Salem, Oregon, THurs'day, DeeemEer 27, 3956 THE CAPITAE JOURNAE Section" 2 Page 3 Old Time Favorite Meat Dish With the rich meats and other food of the holiday period about over with, it is nice to return to tome of the simple dishes. Here is a good lamily dinner dish, mock chicken legs. Mock Chicken Legs, Cream Gravy l'z pounds veal 1 pound lean pork l' teaspoons salt Vt teaspoon pepper Vi cups cracker crumbs 2 eggs, beaten 8 wooden skewers 3 tablespoons butter U cup flour 2 cups milk Cut meat into 1-inch cubes. Place five pieces on each stick al ternating first veal, then pork. Roll legs in cracker crumbs, dip in egg, and again in cracker crumbs. Melt butter in heavy frying pan; add chicken legs and brown. Add about hi cup water, cover and simmer over low heat. Add extra water, if needed to keep legs from sticking. Cook until meat is tender about 1 hour. Chicken legs may be browned on top oftove and then baked in 325 degree F., oven for 45-00 minutes. Makes 8 servings. To make gravy, remove chicken legs; add 2 cups milk. Put flour in covered jar with just enough milk to make a smooth paste (Vi cup). Shake until free from Jumps; add to liquid in frying pan, stirring con stantly. When thickened, add more milk if necessary and cook to pro per consistency. Serve over hot, baked potatoes. Shrimp Fine As Canapes To satisfy both groups those who like them hot and those who like them cold following is a sug gestion in serving shrimp for the canape tray, one being for boiled shrimp, the other for French fried. hrimp Canapes Boiled Shrimp: Shrimp may be cleaned either before or after boil ing. To boil 1 pound shrimp, add 1 tablespoon salt to 1 quart of water or court bouillon (recipe be low). Bring to boil. Add shrimp and bring to a boil again. Turn heat down so that water just sim mers. Cover saucepan and cook 2 tc 5 minutes, never longer. Court Bouillon: Add to water 1 tablespoon pickling spices, two or three slices of onion, juice of half a lemon, 1 teaspoon salt, Vz tea spoon pepper. Bring to boil and let simmer a minute or two be fore you add the shrimp. Boil hrimp as above and drain off ' bouillon. French Fried Shrimp: 1 pound raw shrimp, fresh or frozen 1 egg 1 tablespoon water . hi teaspoon salt 1 cup fine dry bread crumbs 2 tablespoons paprika Vt teaspoon cayenne pepper Remove shells from shrimp, be ing careful not to break off tail meat. Using a sharp knife, slit down back of shrimp cutting deep, but being careful not to cut all the way through. Beat egg with water in a small bowl. Mix fine dry bread crumbs with paprika, pepper and salt. Dip each shrimp in beaten egg, then in crumbs. Fry in fat heated to 350 degrees F. 2 to 3 minutes, or until golden brown. Serve with cocktail sauce. 'Baked Salmon in Package' an Idea There is no strong fish odor in the kitchen when you make "Baked Salmon in a Package" for dinner. Each serving of this fish is sprink led with salt, pepper and dill, then placed on a square of aluminum foil. Instant minced onion, parsley and slices of lemon arc placed on the fish and the whole enclosed as a small package. While baking, juices collect in the package, keep ing the salmon moist and giving a tantalizing flavor. The onion flavor Is mild and delicate, yet gives character to the finished dish. You'll find this true whenever you use the new moisture-free onion. , Baking Salmon In A Package 1 tablespoon instant minced onion or, 1 finely chopped small raw onion eupi 3 tablespoons cold water 4 slices salmon Salt Pepper Dried dill weed Chopped parsley 8 thin slices lemon Mix instant minced onion with water and let slant a few minutes. Sprinkle slices of salmon on both sides with salt, pepper and dill. Place each on square of aluminum fod: divide onion into 4 portions, and spoon over fish. Sprinkle with parsley and place t w o slices lemon on each piece of fish. Bring edges of foil together over fish and fold to seal; leave a little space for juices to collect. Seal ends. Place "packages" on shallow bak ing pan. Bake in moderate oven 350"l about 45 to 50 minutes. Serve in the foil, allowing each person to open his own package. Makes 4 servings. OPEN SUNDAY-MONDAY CLOSED NEW YEARS DAY Fri. Sat. Sunday Monday Prices effective this ad. Dec. 28 .1 A I Mr. W '.is,.!s' m iff f S M & , Thro Dec.31 AflH V I 11.4 WT 1 0 31 il I A .X2 Our New Year's greetings now we send To each and every valued friend. We wish you happiness for every day; We wish you success in every way. Your patronage we surely appreciate, And our thanks to you are great. Your Friendly Erickson Stores TOMATO JUICE Brand Big 46-oz. tin 21 COTTAGE BRAND PUMPKIN Market Tomatoes Big '24 Tins Blue Dell j D I. Dl 4 Big ruruie nunu w 24 Tin Open Sandwiches Wonderful open sandwich: Spread line-quality liverwurst over a slice of pumpernickel bread and top with crisply-cooked hot bacon. Strve with another slice ol but tered bread spread with tomato iliees and marinated onion rings. Garnish for Pie Garnish a high and handsome pumpkin chiffon pie in a crumb crust with a circle of whipped cream and sprinkle generously with toasted almond silvers. MrE WITH SOVP Lightly brown bite-size shredded rice biscuits in butter and sprinkle with a seasoning lalL Serve with toup. ' Red Bagley Use For Salads Bartlett Pears Big .Zhi Tin Market Packed by Del Mont Sliced Pineapple TMinute Lemon Flavor Angel Pie Mix Kraft No. I Tins Just Mix and Serve .- Each Miniature Marshmallows 2 Blue Sea Bonita Tuna Flakes 10 oi, Pkg. No. 4 Tin Super Cola Canned Beverage CRISGO 3-ib. nn Tin JI tt Price Sal Friskies Nellie's Mb. Pk. 3 2 Chocolate Bits IVORY SNOW 83 Giant Ml) Tissue MD .4 Rolls Paper Napkins .80 Count 1.00 49 25' 45' 37' 29' 35' 25' 37' 37' 10' Big Vk tin Cm lins 2 lins 29 UNDSEY - JUMBO SIZE 1 rjnftE FLORIDA INDIAN RIVER PINK Grapefruit 3 for 25' SUNKIST JUICY LEMONS FLORIDA JUMBO SIZE AVOCADOS Dozen 23 Each 19' SALAD ZEST RADISHES ONIONS Bunch 5' SANTIAM SWEET favvAlr One-Pound lf 1011011 Cello Bags for A) ; RIPE OLIVES MASON ROYAL-PURE BLACK PEPPER LIBBYS PINEAPPLE JUICE 'o. 1 fall fin l-oz. fin Big 46-oz. tin Tins Pkgi. 29' 23' ,. 11 0s PLANTERS PEANUTS . 8-oi. Tint 100 NOLA SHRIMP 34c 8-oz. Tin Broken SWANSON Boned Turkey 3 t", 1 00 BEACH CLIFF SARDINES In Oil 3 Tin. 25c UNDERWOOD DEVILED HAM 29c 4',-ox. Tin New Year's Bakery Specials Plus a wide variety of delicious bakery products. Delicious (ruit cakes, delightful cookies, coffee cakes, breakfast rolls, Danish pastries, and rolls that melt in your mourn: SPICE CAKES vaiu0. 98c Delicious Iced Cakei YULEKAGE ... :.M 59c of diced t as cake. 25c Delirious Swedish fruit bread, rich In mi and a variety of diced fruits. You will love this bread, delicious but not as sweet as cake. COCKTAIL RYE BREAD COCKTAIL FRENCH BREAD. .......... .ooeh Thin, long loaves, for dainty sandwiches . ALL KINDS OF PARTY COOKIES CHEF BOYARDEE PIZZA PIE 49c jMX Coupon tgj W Good for 10c With Purchase of JHo tW OXYDOL GO Giant Bake the recipe that has just won . . . LIQUID JOY Economy Bottle 69 Automatic Washers DASH w nn -3 if 10 lbs. $25,0000? in Pillsbury's Best 8th GRAND NATIONAL Recipe and Baking Contest ADAPTED IY ANN PIUSBUtY y Cllt OUT AND SAVt S CALIFORNIA CASSEROLE I $25,000 First Prize Winner in Pillsbury's 8th J Grand Notional Recipe and Baking Contest by Mrs. J Hildreth H. Hotheway, 228 West Alomar Avenue, OLD COLONY BEVERAGE 2 Full 01.00' Bflj. SPIC & SPAN Economy Size 89 DREFT Large Size Golden Fluffo 3-ib. gg Elastic Starch Of. PABLUM 19 8-oz. Santa Barbara, California. . Adapted by Ann Pillsbury J 2 Lbs. Veal or Beet Round Steak ' Cup Pillsbury's Best Enriched Flour I 1 Teaspoon Paprika Vt Cup Salad Oil or Shortening I lVt Clips Small Cooked Onions (1-lb. Can) I 2 Cans Cream of Chicken Soup v 1 Can Water 1 Cup Sour Cream Coat meat with mixture of flour and paprika. Pound mix . ture into meat. Cut in 2-inch cubes. Brown in oil in skillet. Transfer to 13x9x2-inch pan or large casserole. Add on I ions. Combine 1 can Cream of Chicken Soup and the I water in skillet used for brrwning. Bring to boil and pou' I over meat. Bake in moderate oven (350 degrees) about 45 minutes until meat is tender. I Top with 14 to 16 Butter Crumb Dumplines. Increase oven temperature to 425 degrees. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes ' until deep golden brown. Serve with sauce made bv heal J ing 1 Can Cream of Chicken Soup and Sour Cream just I to boiling. Serves 8. I Ruter Crumb Dumpling 2 Cups Silted Pillsbury's Best Enriched flour I 4 Teaspoons Double-Acting Baking Powder h Teaspoon Salt 1 Teaspoon Poultry Seasoning J 1 Teaspoon Celery Seed 1 Teaspoon Drv Onion Flakes 1 Tablespoon Poppv Seed (if desired) I Vt Cup Salad Oil 1 Cup Milk Vt Cup Melted Butler I 1 Cup Bread Crumbs Sift together flour, bakinj powder, salt and poultry sea I soning into mixing bowl. Add celerv seed, onion flakes and poppy seed. Blend in oil and milk. Stir just until . moistened. Combine melted butter and bread crumbs. ' Drop rounded tablespoonfuls of dough into buttered crumbs. Roll to coat I Adaptation of this recipe for high altitude areas is not I necessary. You bake your BEST with Pillsbury's BEST Flour . 25 ,b, $1.98 10 .,.. 98c ...your PRIZE-WINNING flour DROMEDARY CAKE MIX 417-oz.$00 pkgs. White -Yellow -Devils Food DELRICH Margarine 5 ibs. 95 Finest Quality MJ.B. Instant Coffee 1.39 6-oz. Jar SKIPPY DOG FOOD 6 2 49' TAKE YOUR CHOICE FOR NEW YEARS DINNER WW Gigantic Pork Sale For New Years Pork Loin Roast 3 lb. Average lb. 49c Yankee Spare Ribs jib. Average ib. 49c Pork Shoulder Steaks ib. 49c Boneless Pork Roast ,b. 49c Fresh Side Pork ,Pce.) .ib. 49c Fresh Pig Feet ib. 10c Fresh Pork Sausage ib. 39c Fresh Pork Liver ,b. 29c Fresh Spare Ribs ib. 49c Fresh Shoulder Picnics ..Jb. 29c Fresh Leg of Pork ,b. 59c WHOLE OR HALF U.S. CHOICE BEEF Blade A(t CHUCK ROAST , 4?' U. .S CHOICE BEEF ROAST , lb. 59' U. S. CHOICE ROUND ,. 79 RonrlcMi POT Boneless TOP ERICKSONS THRIFTWISE Boneless SWISS Standing RIB STEAK , 59' ROAST Ib .49' STEAK ,. 59' Fresh Frozen A Grade Norbcst TURKEYS 12-18 Ib. av. Lb. 49 Armour Star Fully Cooked HAMS Lb 55 Whole or Shank Half Fresh Frozen A Grade Norbeit TURKEYS 19-22 Ib.avg. Lb. 45' Portland Rood Four Corner! South Commercial South 12th St. Woodburn