Salem, Oregon, Monday, December 24, 1956 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Section 2 Page 8 450 Merchandise 600 Employment 700 Rentals 700 Rentals it lilt Sifiistiis tmi My f ii Litest Gifts for All jgjfj) Christmas Cash' FLASH CAMERAS Hake this Christmas to re member with snap shots. Flash camera sets $9.25 up. Film St flash bulbs. 3. day ssrvice. An Ecochrome St Ektachrome de veloping 135 size $1.15 mount ed, 24 hr. service on black St white finishing. McEwan Photo Shop In Hollywood near Post Office. REPOSSESSED Motorola 2V' Cabinet TV. Unc'er full war ranty. Balance 1249.90. As sume contract, $11.50 per mo. Modern Appliance Center, 1141 So. Com').. EM 4-9333. CONSUMERS FINANCE CORPORATION 2480 S. Com'l. Ph. EM 4-6431 XMAS. Cards, Aprons, gifts, Mrs. L. S. McClintic, 1349 Marion. HOLLY" JacKson Jewelers, a Salem owned, personally oper ated tax paying, community building store. And topping that we sell darn good depen dable Jewelry. World renown Omega watches. Art Carved Diamonds, Kirk, Wallace & In ternational Silver. Remember It's Jackson's 225 N. Liberty. PERSONALIZED Christ mYs Cards. Order now. Commercial Book Store, 141 N. Com'l. EM 3-310,1. PHOTO GREETING CARDS Made from your favorite snapshot or photograph. COBURN CAMERA SHOP 174 N. Commercial EM 2-1811 Tnt t Trimming4 Gifts for MomS Family Gifts CHRISTMAS trees for sale. 50c. & up. 2t73 Portland Kd., H. Salem Motel EM 2-6888. FREE Christmas trees from 9-5 Mon. 3635 Market. Not for resale. STEINERS NURSERY, Holly. Mistletoe, Christmas trees. Greens. Swags, Garden su-jp. Plants. 3160 Market. EM 2-1946. HOLLY for decorating & gift. Basil Zell. Rt. 1, tox 882, Or chard Hfits. Rd. EM 4-1087. HOLLY it Oregon greens mailed anywhere. Bulbs, shrubs, hse plants. Reb's Garden Center. 4094 Portland Rd. E M4-7857. FLOWERS Wreaths Gifts JARY FLORIST. EM -43391. t Capitol Shopping Center. CHOOSE & Cut Christmas Trees. Eld red Caster, Scotts Mills. LAMBERT'S, 135 S. Com'l head quarters for round front china closets, marble top tables St chests, old clocks, love-seats. ELECTRIC roaster with cabinet automatic timer like new hall price. EM 3-7187. Pet Gifts FOR CHRISTMAS Just Call EM 4-2203 Pacific Finance 118 S. Liberty FOR direct delivery of Christmas presents out of state contact BEDSAUL BROS. 1355 State St. Ph. EMJ-0997 Zobel's Christmas gift to you. 25 off on any new Baldwin piano In stock until Christ mas. B19 Court ZOBEL'S EM 4-8252 CHRISTMAS CASI1 Extra Christmas Cash can be yours quickly by calling 4-8811 and placing a fast action want ad on those no longer used Items. Do-h-Yourself Gifts New Hotpolnt Automatic CLOTHES DRYER Regularly 1199.95 $149.95 Nothing down on approved credit , THE PHILLIPS CO. 355 Center St. EM 3-3139 Home Gifts it CUSTOM BENDIX DRYER Reduced from 1229.95 to 115995 Super fast, drys in 25 minutes. Low heat high airflow. Terms. PIECE chrome set. $49.95. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Lib erty. Ph. EM 4-6371. BOXER PUPS i PRICE, were $50. EM 4-8371 eves, or now $25. weekends. TROPICAL fish, aquar.. all sup plies. Come 8c see. Hollywood Aquarium, 1958 McCoy. WHY not have your dog trim med St bathed for the holi days? RFor app't. call EM 3-6859. ft in gland Kennels. SHOCKPROTECTED, antimag netic JEWELED WATCHES. 1 yr. guarantee. $5.95. Army & Navy Surplus Store, 223 N. Com'L EM 3-4343. Genuine Candle Glow Wax Wicks, glitter St books. Farmers Union Co-op. 3615 Stlverton Rd. Ph. EM 4-3769. THE LAST minute gift- Protect that priceless Portrait with a frame from KENN ELL-ELLIS 620 State St. Ph. EM 3-7830. TO PLACE AD PHONE EM. 4-6811 wmmMmmmmsimiiim 450 Merchandise Religious Gifts BIBLE BOOK HOUSE 341 FERRY EM 3-4559. Gifts. Bibles. Xmas Cards. TRADE-" in your oM radio or re-nrd plr-ver on a NEW Hi-Fi phonograph, Colu.nbta, RCA Victor or Webcor. Easy terms. Salem Record Shop, 428 Court St. 450 Merchandise LOVELY Dink aDricot canaries, exc. sineers, 1340 Chemeketa Gifts for Girls mSi ANTIQUES cost no more than modern at Lambert's 235 S. Com'l. Gold picture frames, drop-leaf tables, odd chairs for needlepoint. CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Pedigree Roller Canaries Reasonably priced. EM 2-789 FOR THE LITTLE GIRL A real Singer Sewing Machine Just like Mother's, only $9.95. SINGER SEWING CENTER 130 N. Com'L Ph, EM 3-3512 Unique Gifts Treasured Keepsakes for the home. S h o d Salem's Early American Store; Trivets. Brass St Copper Novelties, Spoon racks, wall shelves. Spice Cabi nets, Radios, Milk Glass, Pic tures, lamrjs salore Ermel'k Colonial Furniture, Open every night 'tU t 2745 S. Commercial. RCA Portable Radio Regularly 129 .W. now 119.95 Choice of colors and S 4c H STAMPS Man Radio anr! T.V. 2H0 S. Com'l. Ph. EM 3-9201 FOR YOUR SERVICEMAN The closest thing to being hum Is YOUR LOCAL NEWSPA PER I All the hometown news, views St pictures. A gift that wilt really be appre ciated every single day of the year. Ph. 4-6811 and ask for Circulation. It's that easy. Family Gifts 482 Trad M!$clUnout FOR trade, one power sander for overstuffed. cnair. um ji H P. outboard motor for fur niture. EM 2-4798. CARPENTER WORK, day contract. EM 2-1841. 483 Wanted Miicallantout WANTED several thousand cords of wood, all species, in. s-kzi 3-7721 lights &M 4-5633, 484 Miscellaneous DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASLS DR HARRY SEMLER, DentUt Adolph Bldg. State St Com'l Sts. SALEM PH. EM 3-.kill 486 Machinery & Tools SEVERAL used welders. See at 790 Stewart St. Ph. EM 4-7Mi USED Welders for sale 698 Ill inois EM 3-8588. LIKE new 77 Skill saw. Call after 6 p.m. EM 2-7467. NEW Duncan Phyfe dining set. VW.m. usea Mdse. Mart. z?u S. Liberty. Ph. EM 4 6371. ACME cowboy boots for the en tire family. $3.95 up. Army St Navy Surplus. 223 N. Com'l. Ph. EM 3-4343. 490 Fuel 612 Work Wonted, Men PAINTING Inter, good brushes. Job or hr. Keas. tai a-reja. CARPENTER work the yuu want ix. i -woa. way WORK WANTED-men: I could be your man, am experienced as carpenter's helper, painter, roofer, truck or tractor driver, livestock caretaker, or what have you? EM 2-5745. Carpenter & Repair Work Ph. EM 2-1459 CARPENTER, repait or remo deling bv hr. or contract. No job too small. EM 3-4765. FREE-estimates on floor cover ings or drainboards. R L. Elf strom Co . 260 S. LI berty. CARPENTERS, Remodel, etc. Good work, $1.50 hr, KM 4'7a2. LOU'S tree service, topping, prune, cabling. EM 4-6301. 614 Work Wonted, tody OREGON FUEL Sawdust, Green, St Dry Wood S & H Green Stamps 3087 Broadway, Ph. EM 3-5533 USED Norge automatic washer. 1956. $139.95. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. Ph. EM 4 6371. Gifts for the whole family. Whv fight the crowds? Come to Thrift Wise Variety. Open 7 days a week. S to 9. 3096 Portland Rd. Next to Erlckson Super Mkt on North Portland Rd. SOMETHING new tor sawduct users, we have a Chip Mix fuel. Capitol Fuel Co. 1420 Broadway. Ph. EM 3-7721. CAPITOL FUEL CO. Drv oak. ash St ma Die wood Choice slab St block wood mixea ary or green, ury miu wood. 1420 Broadway Ph. EM 3-7721 FIRESTONE GIFT SPECIAL DOMINION "POP-OMATIC" 117.99 value, time only $9.99 Auto Gifts 454 Sewing Machines SEWING MACHINE This beautiful 1957 model com- nllu automatic nor table for onlv $139.35. Regular $319 value. Liberal trade-in allow ance. Easy terms. EM 4-7102. SEWING MACHINE linger portable, light weight, round bobbin. $34.50. .fymis. $1 per wk. EM 4-7102. SEWING MACHINE Benior desk model, balance $79.50. No pymts. -until 1957. EM 4-7102. 458 Musical Instruments SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! Tallman's will be open on Sun. ftornoon. Dec. 23 for last min ute piano shoppers. Take ad vantage of Tallman's big Xmas Piano Sale, ass s. Kin., near S.P. Depot. WE pay top cash price "or pianos. Used Mdse 'Mart 270 S. Liberty. EM 4-0371. LAGONDA cabinet Grand Piano, $75. EM 4-0533. 456 T.V. & Radio knarf: Karlv American Colon' a nffirtai mano Aieirommiun Opera. Will sacrifice to sell by Xmas. Tallman's Big Xmas Piano Sale, 3M S. 12th, near S.P. Depot. Open Sun. REPOSSESSED Motorola 21" TV Used 3 mos. Take over pvmts. $13.53 per mo. Modern Appliance Cntr. 1141 S. Com 1. EM 4-9353. THE BEST SERVICE for less. Hanson TV. em 458 Musical Instrjments Used Organo ... 40" Spinet Sm. Bungalow player fenv upngni Mufflers, Safety Belts. Headers. Traction Masters EXHAUST Specialties 6c Parts I4th St State EM 4-0997 450 Merchandise Gifts for Him?q Portable Icebox $8.95 CASCADE MERC. Snort in a Goods ljttqB roadway EM 3-5538 Is boating his hobby? More than gin selections lor me Dom ing enthusiast. GIL WARD 280 Wallace Rd. Ph. EM 2-2478 Pharmacy HOLLYWOOD BUSINESS SECTION WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS Kodak, films, projectors, Sheaffer Snorkel pens, Whitman Chocolates, Perfume Gift Sets. Open Eve. Free Parking lot, Completely automatic. Use Fire' stone's Convenient budget pian. "YOUR DOWN TOWN!' FIRESTONE STORE 399 N. Liberty Ph. EM 2-2491 Clean Drv Wood Old frowth slab Ac block wood ,12 COrd. AUO OAK WOOQ. IUI ny lenRth Prompt delivery. Ph. Salem EM 2-9444. WEST SALEM FUEL Dry green wood . Tube or ous.'iout sawdust 1523 Kdecwaler I'h. EM 2-4031. HIGHWAY FUEL CO. SAWDUST & WOOD EM3-644. DRY ltT Fir wood. Pick up at farm or we del. cord lots. rn. EM 4-3081 ANDERSON'S ilabwood. 2'4-unlt load VU. Ph. EM 2-YI31. Gifts for Boys CHRISTMAS PIANO SALEt All Dianos so regardless of pric New spinets lrom $389. Huge stock, all styles. EZ terms. Payments, begin Feb., 1957. Tallman Piano Stores, 395 S. lath, war S.P. Depot. A" GIFT" for-the car thts'christ nins. Pacific Auto. Sup. 355 N. Liberty. JetMoblle" scooter with ball bearing roller skate wheels. Special low price only $3.95 S & H Green Stamps. Master service, 365 N. Commercial. LIONEL extras. elee. train, mounted. Nice cond. EM 4-0SO. 470 Building Materials HE! BLDG. SUPPLIES , Dec. 23. GOOD old cello, two bows, in rain repellent zipperea nag with extra pockets. 875. Conn. B-flat clarinet with case. Ex cel, cond. $75 or make offer. 965 Garnet. UPRIGHT piano with bench "Rembrandt." excel, tone $100. EM 2-4577. 955 Dearborn Ave. (Keizer). -.$2! ... $545 ....$395 ..$2B5 Others from $85 TERMS! DODGE PIANO SERVICE 2655 Dallas Rd.. Salem EM 4-1656 HURRY. Tallman's giant Xmas Piano Sale ends Dec. 24. All nianos drastically reduced I Bargains galore! New spinets from $389. Open Sun.. Dec. 23. Tallman's. 395 S. 12th, near S.P. Depot ORGANS, new & used. Lessons. 1 Rentals. MORRELLS Organ; Sales and Service. 363 N. Hig:.; Band Instr. Save up to 50 Fine old violins Hand made. Violins reduced 75 MUSICAL INSTRUMENT SALE Accordions Save up to 60 THE MUSIC CENTER 493 Center St EM 2-5371 Eve. EM 4-4746 i.;t MINUTE PIANO SPE CIAUai Meauimn mnn. ynit. $325. small studio $295. New flu note spinet $485, Lessins sotnet styled $125. Hurr- to Tallman's gigantic Xmas Piano Sale. 395 S. 12th, near S.P. Depot. Open Sun, Dec. 23. GIBSON guitar & amnMfier, likejtewPh. EM 4-6498. PIANO St ORGAN SALE Closing out four brands New Spinets, fass. New Blondes, Reg. $1015. .Now $5.",. Gid.ids. reduced 50V. Electric organ special. $55(T Electric piano. Make an offer. 50 pianos to choose from. Terms THE MUSIC CENTER 493 Center Si EM 2-5371 Eve. EM 4-4746 Used Toilets . $17 50 Used Wash basins comp $10 Knotty pine Plaster bd $1.Z5 sht. 700 Roon 3 panel Doors witn ntia t All Kinds Elec. Supplies. Used Fir flooring ... $45 per M Used no. 2 t Dir. lumber $45 $55 per M We will be closed Dec. 24th St 25 th. E. S. RITTER & CO. 6740 Portland Rd. Ph. EM 4-8311 4 ml. ronn oi oaiem, -j nu. North of Totem Pole Open all day Saturday 450 Merchandise 450 Merchandic 470 Building Matarialt 470 Building Maf rials SME ALL NEW WOOD WINDOWS 40 TO 70 OFF TO PLACE AD PHONE EM. 4-6811 450 Merchandise RFI.IAfll.E oohv .liter v h day or night. Re(. EM 3-MM. MIMEOGRAPHING, lypln,. Mr,. roe. 665 N. 16in U.M 3-J0M. rHii'ri rare-in mv home by htnir or day W. Salem. EM 2-91I85. 705 Apartment For Rent FUTW. 1 bdrm.. elein. attrac. t 7M N. Capitol EM 2-4519. FURN. apt.., wash (acilltlea. phone, ftm. ht. EM 4-806L 3 ROOM mod. aot. Nicely Curn. til 3-7145 or EM 3-5444. SALVAOORE APT'S ONE & 2 odrnv aplv range tt relrig. (urn. EM 2-3341. NICELY lurn. I hd-m. apt. 420 So 20th. EM 3-9875. CLOSE In mod. (urn. 3 rm. apt. Ph. EM 3-8490 except Sat. Very close In nicely furn. Ire. 1 bdrm., Apt. EM 3 8933 alter 706 Duplexes CLEAN, warm 2 rm. ant., clo.e ln. lady. 645 Ferry EM 2-4527. 3 FURN. rooma Adult. 40. 2441 5tale StPh.EM4-4351. COURT 2 bdrm. unturn. I atl. gar., close In. nr. t 193 McNary EM 4-6348. 707 Houses For Rent GENERAL CLEANING BY HR. EM 2-1118 CHILD care In mv hme hv hr. or day. S. Salem. EM 4-3462. WILL- do Ironlnc In mv home. South Salem, EM 4-3482. IRONING, my home. Englewood dlst. EM3-8580. CHM.O cnre"t"v home 4 Corner. EM 3-634U. 25c nr. day or nigni WANTED: Several thousand cords ol uarK-iree wooo, nr or hemlock. Ph. EM 3-77211 nlghti EM 4-5633. SHAVINGS: WE DELIVER PH. EM 2-6171 f00 Bus. & Finance 510 Money to Loon 615 Situations Wanted HONKJ7T find trustworthy col- lege prnmlsite wnn ten yearti experience in small loan credit and follecllon desires similar position In Salem or Portland areu. Statesman Journal box 402. SCHARFF BROTHERS Installation Repair Sewera. Septic Tanks. Drain r .ems. Power Ditch In ft. Backfill. EM 2-5561 or EM 3-5072. LIGHT crawler dorer, levMlne;. grading. EM3-7Ma.i. Kunn. HEMSTITCHING DONE AT" 1551 MARKET. EM 2-9724. FOR RENT 1 bdrm. home, fire place. :t.V mo, 1134 37th St. EM 4-6253. 707 Houses For Rent VERY nice J bdrm, trpU NortH FREE 12th month-Almost new t oarm. nouse, auto, neat, ciec. range, hwd. firs. Insulated. Auto, washer, dryer available. 2230 Maple Ave. RENT nice, clean 2 bdrm. house, PtuE M 4-1730. UNFURN. i hdr- hse w'-J for drier 4S. EM 3-79S7, West Salem. FAIRMOWT ' 't 3 rnC rangc, $35. EM 3-M68. 3 BDRM . full bsmt . oil furnacet firM . rir. ri l- ' Hollywood Center. EM 3-3181. 7" rm. house. 590 N. 17tu l. Inq. 1595 N. 5th St Ph. EM 3-9574. KEIZER nr. stores small house. jGeorgeVhKcombEM 4-7413. UNFURN. S bdrms., bsmdawi dust heat. $80. 960 N. 5th. 1 BDRM., hse., partly furn. South S30. Em 2-5025. 707-a Furnished House MUST SEE: 2 bdrm. duplex, inside util . range St reirig.. Inq. 355 Tryon. EM 2-7B05. 2 BDRM. hse., oil heat, near Portland Rd. shopping center. Avail. 2fith. EM 2-B387. 2 BDRMS., elec. heat. $60. 554 Senate. West Salem. EM 2-4RA2. ., part . EM 3-1 5020. gar; 1 BDRM near bus $45. UNFURN. 3 bdrm. house, earn Re, water furn. $45 mo. Roberts Dist. nr. Roberts nch'l. Available Jan. 1st. EM 4-9H91 3 bedroom 424 45th. $75; 3-hcclnmm 331 MIsMon. $A5; 2-liciiroom 2XQ Bro.iciwny. $45. amseyHealtyEM 43381 2 bdrm. home, close to So. Salem HI.. Rood dist.. firenl-. large natural kitchen, all on one floor. EM 4-8484. FOR RENT 2 bdrm. house, fire place, hwd. firs., adj. gar EM 3j9716. CLOSE in Redec. 3 rm., frpCJ bsm't.. gar.EM 3-4332. LAROE nnrty f'im. h" c'--e State bides, & Univ. EM 7-3flZS week da4. FURN2 bdnnhouse.Labisri $45. Omhart St Calaba. EM 24118. 708 Forms For Rent FOR RENT Farm. Modern 1 bdrm. house, barn, other bldgs. 20 A. pasture. 15 ml. out near Stlverton. $30. Silmar, 2015 NE 51, Portland 13. 714 Business Rentals ATTENTION. Roof leak. Reroof now St save $ repair work, gutters cleaned. Also will beat all c'"oetil'"i. KINGS ROOF CO. EM 4-3722. 618 Education $25 to $2500 ' PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL LOANS UB S. Liberty i'h. km. HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME T, tilth vniir Hish School in vour spare lime, hooks mm. low Illliion. rrre dookim. Aivitni CAN SCHOOL. 6543 N. Inter stale, Portland 17. Ore. 620 Day and Contract I Bit. unfurn. except stove St re- trig, inq. mis iee alter i p.m. UNFURN. 4 rm. noma Si garage VERY nice 1 bdrm. court, un turn. enceoi tor rrriR i tove. 2443 Market. EM 2-1SM. NEW 2 bdrm. M-vd 'rt 5. 2535 SUverton Rd. EM 2-3B93. FURNISHED 5 unit more! In Sa lem area. Contact Property Management Dept., State High way Commission, State High way Building, Salem. 2 BDRM. cottage, kitchen furn.. newiy aecor. uii center at. tl Jason $70. EM 2-2707. 800 Real Estate ATTENTION small distributor ships: Warm bldg. for storag) St office. Excel, loc. for ad'-fr-tiding value. Hiway 99 No. Adequate parking tpace. EM iWm or EM 2-3551. DOWNTOWN office snare. stnrj rms. St warehouse. EM 1-4114 780 Moving & Storage Larmer Transfer k Storag Complete moving service. Also Rents for BEKINS Nation wide Movers. Ph. EM 3-31JU LOW COST storage. H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. EM 3-9185. 800 Real Estate 801 Business Opportun. MAJOR oil company .ervlc. ,tatlon for lease. EM 3-9317. SMALL butines, tor Bale or tra4e for late model car or make offer. EM 2-9120 or EX 3-31)23. 806 Houses For Solo 806 Houses For Solo OUiCnM AT r'AQT-t si. it. yd. ahovel. crane, hoe utinuuiinu .ui. Arft, UneT 25-1on moWlc crnnca. TM A Ql MCIT I?. TTJIP D-A. D-7 cat,, c arry all clear- Get cash for ehopplng needa or un11 nri,.p. nai expense!, in .. Q.,n . r.llAVI.'l. In nlflf.l Phlini. U'. ' u...... WJiiJ"""i i "Jtr J J. ll iff!!'!'! UT r-1 - one lew facts. 466 Bicycles BOY'S 14" bicycle with training wheel St peddle car. EM 2-0901 GOOD used Schwlnn bicycle. Phone evenings EM 4-4874. BOYS 2fl" Schwinn bicvcle. Good cond.. $22. EM 338. VERY clean Schwinn 26" bike, $25. EM 3-7632 or EM 2-0866. 474 Floor Covering INLAID Unoieum $1.79 per tq yd ft L Elfstrom Cj. 260 St Liberty L E:i strom Co 280 S Llbertv VINYL floor tile. 10c each R 462 Wanted Hshld Goods 465 Photography WE NEED FURNITURE Vallcv Furn. Co. EM 2-7472 "CASH FOR CHRISTMAS WE PAY TOP CASH PRICE FOR riinviTIinE. APPLIANCES. A- MISCELLANEOUS! ARTI CLES USED MDSE. MART. 270 S. LIBERTY PH. EM 4-R371 " in oro cash To spend for High grade Used rnemi.irr. A- Aorjliances Ph. 3-5110 Paving Top Puces for Better Gr.'de Glen Woodry. 1605 S Summer rvvov vctn u hnvo nf all the windows ac ulated throughout me year irom sairMn-in pQr bale Mltcelianoou cellition from customers, builders wno have canrei ed their ., ,. - orders etc. We have had tma sale every yrar in rorun iu. ul nenlacements h. ,.-ar w sr. coinff to ell in Sa em. We have rented the Kepiacements FARMER JONES MARKET at 3559 Portland Rd. and will he "r open ail day St. St Sun., other day 1 can be reached by tele- ( 219 N C - p Vo7-f. ci.m Thixn u-inrlows were manufactured. by one of the largest MlHwork Mfg. in Oregon. If you don't see what you want we will make to order. backs St linings tod circulators. MULINO SASH & DOOR DALE VOGLER EM 4-6720 NIKON S2 n.4 lens. new. Call after 7 P.M. EM 3-8448 PLAYER piano A rolls. Good WE BENT TAPE RELOltur-na-cond. 1725 Madiaon. EM 1-S830; I McEwan',. 24S North Hlh. MI5C furniture wanted Cnur teoul service. Ph. EM 3-M98. Lei us keep secure the blessings of Liberty Fgr ourselves and our posterity and hold Fast to the faith in the power of free men. Let ns keep secure too. the spirit of Christmas ' That rests in the hearts of all good men and Nations. MAY YOU HAVE A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR ti nun nrun nrn JLANU KUAU "Your Building Supply Friends' 219 N. Commercial MERCURY chain saw. Allan Halm. Rt. 2, Box 292R, St. Paul Rd. I PR. Norwenlan Jumping SkllK with harnes5 1S. 1 Motorola car radio with aerial 15. EM 4-1 IW. PIT RUN GRAVEL EM 4-2463 GARDEN tractor, chain A skill saw: Elec. fence St 2 wheel tr.i.ler. EM 2-2341. 2838 Ever Benehcial, give a then come in I Exclusive! Nationwide Credtl Card presented to every cus tomer Rood at over 1,000 of fices! Beneficial likes to tay "Yesl" Phone for a 1-trlp loan, write or come in today. LOANS UP TO 11.800 BENEFICIAL FINANCE CO. lPer.nnal finance Co. I Ph. 2-2464 105 S. Hlsn MOS N. Front St. EM S-2461 700 RentiU LOANS S50.00 to tl. 500.00 Buy What you Nerd Consolidate your bills. Flnanre throujfh WILLAMETTE CREDIT COMPANY 182 S. Church St. EM 1-2457 PRIVATE money to loan. 5 Interest. Ph. EM 2-0794. COLONIAL Investment Co. Real Property I. nana, contracts fur chased. (187 Court. EM 4-2283. 1 - r..v. isiff. c-.a..t -r 702 Sleep. Roomi, Boord 820 SMALL light hskpg. rm. 735 N. Uhurcn. LRG. HEATED sleeping rm. breakfast, priv. 15B2 Court. EM 3-0829. HOME away from home. Men. TV. Pack lunches. 10U3 N. 6U1. Nlt'FXY lurn room, also usmt apt.. closein M9N Winter WANTED Man to room and board. 1880 Center. NEWLY dec. light cnimort hskn. rm. ladv. 2 blks. MA'F, J25. EM 2-7830. TV. clean, nicely furn. sleeping men as wn. r-.i 4-mu. -it 512 Loans 'Vented VI A N lni 1305 N. CapitOl, EM 4-fll.H. CLEAN, warm rms. T V- rlose i 213 a. winicr, r.. NKED Sfi.OOO EXCEL. SECURITY. EM 2-4097 515 Investments PRIVATE money to loan cash for contracts it mix's. B. M. Mason or W B Mtnler, 341 Chemeketa. EM 38841. 600 Employment Pit Run Gravel PH. EM 4-4747 CKUAK lence post good quality Treated or untreated. Poles Ph. EM 4-3081. To Place Classified Ads Call EM. 4-6811 Save time -Save money For the Best Pr ALL m For the Best Professional Services D Make Lite Easier - Read & Use Want Ads Daily i EXCAVATING EXCAVATING 8c Grading. Ditch ing. Eartn Moving a i1"'"-';1 Ben Oljen 8t Son. operated by Mrs Br-n Otlen St FilO" sis r Ave. EM 3-3080. But as you rent. All makes - Roen -Typewriters. 458 Court FLOOR COVERINGS llCORRlS WALKER Paint Co. Floor -covering uivisiun ACCOUNTING SERVICE Len A Fiscus EM 3-5285. 1509 4th St. ADDING MACHINES WE INSTALL plastic wall tile. Formica counter tops, rir Birch cabinets Let in give you a fre estimate on your re modeling now. Montgomery Ward St Co. Ph. EM 3-3191. EM 3-67' APPLIANCES WESTINGHOUSE Woodrv Furmturr Co. 47 So Com'l. EM 4-2111 Ity Installations Linoleum. As Di.hur Til. i' tll Free Estimates. EM -22"- GRADING & DOZING CAPITOL Beddlrir. Manreai re novators. New mattresses. EM 3-1009. BULLDOZING to 50 Pr tir eavattnK. trecnin, tile lay CAP. "ENTER-CONTRACTOR Bnme BulldlnK & Re.modellr.a Will Buitd or felo vi birM Ralph M. Scheldel, EM 2-0101. CEMENT CONTRACTOR I Service. E Drake. EM 4-339. Maerz EM 4-3517 a(ter t PJH BULLDOZING cleartnr r-ads. ponds L-4 D- rsrnall. v HuskeyEM 2-314. PLUMB1NO SAND GRAVEL inn t, GRAVEL CO a'-A mit rnncrele. crusned and round itravrl isnasra ,o,l 1(01 N front St. EM 2-21S1. WALLING SAND AND GRAVEL 1C2S McGllrhrlst Crushed quarry rock, and eravtl All sue for roaos. driveways and parkml lots bead" mixed CONCHETE. Garden sand, bull-doiln;. Ih0vel and dragline work EM 3-9219 VALLEY SAND Af GRAVEL CO. Crushed A; rnurd eravel sand 4, con. mix. EM 2-4002. SEPTIC SERVICE Hamels septic tanks -.leaned. li-e servire Guarsnle.d worK. EM 3-T404 or EM 3-M1J. w aW? We at Ritter & Co Wish to Extend to All Our Many ' Customers A Very Merry Christmas And A Joyous New Year. 5oo ono rttl New tresh-milled old St second growth lumber Zx4 to 2x12 in t) to 24-foot lengths Delivered orlres Salem 130 net thou minimum. Ted Muller EM 4-0523. STFEL Garage Doon. complete with naraware. n.i su in stalled. 553 50 Metal eaves trough 13'jC . buili-in 4 burn er range. R2 7ft Toilet. $24 50 8-in vent fan. $IB5 EPPING LUMBER CO 3740 Silverton Rd. I'h. EM 4-8123 TYPEWRITERS adding ma chines, cash registers, au pli ca tors, desks, chairs, files, sup plies. Rnen's, 456 Court. EM DAVENPORT St chair. Youngs- town ink unit, refrieerator, elec. Range, make offer EM 2-7ft:ifi. CALCULATORS Choicej Several used. EM 2'8550 POOL tahle and accessories. 778 5th St., St ay ton. 602 Help Wanted 705 Apartment For Rent PRIV. n RM. up. furn. or not. 135. Uils N am. t,M a-i-oj. FIIIIN. 1 and 'I hdrrn., Apts. healed. iiiiyourioi. Attrnc. newly rier. llghl liskp. rm. ror laov. 2 niK- i" kt or MrVF.. real. EM 2-7KM). 3 ItMS unlurii range, rcirig in 1 tlKFD tires truck anl passenger Buy. sell, trade. Lytle s OK 481 For Rent Miieeltmeous FOR RENT or lease lg. ware house space rement floor brick hldg., downtown. In nulr" H. L. Stiff Eurn. EM 3-91H5 "Honital BpcT With Mai f row Vallr Furniture Co. 219 N, Com 1. COMMEUCIAL Placement Agency Since 1948-SperlaIists In Office Plareiients F-Secretary. P. T. 21-25 . open F-Gen'l Ledger Payroll taxes T . "pen r-Secretary. 25-35. P. T. mav be permanent $250 M-Account.inl 20 40 lermanent open 1 M-2 lay tome accountlnt open M Jr. arcnt. coll. pref. . I'JW) . M lnriustnal Engineer 5350 Rest Way to the Rest Jobs 494 State SI. 411 Oregon Bldg. fc.M 1-.W31 Vp.lCA I UN6 "tf now Ding taken for Statesman Dicyclt routes Several routes aIll oe open Applicants must be ac companied b their parents or have their written Dermis slon Apply at the. Circulation Department ef ths tslsman. Inn ma 1 VERY REASONABLY PRICED -2400 so. It. of floor space for lease In a food location on State Street or this excellent business bulldlnc mav be nur- chaeed. There Is a Karate 18 x 24 and a fine duplex rental -2 bdrms. each . on beautiful creek lot. CALL MRS. RICH' ARDSON. PACIFIC HIGHWAY FRONT. AGE Well located, both North A South. As low as $35 00 per front foot. CALL WALT SOCOLOFSKY. DOWNTOWN BUSINESS PRO PERTY - 57 x 185 lot hacking to 60 x lot straight thru block. Each fronting on down town one-way street. At pre. 1 sent f;i00. per 1110. Income from 1 one lot. other vacant. These choice properties have many uses. CALL RON HUDKINS i 113 ACRES - PRICE IMOO. Lo cated approx. 10 miles from Salem All fenced. Ideal for sherp or cattle. Creek and Snrlne. Can be boufht on terms. CALL O. V. HUME. SUBURBAN NORTH - Neat and attractive 2 bdrm home. Large lot with garden area. Price (HI 00. Would consider trade lor jmall acreage North or East. CALL H. K. LAYMON. CLEAN AS A PIN In Cily Limits 1 bdrm., 12x15 living room, cute kitchen with bulft Ins and handy bath. This little home crrtalnly has warmth and rnirm. Lot 100 x 129. Also mis garage with workshop. Fruit cellar. Price only $5500. Lnv dow i ppvnu-nl 'or ternii CALL RALPH BRUCE PLKASK STOP IN & PICK UP YOUR W57 CALKNDARI ORABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 180 S. LIBERTY ST. EM 2-2471 Evenings tt Sundays roll Salesmen Walt Sorolofskv EM 3-8B35 Ron Hudkins EM 3-8712 O. V. Hum EM 2-5201 Ralph Bruce EM 2-6H81 Mrs. Richardson EM 4-8388 H. K. i-iynion n-ooui j. c. uw " I Wmic. jjjsm p 0 11 0 n r r m OTiun n (v n n n mi h DIRECTORY "Clip & Save for This Week's Rrpt Ruvs" CEMENT WORK Cement work. House ratsnf levelmi and foundations. EM MCTu. CORSETTIERC CHAR1S COHSEtfTERF. 2380 Lanslnn EM !-)'. CRANE WORK J5-'on T.oral" r-oto 5 lem Sand & Gravel Co. EM S-2ML. LICENSED Plumber, new remodelinc Js. RECORDING STUDIOS MX tyres of m H0ZZTWrw 64 Sport, Equipment rec-rded 2-18S. f foe" ConneMy. EM ROOFlNti , PAY-LESS ROOFING NEVER KwMn"v underb Repairs. EM 4-2615. To Place Classified Ads i CaU EM. 4-6811 ! MIKE'S Septic service Tsr.ks i cleaned Vr:":n I drams. Phone EM 3-9468. TELEVISION , TV 'VT IH ' ner at home. 11. - ---4rAa-8 V-,rv. - --ices i fre inea-'. W-0O. WALL CLF AfcilNG orct'T ts r-"ct 1 1 viern Wall Cleanen, 3-4287. EM CHICAGO shoe skat-'f. Man's. 9. 1lh case. t!0. &65 Oar- . net ! 16' ELITE boat K58 modri. FL'EI. ucd onre. Complete with wind'hield and ft ing whM FacfT nuilt tilting ira;ipr. (U1 or best offer Ph. Mm- m'4ih SKyline 1-252 CAFH ps!d (or ud guns, mod- ern ar.d antique Cascade Merc. 1220 Bfmvay. RKERT Piar1tt Rakerv no N. Commercial F.irne E.V, 2.5.U4 CAMERAS Oburn Carr.erat 174 N. Commercial Phor.e ilbl DRLCiS Capital Drug Store S'ate it Liherty P.-.on fcAi J-31i8 Chapman's Drug S'ore 10 ear.aa'ana ' -, Free Delivery Mootrv's Pharmacv Hollywood H'isjn- Dist. Xe'zer Ruiini Dist. lawn Hawser Rroi. 1185 S. 12th Garden Tractor Herd quarters LEATHER GOODS Shafer Leather Goods 125 N Commercial 1 Luggage St Fine Leather Goods PAINT 8 St IHufheon's 162 N Comrr.erclsl Phone EM Z-Wi 4-5873 RADIO Mitchell's Radio St TV IftH' S'- S Pn E." 3-i577 InitalUng. Sales St Service CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Specialists in oflice prsunnel f 1 Jn - sfi- f '"hyteni1 ''''ii-f-n 15 N. Winter EM 2-M38 iuui II oui tun $45. EM 2-7520. FUHN. niillman apt. Adults 1S45 N. Capitol EM 2-900A. LARGE well (urn. 2 rm. apl, 2nd fir , gas Moves t-'.O nio. Washing facllltich. No pels. adults pfd P-'1-. r.'0'Hred. 21ftl Mple Ave. EM 3-7117. FURN.. close to Stale bldg. A- Shop Or. 3 rms.. pvt. bath. 12lfi Center. FURNISHED APTS. FOR RENT REASONABLE rates, close In 1 Im atton. Water St elerlncity I lurnuhrd See Mrs. Grtlftn. 710 S. i ominercial Apt No I. UNFURN 2-bdnn. court. Near ! North HI. 812 N. 14th i CLEAN, warm. 2 rm. apt. close I in. Lady fi45 Ferry. EM 3-4527. I J RM lurn. SIS '" ?.nrly gentleman, im j-a-iin vn. FUHN. cottage. $:i0, I rm. apt. 2. util. R27IL Liberty. NEWLY decor. 3rm. furn. pvt. cnt. bath. ul'lPJ" 1!,Jl' J1': DKSIRAHLE proposition: very cloise m flat, fine cond. 2 bdrm . inrludes enrage, for details. EM 4-8214 or EM 2-4817 FURN court. Llv. rm. bednn kilrhtM.i'M f- hntt- 45. 2455 Trade. Ph. EM 4-7472. THE CENTURY CENTER New Irft dlx 2 bdim Apts. I.E MAR COURTS 1 bdrm tinfurn . riingr. rrfriif.. some util. Adults. I4:i8 Trade. MonKHN Furnished four I 1 Buy Real Value I 5. Loans -5 I M With Confidanc fi05 CHEMEKETA 5 Loans -5 Buying - Bulldin J EM 4-8875 NEED MORE ROOM? We are Need' plenty of space In i home? offertni! this compact 4 bed room home at a very reason able price Low down pay inrnt and eaitv monthly pay ments, lias l, baths H.W. floors throughout. Only 9 yr.irs old. Nice lot. East sub urban near bus stop. Full pure only $02511 call Dean Klarr EM 4-0fi7r. or Eve. St Sun. call EM 2-1090. ft. home has 1740 sq. 3 yr. old. Tir place in large living room. Separate dining rm. and ft dandv birch kitchen with breakfast nook, large utility, 2 l ,i tin, double garage, fenced hack yard Near schools, vou ll like this one for appt. In see C..II Dale Ravburn LM 4-iiH75 or Eve. St Sun. call EM, 2-2045. SHHft'S' BEST - BUyS 322 NORTH CIIUIICH ST. WK SPKCIAI.IZE IN TRADK3 I'll. KM 4-3311 OH KM 3-7B20 604 Hclp Wonted, Men "credit trainee h'-flr. We Expanding Co. necks younr man ; for fculancd position iith ex i cellent opportunity for ad vancement to executive re- , sponMhililie",. f;r'iup inbiir- j ance. paid vacation: retire men' Inc'.me plan; nrnfit shar- i Ing etr. Age 2130. high vhool neces arv. sorne college pre- I iiTTfrt Auto net-es'-Mf y w, nh mile.'ige reimbursed. Call i 4-2203 f'.r anoolntrnent. Psrific 1 Industrial Ixans 118 S. Liberty EM 4-11.73, evenings KM 2-8.43 4 MM lurn apt. Cl'i e in urr. cut. liriil Oak. Ph. EM 2-8718 LARfiE St rnnvenlent n rm. furn arpeted apt. losa t-oge- water. II M. furn. gr. fir. IBth. Fl'R! Re.H-r. EM 2-8787 lrfttrn Fuel f'O Sawdust and Wood Ft RN'lTt RF V.n'.pVs Colonial Furnitu 25 S Commercial .'hone F.M i-l'tU 8I.RVK V. STATIONS Ra-rtf.rf t Texaco Station WA -rro.jnd - Ph L.M 3-7ts j Work WonrCQ 610 Snles Help Wonted MAN 21-40, to deliver It pfk up Fuller Cililof i "k comm. to start. EM 3-8357. LOOKING mr man or woman o i - orlv hs'h. rlo?e st.ile hldg i . parking space. KM 3-1..1H IA- 3 rm. furn. apt front All util furn. S'.n N. Lioerty EM ,l-76!3. 2RM f'irn at $V). 1085 Madi son. EM. 4-4754 740 FERRY Irg 3 'bedroom re der un'urn . to -at St water. Adults. EM 4-0015 COURT apt . extra nire. furn S rm , osth. TV. la'innry. pir ns avail. Inq. 134 So. 12lh. SAVK $$$ ! Finl'-h thin new home yourself j nnd save dollars. Home has larc living rm. separate din- I in K rm. large kitchen with' hrk. nor.k. Irol . 3 bdrms, c j tra halh, r'A oil heat, dhlr Rai a:;e. palm, t-ilv sewer and wii:r. It " a wondTlul oppr- ! tiiniiv to set a good h"rne. For more iii'Ttnation call N. f 'Dan" 1-aak. eve. Ph. EM 3 27. SUBURBAN HOMIv Lociited on extrcmelv large ltd . lAitli scpaiale dining rm. kltt-hen wilh hrk area, fire p;acr. 2 hi ft h'lrmN and den that could lie used a extra bdrm. Large rarden space and Childress plaMViune in bark. Uit- rf (nut and hrub Price $11 Vtn Call Edna Morgan, eve. Ph. EM 4fi:.a. BAFIGAIX ')ner has hen translerrrd put xhii, nana: YULE BE MERRY For years to come in lovely hon.e h'cated aoiilh. 3 Wdrms, beautiful lannlv rm ilh frpl. and au :. kitchen, lovely livm rm w llli beamed ceilings nnd frpl , lb" kitchen 1 a wo:n un'i. dclittht with its buhl ill feature:. 2 baths wilh ceramie tile, dble RaraRe and patio. Yim'll he Miiprncd hw much Mm iiet f'.r ontv I2L7.V) Call Mr. Sword, eve. Ph. EM 2 8048 NKKD KLUOW ROOM? Whv n-d trade ur small home in on thn hne.v new horn with a view. Separate entry, lovelv fflj n'v room with (rpl., 3 hixurv b(lr;iis. extra 'j hath. Iron I'irriiian furnace and lo- i cated t.n paved st A choir fii;eniiff l only HS.-VO. Call I Edna Morgan, eve. Ph. EM I 4 oo;ifl. and on , i one that 2 RM hm't pt . nrlv hsth, wouldn't, full or part time ex- i $:t5. 1114 N. lf)th. EM 3-7841 perirme unn"fefary. $44n per mo. guar.irtrtd in pommiJSlon If you qujtlifv Apply 328 East Bush between 8 fit 12. SMALL, cov furn S. High St FtinN 7 rm hr.i inr "J. util. EM cottage. 4!'2 Apt. :m TERRIFIC buy for Homerrafti man damaged 15 runabout fully equip. EM l-88'J. JEUE1 8 Alexand"r'i Jewelers Dlamondi Witch Silverware m Court SL I41h A 5tte-Ph EM 3-t52 tthh A Anderson 'Richfield) 12'h St Mt'ion ! Compl"'e Auto R'pairing TFf I.VMIOS Mitchell Ridio V TV. ' ' - ( Installlnl. Sales St Service Men ;i-77r,o apts the market Imitated in Engle worid Dist and has larje nv iiir rrn. i"parate dining rm. kiichen with nook, frpl . bath, big bdrms -tt garage, FA furnace and lots ted close to srhwl and bus. It's a bargain st 110 Jfi Call Mr. Sword, eve. Ph F.M 2-8048. MOTEL TRADE "! Furnished units. Spate f'T 7 trailer;. Showing gnoo n?i come ." rli Val! Ir.-'tc I' Priced i ALL I want f"r OirlMma a Job after .rr.f.ol. EM 4-1':i fat WORLD War'Vef Mshe: work 5 yri police guard exp M'onrv or wfist h;ve you. EM 4-S535 or EM 2-8811. UNION meat r"" r desires extra work. EM 2 Q. d in gt.-d Willat lnv n Owner w SMeiii pr-r-erl Ph. EM 3-3S.W. SPANKIN' NEW! Ru.h school district. 3 bdrm home on one floor. Forced aif ml double garage. paed street and sidewalk, city wter and sewer. You can't hardly find this kind any more. Just 111 oon Call Mr Crawford, eve. Ph- EM 4-5020. BUSINESS PRflP-.K Y Mm. located in tA Influa. i.tai imin shnuinff excellent i. return on the invebtmenl. Good 111 hime H'-es vMth the nropc-tv. v VrU-rti at only $20,500. Fnt Al tnrr" information call Al I.aak. ev. Ph. EM 3-3551. 2 FtM. oriv. or ent. . elec r-np. lady. F.M 2-lrtn ai COM 9 S COMI-OPTAni.K ! n n--- 17th r.M 3-nooo. i I 3 bdrm." apts . loves Ac re-I frie lurn. very clean. EM 1 3-7115. fc I.ICKNSKIl ALSO IN WASHINGTON AND IDAHO AL ISAAK k CO., REALTORS . WK NKKD YOUR LISTINGS EM 3-35. EM 4-. EM 4-5021. EM 3-2dl. EM 2-8041 J 3 II no answet call IM 4-3318. G