f H&V5'' " Salem, Ore., Friday, December 28, 1956 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL 850 Automotive 850 Automotive 850 Automotive 850 Automotive 850 Automotive 850 Automotive 850 Automotive 850 Automotive 852 Used Can For Salt flS2 Used Com For Sole B52 Vied Cart For SoU 852 Uied Con Far Sal 852 Used Cops For Soli 852 Used Cort For Solo 652 Used Con For Sale 852 Used Cort for Sole top jC-1 Condition 1 mw' x f ytadillac Kmmerclal EM 3 317S super RB Holldnv. iilenee. lull nnwer. Excel. Will comider Irndc. 2123 . Church, EM 2-5097. 86 gesell Pontiac Co. N. Liberty KM 2-4113 FOR SALE '4(1 ih;mp. nan o DeSolo with hc;iter. KM 3-309) httwecn fi A 1:30 p.m. MUST relf 'M Ply. power steer., o'drivc. while walli, heater, LM 2-4S7. '41 Thrv sedan 4 dr . good tires. A-l shape. iuu. e.M t-toDj. '5(5 VOLKSWAGEN rirnn Hn radio, heater, hpiL-p Vinyl upholstery. EM 900 Display Class. 900 Display Clans. ' &t UK S.. 124. Sclm V-"-i-'' Lti-J-! Year End Clearance THESE CARS MUST SELL! 56 Chev, V-8 Wjtn. fl-pass. $2595 Local car. 10 WW ml. '55 Chev. Hel-Air Sot. Cpe. 11895 Just like new. une owner. '55 Buick Century 4-d. Spt. 2395 AM power. iooks new. 56 Chev. Bel-Air Spt. Sdn. $2595 7 000 ml. V8. P-G trans. 55 Olda. 9b Hdrdtop. Only $2495 This is a real BARGAIN. 55 Chev, V8 Spt. Cpe. P-G $1895 Only ij.ouu aciuai mi. '55 Cad. 62 Cpe. All power $3693 Top condition. New tire. '.S3 Ford Ranch Wagon V-8 $JfW5 '53 Ford VB Cu&tom Sedan ... $!)93 One of the best. Equipped. p,So.. Go i a?tu,l ,1. Sharr," ' Another tcrntic buy. Dandy, sn Chev j-door Real good S8!i3 '53 Buick Special Sedan ...$1095 Excellent car. good ouy. '15 Olds. 88 Sp. Cp. Eqnipt. 12195 aJ rora victoria Haraiop .911113 V8, overdrive. Nice one, '.'.3 Chev. 210 Sedan, R. H. .. $995 '54 Ford 6 Club Coupe .. .. $1195 29.000 nil. Very Rood ear. '55 Olds. 88 Super 4-clr. $2295 All power and nice one. '56 Chev. 8 Clb Cpe $1896 Powcr-GI:de, 15,000 mi. '56 Ford V8 Wiigoi,. ii-scats $2495 Ford-o-matlc, R. H. Save. 56 Buick Super Hardtop ... S2795 All power Save, really S.ive. 35 Chev. V8 2 dr. Bel-Air $1895 Only 17.U00 actual miles. 33 Chev. Power-glide. 4 dr. $995 '5.1 Ford V8 4 dr. Equipped $1495 '53 Pontiac Catiilina V8 $1895 Local Car. Top condition. '50 Chev. Bel-Air Coupe $195 51 Chev. 4-dr. Good trans. $493 '49 Packard 4 dr. Very good $295 '51 Olds. 98 sedan. Only $395 4fi Ford Pickup. Average .. $250 47 Olds Sr-danclte. Only $95 '49 Pontinr H Sedan. Only . $125; Our prices arc down lor the , year end. Sive .some money, buy j how, all cars, as described. 100',;, i Satl.sf tion GUARANTEED. '6 OLDS. 4 DOOR HARDTOP $2793 Had., htr., hydyramatic '65 OLDS. 88 HOLIDAY . cpc $ Itnd., htr., hydra., power Drakes. '55 BUICK SUPER RIV. CPE $249.1 All power, rad., htr., dyna. '54 CHEV. BEL-AIR . $1293 Rad., htr.. powerjjlide. power teering, a reai neauiy. 'H BUICK SUPER 4 DOOR ., $179.1 Rad., htr., dyna., power steering and brake. 54 FORD CUSTOM LINE $1095 4 door, radio, heater, a sharp i one, , $995 '53 CHEV. BEL-AIR Had., htr., powerglide. '53 BUICK SPEC. HARDTOP $1093 Rad., htr., low mileage. '53 BUICK SUPER SEDAN $1195 Rad., htr., dyna., power brakes and steering. '51 PLYMOUTH $395 One-owner, clean, '52 FORD CUSTOM LINE $895 V-8, rad., htr.. Fordomalic, complete motor overhaul. '52 DeSOTO CONVERTIBLE : ... $795 Low mileage, radio, htr., overdrive a STEAL at tins price. KANNIER'S USED CARS 1395 Edgcw.iter I SELL '54 Ford 12 ton Pickup...... $1095 fi Cyl. with overdrive. This Ik like new. '51 Dodge V2 ton Pickup ....$ 595 '52 GMC ton Pickup $ 795 , 4 Speed, deluxe cab. to make room for Mobile Homes '55 CHEV. DELRAY V-8 $1795 Perfect Condition '55 DODGE CORONET V-8 $1695 Sharp '55 PLYM. HARDTOP. $1795 V-8 Bharp,- one-owner. '55 MERCURY $1795 Custom 2 Door, real clean 55 FORD V-8 $1795 Falrlane 2 door, sharp 54 FORD VICTORIA . $1505 Black hardtop, one-owner, sharp. 54 FORD SEDAN $1395 CrcHtllne, very nice, in top condition. 52 FORD VICTORIA ... $895 V-fl Hardtop Cpe., clean. 5.1 CHEV. HARDTOP CPE $1195 Clean and In top Condition. 52 OI.DS HOLIDAY . $1395 (IB Coupe, very nice '53 NASH RAMBLER .. $995 Station Wagon, hard to find. 50 FORD V-8 Crestline ..$495 51 CMC PICKUP NEW FINISH $495 1GSUNT Post Auto Sales 1105 SO. 12TH PH. EM 4-6231 404 North Church EMpIre s tuns J NATIONAL BONDED CARS : 1 Year 100 Warranty on Parts & Labor 100 Financing Available on Qualilication. Payments can he arranged to start in 75 Days. '56 Pont. Star Chief Catalina Cpe. ?2!ir Rad , htr., hydra., full pmvei, 1 year warranty, '56 Pont. Star Chief Catalina Sdn. $li',lil5 Rad,, htr.. hydra., full power, 1 year warranty. '56 Pont. Chieftain Catalina Cpe. $'25!),r Radio, heater. h di aiii.illc, 1 year warranty, '55 Pont. Star Chief Catalina Cpe. $21!!).". Bad., htr., hydra., full power, 1 year warranty. '55 Pont. Star Chief Sedan i?'21!),r) Rad., htr., hydra., 1 year uarrnnty. '55 Buick Riviera Coupe $229.") Radio, htr., dyna., power iteer., 1 year warranty. '56 M. G. Roadster Radio, heater, white walls, etc. '54 Chev. Del-Ray Club Coupe ...SIMS Radio, htr., P'glide,' leather trim, 32.0O0 miles. '53 Pontiac Chieftain Deluxe 2 Dr. $:)f Radio, heater, and hydramatic. '53 Plymouth Sedan $T!C. Radio A: heater, very sharp, low miles. '52 Chevrolet Club Coupe ft.idlo, heater, powerglldr. '52 Pontiac Chieftain Del. Sedan. Radio and heater, '19 Cadillac "62" Sedan Radio, healer, hydramatic. '51 Pontiac Chieftain Deluxe Sdn, Radio and healer. '50 Ruick Sedan .$315 Radio, healer, and dynaflow. Ford Custom Sedan . . . R.idio A hratrr. 5fl Chev. B 4 dr. wag. ... J2.3M Hadio, heater, nowrri de. 2- lone, elcc. swipes, windshield washers, turn signals, low miles. Like new. "3(1 Ford eua. 8, 4 dr. wag. $2.4!)S Radio, heater, orrioniallr, power steering, power pack, low miles. A buy. '53 Rambler Cr.-Cly. wag. $1,303 iwuiio, nenier. nyniii.. turn si minis windshield washers, 2-tonc blue. Very low miles. 32 R.unblrr rust. wag. JIM Radio, healer, air foam cush ions, 2-tnnc red. '32 Find fl Cnly. Sq. w.ig. $1,005 Riidlo. neater, foidoniatlc. turn Mcn.-ilh, windshield wasnri'K, white side wnlU, This one ir way above avc agr. 36 Rulik hardtop sedan $2.K3n Radio, hraler. dyn. drive. 2 tnne. Unci the best buy in 1053. afi Volkswagen . ?1.70;, Sun top, heater, Jet black, white side walls. 54 R mihler sedan Sl.:i05 Hvtha . ront kit 2 tone blue, Low miles. Very s'larp '51 Knrd 8 dull . $1,005 H.Kiio. healer, ovei m while Mile walls, 2-lone green. Really tops. '51 Men-, sedan $ii!3 Radio h e a t e r. overdi ive New black laq. paint, Old ones we sure have, but good niinn A cn.NS i mm Kbner's Mkt .10(10 Market KM ;i-40M .$IW5 900 Display C.I .$i!: ,$S!IS .$105 . $31)5 '50 DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR T BEAT YOU CAN' Tsii! , ..$205 t I 3 1 Pride of Cermany Quality Built Smart Styling Big Car Room 95 Miles Per Hr. 33 Miles Per Gal Don l Ruy Any Car I mil Yuu Sop ami 1'iivt" the Amazing BORGWARD AT ELSNER MOTORS 131 N. II iftti. Salnn. Pre. It 520 HOOD ST. EM 4-0909 '51 OLDS. S88 4 DR $495 Had, htr, hydramatic 54 FORD 4-DR $995 Customllne, radio & heater. '50 OLDS. 98 4 DR $395 Rad, hlr, hydra, sharp. '53 BUICK HARDTOP . $1095 Cpe., radio, heater it d.vn. '53 OLDS. CONVERT. . $1395 Full power, loaded. '51 FORD 2 DR. V-8 ... $295 Heater. '52 MKRC HARDTOP .. .$895 Cpe., radio it heater, '50 CHKV. 2 DOOR $345 Bad., htr. '51 KAISER 4-DR $295 '51 PLY. CONVERT $345 '49 BUICK SUPER 4 DR. $195 '51 FORD 4-DR $595 Radio, heater it ford-o- matlc. 51 PACKARD 4-DR. $595 Radio, heater Ac overdrive. '51 HUDSON 4-DR Radio & heater. '50 FORD CLB. CPE. .. Radio ic heater. '50 STUDE. STARLITE Cp., radio, heater, St drive. '47 CHEV. CONVERT. . Excellent motor, new top. '50 BUICK SPECIAL ... $19; 2DR. 49 LINCOLN CLB. CPE. $185 46 PLY. 4-DR $125 Radio it heater. 46 BUICK 4-DR $115 Radio & heater. 30 MODEL A CPE OPEN TIL 9 $245 $395 . $.195 auto. $95 $o: S(Mi Oregon's Oldest Dealer BEST BUY Used Can Commercial A Chemeketa EM 4-5711 Western Motors 1283 Broadway Ph. EM 3-9622 YEAR END CLEARANCE SALE The Two Buicks listed below were purchased New By Us. As Personal and Family cars. Complete service record avail able. I 21056 BUICK SPECIAL RIVIKRA'S Equipped with Bulck's com plete line of factory installed accebsonea, including the fa mous variable pitch, dynaflow, radio, neater, custom interior, power brakes, power steering, E Z I class, white wall tires, safety group, accessory group, loarmex cusnions. 1. BUICK SPECIAL RIV. CLB. Lf'E. Beautiful bitter awcet & dover white tri-tone finish, this car has in addition to this above description, .power seats. 2. BUICK SPECIAL RIV. DR. SDN. Beautiful foam green & dover white two tone finish, this car has in addition to the above description dual exhaust. 1955 Plymouth V-8 Savoy Clb. Sdn Standard Trans $1465 Heater & Defrost turn lights -tinted glass White Wall Ttres. One Owner Low Mile age Very Clean. 1053 Ford V-8 Station Wagon liaaio. neater, uver- drive $1150 Very Good Condition The Best Buy on our lot. lS5.1Chev. Bel Air 4 Dr. SdnT Radio, Heater, Power Glide $905 One Owner Very Clean ic Good Condition. 1951- Fnrd 6. 2 dr. 'sd. Heater & Defroster :S!(05 Overdrive, Tinted Glass One Owner Fconomy at a low Price. . , . . 1952 Pontiac S Chieftain 4 Hr. sdn. Radio ft Heater $605 Beautiful Black Finish with White Wall Tirea. 195 Ford V-8 Cuatomltne 4 dr. Sdn. Radio ft Heater, Over drive 95 Very Clean Lots of extras on this car. 1940 Chev. Stylcline Dclx. 2 dr. Sdn. Radio ft Heater $105 Holiday Specials ON Safety Tested USED CARS '53 PLY. ST A. WGN. $1295 Heater. Iltrht ere en finish. Only 24,000 miles. Real clean. '53 CHEV. 4-DR $975 Dlx., radio, heater, seat cov ers, tu-tone paint, sharp. '51 FORD 2-DR $510 Heater, white walls, red fin ish, ft seat covers. '510RD 4-DR $495 Dlx., healer, white walls, ft seat covers, it's clean. 47 OLDS. CONVERT. . $195 Radio, heater, hydra., red finish, black top. Sharp. "The Lot With A Lot" I0DER BROS. CO. ' Oldsmobile 46IN. High EM 2-7973 '5"t CHRYSLER NEW YORKER ; CLB. CPE. Firepower v-8 mlr , automatic torque trans., custom scotch plaid uphol stery. 31.000 actual mi., radio. heater, etc. Like new Inside ft out. $075. cash or terms, Ph. original owner EM 3-6196 or EM 3-3124. , 51 FORD Custom 4 Door, radio heater, overdrive. A sharp car for only $405 at warner mo tors, 678 S. 12th, EM 2-0881. To Improve Your Driving Pleasure To Buy Where Satisfaction Is Assured '56 Buick Special Riviera Sedan ....$2895 We sold new and regularlv serviced equipped with radio, heat ing system, dynaflow, EZI glass, deep titian and white two tone witn wnnewaiis. '55 Buick Super Riviera Sedan $2495 Premium quality. Only 14.474 miles. We sold new and serviced. lower steering, power oraKes, aynanow, ana many inner con vcnient extras. 954 Trucks, Trail, for sale 1941 INT'NL pickup, V ton, $175. EM 4.6118. 11 PLY. 5 pass, coune, miles, Sharp. EM 2-4208. , 1058 FORD pickup, heater, snow tires. Just like new. 2640 Port land Rd. '46 CHEV. ',i Ton "pickup, $200". 4450 Sllyerton Rd. NEW 2 horse trailer. FFA Droi- ect. 2nd place winner State Fair, Marine plywood sealed ft painted. EM 25064 after 6 p.m. sfG.M C. fiat-bed truck," 2 speed. 3317 Hamel. EM 2-9510 900 Display Class. 900 Display Class. 900 Display Class. YEAR END r: mi fn n CO. IMG rJfC YOU CAN REALLY SAVE They're Good they're Guaranteed THEY'RE PRICED TO SELL NO PAYMENT TILL FEBRUARY THEY GOTTA GO 55 FORD FAIR LANE CLB. SDN. This car Is as nice a V-B Ford as money will buy. Beautiful tu-tone paint with like new interior to mutch, radio, heater, ford oiuatic. fullv caulnned, like new yet less than half the new car price. WAS $1895 NOW $1595 53 LINCOLN CAPRI 11 DTP. A tu-tone beauty, very clean, everything on It. Radio, heater, power seals, power windows, all leather upholstery, priced to move as we need the room on '57 trade-ins. WAS $1895 NOW $1595 '53 PLYMOUTH (i CRANBROOK 1 DR. Beautiful tu-tone. clean inid- and out. Priced to sell. WAS $995 NOW $695 '55 PLYMOUTH 8 SAVOY 4 DR. SDN. A beautiful top quality ear Inside and out. One owner, radio, heater, power f lite transmission, WAS $1795 NOW . $1495 '51 STUDE. V-8 LAND CRUISER 4 dr., a very fine Stude bakcr, radio, heater, auto, trnn , prired so you can drive It away. WAS $595 NOW $445 5;? CHRYSLER 6 WINDSOR Deluxe 4 door, here's a fine 1 lean car worth seeing and riding in One owner, has radio, heater, power stern uk, auto, trans., an excellent buy. WAS $1395 NOW $1195 '54 BUICK ROADMASTER Hardtop, this one owner car just came in. Has everything on It. Tune master radio, power steer ing, power windows, pow er seat, power brakes. A car you can't afford not to see. Has had exc. care. $1895 '53 OLDS. SDN. 4 DR, Here's a beautiful and good car worth seeing, tu tone gray, radio, heater, white side walls, hydra matic, very clean. $1295 o4 PLYMOUTH 6 SAVOY 4 DR. Here's the best bargain in town as this car is clean as they'll come Beautiful tu-tone. powerflite trans., new tires. WAS $1295 NOW $995 Don't Stay Home While Your Children Have the Family Car. Buy One of These. $225 17 LINCOLN 4 DOOR... Radio, heater, overdrive. Hi CHRYSLER 4 DOOR VERY CLEAN MS NASH GOO 4 DOOR GOOD $125 '47 PACKARD 6 4 DR. IT RT'NS $75 Many More Good Buvs to Choose From 1957 PLYMOUTHS IMMEDIATE DKUVKRY MOST MOPELS 1957 CHRYSLERS 1 '55 Buick Cent. Hardtp. - Power Strg. $2395 '55 Olds 88 Sedan $2295 '55 Olds 88 Holiday Power Equipt.. .$2395 '54 Buick Super. Riviera $1895 '54 Buick Century Riviera $1795 '54 Buick Special 2 Door $1695 '53 Buick Special Riviera ..$1195 '53 Pontiac Station Wagon $1295 '54 Ford Customline 2 Door $1195 '52 Buick Super Sedan '....$ 895 '51 Buick Super Sedan $ 795 '51 Buick Special Sedan $ 695 '49 Buick Sedan Choice of Three . . . .$ 295 '50 Plymouth 2 Door $ 195 MOST MODELS 660 No. Liberty St. EM 2-1113 TO PLACE A I) PHONE KM. 4 -US 11 OPKN FRIDAY FVEN1XG UNTIL 9. SATl'KDAY I'NTIL 5. CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH IMPERIAL Nrxt lo Ccnlcr SI. Between Bridges 435 N. COMMERCIAL . , PHONE EM 3-4117 OREGON'S OLDEST DEALER Commercial at Chemeketa Phone EM 4-5711 FOB SALE: IMS Merc. Mont- SACRIFICE KM Falrlane, 2 clalr convertible. Radio, heal- t"'-, """J"1 cond- '895- cr. overdrive & dual spots. EM 3-8442 eves. Black with white top. 19.000 54 CHEVROLET Sedan Deliverv, ml. 2300 by Jan. 2. C. H. low miles, very clean and one- Dtckerson or Dickerson Vari- owner. $1205 at Warner Mo- ety Store. Sllverton. tors, 678 S. 12th. EM 2-0881, 900 Display Class. 900 Display Class. See These Cars In Our Used Car Building Where It's Always Dry '56 BUICK RIVIERA HARDTOP. $2695 This special Riviera hardtop is dazzling red & ivory. Equipped with genuine factory accessories such as ra dio, tinted glass, dynaflow white walls. This locally owned car has extremely low miles. It looks like new, it drives like a new one. Sec it todayl '56 FORD CONVERTIBLE $2495 This 56 Sunliner Is bright, black & white body that's tight. Continental kit, ford-o-matlc, too. Radio, heater, &- plenty of zip for you. Plastic seats, window squirts, steering full of power. You'll want to own this one within the hour. '52 CHEV. 4 dr.. radio it heater, auto, trans. 1200 dn. 943.75 mo. EM 4-f2-lfl eves. , BARGAIN '53 Tord V-8 Falrlan 2 Dr. Sdn. Fordomatic, R&H. Just like new. EM 2-0520. 900 Display Class. 900 Display Class. '56 i I '55 i '55 1 I , I 5 I I '56 i I '54 I t '54 b. '54 i mq I 1 '56, 888 So. 12th EM 4-8373 Mercury Monterey Sport Cpe.. $2795 A beautiful car. fully equipped. 4,800 miles. Ford V-8 Ranch Wagon $1795 Radio, heater, overdrive, very nice, low mileage. Ford V-8 Tudor A, good clean car $1345 Heater, tutone, seat covers. Olds. Super 88 Holiday Sdn.. .$2595 Power steering, power brakes, power seat. Chev. Del-Ray 2 Door $1995 9.000 miles, almost a new car. See this one. Chev. Bel-Air 2 Door $1395 So nice you won't believe It 'til you see it. Chev. 210 4 Door $1195 Only 28,000 miles, radio, heater, tutone seat covers. Ford Custom 4 Door $595 New tires, radio, heater, very nice. Has continental kit. Chev. Sta. Wagon-One-owner $1395 Actual miles on speedometer, new tires. Mercury Sedan Runs well ...$345 Radio, heater, good tires. Ford V-8 Fairlane 4 Door . . . .$2495 Radio, heater, fordomatic, white walls, red & white. After Christmas CLEARANCE SAVE$50ATSEARS KENMORE '56 FORD Fairlane Victoria ,.$2495 This car, is positively like now. Not a mar or scratch anywhere. Beautiful diamond blue colonial white with matching Interior. Drive this one & you'll enjoy its ultra smooth ford-o-mntlc transmission teamed with its power steering. Fullv equipped. SAVE HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS from new car price. S PLUS! ;, 6 Month Supply ;! of TIDE 0)95 SAVE$50ATSEARS KENMORE 6 Month Supply of TIDE 12T5 II W it W DOWN 56 CHEVROLET 210 SDN. .$1995 Only 13.000 miles it check that price. Beautiful metal lic "ruby maroon & winter white finish, gas saving ov- crdrive, economical "6" cylinder motor, big heater, so phistic fb nvlon upholstering. Best trade allowance. Easi est terms. BETTER HURRY! '55 PONTIAC CATALINA J$2195 This cujitom hardtop has a genuine leather interior plus hydramatic, radio, healer, power pack, power ? brakes, twin exhausts, tin tea glss, & white walls , Sharper than a hound's tooth . T '55 FORD COUNTRY SDN. .$1995 I u If you're looking for a wagon here's one you can't af- lora to pass Dy. fonuiar 4-or. monei wnn gas pincn iHR overdrive, powerful V-8 motor, two-tone paint, large heater & many more convenient items. '55 CHEVROLET 210 2-DR $1495 This ncptunc green beauty will Dut twice as manv places within your easy rech, ccimaniic.il to drive it Ciisy to handle. It has a standard transmission ic 6-cyl-indcr engine for economy plus. Also 12 volt electrical svstem, radio, large heater, & many other extras. '55 FORD CROWN VICTORIA. . .$2095 This high styled beauty has a natural leather Interior with a two-tone colonial white ic buckskin tan exter ior, including whitewall tires. And is fully equipped with a custom ! tube radio, defrosters, ford-o-matlc. A for your driving ease, power steering. Don't overlook this premium car. SAVE$80ATSEARS COLDSPOT 20 CU. FT. CHEST FREEZER ;i 25lb Select I Steaks U.S. Gov. Inspected 195 Ha J II fit) DOWN 54 FORD RANCH WAGON .$1495 CLEAN is the onlv wav to describe this Station Wagon Finished in beautiful desert tan and metallic brown with harmonizing washable plastic interior. Come in and drive this utility modri with its powerful overhead valve engine, ball Joint front end, gas saving over drive At many other extras. 52 LINCOLN CAPRI SDN. ..... .$1095 Do vpvi want a luxuriously beautiful car? Do you want to ride that will satisfy the most fussy buver? It so. nere It is! This car h.is a dazzline black finish with a brand new set of premium tires. It is equipoed with custom Lincoln radio, heater. A- dull r.mge hydramatic. Thu car is mcchmirnllv perfect A- has been serviced A- is ready to go. See A- drive this beauty, you can buy it for a friction of Its original co&t. 52 FORD VICTORIA $1095 This little go getter will steal your heart. It's as clean a used car as we've seen in a long time Radio, heater, ford-o-niatic, two-tone paint A: many other convenient items. SAVE$40ATSEARS DELUXE 30" E 117095 43 Pc. Set "Peach Lustre" DINNERWARE 15 DOWN '50 CHEV. BEL AIR CPE. ..$645 Come in A- look over this hard to find solid hardtop coupe. It has a black A white 'wo-tone finish with a n:ce orisinM red interior It ias a tadm. he?ter. white u,ll tires A- a conventional shift. This if truly a smart litr'e car for the money. SAVE$50ATSEARS 8.3 CU. FT. COLDSPOT 52 FORD RANCH W.UiON SW5 51 Wll.I.YS W.icon S(U5 'S3 FORD MAINLINE Ri!5 50 FORD $29.-i '4!) FORD $225 50 OLDS. 88 SDN $595 "SALEM'S OWN FORD DEALER" 1 48 Packages I of Frozen Food urn I "ll II W DOWN LIBERTY & CENTER EM 4-0206 t '1 CSSV-'-YN SEARS, ROSBUCK m CO S . 550 N. CAPIfDL. CM 3-9191 V ...,.. J