THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Section I Fairs 8 List of Yule Salem, Oregon, Saturday, December 22, 1956 Light Entrants Swells to 105 6 Judges to Determine Winners from All Sections A last minute flurry of entries brought the Salem Jaycee Christ mas lighting contest up to 105 entries as judging began Friday night, according to chairman Ron Uouck. Several merchant groups have donated prizes which will go to winners in several divisions selected by the six judges. The complete list of entries in Salem: WEST SAI.KM niSTRirx. ir.,, Worm, 371 Kowmont: Julian Haugen. ",E;'vu rive, uie u. aiepnen on, 1035 LaVma Dr.: Leonard E. Cain, 979 KinRwood Drive: Neal Van xiees, .m jiingwooa unve: w. H. Av res. 970 I jfnr nri .. Rniort n Mason, 2185 4th St.: Orville Kannir, fioO Rumsey Road; George C. Lichty. fifiS Grants viu- PI rr ani Mr. f D. Voigt. 814 King wood Dr.: William rerj(uson, i (bu tair uaKs wav; Ernest Parcher, 1150 Alpine Ave.: Mr. and Mrs. A. J. (Tony I Ullman, R15 Vosburg Dr.; Kdward F. Schulz. 1145 Harritt Dr.; Don D. Ramsdell, 731 KinRwood Drive; Adam Ensel, 735 Engel Ave.: Max Dolato, 1118 17th: Lou Singer, 825 Klngwood Dr.: Frank E. Finney. 2403 Dallas Road: Edward maieK, 8.w Kingwooa Drive; is. r. Kirkwood, 945 Crandview Place; E. R. Worth, 1065 Glen Creek Dr. SOUTH SALEM DISTRICT: Thos. w. Deucii. B65 t. twald; M. T. Har mon. Rt. 4, Box 16: H. O. Nordvold. 2610 Skopll Ave.; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Wright, Jr., 3035 Hulsey Ave.; L. M. Lnge. 780 E. Ewald; J. P. Darst, 785 E. Ewald; Mrs. Helen South wick, 3595 Mimosa: Clarence P. Kupcr, 2540 Prlngle Road: D. W. Strausbaugh, 1255 Peace; Ronald Mc Wain, 3988 Tulare Ave.; Raymond P. Beard. 2655 E. Nob Hill; M. C. (Sally) Hauck, 2585 S. Summer; Joseph L. Gentemann, 4335 Liberty Rd. CAPITOL SHOPPING DISTRICT: C. O. Gillming. 1094 Vinyard: D. B. Simpson, 1550 Norway St.; John E. Rickets. 1960 Garfield; Garald Simp son. 1415 N. 25th: Mrs. Beth Hayes, 1060 Lamberson St.: George S. Ross man. 18.15 N. 23rd; Allen Wright, 1B20 Beach Ave.; Sidney I. Lamhiai, 1260 Icel Ct.; E. W. Hillstrom, 1220 Ire! Ct.: Vern Collins. 1255 Icel Ct.; John A. Olson. 1235 Icel Ct. KEIZER DISTRICT: Darrell L. Jahn, 4365 Rowan Ave.; J. I. Hess " 559 Manbrin Dr.; Wayne A. Straw 4219 Straw Dr.: Mrs. Terry Carrigan. 4905 No. River Rd.; O. I:. Duncan, 8!8 Dennis Lane; James Hpnery, 806 Dennis Lane; James W. Nightengale. 4773 Toni Ave.; K. D. Hilflkcr, 1220 Dearborn; James Mason, 656 Church dale; John K. Coomler, 652 Wayne Dr.; Mrs. Lloyd Cronn. 1105 Clear view Ave.; Harvey F. Finn, 690 Cum mlngs Lane; William H. Nelson, 48 15 No. River Rd.; Kenneth D. Swan, 825 Evans Ave.: Leo H. Johnson, 4255 Rivercrest Dr.; Ellis E. Cooley. 3W90 No. River Rd.; Mr. Joseph J. Saddler. 626 Marino Dr.; Richard L. Morgan. 1704 Claxter Road: Ruth Gardner 754 Menlo DrivervErnea-t E. Woods, 6!5 W. Chemawa Tlfl.; Rolhn Lewis. 4095 Rivercrest Dr.: Harold F. Smither. 1080 Main Ave.; Walter M. Gofine, 4819 Elizabeth: Paul Lenaburg, 735 Cliurrhdaje Ave.: A. F. Lamar, 5810 N. River Rd.: R. G. Howard. 1090 Main Ave.; Orval Shultze, 625 Shan grlla; Tom Gabriel, 577 Manbrin Dr.; William H. Burright, 695 Chemawa Rd.I Jim Downs, 663 Wayne Dr.; E. E. Laird, 655 Sunset; Mr. J. D. Selg ler.ri30 Dietz Ave.; V. J. Matt. 4375 Rowan Ave. - FOUR CORNERS DISTRICT: Loren Edlund, 3150 Sunnyview: Vincent Woods. S450 Chemawa; Daroll D. Hansberry. 5 Fisher Rd.: S. J. Maerz. 3904 Haveville Drive: G. F. Andresen, 4B45 N. Lancaster Dr.; J. W Pyle, 821 Connecticut Ave.; W. Wilier, 3728 Monroe Ave.: Mrs. Ben Davidson. 464 So. 45th: Tom Haury, 293 S. 45th; William Beebe. 1.4 S. 45th: Draper Street Entry, co Ralph 1ZflONTOWN DISTRICT: Robert D. Mason, 2185 4th St : Walter H Zorel 1P0 E. Superior; Antnne Wenda. 225 Del Mar; C. S. Smith. 990 E. Rural: Clara Childers. 24B S. 25th St.; H. T. Pierce, 1007 S. 13th St.; James K. Stewart, 223V.E. Rural; Raymond Houslev 280 Dal mar Drive; Howard Hunsaker. 2470 Trade: John R. Mcr Titt. 765 S. Libertv: Thomas Robson, 3120 Willamette Dr.: Jack Henning sen. 3115 Willamette Dr.: Law"nr.f Traviss. 2110 Myrtle Ave.: Maiella Barnes, 2225 Mission St.; Daniel S. Barnes, 335 Grove St. Court Against Shift of Walk ing a pedestrian crosswalk near the intersection of Cherry avenue and North River Road, was made with the county commissioners r n day by County Engineer John An Recently state police suggested that the crosswalk Be moved a chnrl riictanrn nnrth from its DrC sent location, stating that a traffic hazard condition exists. However, Anderson, after mak ing an investigation found that moving of the crosswalk would not relieve any possible hazard. He believes it would add to the possi bility of accidents since pedestrians have a tendency to cross at the most convenient point. Cherry and North River road converge at an acute angle in the Keizer area. Many Items listed on this page are subject to Federal Excise tax 'HEAVENLY FRAGRANCES" TWEED Toilet Water $2.25 MIRACLE Toilet Water J2.25 CONFETTI Toilet Water 2.2S RED LILAC Toilet Water $2.25 ADAM'S RIB Toilet Water 2.7S "THREE GENDARMES' Calient Gentlemen prefer Lentherlc'i (amous grooming aids. Handsomely packaged in box with drawing of dash ing gendarmes of old. Containing bot tles of after shave lotion. Body rub cologne and all purpose talc. By Lentheric $0 f c plus And only X, J jjj Hon? Kong on the southeast coast of China is 10 square miles in area and has both an east and west entrance. Why Not! Open. Mon. & Fri. "Til 120 State St. Ph. 25281 If IrJrCi 3l H" fvwl" tfr'"" ,n two'u- ESSENTIALS F i I jfcy to us. St horn.. Evening In Pari TSr3TT"" f-f "Max Factors" ml ' KT 'ftn itn m " nrarnr" rr. mim m an w " i t irn-i ar rr ri -aim r r t wm?'A$K 1 1 - J. " t . i nr. t;.T.m ViiuvjsWMicm r r w r mm- ci zji 11 aw. r tV,a,t .? tr.m.d in whit. I f XX " X2il 95 ST" T i. WfL. IIVT-Vi MCfygi.moUr. a .... ot in it. .a. I f I f M I II w - - zk lit mvmwr - -sao u iw a i-li, , f XH til ,KAf inrouan niri nnv trsmorf In nl... vm'-; m m . mw mz m W" A 1 wiswi ni-ini sw ivnwu i I .v X 1 I ' thZA ins toy.l blu.. a 9ift m,tt0,pi,c, f VjV DtLUUUUIA 1 You'll Bo Amazed it the Complete Selection VV r.'J " ' """ ' ' 2.50 PERFUME of Fin Perfumes-Cosmetic and Beauty Gifts. V ft fif3fe $io jl VSSjffjSB tr 4MhaH Nq 5 . Evening Star fj 1 , PI P'M STMA$R9oo g i Q -F:-P.:triS 3 Christmas night (p I , ambush $975 I J 1 m-W!J0 Sin tH " cHANTILLY g IA .WlsTA:1 JSSK.WW ...... Ik I II H.-l B II knul" W fl 4 up If Rl. rfjy $ii Plum JjUic ,2-50-i'r Sw M&iTiir !.r S lril fmidaiirf s Vie. f-C9B DESERT ly.i rdvCrawino $150 t J ByShon $3.50 If W Afill'l Irld"'.c"roXIid.'r P" if By Max Factor V KvN A DDI I -it3 a vVsff i)lTlk rh-nrillVtw. rfZJPv Twcrn Purse ssss APRIL r'ts-a kVv o.oo I tfS& TWEED jj"0 Nv7 violets Ism & A ) VySSrHx U Ri! By Lentheric 3 By VI Art B XMl' I Mi? ADAM'S R,B I 1 tigress U I S VlkSg I Mkj ByLentberic 00 NEW EXCITING 2 50 t Ijjji ERFJjME Bip jjj l f-Jberge 250 i a (Pi. (OMAbice, KINGS ' (ess3Kias iK-t 5.Hoo h-ffl t rrsii (fell . Xr&k JnflYt i riJ.dl- wri luiuiKiti rrTi kn 1 1 WWW-I VT . I I s" a uwy sr $110 iji m MsE2 ICM TQegyfl "-Insure If.k-pcoof f Him 113 uIUi i -mmmam BP gH tor tr.vHln. IjpR ' T R I tlAfPB ' Vt7 f $10? JtWmer, Jba? --SS iSS." ' Pj tt TRAVEL KIT ifTl fll R V 3 spray :s . 5300 -s OH k) Louz fST A Ef! i VftV DEODORANT " p. MtNNtN WH itl I vCA B 4 JSS.JSJS -rf? Now $J QC fTJ lr. -rJA SKIN BRACER AND I Oi A i fcnA .w-''-J tinn xZ" a 0nly : n after.shave tauc 1WV,: r i . IslUU 1 ftA A fc4 trW. America's Favorite, In i JC TD V I J Aft6r 5hlV I """'nr I B GSSXlDf'l. I r Greatest In Croomlnf I I V- C Wi , Lfl I ATIAH I ii-k r - I freihlns travel I rT 1 5 .1 I W . I . ut'VKL-;u uiftu uuald I I , SIM AddsZtobUUfewitb 15 S MENNEN, FOAM SHAVE "KIDMETIC" Vl A ""V,";0" Old Spice Flavor. 95C.H $1.25 K 11 I ttTV 5 a 80 iiKElll Ifin :- $O00 ".o"dA, fLMI.f (? CHILDREN'S TOILETRIES :' CkTti V; 1 Ti''" 'Cologne f ' rV2-4. nVWllSJl onm tv u4.c R.comm.nded y P.rrau M.i.iln. i Lk523s?l Gift Boxed V f. V.-; H ' HANDSOME i SHAVmGi Itl r.rrt Now Qt Price i "1 ylUyJl'"' GIFT I JnMYinU 8KE olr FULL LINE OF J 1,00 BUBBLE BATH C010GHI ST ...490 m rrXL. SET fckBOWL fSraVJN VV MENNEN'S GIFT SETS I J1;ooBBLrBsHn49 i ( SHAVE F F Klt'in,1:0".! (s) VV Finest Uethor SI. 00 BUBBLE BATH BATH SOAP 49 !! lotion mlmLm UTILITY KITS sloopowdir Him.49t TWEED HAIR SPRAY AND BOUQUET The finest hair spray ever. A bouquet she can use lavishly. sne s sure to love them both, , because they are 'Tweed. This beautiful duo is sure AAA to deUght her. sr i TWEED BOUQUET and i BATH POWDER SET By LENTHERIC The perfect gift she's sure to love. Gen erous amounts of both In this I beautiful $O00 bo: X. sr . $3 $150 "EARLY AMERICAN" OLD SPICE. toilet Water dusting powder 5'J? $00 itl Delightfully Fragrant BATH SALTS 'DESERT FLOWER" New marvelously effective Desert Flower hand and body lotion. Brings dewy, young beauty to the skin. Presented wltn Desert flow er toilet water in a stunning GIFT $0 75 PACKAGE X. J 'ntrcnr riAuitn" , ULJLKI rLVITLK A lasting fragrance that blends the modem with the mystery of the eternal desert . . . tho bottle Is band carved glass in an elc- $1 7 r gant gold container "FRIENDSHIP'S GARDEN" Everyone's favorite toilet water and dusting powder In decorative dressing table box. Delight friend. 3.00 'ESCAPADE Now, an exciting new adven-. ttiro in fragrance. The vivacious intriguing scent of "Escapade" in tiiis modern spray cologne. So easy to uso . . . one touch makes the most of each delight ful drop. The brilliant pink f.lastic-dipped bottlo holds a avish 3V4 oz. for your long lasting enjoyment. SPRAY COLOGNE $2.50 SPRAY PERFUME $3.50 BATH CRYSTALS $1.50 la Gift of ' 7He yeuif NEWyruitn DE LUXE TRAVEL KIT Tn prftct "vol)l" (or him whn owtxy from 1omj plcm trovtl wl(tndi buiintu fripi hit club lockac Gntrout portiooi of rytkin$ Im ntdi for prltet grooming in handtomt, compact. two-tont iJmuloitfl pigiVm cow Ihof liH cooj pocVi. Light weight, watt 'proof, vnbrtakobl ContoinrSe rtfillabM ponc tomM. Tawn Lightweights brown calfskin clastic folding kit containing 'Tawn' after shave lotion, hair dress, ing, shampoo, cologne, deod orant spray in plastic bottles whirh are rcfillable from the regular siies. This Tawn' kit was developed for thoso us- ing electric shavers mm Prophylactic ' "Younger Set" DRESSER SET $39$ Comb, Brush And Plate 1 Mirror. 1 BBS o o 0 ' o 0