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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1956)
baiem, Oregon, Thursday, December 27, 1956 ,THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Section' 1 Page 9 PGE Cool to Plan for PUD John Day Dam PORTLAND (UP)-Rcports that the Eisenhower administration is ElVine Consideration in tion of John Day dam on Ihe Co- lumo.a river by the Klickitat tuumy, nasn., ruonc Utility Dis trict got a cool reception from a ruiuanu general ticctric Com pany spokesman tnrtav The fldminislrntmn " ic -flnAin to be studying the possibility of asmng congress to have the proj ect built with federal funds, ac- COrdiniT to All rirponmn., .!.. from Washington. D.C. The story oisu sain me administration had not given up, entirely the prospect of having the dam being financed through private investment chan nels and that it Ua favnrohli, im. pressed with the PUD proposal to uuua ine project. A PGE spokesman said his firm would be "inclined to be against the Klirkilat Plin nrnnntal ,mk there are ironclad provisions to insure tnat Oregon gets a fair share of the power." Thf RnnllPGman cairl tha firm feels that the John Day project snouia De a federal dam and that as a partnership project it would be built by the federal government with private utilities merely put ting up cost of the power facilities 10 it can be built snnnpr PGE had proposed partnership construction along with Pacific Power & Light and Washington Water Pnwpr fnmnanv ' Untimtro,- reports indicate the administration uas uruppcu mis plan, wnicn was advanced two years ago. The Klickitat PUD filed an ap plication last September for a pre liminary permit to investigate the John Day site. The Federal Pow er Commission has not yet acted on it. Sweeping Tax Change Eyed In Minnesota MINNEAPOLIS U) - A broad revision of Minnesota's tax struc ture aimed at giving "direct in centive to expansion of investment and employment" was proposed today by the governor's tax study committee. The report, to go before the leg islature convening Jan. 8, says its adoption would "provide Min nesota with an equitable and com petitive tax system." The commit tee was made up of labor, busi ness and farm representatives. Principal of the recommenda tions is for abolition of the state s personal property tax on manufac turers' inventories, farm stocks of grain and livestock, and household goods. The group also urged re peal of the $5 head tax now paid by all persons filing income taxes and improvement of the assess ment system, looking toward use of market values as a basis for taxation all over the state in 1964 a against the present system of assessment valuations. Russ Roulette Fatal to Boy LOUISVILLE, Ky. W-Edward Laws, 14, who apparently tried the game of "Russian roulette" after hearing a television news broad cast of a similar death in "en tucky, was found dead in his home yesterday, a revolver by his feet. Police said the boy may have tried the game after hearing about a Louisiana man who died at Corbin, Ky., while playing "Russian roulette" Christmas Day. They said three shells had been evenly spaced in the revolver's six chambers, indicating young Laws wai playing the game. Dag to Probe Briton's Fate . LONDON Wl The Foreign Of fice said Thursday U.N. Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold has agreed to investigate the fate of a young British army officer who was kidnaped in Port Said by Egyptians on Dec. 11 and later reported slain. The unofficial word that Lt. Anthony Moorhouse, 21, was mur dered touched off a bitter reac tion in the British press. The kid naping occurred many weeks after both sides agreed to a cease-fire in Port Said. Egyptian officials have blamed Ihe kidnaping on the Moslem Brotherhood or other extremist nationalist enemies. MESSAGE TO NASSER AMMAN - A three-man dele gation left for Cairo Thursday with a special message to Presi dent Nasser from King Hussein. A palace spokesman said the del egation also took Jordan's top decoration, the Highest Order of Annahda, which the King has pre sented to the people of Port Said "in recognition of their heroic re sistance to the invading forces of evil and injustice." POPE TO RECEIVE POLE VATICAN CITY l Pope Pius XH Thursday received Asimir Papee. representative of Poland's government in exile, to begin his annual sePies of private audiences for members of th Aplomatic corps at the Vatica U. . icboqli had as estimated LOOP. rc!restrmo40,(Wi6aird ' ' mm .! irtii,t V s C x . v - n s. n x N , s , i im mil. x ; ' CANNON I ; stock up now at savings! thick, thirsty, finest quality! famous Cannon towels Cheaper By Dozen 2 for $1 reg. 79c 49c lmnd sizo 3 for 1 29c wash cloth 5 for '1 Special towel event by Cannon. Fluffy and absorbent, fine quality towels in rccn, pink, peach, yellow, amcthvst. blue. Buy hy the Dozen: V f. 4 -. uZmh ii in ii mi , 1 1 it j the toughest muslin for longest wear! Pequot Plus Service 1 dm. (. IU bath 1 doz. 4 (1A 1 dnz. hand ,uu cloths 2.40 reg. 2.79 63x108" reg. 2.E 72x108" reg. 3.19 81x108" washable nylon and rayon blend Beaverhrook Blanket luxurious gold-touch Camion Radiance Buy now at these extraordinary low prices! These famous sheets are noted for long wear, fine service. A wonderful k buy you can't afford to miss! In sizes for every need. reg. 8. mothproof washable won't shrink seven colors Heal budget price on tin's lovely blanket that's so easy to wash . , , won't shrink. Soft and luxurious ... a real beauty at less than $5, Choose from pink, blue, green, red, turquoise, moss green or mocha. 2-S:;5.55M1 MM , -,,68 ... I & I Ttft-rgggr ! 1.19 hand size 88 ' WrjBn,,f ' ""hch "...38 i Qsl.LIl.if 11 1 III ilk'"" . ' '1 Washable Bold borders elitter on soft, thick Cnnnnn I 1 j j terry, 'ide array of carefree colors. L LAJ CANNON 1 1 , , w" 1 'Mwwww :;m-' 0- pS koolfoam . . . guaranteed 1 00 latex Foam Rubber Pillow 3.98 5-98 6.98 8.98 save 4.90 a pair! 1 00 white Goose Down Pillows reg. 5.95 extra special .. reg. 8.95 "Premium" size reg. 9.95 "Stiperplump" . reg. 11.95 "King DcLu.xe' 2 13 Plumply filled 20x26 size pillows. Downproof patri cian imported ticking. 6.95 each, handy buys for the kitchen Irish Linen Towels expensive box stitch! white muslin Mattress Pads 2.99 3.99 Filled with bleached white muslin. Long-wearing mattress protections. - extra large size, un-opened Bleached Flour Sacks so soft and restful! Goodyear Foam Mattress Pads 2.66 ..0. Q.66 reg. 7.98 double - Kon-allcrgic, washable Goodyear Poly-Aire foam pads at great savings. reg. 89c for 4 for $X save nowl Carlyle skidproof Heavy Bath Rugs reg.3.49 21x36" size rug reg. 4.59 24x42" size rug . reg. 6.99 27x48" size rug reg. 9.99 .36x60" size rug . reg. 1 39 toilet lid cover J.98 2-98 4-98 6.98 98' Drying luxury that pays in super service and wear. 18x30 size, wonderful quality. Choose from multi stripes or colorful border. hand hemmed! lovely pastel colors Damask Sets Cotton and Rayon 2-88 Generously large . . . first quality. Bleached snowy white. Many uses, liny now at this wonderful low price, completely washable, no ironing Cannon "Siam" Spread v iiSR reg. 5.95, 52x52, 4 napkins reg. 7.95, 52x70, 6 napkins reg. 10.95, 61x84, 8 napkins ... reg. 12.95, 64x102, 12 napkins - 4.88 68 g.88 reg. 7.98 :.98 as Rich rich lone-on-tone blocks ac cented with sparkling metallic threads. Golden brown, russet brown, blue, green, pink. Extra large. wonderful savings! 1st quality Quaker Lace Cloths 7.88 reg. 10.95, 5-1x72 1 9.88 reg. 16.95, 72x90 11' reg. 19.95, 72x108 14' Kxqnisito pattern in finest cloths. Need no ironing; last forever. ii,, ,,'.J,. .. ' - f mn , V mm mmM m .01 prt it ."if M'