Salem, Oregon", WefaeSgafr DecemEer 26,1956 THE CAPITAE TOURNAB Section 2 Page 8 Amity Grain Elevator Will Expand Facilities New Addition to Triple Amount Receivable AMITY (Special) - Tillamook Amity Cooperative association has announced plans to expand with the construction of a new 60,000 g ,,,,,,,un ivco E i Your Family Will Thank You for bringing home this pure, delicious, inexpensive treat. Cet some today. Bird is manager and secretary treasurer. The new elevator will bushel grain elevator. Howard triple amount of grain which may e received in a day. Completion of the new elevator the association will make a total capacity of more than 300.000 bushels of grain and climax a ten year expansion program, in keep ing with grain industry growth in this virinilv Tha A;.. r mv, , ,,t miuijr wu-UJJ , has increased its bulk storage ! pace By 100,000 bushels in the V. SSI 10 5 Dividend checks for the third .onsecutive year were sent out to S; members of the Tillamook Amity 6 Co-op totaling more than $5,000, h . Howard Bird reported. The nn;n,ant fu..,,tEilb trellis HI per cent of the past years earnings which totaled $26,000. Dividends earned by growers selling grain through the Co-op amounted to $3.50 a ton for the past three years. Preferred stock dividends Blood Donors Asked For Molalla Veteran MOLALLA (Special) It is re ported by the family of Max "Bud" Sweet that he is badly in need of blood donations. Bud has under gone surgery four different times since July, when he entered Vet erans hospital, Portland. Blood is an important factor in his welfare at this time. Anyone who is able to give blood is asked to do so at Pacific Northwest Regional Blood center, 1506 S. W. Alder St.. Portland. Monday through Thursday, 12 noon to 5 p.m.; and Fridays. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Donors are asked to speci fy who the blood is for. Bud's lat est surgery was an emergency op eration Thursday and he still must undergo at least two more. He is allowed no visitors. ..sovre tot; YOU WMT YOU'VE iivep ir I TWCOKSU. TWO i I KAE4 ANP WME J I ti WHAT DO TO BE WHEN VCD WITH NO P.fcWANENTl US- OWUP? Wflv, INMUmi MAVM I'M OJTC Wir IN SEAL LIFE to A HITCH IN MAKE-BELIEVI APVENTL'KIW MkSHT K GIVE ME A BONl CM BCEATHINS Til A HENRY ByCrlAndcon L. 4 r-n I !J?SCH g SPLASH FAINT M Si THE FLOOR, HENRY, VtXI '.X vT A BET p K)NALD DUCK By Wo It Disney " . ' ' I HiiHTTiTii 1 1 dWf H TmpTHpIu NHiAjolRit ; fl M r WkJi mvm amounting to SI S00 were paid in May. Other cash payments to members on investments in the Co-op amount to about $1500 an nually, Bird stated. Other officers and directors of the association are Walter Russell, president: Clarence L. Hawley, vice president and Donald Shields, I George Webster and Vernon Step- nens, directors. Cheer Up Chores! Strike a col orful note! One-a-day motifs are easy to embroider on kitchen tow els! They're pretty shower gifts brighten kitchens! Fun to embroider and display! Pattern 7311 has seven transfers a different one for every day. Each design is about 8x7 inches. Send TWENTV-FIVE CENTS In coins for this pattern add S cents for each pattern ior lst-class mail ing. Send to Capital Journal. Household Arts Dept , P O. box 168. Old Chelsea Station, New Vork 11, N Y. Print nly NAME, ADDRESS. ZONE. AND PATTERN NUMBER. Two FREE patterns printed in our ALICE BROOKS Needle craft book stunnini,' designs for you. our readers! Dozens of other designs to order all easy, fascinating hand-work! Send 25 cents for your copy- of this won derful book right away! ACROSS 1. Ship's diary 4. Weakens ft. Biography, 12. Amer. humorist JS.Wingi 14. Janningf 15. Hurlin j device 17. Wine vessels 18. Kind of bean 19. Hackneyed JO. Foul-smelling 13 Adhere 35. Swiss river 26. Unwanted plant n. Batter 30. Half -con. scious state 32. Woman 34. Finis 35. Male deer 37. Jacket 38. Harden 40. Horse 41. Broom 43. E. Indian palm 45. Halt 46. Raze 60. Egg-shaped 51. Culture medium 52. Amer. general 53. Decades 54. Gr. com mune 55. Knowledge Solution of Yesterday'! Pu"H DOWN 1. Varnish ingredient 3. Harem room 3. Secure 4. Tasty 5. Astringent 6. Regal house 7. Collection ' ) t' is Is I7 I Is I' ' " m w " mis ZJZ. , tfL J ZO 1 11 if ' :,. t, h ' ' jf Zt T 311 ' " To Ti 3 js et'lii "r-w ;.,?. 3F "rST 38" y$,si T i T 0, bail! f A...,L ml 1 f 11 S I I j 8. Memorize t Settle in new country 10. Authorita tive decree 11. Otherwise 16. Foreigner 19. Motion of the sea 20. DeMinv 21. Gain by l?hor 12. Merchant 24. Departed 26. Withstand ue 28. Drug plant 29. Repair 31. Pal 33. Fusible substance 38. Fail to fol low suit 39. Christmas carois 40. Prmitivt seed 41. Bespatter 42. Roof edee 44. Mohamme dan priest 46. Father 4". Srrt 45. Witness 4, Fowl III I 11-10 9013 ' M-4i Base your new wardrobe on this ! favorite shirtwaist style! run to choose fabric its classic lines Mend themselves to many auiercnt: j ideas. Smart as shown, in colorful ! plaid; stunning too. in bright con- 1 trasis. You 11 sew 11. wear 11 'morning, noon and night! I Pattern 9013: Misses' Sizes 12, 14, 16. 18. 20 : 30, 32, 34 , 36, 38. 40, 42. Size 16 takes 4'i yards 35-inch. This easy-to-use pattern gives perfect fit. Complete, illustrated Sew Chart shous yo ever,, step. This easy-to-use pattern gives ocrlect fit. Complete, illustrates ew oart snows you every step cnrt ssr in roin 'no slamos pleasei for Pattern with Name. Address. Style Number and Si Address PATTKR.N BUREAU Capital Journal Boj 42 Old Choi sea Station. New York 11 N Y For first class mall tncliftfle an extra I cents per pattern. I KSI.M KIKO KtlAV KOIN KflW KC-UN KSLM KOCO KOIN KfllV KCON KSI.M KOCO KOIN KGOM KSI.M KOCO KOIN Kr.w KGON KSI.M KOCO KOIN Kr.W KC.ON KSI.M KOCO KOIN KfilT KOON KSI.M KOCO KOIN t ASAVIE I'M 0TC W IT AM6UT BE ftIN r..OMEONC MIWT rAV ...AHO I CUEM THE CN tOEEOWEO TIME COOEK AVJVIE BAO J ON THE JOfT5lE FIRE WAlEOHoeCES AKC IN EEAL LIFE to A tfUYS AECH'NP ANt A HO POUCE STATION COP ANO F1CAAN HIKH IN MAKE-BELIEVI AA1:E IOVE 10 THE I WHILE THE PIWC I FOB A AUJUTV Xi - APVENTl'EINO MkSHT 6Al vr CUE THINS AT THE PICNIC... t1 CECTVP OF PEOPLE !)l t, GIVE ME A SONl ON I.EEP4 &iUN AT J U, . , K J-lWili. - J- !J BPC&riJtU3 T1E I ..r I I M-." T - - HF unilT T.-l V I hour i ii Ki wmm mm 5 3 1 , j f TH'BALLIS V I I nr'mv : " Tl ' DIDN'T Vt I ' vlJItl ULIMS 1 SURE I I VOUR ONLV TROUBLE I I NOW A lit I rSNOUSE, VOU I SOU OCMX HAVE I I tmT'S TKV 1 X -V iTl .H SAR6E.IU. SfiPl WILL- I I V AATV FAITH M YOUKSSL P' I If V J IWP HOUR ta KOMAO HAS SOT PfAL ZI K0TW1IG. iJl,r'' PE64V" APARTMENT. A BOSS ?-HIM ANO UOMAO 1 A L0N6 P0IVATE TALK FSIEHOLV WITH A 004. ( BUDOIE.'-JUST Al I "T fY 1 EOT OUT If BELON6W TO THE SAME I WITH MR. NOMAD.' -f'' BlG-CUTV ADOSTMATFml BECAUSE A f.'ij!-r TT" .7 "FOH AN KENNEL CLUB J- -J COVES WUEN A MAN PETS A X Tpj -i r VtH VINTERVIEW A f Jm ESS mmficmmiwe 1 hot oniy that. 8trr tnks's a y next wy ue &wm two . :9e?N$TUpyiH'ANA-5TypyiK'THi ttMUPPooTS mot&n PARfpPGe www J luenivovisAMKonezJi I BKe tHWI91n! tUKWl. WHW BUUN I KEk 7ffK N I 7HI KSXK IKES 7P I TMW I WKI NlKUE INIV MnVlnCK rW-K I rt o rai ,"-. 2 r ' . 7 T Ti ,.r. 1 THArCWTl I 1 Vl awhinzw . - isiakiiim sni-eKo l aa i m rn'M-ll-r 'W1"U'"S I 11 TD iC yrHil ! j. Ef!TJ CUTE LITTTE TYKF GAOf W S, .il If AND NTX) MV SHAGGY OLD Y - 1 III (V HOW f GH-H SLEEPINGBUT 1 1 P3ff WHflT REO HIVt-HO WC1NDB? TOvjll FPI6N0-V0U.TD0.L0OK UKE A f I III . . tS SHE. GHEtL BE ALL RK3HT- 1 J 1( SHE LICKED EVEN THAT Sl 'i-t I FK3HTER-HOW ABOUT A LfTTLI I I I S,' AUNTIE? II duarr OOMPLETELY I 3 - BLIZZARD- Vli'H I HAMBURGER NOW, EH ? I I ! t.WUN . y- i avk 1 iH NS&'Ji". V 11 If l il - n ar u.'. U' a rri v iw i ia Ml I m P Ml a ttsUstf "N. f-fl r ' -Tf ?4'urgt. TRAPPED.''-mcw all WhUT 'f twmoumtin' ) r1 'ftiVyMMb(OTl HOPE IS LOST FO'THEM- JuVucr4oC)ONEFEU. J I THAR'S -NUFF NOURISHMENT 1 JJFW -SSaV AND.WHUT'S , J) HAPPEN ED fff INTO TM' J I IN ON MUD MUSHROOM 1 r VS J -y EVEN , , rr- tavf W-- T' KEEP A WHOLE W V A-l'7" MORE TT1 Sifl .V' (ENTRANCE,) g f DOG PATCH FAMBLY 3 P'T'FUL"CVVk7' VWIDDER J ! Kill Wh I SAX JEFF, surE I -Ua&(-&.aJ.) V LEND ME ( YEH.. HERE ) I lysH ONEMOrTX I ' k"w SJISJJ0 TH,NS' V,--JHf5 A STAMP. ANYTHING THING ' WHATi VCHJRfB' ONE OF YOUR JULIUS' 7 -rccir mill I Vnll J SURE tcccS I pi p? J lMINlj, WHftIS TOK IJI .- NEW YEAR Jul-'u:, JEFF. WILL. YOU rt-" JEFF? WVELSEjy GIRL'S ADDRESS? jZf mh" I- CARDS AND -1 ' ( MAIL THIS CARO I Xj 1, . -S Qk"a" j ? p ' "n (' ' '""-l Wlf f Y HO NOT A FAR AS OEANKHILE... W 1 lOV ' OWE ME BACK MY STRONG-BOX, 1 KOCO THERE A 1 HER HAND WAS CON- i r BEFORE. FATHER MARTHA OR fLL CALL THE I JV.iV S MARTHA LOCK TES. JUNE .' COMPLI- I CERNEO BUT SmE MARTHAWHAT I PlPNT SEE POLICE AND HAVE HIM lSr.w IN FOR HER REPRESS-) IT ftS THE CATION 1 J IAANTEO TO TALK ABOtfT DID lOU AND IT.' W A OAT n ARRESTED JTr KIX IN& TETERDAy, REASON I . ' C SOME OF HER MAL WILLIAMS I OR TWO IfOirU tf J . 1. I DR. MORGAN? rrS 11E FOE VV PROBLEMS 3 DO WITH MT REMEMBER "x c, MFI lAfcAS 1 T VJ.l AT STRONG -BTK ' WHERE YOU ff I l-r J&jfTmmm ri; i. p - il r ' I d-an.f- -v ieh kin ui pt ca -z v-o. III I I'l III I" l" 3 J rMOW ABOUT - TOUiftMTOFOPAET HI P1PPA IS TOO WV IDMENtlOtl '' LU 1 ' ' 11 ' "l" AUTIie J06THR0O6H THAT I HAVE A BUSINESS ft. MP. STOVtR... BUT SHE'S ALWAYS YOJtNJOY aiOINZf " PtAt HAPPY D ,1""" I WALT.'-WMICH 1 STUBBORNLV f'-tt 'HE AFTERNOON! IS 4 MRSTWTHFREA TO IWJW THAT, C Wt RNOON.CAtOf X INSIST ON PUTTING AHEAD . WC wlLfTAMOlifRVl P'PPAIZJ KCRCATIOnT P CD KLM ll, KOCO l, BOAT Hit, COIN tit. BO m, KtX I1M WEDNESDATP.M. 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 Bob St Ray iRnb St Riy 'Bob Si Rav News Slo-Mo Show Slo-Mo Show Bollie's ReoordsSiKu ufl Fd R. Murrow Newa-Weath. iTom Harmon Ncws-Vander Vanderhoof I Mol Allen Melody MagicMelody Magic JMelody Magic Dinner Newi iBtll Bmndag iNrwn Candlelight Candlelight (On tht 88 Sporis-Newi iLoweii i nomas Amos n Andy Edw. P. Moritan'Tom McCall IMvstery Time Melody AIusicMan On Go Melody Music Gabriel Heater Silver Seren'dflHt Forum News Woody Way Woody Way Melody Melody Btng Crosby Firhts IFithts 'M-jits Nw iMoacow IMass of Glory Day Dreams IDay Dreams iWhlstlin Tun." Woody Wav Woody Wav Robt. Q. LtwiijRnbt. Q. Lewis World Tonight World News News 1 Man's FamilylPeople Funny Fulton fVwiiT' Kwaul wooay way rwooay way Tune Tabla Tune Table Up Date Music I Music lUdn. c l ime Recollections Recollect ions X-Minus One Gabriel Heater tMusip New " News Woody Way IWoodv Wav S. Slar Final Sports Desk Good Evening News i,,nue li.-.i- o. t imi Richfield Repii.lScotty's Line Scottys Line Gangbusiers iGangbusters IMusle " Woody Way iwondv av I Woody Way Music Tonight j Music Tonight lu Tomte lATire T'me n-f riM 3cotty's -ine 5cotty' Line jicotty'i Llnelcotty'lLint THURSDAY 00:00 00:15 Sports Scop S ports iFranK Goss I Anderson Elmer Peterson S"m Havi On the 88 Amos n Andy i Mystery Tim IMelody Muala tShow Times Woody Way I Almanac t s-i-uts (Mass of Glory whistim TunT Woody Way News ! lUslC I People Funny "Sweet & Sw. IWoodv Way Up Date u, n c i irne jX-Minus On IWoodv Wav I Good Evening ij,n . i ii 5cotty's Lin IWoody Way 00:30 00:45 KKLM VaL Farmcast Val Farmcast Val FarmcasI News KiA Farm News Morn. Mag. Morn. May. KGAY News KOIN News America iKOIN Klock (KOIN Klock (KOIN Klock K(iW News I Vanderhoof Vanderhoof 1 Vanderhoof K(iON Rise St Shine iRise & Shin (World News I Rise St Shin iningwiy HILM iicininewiv ne t;.inr Jfm-i KiifO Rhyihm Ranch Rhythm Ranch Ray's tn Time Ray"s In Timf JVnnderhoof Bill Guyman KtiAV Morn. Mag KOIN KlncM KtiW News KCON Rise & Shine IVandrrhoof (Rise & Shine Vanderhoof Rise & Shine KhI.M hit Kugle " v n 'f ;e.t KOCO Rhythm Ranch Ray's in Time I Ray's in Time iRay's in Time KCAV Herb's Show m-rub Shou ncrb liUuu ti.. New KOIN i'ttnsumer Wwi'Mv .nll -no ' i - , K(iW News Vanderhoof JVnnderhoof iVmderhoof KHON Rue & Shine iRi&e St Shine (News-Rise JSt S-iHise & Shin KSLM News .News lPnr.tor'i Call Rurraln CenteT KOCO Ray's Melodies Ray's Melodies IRay's Melodies Ray's Melodies KGAY Herb's Show Herb's Show Herbs ii;mu KlAV New KOIN Wentlv anef ' Vtmi Helen Trent Midmnrn News KfiW Breakf'st Club IBreakf'st Club IBreakfst Club Breakfast Club KOON Spotilte Reed. ISpotllla Becd. INews-Spollite SpotUte Reed. 1KSLM News " Tellotest Wins of Song Wines of Sopsf" -mo Rays Melodies I Ray's Melodies (Ray's Melodies (Ray's Melodies KflAY iU-ro's Sliuw C la rev oyer Herb a a nt. itUAY Nru Okiiin iora uraKe Ma I'erKins 'lir Miott AupI Mr-v KH Chief Ginu )ABC News tGtrl Marries IWhlspering Sts. KflflM NTir Rinrid'nil NRP n.nH.t'n M RP Dnnil.l'rlKIIir nBn.l'nt 1 KSI.M News IQucen a Day u ui -i .Jn- Queen foi Day KOCO Kay's Melodies Ray's Melodies IRay's Melodies Ray'a Melodies hiiAt Dinner Winner Dinner Winner Route's Recrds Rollle's Recrds 1.tO!N Hnpplness Mrs. Burton (Strike It Rich Pat Buttrnm K(iV True Story (True Storv iKonnie Worth IKonnie Worth Ki()N NUC Bandat'ndlNBC Bandst'nd NBC Bandst'nd NBC Bandst'nd KSI.M News News Top Tradee Vall'v rarn-rapt KOCO World News Clarlne Calling (Clarln Calling Clarln Calling KGAY KGAY News RolUe'a Recrds Town Crier KGAY News KOIN Noon News Come Get It Mouse Party (House Party ROW Mitchell Repts.lPsul Harvey iMeiry Go R'd Merry Go R'4 KOON Top Tunes (Top Tunes News-Top Tns (Top Tunes KMLM Matinee Mntlnee MattneV Matinee KOCO 1490 Tun St. H90 Tune SL 1490 Tune St. H!0 Tun St KGAY Rullie'a Recrds Halite's Kecrds Rollle's Hecrds Kt.AY New KOIN Godfrey Time iGodfrey Time IGodfrey Time (Godfrey Time K: Merry Go R'd IMerry Go R'd (Merry Go R'd (Merry Go R'd KG ON '6 Star Matinee Star Matinee Hilltop House (Pepper Young M-Hlnee Mntlnee NVws M.itlnrc koco 1490 Tune St. 1 141)0 Tune St. (14fl0 Tune St. (1490 Tune St. KGAY U.Ht'e's Ht-rnu Hi. ne's Heerua lioihe ! Hecrds AN ,si-us KHN Godfrey Time IGodfrey Time IRuth Ashton (Weather-N'ws KGtt Merry Go R'd (Merry Go R'd (Merry Go R'd (Merry Go R'd KOON Woman in H'se Mary McBrlde Fred Waring Fred Waring KSI.M Matinee Mnttnee Matinee Telia Test KOCO 1430 Tune St. 1490 Tun 8t. 1490 Tune St. 90 Tune St. KGAY Rollle's Recrds Rollle's Recrds Rollle's Hecrds KGAY News KOIN B'ckstag WHeJGal Sunday jTake Thirty (Take Thirty kg w Merry Go R'd Merry Go R'd Merry go K'a Merry uo n KOON Cafe Loung (Caf Lounge (ita New Sport-Q-Rim K8LM Fulton Lewis Hemtnuway Hare'e Answer Sam Hayes KOCO Bandwagon (Bandwagon (Bandwagon (Bandwagon KGAY Rollle's Recrds RolUe'a Recrdl Rollle's Recrds KGAY New KOIN Art Klrkham Eddie Fisher INewsnaoer Newsnaner KiW Vanderhoof Vanderhoof (Vanderhoof Vajiderhoof KG ON Fash. Rhythms I Fa ah. Rhythm World News Jo. C. Harecfc KSLM Bob St Rav Bob Si R"av Bob St Rav Snorts Scope KOCO Slo-Mo Show ISlo-Mo Show Slo-Mo Show (Chuck's flporti KGAY lioihe s Recrds Sign Off KOIN Ed H Murrow New-Veather Tom H.irmon Frank Goss KfiW Vanderhoof (Vanderhoof (Mel Allrn Anderson KOON Melody MagIcJ Melody AIaglc Melody MaglcElmer Petersoa K8LM DlnnTrNws Bin nrnndage New-ree" t-m Hayes .v (HO Candlelight (Candlelight (On the 88 On the 88 KOIN Snorts. News Lowell Thomas A mot n' ndv Amos n' ndy KGW Edw. P. M'rg'n MrCall IMvstery Time (Mystery Tim KGON Music Man On Go Sclcnce Future ISclence Futur Show Times (Woody Way Almanac IMusle (At the U. N. Wiiif tlin' Tunes Wiistlln' Times Woody Wav Woody Way KSLM G.ihrlel Heater Fddte Fiher KOCO Woodv Way (Woody Way KOIN Mrlody Melody KfiW Music IMusle KGONNcws Bern. Baruch Rho" Tun (Woody Way lliing Crosby IMusle (At the V. N. KK1..VI Dnv Drrania P.-i.v Drcnms ml 'n Wnnrtt, Wbu llUnnllv Wav KOIN Hoin Q Lewis Hubi Q. Lewis World Tonile IWorld Tonit Kii w music I music i music music KtiON World News 1 1 Man's Family Ulldcrsleeve (Glldersleeve h"iI.M New l'xtri' u-rrt & !wing Sweet Sr Swing KOCO Woody Way (Woodv Way (Woody Way Woody Way KOIN Tune Table I I'une Table iLend (Ji-Mion Lead Qiirstio u:u IKfniln irtnnr Tim D.inr Time KfiON Conversation jConversatlon IChrla. Voices Chris. Voice! t IkSL.M f Jnltriei Healer MUSIC lw Mimr KOCO Woody Way Woody Way Woody Way (Woody Way KOIN a Al... Kmai S(nt Ocsk Hunt St Kisn Owia F.vening 0KG1V "-ntr H -rur Time nnr rim n-n- Tim KGONRIchfleld Replr.l Mostly Music Mostly Music Mostly MusU . Uletrrtlve M.fl-nlt '"m-nite (Woody Way Woody Way Woody Way IMilsu iMuar Mumi 1-:W I;m- r I Hue IDanre Time in-n--e rn-.e TI-n''e rime KGONBass Harris Baiw Harris Rass Harris (Bass Harris KOCO Woody Way l 1 1 1 V aj,ua.Hfiialr 00:00 FRIDAY A.M. 00:15 00:30 00:45 Vail Farmcast Vall Farmsait iVall rarmrait ,Nws Farm News Morn. Mag. Morn. Mag. KGAY New News America IKOIN Klock 'KOIN Klnrk KOIN Klock News jVanderhoof Vanderhoof (Vanderhoof News KpTlmei Keep Time Keep lime Keep Time Hemingway " BrVakf Gsnr Breakf Gang News St Wthr News (Western JubileelWestern JublleelWestern Jubilee Morn. Mag. (Morn. Mag. iMorn. Mag. KGAY News K(HN Klock Nfws f.os News iBabhitl Show News Vanderhoof (Vanderhoof Vanderhoof News K'-ep Time Keep lime IBob l.itn Cliff Engle 'FamriTAltar Bible Institute 'Bl'hle Institute News (Tunes At Time iTunes Si Time Tunes St Time Met be Show Herbs Show ilerb's Show iHerb's Show rornum'r NewstVaille News Snellev Ser. Shellev Sere. News SporU Vanderhoof (Vanderhoof Krc p Time I Kee p Time i K e e plime 'Keep Urn e 'News News Pastor's Call Pastor's Call News (Marine Calling Clarlne Calling Clarlne Calling Herb's Show iHerb's Show iHerb's Show K(iAY News Wemlv Warranl Howard Miller Helen Trent Mldrnorn News Breakfast Club IHreaktast Club IHrcakfast Club Breakfast Club News j Keep Time (Keep Time Keep Time n'ello Test Wines of Snng Wings of Song Clarlne i .filing Clarlne Calling Clarine Calling Clsrey Dyer illerb .t Show KGAY News Ma pprkina Dr Ma lone Aunt Mary ABC News Girl Marries IWhlspering Sts. Hiths Lunraa ikuss tonraa News News Herb I Show Nora Drake Chief Olio Coffce-K West Huss Conrad News f'ieen a Day CJueen a Day News Clarine Calling Clarlne Calling Dinner Winner Dinner Winner Rollle's Recrds Happiness Mrs Burton Strike II Rtrh True Story True Story IKonnie Worth News iRuss Conrad Russ Conrad 3ueen a Day arlne Calling Rollle's Recrds Pat. Ruttram IKonnie Worth Rubs Conrad WISHING WELL Rrgntcred U. 5. P.lenl Offite. S58267362 C h IDC B A A O I A N R 1 i IS 3 8 5 i 5 1 3 T T T YIFNFVT8CDOE J 3 1 1 5 7 !l S 8 1 8 T I L PH80PEOSTN'r 1 7 5 J H 5 8 I 8 5 8" 31 T B X B PNOILALTLE J S 5 S 1 5 8 3 7 1 J T T. E O E 8R8 gWMSSK T J i 5 3 S i ! 1 5 3 8 J A E I NJBLDNEOEJ 8 S 7 2 8 i 3 3 5 8 1 8 T AASOUGYRYTSEY HERE Ii a pltaiint little tame that will live you meisaje every day. It is a numerical puzzle designed to spell out your fortune. Count the letters in your first name. If the number of letters Is 6 or more, subtract 4. If the nunber is less than 6, add 3. The result Is your key number. Start at the upper left-hand comer of the rec lanile and check every one of your key numbers, left to right. Then read the messafe the letters under the checked Afures live you. IIM. fcf William J. Ifillfr. Diiulbwtri b7 k'M rt.i.i. Siwlwti.. Iar.t22l) iti