f&gS 8 SecfldH 3 THE CAPITAL' JOURNAL Salem, Oregon, Thursday, December 27, 195S ODC Report on Industries Hit By Neuberger as 'an Albatros' PORTLAND W Sen. Neuber ger (D-Ore) Wednesday (aid that an Oregon Development Commis lion report "Evaluation of Indus trial Opportunities (or OreRon," will be "an albatros around the necks" of congressmen seeking "low-cost federal power." "The report, which pretends to (ell how In attract industry to Oregon," Neuberger said, "care fully avoids the topic of low-cost power. Yet this same Stanford Itesearch Institute (which pre pared the document) in a report prepared for another client two years ago, announced that most of the Northwest's manufacturing growth between 1940 and 1954 was due to cheap hydroelcctricity." "The report never refers to Bonneville, Grand Coulee or Mc Nary dams. In fact, the Bonne ville Ppwcr Administration wasn't I even Interviewed, although they of course contacted many private power companies, he said. "Although Oregon lags sadly be hind the rest of the nation in keep ing pace with a rising economy," said Neuberger. "this M0.OO0 re port under the imprint of the Ore gon State Development Commis sion now can he used Dy enemies ol Columbia River progress to re fute Sen. Morse and me whenever we claim that low-cost power is essential to basic, new permanent payrolls for Oregon. It is a tragic and incredible occurrence." Neuberger also said that the project leader of the Stanford In stitute who prepared this "amaz ing document" has just been hired as the executive director of the Oregon Development Commission. He is Foye Troute, Portland who declined to comment "at this time." The Stanford Research In stitute office here also declined comment. DISBKOW ASSIGNED PUSAN, Korea-PFC Delbert L. Disbrow, son of Mrs. Hazel M. Harris, Turner, Ore., is a mem ber of the I42d Quartermaster Battalion in Korea. Disbrow entered the Army in June 1955 and arrived in the Far East in December of that year. Disbrow is a 1955 graduate of Cascade Union High School. i Portland's Air Iraffic Highest In NW for '56 PORTLAND (UP) Statistics have established Portland Interna tional Airport as the busier' air terminal in the Pacific Northwest in 1956. The Dort had 23.666 air craft departures compared with 18,931 at Seattle-Tacoma. Statistics released by the Civil Aeronautics Administration re vealed, however, that the Seattle Tacoma airport served more de parting domestic passengers than the Portland airport. Statewide, Oregon airports han dled 445,769 passengers and 51,541 plane departures from 14 airports during the year. Portland account ed for 71 per cent of those. Medford, Pendleton, and Eugene were the busiest upstate airports in that order. Portland was among 39 "medium hubs" in national air passenger travel listed by the Eugene were listed among 93 small hubs. Friend in need? Tell 'em to solve their problems with a low cost want-ad. PH. EM 4-6811. Magnani and Brynner Get Star Awards NEW YORK W Italy's Anna Magnani and A m e r 1 c a's Yul Brynner were cited last night as the screen's top stars of 1956 by the movie trade magazine Film Daily. Miss Magnani received recogni tion for her role in "The Rose Tattoo," and Brynner for recreat ing his Broadway stage role in the film version of "The hing and I." Susan Hayward won runnerup honors in the actress division for her role in "I'll Cry Tomorrow," Frank Sinatra won second place in the best actor voting for "The Man With the Golden Arm." Leaders in other categories: Best screen play: "Giant." Director of the year: George Stevens, who directed "Giant." Best photographed picture of year: "War and Peace." Best supporting actor: Anthony Perkins, "Friendly Persuasion." Best supporting actress: Rosa lind Russell. "Picnic." Leading juvenile actress: Patty McCormack, "The Bad Seed." Best juvenile actor: Richard Eyer- "Friendly Persuasion. Around the World Rated as Top Film NEW YORK Wl-The New York Film Critics Assn , Wednesday an nounced its selection of "Around the World In 80 Days" as the best motion picture in 1956, ' Other awards were: : Best director John Huston for "Moby Dick." - Best actor Kirk Douglas in "Lust lor Life." Best actress Ingred Bergman in "Anastasia." Best loreign film "La Strada." Best screen writing "Around the World In 80 Days" by S. J. Perelman. mm 2,198 pairs Ladies' Doors Open Tomorrow 9:30 A.M. All New Current Styles from Our Regular Stock of America's Finest Shoes! values to 8.95 lirSlen . , . Can ienu Coeds . . . College Dens . . . Vilalitv . . . Fwf Fl Me . . . Hill & Dale . 1 . . Kimmel . . . Heel Hn?i?ers . . . C.anii rU --1 - T JL-f MJ an-Aires . . . Rostonian '. . . Winthrop ... P. . . Stride-Rite ' TABLE NO. 1 Nationally Advertised Flats and Casuals YOUR CHOICE 3,365 pair Ladies' caL!. values to 12.95 SPECIAL GROUP Ladies DRESS SHOES i 1 " - . tatimto . . . DeLisoDob . . . 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