Salem, Oregon, Thursday, December 27, 1956 THE CAPITAL JOURNAD Section 5 Pag S era FHarajL sale! Fieldcrest's Duracale super-combed sheets Woven with 189 threads to the square inch for soft, smooth luxury. Combed cotton yarns give more uniformity, greater strength, longer wear and lighter weight. Straight or fitted. White and these lovely colors-pink, blue, yellow, green, lavender, aqua. Reg. Each ' Sale, Each Sale, Doicn Size White Color White Color White Color 72-xioa'l $2.99 $3.59 $2.79 $3.29 $32.28 S38.28 81"xl08" $3.19 $3.T9 ZZZSWl 42"x38',4 case . 89 99 79 89 $8.88 $10.08 Twin bottom $2.99 $3.59 $2.79 $3.29 $32.28 $38.28 Twin top $2.99 $3.59 $2.79 $3.29 $32.28 $38.28 Double bottom . $3.19 $3.79 $2.99 $3.49 $34.68 S40.68 Double top $3.19 $3.79 $2.99 $3.49 $34.68 $40.68 rv. -rS v sale! Fieldcrest's 'Starlight" spread and draperies Luxurious woven spread of nubby text ured, 100$ cotton with interwoven locked in metallic yarns for an attractive touch of gold. Rounded corners at foot for per fect fit. Pink, blue, gold, beige, turquoise, light green, mocha. Twin size 81"xll0"; full size 9G"xllO". Matching draperies, 36"x90". teg. 13.93 each $10.95 r it )i "i A irW!" i 4i vr ,. tj - : V ,. ... i." ' I,. . i . " ' " sale! "Royal Velvet" towels by Fieldcrest . . . just about the finest towel ever made! Made entirely of long staple cotton yarns . . . thick, soft, absolutely luxurious. Border guaranteed not to pucker. In 13 gorgeous colors pink, lemon, mint, turquoise, gray, blue, rose, charcoal, mosstone, mocha, cantaloupe, white, antique gold. reg. each dozen bath towel, 27"x52" $3.59 $2.99 $35.00 hand towel, 16"x32" $1.75 $1.59 $18.00 wash cloth, 13"x 13" 1 60 1 49 $ 5.50 fingertip towel, H"xl7" 60 49 $ 5.50 FIELDCREST SHOP SECOND FLOOR Mail anil phone orders USE CONVENIENT COUI'ON ON BACK PAGE 'Hmmi. mpv ni'.'i'r'il a icifiiMjrai