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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1956)
Page 4 Section 2 Salem, Orejron, Thui-Ffky, December 27, 1956 THE CAPITAL" JOURNAE I - 'v, II ThU odle riBf provide I glamorous main dish. Kjurrtea lyooaieMmg a l asiyDtsh ... J A. . This Cake l-p- 1 rvr5 V'.,1 Vjv:' - vev , I Raisin and Walnut Pinwheels Are Liked Sausage in Bake for Streaks of rich filliir.g make Kaisin-Walnut Pinwheels pretty . as a picture. Let the yeast dough , U ki i ft - rai5 to feathery lightness: Uwn LJI LJI IVI I roll and spread with a mixture of; raisins, suear. butter, cinnamon ror a holiday lime brunch, or and chopped walnuts. Roll uo as New Year's one, try this sausage ou ao lor jelly nil; cut into thick bake with mushroom sauce: slices and arrange them in a pan Holiday Sausage Bake to raise. When it's baked, you'll i oound bulk Dork sausaze have ooe erf the best-tasting of all breads to go with hot coffee folks enjoy so much on cold winter days. RaisJft-Waiaot Ptnwbeets Filling r 1 cup light or dark raisins H cup chopped walnuts h cup sugar :4 cup butter H teaspoon cinnamon Dough: 1 cup milk 14 teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons susar 1 tablespoons butter or marg arine 1 cake or pack ace veast 2;4 to 3 cups gifted all-purpose nour :i cup finely chopped celery 2 tablespoons finely chopped green pepper 2 tablespoons finely chopped onion Salt and pepper 1 4-oz. can refrigerated biscuits Method : Fry sausage, celery ?re-n pepper and onion u n t i golden brown and tender. Drain off fat and season to taste. Open can of refrigerated biscuits and separate each biscuit; flatten out I and place a teaspoon of me a mixture on one-half of each biscuit. j Fold the biscuit dough around the I meat; moisten ends of dough and I pinch together so that meat is en Fuline: Cover raisins with water ptirHv enclosed. Place on hakine ana dou s minutes. Drain and sheet and bake at 425 desrees F. chop. Combine raisins with waj- j for 10 to 15 minutes or until biscuit nu.s, sugar, butter and cinnamon. ! doush is done. Serve with mush' neat umu ou;ter melts. room sauce. Serves 4 to 5, Dough: Combine milk. salt, su gar and butter. Heat to lukewarm. Add crumbled yeast and stir to dis solve. Mix in flour. Lift to floured board and knead until smooth a little flour may be added if need ed to make dough easy to handle). Return to pan, cover and let rise in warm place away from drafts Mushroom Sauce 2 tablespoons butter or margarine 2 tablespoons flour 1 bouillon cube dissolved in 1 cup boiling water 2 tablespoons dry sherry 1 4-oz. can mushrooms Method: Melt butter, stir ' or cnjccen from your o- . als is Curried Noodle I ( 0 I I Yi ns are added for a bit Co I III A glamorous way of using left over turkey or chicken from your holiday me. Ring. Raisins of dressiness. Carried Noodle Riag 6 ounces medium noodles Ti cups milk 1 cup shredded process Ameri can cheese (i pound) 5 cgs H teaspoon salt H teaspoon curry powder teaspoon pepper cup soft bread crumbs 4 cup seedless raisins Add 1 tablespoon salt and nood les to 44 cups boiling water. Boil rapidly, stirring constantly, for 2 minutes. Cover, remove from heat and let stand 10 minutes. Mean while, scald milk. Add cheese and i stir over low heat until cheese is melted and mixture is smooth. Beat eggs in large mixing bowl. Beat in salt, curry powder and pepper. Add milk-cheese mixture gradually, stirring constantly. Rinse noodles with warm water and drain well. Add crumbs, rai sins and noodles to milk mixture. Mix well Spoon into well-greased 8-inch ring mold. Set mold in lar ger pan that has been filled with hot water to a depth of about 1 inch. Bake in moderate oven 350 degrees F until set (about 45 minutes. Remove from oxen and jet cool 10 minutes. Loosen noodle ring from (ides of mold with knife or spatula. To serve, unmold on platter and fill center of ring with ; leftover ' turkey or chicken and iravy. I Mi'! servings. I This pineapple cereal cheese cake is a delicious one for the dessert at an informal holiday wee party: Pineapple Cereal Cheese Cake Wheat and Barley Kernel Crust: 2 cups ground wheat and barley kernels 'i cup sugar 4 teaspoon cinnamon i cup melted butler or margarine Combine ground wheat and bar ley kernels, sugar, cinnamon, and mehed butter or margarine. M:x thoroughly. Press 2-2 of mixture into botom of 9-inch spring form pan. Reserve remaining crumbs ! for decorating top of cheese cake. Filling: 2 envelopes nnflavored gelatine 4 cup cold water 2 beaten eggs l1 cups sugar 1 teaspoon salt H cup milk 2 teaspoons vanilla H cup pineapple juice 1 i ounces' package cream cheese 2 teaspoons grated lemon rind. untJ double in bulk .about 1U flour; add bouillon cube, water and hours. Punch down and let nse stirring constantly. Add again untj double m bulk fabout Jd simmer until uuui . i tii mint rou oui m;o a . t n jj SiLTS ""-j Makes approximately 1 cup sauce. H,l SLT F- A"" . - canned .knife, cut into about fc.inch thick,10 a" "ns.stency. slices. Place on a well-greased pan. I Do not crowd. Let rise about 35 Quick Pudd'mQ minutes or until light. Brush tops ; 3 with butler. Bake in moderately! Children like this: To 1 package hot oven 3T5 degrees F.I about chocolate pudding add 2 cups milk. 20 minutes. Raise temperature to Cook over low heat stirring con- bot degrees F.) and bake stanlly until it thickens and boils about S minutes. Remove from up once. Remove from heat, cool oven and brush tops with melted to lukewarm M u iacrvin bi.itter. Serve hot. May be reheat- vanilla extract and 6 cut-uo marsh- Makes about 20 pinwheels. Tureen Supper Owe ! we have requests lor a cheese cake idea and here is a pinapple-cereal crust one. optional 1 cjp well-drained crushed canned pineapple 1 cups smaB-curd dry cottage cheese I cup heavy cream Soften celatroe in cold wa'er Combine egjj, sugar, salt, and milk in top of double boiler. Cook over hot water, stirring constantly, until mixture coau a metal spoon. Use your soup tureen for several happy, gather - round - the table meals during the holidays. A memorable seafood bisque results when you heat together one can each of condensed cream of as paragus and cream of mushroom soup, with one can of frozen shrimp soup, two cups of whole milk or light cream, and one can of tuna fish flakes, drained. i Serve with hot brown-and-sene ' mallows stirring only to mix in but not melt them. Pour into mold and chill until firm. Six servings. mu.uM maa pineapple iur until dissolved. Cool juice to bring this supper to a perfect con- cream cneese; stir until smooth, j elusion. Blend in lemon rind, pineapple and ' . cottage cheese. ,ip cream and , Sher in the fold into mixture. Pour into crumb i lower part of vour double boiler lined spring form pan. Sprinkle top I does not touch the top part of the iui ircit'u crumas. lilu over-' Doner when you are preparing a' night. Garnish. Yield: 12 servings j custard sauce. Keep the water' or fills one 9-inch spring form pan. I simmering not boiling. K HI m Just Heof one) serve in miiiuftff 81 yeuf gfoc.'i 0 ' ''V fcit&h ' . - - A It's bark to the sirrple fnods now. including fruit drsscrts. Fine Time To Bake The Apples Boon to the busy h tnsen-.twr ii hked appies which n.a in pre pared in adanre. ern a wboie clay ahead. Then vhro d.r.n'-r time comes arxmnd. nSm. thr-n of wilt. 2 tablespoons shredded oriLife r;Dd and cup softened b.i:if: or rr.arcanr Add H cup orargc ;jic rem: hired wt'J; xi cup nter rtd i httie red fnod i'cur siij.r orr f.lird a;7.1r ir o-ip haking h:t vn-t.-rcc :r. rnftorraie rrn. s. o guiy. aintjt 4. ::.i.i.:,e or ur.'.i. lender :!,),),-,: pjjj S .t U."t- l.i j; , u2t XT f p. am or r. nwij c-eam fir(rrc wr.h and serve. No one nereis to tw srymoed orange nnc S.x reminded that apples are at r.u wingv 1!U1 and rinr-amor FiU center of ictj sr;. w :h susar and t.r.r.-rs.;.r.. 1 Uiirnv hotter on rap? n;..f b&tt wim a litue There are broad- ater us pajj Delicious apples Cinnamon in.-r of their eating goodness, pien: in our markets. Apple Birymg: It's wise to K apples with an ee to hfw trm- are to be used shouldered red nicn amu irron nuwiaum Mir a ;-;. Wl'.ft combinauoa of famous apple valleys, ideal for eua! amounts of seeeM raisins eating out of hand and salad and chopreQ apri Make ivrup making. There are crisp, juicy, using equal amounts of light corn all-purpose apples like the rosy syrup and water aod 2 ta&ie Jotathans and golden Delicious spoons red cinnanv candies Ptnr and the red and yellow striped cinnamon ivrup eer applet and Home Beauties which are unsur- bake. -ttf tnr b"inf ; Orange Mam.alaoe- Fil apple. ffi'Wfotf Apples with orange ir.arma'.arte arti bake "bjitip Jonathan, golden De- Jurt before apples are read te ftali th Rome Beauty apples, come out of oven, place a marsh tifrft sty pare the top third of mallow on top of rarh and re : v3SJ Spple. Fill ith crumbled turn to men just ifns en-.-gt fnr .conjt macaroons. Combine and marshmaocv lo pttU aai uim& jcream tcpther 1 cup vugar, dash ; LrhUy. rr K a a- r "SrarTtfie Newyear right! Lean. Tender Meats B. Y &O0D ULSIUtT N IflTT CtKKEt f tt CAKE MIXES ill 'opulat flittn . . . "vji WsW SALAD DRESSING 49' SUNKT JIM aw a t SYRUP h, 29 CRACKERS t ImI trii T'Mt lj-at Hj. WaF LUNCHEON MEAT 29 PAPER NAPKINS 10 INSTANT COFFEE Sl29 " n on MARGARINE 89 TUNA 5 ... 95' FRUIT COCKTAIL 3 ;:! I00 CUK WV41 Ut v n EGGS hvk DtiHi Dent Wsw ' PAR-T-PAK ": 5- MIXERS STEAKS 79 lound Sirioia Si. WOO sna KB Swiss Steak 69 Rib Rstv Steak iQt J9 Short Ribs Fruits and V egetables Tender. Crispy Celery Hearts 19 Pkg. Potatoes 50-109 39' SUmm large Sin LEMONS Closed Sunday For Inventory Closed New Year's Day BEIM'S FOOD MARKET 120 Lowc-Tfl-ster Orite Prices EffcijHi-JlJtiftiiv0 HAPPY NEW YEAR FOOD VALUES! CLOSED! NEW YEARS DAY CANADA DRY ASSORTED FLAVORS MIXERS 2 Large Bottles AA LARGE FRESH EGGS MARASCHINO CHERRIES 8-oz. Jar .s& SWANSON'S QUICK MEAL MAGIC TV DINNERS Chicken, Turkey CQ Beef Each WW YELLOW OR WHITE POP CORN 2 V0 29' GIANT RIPE OLIVES c 4lin, 1.00 MARKET BRAND Drip or Reg. COFFEE lb.W PILLSBURYS BEST FLOUR 10 95 CASCADE FRANKS Lb. 39' FEATURING ARDEN T0SV EGG NOG NEW YEARS PARTY SPECIAL ASSORTED COLD CUTS Sliced Fresh Bolognia Salami Pickle Loaf Olive Loaf Liver Loaf Spiced I L Luncheon Meal LDi 48 Prices Effective Thurs. Fri. - Sat. - Sun. - Mon. Now 2 Convenient Locations DEL-MARKET Phom lM-44:33 CLEAR LAKE MKT, 230 WHEATLAND ROAD Phot EM-44055 Plui Depoiit 3125 N. River Road o o