Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 24, 1956, Page 4, Image 4

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    Page '4 Section 1
Salem, Oregon, Monday, December 24, 19W
Capital AJournal
An Independent Newspaper Established 1888
BERNARD MAINWARING, Editor and Publisher
GEORGE PUTNAM, Editor Emeritus
Published every ofternoon except Sunday at 280 North
Church St. Phone EM-468U
Full Ltufd Wirt Service of Th Associated Prei and Tht United
Press. Trie Awociated Preii li exclusively entitled to the use for pub
lication of all news dispatcher credited to It or otherwise credited In
this paper and also news published therein.
Oregon Rated One of 10 Best
In 4 of 6 Classifications
(Director. Amtrlcin Institute of Pubiie Onlnlool
(Editor's note: Following is
the second in a ttcrie.t of two re
ports by the Gallup Poll on how
the American public rates the
states of the union on six "sell
ing points.") -
Other states high in the public's
list on this count were Florida,
Arizona. Colorado and Texas.
The significance of these im
pressions is perhaps best reflect
ed in an analysis of the shift
in population growth in the United
PRINCETON. N. J.-What im-i States since 1950.
By rirriir: Monthly, si.js; six Moulin, S7.50: one Tear, sis m. By mill pressions do Americans have of i In general, the pattern of the
in Orrcon: Monthly. Sl.H: Six Monthi. SS0O; One Year, l.oa. By me.ll ... ,r,;,,ia .u., . ,,. l: , . . ,.,,.-j
oomde oreion: Minthly, t.2S; six Monihi, S7.S0; one ve.r, ns.w. I lhe particular charms and I attrac- shift tends to be westward, with
lions iu oe luunu in ine aiucrcm : r lonaa Deing me one aoutnern
slates of the union? f state that is among the fastest
For example, which one of the 1 growing in the country.
48 states has the healthiest Cli-i Todav's survey evidence Indi-
,,, , .. , . , , mate? .cates that this general trend is
(From the Gospel to Luke) , lhc puWic.s the ale ukeiv , continue
And it came iO pass in those days that there went out most deserving of this accolade is! Estimates of the gains In popu-
decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be i Arizona, followed by California, lation since 1950, just issued by
The First Christmas
And all went to be taxed, every one into his own ' Florida, Colorado and New York I the Bureau of the Census, show the
I See by the Paper
And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city
of Nazareth, into Judea, unto the city of David, which is
eai!ed Bethlehem (because he was in the house and lineage
of David) to be taxed with Mary his espoused wife beini
days were accomplished that she should be delivered.
And she brought forth her first born son and wrapped
him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger because
great with child. And so it was while they were there the
there was no room for them in the inn.
I in that order.
When it comes to the age-old de
bate over whether Florida or Call-
ifornia offers the best facilities for
winter vacation, the public at
large awards clear-cut Mo-t de
cision to Florida over California.
More than half of all adults ques
i tioned in the survey said they
' would most like to go to Flonda
for a winter holiday.
I On the other hand. California
takes the top prize as the ideal
stale in which to spend a summer
And there were in the same country shepherds, abiding vacation. Close on its heels, how
in the field keeping watch over their flock by night. (ever, are Maine, Colorado, New
. And In the antrel of the l.nrd rame urwn them, and the I York and Florida.
iHuci suites mcnuijf wiue men
tion as summertime pleasure
areas are Michigan. Washington,
Wisconsin. Minnesota and Oregon.
Practically speaking. Americans
think California is the state that
offers the best Job opportunities
today, with New lork, Michigan.
Illinois and Pennsylvania well up
in the list.
To record the public's impres
sionsbased on their travels, con
versations, or the colorful adver
tising they have seen the Institute
asked an accurate cross-section
of adults in all parts of the coun
try which states they ranked first
on six selling points.
The cross-section was designed
tn give every region of the coun
try its correct proportion of in
terviews in the nationwide sam
glory of the Lord shown about them : and they were sore
And the angel said unto them, TEAR NOT: FOR BE
And this shall be a sign unto you: Ye shall find the
babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of
the heavenly host praising God ana saying: .
And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from
them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let
us go even unto Bethlehem, and see the thing which is
come to pass, which the Lord has made known unto us.
And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph
and the babe lying in a manger.
And when they had seen it, they made known abroad
the saying which was told concerning this child.
And all that heard it, wondered at those things which
were told them by the shepherds. But Mary kept all those
things and pondered them in her heart.
And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising
God for all the things they had hoard and seen, as it was
told unto them.
(From the Gospel according to Matthew)
Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem, of Judea, In
the days of Herod the King, behold there came wise men
from the east to Jerusalem.
When Herod the King heard these things, he was
troubled, and all Jerusalem with him.
And when he had gathered all the chief priests and
scribes of the people together, he demanded of them where
Christ should be born.
And they said unto him, In Bethlehem of Judea, for
thus it is written by the prophet.
And thou Bethlehem in the land of Judea, art not least
among the princes of Judea; for out of thee shall come a
Governor that shall rule my people of Israel.
largest gains in these 10 states:
California ...
New Mexico
I tab
.. tt.4
. 81.7
Other highlights of the survey;
California is regarded as the
most beautiful state, with Colo
rado in the runner-up spot.
As reported Friday. California
also was listed first as the state
to which they would most like
to move by those in the survey
who indicated that they had enter
tained the idea of moving to an
other state.
The national average gain since
1950 has been 10.9 per cent. To
day's survey findings in detail
are given below;
Which of the 48 states (states
ranked by order of mention)
Has the healthiest climate?
1, Arizona: 2, California; 3, Flor
ida; 4, Colorado; 5, New York;
6, Texas: 7. Pennsylvania; 8. Min
nesota: 9, Michigan; 10, Nebraska.
Is the most beautiful?
1, California: 2, Colorado: 3,
Florida; 4, Pennsylvania; 5, New
York: 6, Washington; 7, Texas;
8, Oregon; 9, Michigan; 10, Ken
tucky. Has best Job opportunities? r
1, California: 2, New York; 3,
Michigan; 4, Illinois: 5, Pennsyl
vania; 6, Ohio; 7, Texas: 8, New
Jersey; 9, Connecticut; 10, Wash
ington. Best for winter vacation?
1, Florida: 2, California; 3, Ari
zona: 4, Texas; 5, Maine; 6, New
York: 7, Colorado; 8, Michigan;
9, Idaho, Oregon, New Mexico,
Best for summer vacation?
1, California; 2, Maine; 3, Colo
rado: 4. New York; 5, Florida;
6, Michigan; 7, Washington; 8,
Wisconsin; 9, Minnesota; 10, Oregon.
Most like to move to?
1, California: 2, Florida: 3, Ari
zona: 4, Colorado; S, Texus; t,
Washington: 7, Oregon; I, Illi
nois; 9, Ohio, New York.
Eisenhower, Adams Strongly
Dislike Christmas Parties
stairs at the White House:
There will be no Christmas of
fice parties around the White
House on this Christmas Eve if
President Eisenhower or Sher
man Adams, the assistant to the
President, know anything about
United Press White House Writer
(UP) Back-, Some of the gifts pose genuine
problems of storage and disposal.
For instance, what does one do
with an 800-pound fruit cake. A
mammoth cake of this weight ar
rived Friday from the Niagara
Falls, N.Y., Young Men's Repub
lican Clubs.
Obviously too large to go into
the White House freezer, this
cake, or at least a portion of it
will end up in a ' nearby hospital
or childrens institution.
K' Christmas li j
1a 4 FROM THE l i Jf
m etor, f M
v. sP TO imW f
.... rz j&zm m
my mum
. '.'.rZiitt
McNaufht SjndietU, Iocs?
Smog Can Become a Hiedous
Thing Here If We Don't Plan
Salem Meteorologist
Or take the six foot candy cane
Then Horod, when he had privately called the wise men,
Inquired of them diligently what time the star appeared.
And he sent them to Bethlehem and said, Go and search
diligently for the young child: and when ye have found
him, bring me word again, that I may come and worship
him also.
When they heard the King, they departed, and lo,
the star, which they saw in the east, went before them,
until it ramp nnrl ctitnil nver u-hprp thp vnnno- chili! ivns
U'U . u. ... l I so-called office parties, no mnlter
u.v, ... im-y .rjuuvu vuii rr.ii.iK h(m (fs,jv(. or , "iate the oc-l 'le Eisenhower grandchildren
The President and Adams feel
very strongly against office oartv-
ing, especially at Christmas time.
If a member of the staff wants
to hoist a yuletide cud durinj
business hours todav. he will ad-! 'rom the Pittsburgh Bovs Club.
journ to one of the neighborhood i Th's w'as too large, even if the
bars if he knows what's good for j 'olr Eisenhower grandchildren all
him. tried to chew on it at once. Ob-
viously the only thing that can
The chief executive is no blue- i be ,done w,lh sucn a candy cane
nose and serves drinks himself! 15 nave 11 on display around the
in the residential quarters of the ! 9nristm,s tree' lhen break It up
White Hiiuse. Hut ever since he's : ma" P'cccs for more leisurely
been in olfice he has frowned 0n , l"n5"mPl,on-
.t :,. ''- i. -". i- ui n-i.T: me oc
B J casion.
AND WHEN THEY WERE COME UNTO THE HOUSE Although tins might seem re
THEY SAW THE YOUNG CHILD WITH MARY HIS stnctnc to some, u works out
JjIUTHKK, AMI FELL DOWN AND WORSHIPPED HIM; rai her well in the long run he
vuivi'ivrrvcp -r sivnnu mas and in good
also are targets for hundreds ofi
gifts. The How of toys has been I
so heavy that it was understood
that the President and his wife I
it get, most of the staff H " . s 1.
Christ- h, - nr. d:
good shape. ,T""'"u' ",urc
murll In the. Hi.l,ohl nf ik-i, . " " ""ll".
And being warned of God in a dream that thev should1 families. J?hn s- Eisenhower, the
, , . . , . i'iiuuna sun, niiu niS WHC,
A Christmas Eve drink was the ; Barbara, will bring the grand
norm rather than the exception children from their home at Fort
in White House ofdees during Belvoir. Vs.. to the White House
some past administrations, but . only for Christmas afternoon,
the high command of the Risen- This nnrtnnhiHu. u 'i. ...i.u
(From the Sermnn on the Mount from the Gospel nf Matthew) ;hnu" administration lot it he the determination . of the John
V . , ' ' r.iscnnowcrs not to let the glamor
first Chrislmas in office, that they of the White House unttulv influ
thought the exeeutive ofnrps were -nm i rnrn-i...A . le .i..:.
Blessed are they that mourn: for thev shall be com- not ,hp proper locations for office children any more than absolutely
forted. " parties. necessary.
Blessed are the meek: for thev shall inherit the earth
rot return to Herod, they departed unto their own country
anotner way.
A Christmas Sermon
Blessed are the Poor in snirit: for their'n is the kiniztlom
of heaven.
Blessed are they whirh do hunger and thirst after right
eousness: fur they shall he filled.
Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart: fur they shall see God
Ulessed are the pearemakers: fur they shall
the children of God.
Blessed arc they which are persecuted for righteousness'
sake: for their s is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are ye, when nun shall revile you, and perse
cute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you false
ly, for my sake.
Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward
In heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were
before you.
Ye are the salt of the earth: but If the salt hav? lost his
savour, wherewith shall it be salted? It is thenceforth
good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden un
der foot of men.
Ye are the light of the world
hill cannot be hid
Prohaiily on no pre ions Christ
mas has '.he White House been so
inundated tn- Bins for the P resi-
anil Mrs. Klsenhower. The
of some members of the
lie called President's staff who have enamel 1. but think it u--.ll h. ih. .;'.
of incoming gifts look more like instead of the strength that makes
mi I'.waiiu man wonting areas. them win..
Sherman County Journal
We are not among the pessim
ists atiout li.SLs chances January
Marlow Hursts Into Verse,
Links Santa Willi Adlai, Ike
Associated Press News Analyst
'Twas lhe night before Christmas. I to live in the White House, then
a time one expects maybe retire.
A gent in red flannels to pay his It's a rather nice place, verv
respects, large, and rent free.
A city that Is si t on an H''' tenerrais. mirthful. Inclined Not modern, hut clean, and with
to he shy more tnan one tree
To suggest that Salem may be
threatened with the plague of Los
Angeles may seem to be fa r-
fetched fantasy to the old-timers
here but the threat is real and
quite imminent. Believe me, smog
is a horror beyond the imagina
tion of folks who haven't suffered
it. It isn't the same proposition
as the smokes of traditional Ore
gon industries in which people take
secret pride, even while pretend
ing to grumble about the smells.
Now is the time for foresight in
Salem! Portland already is feeling
the pangs of hindsight as the
groans and rumblings of the smog
battle begin to increase. Portland
welcomed the new industrial pay
rolls and now she Is counting the
price of accepting a pig In a poke.
Portland is having grave difficul
ties trying to correct a bad bar
gain. Salem can avoid that same
error, not by discouraging new
industry, but by planning now to
make better bargains. The Salem
Chamber of Commerce is staging
a campaign to sell a "honey of a
city" to new industries. This is a
fine thing if we have the foresight
to keep it a honey of a city.
Let's consider a moment the
source of the potential new indus
tries and one of the many reasons
they may choose to come to Sa
lem. The mild weather and good
air is a factor. And what parti
cular industries may be interested
In that feature? The ones who have
been suffering in tht smog, of
course, and undoubtedly contribut
ing to it. They will be running
away from the smog they helped
produce and, ultimately, recreat
ing it here unless Salem uses
fopesight. The prevention is rela
tively easy the correction is
virtually impossible.
Let's not kid ourselves that it
will be purely that the "honey"
of Salem attracts the new indus
tries but face the fact that the
bitterness of other sadder but now
wiser cities which drives them out.
The industries fought bitterly to
prevent the great cost of modify
ing their old plants .o prevent the
escape of smog producing sub
stances but long suffering Los An
geles and the San Francisco Bay
cities are getting some teeth in
their laws.
Now these industries are faced
with the choice of complying with
the laws or looking for areas
where people are unaware of the
threat and, consequently, have no
restrictions. That is the gentle way
of expressing it. The unkind way
of expressing it is that they are
looking for a backward area that
doesn't know enough about smog
lo meddle with what they want to
do. Let's not let that be said about
Think! Don't say, "It can't hap
pen here. We have fine clean air.
The meteorological conditions here
are exactly the same as those
which made smog so serious in
lxis Angeles and the bay area.
The amount of rain has absolutely
nothing to do with it. We have
the same ocean to the west, the
same mountain barriers to the
east, and the same prevailing
westerly winds overhead. We have
the same predominant temperature
inversion creating an invisible lid
to prevent the escape of all at-
ledge to form the proper code for
Salem but we' must take a place
of leadership in developing close
cooperation of all cities and coun
ties in the Valley for a uniform
policy. After all, smog created
outside of Salem will sweep into
Salem since the air currents drift
back and forth through the Valley
each day.
The insidious danger of smog
is -that it doesn't stay where it
was created. It spreads so that
residential areas, especially on
hills near the inversion level, get
a worse concentration of damag
ing irritants than the Industry it
self gets. Crops and livestock, out
side the industrial area, suffer
from invisible chemicals. Leaf
vegetables, far outside of indus
trial Los Angeles, have been des
troyed by smog. There is no profit
in promoting new industry if a
greater share of our pre-existing
commerce is jeopardized by this
insidious danger!
We must get busy and learn our
lesson from the tragic mistakes of
other cities. We must have unity
of purpose and cooperation. We
must plan for the welfare of the
farmer and the home owner as
well as the industrial interests. All
can exist in harmony with fore
sight. Who better can assume the
leadership in foresight than the
capital city?
They Say Today
Quotes From The News
XII calling for a strong alliance
against the Russian war machine
before it is too late:
"Sad reality forces us to set
forth the terms of the struggle in
clear language. If we kept silent,
we would have to fear the judg
ment of God."
Monroney (D-Okla) on whether he
thought Vice President Nixon's
trip to Hungarian refugee camps
was politically motivated:
"I think there probably were
some political considerations un
derneath it wasnt going to hurt
him any as a prospect for four
years from now."
COLUMBUS, Ohio Zoo Super
intendent Earl Davis expressing
high hopes that the first gorilla
born in captivity would survive:
"W are treating it as we would
a human baby. If it remains in
as good condition as it is today,
we'll be happy."
Salem 11 Yrs. Ago
Dec. 24, 1945
President Truman on this Christ
mas eve day 11 years ago the
first following World War Two and
the nation's first peace time
Christmas in four years called on
all the world to follow the teach
ings of brotherly love if it would
find a solution for all its ills.
A "stranger within our gates"
would have a tough time finding
a place to eat in Salem on Christ
mas day 11 years ago. All major
restaurants, with the exception of
Cline's Food Shop, were closed.
Nearly 2000 skiers were on Mt.
Hood slopes during this weekend
is December, 1945. Four inches of
new snow had built the total to
120 inches.
Dec. 25, 1918
Capital Journal last published on
Christmas day in 1918. On that
day a banner headline proclaimed
that boxes from home had reached
doughboys and the story began by
saying that Santa Claus reviewed
American armies in France and
Germany on this first Christmas
following World War.
Marion County Judge Bushey
had said that the county was pay
ing out each year'about 830.000 for
care of its indigents and for
widows pensions. Indigents then
cost the county about $1 a day.
There were no boarders in
either county or city jails on this
Christmas Day 38 years ago. Two
bootleggers had paid their fines in
Salem on Christmas Eve and 12
quarts of Sunnybruok whiskey
taken from them had been poured
into the sewer.
Were They So Good?
Milwaukee Labor Press
When you hear someone wish
ing for the "good old days," when
J10 bought the week's groceries,
remind him of the number of days
it took to make the tenspot.
Figure what he had left for gro
ceries after paying the rent from
the salaries quoted in. this ad, from
the Marinette Eagle Star of Wis
consin, printed 50 years ago: "Men
are wanted to work for the For
ester - Whitman Lumber o. of
Hiles. Yardmen from $1.75 a day
and up; woodsmen $35 per month
and up, year around employment.
Hal Has a Yule Book Idea for
Each of These Characters
NEW YORK UP) At your wits'
end for a last-minute Christmas
Why not send a real bonus of
the spirit and bonanza of the mind
a book?
The idea may sound a bit quaint
and old-fashioned, but it can have
surprising results. For one thing
the gift of a well-chosen book can
not but bind a mortal friend clos
er. And If you send the right book
to a mortal enemy it cannot but
confuse him. For a book is a
subtle ambassador. No one can
really dislike anyone who has the
taste to send him a book he en
joys. Should your giftee I if there is
such a word) be a color television
fan, he might think it out-of-date
to read a book in plain old black-and-white
print. In this case send
him a picture book in color or,
better yet, put in a box of cray
ons with an ordinary book and let
him have the pleasure of coloring
it to suit his own rainbow imagin
ation. What book shall it be? There are
a million possibilities. The goal
should be to fit the right book to
the right person.
For example, here is our own
annual list of Christmas books
we suggest for people in and out
of the news. It's all in fun, but
It may help guide you in your
own selections:
"So Fell The Angels" to the
Cleveland Indians.
"The Outsider, To Harold Stas
sen. "The Life of The Party' to
Dwight D. Eisenhower.
"A Gathering of Fugitives" to
the Democratic electors.
"Life is Worth LIving"-to Rich
ard Nixon.
"Our Valient Few' to the read
ers of this column.
"The Voice At The Back Door"-r
to any Republican trying to
wangle a cabinet post in the new
"The Last Hurrah" to Adlai
"The Great Migration" to John
Foster Dulles.
"The FBI Story" to Willie Sut
ton. "How To Invest Your Money"
to Joe Louis.
"A Single Pebble" to anyone
you know who likes to cast the
first stone.
"How To Get Rich In TV with
out Really Trying" to Perry
"A Piece of My Mind" to your
"Further Fables For Our Time"
to the editors of Pravda.
"Call Me Mother" to Grace
Kelly and Debbie Reynolds.
"Never a Shot in Anger" to
Dag Hammarskjold.
"My Lord, What a Morning"
to Anthony Eden.
"One Foot in Eden" to Gamal
Abdel Nasser.
"The Listener's Musical Com
panion" also to your wife.
"Life Without Father" to the
wife of any traveling salesman.
"Man of High Fidelity" to
Edward R. Murrow.
"The Success" to John Daly,
who deserves his.
"The Art of Plain Talk" to
Casey Stengel.
"How To Live 365 Days a Year"
to your own worst friend, your
self. "Love Or Perish" to the hu-.
man race.
Where We Lost Out
Pendleton East Oregonian
All post-mortems on the Olym
pic Games of 1956 suggest that
the United States cannot regain
team supremacy until it produces
top competitors in .Greco-Roman
wrestling and gymnastics. If that's
the situation we must be prepared
to occupy a seat In the balcony
for a long time. American kids
aren't going to give such activt
ties much time too much drudg
ery and too little fun.
The One Safe Place
Eugene Register-Guard
The department of defense has
ordered the fluoridation of water
supplies on all military bases
where dependent children live.
The moral, we would say after
IflSt Nnvemher'c eteetinn ic kn
if you want your children lo have
gooa teeth, you d better join the
What does a
new TV set
have to do with
"Bank Plan"
auto financing?
It oould biva lot to do
with HI Report! How many
tr buyan hav aved
enough for a nw TV att
with State Fann'i "Bank
Plan" of low-coat ftnandnf
and Inauranoa. Find out
about tha "Bank Plan1 . . .
bafora you buy your nasi
.11 .
'Sim'' Samuel
2610 trsthliw Dr.
Sherman County Journal
New Years is now a celebration
over living through another year,
not a day of joy over approach
ing income tax time.
s. . '
t -st ,C" ;rv
sA WJu iil sS.
Grounds Made to Look Like
Summer for Yide Pageant
I'nltfd Press Staff Correspondent
141 North Commercial
new in Washington:
The people running the Pag
eant of Peace here this Christ
mas thought it would be nice if
the grounds of the ellipse could
be greened up to look like sum
mer. So some vegetable solution
was sprayed across the lawns
50 gallons to the acre. It was
vision or still pictures!
Herb Heft, the press attache
for the Washington baseball club,
isn't too excited about the fuss
over the suggestion to call the
"Nats" tht "Senators." It's all
right. Herb says, just so they call
the club something nice. It could
have wound up pretty bad. back
Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, n',pr ,ort" hr '
little bit But Ike tne tenant, o..U n ..,.. u,.. ,, ,? , f,,, (,m(. , hf hl dpfp V(,, ..,, S;cv.
the" house. ln n;, sa. k en.on s n.liie.
Let your light go shine before men. that they may see Aie thms m.iv ih von It made him as nervous as if he
Tour good works, and glorify your Father which is in uid make h ni take hack had hnc
heaven not "1,1t m.'-m. Hp ha Since the. r:t that he gae they'd
i lots of r'grel l ret-all ail their hev
Ariii!cluiic Pi-iiiit T',al be rant d',1 in lull all the To Ike he presented a new White
UlrlSIUUIS lint H orders he get.. Hou.epax
, . . . , , . . , , , 'The trouble of cour.e with some And to Adlai a .-fin that said
"To b hone.t, to be kind to earn a little and to spend a ,n h(, hrmc, Kn.? .( c,r,1M
little less, to make upon the whole a family happier for his l hnw Ions you n-.u.l a:t before The moral in this, it there's one
presence, to renounce when that shall be necessary and not cutting the .tuns. i to rr'aie.
t b embittered, to keep few friends but these without A rr-r" example was Adlai who is that many a package gets
capitulation above all, on the same grim conditions to '""'tm opened up late,
rl?- J-- .2. i. . r..t, , .ll H,.t . ' f " ,h" eould.Th. m will be true In the year
Keep iiicnuo mm uuiiku-iio. -i .el what he .oucht
hoped that it would not snow and
mospheric garhase. The same i spo" things. It didn t snow, and there in 1906 when somebody
"clear." haze and smoke which the grass was as green as. i suggested the nickname of "Jake
xk n:e;r. used to have, already Stalwarts." If that one had caught
tuners in the Valley over half the I Overheard at the Pentagon, one on. the "Nats" or "Senators'
vea: The only th.ig lacking now (secretary to another located might have had something to
to create ee - smarting, choking across the hall from each other, .worry about.
strip.: is the uncontrolled chemical ! "Hid you get those papers we
output of certain industries, tubed over to you?" The Army reports that Sgt.
I-C. Donald A. Edwards is send
ing the Korean family which fed
him and put a roof over his head
a colossal present for Christmas.
THINK! "No they are. back on your
O! course we can have the pros-, desk. I just looked.
perity oi new industries but we'
m-.Ki use foresicht to select the The Inaugural committee is try-
tpe of industry. We must have ing to hold the bis parade down ! Don is sending his befrienders his
a rea'istic. restrictive code requir- lo two hours on Jan. JO. In 1953 own car a 1953 model. It cost
tnan has of fortitude and delicacy.
. . . . M . I ' . -
-KODert UU1S Steven- A brand new
a desira on.
.Idress, for he had ' Just it will when the new year
1 u June.
mg that the smog preventative it ran alon some five1 hours.
measures be incorporated in the LimiUng it timewise is difficult,
original building of the plants. It You can imagine what a Repub
is much cheaper to prevent than lican fife and drum crew from,
to correct, so that won't scare the ' say. Turtle. McP. would have to
Industries away, as some avid report to the folks back home if i of course, married the ;rl.
pronioier. mav fear ' was hiin-ned from the parade. The sergeant is from Freeburn,
1 We not only need expert know- No notices in the prints, no tele-iKy.
him $750 in shipping and customs
charges. Mrs. Edwards is back
ing her man 100 per cent.
After all. it was Mrs. E's fam
ily which gave the GI shelter. He.
"Solem's Pioneer Funeral Home"
Established 1878
Need for economy will never denrivo
nd MC"d SPSS
Terms U desired
Advance Inquiry Invited
Or L I. Sarrlck
Vara L lame.
Dalbart I. Doweay
Donald L larriek. Mot.
laUm ' brtatf
tasilHwa. Cilml,
rwwal parka.)
prhraro family
I cioie