Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wed., Dec. 26, 1956 Remember! Shop Early Up Value! I Hundreds Reduced ... ?f m. I i L They dry already preasedl DAN RIVER DRESS-UPS Dan River cottons ... All Dri Don finished to cost you so little in lime and effortl Machine washl Colors can't escapel Hang dry . , . Iron only if you're a fusserl SECOND FLOOR m Mm & O.NE-TWK SPECIAL V JU) SQUAKE COTTONS M See for yourself what beautiful ti' fabrics you'll find in generous A, fi dress and blouse lenqthsl De- '1r" l signs and colors for every j--; ing need! Compare for v: quality, valuel yi MEZZANINE us . MUH1LKE" 53 - i Silverware r?je i ' iiiK - . - ix xw -v, - liy International Siher Riri-name nualitv at bia ings ror rounder s foyi ginal Rogers AA quality i r r rs...i verplate, Penney s exclusive I V 'Jubilee' pattern. Chest ... 5.00 ON SALE-ALL FLOORS for Real Bang-Up Clean of Items Drastically 0 3 sew style, IY. Service sav- . paw "W sil-? I UUU farvlee far IJ $20. 7 1 Between lear f Bargain 60 PAIR Women's Shoes Now Repriced Only LOO Pr. Assorted Styles Broken Sizes DOWNSTAIRS STORE 200 ONLY Womens' Cotton Dresses Reduced Only 177 Washable Prints Broken Sizes DOWNSTAIRS STORE 200 ONLY Assorted Curtain Group Reduced Only LOO Cafes, Sashes, Tiers and Panels . . . DOWNSTAIRS STORE ONE GROUP Women's Leather Handbags . . . 4 00 Plu Only Tai Assorted Styles And Colors . . . MAIN FLOOR S3 ONLY Women's Leather Clutch Bags . . . i 77 Plus Only At 1 1 Tax Assorted Styles And Colors . . . MAIN FLOOR 420 ONLY Quick-Trick Earrings . . . Only 33c Plus Other Better Jewelry MAIN FLOOR 61 ONLY Better Reduced Girl's Caps 1.33 Only Colors Only Wool Blends SECOND FLOOR 420 ONLY Cannon Wash Cloths Only 6 for 11 Assorted Colors 12" by 12" Size MEZZANINE 12 ONLY Chromspun And Chenille Spreads Only 7.00 Assorted Colors Twin or Full MEZZANINE 12 ONLY Single Control Electric Blankets Only 15.00 Assorted Colors U.I.. Approved MEZZANINE K SETS Set of 4 Pot Holders Only 100 Assorted Colors Good Sire . . . MEZZANINE 100 PIECES Women's Better Jewelry Reduced ri rius Only ,,uc Tai Necklaces and Earrings . . . MAIN FLOOR DRASTIC ....,.- iit tub nm qimac IN THE 37 PAIR Children's Slippers Reduced Only 1-88 Several Styles Broken Sizes DOWNSTAIRS STORE 20 ONLY Women's Better Uniforms Reduced 2.00 nj 4.00 Several Styles Broken Sizes DOWNSTAIRS STORE 12 PAIR 100 Nylon Priscillas Only 'OO Pr 142"x81" Inch White Only DOWNSTAIRS STORE 200 ONLY Women's Cotton Handkerchiefs Only 10C Et Many Assorted Patterns and Colors MAIN FLOOR 150 ONLY Men's Better Ties Reduced 77c .nH 1.22 Only and Large Assortment Of Patterns MAIN FLOOR 3 ONLY Men's Flannel Sport Shirts Only 1.14 Assorted Patterns Sizes S. M, L ' MAIN FLOOR 70 Only Plastic Drapes Reduced 77c-$1.44 6 Only 3-Ft.x5-Ft. Better Rugs Reduced 4.00 6 Only 4-Ft.x5-Ft. Better Rugs Reduced 7.00 5 Only 3-Way Table Lamps Reduced 5.00 80 Only 6-ln-l Belts ... 3 Belts, 6 Colors 1.00 18 Only Women's Boxed Hankies 77c 72 Only Women's Wool or Orion Shrugs 5.00 72 Only Women's Wool Shrugs Reduced 4.00 120 Only Women's Large Silk Scarfs 1.00 52 Only Women's Wool Knit Gloves 1.66 100 Pair Women's Elastic Nylon Briefs . 2 for $1 25 Pair Men's Better Slacks Reduced 8.00 25 Only Men's Wool Flannel Jackets 7.00 123 Only Men's Better White Shirts 2.00 94 Only Women's Plaid Jackets 8.88 62 Only Women's Wool Flannel Skirts 4.88 22 Only Women's Quilt lined Driving Coats 6.00 37 Only Women's Hooded Driving Coats 6.00 7 Pair Women's Corduroy Short Slacks 2.00 26 Only Tapered Capri Pants Reduced 3.00 64 Only Women's Sailcloth Short Slacks 2.88 16 Only Women's Colon Sheath Dresses 1.00 14 Only Sub-Teen Girl's Dresses 2.00 66 Pair Women's Denim Jeans Only 1.50 16 Only Toddlar Boy's Overcoats Now 6.00 20 Only Boy's Leather Flight Jackets 11.00 24 Only Girl's 100 Nylon Drosses-7-14 4.00 36 Only Girl's Tyrolean Print Dresses 4.00 75 Only Girl's Clip-On Hats Reduced 1.33 24 Only Girl's Corduroy Jackets-3-6x 2.50 36 Only Girl's Corduroy Jackets-7.14 3.50 10 Only Girl's Plastic Jackets-Broken Sizes 3.00 Only Women's Better Maternity Dresses 2.00 27 Only Women's Better Maternity Dresses 5.00 64 Only Women's Better Millinery Only 1.00 42 Only Women's Fashion Raincoats 9.00 2 Pair Women's Washable Rayon Slacks 2.00 14 Only Women's Wool Jersey Blouses 2.00 200 Pair Women's Better Shoes Reduced . 2.00 200 Pair Women's Better Shoes Reduced 3.00 52 Pair Men's Better Slippers Reduced 2.88 60 Pair Women's and Children's Pull-On Boots 2.44 55 Only Plastic Shower Curtain Panels 1.50 40 Only Better Plastic Shower Curtains 2.00 11 Only 96"x81" Fiberglass Priscillas Only 5.00 6 Only 142"x81" Fiberglass Priscillas Only 7.00 7 Only 184"x81" Fiberglass Priscillas Only 10.00 3 Only 276"x81" Fiberglass Priscillas Only 17.00 10 Only 96"x81" Flocked Nylon Priscillas 3.00 2 Only 188"x81" Flocked Nylon Priscillas 10.00 1000 Yards 48" Belter Drapery Yardage yd. 1.29 14 Pair Ready Made Printed Drapes pr. 188 30 Only Ready Made Printed Drapes $4-56 PRICE REDUCTIONS NOW!! WE MUST CLEANoOUR STOCKS OF ALL ODDS AND ENDS BEFORE INVENTORY!! HURRY!! QUANTITIES LIMITED!!! - Days 72 PAIR Men's and Boy's Shoes Reduced 3.00 ,nd 5.00 Assorted Styles Broken Sizes DOWNSTAIRS STORE 32 ONLY Women's Chenille Robes Repriced 2.00 ,nd 3.00 Assorted Colon Broken Sizes DOWNSTAIRS STORE 300 ONLY Sofa Pillow Covers Reduced Only 3for $1 Assorted Prints And Plains . . . DOWNSTAIRS STORE 50 ONLY All Men's Wool Topcoats Only 29.00 Several Patterns Broken Sizes MAIN FLOOR 87 ONLY Men's Better Sport Shirts 2.22 t0 3.44 Many Different Types and Colors MAIN FLOOR 47 ONLY Men's Wool Shirt Jackets Only 6.66 Bright Plaids . . Most All Sizes . . MAIN FLOOR NEW WITH 121 PAIR Women's Better Slippers Reduced Only 1-88 Assorted Styles Broken Sizes DOWNSTAIRS STORE 50 ONLY Women's Flannel Dusters, Robes 82 3 ,nd 4 Assorted Colors Broken Sizes DOWNSTAIRS STORE 200 YARDS 48" Drapery ' Yardage Repriced Only 77C yd. Prints and Plains Washable . . . DOWNSTAIRS STORE 60 ONLY Men's Nylon or Wool Jackets Only 9.99 Reversibles, Wool Meltons MAIN FLOOR 48 ONLY Boy's Quilt Lined Jackets Only 6.88 Nylons, Rayons Sizes 8 and 8 MAIN FLOOR 25 ONLY Men's Better Winter Caps Only 77C Several Styles . . Broken Sizes MAIN FLOOR 2000 YARDS Suede and Printed Flannel Yardage 3 rrdi $1 Prints And Plains . . . 36" Wide MEZZANINE 1500 YARDS Fancy Regulated Cotton Yardage 2 Yards C; I For wl Assorted Colors And Patterns MEZZANINE 200 ONLY Assorted Animated Toys Only 0c f Also Friction Motor Cars MAIN FLOOR 900 YARDS Cotton Gingham Plaid Yardage Yards (3 " For Assorted Colors Completely Washable MEZZANINE 150 ONLY Children's Phono graph Records Only for Oc Assorted Tunes Non-Breakable MAIN FLOOR ONE GROUP Piece Goods Remnants Drastically Reduced . . . Shop. Save Now . MEZZANINE SHOP EVERY DEPARTMENT IN THE STORE FOR FABULOUS CLEAN-UP VALUES . . . ONCE A YEAR CHANCE TO CASH IN ON BIG SAVINGS!! HURRY! BE HERE EARLY! SAVE!! 36 PAIR Men's Better Gym Shoes Only 2.77 Black Only Broken Sizes . . . DOWNSTAIRS STORE 300 ONLY Women's Fall Dresses Reduced 82 $3,nd$4 Many Styles Broken Sizes DOWNSTAIRS STORE 100 ONLY Cotton Filled Sofa Pillows only LOO Assorted Colors Prints and Plains DOWNSTAIRS STORE 175 ONLY Boy's Better Sport Shirts 1.44 Only Gabs, Cottons, Broken Sizes MAIN FLOOR 25 ONLY Boy's Cotton Denim Jackets Only 2.00 Sizes 2 to 8 Green, Blue, Brown MAIN FLOOR 60 ONLY Boy's Millikin Plaid Shirts Only 2.44 Assorted Colors Broken Sizes MAIN FLOOR 400 ONLY Speed Cro Sheen Thread 4 For 81 White and Colors Large Spool MEZZANINE 100 ONLY Items To Embroidery Only lc Ea. Assorted Items . , Buy For Gifts . . MEZZANINE 300 ONLY Sewing Notions Now Reduced Only lc Ea. Many Assorted Items To Pick From MEZZANINE 10S ONLY Girl's All Wool Coats g88 " 3 to 6x ll88 JA7 to 14 Fleeces and Plaids Milium Lined SECOND FLOOR 24 ONLY Girl's Wool Plaid Coats Only J00 . Sizes 7 to 14 Milium Lined SECOND FLOOR 36 ONLY Girl's Corduroy Raincoats . . . Only 5.00 Sizes 7 to 14 Matching Cap SECOND FLOOR WORSTEDS! FLANNELS! Menl Get that new Spring suit now at Penney's and sava many dollars! Get the same fine, de pendable fabrics, styling and tailoring you get at Penney's all year roundl But ,hurry , , , it's a one-time-only buyl MAIN FLOOR 120 ONLY Girls' Flannel Pajamas . . . Only 2.00 Assorted Prints Broken Sizes SECOND FLOOR 681 ONLY Women's Cotton Bras Reduced Only a0c Sizes 32 to 40 A, B, C Cup SECOND FLOOR 150 ONLY Women's Better Dresses Reduced Only 4.00 Big Selection Most All Sizes SECOND FLOOR 164 ONLY Women's Plastic Raincoats . . . Only L50 Hood and Belt Assorted Colors SECOND FLOOR 31 ONLY Toddlers Nylon Snowsuits Only 6.00 Assorted Colors Sizes 2 to 4 SECOND FLOOR 24 ONLY Toddlers Cotton Flannel Shirts Only LOO Assorted Colors Broken Sizes SECOND FLOOR 60 ONLY Girl's 100 Nylon Slips On,y LOO White Only Broken Sizes SECOND FLOOR 161 ONLY Women's Orion Woo! Skirts Only 5.00 Washable Plaids Sizes 10 to 18 SECOND FLOOR 98 ONLY Women's Cotton Plaid Blouses Only LOO Machine Washable Sizes 32 to 38 SECOND FLOOR 164 ONLY Toddlers Bonnets and Hats Only 66C Wool and Corduroy Several Colors SECOND FLOOR 42 ONLY Women's Tapestry Tweed Raincoats Only 9.00 Also Corduroys Broken Sizes SECOND FLOOR 23 ONLY Toddlers Cotton Cardigan Sweaters Only LOO Assorted Colors Broken Sizes SECOND FLOOR s