Page 4 Section 3 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Salem, Orejron, Thursday, December 27, 1956 Quint Marie . Closes Shop i 11 v i " v 5? . V'V " MONTREAL, Que. Marie Dionne, the first of the many troubled quintuplet sisters to venture into builnen, closed her flower shop here yesterday. Her shop manager laid "Marie li finding the business tor personal reasons," denying llnanilal losses. This pleture taken at the opening ol the shop last year was the first permitted by the quint in years. (AP YVIrrphoto) Marie Dionne Closes Shop;' Lost $25,000 MONTRKAL -Maria Dionne I has closed her flower shop, the KANS.'S CITY W .Mrs. Joan: first personal business venture of Franklin, pretty 39 - year old . any of the famous quintuplets, blonde, returned home almost in Unconfirmed reports said the hysterics last night and told po- shop lost $25,000 during its seven lice she had been abducted by month operation. NeiRhhors said two young men who drove her at-'it attracted liirge numbers of mosj to St. Louis and hack. j tourists, hut apparently Marie and hhsf nao noon missmir since 1 Christmas noon. I'olice said they were able to Matron Tells Of Abduction By 2 Youths cet only a fragmentary slory be fore Mrs. Franklin was put under a physician's care. Her husband Waller Franklin, once was a nationally known hil- Jiard player. He now is promoting not (lowers was their object. Marie's assistant Ellen Kourget said Miss Dionne had closrd the business because ol personal rea sons. She added it was not a mat tcr of Marie's health, which has been delicate, Miss Hnurcrt reported Marie uranium claims. mw wom(J occupy nersen Keeping .Mrs. Franklin said two men ; w ncr sisiera in me quims about 20 years old accosted her as aparuncni. lour Jf"s on she drove into a drugstore park 'ne'r 21st birthdays in 1!);5 came Ing Jot at 40th and Main in heri""" possession oi anow a minion while Cadillac convertible. One of dollars accumulated during their thera held 8 knife against her. she! childhood. aid: One of them struck her scv-1 Marie lives in the apartment eral-times when she asked them to with a girl friend. Yvonne and release her near Jonesburg. Mo., j Cecille slay there on holidays from fo tnilcs east of Kansas City on the suburban hospital where they V S,' 40. jare student nurses. The fourth They left her In her car in a surviving quint, Annette, is study bonded area on the ea..t edge ' music at Nicole! . 150 miles Kansas City, she related. east of Montreal. Kmilie, the fifth Franklin said the men took $4R sister, died in I' his wife had but did not take her I fur coat, a four-carat sapphire a 9, P dinner ring or a wedding band i J jll I iSltl S V OCS U'lth six diamonds, I Shooting Each Other in Cuba HAVANA HT- At least II persons have horn killed since Christmas Day in what the Arniv Firemen and "" ""S , nciwrrn pmuu.u opponent Ol Canada Rail Strike Voted MONTREAL tip - The Brother hood of Iocomoti Knginemen has ordered its mem bers to strike acainsl the Cana dian Pacific Hatlway on .Ian. 2. The union is fighting to hold jnhs for firemen in an ai;e of increas ing dieseliration. To t'FR Mihsidittrirs a No are allrctcd, the Dominion Atlantic Hailwiiy and the Qmhrr (Vniral. The CI'U system includes 17. wo miles of rails m all of tlio t'ana- President Kulgencio Batista The army reported nine persons were shot to death and two "exe cuted" by hanging in Or lent e Trounce in eastern Cuba. The province has been the main ten tcr of opposition to the Ramta Hovpinnient. An army serci-ant was killed and a pin ale wounded when gun- ' . ' ednesdjiv in I lard and Prun e Kclw ard I viand The strike order went out to fnme 2.KIH1 CPU firemen. L'ihi host lers and 20 engineers, but union 1 ice, president W. E. (lanil'le said he pet!ed other raihvav unions lo rrvpect the hretlie! head's pick et lino He prcdicV'd a "ronvtVte lieup nf CPU .vmccs," itni'lmj T'lnon rmplme and aMit half of Canada's rail Mrm Lisa, a suburb ol Havana. Siioolmns, bombings and sabo tage marred the Christmas ii-le-hnition throughout the iland. Ter Mn iMs made an uiiMicce-istuI at tempt to blow up the electric pow er pia;it at H.iwina s Internation al l.amho Itoctos Airport. llritish fl'cthlin" Mixes lii-Lairs Spud Stocks up In ( )rcou. Idaho rtlliTI.AM) 'I P1 The Acni-nl 'illf lrtMrMntnt stid todav BISIIflp At CM. AMV Knsland Drrt.m and !d,i!, p,.la:o 'sl01 ks tf l Hie ueddini; Chnvtiiias l-'e wi-re up troin last year Pniicliis Hrrns married Ins step- w;nle .ih;ni;!Mn Itnidinss were uster and si.-ter in law. inn. The hnde. .loi e, as tivrn I lie dcp.n itm nl s.nd ihrre were Bay by her steplather. uho lie- an estimated I.IW M hundred came her tathi'r in law urM aiks ot potautes in all Tfcis is the hHckKiotind: poMtmns tin iHiliniit Oregon on lrj Ot'loher li."i. Waller Harris I'ei 1. nnnpaii-d Willi i Irtlimi married Mrs. Klllahelh (.ill liundredwiitlit a ear ato. l'3i;ht mtinlhs hclore. Harris' Idaho s:oiks wne estimated at daifchter Irene had married Mrs iml'mn hunilitMlweishl. com- Clips son W illiam. I''11"1 W w a . ar ai;o Now Dnuslas Harris. Walter's Wmhinstoii slinks wire eslimal.-d or( has wed Mrs. llill j daushter, al I ."vts hi huiulredueitht. eom jovec. .pared wiih if,wi.(y) hundred- In other words, a niolher. eisnt iast norr and dauchter have married a failier, daughter and son, respec- ' SI.AIX IN' AMBl'SII IivC.v. ! Kl Al.A I.t Ml"l II. Malaya Malay army units Thursday PORTLAND RKGISTKRS RIKKS launihed a srarrh tnr Commui BORTIAND Police resi- Riiernllas hn killrd see ,. Iration of all Portland bicycles is diers in an link. a Pi,am required befcirt Jan. I, Hit Mnr. Tliv t?os uy rA.xa m parlmetit'l juvenile ali ijsini e-w trfV!ss ! u 4 mwtn ported Thurstfay. Tha puf ojrtMV twe TtaWiy. under a new city ordinance, Is to . anuanm wrrr wnrra cut down on thefts and In aid In restoring recovered bicycles to tbeir ewotra. t'n to M.totA Ih nwrtfcjwtt of I Wed In the WVt -Vw CW . O OPEN FRIDAY y 10 A. M. to 9 P. M. m -v -vw m -sjr-w N n DIB FAMOUS' BMUIY f REPAMMS ': 1 P6 1 1 I 1 Wl reg. $1 Tussy new imported Wind and Weather Lotion Quick, soothing treatment for rough, dry hands. Perfect wintertime protection, Reg. $2 ize now $1 Reg. $2 Tussy Wind and Weather Hand $ 'Cream, healing, softening 1 I irti7 and phone orders' 50' reg. $2 Houbigant Cheramy Skin Balm reg. $1.50 Coty beauty aids So rich and creamy guards against dryness. Wintertime chapping. And you'll love its frag rance! Complete with dispenser for quick, han dy applicetions. Mail and phone orders your choice of Night Cream , Instant Cleanser Eye Concentrate Skin Freshener , Vitamin A-D Lotion Subtint each $ 1 reg. $2 Coty Cleansing Cream, for normal or dry J" Crt skin, or Vitamin A-D Lotion each liJv .VfiZ and phone orders' I n y - H JplpF "Ik -t 1 1 - 2 1 - . I -t-f. it - , 1 ' ,.,., ThxsWii. -- V -. .'.A&ri Prince Matchabelli Duchess of York specials Savings of one-half and more on this very famous and delightful fragrancel reg. $2 Duchess of York cologne $1.00 reg. $2.50 Barbara Gould creams $ S. ! f waV. I i- 3 reg. $3 50 Duchess of York cologne. reg. $2.50 Duchess of York perfume. reg. $6 Duchess of York perfume. teg. $10 Duchess of York perfume .1.75' tl.OO 3.00 $5.00 Save more than half on these two fam ous creams Velvet of Roses Dry Skin Night Cream and Throat Cream! Both with wonderful skin-beautifying properties. each Mail and phone0 orders' 1 reg. $2.50 Colonial Dames all-purpose cream 1.25 Mail and phone orders I ZBC 1 il I ik I tM reg. $1.50 Colonial Dames Skin Freshner JJ A7i7 and phone orders' reg. $4. 50 Elizabeth Arden Blue Grass or June Geranium Hand Lotion rZ li ':itrcv T-rihYri i it ii ii mi mmS sfcJTJl Afr VlV The big 16-oz. size plus purse-size liquifying soap and hand lotion at tached as a Special bonus. Save $1 now on this soothing, silken-smooth lotion in two famous fragrances! $ 3.50 John Robert Powers $7.75 value Fluid Gold and Eleven Oils Mail and phone orders' Two for the price of one! A $5 90-day supply of Fluid Gold to help "moisturize" your skin back to dewey freshness plus a present of $2 75 90-day supply of Eleven Oils, vitamin-rich lubricant for dry skin. . Mail and phone orders' $ 5 $1.25 Ogilvie Sisters Creme Set or "Lanillure" Creme Set Harriet Hubbard Ayer Hand and Body Lotion Luxurious lemon-scented. Lanolin-rich lotion, so essential in winter weather for all-over, v.l-.?!e-family use. Giant 12-oz. size. reg. $2.50 Harriet Hubbard Ayer Luxuria Cleansing Cream big 9-oz. jar, $1.25 reg. $4 giant jar, $2 Mail and phone orders' 1 $ each 1 M.igic maVe-up for the hair! Either form gives hair a beautiful glos, helps con trol dry, brittle ends, keeps hrvr neatly in place all day. Ltmiipd time special! 2oz. 51CS- Mud find phonr order 'fj.t tax TOILETRIES STREET FLOOR 1 1. W M 11 W . 'J'.11, ! !" 1 1 111 " 1 " 1 sssisssmi :nlV i't "i EftTt: .V : reg. $5 Lucien LeLong colognes Me er i. Frank's Salem, Salem, Oregon Please send me the following: Uuan. Size Fragrance j Price To'al Harm S"n CiVy Zone . .Stan f tut thipptnf cot tn Orros (ml wir out reftdir tnirk ddirtrv rwilci. each 2.50 Half-price savings on three world-famous colognes . . . Indiscreet, Balalaika and ' Tailspin! You'll want to stock up now on your fav orite fragrance. Limited time special ... so hurry! Afdi fltui unr orders' Helena Rubenstein Night and Day treatment set save $2 50 3.50 Brg. S3 50 Estrogenic Hormont Crtm to help tct look ytn younger, end 12 50 vk Eitfo gen.c Hyt"0" C-l for throat and nicer makf-up. A cmpl' ireat nint for ttt pfict of tn cream I A So value1 iav $4! m ft at ihown ptui S3 S.ikTo" Spctal Foundation, va'oe, now $5" Mtid and phone orders reg. $8 Dermetics Natural "Face Lift" Set 55 Now yoo cm "I I FT" yeari from your fact Vrithou urcer! Thm two rTirliabtt (km du di, carnaton and Agtltit help restore eluttoty to lluggnh, fUbby- kii . . . help your fact to "lift iteift 90-day Iwpply. Mad and phone orders Dorothy Gray famous creams now price Soci.l Dry-Skin Muturs-Con,,,,, nth tmsllitnt cili l softtn, rcujh, dry (l.kinf,,, h,pl k, km youthful. 2-or. new $1.25 4-oi. new $2 Cfllog.n Hcrment Crtltn Cent.. 10 000 US P. unlti ntutl .fo gen.c hetonn pffr ounct t bnf touting k,n. 4-ez. new S2.50 Mail and phone ordert o . 0 ' 0 u o 'G O ',r .. tt