Salem, Oregon, Monday, December 24, 1956 THE CAPITAE JOURNAE Poinsettias, Carnations Form Wedding Background Baskets of red twinsettiat nH red carnations banked the altar of the Good Shepherd Lutheran church for the wedding of Miss Elizabeth (Betty) Ann Coe, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wil liam Coe. and Donald Alven Zeh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Zeh. Saturday evening. The Rev. 0. W. Ebright performed the serv ice at 8 o'clock. The pews of the church were marked with white bows and sprigs of holly, and candles. Bobby and Lucia Zeh, brother and sis ter of the bridegroom, lighted the candles. The latter wore a mint green dress. For the music. Alice Itose Jones was organist, and Ray Holmquist sang. The bride, given in marriage by her iather, wore a floor length dress of white brocaded satin, fashioned by her mother. It had princess lines, fitted long tapered sleeves and a rolled V collar. The skirt had a gathered flounce, and terminated to a chapel length train. The bride's fingertip veil of illusion was held in place by a pillbox in lace and seed pearls. : As a family tradition, the bride carried her mother's wedding handkerchief, and a handkerchief '. belonging to her great grand mother, Inside a white Bible : topped with a cascade of white : poinsettias. The bride's jewelry was a strand of pearls, a gift of the bridegroom. : Miss Wanda Coe was honor at tendant for her sister. She wore a green polished cotton dress, atyled with sabrina neckline, em pire waistline and accented with a dark green velvet ribbon. Her headpiece was of matching net studded with velvet, and she car ried a cascade bououet of red poinsettias. Miss Donna Zeh. sis ter of the bridegroom, was brides maid, dressed identically to the honor attendant. Charles Coe, the bride's brother, was ring bearer, and Susan Coe, the bride's cousin, was flower girl, wearing a dress similar to the other attendants' and carrying red poinsettias. nesi man was Jack Marshall, and ushers were Lvle Million Neal Schiedel and Donald Coe, cousin of the bride. The bride's mother wore a mist pink knitted suit with wetlgcwood blue accessories and corsage of white gardenias. Mrs. Zeh at tended the wedding in a orinted taffeta frock with brown acces sories and corsage of white gar denias. A reception in the church parlors followed the ceremony. The bride's table was centered with the wed ding cake, surrounded with white candles and holly. Cutting the cake was Mrs. Marvin Rasmus scn. Pouring was .Mrs. Harold E. Norris, aunt of the bride. Assist ing were Mrs. Robert E. Coe, Jr., Mrs. C. Claire Coe, Mrs. James Emery, Mrs. Harold E. Pickett, aunts of the bride, Miss Patricia Coe, Miss Peggy Coe, Miss Judy Coe, Miss Karen Pickett, Cousins of the bride, Miss Mary Lynn Stev ens, Miss Gen McAllister, Miss Sue Rasmusscn and Mrs. A. A. Graber, aunt of the bridegroom. For her going away ensemble the bride wore a navy blue sheath aress witn navy and white acces sories and white corsage. After January 1, the couple will be at home at 321 West 8th street, Fre mont, Neb., where the bridegroom attends Midland college. Holiday Hairdos r"T, . .- ; V , I lllllin lllllJl.UI .. Sweeping Plumes This is a fake egret handworked into a , tiny comb by Sutain, trimmed with shill sequins. Ladylike Look Ostrich feath ers are burnt down to the vein, combined with rhincstones and worked on a comb. Camp Fires Assist Santa Santa is to have much assistance this year from the Camp Fire Girls who will help spread Christmas joy to sick and needy folks in the hos pitals, state institutions and to neighborhood friends. Tray favors, felt Christmas stockings, Christ mas trees and scrapbooks are among the items to be given. Many of the groups also will visit shut-ins and sing Christmas carols to them. The Camp Fire Girls earn special awards through service and the Blue Birds are helping "just because they want to do something." The Morningside group, led by Mrs. Paul Kuper, will take gifts to shut-ins, and are also collecting toys for Fairview. The Englewood group, led by Mrs. Virgil Pade. are making scrapbooks for the Haven school and are going carol singing. Mrs. C. Barnett's Pringte school group made tray favors for Salem made glasses eases and clothes hangers for Fairview and Mrs. Delp s Camp Fire Girls went carol ing. The Richmond school group, Mrs. P. H. Hallard, leader, made tray favors for the hospitals and went caroling. Mrs. Lester Archer, leader for another Blue Bird group from Richmond school, took a Christmas tree to Cottage Conva lescent home from the group. Mrs. W. GoodaU's group from Rich mond school made Christmas tree favors for the hospital. The Rich mond School Blue Birds, Mrs. R, R. Vegh, leader, made tray favors for the hospitals and collected clothing and toys for a needy fam ily with eight children. The West Salem School group of Mrs. Brad Bradley made tray favors for the hospitals. The Camp Fire Girls' group, Mrs. Leonard Cross for leader, made tray favors for the hospitals, went caroling, and Memorial hospital: and also a na- adopted a 13-year-old girl from Miss Oakland Wed At Newport Rites AMITY (Special) - The First Presbyterian church of Waldport was the setting for the wedding of Miss Betty Oakland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Oakland of Waldport, and James E. Lawson, ion of Mr. and Mrs. Van K. Law ton of Whiteson. The afternoon ceremony was Saturday, December 1, with the Rev. Clarence Baerveldt officiat ing at the double ring ceremony. The bride dressed in white lace. carried her mother's Bible, which was topped with a white orchid from which cascaded streamers of red ribbon and stephanitis. The bride was given in marriage by her father. Mrs. Donald Hanson of Corval- Ks attended the bride as matron of honor and was attired in a blue knit frock. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Walter Lawson of McMinnville, sister - in - law of the bridegroom, Miss Ruth Rosebaum of Newport ' and Miss Agnes Slonecker of Wald port. The bridesmaids carried nosegays of red and white carna- Sons tied with red ribbons. Best man was Cleve Vettigo of Newport. Ushers were Walter Law ' son, Jim Durand and Lon Chris tensen all of McMinnville. After a wedding trip to southern Oregon, the young couple will be at home in Newport where Mr. Lawson is a member of the de tachment of Oregon State Police. Band Group Party WOODBURN (Special) A Christmas party was given for the members of the high school Band Parents club following the annual Christmas concert by the two bands Monday night at the high school. Outstanding feature of the evening was the Rev. George Norsworthy and "Junior" who put on a ventriloquism show. Band members and band parents ex changed gifts around a lighted Christmas tree and joined in the games. Co chairmen of the program were Mr. and Mrs. Werner Hem shorn, assisted by Mr. and Mrs. .; Don Hayes. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Jeffery, and Mrs. Ethel Lee. Re- freshments chairman was Mrs. ; Joe Serres and on her committee were M Mr. and FAIRVIEW (Special)-The Inno minata club was entertained with a Christmas party and no host luncheon at the home of Mrs. John Fuqua, Thursday afternoon. Holly and red candles centered the din ing table and Christmas corsages were the placecards, gifts of the hostess. Following the gift ex change. Miss Virginia Magncss was elected president for 1957 and Mrs. Richard Crannell, secretary. "Secret pals" for the coming year were also chosen. Those who en joyed the afternoon were Mrs. Clarence Lcgg. Mrs. J. S. Gilkey. Miss Virginia Magness, Mrs. N. 0. Pearse, Mrs. Theodore Daum, Mrs. John Peterson, Mrs. John Geisler, Mrs. Eugene Wilson and Mrs. Richard Crannell. Ehlers-Johnson WILLAM1NA (Special) Miss Linda Mae Johnson, daughter of Mrs. Hennie Johnson of Willa mina, and Gerald W. Ehlers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ehlers of Amity, were married at the Em manuel Lutheran church in Willa- mina, in ceremonies Friday, De cember 7. The Rev. Howard Baumgart officiated at the 8 p.m. double ring candlelight ceremony before a large number of guests. Miss Beverly Hubbard was soloist. The bride was given in marriage by her uncle, Gust Johnson, of Willamina. She wore a satin dress with overlay of lace. The finger tip veil was held by a cap of pearls and the bride carried a white Bible topped with a white orchid. Miss Twyla Johnson was maid of honor for her' sister, and wore a long pink dress, and carried a pastel nosegay. Jandera and Con nie Charles were briaesmaias, ana wore dresses of beige, and car ried chrysanthemum nosegays. Diana Johnson was flower girl. and Lynn Johnson was ring bearer. John Ehlers was best man for his brother, and Gerald Hough and Wes Kosta were groomsmen. Ush ers were Gene and Everett Ehlers. For their wedding trip, the bride wore a navy dress with matching accessories and an orchid corsage. The couple are at home in .Mc Minnville. Election at Club EAST SALEM (Special) The holiday party for members of the South Salem Planning Busy Holiday Time SOUTH SALEM (Special) Families in the South Salem area are planning festivities for the Christmas holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bell will entertain Christmas Eve, for Mr. and Mrs. Rcice Dixon, Dianne and Denicc of Seattle, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bell and Mike, Mr. and Mrs. Vcrn Bell, Linda and David, Mr. and Mrs. Arlie Bell, Terry, Ronnie and Ar lie Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bell Jr., and Cheryl and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Taylor of Medford. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Free, Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Free and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Turner. Johnny, Betrothal Told WILLAMINA (SpeciaD-Mr. and Mrs. George Corwin of Hood River have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Claire Elea nor Corwin, to Forest G. Durland, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Dur land, also of Hood River. A June wedding is being planned. The bride elect is a sophomore at Oregon State college. Mr. Dur land, a graduate of the Hood River high school, played with the Army band for two years, and is a graduate of the University of Ore gon. He is music instructor at the Willamina high school. Orchid Chapter Reports Meeting MOLALLA (Special) Miss Joan Hall was initiated into Orchid Robbie, Ann and Tony, Mr and ! cnaplcri 0rder o( Eastern Star, J-m"? TIJZC; G Road Neighborhood club d Mrs. R. L. Hurst, Mr. I , ... , , ,ho hm and Mrs. C. W. Kersten, Mr. and! ., . ,,., cn.n. ... Mrs. Kenneth A Mulkey Mr. and j WM scrved , Mrs A ? ' "d" . r 'V '' jiR. Tartar, Mrs. Ralph Werner, Mrs. Harold Ticknor, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Waite, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry VanArsdale. Next meeting of the Band Par ents will be January 15. The Rev. Paul E. Boomer is president. AMITY (Special) Amity chap ter No. 87 Order of Eastern Star, met Monday evening, in the Mas nnie temnle. The business meeting was called, at which time Miss 'and secretary - treasurer, Ann Metger, supreme deputy of i Jennings, the Order of Railbow uiris lor Mrs. Ben Braucht, Mrs. A. C. Schaffcr, Mrs. Jess Hatch, Mrs. Floyd De Lapp, Mrs. Harry Jen nings, Mrs. Mary Swingle, Mrs. Paul Lynch, Mrs. William Hart ley and the hostess. Mrs. Tartar presided at a short business meeting and the following were elected as officers for the new vear: President. Mrs. De Lapp; vice-president. Mrs. Werner, Mrs. Mrs. Arthur Vogt. Dr. Allan Vogt Bob Vogt. will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Free in Cor vallis, Mrs. and Mrs. Clarence Vogt and family of Corvallis also will attend. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Anderson and family will have as holiday guests, Mrs. Virgie Brookman and Charles, Edwin and Henry Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Seeger will entertain at their home for Mr. and Mrs. Martin Boatwright, and Kim. Mrs. Nina Browning and Jerry Seeger, Mrs. Helen Dasch, will host a family dinner at her home. Attending will be Mr. and Mrs. Mcrvin Seeger. Robert and Steven, Mrs. Jeannette BJaco, Joel, Loren and Dennis, Mr.-and Mrs. Marion Hoefer, and family of Al bany, Mr. and Mrs. Derwent Banta and family of Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Reed and David of Hood River. Mrs. Francis McLaughlin will be the Christmas day guest of her son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Maple in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Kurlh, Jr. and Gerald, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kurth, Jr. will be the dinner guests on Christmas day of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kurth. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Scharn will entertain as guests on Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Scharn and Myra. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wall ing, Gary, Jim and Sheryl, of Kei zer, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Scharn, Paul, Marilyn and Debbie of Eu gene, Mrs. June Lloyd and Sandy, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Webster and Dean. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moore and Vern are spending the holidays with their son, Paul, at Athena, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Barker and Gerald will go to Portland for Christmas and will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Benton. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Graves will entertain a family group on Christ mas day and on Christmas Eve. They will include Mr. ana .Mrs. Don Phillips and Connie. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wetteslad and Glenda. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Graves and their daughter. Lee Ann. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Griffis. farnlvn and Edwin will SDend the I rhrieimac hnliHav in Portland with Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Griffis. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Koster will entertain at their home for Mr. and Mrs. Herb Herman and family of Portland. Ben Herman of Van couver, Wash.. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Herman of Albany. Miss Betty Harrison of Portland: Carl Moser of Oak Grove, Denny Olson and Mr. and Mrs. John Strong and family. Ralph Secor who is with the Uni ted States Air Corps is visiting in the Liberty area. He is stationed at Klamath Falls. Visiting in the South Salem area over the holidays are .Mr. ana .Mrs. at their Tuesday night meeting, with her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Newell Hall, taking the chairs of worthy patron and wor thy matron during the initiation ceremony. An amendment to the by-laws was read to change the date of election of officers to the first meeting in March, to take effect immediately. The amendment was read for the first time at Tues day's mooting, with Mrs. Newell Hall, Mrs. 0. G. Foglesong and Mrs. Ray Boehmkc on the com mittee to draw up the change in the by-laws. As their money-making project for the year, Mrs. E. L. Perry, president of Orchid chapter social club, announced a dinner to be scrved the public in tne veterans of foreign Wars hall Saturday night, January 26. Especially introduced and wel comed were Mr. and Mrs. George Walker, worthy patron and worthy matron of Walluga chapter, Os wego. As it was the Christmas party meeting, the hall was deco rated for the occasion, with Mrs J. V. Robertson as chairman of the decorations. A basket of yellow jasmine, the official flower of star point Ruth, was set at the station of the worthy matron. Mrs. Kenny Englc. There was a gift exchange and congratulations for the new member. Refreshments were served by Dr. and Mrs. J. V. Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Orcutt, Mrs. M. W. Buxton and Mrs. Anne Keeney at tables set with green boughs, tapers and streamers. ... Baldwin-Denham . LEBANON (Special) Announce ment of the marriage of Miss Patricia Denham to Richard Bald win was made this week. The couple plans, to leave December 27 for Provo, rtah, where the bride groom will continue his studies at Brigham Young university and the bride will complete high school. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Denham and the bridegroom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Baldwin. Both fami lies are of Lebanon. tivity scene for their community club. The Richmond group, with Mrs. Frank McKinnen as guard ian, made tray favors for Elderest home. Mrs. George Davis group from Keizer made gifts for Fair view home. Mrs. Charles Prine's Blue Bird group made tray favors and Mrs. Woods group made a scrapbook for a boy at the bhnne hospital. The Pixie Blue Birds from Candalarla, led by Mrs. Phil Brownell, - made felt Christmas stockings and filled them for Fair view; while the Happy Blue Bird group from Candalaria, led by Mrs. Bill Beard, also maae Christ mas stockings. The Blue Birds from Englewood school, with Mrs. Wilson as leader, made tray fa- ors. Mrs. Tory's and Mrs. Hill's Blue Birds from Hoover school made yarn dolls for Fairview. The Highland School Blue Birds, Mrs. Don Wanamaker as leader, will sing Christmas carols in their own neighborhoods fof shut-ins, Mrs. Barclay s and Mrs. EJoon s group from Hoover School made felt bells for Boyce Nursing Home. Mrs. Fred Montgomery's group made tray favors and visited neighborhood shut-ins. Mrs. Gil liam's and Mrs. Howard's groups from Bush school made tray fav ors for the Salem General hospi tal. Mrs. Velma Delp's group of Blue Birds from Washington school Fairview home. They will take clothing, cookies, candy and a doll to her. Mrs. Pnebes Camp Fire group from West Salem school made tray favors for Cottage Rest home, and adopted a Fairview girl to whom they will take gifts. Mrs. Cliff Bowder s Blue Bird group from Keizer school adopted nine-year-old girl into their group by paying all her dues. They also collected clothes and toys for her for Christmas. Marjorie Wing of the Horizon club will do volunteer work at the T. B. association soon after the first of the year. The group from Keizer school, with Mrs. M. F. Knight as leader, will go caroling arouna their neighborhood. Mrs. George Davis' Blue Birds are to go to Fairview home for caroling and giving clothes and toys. The Blue Birds from Salem Heights school, Mrs. J. Harter, leader, will go caroling at Boice sanitarium. Mrs. Ray Thomas' Flying Blue Bird group adopted a welfare girl. age 5, and are having a Christmas party for her. New Year's tray fa vors are heing made by Mrs. Lloyd Harmor's Blue Bird group from Morningside school. Trinket boxes and favors were taken to the State hospital as gifts from the Sacajawea group with Mrs. Effie Davenport and Mrs. Melvln John son as leaders. Program Given At WSCS Meeting WOODBURN (Special! A Christmas program was presented during the regular meeting of the Women's Society of Christian Service of the Woodburn Metho dist church Tuesday afternoon in the church. The usual sack lunch was served at noon with dessert and coffee furnished by Mrs. Ralph Sebern, Mrs. Howard Mon nier, and Mrs. W. M. Burke, as sisted by Mrs. Luella Sanderson. The president, Mrs. John Corn well, conducted a brief business session and plans were made for the welfare basket and to send a gift to the Fairview home. The committee in charge includes Mrs. E. J. Way, Mrs. Burke and Mrs, Clifford Applegate. The Rev. Ormal B. Trick gave the invocation. Songs were pre sented py the high school boys quartet, Bill Hull, Bobby Baird, Glen Livesay, and Monte Palmer, accompanied by Joann Meyer. Mrs. Burke was in charge of de votions and read the Christmas story from Luke followed by prayer by Mrs. D. Lester Fields. Mrs. Charles Campbell read "The Tallest Angel." Mrs. Delbert Wolfe, (Vera Bo gard) a former resident now liv ing in Alaska, told of the Methodist work in Alaska and showed pic- tures of wild life taken there. The program was arranged by Mrs. N. F. Tyler. The next meeting will be Janu ary 15 with Mrs. A. W. White as program chairman. The hostess committee will include Mrs. Apple. gate, Mrs. Lee Terry, Mrs. Chi. Its Huchanan and Mrs. C. P. Veld huisen. MOLALLA (Special) - Installa tion of new officers for Interna-1 tional Order of Jobs Daughters, Bethel no. 46, Is set for Saturday evening, December 29 in the IOOF hall at 8 o'clock. Molalla DeMolay members will assist in the ceremonies. Miss Carol Shaver will be the new honored queen, with Miss Cora Jeanne Adams, past honored queen. Jaycee-Ettes Meet SILVERTON (Special) - Mrs. Olaf Paulson, Jr., assisted by Mrs. James Nelson, entertained the Sil verton Jaycee-Ettes at a Christmas party at the former's home Tues day evening. At the business meeting It was reported that candles had been placed in the downtown business houses to attract attention to the project to purchase playground equipment for the city parks. Coin donations are collected from the candles for the playground fund. Working in pairs, the members brought the gifts they had pur chased for needy families, which were wrapped for distribution. Following a Christmas carol sing, the "do it yourself" presents were exchanged. The hostesses served refreshments at the con clusion of the evening. NORGE HERE for Christmas week from Bend are Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sullivan and sons, Bobby, Duff and Casey, guests of Mrs. Sullivan's mother, Mrs. Kenneth Bell. TIME-UN! CONTROL 1954 Moor Modal AUTOMATIC DRYERS $QQ50 FROM I' WHILE THEY LAST Easy Budget Terms AL LAMP MraUoB HI LAUC 2350 state St. Phone EM 2-4195 Oregon was escorted and Mr-Arp Enaaaed duced. The chapter voted to snon-i (SD.ciaI) . nihAw v n Amitv. .SHbKlUA.N l.ipecian . At the close of the business mm-; " I""'' " " Mr. have and an- WOODBURN (Special) New officers will be elected at the regular meeting of Evergreen as- Unusual Parti scmbly No. 12, Order of the Rain-1 ,.,.. , . , , ' bow for Girls. December 26 at the Golf Club Women Entertain at Party DALLAS (Special) Mrs. Clinton Ruiter was the hostess to a party last week when the Dallas mem bers of the Oak Knoll Ladies' Golf club entertained Salem members at a 1 o'clock dessert. Guests and members brought gifts which were placed around a silvered tree for an exchange. Games were played during t h e afternoon. Guests were Mrs. William Ash- by, Mrs. John Geren, Mrs. Marion West, Mrs. Edmund Watson, Mrs. Joe Webster, Mrs. C. E. Head, Mrs. George Bagnell, Mrs. L. W. Schnwk. Mrs. R. C. Gile, Mrs. J L. Jefferson, and Mrs. George Gregor, all of Salem and Mrs. Harold Theda and Mrs. Ellis Bis- choff of Independence. The lady golfers next meeting will be Friday. January 11, at the home of Mrs. R. C. Gile, 2510 Park Lane in Salem. Assisting Mrs. Ruiter as host esses were Mrs. Harlan Jtohr bough. Mrs. Al Trom, Mrs. A. J. Cleveland, Mrs. Art May, and Mrs. Elmo Bennett. Topic for Club SHERIDAN (Special) The January 10 meeting of the Study club will have as the topic "Music in America." Mrs. Leland Sackctt and Mrs. Clifford Coon will be hos tesses, and Mrs. Wallace Heider and Mrs. Cecil Harrison will pre sent the topic. At the December meeting there were 27 members present to en. joy the Christmas party. Mrs. Ted Hossner and Mrs. Charles Wright were hostesses at the Rossner home. The December topic was "some. thing borrowed." and members told of Christmas customs in other lands, and of earlier Christmascs in America. BUTTEV1I.LE (Special)-Mrs. Karl Engelman, regent, Belle Pass! chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution attended the Christmas party of the chapter at the home of Mrs. Mark Thomp son, who was assisted by her sis ter, Mrs. Lester Keller. Gifts were exchanged and the group donated sugar and nuts to the Chemawa Indian school for Christmas. Franklin-Schiewek - LYONS (Special) Miss Dar- lene bcniewcn, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schlcwek, was married to Robert Franklin, son of Mr. and Mn. Da'lcs Franklin, Saturday morning December ID, at tne antlam cnapei with the Rev. William Scott officiating at the 11 o'clock ceremony. i The bride wore a medium blue colored suit, with white hat andi shoes and a red rosebud corsage, i Miss Mary Schiewek, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid, and wore I a blue dress with a red rosebud corsage. Alvin Peck acted as best man for his brotherin-law. Mrs. Schiewek chose a medium blue dress with white acces-! sories for her daughter's wed-i ding. Mrs. Franklin wore a dark i blue dress with red accessories. A reception followed the cere-1 mony at the Rcbekah hall. Mrs. Alvin Garrison, sister of the bridegroom, cut and served the wedding cake. Mrs. Robert Schie wek presided at the coffee urn and Mrs. Alvin Peck, sister rf the bridegroom, served the punch with Miss Elaine Peek passing the guest book. ZENA (Special) An unusual Masonic temple. Miss Carol Ann Livesay is the retiring worthy ad viser. A slumber party is planned for December 27 at the Livesay home, beginning at 8 p.m. Cloth ing, canned goods, toys and games have been collected by the girls for distribution to needy families on Christmas. and tots of Good Old Chr! 'Che time has cams to say again the things M fed all year... fr to th yea Health tni Ttapplns Trrrn m U STATIONERY OFFICI SUmtlS PUIS DISKS CHAIRS JAMS 445 Slit St. rhni IM 1-24(5 SUm, Or Christmas party was stasH at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Brandt, Jr.. honoring those Zen a school children who have been ill with chickenpox. A 3-act play fea tured the entertainment. Refreshments were served to Jimmy and Judy Note boom. Bobby and Hal Washburn, Lark, Phil and Hilly Brandt, Chuck Allem. Mn Bob Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rodney Kaminca 'Barbara Belt) Washburn and Mr. and Mn. and family of Auburn, Calif. 1 Brandt. "? IhS famite "and daughter, Miss CarOlee Haenny. to guests As the gathering assembled . Norman McMbljen. son 01 vir ana around the Christmas tree, Santa Mrs. Vernon McK.bben of Sheri- Serwttcaiesd tSl date has been set for the followed by an earring and neck- wedding. served buffet e. graduatcd from the Sheridan MILL CITY (Special)-The an- high school in 1954. and has at- nua! CstmTs party for members tended Oregon State college for and guests of the Mill City Worn-. two years. an s club was at the home of Mrs. I . .. ,SDeciaI) A Mrs. Edith Mason v ,arF , ( h, ,t the EUte Beauty salon. ment. featuring the Oiristmas mo- gifts exchanged tif were served by the committee, i The " u f at the Mrs. Roger Nelson. Mr. Robert ; ness 'Bt " Roach and Miss Daisy Geddes. home of Mrs. leiyn iwiauu. nounced the engagement of their Leston W. Howell Donald Waggoner Charles Edwards "Hie same loving care afterwards -as you gave before" Most convenient off-strtet parking for funerals, three entrances ... 65 car capacity. HOWELL-EDWARDS FUNERAL HOME S45 N. Capitol Street ACROSS FROM SEARS hone IM 1-3672 tmfi reetingS Our sincere wishes come in s big package ... big enough to contain loads of cheer snd good will for all our friends snd customers. Happy Holiday to all! gue 445 STATE ST. Appnrrl of Ditffnrfon 'tlmtm 'tur talent