Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 27, 1956, Page 45, Image 45

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    Salem, Oregon, Thursday, December 27, 1956 THE CAPITAL JOURNAK
Section 5 Page 5
sae famous Mart ex
uxor towels
. . . quality-famous for years!
Thick, thirsty, luxurious beauties in the fine Luxor quality . . . famous for years
for their rich texture and exceptional durability. Non-shrink woven Dobby bor
ders. Thrifty steals at these low prices! White, butterscotch, antique gold, shadow
green, misty mint, crystal pink, blush, lemon ice, blue mist, Persian blue, melon.
bath towel, 27"x52" $3.95
hand towel, 16"x32" $1.75
wash cloth, 13"xl3" 60 1
sale sale
each dozen
$2.99 $35.00
$1.59 $18.00
49 $ 5.50
sale! reg. 49c Mart ex
fingertip towels
Luxurious Luxor terry in 11"j18" size with non
shrink woven Dobby borders. While, turquoise,
charcoal, butterscotch, antique gold, shadow green,
peach champagne, misty mint, crystal pink, Persian
poppy, Persian blue, platinum, blush, lemon, blue
mist, melon, Siamese red, imperial jade.
dozen $4 50
sale! reg. $2.50
Martex bath mats
Heavy tufted terry in 20"x34" size; solid color with
plain band border. Colors to match all Martex tow
els: white, turquoise, charcoal, butterscotch, antique
gold, shadow green, peach champagne, misty mint,
platinum, blush, lemon, blue mist, melon, Siamese,
red, imperial jade.
IS. J!
Mail and phone orders9
An 91 1-1