V Section Z Page 5 U ialem, Oregon, Wednesday, December 26, 1936 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL' kms at laraain MORE ON SELECTED HOME FURNISHINGS! From Every Department at Huge Savings! We Honestly Believe This Is the Largest and Zonvincing-So COME, COMPARE and BUY at the LARGEST SAVINGS EVER!! R YOUR EVERY PURCHASE AND SAVE! a r? a f n if r ii i mm mm mm s iv. rnces..Shop!..umparo!:; D I STUDIO & SOFA BEDS IIIMMONS TWIN BKD llide-a-Bpcl. It's a long, Ions sofa by day wilh two twin size beds built-in at night, with two Deep. pop Innerspring Mattresses. Heavy, OQQ . heavy beige cover . Keg. $399 y7 f "KROEHLER" SLEEP OR LOUNGE with innerspring mattress. i Includes the matching Club Chair. 1C0 f Colors: Beige or green. 2 pieces Reg. 1289 M vl" f . "SIMMONS" HIDF.-A-BED. Some damage but not too MOQ ' noticeable. Green metallic cover . Reg. $259.50 sIO ! "KROEHLER" DAVENO or Sofa-Bed. Covered in modern cov cr with metallic. Has bedding (OA compartment . . . . . Reg. 5119.50 07 : DAVENO (Sofa-lied) and Matching Club Chair by Krnehlcr. , Newest style sage green serviceable ti CO cover...;. Reg. 1239.50 TWO PIECES Daveno and Matching Swing Rocker. All spring filled. 2 pieces choice of ice pink, red, 4 AO freen and beige Reg. $189 M IV7 "SIMMONS" nylon upholstered Space Saver with foam cushions. Rose or chartreuse. Quality mattress tliO Included . Reg. $269 107 SOLID FOAM STUDIO COUCH wilh wrought iron legs and shaped cushion bark. Heavy green (00 tweed Itrg. SI 19 yCO. MAPLE ARM DAVENO with Matching Swing Rocker. Two eastern hardrock maple shelf end tables and tlAA cocktail table. All 5 pes. Reg. $219 s I 00 SECTIONAL DAVENO 2 pieces, one long arm section and snorter arm section. Mrestone t-oamcx. Turquoise and beige Reg. $219 $144 A sofa $288 PROVINCIAL SOFA with oversize Innerspring mattress. Dy nay, a quality bed at night. Has solid loam cusnions. Cupid's Bow back style with colonial wing Reg. (339.50 U. BEDS & BEDDING JENNIE LIND BEDS Twin or full size. 8alem maple or mahogany finish Reg. 539.95 BOOKCASE REDS Twin size with footboard and rails, i Salem maple finish . ... Reg. 549.95 STACK SALE of full-sized mattresses. Includes ' nationally advertised and known makes. Values to $59.50 TWIN SIZE MATTRESSES Some damaged Values to 129.50 $29 $36 $29 $16 sp are $69 Solid Foam Mattresses with Matching Box Springs. These are top qualitv molded foam. Twin size. Reg;. 5139.50 837 COIL (individually pocketed) Innerspring Mattress 71 nd Matching Box Spring. Twin sire Reg. 1149.50 ; SIX-INCH SOLID FOAM MATTRESS with Matching Box Sprine. Genuine F'irestonc "Foamex". tflO '?Twin size (Full size $99) Reg. $159.50 ?07 KING SIZE 72"x84" Innerspring Mattress with tilQ ' two 36"x84" Box Springs. A deluxe set.... Reg. $199.50 $99 ten QUEEN SIZE, 60"x80". tONGBOY. 33x80" VJ' HO COIL Innerspring Mattress and Matching Box Spring Set. Simlex fabric wilh vertical stretched edge. fiQ A superb quality set Reg. $129.50 sM MATTRESS PADS Twin Size $1.99.. Full Size $2.99 'PILLOWS, 17"x24", heaw casings $1.99 "SIMMONS" INNERSPRING MATTRESS and Box .Sprine Sets. Some don't pair up .. Reg. $79.50 $39 4"SIMMONS" LONGBOY, full size with innerspring mat- (OQ Reg. $129 CHILDREN'S CARD TABLE Red top, 24x30" 4 4 And 2 folding chairs; grey tubural frames . Reg. 514.95 r ' NURSERY CHAIR Birch wood; folding with vesssel tt Deflector and safety strap .. . Reg. $5.95 HIGH CHAIR Waxed Birch; eastern made; 0 has contour seat and removable slide on tray Rge. 59.95 T HIGH CHAIR, Chromium with eastern white oak; (11 Complete with strap and safety fool rest Reg. $17.95 V ' STROLLER "Scotch Shopper" tC Reg. 57.95 . . MUSICAL ROCKER (Rock-abve-Baby) tt Waxed birch Reg. $9.95 CHILDREN'S 5-PLAY GYM Complete with tl Sky Scooter and swing .. - - Reg. $29.95 s" " BABY-BEAUTY" CRIB MATTRESS (6-yr. size) Ml 42 coil; innerspring carousal tuftless Reg. $14.95 M CRIB Full panel head and foot; 4 position tt spring; douhle drop sides; waxed birch Reg. S38.95 "rJ YOUTH'S C1IAIR for the 4 to 7 year ages; til Captain's stvle). Choice of birch or maple Reg. $16.95. r ' lOOTEE SEAT t An ideal trainer. Color pink - Reg. S4.9a s BABY JUMPER Tubular chrome frame, rubber gliders, wash able duck cloth seat.. X Choice of pink or turquoise Rc- t'-95 CHAIRS MODERN SWIVEL CHAIR With wrought iron: slightly soiled Reg. $69.75 OCCASIONAL CHAIR With arms, foam rubber In seat, limed oak legs. Color apple green Reg. $79.50 CLUB OCCASIONAL CHAIRS 2 only With zippcred foam cushions; color gold Reg. $89.79 PINK WROUGHT IRON OCCASIONAL CHAIR With pink lattuce plastic; one pair only Now CONTOUR TV 2-PASSENGER SOFA Upholstered In coral frieze ... Reg. $119.00 KROEHLER HOSTESS CHAIRS Coil spring base, Attractive covers and wanted style 13 Reg. $39.95 CONTOUR CLUB RECLINING CHAIR Modern Lawson combination plastic and cloth fabric. Choice of Kelly green and cordovan red Reg. $$89.95 DINING ROOM DKOl'I.EAF MAHOGANY DINING TABLE Reg. $59.95 . MAHOGANY CORNER CHINA With glass doors Reg. $99.00 BLONDE CHINA ON WROUGHT IRON LEGS Sliding Doors .. . .. Reg. $89.75 ANTIQUE MAHOGANY DINING TABLE Grand Rapids made; dropleaf Reg. $99.75 DESKS & OCCASIONAL TABLES (DESK CHAIRS) LIMED OAK COCKTAIL TABLE With glass top. Modern styling Reg $24.95 MAHOGANY END TABLE Reg. $34.95 LIMED OAK COCKTAIL TABLE Reg. Slfl.95 CORNER TABLE With new blue mink mahoganv finish . Reg. $34.95 EASTERN QUALITY PEDESTAL KNEEHOLE DESK Wilh 7 drawers. Limed oak finish Reg. $99.75 WALNUT FINISH MODERN END TABLE Reg. S8.95 MISCELLANEOUS O.i E BOLT 27 yards of upholstering material, floral and white background. You must purchase t boll t Aft Lin. or more Reg. 512.90 Un. yd. iJ.UU Yd. 7 PC. MREPLACE ENSEMBLE Brass screen with traverse slide. Pair andirons, tool set and stand Reg. 549.50 HASSOCKS, square or round design, Plastic cover, choice of colors Reg. 53.98 LIGHTED PICTURES Blonde wood frame Reg. 524.95 WROUGHT IRON CAPTAIN'S CHAIRS Plastic upholstered seat and back. Choice of j colors Reg. $8.95 for OVER 150 REMNANTS of broailloom. All sizes, color patterns. ttei I ( Ideal for halls, stairs or small areas. 7(0 Your Choice .. . . '30 l8"x9"x9" ASPHALT TILE REMNANTS 5c E Broken lots. etc. Choice of color MAHOGANY SEWING BASKETS Stand tvpc .. Reg. $6.95 MAHOGANY TV CABINET and liquor cabinet. Has revolving storage shelves. Shelves in door Reg. 566.75 MODERN CORNER LAMP 3-sided shape, fiber glass shade. Black and blonde base . Reg. $21.95 MODERN STAND TYPE ash tray. Black ebony. brass trim. (Only only) MAHOGANY 48" FERN STAND .. MAHOGANY TV STAND with swivel top MODERN ROCKER Wrought iron base, forest green. (One only) floor sample .... . COLONIAL LAMP Table combination, with federal red shade. Plaid trim. Reg. $15.95 ..Reg. $24.95 .. Reg. $22.95 Bulton tufted. . Rr. SR9.95 Amber maple (One onlv) Reg. 539.95 PROVINCIAL with red trim. "ROOSTER" TABLE LAMPS. 30" high One pair only .Reg. $37.95 k Special Courtesy Night Shop Thursday Eve Till 9 Friday & Monday Noon Till 9 Woodry's-So. Commercial St. SPECIAL COURTESY NIGHT Shop Thursday Eve 'til 9 Friday & Monday Noon 'til 9 OF ALL KINDS $55 $49 $66 $8 CLUB CHAIR Large modern style. Chromespun fihrlr. Itrnwn tweed with metallic Reg. $99.75 NYLON UPHOLSTERED CLUB CHAIR T faom cushion hoi nleat skirt base Reg. S139.50 "KROHELER" TV ROTO CHAIR Coil spring base. Curved back; one of our top sellers Reg. $59.50 BASKET CHAIR Peel cane rattan. 32" circle; W wrought iron legs Reg. $10.95 DESK or DINETTE CHAIRS Eastern hardrock maple; has saddle scat; Salem maple finish.. Keg. $18.95 DESK or DINETTE CHAIRS Mahogany with upholstered seat Reg. $18.95 VICTORIAN, HALL, DESK, or DINETTE CHAIR Solid Honduras mahogany, hand carved Reg. $89.75 $99 $29 arm- $44 $69 $29 $50 MAHOGANY EXTENSION TEA CART Wilh four leaves . BELLA ROSA MAHOGANY BUFFET With hutch top china with sliding glass doors. Reg. $174 SEVEN-PIECE BLONDE DINING SET Table with 3 leaves, 6 side chairs . .. Reg. $184.50 ROUND LIVING KITCHEN DINING TABLE Salem maple finish, eastern quality Reg. $79.75 $15 $12 $9 $24 $77 $4 BLACKTONE MODERN STEP TABLE -With platinum walnut plastic top MAHOGANY FINISH STRAIGHT FRONT SECRETARY DESK .... SERPENTINE FRONT SECRETARY DESK In Salem maple finish : Reg. $109.50 DESK CHAIR With wooden seat Plrmouth blonde finish Reg. $13.95 EARLY AMERICAN MAPLE DESK CHAIR With upholstered seat - Reg. $19.95 LYRE BACK EASTERN QUALITY DESK CHAIR Wilh upholstered seat and mahogany finish. .Reg. $18.95 CHERRY PROVINCIAL LAMP TABLE, scalloped iloi-s (One nnlvl ... Re. $39.95 BLONDE CORNER BOOKCASE ENDS Adjustable ideal for corner arrangement, book or nick-nark disnlav Reg. $19.75 EASTERN MAHOGANY DESK CHAIRS, several l tl QQ y77 $19 sirred $15 fWI Ull Each $4 $36 $9 $5 $14 $15 Color $48 finish $19 sJ7 Solid Honduras mahogany, hand carved Reg. $89.75 W I X J-. vf styles to choose from Reg. $29.95 Exactly Price Jfc t "if. WEST1NGI10USE ELECTRIC BLANKET, full size, (17 C. C, ' color blue. (One only) Reg. $39.95 v e KROEHLER TV ROTO CHAIR (1 pr. only). fft V Q, Slightly soiled, color beige Reg. S159.00 sJW Pr. . FOLDING CARD TABLE (one only). Metal legs and tj X. W JW ' eO . V i frame. Slightly damaged Reg. 55.95 v M "V c f- ' MODERN FIRESIDE CHAIR. Floor sample. Color 1C . 4K JQ I coral. Slightly soiled Reg. $49.95 slJ . ... rv TWIN SIZE plastic upholstered bookcase headboard and metal v I Zihs X bed frame on casters. (One green, (tft . . .: V w" one red). Reg. $29.95 " ft Z&.l FOAM PILLOWS (two only). M X. i Soiled floor samples Reg. $6.95 n ' fl sT ;J S BOUDOIR CHAIRS, choice of covers. 0 Vtid t A i f Floor samples Reg. $18.95 y "ANnm ' , sr'v' 36" ROUND CHROMF. pedestal style dinette table. -tit I hAttm. KltOtu. 7 Au T !i Formica top, color grey pearl Reg. $59.95 Uf fllft- thL I V IhS:" SIMMONS metal Jennie l.ind bed, twin size. tfft "lUDT I ,m' WY , Mapel. Includes metal frame .. Reg. $22.50 IV Vll. . , . . -:i V i 4-PC. EASTERN MADE blonde bedroom suile. Vanity with J l I ES HAlD I ?' ' ;,.' '. large plate mirror, large chest of drawers. tilt I r "t I I. Two twin beds ..." Reg. $249.50 I" . r I ' ' i' ' ' '; if ONE LOT upholstery samples, ideal for covering iQ I KPn 8 See 1 "'.i ' If sofa pillows, etc. Choice .... H7t cff. jOA ' & m. I V ,-.; '' - . , ' K, LIGHT O' I.IER, famous electric "Decorlite" lighted (A -L 7'O0 ffMsV .,i,:. 1; VS pictures (three onlv) Reg. 528.95 s)7 -. "ff M M I Wt'-V-E jflPtS .hi Z. WROUGHT IRON BAR STOOLS, 30" high, c harcoal tl V S 'J ' !: ' &" tweed plastic cover. (Two only) Iteg. 56.95 V1 kv-"7 1 tLi i'V, 3-PC. CHROME DINETTE Smart dropleaf table wilh green I 1 7fl tweed plastic top. two deluxe foam rubber chairs roverea rcn j fV V in charcoal tweed plastic Reg. $115.85 sV -.'. QA shelves, t L s?" $39 Rfif, ' 1 '- tin y. : : i i -Y V rW ;li Re,39;. $70 vorCc. A MiAk r $119 m i v Reg. $79.75 IB OA.I m I . ' . 1 'I $22 Zc6k L. 1