p, Salem, Ore., Friday, December 28, 1956 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Section 2 Page 5 FRIDAY Off KOIN-TV: 6) 4:45 p.m., Cartoon Time "Hardevil Hare" starring Bugs Bunny. 5:00 p.m., Red Uunnlng-Jack Marks, Portland Zoo, brings animal. 5:30 p.m.. Armchair Theatre "A Kiss for Mr. Lincoln," starring Joanne Dru. 8:00 p.m.. West Point-Sophisticated girl accepts a blind date in "Coijple iieverse." 9:30 p.m.. Playhouse of Stars Captain of Detectives Ralph Bel lamy offered $10,000 bribe. 10:00 p.m., The Lineup A psychotic with a gun, an ending almost final and a newsman who said thanks confront San Francisco police detectives. 1:30 p.m.. Showtime on Six "I Killed Geronimo," greatest of all Indian chiefs. James Ellison, Virginia Herrick, and Thundercloud. . . . FRIDAY ON KPTV: (27) 4:45 p.m., Playhouse 4:45 "Special Agent K-7." 0:30 p.m., Best 30 Minutes In Football-The most exciting plays from each of National Football League games played weekly. 7:00 p.m.. Cavalcade of Sports Bob Baker of Pittsburgh, Pa., vs. Harold Carter, Linden, N. J., in a ten-round heavyweight bout from Madison Square garden. 8:00 p.m.. Crunch and Des "Crunch Catches One" (a thief). 9:00 p.m.. Bob Hope Show Filmed in Alaska as Christmas show for servicemen. Guests include Hedda Hopper, Peggy King, Mickey Mantle, Jerry Colonna, the Del Rubio Triplets, the Purdue university Glee Club and guest Ginger Rogers. 10:00 p.m., Sherlock Holmes Harvey Winthrop asks for Holmes' help in preventing the murder of his brother. 10:30 p.m.. Mystery -Theatre Homicide Squad Inspector Mark Saber probes into a fish business that smells of smuggling. 11:00 p.m., Secret File, L'.S.A Famed scientist disappears. FRIDAY ON KGW-TV: (8) 5:00 p.m., Mickey Mouse club American children climb Alps. 6:30 p.m., News Beat Tom McCall, Doug LaMear, Ivan Smith, Dick Ross. 7:30 p.m.. Kin Tin Tin "Racing ana tram. 8:00 p.m., Jim Bowie Jim befriends and rescues a 10-year-old French Marquis from death. . 10:40 p.m.. Channel 8 Playhouse "Woman of the Year," Spencer Tracy, Katherine Hepburn, William Bendix. SATURDAY ON KOIN-TV: 10:30 a.m., Captain Midnight Hurricane rips across (he countryside. 11:30 a.m., Sky King Masquerades as a Mexican peon in "Land O' Cotton." 12 Noon Lone Ranger "Don Reld's Sacrifice." 1:30 p.m.. Armchair Theatre "The Windjammer" starring Bob Burns, Gale Robbins: "Fighting Stallion," starring Bill Edwards. 3:30 p.m.. Wild Bill Hlckok "Old Cowboys Never Die." 5:00 p.m., Texas Rangers "Return of the Rough Riders." 6:30 p.m.. The Buccaneers Capt. Dan Tempest encounters a pirate who orders with the flick of a lace handkerchief. ' 7:00 p.m.. Grand Ole Opry Visitors are Johnny and Jack with Ruby Wells, Jean Shepard, Kitty Wells, Grandpa Jones, and the Carolina Cloggers. 7:30 p.m., You're On Your Own New quiz starring Steve Dunne. 8:00 p.m., Jackie Glcason Show Art Carney at the helm with guest stars Fred Waring, his Pennsylvanians and cast of fifty; and Will Mastin Trio starring Sammy Davis Jr. 9:30 p.m.. Hey Jeannie Watching the latc-latc-late movies on TV makes Jeannie homesick for Britain. 10:00 p.m., Gunsmoke Landowner plots to forcibly evict home steader which, results in his personal disaster. 11:05 p.m., Showtime on Six "One Sunday Afternoon," Portland TV premiere. Dennis Morgan, Dorothy Malonc, Don DeFore, and Janis Paige in top musical. SATURDAY ON KPTV: (27) 10:45 a.m., Blue-Gray Football Game Originating from Cramton Stadium in Montgomery, Alabama. AU-star players from North and South. . . . -. , 1:45 p.m.; Shrine Game Football players from all sections of the country, including many All-Amcricans in the East-West classic. Since 1925 West has won 14 games, the East 13 and there have been four ties. Proceeds to the Shriners' Hospital for Crippled Children in San Francisco 5:00 p.m., Count of Monte Crlsto intercepts a plot to steal im portant invention from the French government. 8:00 p.m.. Perry Como Show Guests are vocalist Teresa Brewer, Louis Armstrong. Red Buttons and the Kovacs, acrobats. 11:00 p.m.. Cinema Classics. "Whispering Ghosts,'' stars Brcnda Joyce, Milton Berle. SATURDAY ON KLOR: (12) 7:00 p.m.. Operation Tomorrow "Stepping Stones to Space" The Aerobee, the missile that will carry the earth satellite into space is launched and flown. A discussion of other space projects is con tributed by the men who design them. 11:30 p.m.. New Orleans Police Department "Case of the Two Sisters." Detectives probe into the secrets of an old New Orleans family for the clue to the death of a young girl. SATURDAY ON KGW-TV: (8) 2:00 p.m., Merry Go 'Round "Hansel and Gretel." 3:00 p.m., Secrets in Science Dr. Arthur C. Livermore. 4:00 p.m., Televenturc Tales Guest, Portland author Evelyn Sib ley Lampman, former educational director, KGW-Radio. 5:00 p.m.. Bar 8 Double Feature Gene Autry and Roy Rogers. 7:00 p.m., Saturday Film Fair Half hour anthology. 7:30 p.m., Basketball U. of Portland vs. Fresno State. 10:00 p.m., Channel 8 Playhouse "Test Pilot " Clark Gable. Myrna Loy, Spencer Tracy, Lionel Barrymore. SUNDAY ON KOIN-TV: (6) 11:30 a.m.. Lamp Unto My Feet Translating the Bible into the world's minor tongues studied. 12:00 Noon, At Year's End 1956 Special program to review major news stories and scientific advance of past year. 2:00 p.m., Year of Crisis: 1956 Eighth annual broadcast in which correspondents flown to New York from posts around the world to join Edward R. Murrow. 3:00 p.m., Armchair Theatre "Bill and Coo," two parakeets and the awful menace, The Crow, who attacked the peaceful bird city. 5:00 p.m., City Detective Winter training quarters of a circus complicated affair in "The Lion Behind You." 5:30 p.m., Telephone Time Tom Tully in the ".Mountain That Moved." 6:00 p.m., Air Power "The 1930's" is subject. 6:30 p.m., Lassie Walks under a ladder and encounters a black cat. 7:00 p.m., Jack Benny Conducts an amateur show. 8:00 p.m., Ed Sullivan Show Magazine's annual TV awards for 1956 will be presented. Perry Como, Sid Caesar, Bishop Fulton Sheen. Garry Moore, Ed Murrow, Phil Silvers, Walt Disney, and Ken Grange appear. 9:00 u.m.. Theatre Terrv Moore 9:30 D.m.. Alfred Hitchcock upholstery and wood to the furniture business in "John Browns Body." 10:30 p.m., Our Miss Brooks "Brook's New Car." 11:00 p.m., First Run Theatre "Honeymoon For Three" stars Ann Sheridan, Jane Wyman, and George BrcnL SUNDAY ON KPTV: (27) 10:45 i.m.. National Prof. Football Championship The New York Giants and the Chicago Bears meet on the Giants' home field at Yankee Stadium for the championship. Giants and Bears both captured their first divisional titles since 1946. Red Grange and Jack Brickhouse commentators. 2:30 p.m.. Bowling Time Joe Krislof of Chicago and Pat Patter ion of St. Louis. 4:00 p.m.. Horse Opera "Riders of Destiny" starring John Wayne. 5:00 p.m., Topper New Year's in jail, in "Topper's Happy New Year." 5:30 p.m., Captain Gallant "The Hostase." 6:00 p.m., Meet the Press Mrs. Clare Boothe Luce, who recently announced her retirement as U.S. ambassador to Italy, questioned by panel. 7:00 p.m.. Tales of the 77th Bengal Lancers "The Golden Ring, with Patricia Medina. 7:30 p.m.. Circus Bov "The Daring Young Man." 8:00 p.m., Steve Allen Show The New York Ransers hockey team will f,ce intrepid Allen All-Stars on the Rockefeller Pla" skating rink. Other (wests include Tony Bennett and comedian Andv Griffith. . W)ft iyfttlb-Gracie fV. ' Lff Moubo a) "4 flurder Is Announced." Agatha t'hrun -rw : p.m., Lerctta Young Show "Imperfect Balance." stars Lo retta. 11:00 p.m., Sunday Star Time "Dark Waters," starring Merle Oberct'and Franchot Tone. OEfi& f Rails," race between stagecoach in "The Shadow Outside." Presents More than a meeting of DF.NMS THE MENACE. i-tW --- ""'""'" g as.. n,r ant c4 ' 2 ' Listen, folks, m not coma go to'beo til i SET GOOD 'AT REAOy' THATS WHAT I SHOUIOA SAID' SUNDAY ON KLOR: (12) 4:30 p.m., How Christian Science Heals "God Made Man Free." 4:45 p.m., Transition "Eager Beagle." Put through field trial and bench shows; record of his breeding and training shown. 5:00 p.m., American Religious Town Hall Meeting Topic, "The Forgiveness of Sins." 6:00 p.m., Pioneer Playhouse Whip Wilson involved in "Montana Incident." 7:00 p.m., "Casanova Brown" Starring Gary Cooper and Teresa Wright. Comedy about a professor who, on the eve of his wedding, confronted with former wife and child of which he was unaware. 8:30 p.m., "The Big Punch" Starring Gordon McRae and Wayne Morris. 1 11:00 p.m., Wrestling From Chicago. . SUNDAY ON KGW-TV: (8) : 12:30 p.m.,KThe Way "The Tourist" hospitality to a foreign injured journalist illustrates healing power of Christian life. 1:00 p.m., Telecourse in Music With Dr. David Campbell, Lewis & Clark college. 1:45 p.m., World Report With Professor Carlin Capper-Johnson of Lewis and Clark. - 2:00 p.m., Give Thee Peace Features local community churches. 2:15 p.m., Bible Puppets The puppets in authentic setting. 2:30 p.m., Challenge of Books "Rocky Mountain Revolution" by Stewart Holbrook. Moderator Mr. Thomas Vaughan, director of uregon Historical society. 9:00 p.m., Omnibus "Choreography" presented by Agnes De- Mille and other accomplished artists of the classic and modern ballet. 10:30 p.m., Channel 8 Playhouse "Act of Violence" starring Van Heflin, Robert Ryan, and Janet CUSTOMERS DON'T Several Expectant Mothers Go On Performing By ALINE MOSBY I United Press Hollywood Writer LAS VEGAS, Nev. (UP) Wom en entertainers used to retire tem porarily when they became ex pectant mothers but. in this day of the working wife, females everywhere go on working as usual. Lucille Ball started it all when she went through her pregnancy in front of millions of viewers on "I I.ovp I.iirv." Rnspmarv Clnnnev worked as usual and Ann Rlvlh sang on the Academy Awards i show shortly before she had a baby. Connie Haines and Judy Garland also appeared on TV be fore motherhood. Now one of the most surprising sights in Las Vegas those days is the several pregnant singers who perform nightly in the lavish ho tels on the -glittering gambling "Strip." Dressmaker Kept Busy Natalie, a petite brunette who sings in the lounge at the Sands Hotel, keeps a local dressmaker busy whipping her up glamorous maternity evening clothes to wear in her act. INSIDE HOLLYWOOD By BOB TI. ).MAS HOLLYWOOD m No wonder Aninony rranciosa is aesunea lor stardom. He went to two of the best schools for an actor, hard knocks and the Actor's Studio. Franciosa is one ol those new actors with nat ural acting styles and unus ual names. He's Xjat ana ibii. : ii a it u o v in v ness and charm toe mo ness ana cnarm of his Italian ancestry. 1 That he will be a star, there j can I no doubt. He hit the Broad- 'way liehts with Shelley '"!"?'": , nniiui .1 no.... startcd the Holly Wallis. who broueht Burt Lan caster. Kirk Doualas and others from the staec to screen, signed Tonv for a picture a year. MGM wanted him to star in "The VintaEC." But he passed up the coin and a European trip to work for Elia Kazan in "A Face in the Crowd" for lesj money and a smaller role. Tony realired the value o i warning '"" "" Now he s appearing with Jean: Simmons and Paul Douglas in inn louiq ce '"'. Uein-rOX wanis nun iu irnv ma ml in "A Hatful of Rain" and both studios are seeking multi- picture deals with him. i CORVALLIS L'P - First Lt. Not bad fot a guy who was Thomas H. Patton. 28, killed WM orking in a cafeteria here five , nsday night in thp crah of a years ago. j KB-?0 Air Force plane SO miles Tony had decided at 18 he want- north 0f Anchors. Alaska. -va ed to be an actor and he took nri-ja graduate of the t'nivmity of vate coaching tor a year and a Oron. half in his native Nr.w York nty. patton wa a bomber pilot In But he had n luck getting roWs yr and returnei t choH after rai fccpJ around for years asiv.h:ch he re-f"ter"d the jtervire. a '". dishwasher, awning in- Mil hemp brsr was T',rPer Air staller, welder, printer helper. Fore Bae in Albany, Ga. etc. I Survivors include hi, parent. I Uiree years aeo, he enrolled at who oreratp a prcer stre snir the Actor's Studio, and his career of here, a brother, Glenn, and c i began to take off. W atch this boy. - B Ketrham Prodigal Son enacted by sculptured Leigh. Attempted murder. MIND in Vegas Clubs Local wags call the Sahara Ho tel lounge the maternity ward. Keely Smith and husband Louis Prima sang there two years ago when she was an expectant moth er. NExt month Keely opens in the lounge in maternity dresses again. Keely will replace another sing er awaiting motherhood. Mary Kaye of the wildly-applauded Ma ry Kaye Trio. Although Mary ex pects her child next month, she sinss from midnight to 6 a.m the Sahara lounge, five shows nigni. Reaction Measured How do the customers react to this new trend? "Ninety-nine per cent of the people who come in here think it's wonderful," smiled Mary as she rested hetween shows. Tour ists from all over the country come up to mo and ask how I feel. "Actually, doctors today advise women to continue their normal life. Housewives keep on working at home why shouldn't I? And what a housewife does is much more strenuous. Mary thinks this new (rend for women not to hide the fact they're awaiting the stork is a "healthy" one. "Every woman knows it's won derful to have a bahy." she said. "It's nothing lo be ashamed of." Corvallis Pilot And Crew of 7 Dead in Crash ANCHORAGE. Alaska l The Air Force Friday sought to de termine the cause of a KB29 ,.i,.r nan crash on a bleak mountainside northwest of here w.rin.tri.v nih, ui,h ,. is, eizhl lives Thp an' tankcr V(,rsjon n( , Kmh, i,i ii ih slopes of Bald Mountain. 50 miles northwest of Anrhoras". exploded and burst into flames. The entire crw died. The KB23 had taken off only minutes before from Klmondorf Air Force Base here on a routine training flight In one brief radio message to Elmendnrf after it was airborne the nlane gave no inH'catinn of trouble. The Air Force said the four engined plane's home bae was at Turner AFB. Albanv. Ga . ... ... .. urner AFB. Albanv. Ga. Among the victims were 1st U. i Thomas. H. Patton 28. aircra't - commander. Corvallis, Op., and Airman 2.C. William P Hud. ,20. Scanner, redwood City, Calif. I sister, Doris. On Television UHF KPTV (27) VHF KOIN-TV (6) KLOR (12). KGW TV (8), Ml (13) Schedule subject to latt mlnutr chance by nations. Program sched uled only at tu siari. FRIDAY KPTV Whittle KOIN Mr. Moon 4:30 p.m. KLOH Superman KVAL It's Fact KGW Pioneer Club 4:45 p-m. KPTV Movie KOIN Cartoon Time KLOR Noah's Ark 5:00 p-m. KOIN Red Dunning KLOR Hanpe Rider KVAL Big Roundup KGW Mn-key Mouse 8:30 p.m. KOIN Movie KLOR Gene Autry 5:45 p.m. KVAL News, Wen., Spti. 8:00 p-m. KOIN-Wea.. News. SpU. KLOR Annie Oakley KVAL Hanc Hidi-r KGW Trouble With Dad 6:15 p.m. KPTV MrGU News KOIN Edwards Newt 6:30 p.m. KPTV Pro Ball Hilitcs KOIN My Friend fltcka KLOR Headline , KVAL Sports Club . KGW Ntwsbeat 6 45 p.m. KVAL Flshinf News 7:00 p.m. KPTV-Boxing KOIN Nwsiene KLOR Sen. Mont KVAL Boxing KGW lit lev 7:30 p.m. KOIN Person-Person KLOR Mu key Rooney KGW Rin Tin Tin 7:45 pm. KPTV-World News KVAL Sports Album 8:00 p.m. KPTV Crunch & Des KOIN West Point KLOR Cochise Sheriff KVAL Crunch At Des KGW Jim Bowie 6:30 p-in. KPTV Walter Wlnchell KOIN-Zane Grey KLOR Movie ; KVAL Highway Patrol KGW Crossroads 9:00 p.m. KPTV Bob Hope KOIN Crusader KVAL Bob Hope KGW Treasure Hunt 9:30 p.m. KOIN Playhouse KVAL Crossroads KGW The Vise 10:00 p.m. KPTV S he r lor k Holmes KOIN-Llne-up KVAL Walter Wlnchell KGW St nee 8 10:30 p.m. KPTV Mystery Thea. KOIN Wrestling KLOR Movie KGW Movip 11:00 p.m. 11:30 p.m. KPTV-Secret File USA KVAL Let's See KPTV Tonight KOIN Movie SATURDAY 8:15 a.m. KOIN-RFD 6 8:45 a.m. KOIN Capt. Kangaroo 9:00 a.m. KPTV Cowboy Thea. 10:00 a-m. KPTV Howdy Doody . KOIN Mighty Mouse 10:30 a.m. KOIN Caot. MidniKht 10:45 a.m. KPTV Blue-Gray F'tttall KVAL Blue-Gray F'tball 11:00 a m. KOIN 'Gator Bowl 12:30 p.m. KOIN Movie 1:15 p.m. KGW Prayer-Hymn 1:30 p.m. KVAL Movie KGW Farm Film 1:45 pjB. KPTV East-West F'tball KOIN Fcaturettr S:0O p.m. KOIN Lone Ranger KGW Merry -Go-Round 2:30 p.m. KOIN Sky King KGW Before the U.S.A. 3:00 p.m. KOIN Capt. Midnight KLOR Big Picture KGW Si-lcnip Secrets 3:30 p.m. KOTN-Wild BUI Kl.OR Learnini: KGW World Wc Want 4:00 p.m. KOIN Horse Race Kl.OR Laurel-Hardy KVAL Mr. Wizard KGW Telrventurp 4:30 p.m. KPTV Live and Learn KLOR Movie KVAL Flnrlcr KPTV Monte Crlsto KOIN Tex. Rangers 5:00 p.m. KGW Western 5:30 p.m. KPTV Jayree KOIN Finder KVAL Disneyland 8:00 D.m. KPTV Breadbasket USA KOIN Soldiers of .Fortune KLOH Joe raiooxa 6:30 p.m. KPTV Mr. Wizard KOIN Buccaneers KLOR Tomorrow's Stars KVAL Rin-Tln-Tin 7:00 p.m. KPTV Death Vail ey KOIN Ole Opry KLOR Operation Tomof; KVAL Lawrence Welk KGW Movie 7:30 p.m. KPTV People R Funny KOIN On Your Own Kl.OR Movie 6:00 p.m. KPTV Perry Como KOIN Jackie Glcason KVAI Guv Lombardo 8 30 pm. KVALGrand Ole Opry 8:00 p.m. KPTV Sid Caesar KOIN Oh, Susanna' Kl. OH The UnexDccted KGW Lawrence Welk KVAI-Sid Caesar 6:30 p m. 10:00 p.m. KOIN llev, Jcannlel KPTV George GobeJ KOIN Gunsmoke KLOH Presents KVAL George Gobel KG W PI iy house 10:30 p.m. KPTV Hit Parade KLOH Bnwlinir KVAL Hit Parade 11:00 pm. KPTV Movie KVAI, Movie 11:30 p.m. KLOR-NOPD KGW -Prayer-Hymn SUNDAY !0:fWlam. KVAL WreMle in-4S a.m. KPTV Pro F'tball Champ 11:00 a.m. KOIN-Faith Today KVAL Howling "0 am. KOIN Lamp 12:00 noon KOIN New Frontier KVAL The Fainting i 12:15 p.m. KGW Prayer Hymn 12-30 p.m. Kl.OR Town Hall KvAiz-unP'ra winnow KGW The Way j 1 00 p.m. KPTV-Pastor KOIN Pig News '56 KLOR Transition j KVAL Oral Roberts j KGW Music Telerourse : 1:15 pm. KPTV One Person KI.OR-Chrtstim SHenct , 1:30 pm. KPTV-Falth Today KLOR Building America KVAL Chrijtisn Science KGW World Around Us MS pm. KGV World Report KVAL r;stor 2:00 p.m. KPTV Church in Home KOIN Yesrs of Crisis KLOR Lighted Window KVAL Movie KG V Give Thee Peace 2 15 pm. KG'.V Pible Punnets 2 30 p.m. KPTV-Bowllng KI.cn C'hMstonhers KG'V Pook-' Challenge 3 00 p.m. KOIN A'ln'-hslr KAITop Titles KGW Dr. Snorfc 3 30 p.m. K'TV-Zno Parade Kl.OR- TRA KGW-Jnhn H"ikins File 4 00 pm, K'-Tn announce KVV Tn f, ne KGW-r'oH - V"-" Conr 4 3flpm. KOIN -The Painting Kr"'-"!'"1 Morironi 5 00 p.m. KOIv-rit- Dct. KLOR TP.A Kr.Vncan Pike 5 30 pm. i""-" r.Men KOTN-Telerihre Time Kl nrnr?i nnherti 6 00 pm. K""'-ee' t-e Pre KOTV-A'r Powrr K OR r'irrf P'vh K'AT, vi i-e Preks 6 30 pm. V'-Hnv Rorers K"MV-I "tie K V 4 T, Pry Roren 7 00 pm. K'-Pene1 La "-erf KOTV .l"-k Rennv y'k i.F--r vr-vu AV for T 7 30 p.m. KTV"'-r'f"s Pnv KO' v'w.f, mv i. met Kr oofqA KVAL w aterfrop vr'-iiiij' Hur 600 pm. K'v"v -c,,,' Mien KVAL l'eve A!'en ti-yn rim. "" P- nee 00 pm. v -"-"-" i-vre. v.r "'rr-trt.t 10.00 p m. 10 m n m. U .00 pm. KOIN Mot it l'fe -,v , .-r- Sv- Welding Torch Theft Prohed A theft ot tools, including two acetylene welding torches, from the B&B Crushins Co. at .Mill City, is being investigated by tho sher iff's office.- I The theft, which was reported to the sheriff Thursday morning, is believed to have occurred some lime between Saturday and Thurs day. Also under investigation is the theft of a steel. gale 16 feet long from Ed Dunigan, Route 2, Salem. NO EXCUSE SAN DIEGO, Calif. tf-Kenneth Rearwin was late for an appoint ment at a new public school in the Clairemont district. He couldn't find the school. Rearwin? He's a member of the Board of Education. n l n l l ll fl mm IB li U Ll- Mother Doesn't Unwed Son's Girl Good Enough By DOROTHY DIX TM.-An rtnnvruv mv. cLui-n- .......... ...... T .., nt n with five sons, at that time aged in the war. When they came home, they married and now all are gone except the youngest. He don't think she's good enough for almost every night. This makes often stay around watching TV, never give me a est son, who lives family conference. Either get the boys together yourself, or have one son do it for you. Each should agree to con tribute something lo your support, see that you're established In a home ot your own, and your economic worries, at least, will he solved. If this isn't a voluntary move, they can be forced to support you. I doubt If further steps will duly. Usually children who neglect not Intention. When they realize a DEAR DOROTHY DIX: My expects his discharge shortly. We've been going together for a year. Whenever anyone mentions marriage in our presence, he says, "That's not for me!" I would like lo marry him couragement, 1 don't know what to me assurance or a ring. DEAR l.OU It IK: He is quite not ready for matrimony. You have three lines of attack: Continue your patient waiting, step up and ask his Intentions or shop around for someone who isn't allergic to DEAR DOROTHY DIX: I have the same age who makes her home class at school. Here the similarity bovs and cirls: my daughter is himiir student, active in snorts thing must be the matter with her. like to help her. DEAR BESSIE: You're to many parents In the same boat, forgetting their own adolescence, would be apt to shrug these Irouhlrs off. All young people like to be popular and be acrrpled by the crowd. Perhaps you're loo near the source of concern. Why not talk the matter over with a sympathetic teacher who views the girl object. Ively? In surh an attractive and active youngster, I'm sure the trouble can't be too serious. Send your problem to Dorothy D-35, "Manners and Young People. a stamped, self-addressed envelope, of this newspapci. Moles on o ti-W Eflfll "Are vnu suie Wig's fht Safe KfflS 41 bit hate to do?" Suspected Bomb in Theater 47 V'J if. i V ' i - -. . . ' NEW YORK Heavy steel mesh container designed to mini miie possible blast encloses suspected bomb In alile of Manhat tan's Paramount Theater after H was found In an orchestra section seat early today. Stage Is In background. Police said suspected bomb a section of capped pipe wrapped In a sack was "definite ly the work of the 'Mad Bomber,' " a person believed to have planted 31 bombs In various New York public buildings over the past 16 years. AP Wlrephotol Holmes Makes Plans For Inaugural Talk Legislature to Hear Other Speeches Members of the 1957 legislature will be well informed on .legisla tive ideas held by Governor-elect Robert D. Holmes, for in addition to his inaugural addess, h e plans to send several messages to the legislature. Think Last 6 to 19. The older ones served has a girl and 1 don't like her. 1 him. He brings her here for dinner too much work lor mo and as they I have no privacy. The other boys cent. 1 just have what this young with me, pays for the upkeep of the apartment. Mrs. K.Y. DEAR MRS. K.Y.: Vour last chick sbows signs of marrying, and you're panic-stricken. Fare the fart squarely and you've won half the battle. Of course you don't think the girl Is good enough for him! What mother does? However, marry her he probably will, and you must learn lo make the best of It or you'll only estrange yourself from 'the boy. The question of your future srems to coll for a be necessary after an anneal to parents do so from carelessness, definite need, they rally round. sweetheart is in the Air Force, but someday, but with this sort of en do. The least he could do is give Lorric. obviously giving you hints that he's orange blossoms. a lfi yoar old daughter and a niece with us. They ore in the same ends. My niece is popular with not. She s reasonably attractive, an and music groups, but feels some I know how she feels and would Bessie I . . be commenucd lor your concern; Dix. Or write for her free leaflet In all cases, be sure to enclose and send request to her, care the News iBplomats Ill IV - - J mmn 1111 II 1 1 . i iii LU1U IU The special messages will deal with specific area of legislation he favors, and it Is expected that one will deal with the perplexing lax problem and another a detailed program of financing the state for the next two years. Hough drafts of the inaugural address were discussed at a staff session In Portland Thursday. At tending were his administrative as sistants. Walter Pearson, Demo cratic senate president-designate; Pnt Dooley, speaker designate, and other top Democratic leaders. lt was the second of three full stuff sessions scheduled In the pre legislative period. The final meet ing is planned next week in Port land at which time final draft of the message will be readied. Holmes plans to move lo nis ha- lem home, 2745 Alvarado Tcr., rW nel buIt,.wiU com;!lc to bis Portland office until opening of the legislature. Jail Scene of 18th Birthday A Salem youth had his 18th birthday Thursday and he spent the day as an inmate of the county jail. The case of Larry Brown. 1165 Hast Rural, charged with obtain ing money by false pretenses, was remanded from the juvenile to the district court. He will be arraigned January 2. The case against Brown involves a cheek for $15. Notebook Over Officer's Heart Stopped Bullet PHILADELPHIA Ifl-A police man returned to work this week after being hospitalized six months by a gunman's bullet and discovered how close ho had really come to death. Patrolman Elmer Wolf had his wrist shattered when he shielded a woman who was being pursued by an attacker on a downtown I Philadelphia street last June. Thel man fired three times and another ucorgc c-.viaincrs oi aaiem; sis bullet wounded the woman. I tcr. Mrs. Fannie Mathews of Red Wolf was not released by police surseons to return to work until this week. When he removed his gun, holster and other equipment from his locker at headquarters, Woll found the third bullet. It was imbedded in a notebook he had been carrying In his left shirt pocket over his heart. 41 Accidents in Stale Hriiij; More Than One Death Oregon had 41 traffic accidents (his yc-ar in which two or more persons died, the slate Traffic Safety CornmisMon reported Thurs dnv. Five persons were killed in fuch of two accidents in Auyusl. One was in Jncksnn County and the other in Josephine County. There were two accidents in which four persons were killed in each, and there were three thrce denth mishaps. Th( commission estimated thai Iraffie accidents in Oregon cost .V) million dollars a year. CHARLIE CHAN CHINESE MEDICINE AND HERB CO. NEW LOCATION SO I2th AMI I KSI.IE tins I.F.SI.IE OFFICE HOURS Tues and Sat. Only 9 a m.-5 p m. Phone 3-1830 m r him; iiffrist Croup Studies New Hospital Plans Report Word Expected Soon on Mental Facility in " Wilsonville Area ' A special committee studying . plans for the new $15-million men- tal hospital in the Wilsonville area will soon be ready to report to the state board of control, William .. Ryan, board secretary, reported . Friday. This committee, composed ol heads of state institutions, build ing experts and architects, has been meeting for weeks, deciding on recommendations for layouts for the various buildings planned for the huge institution. The legislature has provided ap- -', proximately $6,400,000 for con- V struction of the first unit of the '. mental institution as well as in stallation of necessary, water lines and construction of roadways. Ryan said that working plans for the mental hospital would not ba ready until some time late in 19a7, with first work scheduled -late in that year or early 1958. .'.,. He said that the new correction-. al institution, to be built on stater owned land south of Salem, will." probanly get under way early next ' c year. A total of $2,500,000 has been provided (or the first unit of this institution. The 1957 legislature will probab ly be asked to provide additional funds for both institutions in order 1 that work, once started, can go forward without delay. Two Masonic Lodges Install New Officers Wendell Willmarth was installed, worshipful master of Salem lodge, No. 4, A. F. and A. M., at cere-, monies held Wednesday night. On the same night. Roy R. Burch was installed worshipful master of Ains worth lodge. No. SOI. Carl L. Snyder and Arthur W. Rockafellow were Installing offi cer and marshal, respectively, and the Rev. Genrgc H. Swift was In stalling chaplain. Other officers installed by Sulcm lodge, No. 4, included Leon M. Hrnun spnlnr wnrrli.n- Vinnnnl C Ncal, junior warden; Ernest W. Peterson, treasurer; Harry W,- Swafiord, secretary; Howard D. Brandvold, senior deacon; Norman Fletcher, Junior deacon; T. Gilbert Alsbury, senior steward; Hubert L. Williamson, junior steward; Les lie Wa'dworth, chniplain, and Har ry E. Crawford, tylcr. Other officers installed with Mas ter Burch in Ainsworth lodge were: Warren C. Pahl, senior warden: Luther E. Peterson, junior war den; Ed D. Potter, secretary; Neil P. Witting, treasurer; Fred J. Schrcccngost, senior deacon; John F. Swigart, Junior deacon; R. F. '. Baxter, senior steward; George R. K. Moorhcad, junior steward; Cecil , Hunsakcr, chaplain; Clifford E. Ingham, marshal, and Clifford J. Bellinger, tylcr. Retiring masters arc Albert W. Morris and Ovc E. McCrary. ol Sa lem No. 4 and Ainsworth lodge's, respectively. Following the close of the lodge .' meeting, J. Robert Williams gave ' a brief talk and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Craven furnished music. Death Claims Mrs. Mathers Mrs. Rubey M. Mathers, 7, died Thursday morning in a Salem hos pital following a stroke. She was a j icsincm oi .-lairm lor .i years a no : resided at 19i9 Fairgrounds road Survivors Include the widower wing. Minn., and a brother. In , Cutler of Chica Funeral services will be hclt Saturday at 2 p.m. in the Virgil T Golden chapel, with Rev. Lluyc; I . Anderson officiating. Burial wil . he In the Rcstiawn Memory Gar drens. '", PORTLAND MAN ROBBED PORTLAND (UP)- Bernard T McCudden, 3b, Portland, told po lice four young men in anothe car forced his vehicle to the curl in north Portland last night am robbed him of $19. COLOR TV SCHEDULE f.idar. ll-KPTV NSC MATINEI IHIAHK II Naoa-1 P.M. W.ll.f Winth.ll Shaw 1:30 -f P.M. SEE AT MARR'S Phone EM 39201 2140 S. Commercial EM 3-4163 SERVICTATIONSNC