THE CAPITAL JOURNAL' 1 . v f 1'.' - v j. , , I'M r 7 ;..Y v .a:.N It";" ' Vr"' J? H t V, 1 wmm Page A Section 5 ? ' I! ? : Salem, Oregon, Th'ur83ay, December 27, 1955 1 " regularly $15.95 Fieldcrests fabulous "Acrifieltl" blanket . . 100 Acrilan . . warmer than wool! Save a whopping $5 on this luxurious suede-finish blanket! lightweight, yet warmer than wool, allergy-free and completely washable without the worry of shrinking. Even dry it in your dryer if you wish. Size 72"xW. Beige, blue, light green, pink, gold, white.' $ 10.95 sale! Fieldcrests 'Crusader" automatic electric blanket lowest prices ever! Superb luxury, superb beauty, superb dependability. ... all in one auto matic electric blanket with the famous Fieldcrest label. Nylon enriched for warmth and wear. Two-year replacement guarantee; U. L. seal of approval. Mot ust safe ... but foolproof when used green, red- as directed. Rose, blue, light Mwin size, single control, reg. $22.95 full size, single control, reg. $26.95. full size, dual control, reg. $32.95 king size, dual control, reg. $59.95 $18.88 $19.88 .$24.88 .549.88 Moil anil phone orders' FIELDCREST SHOP SECOND FLOOR Use- Convenient Coupon on Back Fate