Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 22, 1956, Page 5, Image 5

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BRIDE AT a ceremony in Medford last evening was Mrs. Ray Nissley Miller
above, daughter of Justice and Mrs. William M. McAllister of Salem. The bridegroom
Raymond Nissley Miller of Lancaster, Penn.
Christmas Decor at
Of interest to many friends throughout the state
was the wedding Friday night in Medford when
"iss Kathryn Jean McAllister, daughter of Justice
and Mrs. William M. McAllister, Salem, was mar
ried to Ray Nissley Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond Nissley Miller of Lancaster, Penn.
The service was at 8 o'clock in the First Pres
byterian church at Medford, Dr. D. Kirkland West
0fflvnd'njuniper and white chrysanthemums decor
ated the church in the Christmas theme for the
service For the music, Josephine Albert Spaulding
(Mrs Bruce) of Portland, formerly of Salem sang,
Richard D. Werner, well known violinist of Med
ford. played, and Mrs. Eva Marsh was the or-
Given in marriage by her father, 'he bride
wore a full length dress of pure silk styled with
wide round neckline outlined with seed pearl trim
long sleeves and a short train. The fingertip veil
was held by a tiny bonnet of pure silk with pear
trim on the front edge and a rosette of the silk at
the back. The bride carried a bouquet of white
Miss Ellen West was honor attendant. Miss Ann
Denman of Medford, Mrs. N. B. Bender, Jr. of
Seattle and Miss Donna Busch, the latter a cousin
of the bride from Upland, Calif., were the brides
maids. A" identical frocks of ice blue crystal
satin, stvled with 'empire waistlines with sashes of
darker blue. They all carried clusters of white
bells with pink roses and white satin ribbons.
Mark H- Miller was best man for his brother.
The ushers were Brooke A. Williams and Peter
V Flood, both from Stanford university, Ensign
t ,
A family talent party will be a feature of the
December meeting of the Women of Good Shep
herd Lutheran church, at the church Wednesday,
at 8 p.m. Mrs. Arthur Jensen, Mrs. C. K. roK
stad, Mrs. John Kinney, Mrs. Roy feiring and
Mrs. Leo Kilber, officers, will serve.
Plan Reception
Of interest to a large group on Sunday. De
cember 30. will be the consecration ceremony tor
St. Paul's Episcopal church and the reception ol
lowing. The service will be at 4 o'clock m the
church with the Rt. Rev. Benjamin D. Dagwell,
bishop of the Oregon diocese, officiating.
The reception following will be in the church
parish hall. Mrs. A. D. Woodmansce is general
chairman for the reception. Mrs. Joseph M Dew
ers, Mrs. John R. McCuilough. Mrs. Charles D.
Wood. Mrs. Herman Jcchimsen and Mrs. Robert
Powell are in charge of the Jocorations.
Mrs E H. Kennedv. Mrs. Fred Bernardi. Mrs.
Robert T. Boals and Mrs. Robert Schneider are
in charse of tables. Mrs. Frank Shafer and Mrs.
.lames G. Watts are arranging for the punch table.
Mrs. Glenn S. Paxson, Mr. and Mrs. Sam u
Campbell and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph At wood are the
Kitchen committee. Mrs. Charles H. Heltzel is
chairman for the food committee.
Mrs. Elmer Berglund heads the host and greet
ing committee, the group to include members oi
tne vestrv and their wives, two members from
each guild in the church and two from the Men J
club. Mrs. Robert M. Fitzmaurice is in charge 01
the table decorations.
Mrs. Wallace Carson is to introduce guests to
the line, the line to include Bishop Dagwell. tne
Rt. Rev. James W. F. Carman, bishop coadjutor,
and Mrs. Carman: the Rev. and Mrs. George H.
Swift and other dignitaries at the service.
Pouring will be Mrs. Homer Goulet, Sr., Mrs.
Frank H. Spears, Mrs. James Walton. Mrs. so
ney Kromer. Mrs. Robert M. Fischer. Jr., Mrs.
Philip W. Allison, Mrs. Earl T. Newbry, Mrs. J. V
Chambers, Mrs. William H. Lytle. Mrs. Lynn r .
Cronemiller, Mrs. W. Wells Baum. Mrs. Artnur
Erickson. Young people of the church are
!th Mrs. Kenneth Sherman, Mrs. Glenn Wilbur
and Dr. Gordon Cooley, the advisory group lor
Friday Wedding
William McAllister, brother of the bride, and Lt.
(jg) Stephen N. Cook of Moffett Field, Calif.
The bride's mother wore a Dior blue satin and
crepe dress with matching slippers, white satin
accessories and corsage of white orchids. The
bridegroom's mother wore a champagne tulle and
satin dress with matching accessories and a cor
sage of brown-gold orchids.
The McAllister home in Medford was the scene
for the wedding reception. A green wreath with
wedding bells was on the front door. Greens, white
candles and roses decorated the home and the
bride's table. Mrs. Henry Busch, Upland, Calif.,
aunt of the bride, and Mrs. Kenneth Denman of
Medford cut the cake. Pouring were two aunts of
the bride. Mrs. E. B. Kirkwood and Mrs. George
H. McAllister, both of Grcsham. Assisting were
Mrs. Raymond Miksche, Mrs. Edwin Durno, Mrs.
Chester 'Hubbard, Mrs. Richard Gordon, Mrs.
bayard Getchcll, Mrs. Dwight H. Findley.
For traveling the bride wore a pale beige suit
with fur collar, black coat and accessories and a
corsage of red roses.
Following a trip to the Oregon coast the couple
will be at home at 970 Paradise Way. Palo Alto,
until mid-summer, moving August 1 to Philadel
phia, Penn., Mr. Miller to attend the University of
Pennsylvania Medical school. Both now are sen
iors at Stanford university.
CHRISTMAS formal of
Ihe committee are the five
Sally Joseph ton the floor)
i ?r , ff
(Landis-Shangle studio, Medford)
(Kathryn Jean McAllister),
is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Young Couple
Tells Betrothal
Announcement is being made this weekend of
the engagement of Miss Judy Wolfe, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rothweiler, to James Bowers,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd K. Bowers.
No date has been set for the wedding.
Miss Wolfe is a graduate of North Salem High
school, and is a secretary at Beneficial Finance.
Mr. Bowers attended Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, and is now a junior at University of
Mrs. W. C. Rankin and her daughter, Mrs.
Genevieve Ricdcl, of Portland are to be here for
over Christmas with Mrs. Rankin's son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Ncedham and
family, Beth and Tommy.
The Needhams will entertain at a Christmas Eve
gathering for Mrs. Rankin, Mrs. Riedel, Mr. Need
ham's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Necdham and
his brother and sister-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. Win
field Ncedham. The W. I. Needhams will entertain
the group for dinner Christmas day.
Junior Catholic Diughters of America will be next Friday night. Hecember 2. On
attractive girls ibove, left to right: Misses Janet Larson, fchw Koch, Sue Watson,
and Janice Ebner.
College Girls
To Be Honored
Greek letter sorority collegiates home for th
holidays will be honored next week at a number
of teas planned by Salem alumnae of different
groups. Two of these parties are on Thursday.
Tri Drlt Group
Delta Delta Delta alumnae are giving a tea
Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Arthur
Erickson to honor active members of the sorority
home for Christmas. The tea will be between S
and S o'clock. All Delta Delta Delta members are
At the door during the different hours will be
Mrs. Clarke Brown, Mrs. Cal Horsey, Mrs. Har
old 0. Schneider, Mrs. Mark Astrup.
Pouring will be Mrs. William '. Braun, Mrs.
Charles Clarke, Mrs. George Weller, Mrs. James
Assisting about the rooms and serving will be
the committee members in charge of tea, Mrs.
C. R. Nelson, Mrs. Donald Kelly, Mrs. Charles
Delta Gamma Affair
Also on Thursday will be the tea for which
Delta Gamma alumnae are to entertain to honor
their collegiate members home for the holidays.
The tea will be at the Fairmount Hill home of
Mrs. Leon Perry between 2 and 4:30 o'clock.
Assisting Mrs. Perry will be Mrs. Carl G. Col
lins, Mrs. Clayton Foreman and Miss Connie
For Gnmina Phi Group 1
All me libers of Gamma Phi Beta sorority,'
their mothers and alumnae, will be entertained at
coffee Friday from 10 to 12 o'clock, at the home
of Mrs. Garlen L. Simpson. Arranging the affair
are Mrs. Simpson, Mrs. Paul F. -Carbon, Mrs.
Donald Liudahl and Mrs. Harold M. Olinger.
Pouring will be Mrs. David T. McKeown and
Mrs. Frank H. Spears. Greeting guests at the door
will be Miss Alice Lehman and Miss Marjorie
For Pi Phis
Collegiate members of Pi Beta Phi- sorority
home for the vacation will be entertained at the
annual tea given by past presidents of the Salem
alumnae group next Friday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. James T. Brand. Mothers of the active
members are also invited. The tea will be at 3
o'clock. Mrs. Charles A. Spraguc is to pour.
Junior CDA Formal
"Midwinter's dream," is the theme for the
annual Christmas formal dance sponsored by
Junior Catholic Daughters of Aimrica, to be next
Friday evening, December 28, at the Knights of
Columbus hall. Urs Wolfer's orchestra will furnish
the music between 8 and 12 o'clock.
It is to be a program dance and decorations
will be in red and pink. Miss Gloria Koch is
general chairman. Other committee chairmen are:
Miss Eloise Corey, publicity; Miss Sally Joseph,
decorations; Miss Janet Larson, refreshments;
Miss Pat Kindel and Miss Janice Dabler, pro
grams; Miss Janice Ebner, clean-up.
Chaperons for the dance are Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Braulick, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pearson,
Mr. and Mrs. George Corrigan, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Pavelek, Mr. and Mrs. George Gruchalla,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Meier, Mr. and Mrs.
Stewart Leek, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Corey, Mr.
and Mrs. George Davison, Mrs. Lavcrne Lechtcn
burg. Miss Dclores Riley and Miss Mary Angela
r In Salem for the Christmas holidays Is Miss
Beverly Gustafson of San Diego, Calif., who is at
the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Miss Gustafson leaches music at one of the
elementary schools in Snn Diego. A recording of
her chorus of 30 girls is to be played over a
radio station in San Diego this weekend, and in
the spring, the group will appear on television.
A dinner on Christmas day at the Gustafson
home will be given foV Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gus
tafson of Portland, parents of Carl Gustafson,
Miss Beverly Gustafson, Jay Gustafson and Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Gustafson
Young Matrons club met at China City for (he
annual Christmas party and exchange of gifts.
The members brought toys, food and clothing for
a needy family.
Past Regents club of Chemekcta chapter,
Daughters of the American Revolution, will meet
next Saturday, December 29, for 1 p.m. luncheon
at the Marion hotel.
(Picture by J.rry Claimen, Capital Journal)
Some Notations .
; ' By M.L.F:
One of the most enjoyable features of Christmas
time is- the array of wonderful cards and greetings,
and each year they seem to be better than ever. . .
lt would be a pleasure to write something about
all those received, but space being what it is only
a few are mentioned here
Especially unusual group: The one from Mr.
and Mrs. John M. Williamson with its modernistic
touch on the "peace on earth" theme with a lion
and a lamb . . . The one from Mr. and Mrs.
Charles A. Sprague .... On the cover the Spragues
are shown entering their new abode, the Royal
Court apartments, to "ring in the new," and on
the back cover to "ring out the old," the couple
are shown leaving their former home at 425
North 14th .... They built the home on North 14th,
moving in on July 16, 1931, and the card highlights
all the major happenings in the 25 years they lived
there (they left there in August of this year), the
story including Kerns about the Oregon Statesman,
the official life during the time Mr. Sprague was
governor, and tid-bits about the family .... What
a bit of nostalgia it must bring to friends, rela
tives, dignitaries and memberships of organiza
tions who gathered frequently at the Sprague home
in those 25 years .... And there's the greeting
from Mr. and Mrs. Colli! Johnson of Portland, the
annual' book patterned after Life magazine and
presenting all the exciting things happening in the
Johnson family during the year, the story being
mainly in pictures .... and Gerry Frank's card,
a large Santa Claus head with "such big eyes" and
a beard and brows of styrofoam .....
Cards from afar: One from M. Col. and Mrs.
Frank Manbeck, formerly of Salem and still in
army duty in Germany, the card giving its Yule
tide message in Gorman; from Mr. and Mrs. E. J,
Scellars. Salemitcs spending several months in Ha
waii and reporting it very, very warm weather
the day they mailed their message; from Mr. and
Mrs. William E. Healy, former Salem residents
now located in Oakland, Calif.; from Mrs. James
W. Molt, in Washington, D.C., her son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John L. Sullivan and fam
ily, and her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs,
Curtis Stewart, all living in the Washington area,
to spend Christmas with her
Among the very original ones: The card from
Mr. and Mrs. Russell C. Hnchl, Jr. (Jean Claire
Swift), San Francisco, its design including a pic
ture of the two little ones, Dana and Rusty, under
the message, "look what Santa sent." .... The
very clever card from Mr. and Mrs. Robert B,
Ebersole, their own design and messago being dis-.
tinctively Lee's .... The card from Mr. and Mn.
Robert W. Gormsen, its cover a drawing by the
son, Paul, presenting a young boy's interpretation
of Santa and a tree .... The card from Mr. and
Mrs. George W. Dewey, Jr., cut-outs of the family
and verse telling the big news of the year . . . The
card from Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. RoM-an, its
cover featuring pressed greens with glitters
And among those featuring the "cuties" the one
from Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wllllums, with the pic
ture 'Of the young daughter. Darby ....
All Christmas cards are beautiful, because of
the spirit in which they are sent and because they
are from friends, but for special mention for color
and beauty, to list a few, the cards of Mr. and
Mrs. Glenn Woodry, Dr. and Mrs. Robert T. Boals,
Mr. and Mrs. Don Brazle, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold
Kruegcr, Mr. and Mrs. P. II. Schnell of Portland,
formerly of Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Leon Perry, Mr,
and Mrs. Fred (. Slnrrett, Dr. and Mrs. Charles
Campbell, Governor and Mrs, Klino Smith, Stale
Representative and Mrs. Enrl Hill of Cushman;
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer O. Berg, with a Spanish pict
ure of the Nativity; Miss Susan Kaherty, formerly
of Salem and now in Tucson; the Robert Needhams
the W. E. Ktmseys . , .
Two Christmas-time 'coffee parties were on our
calendar for Tuesday ....
In the morning Mrs. Harold D. Robertson was
hostess to a group at her beautiful new home on
Birdshill at the west side of Candalaria Heights
overlooking the Polk county valley .... Gnosis
were invited to call between 10 a.m. and noon. . , .
The Robertson home is one of the most unusual
new residences, especially interesting for its use
of beautiful woods in the interior finishings
une couia write a wnoic column on me nome. a
Swiss chalet type . . . Added to the charm of the
home were the holidny decorations . . . Especially
noteworthy was the large wall planter arranged on
the brick wall over (he fireplace, pale pink and gold
ornaments arranged where little flower pots would
be normally .... In the little alcove at the- edge
of the high beamed ceiling and overlooking Ihc
living room was a small revolving Christmas
tree .... In the front of the fireplace on the low
marble-topped table was a large bowl filled with
bronzed greens and ornaments, harmonizing so
strikingly with (he deep gold carpeting .... The
coffee table was decorated at one corner with a
tall arrangement of pink blooms with silvered fern
and ornaments .... Guests adjourned to the base
ment party room for seconds of1 coifee or hot
spiced wassail and especially interesting was the
array of Christmas cookies, all made by Mrs.
Robertson and featuring some unusual foreign
ones .... The party room was set off with a large
Christmas tree at one end ....
Among those greeted at our late morning call
Mrs. J. M. Lamb and her daughter, Mrs. Richard
II. Jones of Portland; Miss Nellie Schwab, Mrs.
Grare I). Barker, Mrs. Chnrlrs W. Mills, Mrs.
Mnynard Sniffer, Mrs. R. L. Boone, Mrs. Brey
man Boise. Mrs. K. D. I.yllr, Mrs. Mason Me
(luiston, Mrs. Olio J. Wilson, who soon will be
moving into a new home next door to the Robert
sons; Mrs. A. T. Gallium, Mrs. Cinlr Mrlscl of
Mc.Minnville, formerly of Salem; Mrs. Grace
Hughes, Mrs. Kililh M.' Anderson, Mrs. Henry A.
Simmons, Mrs. Ralph Gordon, Mrs. D. G. Parker,
Mrs. Rltrhlc M. Turner, Mrs. Harris I.lelz, Mrs.
It. C. Hunter, Mrs. Samuel W. Itobb, Mrs. Coburn
Grabenhnrsl, Mrs. Glenn Hamilton, Mrs. Bruce F.
I'lrkeit. Mrs. C. K. Rubcrg. Mrs. J. W. Chambers,
Mrs. John Mlnto, Mrs. Richard A. Rawllnson, Mrs.
Harry V. Collins ...
In the early afternoon, Tuesday, was the coflec
party honoring Mrs. Robert H. Cnrey, who with
Mr. Carey and lamily will be moving December
27 to Enterprise .... Hostesses were Mrs. Richard
Allen, sislur-in law of Mrs. Carey, Mrs, Orvllle
Kunnier, Jr., Mrs. William Hicks, Mrs. Howard
Ktu-ood, Mrs. John Erldksen, and Mrs. William
Ferguson, the party being at Ihc Allen home on
Holiday Drive, guests Incited to call between noon
and 3 p.m. .... It was a Christmas pink and
green purty .... On the door was ; natural green
wreath ornamented with deep pink balls, a pale
pink key across it .... Decor in the living room
featured pink in flowers and candles wilh greens
. . . .The coilee table in the dining room was set
with a white cloth, gold stripes in the border
The centerpiece at one side was an ornamental
tree of frosted greens with a garland of g-'d beads
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Schnell and family and his
brother-in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Itoberl
Strebig and family, will be in Portland on Christ
mas day to be at a family gathering at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Schnell, parents of Mr.
Schnell and Mn. Strebig, and former Salem resi
dents. Joining the group will be Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Wittliff of Astoria and her son, Jack Beakcy,
and her daughter. Miss Beverly Beakey, all for
merly of Salem. Jack Beakcy Is west on leave
from the naval officers training school at Newport,
Christmas party for bethel 35, Job's Daughters,
will be Sunday, at the home of Mrs. Norman
Fletcher, at 2 p.m. A no-host supper and gilt ex
change will feature the afternoon.
strung around it .... At one corner were two
large grape colored candles nestled among frosted
greens, a gold bow around one candle, purple or"
namenls around the other .... Guests also gath 1
ered in the basement party room .... Over the
fireplace were the bright red, jeweled Christmas
stockings for the Allen children .... The colfee
table there was set with a gay red Chris'.mas
cloth with gold print design, the centerpiece a
musical Christmas carousel
Among those saying farewells to Mrs. Carey
during our call were Mrs. Wallace Cowcn, Mr.i.
Albert C. Gragg, Mrs, John H. Kolb, Mrs. Jiv.nci
R. Crone, Mrs. Bruce Van Wyngarden, Mrs. Dcna
Allport who with Mr. Allport and family will be
moving to San Francisco the first of the year to
live; Mrs. Steven Benson, Mrs. Ted Jennv, Mrs. .
Jackson Hazelett, Mrs. Robert Meier, Mrs. Mar
vin Brown, Mrs. Fred Joehnke, Mrs. Earl Hamp
ton, Mrs. Norman Johnson, Mrs. Gilbert Al!?rl,
Mrs. Lynn Woods, Mrs. Charles Proctor, Mrs.
Richard Hill, Mrs. Warren Hocker ....
Unusual dccoVations marked the coffee parties
for which Mrs. E. E. Butiermnn and Mrs. Cl.u-e
H. Post were hostesses on Wednesday and Thurs
day at the spacious Battcrman home on South 12ih
street .... Guests were invited to call between
10 a.m. and 2 p.m. each day ....
, On the outside of the door was an arrangement
of bronze-gilded cones with an apricot-gold bow. . .'
On the end table at the entrance to the living
room was a nest of all-white flocked j- snches, in
the center a white candle burning in a glass con
tainer on which was a jeweled cross m Christmas
theme .... Especially striking was the arrange
ment on the bricked wall above the fireplace. ...
A long swag of gilded greens and leaves in bronze
tones was draped at an angle with lights burning
here and there in red and silver reflectors , . .Red
and pink featured the coffee table in the dining '
room . The cloth was a floor length one of
pretty pink .... In the center at back, set against
the brick glass wall, was a tall arrangement of
pink snapdragons and carnations and deep red car
nations and holly, red candy canes set here and
there among the flowers, and through the center,
a fow pale pink and red balls .... In the base
ment party room were the punch table and a sec
ond coffee table, the former a round table set with -a
draped floor length red cloth, the coffee table
all in green with a centerpiece of gold ornamen'.s. ,
Greeted among (he noontime callers were Mr. .I
Estill L. Brunk, Mrs. Roger Hoy, Mrs. Roy T. ,
Todd, Mrs. Robert Y. Thornton, Mrs. W. Well
Baum, Mrs. M. H. Saffron, Mrs. Stanley S. Smith, , "
Mrs. Stanley Kruegcr of, Monmouth, Mrs. Palmer
Salher, Mrs. Eddie, Ahrens, Mrs. Charles Weeber.
Mrs. John 11. Hann, Mrs. L. E. Barrick, Mrs. Don
Barrlrk, Miss Eleanor Stephens, Miss Gertrude
Acneson, Mrs. Chester Chase, Mrs. Frank Test.
Mrs. Richard Upjohn, Mrs. Mona Voder, Mrs. WIN
Ham Newmyer, Mrs. Carl W. Emmons. Mrs. David
H. Looney, Mrs. Lee Thomas, Mrs. Irwin Wedel,
Mrs. E. T. Taggart, Mrs; George H. Swift, Mr.
Rollln O. Lewis, Mrs. George Bagnall
One of the treasured events of the holiday
period over a number of years has been the beauti
fully appointed pre-Christmas tea given by Mrs.
Albert C. Gragg . . . This year's party was
Thursday afternoon, neighborhood friends being in
vited to call at 4 o'clock (wilh a "foreigner" or
two like the writer also present) ... Always
anticipated by the group attending, arc the tleco- , .
rations arranged in the fine old high ceilingcd "
home, one just right for holiday decorating . '. . In
the corner of the porch by the door was a tall
arrangement of greens and Vllage ... On the
door was a Christmas tree, flat against the door,
and done all in pink and blue this year with
tiny ornaments and miniature Christmas packages
in the two colors . . . Over the door was' an
arrangement of greens with outdoor lights .'-. t The h
family Christmas tree was in its accustomed cor
ner by Ihe front window, aglow with lights and
pretty ornnmcnts. beneath it the family gifts Santa
Clans had brought early . . . Especially bcauli- .
ful was Ihe mantel in Ihe . family sitting room
uver one corner of the mirror were greens .
lied with snow and glitters, tlnv reindeer
sprinkled with snow and glitters,
nere and there among Ihcm . . . Bcncalh the
greens were tiny jeweled wreaths, the tiniest of
angels in the centers, scattered over Ihc glass
. . . Along the mantel was angel hair with three
candles, a green at cither side, a pink one in
the center, in old-fashioned goblets, the center '
one lighted . . . Over Ihe doorway leading to the ' "
dining room was a bunch of greens. Christmas
balls massed in the center . . . The tea table
was set with a wine-red satin cloth, setting off , '
the window filled with pretty glassware on shelves
. . . The centerpiece was a large blue and pink
candle, decorated with bluo glass grapes and set
in a nest of silvered branches ...
Exchanging the season's greetings at our call
were Mrs. Charles K. Wagner, Mrs. Ralph II.
Cooley. Mrs. Harry V. Collins, Mrs. James II. .
Nicholson, Sr., Mrs, W. I. Necdham, Mrs. Ervin ,
Smith, Mrs, D. R. Jnrman, Mrs. Frederick S.
Lamport, Mrs. Donnld Madison, Mrs. I). R, Ross, ' '
Mrs. George W, Crolsan, Mrs. Henry V. Compton, ,'
Mrs. Stuart M. I.ancefield. Mrs. David Eason,
Mrs. George Rossman, Mrs. Walter Kirk, Mrs,
F. W. Poorman, Mrs. Paul A. Half, Mrs. Kent
Mathewson, Mrs. Gerald A. Reeher, Mrs. Richard..,
A. Myer, Mrs. Arllmr A. Rogers', Mrs, William
H. Ilurghurdt. Mrs, Mnvlon E, Scott, Mrs. William
J. fluslck, Mrs. James T, Brand, Mrs. II. L. ,'.
Stiff, Mrs. U. Scotl I'nge, Mrs. James B. Voting . . .
Honoring her mother, Mrs. George Fltsehen of
Berkeley, Calif., visitor here for over Christinas,
Mrs. A. C. Newell entertained at a delightful cof-'
fee gathering Friday at her Candalaria street .
home, inviting friends to drop in between 11 a.m.
and 2 p.m A jeweled tree on a triangle
greeted guests on the front porch .... Gilded '
greens and candles wcr arranged here and there
about the rooms .... On the coifee table in the .
living room was a gay circular red felt cover,
little snow men with coal buttons appliqued on jt '
and a jeweled Christmas tree in Ihe center ....
The serving table in the dining room was sot with .
a dark green cloth, the decoration at one corner a
green candle set in a wreath of gilded greens ...
On the buffet was an ornamAntal tree in green
and gold ....
.Among those greeted during our nnontime call
were Miss Eleanor S'ephens, Mr-. .It 'in M. Wil
liamson. Mrs. Irvln Del-'ranre, Mrs. R. H, K-U-.
. dell, Miss Marjorie Mason, .Miss Anna Pe ers, Mrs.
Ilouglns Yealer. Mr.'. V,' v J- '; . ,"- . ". H,
Cowan, Mrs. J. I.. Bonlln. .Mrs. M.-r in 1'd'r-d,
Mrs. John II. Hann. Mrs. I.airrrnr" Hrenn, .".'-s.
E, It. Dprlllngrr, Mrs. Joseph Sil-mfn, Vrs.
Charles Srhmlill. Mrs. A. W. M''ger, '
Maorlre Ebner, Mrs. Chrtrr Chair ...
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar D. Dauaherty will be hosts .
for two dinners over the holidays. On Sunday,
guests of the Daugiiertys v. ill -j their sin and
daughter-in-law. Lt. and Mrs. Neil Daugherty of
Kecslcr AKB, Biloxi, Miss., Mr. and Mrs. James
Daugherty and son Allen, and Mr. and Mrs. H. A.
Williams and Shirley of Portland.
Guests on Christmas dav will include the Rev.
and Mrs. Louis E White. Don. Dick, Jim and Pa-,
tricia While and Tom Westlall. - -
Leaving Sunday for Seattle lo spend the Christ
mas holidays will he Mr. and Mrs. John Heppner,
who will be guest' of their son-in-law and dauj.h
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Woodburn and son, John.
Additional Society on Page 8
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