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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1956)
Salem, Oregon, Monday, December 24, 1956 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Section 2 Page. 3 Cub Scout News LEBANON (Special)-A Christ mas tree decorated entirely with handmade ornaments by Cub Scouts of Pack 80 was taken by Mrs. Merle Klinge's den 4 to the local hospital last week. About 50 boys worked on the ornaments. Chandler. Randy Eilers. James Jungwirth, Michael Shum and James McBurney. Assistant denner stripes were awarded to David Whits and Thomas Plinski. LEBANON (Special) Cub scouts ot Pack 80 reported suc cess in selling Christmas trees, holly and mistletoe, with Commit teeman Chester Nelson handling deliveries, as announced at a re cent pack meeting LYONS (Special) Cub Scout Pack 81 held their December meet ing recently in the all-purpose room at the Mari-T.inn house. Committeeman Bill Kimery furnished a Christmas tree which the dens decorated. Stuart Christcnsen, Randall Kim sey and Douglas Brown received their Bobcat pins in a Bobcat cere- rm yjtis meeting. wuny. uiui Mcuuugau received a A pack game led by assistant ! Wolf silverwrow. Roy Brown was nhmaci... .. awarded a Bear cold arrow and a Bear silver arrow; Tommy Grimes and Kenneth Weaver were award- Cubmaster Frank Cray Cubmaster G. Edward Oel schlaeger and Larry Schmidt pre sented Bear awards to Terry Mc Mains and Rodney Klinge, with a gold arrow to the latter, in an "Indian" ceremony. Denner stripes were awarded to Eric )))y 'Cm 'j ed Lion badges. Den 6 was award ed the inspection cup, and Den 4 was awarded the parent attendance cup. Charles McCarthy led the rnr, and their parents and friends in group singing. Committeemen Marshall Powell and Bill Kimery were in charge of game time, after which the cubs orpsentpd pifts in their parents. BUTTEVIIXE GUESTS BUTTEyiLLE (Special) - Mr. and Mrs. Donald Clark of Tule lake, California, will spend the Christmas holidays in the Butte ville area with their parents. En route here they were involved in a car collision at Junction City, which badly damaged their car, anH il urne nfviiecam fnr 4 mrl I Mrs. Dan Clark to meet them and onng inem home. ikct(wc(wtr HEALTHFUL I . REFRESHING HENRY By Carl Anderson x zilch AND CO. I A BIZZvl Lfirly' buildims- JI WISHING WELL Rtgitlered U. S. PUnl Offici. gBS7384TZ5S Y B P E J H U A X O R A A J J 5 1 s 3 1 2 1! 1 I ! 5" R V L R P TTOIREPY T 7 3 2 5 t i 8 3 1 8 T I E A CUOHAYLAHPS 1" 8 3 7 8 2 S 3 8 1 5 7 3 L, D O PL CTTEHHYH "5 2 S 3 7 i 8 2 8 3 7 1 " BRAEYORIOSULO "5 S i 5 2 1 3 8 i 8 5 2 3" A N I O S LKVDEXTD "2 3 5 i 3 Z 5 7 ? 3 5 2 M F E A S U A S E Y N E S 4-H News WOODBURN (Special) "So Easy" 4-H sewing club Christmas party was held at the grange hall Wednesday. Members brought friends as guests. Games and dancing and a pot luck lunch served by the club leader, Mrs. Werner Hemshorn. assisted by her daughter Jeanette. A gift ex change was held. Next meeting will be January 9. Members are to bring material for aprons. BUTTEVILLE The 4-H Wood Peckers woodworking club met for their Christmas party at the home of their leader, Mrs. L. D. John son. They exchanged guts and played games. Their present proj ects are gun racks and corner cupboards. ACROSS 1. Register 6. Poem e. Mapls genus II. So. African warrion 13. Play on words 14. Had on 15. Clean 17. Handle 18. For 19. Scrap 10. Saltpeter 21. Russian lake 23. Quote 24. Epistle: abbr. 25. Gasoline 27. Harden SO. Military cap 32. Electrified particle 33. Vessel for heating liquids 34. Blunder 35. Consult 37. Toward 38. Black 40. Of an arm bone 42. Quivering 44. Biblical king 45. Town in New Guinea 47. Vegetable 48. Very bright 30. Poet 51. Jap. states man 52. Peruvian 3 Indian 1WALES1EDI ITISS L A R I NIeIIn O T I C E. O RBa DBA D Z yfl R 0 DOlSJEk eBa NjA K E. NB SIL Olw PJA ti 115 S NAPPE 5BAKI T sE HCl o o d Hf rimCI 1 INIE RTBpTr E L A TiE, DO RIePpICe. ABT JN 6.2 s B s l oTeH mTECjo A 5BFL A TjO0TJO L EG I O NWD I PjPlEJR islo r tsUoIr1eaTd1 53. God of war 54. Put on 55. Reward DOWN 1. Speak imperfectly 2. Faulty 3. Table implement HERE it pltnint little fame that will give you a me( every day. It is a numerical puizle designed to spell out your fortune. Count the letters in your first name. If the number ot letters is or more, subtract-4. If the number is less than 6, add 3. The result Is your key number. Start at the upper left-hand corner ot the rec tangle and check every one of your key numbers, left to right. Then read the message the letters under the checked figures give you. O HM. k Wlllltm J. MllWr. Dlitrlbtftd Kim lili. Inr. I2'24 PLYWOOD EXPANDS LEBANON (Special) A new drier and a new press are in op eration at Cascades Plywood Corp.. with a second press to be installed for use after the first of the year, said Bob Smith of the personnel department. Solution of Saturday's Puizle 1 1 2 1 3 4 IS 16 7 1.48 19 lie III ;M u . v$ 11 4$ I "is TT it; TT T 24 mzg 26 Jgn 26 29 47 v so isT Tl" 53 t 54 55 j 4. Small sing ing bird 5. Method of functioning 6. Fine dirt 7. Abstract being 8. Expect 9. Competition 10. Gaelic 11. Raise 16. Theater box 20. Nothing 22. F:nial 23. Jumble 24. Augment 26. King Arthur's lance 28. Adit 29. Philippine peasant 31. Make reads' 33. Sea eagle 35. Study 36. Ardor 39. Curves 41. Straighten 42. Father 43. Burn 44. Singing voice 46. Old oath 48. Invite . 49. Faint Easier to cut Sew and fit u 9384, 2-10, r tPZivJ 'ulrri:, KaiT.nT llN-T -A OUE TOWN I RILL Of CWiKTMA4 PEEiENT ID TH6 . y STEVE, I H40 SOWS MV At-ENT AN 6ET VCU ANP VOUKJMT TAKE IT.') AC-E5B WITH OUY4 TltVIM'TO BEt 1 MOTION PKTUEE HiOKTEV a : (Y A 5cU-INt' JCB 0M I VOUMAkE PER YEAR I ? -M AC Toe PEOPLE AVOIP BEIMJ PULLEIM-T j -rrf .PA;T' " " I J THE O1 WATCH Foe TH' . ,fv W lfi$L!tfn tSI ' C RECKON ITS M TS'R'i-JD'mllR) -ons basses, ) " m'CA 'vAVl!!2 ' UP TMET' l P I I MinX 1 iJ U 1 1 HAVENT HOW COM6 " I YOU 01.0 YOU ' I r ? ,T. T ; l SEEN YOU. -YOU JOINED SON-Of Ar If 6EA I 7 S WEV- ? TT' ' 61NC6YOLI 1 .V THB NAVY?! 8UN yVoOQl I ( kn C1 I MS 70 DOZ BuA-Y YOUR SOUS GBAPE5 ABE KAMI IN THE dt) DAYS I f IM HOT SUESSlW. -giSCUT'' YOt0.6 WAK1NS A i IVSeOT TO KVOCK TVS ! SW0W1NS. BUBOiE.'- MIKE WE CAUED'EM-STOOL ' I I GOT "PROOF : A MI5HT AY'J-fi'l WOEStUL CHANGS Y SUHS OUT Of THOSS IS THE BEST MAN I EVER' PIGEONS " HES 60T Wl Im i - i i sTtIi-' IN DAJ MIKE.' HETONKS bzCl WITTY eySS j MIRED'-WMY, ME 5 LIKE I FRIENDS IN HISH PLACES I V0P- wfK'l jll0 "" Printed Pattern A PRINTED Pattern! Easiest sewing for you, Mother; no fitting worries waistline cinched by the perky sash! Make it a corduroy jumper and blouse- for school; or velveteen party frock! Printed Pattern 9384: Children's I Sizes 2, 4, 6, 8, 10. Size 6 jumper takes 2V yards 35 - men nap; blouse, Hi yards 35-inch fabric. This printed pattern assures per fect fit. Easy directions printed on each tissue pattern part. This easy-to-use pattern gives perfect fit. Complete, illustrated tiew Chart shows you every step. Send 35c In coin (no stamps, please) for Pattern, with Name, Address, Style Number and Size. Address PATTERN BUREAU, Capital Journal, Box 42, Old Chel sea Station, New York 11, N.Y. For first class mall Include an eitra 5 cents per pattern. help vouestif-AieoiNims & A F?OM A BUNCH I WAS 60NNA SIVB AVS6MA'M'S!H6 ON PtAS PAY'" BUT 7HOUSHT 86TT68 Of tt'mt AOUSHT OP SOT CABRIEPAwAY"IT1 WUKS. WgUtTHAT 0WW5TH6WAP"' BUT CHSldTMAS ONLY OUCS AYEAI?"'SCW folks J WULPNTeivVDUA5MPlE 1 ooopmobnin; but i like to MAINTAIN TOBTKAP1T10N& RADIO PROGRAMS HOUR KSLM U. KOCO HM. KOAT MM. OIN tit. SOW US, E 111 MONDAY P.M. 00:00 00:15 00:30 00l4S KSLM Bob & Bit Bob tt Ray Bob Si Ray Th Small On KOCO Chris. Music Littl Shepherd Chris. Story ICtuil. Story j KGAY KG AY NCWI Sign Off KOIN Fd Murrow News-Weathtr Tom Rarmon Frtnk Gow KC.W Vanderhoof IVanderhoof IVanderhoof Vandrhoof I Kii ON Melody Magic Mclodv Magic Melody Magic Elmer Peterson KSLM Christmas Christmas (Littlest Anttel I Littlest Angel KOCO Littlest Angel (Littlest Angel (Chris. LullabyejChris. Lullaby KOIN Sports-Newt (Lowell Thomas'Amos 'n' Andy AmM n' Andy KG W Ed. P. Moiganl McCaU (Mystery Tim I Mystery Time KCON Music I Man on Go l S anna-Chris. I Waring-Chrli. 7 KSLM KOCO KOIN KCeW KG ON Gabriel Heater Chris. Bells Melody Music Wanne-Chrls. Perry Como (Chris. Bells iMclody (Music I Wannsr-Chrls. Radio Rosary I Art. Godfrey iBing Crosby Music I Christmai KSLM KOCO KOIN KG W KGON KSLM KOCO KOIN KG W KGON Xmas Island Joy to World Christmas Music World Newi IXmas Island Chris. Songg Christmas I Music I I Man's Family IXmas Lullaby (Chas. Dickens Christmas (Vce. Firestone I Vs. of Chrlstms The Tree Art. Godfrey i Almanac I Music t Christmas t IXmas Lullaby Chas. Dicker IChristrnas J I Vce. Firestone J I Vs. of Chrislm Carols Nativity Tune Table Nativity Telephone Hr. (Carols (Nativity iTune Table INatlvity (Telephone Hr. (Xmas Concert (Chorale Cap. Cloakrm. JUnion Square (Christmas IXmas Concert Chorale Cap. Cloakrm, V Union Square Christmas KSLM Fulton Lewis Music iNews Kiiro Mr. Pickwick, iMr. Plekwirk IChrls. Concert KOIN S-Star Final Sports Desk IChamb'r Forum IKnn RirhffeM Ron. ID a nc Time iCafol ( KGON Richfield Rptr. I Mostly Music I Mostly Music I Christmas Chris. Concert cnamoer i oruns ICarnls Mostly Muste KSLM True DetecUve True Detective Xmas Story I I KOCO Mantovnnt (Mantovanl (Chris, Chimes 1 KOIN News-Muslo )Mus. Midnight Mus. Mianlgbt I ttnvB rnnm Tim (ll)itif Tims DaTir Time I KGON Bass Harris llUss Harris Bass Harris I IXmas Story Chris. Chlmef Mus. Mldnlgfct IDance Time Bass Harris TUESDAY HOUR 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:4$ KSLM KG AY KOIN KG W KGON KSLM KOCO KGAV KOIN KGW KGON KSLM KOCO KGWV KOIN KGW KGON KSLM KOCO KGAY KOIN KGW KGON KSLM KOCO KGAY OKI MM KGW KflflU KSLM KOCO KGAY KOIN KGW Vail. Farmcastj Farm News News America News Rise & Shine Hemingway Chris. Tree Morn. Mag. KOIN Klock News Rise & Shine Cliff Engle Cbris. Tree Herb's Show Consumer N'wsl News Rise St Shine Val. Farmcast Morn. Mag. KOIN Klock Vanderhoof .World News Break. Gang Chris. Tree Morn. Mag. Headline News Vanderhoof Rise Sc Shine News Chris. Tree Herb's Show Wendy Warren MreaKiasi uiun Val. Farmcast KGAY News 'Morn. Mag. KGAY Newst i KOIN Klock KOIN Klock 1 IVanderhoof IVanderhoof IRise fc Shine Rise v anine .Break. Gang Chris. Tree Morn. Mai. Goss News iVanderhoor Rise & Shine Family Altar (Chris. Tree Inei D s snow Vaile News Vanderhoof I Rise & Shine Kraft News Chris. Tree Herb's Show Howard Miller Breakfast Club IChorale 1 Chris. Tree I KGAY Newi Babbit Show Vanderhoof Bill Guyman Haven of Rest (Haven of Rest Chris. Tree IChrls. Tre J Herb's Show (KGAY Newa i Shelley Serena isneuey sere. vanaernooi ivanaernooi INews R&Shlne (Rise Sc Shin . Spotlite RecrdslSpotllle RecrdslSpotlite RecrdsSpotlite News Music Herb's Show Nora Drake ABC News ITcllo-TcBt (Music Herb's Show Ma Perkins Chef Gino Pastor's Call (Bargain Chris. Carols IChrls. carol Ross Show IKGAY News Ht-len Trent Mldmorn. NewS Breakfast Club (Breakfast Club needs. I The Humble Percy Faith Herb's Show Dr. Malone Girl Marries I The Humble Percy raim KGAY News Aunt Mary Whispering Sts, NBC Bandat'ndlNBC Bandst'ndjNBC Bandst'nd)NBC Bandst'nd News IQueen a Dav Calypso Chris. Calypso Chris. Dinner Winner Dinner Winner Happiness Mrs. Burton True Story True story IQueen for Day IQueen for Day IChrls. Songs Chris. Songs Rome's Rec'ds I Route's Rec'dS) Strike It Rich Pat Buttram Konnie worm Konnie worm HOUR Party Server. Old-fashioned girls , iimni. omhroiderv stitches their bonnets forming pockets on this pretty serving style: .Mane an apron for yoursen, lor gms, Bazaars! Pattern 7272: Transter, direc- i,t far anron 17 inches long. Pockets, ruffles of gay remnants! Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS In corns for this pattern add S cents for each pattern ror lst-class mail ing. Send to Capital Journal, Household Arts Dept., P.O. Box 168. Old Chelsea Station. New t-u 11 K' V Print :l-lnl NAME. ADDRESS, 7.0NE. AND 2 PATTERN NUMBER. Two FREE patterns printed tt in our ALICE BROOKS Needle- i craft book stunning designs for vmi nur readers! Dozens of other designs to order all easy, fascinating hand-work! Send 25 cents for your copy of this won derful book right awayt .. vi m wit i rn i m x-i u v m i L " ' WrrBgSWPIDKrJOWrWAT I I HELP V0UB6tlf"4ieo IN TVKS I mi.THATSWffl6W. 1 fHMlOOfrlSfCMAM.n IMA9T6eePFUPfiE-MAKINfiTHI( ISA PSOM A BUNCH I BUT CH6lSTMA$ ONLY 1 I I WAKE UP-TIME FOR i IU5TJUl.yiZANPISAV6P,iCU I I WAS SONNASlvelSSMA'M'S!H6 ONCB A YEAI?'"CM FOlktS J k cHOieTMA joy. lALrmawejijersiJCriAcKCAfiioiii 1 1 on has PAv but thought 3ulpnt &msui i simple I ty , crtsm AS THIS. 1 1 , mwm , A 8ETT68 Of IT HB AOUSHT Of J fiOOPMOBNIH, BUT I LIKE TO J 1 (MWV' r-n-l I l-Tl ITCASgt7AWAY"IT1Sr0U?SWMAlHTAIN THE ifeAWTIONfcl iinHU l,,l.H',n-iv.ik,.n,ahil sl 11 umw - rvr v t K A lW1" ' 11 "INl1' I W r FOUCS fVO oooa loaa w eroyn) ved my liht- I S a M- U rmrnrrrrr, ;7- rfftir .1 H S. f .1:. I , lit 1 Ti vnrt'i Mi. "r 1 .V.-v " I I v.m WlMiMt''i'JkaiiVl V 4I i"IH.WT'- I SAW TIITM Ti: Ui.1 MaaaaVT . 1 'i 7 -AN' NO ONE WOULD "Oil s-!er rn I RETH-LATtUl. nOWMTHAR 1 I I 5UPPOBTS DCWH. hegA I V STtA .Y I M's I A r kV I AftWFD' fAUPALL II 5KdV I jTt'jZ' V41iT FT 0 Zff "SZSY DON'T WORRY. )M 1 1 TOLD SAN I A !!. UkL. I WHAT DO VOU WANT FTGrYOU 'Sl H y k M ' jgsoNNVSANTAHAsn To write mv i5f JJ5i;'l btfaSSV&tBi tvN0MrK0LLyg I fl JM mT AGOODMEMORf UST DOWN BUTfLCtCEROfA CPlCt JK"). I TOLD VOU -Xl 'Mr M? i woN'TFwaeifcr HB said he'd tfvMnjFiSlfjSc" -T. T to write iw irvv''WVa B- " " J l"x zZL'JM' YWZ" . r fine; r 1 we called akp spd t yovp better none w iCivVXpS" VjUNE.'WeE Jl- OVEaEARLYTOHeLPlTHEWAY.JUHE, UE P Sf UHAgLE JD MC AND TELL HER 1 1 ' Vt'Vl ''T I CALLED AND I INVITED TOO 11 U HER PREPARE (T M4 LOCj; COP T fT IN TOD--TUAT in mm: m im,T H I . I rVOULD HK6 rCHl OVER AREN'T VOU 7 IW ( FOR THE REDRESS- SHEP STOP BY WED- f TEN IN THE MORNiNft.' t , 1. .tsTjil rr,.v FOR CHRI5TMA5 DINNER, --ff I PPWfrtfblK " " ,M 1 BiDy INCE S TLL MEET HER HERE 1 it"Jm II 72'2 . cc morgan ; csn X3U Ttj rf U 1 R?JJjrels. Win have office rrs important that HM MAKE IT? yl I i, I lfriili t-.- B HOURS ON CHRISTMAS I,n!FDRFS4 HFR - v l-flsv-Ji IKIJI Kl-V7Hfe-HJrirTTJ h- hand before ril I .1 'i.ti m inji i ES3rrr,n:)T.wjNHi; Mr ? l m n ' rirr rw weonespay a 'h 5 i?jc-7i mmmMmmwmmrm rssiirin i ii i-i kri ii iw r-rr- iwm .i:l i i in l i i la.T-i;,'! i . .- im, it i i ,iaw , 2 .-. . 2 Wff WIV'A" J II IJ l i rp?Trr2----r - I I 1 HI I MtAMIMOI "THAI NICE?-.NO, I fr5...AVTRi- SivOUR FATHER ALWAYS Er! ay - i ys ua, m aa m 1 t i ti i f.s7 mwm ir r f s 1 ' KUUW NBC BandBl'ndlNBC Bandit'ndjNBC BandifndlNBC Bindifna) 1 2 INews I Chris. Carol Home s Kec as Come Get It Paul Harvey 1 1 oprunes ISnlem Mlnli. (Chris. Songs ITod Trades unru. uaroi Town Crier House Party Merrv Go Rnd ITop Tunes (Val. FarmcasV Merry tnni, KGAY News Hmise Party Merrv Go HnA ITop Tunes KSLM Chitin. of Air KOCO Sle ah Ride KGAY Rolhe's Rec's KOIN News-Weather KGW Mitchell Repts. Kiiim Top runes "K8I.M Salem Mints. KUt o Art Baker KliAY Route's Hec'l KOIN Godfrey Time KCW Carols KGON 6 Star Mat. KKI.M ChrlslmaR IChrislmas INews IChristmai KOCO The Messiah The Messiah lThe Messiah lTha Messiah KGAY Rollie's Rec's Rolllc's Rec'ds Rome's Rec'dl IKGAY News KOIN Godfrey Time, Godfrey Time Ruth Ashton Weather New Kfi W Cnrnln Hnrnla V. arola (Carola KGON Woman In Hsc-lMary McBrlde Fred Waring IFred WarltH ISalem Minis. ISalem Minis. Chris. Nlte IChrls. Nile Rolhe's Rec'ds (Rollie's Rec'ds (KGAY News Godfrey Time Godfrey Tim (Godfrey Tlma (Carols (Carols (Carols IS Star Mat. IHilltop Hie. (Pepper Young KSI.M Percy Fnlth IPercy Faith KOCO The Messiah The Messiah KOAY Rollie's Rec's Rollle'a Rec'ds KOIN Backst'ge Wife Our Gal S'nday nun v.ariiK lunroia KGON Chris. Day Ichrts. Day KHI.M Fulton Lewis KOCO The Messiah KGAY Rollie's Rec's KOIN Art Klrkahm Kiiw vanderhoof IChristrnas ITello Test lThe Messiah (The Messiah i Rollie's Rec'dl IKGAY News Take Thirty Taks Thirty )U's New (Sport O Rlira, Hemtnavay i The Messiah Rome's Rec'ds Eddie Fisher Vanderhoof KGON Fash. Rhythms irash. Rhythms IWorld News KSLM Bob St I Here's Answer IS am Hayes .The Messtan imi lviessian Rollie's Rec'dS IKGAY New Newspaper (Newspaper Vanderhoof Vanderhoof H-H Clubs Rav KOCO rjtrnlR.rhimoe KiAY Rollie's Hee ds KOIN Ed R. Murrow KGW Vflnderhnnr K(.ON Mel. Magic I nob Sc Ray Carols-Chlmef Sinn Oft NewS'Weather VnnderhfMf Mrl. AlaffiC KSLM Carols mill nmndlRe KOCO Carols-Chimes Carols-ChlmM KOIN Sports-News llwell Thorn's KCiW Kd P. Morgan MtCall KfiON Music (Man on Go KSLM Gahe Heater Kddle Fisher (Music KOCO Chris. Finals Chris. Finale I Chris. Final KOIN Melody (Melody Dins; Crosby K(iV Music (Music Music KGON Card. SpellmanjCjuccn EH?.ah'thTliia Ii Noel KSLM Carols (Carols (Holidays Chr Ii. Finale IChrti. Finale Uobt. Q, Lewis World Tonight MuhIc Music I Mans ramtiyiuraKnet Rob A Rav I Jackie Gleason Caro If -Chime )Carols-Chlm 'Tom Harmon Tom McCall Mel Allen p. Anderson Mel. Ma fie (Elmer Pe terse) ICarolers ISam Haves Caro s-Ch mes I Carols-Chimes Amos 'n' Andy lAmos 'n' Andy Mvsterv Time (Mystery Tim Vsc. of Chris. )Vsc. of Chris. (Carol IChrls. Final Music I Tliis Is Noel KOCO Chris. Finale KOIN Uolu, Q Lewis K(iW World News KGON World News 9 KOCO Chris. Final KOIN Tune Table KGW Music KtillN IlNiisTArlnna 1KSLM Mldnlte Mass KOCO Chris. Finale KOIN S Star Flnial KGW News KGON Rich fid Rrptr. KSLMntg"Citv KOCO Chris. Finale KOIN Mus. to Midnlte KiW Dance Time KfiON Bans Harris Holfdavs Chris. Finals Tune Table Muslo Relief Prog. Mldnlte Mass iLnns. finals Ispnrta Dance Time Mostly Muslo Rig Citv Chris. Finale Mus. to Mldnlte Dance Time Ras Harris Holidays Chris. Final Dn You Know Dance Time Relief Prog. (Holidays , nnai Tonight gnet INews IChrls. Final Do You Know Dance Tim (Relief Prog. Mldnlte Mass Mldnlte Mais Chr s. Fins IChrls. Finale Good Eventing (Good Evening Dance Time Dance Time Mostly Musle .Mostly Music Holiday (Holiday IChrls. Fins (Chris. Final Music Miami music Miami Dane Time (Dance Tim Bass Harris Bass Harris WEDNESDAY A.M. 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:4j KflLM ValL Farmcast iVall. rarmcaat iValL Farmcast iNaws KGAY Farm News Morn. Mag. (Morn. Mag. KGAY Nrw KOIN News America IKOIN Klockt KOIN Klock KOIN Klock Ki;w News-Vander. IVanderhoof (Vanderhoof (Vanderhoof KGON Rise Sc Shine WorldNewi (Rise St ShlnaJRis St Shin. m" IlrntnTwav "Mrkf Gana iRrkfat. Cans News KOCO Rhythm Ranch Ray's In Tim (Ray's in Tim Ray's In Tim KGAY Mum. Mhr. iMorn. Man. iMorn. Mag. iKGAY News KOIN KOIN Klock Headline News iFrank Goss (Harry Babbitt yaw Vandirhnof (Vandrrlioof IVanderhoof Vanderhoof KGON Rise St ShinRis A:ShlnjRlse St Shln(BlllGuyman ' KHi.Mr'hff'FniTli ramllv Altar Bible Inst. 'liible Inst. koco Ray's In Time Itay'a In Tim 1 Ray's In Tim (Ray's In Tim KGAY Herb's Show illerb's Show L. Ross Show KGAY Newa IN CnsumT News Vaile News Shelley Srnad Shelley Sernadg KCW News-Vander. IVanderhoof IVanderhoof IVanderhoof KGON Hlse St Shine nise St Shin News-Rise Sc S. Rise Sc Shin KSLM News Nrwi Pastor's Call Bargain Counts) KOCO News n.iy's Melodies (Ray's Melodies Ray'g Melodle K(!A Y Herb's Show Iierb's Show (Herb's Show .KGAY News KOIN Wendy Warren Howard Miller 'Helen Trent Mid Morn Newt KGW Hrpakfant Club I Hreakfasi ciud I mean fast uiUD I nresKtast Club KGON Spotlite Reds. (Spotlite Reds. (News-' .ecords Spotlite Beds. KSLM News Trilo Test Wings of Song iWings "f Son KOCO News Ray's Melodies (Ray's Melodies Ray's Melodies KGAY Herb's Show ;ciry Dyer (Herb's Show KCAY News KOIN Norah Drake I Ma Perkins )Dr. Malone lAunt Mary KGW Chef Gino 'Anderson (Girl Marries I Whispering St. KGON NBC Bandst'nd NBC Bandst'ndjNBC Bandit nd NBC Bandst'nd. KSLM News HMiren a Dav Queen Day Gueen 'Ut KOCO News Ray's Melodies I Ray's Melodies I Ray's Melodies KGAY Dinner Winner Dinner Winner Rollie's Record! Rome's Record I KOIN Happiness Mrs. Burton Strike It Rich IPat Buttram KGW True Storv 1 True Storv I Konnie Worth IKonnie Worth 1 KGONNRC Bandst'ndlNBC Bandst'ndl NncBanditndNBC Bandit'ndJ rKHI.MNews N W New fop Trade Vail Farmcast KOCO News IClarlne Calling ICIarln Calling jciann calltnaj KGAY KGAY News Rollie's HrcorasiTown Crier KGAY News 2KOl irwi-weainer ii.ome iet ii inouse tariy mouw rrvr ttf.w Mitchell Rpts. (Paul Harvey f Merry Go Rnd. I Merry Go Rnd. Tt-lfittf Tnn Titna iTnn Tiinsta IM.un.Tnn Tn.ilTrin TnnM "ksi.M Matinee Matinee Matinee IMattnee ' I KOCO News 110 Tune St. 11490 Tun St. 11490 Tun St, KGAY Rolhe's Records. Hollie s Records Route s Records! KGAY News KOIN Godfrey Time Godfrey Time Godfrey Time Codfrey Tim KGW Mrrv Go Rnd. ' Merry Go Rnd. I Merry Go Rnd. I Merry Go Rnd. KGOV 5 Star Matinee Ii Star Matinee IHilltop House Pepper Young K(H.MMattne Matinee INews iMatinee " Koco News 1)90 Tune St. (1490 Tune St. 1 1400 Tun St. KGAY Rollie's Records Hollie s Records Rollie's Records; KGAY News KOIN Godfrey Time Godfrey Time Ruth Ashton INews-Weather KGW' Merrv Go Rod. 1 Merry Go Rnd. ' Merry Go Rnd. t Merry Go Rnd, KGOtf Woman In Hse. (Mary McBrlde (Fred Waring IFred Waring KHI.M Matlnea Matinee 'Matinee ITello Teat Koco News '1490 Tune St. (1490 Tune St 1490 Tun St, KGAY Rolhe's Records Rollie's Records Rollie's Records! KGAY News KOIN Backstage WifeiOur Gal S'ndaylTake Thirty Tak Thirty KGW Merry Go Rnd. I Merrv Go Rnd. 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