Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, December 26, 1956 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Section 3 Page 9 Christmas All She Has Left, bays 1 eener Dying of Cancer NAHA. Okinawa W Kameiiro Senas?, a bushy-haired leftist who the Omnawan Peoples ch. rfirttrf th T..j... I ..... """""' """iivana. largest city on this Amen- an Eventa WZC 'SLSTf ' f "rt? "" """ Wednesday , . , . -ivjto .iuat-u, i wdan i scared, you They said today I would be unriir5inH t h,,w. i,. ,'i l''1- !for a lone time. They said this thing inside me I "I believe in prayer, you know, mild stop Christmas for me and . I nm mt .11 it. ; ..j .. Israel Urges U.S. Try Halt Border Rails WASHINGTON ifl Israel has ailed on the United States to try n halt border raids which the sraelis contend are being carried ut by Arab commandos under gyptian direction. A formal diplomatic note sent rvr mi'rn nv.t ...... wui, w Irene and parrw nn.uar. t ..... aroncyk is a 16-year-old lass ter- ' Sure there's a wreath in the bly III with cancer. But as sick window, but it's all green with L- it IT f. IT5!8 '? red berries. You know, thelheadS Leftist Wins Okinawa Vote father and mother have offered their prayers ... "I knew right away it was Christmas. I couldn't see anything really at first. It was still dark. But I knew it was Christmas all right. "1 knew it just like I used to know it was the first day of school. or my birthday, or I was going to dress all in white for church. "I don't know maybe 1 just felt iiKe Lnnsimas. Inside I felt terrible. I won't border raids which the t"1 yu' '''. riWe. Like it's not reajjy me in there. But dcop inside, when I get past the cancer and all thai, I leei really good. Don t let it spoil all the State Department Tuesday ?,"r C,hVs'm,a8 bccause tt' thj Israel pmhflKV sairt rinr.. wl the period Dec. 3-24 there ere 19 separate attacks The Israelis said these acci dents violate the U. N. resolution i Nov. 2 calling for a cease fire 1 the Israeli-Egyptian fighting ind ordering an end to raids into neiehboring territories. The Israeli note, contending mrder raids were going on under Egyptian direction, recalled a lee. 2 broadcast by Cairo Radio. Die note said this broadcast over lie Egyptian government's sta ion predicted "large scale action iuring the coming winter season" the tedayeen (Arab com mandos). The raids started the next day, he Israelis said. Israel Frees Spy for Syria From Solitary Spokane Base Getting Nike SPOKANE m - The Army started moving equipment Wed nesday into the first of its Nike guided missile sites around Fair' child Air Force Base. Four Nike installations for pro tection of the base have been under construction 1 since last spring and the Army said the $3,600,000 project is now 93 per cent completed. Equipment was being moved in Wednesday for the site norlh of the Airway Heights district near Fairchild. Other installations are in the vicinity of nearby Deep Creek, Medical Lake and Four Lakes. Army crews to man the Nike rockets have arrived here from Fort Bliss, Texas. The Nike batteries are built in two general areas, one for storage of the missile and elevators TEL AVIV, Israel tin. Mary ! ranees Hagan of Huntington. W. a., now is making overalls for, bring it to the surface, and the iier fellow inmates at nearby other for the radar trarkins Ramleh Prison, but it took a .mechanism and control eouiDment ireicn in soinary connnemeni De-:t0 guide the Nike to ts tared lore sue agreea 10 ao any worK. The 29-year-old U.S. citizen waslo -nn nc"' c. sentenced Oct. . 11 to a year in ' i" is prison after being convicted on To Go to Rose Bowl charges ot spying for byna. !he ronvims in 1 pieaoca innocent. IfJreeon State Cnlleee students are Prison authorities disclosed ;vn-,rt , nnrf .u. n rwl Wednesday that she at first re- football gamc between Oregon fused to do any prison work and state and lowa at posadena on was piacea in soinary connne-rcw Year's Day. ment. When returned to norma Transportation will be by car prison lite, they said, sne relused; p00is special buses and. trains j M-.v imiiuu,!.!! ireu, iui uic ana individually arranged means, Israeli army uui am consent if college sources said. make prison overalls., lhey did. The rally squad and wives of noi say now long sne was ncpi tj,e team members will fly to I,os in solitary. Pope Cheered By Big Crowd VATICAN CITY tfl Pope Pius XII received several thousand persons in a general audience Wednesday at the Vatican's Hall of Benedictions. Cheers sounded as the 80-year-old head of the Roman Catholic Church was carried on a portable throne through a throng of pil grims, tourists and Romans that overflowed from the hall into ad joining chambers. The Pope spoke briefly, giving his greetings in several languages. Angeles Dec. 30 as part of the official party. Winter registration has been de layed until Jan. 5 to give students time to return to the campus 65,000 Damage In Portland Fire PORTLAND (UPI Damage was estimated . at $65,000 today from a two-alarm fire here early Christmas morning at the Amen can Linen Supply Company. The blaze gulled the two-story concrete structure and damaged laundry and toweling. Three fire men were given emergency oxy. gen for smoke inhalation but no serious injuries were reporiea " Trom Tuesday's election. Two U.S. deputy governors have called the OPP a Communist-controlled party. The 48-year-old Senaga says he is not a Communist, but he has been the most effective agitator against American control of Oki nawa and U.S. requisitioning of land for air bases. Recently released from a two year prison term, Senaga led a field in which two candidates split the conservative vole. He polled 1(1.100 votes and led the nearest candidate by 2,100 votes. ' ' RAYTHEON HAS BIG BACKLOG WALTHAM, Mass. W Ray theon Mfg. Co., big electronics firm, Wednesday reported a year end backlog of orders totaling more than 245 million dollars, more than twice that of a year ago. Canada Road Deaths at 39 OTTAWA, Ont. W - The Christ mas holiday death count on Ca nadian highways reached 39 Wed nesday. A Canadian Press survey which started at 6 p. m. Friday gave the total of accidental deaths as 58. Nine persons died in fires, four were drowned and another six were killed in miscellaneous accidents. The Canadian Safety Council had predicted that 50 persons would die in traffic accidents dur ing the five-day holiday which ends at midnight Wednesday. A total of 69 were killed in the four day holiday last yeai. Ontario led the death count with i 17. British Columbia accidents took 15 lives. Six traffic deaths were reported in Quebec, CanadianUailway Strike Ballot Set dian Pacific Railway. The union has rejected recommendations of a board of conciliation. '" The conciliation board recom mended wage increases of 12 per cent. The brotherhood sought a IS per cent increase. , Every eye has a tiny blind spot MONTREAL, Que. Ifl - The men and Enginemen Wednesday wh,re optic none enters th authorized a strike vole among its retina, according to the Better members employed by the Cana-I Vision Institute. Can't Do It Yourself? For Someone Who Can For repairs, renovations or other jobs too difficult or too risky to tackle yourself, turn to the Classified. That's the simple way to locate someone who c do it right and right owayl ClTlTtK cmii L mi salad S?aLl ihL- " ( l 1 c J Jj . . Popular Brands Fresh Whole or Shank Half Pound m ra im r m am - wmmm n vmmm hsh m w i 'j' . i i ii f n i i ii i v i i s. v Mm 1 1 1 I mmf i fill I II IV'V E . "V 1 X J im m . i a 1 III 1 V i5c'fm rfVti 10. Also: tin 39c tin .. 59c 3for$l Stort the New Year by resolving to do all your food shopping at youi friendly IGA Store. You 11 lind that courte ous service, complete selection, lower prices and shopping comlort present' every day in the week and not just on week-ends. So begin today. at IGA... where YOU get MORE I K; A Whole Dill or Kosher DILL PICKLES, 22-oz. Jar Steinfeld Whole . SWEET PICKLES, 22-oi. jar IGA CRAB MEAT, No. Vi tin K'.A Small COVE OYSTERS, 5-oi. tin. . North Star Imported SARDINES, No. V tin 21 t . Chun King , BEAN SPROUTS, No. 303 tin Chun King ' CHOP SUEY VEGETABLES, No. 303 tin Chun King CHOW MEIN NOODLES, No. 2 tin. . . Chun King SOY SAUCE, 5oz. bottle Planter's COCKTAIL PEANUTS, 72-oi Planter's CASHEW NUTS, 6Vi-oi Planter's MIXED NUTS, 6Vi-oz. IGA Ripe and Ragged PINEAPPLE, No. 2Vi tin 35 t JELL-IT h I Gelatin Dtnert . ; Each " V I Ant. Flavors No Umil I yom, : Uffy ii. Pure, Fresh and Lean GROUND BEEF Ground Fresh 3pkg. 07C U.S. Good Grade IB STEAKS EEF ROAST pound 69c 7Qr U.S. Good Grade Blade Cul lb. A Good Selection of Ducks, Geese, Roasting Hen s, etc. Cold Cuts, Skinless Fully Cooked Hams, Conned and Picnics, Cheese and etc. for Your New Yea r's Porties. IGA Cut GREEN BEANS, No. 303 tin. 2 for 55c Moke that porty a "wow" Assorted Flavors CANADA DRY BEVERAGES Quart 20 i Pius Dome Deposit ' 13 iSsiff SIT 11 0 rh CRISP-SOLID Emperor GRAPES Crisp Fresh TURNIPS Sweet RUTABAGAS Prices Effective Thurs., Dee. 27 Through Mondoy, SHOP and SAVK at Theie Independently Owned and Operated Id A STORES ' SQUALL'S IGA FOODLINER, Woodburn, Oregon frank.... I tl I ACE it. 3c y? Twlrer or Ham r 2ll ..'pBellanna lbs. " tzJ j ielM(0,e Y . K K PERCH V; O U tdJ nam V lbs. t 1 . JWIFT'S Corned swifi'j VISTA 10 MAtKfT 304 S Cam'l. STATE ST. IC MAIKIt 1330 Stat. Stri.t EMERY'S - 4100 N ' tl IGA Rtflret Resene We Right to Limit Quantities IGA Stores Will Be Closed Tuesday New Years Day - OBERTI . . . select RIPE OLIVES pin O . .AO' Tin G lor t Beef ,2H.45. Roast Beef ... Deluxe Cheese Slices X Party Snacks KRAFT'S PHIUDELPHI& 0 t Cream Cheese t" KRAFT'S VUI UIIIUIJ BORENE Soap Powder Sail for Everything Thrift Size whiu IST CvcrTiiiiiiy 69 Pound PVg. C-20 Detergent For Rtg. or tutomalic Wuhtn Giant flfl Pkg. 99 Colgate Tooth Paste i"49c Pkg. 28c 15c Feenamint neciuwin9cumiaiiii ChOOZ Aidi D.qeit.on "Sudsy" Ammonia 29c VelS- Detergent 69c Soap Powder WHITE KING Liquid Deterqent WHITE KING Detergent Drene Shampoo Prell Shjsift! Gilnl Pkg. Clint Sill Gianl Siii For Soli. Beautiful Hair At Radlanl to 59 $100 89