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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1956)
-ffc, Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, December 26, 1956 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL section a rage i v ill lllllll I illlllfiTrrnii)in Iiiiiiiijiiiihihi llJiil 1 1 Capital Women Jj Edited by MARIAN LOWKY FISCHER fl 6h III ifeT v Married Dec. 23 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Alven Zch I Elizabeth Ann Cocl, above, were wed last Saturday night at the Good Shep herd Lutheran church. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard William Coe and Mr. Zeh's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Zch. (Yeager studio picture) Some Notations.. By M. L. F. As always, a large group of friends called for the annual Christmas morning coffee given by Justice and Mrs, James T. Brand at their home on King wood, their son, Tom Brand, here for the holidays from Portland, assisting . . . The aflair was giv en between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. . . . For many, it just would not be a complete Christmas day with out the coffee call at the Brand home, the pleasant informal gath ering becoming a tradition over a long period o years .. . . With visitors arriving and the holiday dinner to get together, a num ber of families divided their group, some going at one hour, others another; while others came all together . . . The home was very festive with greens for the holidays and adding a bit ofi color was a little tree in the gar-1 Portland: Dr. and Mrs. W. Wells dens, just off the sunroom, sans Baum, their son, (apt. Frederic leaves hut gay with Christmas ' Baum. home from the service ornaments, adding a cheery note : for Christmas, and their daugh 011 a foggy and gloomv day . . . ;-ler, Miss Marion Baum, home Assisting the hosts during the rom University of Oregon; Miss different hours were Mr. and Wbelh Lord, Miss Edith Mrs. Lawrence A. Ballmer and hchryver, Mrs. L. C. McLeod, Mr. son, Norman; Mr. and Mrs. Tink- and Mrcs:. fVchar.d la"j M.'ss ham Gilbert, their son-in-law ('race h'elds, ',,r- '!". M' and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Rob- i H0". Mader Mr and Mrs. K ert K. Campbell (Alcelta hercombe and their daughter, hert), here for the holiday fromlM,ss Jennifer Sercombe. home Seattle, and two other daughters i rom iJnivcrsjtyoOregon . of the Gilberts. Misses Beppy and . . Rosemary Gilbert; Justice and L. Honoring their daughter, Miss Mrs. George Rossman, Mr. and "al11 ''y ' I'a Jolla' Mrs. William J. Braim and ; allf , a"d ,her , house S""' daughter, Miss Phoebe Lou ! Ml" in lar "! bank, Mr. Brauu, the latter home for the ; ?nd Mrs- H- f - Smedley arc giv holidavs from Oregon State col- ,n " open house this Thursday lege; Mr. and Mrs. Henrv Han- n,Shl at their home on Ever icn. Mr. and Mrs. 'Frank J. Ween avenue, hours to be be Rurkc, Mr. and Mrs. Harrv V. 'tween 7 and 10 0 clock . . . In Collins, Dean and Mrs. Robert D. 1 visions for the a fair are in Gregg, Mrs. Chester M. Coi, Mrs. ; vcrsc 10 lnvl friends for a ' cup Custer Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Peter 1 of coflec or a sPo1 o( lca M. Gunnar. Mr. and Mrs. Mollis 1 ... and to see Santa Clans and W. Huntington, Dr. and Mrs. Fred K. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Kleen ... Among those on hand to ex change Merry Christmas greet ings during our call were Mrs. A. A. Schramm. Mr. and Mrs Ira Kills. Dean and Mrs. Seward P. Reese. Mr. and Mrs. Albert . Gragg. Mrs. K. II. Kennedy, Mrs. Abner K. Kline, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Spaulding of Port land, formerly of Salem and their younger daughter. Miss Jean Spaulding. home from Scripps nKing scnoiar lor acaaeniic ex college: Mr. and Mrs. Stuart ! ?e"en.ce du r ' n5hJhe '9" Compton. Mr. and Mrs. Farley c.h1 f":- -Jhe Erom TV Slogan. Dr. and Mrs. L. E. Bar- h"","!"1 "chosen by popul ar rick. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S.lvv0l,e of the enU" Jun,or class at Umport. Mr. and Mrs. Robert ya,e M. Fitimaurice, Mr. and Mrs.j ,,... n'tc,, nn Cornelius Balcson. Mr. and Mrs.1. , BREVVSlER of Spo- Rohert F. White. Mr. and Mrs. kan? visited here briefly Ihe past Edward Roth; Mr. and Mrs. H. wp0'tcnd witn his parents. Mr. and G. Maison and their holiday , Mrs- Arch'e Brewster. He was en guests, Mrs. Maison's brotherin- route home from Los Angeles law and sister. Mr. and.Mrs. F.;where he acccDled delivery of J. Griffin and their daughter, Miss Tona Griffin, San Francis co; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer O. Berg, Dr. and Mrs. Tom H. Dunham. Mr. and Mrs. Russel E. Pratt, Mr. and Mrs. David Eason, Judge and Mrs. Joseph B. Feltnn, Mr. and Mrs. Elton H. Thompson, Miss Hattie Hratzel. Len Kremen, Mark Hatfield. Mrs. Prince W. Byrd and Miss Betty Bvrd, Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Brownell, Mrs. Elmer Worth and daughter. Miss Nancy Owens; Colonel and .urs. rnuip n. Allison. Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Ebersole and son John Blair, visitor from Mel bourne. Australia; Mr. and Mrs. G. E. McCormick and daughter, Miss Glenda Lou, home from Ste phens college for the holiday; Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Gilbert, David W. Eyre, Colonel and Mrs. Logan C. Berry. Mrs. Walter' Rrownlow. Leo Spittbart. Mrs. Velma Farmer. Mr. and Mrs. A. 1. McCafferty. Mrs. Percy R. Kelly. Miss Dorothy Cornelius, here from Portland for Christ- mas. Mr. and Mrs. C lifford Tay- lor. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Notts' ind her brother-in-law and sis-1 Itc, the George Montgomery! of i Tells Troth The engagement of Miss Annabelle Lee Standish, above, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Leo P. Standish, to Rich ard Vernon Petersen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ruger 'Of Klamath Falls, was announ ced over the week-end. enjoy some music . . . Donald M. ('rentiers, son of Dr. and Mrs. Morris K. Crothers of Salem, is on one of the com mittees for the annual spring Junior Prom at Yale university Hie party is one oi ttie high' VL..LfS!' . . . Donald is chairman for utili- 1 ties for the dance . . . He is a candidate for a bachelor of sci ence degree in chemistry and I has received the designation of equipment for the Keizer Alumi num corporation at Spokane. t,",;"-':'g'". oday's Menu AFTERNOON TEA ' Cheddar Cheese. Olive and Pirn- iento Sandwiches Salted Nuts Date-Walnut Kisses Tea with Cream or Lemon date WALNUT KISSES Ingredients: 4 egg whites, ' teaspoon salt, l'i cups sugar, i teaspoon vanilla, 1 package '61! ounces) pitted dates 'sliced thin), 1 cup chopped walnuts. Method: Beat egg whites and salt until frothy; gradually beat in War un,il s''',:,b('at vanilla. Fold in sliced aaics ana walnuts. Drop teaspoonfuls of the mixture onto buttered cooif.e sheets a few inches apart; bake in slow '300 degrees' oven until firm and lightly tinsed with tan to -V) minutes. ReWoxr from pan with snatula to cooling rack. When cold. store in tightly covered container. Holiday Time Brings Announcement of Troths Christmas time brought its us ual flock of engagement an nouncements. FrichtlMeyerhofer Mrs. Hubert Meyerhofer of Stayton is announcing the en gagement of her ' daughter. Miss Sharon Meyerhofer, to James R. Frichtl, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Frichtl of Stayton. The news was told Christmas Eve when friends and relatives attended a party at the Meyerhofer home. Silver en graved cards inside of red bal loons with white frosted bells at tached were given guests to tell the news. No date is set for the wed ding. Miss Meyerhofer was gradua ted from St. Boniface High school in Sublimity and was employed by the state industrial accident commission in Salem for a year and a half. She is now working at the First National bank at Stayton. Mr. Frichtl was graduated from Stay ton Union High school and at tended Oregon State college. He is now employed at Willamette Builders Supply company. Miss Will Bride Elect Mr. and Mrs. Clark W. Will are New Term of Classes at YW A new term of classes will be gin at the YWCA on januarv 7. Most .01 the classes will continue for a twelve weeks period. Five classes in contract bridge ore scheduled, both Gordon and Goren systems. New classes in the arts crafts and skills include group piano instruction, chair caning, rug braiding and land scape gardening. In addition to the regular schedule of women's gym classes, the health and recreation depart ment announces a ballroom dan cing class for couples. Classes in modern dancing and ballet for junior members will also begin January 7. A schedule ol Information about hours and fees of the classes will be mailed to YWCA members before January 1. Non YW men.bers may request a schedule from the YWCA. Wed Hecenily Mr. and Mrs. Merle Sebern Mehl (Shirley Jean Ziizowi, above, were married November 10. The couple will live in Mount Vernon, Wash. The bride is Ihe daughter of Mrs. Richard Burrill of Mount Vernon and of K. H. Zitow of Salem. Mr. Mehl is the son of Mrs. William Bliss of Gladstone, Ore. Betty Jean studio. Mount Vernon! SALEM HEIGHTS (Special) The Friendly Neighbors Garden club met for their annual Christmas party on Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Enis Nelson. Mrs. Irene Walls was the assisting host ess. Eighteen members atlended the dinner and the group packed a box for a needy family. There was a gift exchange. Guest was Mrs. Elizabeth Mer rill of Y a k i m a. The January 3 meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Letty Genre. SOUTH SALEM 'Special i The Idaka Wigala Camp Fire Torch group gave their annual Christmas party on Thursday evening at the home of Miss Rachel Asburry. The group en toyed a hobo dinner and later sang Christmas carols at Boyce's Nursing home. There was a gift exchange for the members. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Asburry and Larry, Bonnie Jean Kurth, Janice Fultcn. Rachel As burry. Floreine Tomlin, Cheryl Fleischmann. Judy Mason. Cheryl Lee Kurth. Barbara Oraw. Mrs. Gordon Tomlin. leader, and Mrs. Louis Kurth. assistant leader. SUBLIMITY 'Special' A dau:h te, . Paula Asnes. was born to Mr. and .Sirs. Nick Heuberger. Wed nesday. December 19. at Santiam Memorial hospital. Maternal grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ,A. Lulay. 1 announcing the engagement of 1 their daughter, Miss Shirley I Will to Norman Hall, son of Mr. land Mrs. Fredrick R. Hall of Ger ; va is. j Miss Will was graduated from ; Oregon Slate college in June 195i and is now teaching in the Hood River city schools. After having spent four years in the Air Force. Mr. Hall is now majoring in forest management at Oregon 'State. The engagement was an nounced first at a family gather ing on Christmas Eve. A' June 'wedding is planned. Benlz-Gerspacher The engagement of Miss Lucille Bentz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.' Al Bentz of Mount Angel, to Francis Gerspacher, son of Mrs. Josephine Gerspacher of Sublim ity, has been announced. Miss Bentz is a graduate of Mount Angel academy and Mr. Gerspacher attended Sublimity schools and St. Boniface high school. The bride-elect is employ ed by the state accident commis sion in Salem and Mr. Gerspach er is with the Willamette Build ers Supply company in Aunis ville. The wedding is planned in the spring. Teachers Come To Spend Holidays California teachers driving north for jhe Christmas holidays with Oregon relatives included Miss Irene Anderson of Mill Valley and Miss Carol E. Boyd of Burlingame. Miss Anderson came to spend the holiday with her mother, Mrs. J. E. Anderson, and Miss Boyd went oh to Tigard and speqt Christ mas with her family at the home of her nephew, Jack Brinson in Portland. Miss Anderson teaches at Santa Rosa junior college and commutes the 44 miles each way daily from Mill Valley where she taught be fore going to Santa Rosa a few years ago. Miss Boyd teaches at San Mateo Junior college and lives in close by Burlingame. Both are home eco nomics graduates from Oregon State college. Miss Marguerite Gleeson spent Christmas at the Jack Brinson home in Portland with members of the Boyd and Brinson families from Bend. SAVE up to ALL Park Kito Milh Going North? FJr v J pi m;W' t?r r-. ' -fin hkitmi 1 'V - ; Li&i ill -Jkai For Snowfans Right for any winter sport is this imported loden cloth jacket from Bavaria, lined in poplin, with attached hood and little zippered pocket on the sleeve. Elegant Look Youngest of '57 Belles '" iillli iili' "Hi ' I .fen aD V Velvet Touch I his small beauty is ready for Sunday School in a sapphire blue velvet parly dress with lacy collar, treated for spot and crush resistance. Salem Chapter of ' Star Reports Meeting Honored at the meeting of Sa lem chapter, Order of Eastern Star, Saturday, were Mrs. Floyd Johnson, grand representative of Saskatchewan in Oregon, Mrs. Jack Gulliford, worthy matron of Marilyn chapter, Mill City. Oth er guests were Mrs. Julia Kemp, Mrs. W. R. llutcheson and Floyd Johnson all of Mill City. During the intermission a group of girls from bethel 43, Job's Daughters, sang Christmas car ols, including Misses Ann Ha- worth, Janic Koherls, handra Wiscarson, Carol Ramsden, Dian na Judsnn, who were accompan ied by Miss Joan Culbertson, at the piano. The commitlee in charge of the decorations and refreshments was Miss Patricia Payne, Mrs. Dovie Hatfield, Mrs. Raymond Kaser, Mrs. Hay A. Young, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Miller, Mrs. Mabellc ('. Win egar, Mrs. A. L. Wallace, Mrs. George E. Slievers, Mrs. Clark Will and Mrs. Sophie Mull. Following the meeting Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. F. Baxter furnish ed the entertainment. TOYS reduced to Validation . . . . Extends to THE TEEN CANTEEN for the Jumur high school students, regularly meeting on Saturday nights at the YWCA, Is cancelled for this coming Saturday. - MEMBERS of the Live Y'ers club of the YWCA will bowl this Friday evening. The group will meet at 7:30 o'clock at the YWCA and leave for the bowling alley at 7:45. Mil. AND MRS. James Robert son arc now located in Ncwberg, moving there early this month from Tillamook. Mrs. Robertson is j the former Frances Becker, for I several legislative sessions secre ' tary to the speaker of the house of representatives. . WII.LAMIN.V (Special) Mrs. Victor Wahlman was hos tess to the Friendship cluh at her home for the group's annual Christmas luncheon and party. Attending were Mrs. Lionel Gra ham, Mis. Antoni Hanson, Mrs. I Merle Olsen, Mrs. John Gardner, Mrs. Holland Hirkard, Mrs. 11. L. iNorris, Mrs. Meril Kabuck, Mrs. Wilson Trotter and Mrs. S. R. I Wahlman of Seattle. ... or Perhaps South? m . Jfc- j , LIU fciai.l KM, For Sun Worshippers Here1 ire two of the newest iwim suits of 1957, Lett, covered-up sheath checked nylon knit buttoned up the front. Right, popular boy shorts with while tank-type top, navy shorts. Both designed by Catalina. DRESS UP TIME The Men Find It Will Be Formal on New Year's TODAY'S WOMEN By DOROTHY ROE Associated Presi Women's Editor Brealhes there a woman who hasn't dressed to the teeth on New ear's Eve only to have the man In her life show up in an old tweed suit? This all too frequent tragedy should constitute grounds for di vorce but most women figure even a man who looks like a refugee from a rummage sale ut better than no man at all. So they swal low their chagrin, keep a stiff up per lip and go out with the brutes anvway. This year, however, things may be different. The men's formal wear industry is going to bat in oenait . of America a suffering womanhood, and is making aurc i-op won t lorget that only "square" wears a business suit to a formal dance. The boys are being reminded in various ways. For instance, atari ing today, any man who leaven a call to be wakened in any one of some 35 loading hotels throughout me country may be slarlled to be roused from slumber by a cheery voice saying: Good morning! Its 7.30. Re member, go formal New Year' Eve!" Any man who slops in a flower siiop anywhere in the country will be creeled by the message. "Go Group Elects Sedgwick Woman's Relief corps met Fridav for . nn-hnsl liinh.,n and business meeting. New nlfirer. woi-o aln,,lnl B. r,.i lows: Mrs. Goldia Kyle, president; Mrs. Clarence Townsend, senior vice president; Mrs. Lura Tandy, junior vice president: Mrs. Viola Tyler, chaplain; Mrs. William Beard. trcaKllror- Mrs Rlonl. Stuart, conductor; Mrs. Laverne Fiali. guard. Delegates named to the department convention Includ ed Mrs. Laverne Fiali, Mrs. George Speed, Mrs. C. Robison. MR. AND MRS. Robert R. Wil son entertained at a Christmas buffet late Saturday night, the event following Ihe Western Paper Converting company parly. In the group at Ihe Wison home were Mr. and Mrs. Roy llolhweiler, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hiisfccy, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Gohering, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Moore, lion Koonce and Ihe hosts. ENTERTAINING her bridge club this evening for dessert and cards will be Mrs. Heed Nelson. formal New Year'i Eve and buy j her a corsage." If he takes taxicab he's likely to see a sign reading, "Go formal New Year'i Eve and take a cab." For the next week the message will be dinned into his ears by TV commentators, department store salesmen and of course the little woman. As a matter of fact, the men have been waking up to the fact (hat clothes make the man for some lime now, as witness the zooming sales of formal male at tire. In the past . 10 years sales of dinner jackets, tails and other for mal accoutrements have increased 10-fold. In 1946 the total sales of men's formal clothes totaled mere t'M million dollars. In 1956, industry spokesmen say they will surpass 664 million. The big push to the new popii' larity of dressing up of an evening has come from the younger set the college men and junior exca utives. They were first to discover the comfort of the new lightweight evening clothes, ' and they also must have found that their pop ularity with the opposite sex rose in exact proportion to their cor rectness of dress. PEN REPAIR... Guoron.cod wortmonihip and gnuin factory parti. Alto a compUla lolocton of pni and dik iti, ((luring S.StafUr'i ntw Snorkel fn end cthtr quolity writing Intlrumentt. ITAIIONIir offici lumw mis eisKs chaiis iahj 44!i Stale SI. . Ph. EM Ii-2485 Salem, Oregon clear Toys, Invrr Level Hay A 460 STATE ST. Veeac End (3 SHOP NOW AND SAVE! H Coats Suit k Dresses -k Formats "V Sweaters Skirts "k Lingerie Hosiery Sportswear ALL ITEMS PRICED TO (LEAR! CHARGE TODAY TAKE TIME TO PAY 460 STATE ST. WOMB