J Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wed., Dec. 26, 1956 CHARGE IT N Clearance! WOMEN'S NYLON STOCKINGS Valuai I. $1.65 pr. Irokan loll, odds Soma irregular, pain for $2.95 59" Clearancel WOMEN'S NYLON STOCKINGS All famaul brandt Valval la $ 1 .931 All firit quality Waniad lhadai 1 pain for $2.50 88' Clearancel WOMEN'S SLIPPERS AND SLIPPER SOX $449 Pr. In hotiery dept. Valuta to $3.98 Buy new and save m n U II U fi; u 1 I! n L II U 11 II U j& w v. . m ii : i i...f : . a.ui -l tb if it . mm " jj . msy I mW aiiaas I JI - a ' -. wwi j, , UiV.II il lIT TTOtWiiiW mmTrttlfWS TL . II . . j a, 2nd floor. Your choiea ' COATS o o o Reg. to $55 2 U o Reg. to $75 Pr. Pr, 1 I Clearance! FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY Valour lain. val. 4 88 O Reg. to $110 DRESSES O O OReg. to $14.95 VyO Reg. to $29 11 3 .to$29.95llP O Reg. to $55 El OOO Reg. to $11.95 U o Reg. to $14.95 U 88 COATS a a a .UP TO 55. Wool fleacei! Wool tweedtl In town and country coats for all taaion waar. Intuleted llningi. Tailored (aihieni for sturdy cautal waar. Alio tome "car eaatt" In all wool with rad fleece llningi Ineudtd at this price. COATS.... UP TO 75. Famous nam fabrics In thete Inturei your coat for many teaion't wtar. Smarty tailored for the prttnt and future. Milium lined for extra warmth, All si;ei. Regularly priced to $75.00! COATS .... UP TO 110. . . THare'l no tic Imping on quality of fabric, detignlnp; and tailoring in fheie coali regularly priced to $110.00 now (or only $$7,881 Hera, you'll find your dream coat , , , and at a big aavkngl Shop early for these be cause they are limited to e imall group. Alio a few fibuloui fur-like coata In beigoionei at thli price. DRESSES.... Up to 14" Caiual drtnai priced to $14.93 now $8,881 Rayons, disciplined cottoni etc. Choote two or three at thie low prc and live at much at $15.00. Sixes I to 20 and 1 1 V a to 23". DRESSES.... Up to 29,s Hare It that .mart casual wool knit, wool tweed, rayon crepe dreti that will take you around town and coun try ,, . or (or the workaday luth ai office, lehool etc Jr. lire. 7 to 15 and Millet' suet 10 to 30. Values to 3 05, DRESSES. ...UPT055. NawI Chome dfatiei regularly priced to $55.00 for only $24 88 during thie Year-End Clearance beginning Werinetday morning at nine thirty' fsmout brand nametl Junior and Mmi' lite. SKIRTS.... UP TO 11" AH wool and wool and nylon blends In the baiic winter kirn you waar most oftenl Thete come In a variety of tolori and muturtt , . , blue, grey, navy, brown, foie etc. Siiet 10 to 18. Regularly to $11.95 Jnd. floor. SKIRTS.... UP TO 14" Wool and wool blandad lyntrt.tici maVa up thil or.up f .kirn In Ihn 19 SI pm.d r.noa. Many twaad. and plada h Itil, cla.ranoa. Kagvlarly putad to :4 5. 47." 16.88 24s8 7 88 9 juniors .... missel .... half sizes .... savings for everybodyl 2ND: FLOOR FASHIONS -u- f j Li YEAR-END CLEARANCE OF SHOES! Casuals, Wedgies, Flats Your Choice for Sizes 4V4 to 10's AAAA to C Widths Over 300 pair, of our good quality shoes go Int this year-end-clearance at your choice for $5.8 pairl Mostly casuals but many pairi cf dress types, too- All are famous brand namea. Irjf. uiot.., orown, tan, green and pastej. y ALSO SOME DRESS STYLES. THE BEST PLACE TO SHOP R OW! PAY IN FEBRUARY Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wed., Dec. 26, 1956 Clearance! WOMEN'S HATS $ afular t. tS.OOl 9m lari. greup. Y.ur ahalta r Clearance! WOMEN'S DRESSY BLOUSES .g. la $7.91 mm 99 T 1 Clearance! WOMEN'S NOVELTY KNIT HATS a. $!.! 1. Nylon trie, Nylon ahaarl Whit,, pi., Siu 12 to 44. lnd. floor 4 u.n e lo aura t. aa. nSoa. lnd. Moor mil. Clearancel WOMEN'S COTTON BLOUSES vt a "Ink, blua yallow, $ turauoiia Siiai 30 to Jl lnd. floor T Clearance! WOMEN'S DRESSY BLOUSES Rag. lo $12.95 tBjY199 Nylon ahaari, ? "If m Pura ailki, Mm dacrona Whtla, paitali. 2nd. floor Clearance! WOMENS HOUSE COATS Reg. to $17.95 ai AJJ. . I 1 1 T Iota 2nd. floor 5" Clearance! WOMEN'S COTTON BLOUSES Dag. lo $4.95 Waniad aolorl, $af4' e Pima and broad BjW aloth e lnd. floor Clearancel WOMEN'S SATIN QUILTED ROBE AND PAJAMA SET Rag. $17.95 t.la95 a 1 1 Tl Gold, yallow 2nd. floor 8 Shop Every Dept. For Big Bargains! Four Floors CLEARANCE 0F regular stock, FAMOUS BRANDS FOUNDATIONS! REGULAR STOCK BRANDS, SPECIAL PURCHASES AND ODDS AND BROKEN SIZES lvj frjj ha-aaaaMaSF lljIllWI-' Clearance! - ODDS, ENDS, LINGERIE, PAJAMAS, GOWNS, SLIPS H.rtyl A big bargaml I a) Wtdnaaday nwmmg VrlOt a Vd. PW. Vmi ahak..... mm .00 Clearancel WOMEN'S BRIEF STYLE . PANTIES I Regular 9 ajuallty ' irokan alio loft ofc. o ..md. .., J tor ' Clearance! NOVELTY MIRROR TRAYS flag. $9.50 dr 12x14" ail. T Gold filigra. framai, 0 Ceimalic dapt. Main floor ' . Clearancel i NOTIONS! ODDS, ENDS v TABLE OF BARGAINS! Lingerie caiet, 0. ff Jumbo garment bags , Tie rackt, aproni ' Hangert, lacea etc. '' Main floor, Notion! (4,s STORE OPENS 9:30 A.M. ALL CHARGE PURCHASES GO ON JANUARY BILL PAYABLE IN FEBRUARY Clearance! SUNBEAM DEEP FRYERS Dbtontlnttoe) metiel tj A famowt ejuallty Dewnatelrt. tawdel,.. - Clearance). ART NEEDLE WORK Odd, onds ott. Pillow eatoi, needlepoint Luncheon seta, yarn oti Oowmtaira. V to Cttarancel MEN'S PAJAMAS Dag. $4.91 Coat and middy alyt. . Broadcloth. Famoua branda Siiai t. C. D. I v y o GIRDLES o FULL LENGTH FOUNDATIONS o BRASSIERES FAMOUS BRAND NAMES Warner's . . . Nemo's . . . Jantzen's Perma-Lift . . . . W-B and Many Others! Values to $22.50 Once each year, wt offer theie famoua brand full length foundations at way low prlcei to clear out broken ilio ranges. These ara truly the "BETTER QUAL ITY GARMENTS" and your favorite may boN hero In your exact alio. Many ttylei from which to chopie such aa laitex back, variety of fabric! , . boning or plain . Sixes 34 to 48. Values to $39.50 Hero Ii t small group of foundations priced fog larly to $39.50 but for quick clearance wo have them cut to $19,951 You may find the foundation of your dreemi In this group. Broken lliei. g95 OFF k25 Clearancel "COSTUME JEWELRY ' All greatly reduced Necklaces, bracelets , larrlngi, pint etc. ,' Main floor Jewelry SAVE NOW! Clearance! CHRISTMAS CARDS, RIBBONS, WRAPPINGS, CANDLES, ETC. tjy a supply and tavel , Gift Shop, main floor , a Oddi, endt, broken lots Clearance! MEN'S COLORED DRESS SHIRTS .a. w.m $m Colorad and whita fanciai Naarly all aiiaa Clearance! MEN'S BEACON BLANKET ROBES Dag. All aiiaa amall lo .xlra lirga T gi Maroon or navy blu. mj a Main floor, man'l i.ctie. Clearance! MEN'S RAYON LOUNGING ROBES Bagul.r $13.95 tgft . Fully lin.d T U Atiort.d colon, pitt.rm gJ All aic.a b.65 k95 ,25 ag. ta $1.49 yd. for drany drailai, formata For blouiaa otc. Now only SPECIAL PURCHASE! FAMOUS 'NEMO' GIRDLES Namo'a Aduillabla Walit la ipacial faaluro cf Ihli (girdle. Nylon front and back boning or front boning. Satin lailax back Talon doling. Siiai V lo 32. Ragularly 12.50. SOFT PULL-ON GIRDLES toft pull-on glrdlai and pantl glrdln wtth panal front and back . . . high top tr walat high. Ragularly prlaad at $740. All lliaa kl rhla group. talon cloeing tte.' i n95 $5 The Best For The Price No Matter What The Price! Clearancel FAILLE, SATINS, CREPES, RAYON TAFFETAS, SUITINGS, ETC. t WARNER'S "FRENCH STITCHED" BRAS 75 A Werner'a product made In tho tradl tlonal Warner quality . . . Pranch-ttlkhad i bras for firm uplift and figuro molding. With A. B.C. cups sizes 32 to 40. 69 Clearance! GIFTS! GIFTS! a Oreat attortment a Main floor. Your choice . . . l2 Clearancel WOMEN'S FABRIC GLOVES Reg. $25.00 to $4 9S a Shortiei. longer oti. a Popular colors - a Also somo wool ferieys t Clearance! 'GENUINE CALFSKIN HANDBAGS lag. 4.95 I. 24.00 Smooth and cruihad affacta Somo laatharlinad e Waniad color, and black Clearancel WOMEN'S NOVELTY LEATHER BELTS Dag. $2.9B to $5.00 Solid laathar Whita, rad, blk, brown . Main floor hank), dapl. Clearancel TABLE OF ODDS AND ENDS SCARVES, FLOWERS, HANKIES ETC. Values to $1.00 Main floor. Your choke for only . a 39 off Clearance! FABRICS! PRINTS, BROAD CLOTH,FLANNELETTE, DIMITY ETC. .,.!. 79. yd 3 Vd $ A big bargain for winter. U3a oo For Charge It Now. Poy in February tewing a Cheoso now and save! Clearance! PRINTED CHALLIS, EVERGLAZI PRINTS, DAN RIVER PLAIDS . m,. ,. si.at yd. WTt odt tm yard( m i.t v mtm In and tr-l yd. ....... ARQ It ALL o 'O o c cr Clearancel GIRL'S WINTER COATS Hag. t. S34.S0 Wool twaadi, olaln waoh Cathmar. blandi .la, Wantad calora 7 I. 14 and lublaan 10 t 14 Downilalri, Clearance! GIRL'S SUBTEEN DRESSES Reg. lo $9.50 Nylont, verglaie Disciplined cottons Sites S to 14 yeers. Clearance! BOYS' SNOW SUITS lagulaily $20.95 Plaid lackata, plain panlt C.mplalaly wathabt. Siiai 4, 414, 5, yura Downat.lra Clearance! GIRL'S SUNTEEN ORLON SWEATERS lagular $5.95 Sta . Cardigan and tip.v.r . gf Many want.d calora ejR Tarrifk bwyl Downatalra Clearancel TRAVEL JOY LUGGAGE Save about Vi i6" Pullman 14.95 21" Overnite 10 95 21" Wardrobe 19.95 Train cat 12.95 Main floor 18 14 $1 .00 4" Clearance! SATIN COVERED COMFORTERS R.gular M 50 Siia 72B4 daubla bad Waal fillad Wlna ra, aaoaa, pink SJ Downitalra Clearance! FLORAL COVERED QUILTS lag. Sa 91 Vi.cei. rayon fillad Blua, rot., yallow Singlat, doublaa Downitalra Clearance! BED PILLOWS ACRILAN FILLED lag. S! 95 tMnlad dacron a.var loa. and blua. egf . Downitaira Clearance! ODDS, ENDS OF TABLE MATS TOWEL SETS, CURTAINS, ETC Odda but graat v.lvail 1 JANTZEN'S PADDED BRAS Nylon taffete . . . padded brai bv Jant- ien ere well known for their fining and weering qualities. Sliet 32 to 36 with, A and B cups. Reg. 3.95. i PERMA-LIFT FAMOUS BRAND BRAS Here's a special purchase of a famous brand of bra that It always priced at $3,001 During Year-End Clearance days you may purchate them for only $1751 Wedo of fine cotton broadcloth with magic Inlets for uplift. 32 to 40 with ABC cupt. EXPERT FITTING AT MILLER'S .... Four qualified corset foundation fitters at Miller's Insure the best fitting service in town . . . fitting for fashion . . . fitting for comfort. Good corset fitting promotes both. r nil B.l.iaJWIi t 95 Jiiil 111 75 Vffl II W U It ' Only Z95 Regular Value 10.00 SPECIAUSAU nemo 95 u fTnlili a rol buyl l adluitobl waist Ii audi o wond.rful girdle.! Everybody loves the way It (In, flrnuv really rioldi you In. 1 tonod front and bade, ! talon doling, pink only, 6tyl. 53 1 for wag jf1gurt, Slyl M2 for jihort flgvrtt. larwd front and back,' ld.hook cloalna. alnb only. Style 571 for ay. rog AgirM, Style J72 for jhort figures. tonad front, sattn .Irja. tic bode. To Ion doalng, ;wWi only. Style 531 far ay. rag. flguraa, style 539 for snort fig. urai. Thli Ii rh. Famous Nome ,Adui'obl. Walit...for a imoll.r wolit, gr.ol.r comfort i' ANNUAL REMNANT CLEARANCE! a Cheese now end save. ri V: 2 price! Clearance! LUNCHEON CLOTHS AND SETS t Reg. to $1 9R Plain, print, damask etc. Some nephmt a 34.34 and 34.75" a Others raj. $4.tS now H Downitairi T Hundreds of remnants! Wools, silks, rayonsl Crepes, satins, taffetas, flannels, broadcloths, prints, cottons, denims ... Vj to 5 yard lengths! Hoard a few remnants now for your Spring sew ing .. , for school clothes . . . blouses, dresses, ackets, shirts, sportswear such as sun togs, etc YEAR-END CLEARANCE DINNERWARE price! Sets and open stock In nearly all patterns. To make room for our new Universal Potteries, we must close out all the patterns listed below. INTAGLIO distinction In pottery SHA5TA DAISY by Taylor-Smith and Taylor DAYBREAK by Homer laughlin AUTUMN LEAF by Homer Laughlin SPRINGTIME by Homer Laughlin PERSIAN GARDEN by Homer laughlin DOGWOOD by Orchard War Also some closeout pieces of Pirex Dinnerwara end many pieces of famous Desco ware cast Iron with porcelain cookwar. All at HALF PRICEI f i . i J m