's men got his hands on a pair of the dice and found that one side of each cube was a hinged lid. Inside were small compartments for the gems. The Yard said it expected to make some arrests.. 5,000 Toys Given Out by Firemen Some 5.000 toys were provided children at Christmas this year through the toy repair program of the Salem fire department. Fire Chief Robert Mills reported Fri day. Much of the success of the toy drive was due to the generosity of the public and business firms who donated toys, time and ma terial to help make the holiday happier for others. Mills said. He expressed thanks for the donations and aid. The toys were distributed through the Salem Exchange club toy program and through otner (agencies. Yourself? 'IP . ! t - . , , fc. ,-,; ,... -tm , --. ' n ,m ' " - - - n -- t- .an.. . J Ossified v For Someone Who Can For repairs, renovations or other jobs too difficult or too risky to tackle yourself, turn to the Classified. That's the simple way to locte someone who can do it right right away! Magnate Goes LAC-BEAUPORT, . QUEBEC, CANADA Canadian-born steel magnate Cyrus Eaton, of Cleveland, O., right, marks his 73rd birthday yesterday by trying the skiing at this resort with his eldest son, Cyrus, Jr., 38. In an interview he said the Canadian north Is man's greatest challenge. He holds controlling interests in two firms now exploring possibility of iron ore deposits on west , coast of L'ngava Bay. (AP Wlrephoto) TODAY'S CLOSE I.Y. STOCK Q10TATI0S (By The Associated Press? Admiral Corporation Allied Chemical Allis Chalmers Aluminum Co. America 13 VI 97 Vi 34 V4 92 23 14 41 V, 78 Hi 5 ft 169 73 72 i.'i American Airlines American Can American Cyanamide American Motors Ameriean Tel. & Tel. American Tobacco Anaconda Copper Armco Steel Atchison Railroad Bethlehem Steel -Boeing Airplane Co. Borg Warner Burroughs Adding Mach. California Packing Canadian Pacific Caterpillar Tractor Celanese Corporation " Chrysler Corporation , Cities Service Consolidated Edison Crown Zcllerbach Curtiss Wright Douglas Aircraft du Pont de Nemours Eastman Kodak Emerson Radio Ford Motor General Electric General Foods General Motors Georgia Poc Plywood Goodyear Tire International Harvester International Paper Johns Manvillc Kaiser Aluminum Kennecott Copper 64 26 194 , 61 44 Vi 39 42 33 89 k 15 V 70 i 67 tt 44 53 7. 46 Vt 99 W 191 r. 86 ' 6 '.. 55 60 43 ?i 44 H 28 ( 83 384 105 H 48 45 128 12 H 56 19 38 33 39 15 ',4 49 12.1 81 M 21 J.ibhj, McNeill Lockheed Aircraft Loew's Incorporated Montgomery Ward New York Central Northern Pacific Pacific American Fish Pacific Gas & Electric Pacific Tel. 4 Tel. Penney (J.C.I Co. Pennsylvania R. R. Pepsi Cola Co. Philco Radio Puget Sound P & L Radio Corporation Rayonier Incorp. Republic Steel Revnolds Metals Richfield Oil Safeway Stores Inc. St. Regis Scott Paper Co. Sears Roebuck & Co. SheU Oil Co. Sinclair Oil Socony-Mobil Oil Southern Pacific Standard Oil Calif. Standard Oil N.J. Studebaker Packard Sunshine Mining Swift & Company Transamerica Corp. Twentieth Century Fox l:nion Oil Company I'nion Pacific L'nited Airlines l.'nited Aircraft United Corporation I'nitcd States Plywood I'nitcd Slates Steel Warner Pictures Western L'nion Tel. Westinghouse Air Brake Westinghousc Electric Woolworth Company 19 16 ' 26 lit 35 31 ' 50 60 ' 68 69 14 47 Ij 59 28 Mi. , 90 1 61 14 54 'a 46 "41 48 V, 59 ik I 7! 7 I .18 V, 37 23 Sfl 30 V 43 91 ht 6 "i 34 72 , 28 18 ' 29 "4 57 '4 43 MM. ALLAN SI RPRISKD MOLALLA 'Special' A sur prised employer was Ossie Marson on Christmas when his employes presented him a 10-inch portable television set. ELECTRICITY is$A"K roiTiAHB aini rfn" IHCTIIC COFNY Wfl Skiing Three Crosswalks Urged at Lebanon , For Foot Travel LEBANON (Special) Recom mendation to the Chamber of Commerce board of directors was made Wednesday by a com mittee to study Grant and Main street Intersection and cross ings that all three crosswalks be put to use across Main St. with equul time Intervals for traffic lights. The board will be asked to pass the recommendation on to the state highway department, B. C. Smith, chairman of the committee, said. Nab Burglar Suspect ST. PAUL (Special) Edwar Theodore Bolton, 20, was take into custody by state police Thurs day charged with burglary of I St. Paul high school. The yoi is accused of taking candy a peanuts from the building in burglary Wednesday night. A por tion of the candy was found hid den under a bridge. New Blaze Ij , f I i 3 Tf MALIRU, Calif. A tpHTring column of smoke rKm from a new brush fire which broke out late yesterday four miles outh of the original blaze which has laid wante to 25,000 acre of land. The second fire destroyed six homes in Flore canyon, then meed toward the sea where firemen in a last ditch xtand prevented it from destroying a cluster of expensive beach homes. (AP Wire-photo) Roxbury SATIN MIX CANDIES i33 BBBftBBBBBBBB9BBftftBaBBBBBBBBBBMBBSBBBftBl THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Step Taken For Building Water Plant Silverton Buys Lot For Filtration Installation SILVERTON (Special) Mem bers of the Silverton city council Monday night took the first step towards construction of a filtra tion plant on East Hill by author izing purchase of a lot as a site for the building. The city approved purchase of a lot 150 by 150 feet on Reserve street from Mrs. R. B. Winslow for $3100. , Approved also was an ordinance authorizing sale of $175,000 in bonds by April 1 to finance con struction of the plant. The bonds were approved by the voters at the last election. The ordinance will be given its second reading Jan. 7. Mayor Harry Carson, who did not seek re-election, presided at the meeting which will be the last of his term. Boy Scouts to Build Shelter With Donation LEBANON (Special)-A contri bution of $100 for Lebanon Boy Scouts was made recently by the Max and Rose Tucker founda tion, and will be used to build a permanent shelter at Camp Pio neer in the primitive area near Mt. Jefferson. The decision for its use was announced this week by John Es keldson, Carl Anderson and Ken Jury. Jury is Cascades area Boy Scout executive. , Camp Pioneer is on the edge of Pine Lake near the foot of Mt. Jefferson, and is used by ap proximately 500 Lebanon Boy Scouts each summer, staying a week at a time. They used tents in the past. Said Eskeldson, "The commit tee made the choice of a perma nent shelter in order to give all Lebanon Boy Scouts an oppor tunity to benefit from the dona tion. Weather Table By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 24 hours to 4:30 a.m. Friday Max. Min. Prep. Baker 30 21 Bend 55 21 1 Eugene 33 28 1 Klamath Falls 41 18 ... n . Lakeview 52 20 ! Medford 29 23 1 Newport 58 40 ! North Bend 53 34 1 Pendleton 30 26 T Portland Airport 35 28 Roscburg 37 26 Salem 31 28 Breaks Out f'. . baas. Family Reunions Fill At Sublimity Over Holidays Ilartmanns inv Yule Feast at Gim Club SUBLIMITY (Special) As is the custom, Christmas, besides being a religious feast, marked the time for many family reunions at Sublimity. One of the largest was the an nual reunion of the Hartmann clan at the Sublimity Gun Club Christ mas afternoon and evening when a no-host supper was served to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hartmann and Darrel; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hart mann and Kathy; Mr. and Mrs. Al Hartmann and family; Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bradley and family; Mr. and Mrs. Marvin ' Harksen (Rosinai and family of Corvallis; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hartmann and family and Mr. and Mrs. Da vid Bradley and family of Stay- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Jim McCoy, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hartmann, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Bradley, Miss Donna Welter and Bill Weddle. A reunion at the Syl Sharbach home included Mrs. M a r - " t Halfman, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Locke and family of Grand Ronde, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Halfman and family of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Doerfler and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Quinton Dombrow sky and two sons of Albany, Zubers Meet Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Zuber (Sharon Meier) and two children of Pistol River were at her par ents, the Don Meiers. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Minden and family of Pistol River were r' her mother's, the Mrs. Rose Roisterer home. Coining from Lebanon were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Merzencch (Alma Hassler) and family who together with Mr. and Mrs. Al Hassler and Edward had Christmas dinner at the Ed Ebner home. Kletzing Sells Carlton Paper, Plans to Retire CARLTON Ul Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Klctiing, who have been In newsnoncr work nearly 50 years. Thursday announced sale of the Carlton-Yamhill Review. Purchasers of the publication arc Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Miller, Toledo. Ore., and .Mr. and Mrs. William II. Bennett, Portland. Transfer date was announced as April 1. The Kletzings said they will retire. Kletzing came to Oregon in 1912 to work in the circulation depart ment of the Eugene Register. In 1923 he came to Salem and was advertising manager for the Ore gon Statesman for 15 years. In 1927 he purchased the In dependence Enterprise and pub lished it until 1951 when he sold it to Mr. and Mrs. Alva Noble of Iowa. He bought the Carlton- Yamhill Review in 1953. Decoration Vrlzvn Given Out at Scio SCIO (Special) First prize for the best Christmas home decora tions went to Mr. and Mrs. (ilen Clayton of West Scio. Second prize was awarded to Mr. and Mrs. Vince Lcc at the telephone office. Third prize was awarded to Mr. and Mrs. Hovard Murphy of Scio. Stop Molallu Fire MOLALLA 'Speciali Thursday morning Mnlalla volunteer fire men were called to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hurihardt on Knfile Ave., where an over heated chimney and a kitchen atr conditioner in the attic caught lire, filling the house with a dense smoke. One or two boards in the attic had to be cut away to put out the blaze. LEGALS The Marion Co. S h. 1)11. No. l2 (Lake I.atlh I Hoard h;is n-vn au thorized lo receive waled hlds nn the sale of the old irhonlhuusc (exrlu kivp f the pump house) on January 8. 10.17. at B pm. at the s hoolhr.UM-. AM hid niul he m i ofnitanwd hy a certified rh'k of 00. 'I he tin mciTf f ul bidders will he refunded their i' heck The hui Id in if must he removed from the prcnilie s not later than Sept. 1, 1";)7. The hn.ird reserve the rlfht to reject any and all hlds. Signed " J. KHKI) HRMINOTON. Clerk. Per. ltl, 20.21, 22.4, 26. XI. 28.2IUI. Jan J.. FURNACES Complrtr Installation)! Krpf Survpv & KMimate M Monlhi to I'ay ( all Today f.M-ZHMS Evi. EM 48790 or EM 48821 Oil. OR GAS Comfort Clean Thrilly Salem Healing & Sheet Metal Co. I0XS Broadway The Don Blades were hosts to Mrs. Ed Doerfler, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Zuber and Margene of Pistol River; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Norman and two daughters of Crescent City and Mrs. Marie Klecker. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hottinger and family went to her brother's, the Ed Lamberts, at Silverton as did the Benny Wolf family of Stay ton. Dltters Hosts , At the E.' A. Ditter home were Mr. and Mrs. Otto J. Erwert and children of Woodburn. the Misses Theresa. Edna, Matilda and Su zanne Ditter and Mary Jean Dit ter, homo-a few hours from her duties at Providence hospital in Portland. ' Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Williams of North Bend and Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Williams, Portland, 1 '. the holiday at the Delbert Dittcrs. Mrs. Clara Ncal was host to her two sons and their families for the holiday dinner Mr. and Mrs. Duane Ncal and three children from Copalis iBeach, Wash., and Mr. and Mrs. Len Neat tnd family of Scio. The Cecil Youngs guest list in cluded members of Mrs. Young's family, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sus- bauer, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Owen and family, and 'Mr. and Mrs. Bob Schachtsick and two sons of Stay- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bordie- heimer and three children were at the Herman Hassler home with Mrs. Anna Hcubcrger a special guest. Gerspachers Meet Mr. and Mrs. Louis Williams and young son and Tony and Matt Gerspacher were up from Green ville, Calif., to spend the holidays with their mother, Mrs. Josephine Gerspacher and sons. The Ben Toepfcrs chose Christ mas Eve for their family reunion which Included Mr. an ' Mrs. Rob ert Toepfer and family of Stayton, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Burns and two sons and Joanne Toepfer. The two daughters of the John Heubergers and their families, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gorman and two . Bros. Jewelers J 1 UP TOW J Yei, now you can own a f amou Bulova TV Special. Trade-in your old watch today-regardless of age, make or condition, and get as much as $25.00 allowancel AMBASSADOR II Itwllf, itintlon blM $4950 NEPTUNE ttrtititt "iiefirMf, intl-raifntllC, tUm htntfi 1 sllll, wita itttad hint, WW "The Diamond Store of Salem" HAMMAN BROS. m mm PFfd"r.,,TK! fl STATE A.D LIBERTY Homes sons of Portland, and Mr. arl Mrs. Tommy Nielson and three children of Newport were their holiday guests. Also at the dinner were Mrs.. Heuberger's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Zuber and friends, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Ma ples and daughter of Crescent City. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Norman. Crescent City, were dinner guests on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Neilson and two sons of Newport spent Christ mas with Mrs. Ncilson's parents, iur. ana nirs. . J. Minden. Coming from Taft Wednesday i spend several days with relatives was Mrs. Bcrnie Zuber. Rags to 02m YOUR OLD TOPCOAT, SUIT, SPORT COAT OR JACKET M l Is Worth AS 1 When you purchase any suit from a special group or any top coat, in our stock priced it only $50 up. v m a"' A'V GREEN STAMPS TttlS WEAR, Capitol Shopping Center 5bdfe-fo Staff WARWICK 21 ft" til. tip i ten iib .7150 ANITA 1? I.wlll, llfa.llin kractllt J4350 JEFFERSON 21 f"tli, aiajntian feutf $6500 RHAPSODY i rmii, Iriclllt wiso tour Old Watch Help Buy a Section I Pap 3 Bowes Elected Head Of Portland Council PORTLAND (UP) Commis sioner William A. Bowes yester day was elected president of the Portland City Council for a six month term. Bowes succeeds Commissioner Stanley W. Earl. Council presi dents are named every six months to preside over meetings in the absence of the mayor. NW Indians Invited To Inaugural Parade PENDLETON (UP) A irouo of Pacific Northwest Indians has been invited to send a delegation to appear in the parade when President Eisenhower is inaugu rated for his second term. Elias Quaenttz, chairman of the board of trustees of the Confeder ated Umatilla Indian Tribes,' re ceived the invitation. Riches Trade-In IRENE it mm, limln brullff H950 GOLDEN GODDESS ll Imii, in Maims Mil InuUt (7500 New Bulova TV Special lack m4 tvtfy IULOVA Wotorar Woh It CanlAed Watr4at if m U. S. TtSTINO CO. aftat bein Icten HtWdly Tasted . , . tat a4 ertfnent spat Hrta-tle a. "' la m errUI M . , . oi a imnmi l at aasaia taaaa rveial r at mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i