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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1956)
i K th ill tc rc St ai m B s re Sc M be Di br as i 1 ov an iw Ni on as br Hi on br ho th th ca ty tb to m in Tl se of th dr th mi re ce ti er n wl "f da til wi bl cr dl b bl T ol It bi th fl ta Pi At w Ol h( bt ni di te cr ca us CI ce ' an Ol ar fu bl Page 4 Section 2 1st Methodist Youth Choirs Plan Vespers The spirit ot the Christmas sea son in music will be presented at the four o'clock Christmas Vesper Service at the First Methodist Church with the three youth choirs participating. Josef Schnclker will be at the console of the Findley Memorial organ. The vespers will mark the initial appearance of the' Cherub Choir organized this fall Under the direction of Mrs. Elea nor Schramm,, assisted by Mrs. Jerry Whipple, Mrs. Stuart Chis holm. Mrs. Brooks Moore and .Mrs. llargaret Neiman. '. Also appearing Is the Junior Choir in its second year with Mrs. ftlervin Mickenham as director. assisted by Mrs. Ruth Gardner and Miss Marcia Humphrey as ac companist. The Youth Choir com posed of junior high and high school students is directed by Dar rel) Wright and accompanied by Miss Nancy Otto. At this service contributions to the White Gift project (staple foods) may be brought. Wisemen Will App( ear Twice. Late Sunday A Christmas pageant, "The Other Wiseman." adopted from the drama by Henry Van Dyke, is to be presented Sunday at 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. at th First Presbyterian' church, Chemeketa and Winter streets. '. The lead parts will be taken by high school students: James Stan ley. AI Stevens. Mike 1'eth. Andy Akulow, David Thelen. Jeff Boden weiser. Mary Kay Emerson, Bar bara Morris, and Jane Bodenweis er, with Richard Buchanan, Nar rator. Adults assisting include: Arthur Rololf. Willys Ross, Wal lace Cowcn, Mrs. Donald Gleck- ler, Mrs. Robert Hamilton. Mrs. Wallace Cowcn. with direction un der the leadership ot Mrs. William Crothers: The 7 pm. program will con clude with the reception Into mem bership of the church of 32 young people who have been in the com rmmicants, class. Church Gets New Memhers FOUR CORNERS (Special Christmas will be observed at Trinity Mothodist church In Four Corners with a large reception of new members at the 11 a.m. serv ice. According to the report Irom Pastor Joe A. Harding, one Ol ine largest groups to be received in the history of the church will come Into full membership at this time. There will also be a baptismal service for the families who are being received Into the church. The sermon (or this Sunday at both the HO a.m. and II a m. services will be "Just What iou Need A special children's pro-1 pram Hill be held during the church school hour which will fea - ture a plav entitled "The Stable and the Slar". The children will osls bring their white Rifts for the I Kmc ta lhat time. These will be I jrfi stwrapped in white which will - b laken lo the S snipthetatcufeata be taken tn the State hospital. A special candlelight vesper service will he held at 5 p m. Sunday afternoon. At this service there will he special Ohristmiu carols and reading ol the Christ mas scripture. Peter Van Horn, student assistant, will bring the meditation. Members and fnomis tst th r-nn a reflation are invited to comp to the church on Christ- mas Eva and nn Christmas Dav for siient player. There will he no special service on Christmas Eva or Christmas Day but the church will remain open during this time and there will he mater ial for meditation and prayer. Congregational. Schedule Three Yule Services Three Chrislmes services, earn distinctly d:((erent from the other. mil he featured nv tne r irst I nn- retatirwal Church. 700 Marion sirl thi uei-kend Al :) a m. there will be family service with Preparation" is the sermon topic pageantry for Church School rhosrn by the Rev. Waller G. ilies. There will be nn Church Rn" at 10 10 a m Sunday. Mr. ichool except for pre schoolers. Hillman Kischer. Seminary slu- At 11 a.m. there will be a full'dcnt from St. John's, will be the festiva Christmas worship. Roth litursUl. 1 choirs will sing and Dr. Kriser The Sunday School children will will preach on "So God Imparls." .present the Christinas program for At 11 o'clock on Christmas Eve 'Christmas Hie. Dec. 54. at 7:30 there will be the traditional Candle-; p in. It will feature a sinking ehuir light Carol Service. The Senior under the direction of Mrs. Win. Choir under the direction of Denise Kiseher and a speaking choir nn- Murray Redden will sing. Soloists jder the direction of Mrs. J. l.ucm. will he Mrs. Herbert Schunk, Den. ! Christmas Day will be observed lse M. Redden, Mrs. Orville Kan-1 with a special service al 10 30 nier. Fred Bradley and I-arry a.m. The sermon llieme by Pastor Goodman. A special feature of Uie Boss is "God's I nspeakahle Gift" service will be a Christmas story i The choir, under the direction of "The Lost World of Klirabeth Den-j Mri. Wm. Fischer, will introduce Ion" bly Margaret McClain read by j the service with "Ring Christmas Mrs. Leon Brown. I Bells. Visualized Musical Cantata TOLIOW THE STAR" til'. The Christinas Story HTAi: Choir and Other MnsieaJ Groups Celnrfol Lights ana Scenery 140 v. w. firi a Wit AftfANCt CHUBCM r.."(fcfcsts-V.i;' Appropriate Sight i II 1 tr I VI a I "i t ill m : GLu The lllumlnuted iplrc of the First MelhotlUt church gleams at hundreds or per suns become imbued with the Christmas spirit. Located al State and Church streets, the historic church Is a landmark in the duwntown liusinesa area. Traditional Christmas Eve ' Service St. Mark Church Traditional Christmas Eve serv-iof the Stale School for the Deaf. icps will be conducted at St. Mark L.tilheran Church Monday 11:00: p.m. The church cnoir, under ine i direction of Victor Palmason, will; present a program of Christmas anthems. Maurice Hrrnnen will i preside al the oran. M-verai soio-tand 11 a m. service Sunday. The lists from the choir will also, be 5tM nuul be delivered by the heard in the program. Prophesies' pastor, surrounding the Christmas mes-j nage will he rend in addition to the Christmas (iospel. A brief Christmas message will be dcliv ered by the pastor, the Kev. John L. Cauble. The Sunday school Christmas program and exercise will take place in the church Sunil.iy after noon at 4 00 o'clock. Nearly 2M) children will take part. White gifts will be brought to the church bv the children as they . masc uinr eniranre imo tne n.-ne. These pfts will be accepted ar.d Medicated by the pastor. I..ver .they will he distributed to ch.ld:t-o St. Joints Will Observe Day SI. John's Lutheran Church 1 . ii h Kim. l i-u . plVj the birth of the Christ Child The Wnllher l.Citijue will present ! P:nU''T5',Ni,i!.,,J:" tl - .. . j Anlf r,on- "Making Our Fmal Christmas FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Marion and ('image Streets MINISTERS Wayne Greme Don Rois TWO MORNING HOURS Of WOSSHie AN COMMUNION !Htnrl M M . . , Snrrrion, UfOW A TWU" ::yi-h CHiwigii iifteM msvat tw. , f .: Mr c ncom .v imtAMWrtTOTTWW W&Trtl VFVTM, TRIO II P: In lean ;,; Parents and patrons of the .Sun- day school are extended a special invitation to oe prcM-m. iuv snv ice is open to all The Fourth' Sundav In Advent wjl )0 observed at the 8-30 am. Free Methodist Yule Program The annual Christmas program ! of the Free Methodist Sunday School will be presented Sunday cening in a 5 o'clock Vesper Service. The children of the Sun- j ct . K , , , . day School Will be featured in recitations, exercises and musical njmrers and the program will con - Ciuiie With a Christmas plav, "Jov tn ,, World." pmrnted "by the J-mS people Ol the church. in the Sunday School hour, which bivns at 9-4S am., a read in? en- 'ttU-d -Gods Trees" will be illus - trated with the felt-o-grnm and ac COinnanied bv music 1 1 aniTO D mU5,C At the It o clock worship service. k t.n.. Piut, nrv. .MllllT, will brina a Christmas message, "A King is Born." I'l ivr mllol mess , i Yule A vi 111 I lffi ,iv 111 lliv a The annual Christmas program I of the Piltrim Holiness Church' will be on Sunday nicht. Dec. 23. Hi-ginning at 6 30 there will be recitations and songs from the dif- fercnl departments of the church and Sunday school. The church is located at 22H.S Carlcton Way in the Capitola Dist. , The district wide Youlh Conven- tion of the Pilgrim Holiness church will start on Thursday afternoon and continue through Friday, at the Mayflower Hall on Kair- grounds ltd. There will be planned meetings, discussion groups and recreation hours during the day. In Hie evenings there will be an evangelistic service to be held in the local church on CarUton W ay. , at 7 .30. Saiem (Lurched Itfuronifd Cburrtl of Jeiui i ClirUi ul fl. Corner 17th & C'lU'ineketa St. Churt.ii ici vices: riling daises B:45 a.m.: French 11 o'clock hr.: Curistmas Pro- ttiam 7:30 p.m. Fini conneiaiiunal church rJ!:;.""il'-.,Jm: iu.',',ni,J w crisrav''s imparts". Dec. ft, ii p.m. Christ-, inaa Eve Candlelight Carol Service. iniificu uy iwy niiigwdtu ui ricu Ontral Lutheran Church North ' ur j u- t, Capitm and uamei.. Sunday Decern- faring and his Pennsylvanians. It ber 2J: Kanuiy Sunday School 9:45 has been recorded and is widely a iii. Morning worship with the circulated everv rhrUtmn sea Senior Choir predentin a Worship t"-ul every unnsimas sxa in song n am. Sunday School son. More recently the cantata has Christinas Program 7 p.m. Christmas been Written for Church presenta- Dav: Worship Service at 11 a. m. r Harald Grmrial. pastor. uon- Fir.t MMhodKTTh'urrh-M.rkot .t .Carl Nebel will be directing the Winter st. m. c Miiitr, pasior. i " vra m- .Llht jk L.fe Hour - KGON 520 kv ; 9 45 a.m. Sundav Si-houl. Presentation of "God's . Tree'", an illustrated reading: II 00 j a m. . Morning Worship. Message bv I the pastor: s ou p.m. . ciirintin a vesper service. Calvary ltaiiilii Church l.itieitv at Miller St. W. south Bericeiey ii:oo -'it ueoe'nd. iioon me i-eve-i" hruadcast over station k-gay. ?:ao - 'Vhe slinV of ChnStma'"iPA j sacrea cuiiiata presented by the i :liuir. c. h.,l,i ,,;!,,""J"n 1,u.,.rhs.,t . ' swved in the church sanctuary at te.,,savMrvL"-b',".,Sii7:30 Monday evening.. The public u a.m. Baptismal at the late service j is cordially invited to this mean- and sermon by the pastor; Sunday i jnpf,,l hnnr Churt h School, 9.45 a.m.; Children's i inS'U1 n0Ur' i-agrani ann program. 4):H0 p m ; Luther League Carolina- Parl D Hi. : Chri.lman Kve Candle' I phf Service, 7:45 p.m. Christmas Day Matini, 11 a.m. j llalhert Memorial Baptist Churrh urn rnniana nnan. f.imet U. Paulson, pastor. 945 a.m. Rihle School; 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship Service. Guest Speaker Rev. George Friesen, returned missionary from Austria. 1:00 p.m. the annual Christ- i program . Wednesda v 7 .10 it m Midweek Service and " Choir He- lltNtisdl. Court Slreel (hrislian fhurrh Coiul St. at Seventeenth. W. Hji old rs. ii.; Kill. (.. Fliiiiii Hind. tiiiiniii llilile m'IkmiI bettini at a. in.; Morning Worship and Coinimuu.n services 8"u) and 10 55 a.m.; Smimn bv U. Philip llurd. "God's Cilf; Youth FelloHihip IMir at 6:30 p.m.; Kvenimr Worshii) hfifinc nt t v nm Sietiol service. "Music On Air" Th Chrutmas Story in Color and High. r nieiny .vtund. tirarft I.llthrrsn I'hnrrh I.' I r- Siinnyview and Lansing Avenues. 9:45 a.m. . Sunday school. 11 mi a in. vine worship. 7.10 p.m. Sun School Christmas Pageant istmas Kve lft mi n m . Sa,-! -. of Carols and Cindlehehtinc Christ- : 1J.1V. 0:00 am . Phrnimj. Festival "service. Lowell W. Holte pastor. i Kni.hl MrmorUl ronr,.ilnn.i ' Ckurrh-IMh .tut t'.rrv IRter. Louis E. White. 9:45 a. 111. Sun. departments. l:UO a.m. murnuiK uur htilp, Willi a ptuxiani nt Chiislinas the ehuir. am seriniiii l.v the minister, "The tiuitlmi! star''. H) p in. Vesper Servil e ami Christ. JS 1'aneaut uresenteil hv Hm Kim. iluy seliuul and ehuir. ti::tt) p.m. young peuple of the Pilgrim Fellowship meet for carolling with the Salem Christian Youth Counell, meeting at mo. uiewiouisi v.nuren ann re turning to Knight Memorial Congre gational Church for a worship serv- ce and fellowship afterwards. IJbertY Garden Rantiat rimh 47H5 Lone Oak Road. Sunday church icnoo, una a.m. Morning worship lluu a. in Sermon topic "God"a Greatest Gift"'. Affiliated with Amerl- t'nllirUn Fellowship and Churrh Arhuol Chmtmas program 10:3(j Pllf rim llollnris Church Sundav icno.H : a in. Morning worship t.. intfiiMi i tuiui o ,iu pin. f, Kelisllc service 7;;w. .Midweek pr; meeijntr Wednesday 1:tn n m Th nay and Friday District uuin (.omentum at l , ju. rtiurrti or Jesus Christ of Latter Day Satins (Mormon) 5th and M.ull still Sli. Win. T. firm Is lno,,.,. I'liemhood meet in S:U0 a .m. Spe cial Christmas program 10:30 a.m. Sacrament aervice 6.30 p.m. St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church Ciilumbia at Myrtle street. Rev. John Keedy, pastor. Sunday masses, C 7. 8. 8:13. 10:30. 11:45 a.m. Con resslona Saturday 4:30 t o5;30, 7:30 to 9 p.m. First Church of the Natarrne13th and Center Streets. Duane E. Muth, pastor. Wesley Kogers. minister of music and youth. Church school Christmas progrnm 9:45 a.m. Christ- mas Vespers service with "Glory To God" by Hoy ith cantata. Peerv. 7 p.m. fhurrh nt th. B..1.I Kin A r-. j w. a. Wilson, pastor. 2 30 p.m. spirit j communication according to the i ' . L ,fir" ',ll'f Church-Marton and Liberty. Dr. Lloyd T. Anderson, una- tor. Kev. Ben Owen, asslstnnt pastor, K- Stanton Irvine, director of edu- 1 Mortng worship, litoo o'clock 1 "Theie Was a Man Named Simeon", . ''Th Music ol Belhlelipm". Clirnt- ui'uo TmSS: 'Church-wide prayer services Wednea- ;da' 7 30 p m' : LabUh Vtllaie Community Church B M- ,ll,,,kii- B pastor. Sunday I h.l 10 a.m. Message at 11 a m. on 1 ,r Earth '. Youth fellowship 1 P I'rayer moment 7:45 p m. Christmas onivratn hv the Simrfav hooi at 8 p.m. Prayer hour wed- ncsday ul 8 p in. Jtson MrmorUl Mrlhodlsl Churrh Rev. Ernest P. Goukler. pas ter. C'ornrr ol Jefferson Winter Streets. 9. 45 a.m. rhurch school. 11:00 x m. divine worship, sermon "God's .MVr.6J0pm. 1st Methodist Chureh to fn rsrohnt: with th Sslen, t-nristian voutn council. "Joy lo the World, The lord Is Cornel" V:45 Sunday School 11:00 Morning Worship 7:30: Chrittmss Progrsm; Tho Old, Old Story Is Trvo" Tho lifllo Chirh With Wsrm Hosrt" Wesleyan Methodist Church Mill Strsot ot I. 13th Uiin M.IUr. pallor IM 1 7001 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Christmas Eve Communion at Calvary Church Christmas Sunday at Calvary Baptist will be climaxed ty the presentation of "The Song of M,ra"'' by the choir at 7:30 p.m. This cantata was first ar . . 0 . ., . . choir and Mrs. Jesse Jones will be at the organ console. Miss Ann --,,,. .. ;n - , Lt,ts be the pianist. Durinff thp 11 a m Rtrvr th uunnS in11 V', serX1Ce l",e pastor. Dr. W. Berkeley Ormond. j will speak upon "It Depends Upon iiie Level". This is a message de- ginned to center our thinkine imon t,le thrt-'e levels of Christmas ob- servance. Jack Billeter, tenor solo- lsl- Wl11 sin "Cantique de Noel1 A Christmna V.vo communion service by candlelight will be ob- . , LI first Methodist Church Church & ataie sis. iirooKa ti. Moore, D.D., minister. 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. morn ing worship, "Tne Visited Planet". 4 00 p.m. Christmas Vespers by Cherub, Junior and Youth Choirs. First Church of Christ, Scientist Chemeketa and Liberty streets. Sun day morning service at 11. Sunday i evening at 8. Subject of lesson-sermon: 'Christ Jesus'". Sunday school al II. Wednesday evening testimony meeting al H. The .MIsion of Kt. Paul's Phurrh I ti.HJ lluuil bi. lttv. Geoie li. S..HI, j iclIoi. Kev. V. Al. Hosciiuiai, curate, ttcv. f. M. Baxter, cm ate. tuurih' Sunday in AdeuL Family service, j.ju tt.m. Saint Paul's Episcopal ChurchS. Liberty Higu at Myers. Hev. tieurne H. Swiii. rector. Kev. W. M. UuitMhal, curate. Hev. T. M. Bus ter. curate. The fourth Sunday in Advent, llnly com ni union 1 .Jo a.m. Family service and church school i M a m Morning prayer and .ser mon irtu) a.m. Nursery a. 30 & 11:00 i m. Midweek holy communion (Wed neria i 7 :to a.m. Church school pageant t 60 p.m. . Holy communion lnursday St. John's Llay 7. .'JO a.m. uu- ,...,.,. . t-.-j ' ui.. i rnts nv 7 :ui om . " , 51 .Lu!h"a" Churrh Oln. W. G. Buss. wnw-voun 1 "in. tur. Iti.M a.m. services. 9.13 a.m. iuudjy school. H..10 a.m. Bible classes. St. Joseph's Catholic Church Che Ulckctu Hi Viluler. ltev. Joseph . Vaiulcibeclf, pastor. Sunday masses, ti. V. U. U:la. !U:aO U 1:45 a.m. Sutuiday coniessions 3:31) to 5:30 and 7:3u to 9;uu p.m. First Sol ritualist Church mil M.-iH. Is on. Candlelight Christmas program 8 D.m. No Lecture Itn rniii In our Turkey Dinner $1.00 plate. Satur day. Dec. 22, 1U56 at fi:W p.m. A party after dinner. Bethel Baptlit Church N. Cottage and U Streets. Rev. Everett A. Bar ker, pastor. Sunday ichool B:43 a.m, MumuiK worship- 11 with pastor pruacnins on: "His star tn the Eaj Youth urouux nitct at H-3li d.iii. At 7:3U -p.m. annual Sunday school Christmas program. Midweek service ol prater and BibJe study, Wednes day at 7.30 p.m. and choir rehearsal at St. Mark's Lutheran Church Kev. John L. Cauble, paator. Sunday school H.-ii a.m. Divine worship H.M a.m. j iitid 11 a.m. senium b the pastor. I Sunday school Christmas program 4 ' o'clock. Geneial puOuc mviled. Klin wood Bible Church 1125 Elm Su cel. Frank Wiens, pastor. Sunday services: a.m. Sunday scnool. 10:45 am. morning worsmp, choir Curistmas musical progrniu. 7:30 p.m. Sunday achool Cnriftmai pro gram, mesoay; 1U:J0 a.m. Christmas service. Wesleyan McUiodlst 15th and Mill Sis. Lonn P. Miller, pastor. 8:45. Sunday school; Dudley Wells, super intendent. Worship. 11:00; sermon by the pastor. 7:;ttt, Christmas program: "The Old. Old Story Is True." will be presented by the Young people. Songs and recitations by the chil dren. Prayer ' aervice, Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Westminster Presbyterian Rev. J. Dwlght Hussell. pastor. Liberty Rd. and Ewald Ave. 9:30 and 11 a.m. Worship services, sermon "Peace? On Karth? To Men of Good Will?" fl:30 12, Sunday school classes. 7:00 p.m., high school youth group. 11 p.m., Dec. 24, Christmas eve service. REVIVAL 600 No. 16th PENTECOSTAL CHURCH OF GOD 7:30 Each Night Except Monday Sunday School 9:45 A. M. Morning Worship 11 A. M. Pastor, Rev. R. E. VauClair FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Down Town The Tall White Spire 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. "The Visited Planet" Soloist, Alice Rose Jones Broadcast 11:30-12:00 KS1.M 4:00 p.m. Christmas Vespers (Cherub, Junior and Youth Choirs) Brooks H. Moorf, Minister FIRST EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH Marion and Summer 10 50 A.M. "IT'S TIME WE TOLD THE STORY" 7 30 P.M. Christmas mtm jKjefaisss' br V Churc 1W. b' " " M(i iQiflf JHvm-l tSro. !BS8, 0 , b .tavnles VfiC O Pastor Central Lutheran Festival Worship Set for Sunday Sunday morning, the senior choir at Central Lutheran will present a worship in song at 11 a.m. the pastor will deliver a short mes sage on the theme, "A Song in My Heart." At 7 p.m. the Sunday school will present its program which will be under the direction of Mrs. Norman Rue. The service will include several numbers by the junior choir under the direc tion of Ray Dahlcn and also a vhoice choir under the direction of Mrs. Fred Kruse. Christmas Day Central Lutheran will gather at 11 a.m. for the Fes tival Worship. Both the senior and junior choir will sing and the pas tor will speak on the theme, "And the Shepherds Returned." Also included in the Christmas . Festivities at Central Lutheran ! will be a special Norwegian Ves : per Service on Sunday Dec. 30 at j3 p.m. This service of Norwegian j songs and sermon will be of inter I est to all the Scandinavian friends who are most cordially invited. Salem Heights Baptist Plans The Bible School department of the Salem Heights Baptist Church, 3530 Liberty Rd.. will present its annual Christmas program Sunday at 10:00 a m. At 11:00 a.m. the children through the Junior Department, (6th grade) will have their Sun day School hour, and the Adult : Department, which includes the : Junior Youth and up, will have the Christmas Worship Service. At this service, the pastor, Rev. Elmer , Hicberi. will speak on the subject,! "The Messenger irom Heaven." 1 At 7:30 the Junior High and Senior High Youth will present the Christmas Vesper Service, which will include the reading of Christ-! mas selections, and the Christmas i story, and various carols and musical selections. After the evening vesper the two Youth Groups will have their an-i nual caroling party. Blowing of Sijm i Set for Sunday The lighted church sign on the corner of St. Paul's Episcopal Church property on South Liberty j and Myers streets will be blessed at the 11:00 a.m. service Sunday, j December 23rd. The sign has been presented to the church by Mrs. Philip W. Allison as a memorial to her father and mother, Major and Mrs. Edwin Yates Lansing. who lived south of town in the "Alderbrook house." The day of the blessing (Dec. 23) marks the 115th anniversary of Major Lan sing's birth. SALEM TRUTH CENTER 1149 COURT Metaphysical LacturM Youth Sunday School Study Ditcutiion Claisaa Prtyor Hoaling Clinics Metaphysical Library Book Shop Phono 2-6010 DRAMA "CHRISTMAS IN A COBBLERS SHOP" Presented by The Young People Soturdoy 7:30 P.M. Sunday School 9:45 A.M. Worship Sunday 11 A.M. "Shadow at Bethlehem" Story of Our Bathlthtm Visit Max Wyalt Paitor FAITH TABERNACLE 1305 North 5th Westminster Unhei Presbyterian Church 3737 liberty Road Services & Church School 9:30 & 11 A.M. Sermons-Peace? On Earth? To Men ot Goodwill!" Christmas Eve Services 11 P.M. Christmas Day Matin Service 11 A.M. Sermon: "The Angel's Song" By J. Dwighr Rusisll Through the Cafes of Time . . . Info a Realm of Eternal light Observant of Every Wish, Heedful of fvery Need" To worthily mark the passing of a beloved spirit, a funeral should express, as eloquently as possi ble, the heartening promise of tne life e'ernal. Observant of fvery Wish, Heedful of fvery Need CLOUGH nw) .. .. . Senior, Youth Choir Groups In Musicale The Senior and Youth Choirs of Salem First Baptist Church will combine to present "Music of Bethlehem", a Christmas cantata by Holton and Shannon -at 7:30 Sunday. Special lighting in the au ditorium will enhance the presen' tation of the Christmas story in song by the combined choirs. Walter Weathers is the general director of the musicale with John Schmidt leading the Youth Choir, Mrs. John Schmidt, organist and Miss Zola Peterson, Youth Choir pianist. Solo numbers will be sung by Miss Phyllis Johnson, Mrs. A. G. Lindstrand, and Mrs. Ed mund Meola. Kev. Stanton Irvine1 will present "0 Holy Night" on the coronet. Pastor Anderson will speak at the 11:00 o'clock hour on "There Was a Man Named Simeon." The traditional Christmas Eve service of the church will be held on Monday evening at 11:00 o'clock until midnight. FAITH TABERNACLE Faith Tabernacle will conduct its Christmas program at 7:30 Satur day night with the youth group presenting the drama "Christmas in the Cobbler Shop." The young people will engage in a caroling expedition at 6:30 Sun day night. BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH N. Cottage and D Streets Rev. Everett A. Barker 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 1 1:00 a.m. Sermon "His Star In The East" 7:30 p.m. Sunday School Christmas Program YOU ARE WELCOME FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH CHEMEKETA nd WINTER "THERE'S A STAR" Dr. Poling Two Services: 9:45 and 11 a.m. KOCO 10:00 a.m. CHRISTMAS PAGEANT "THE OTHER WISE MAN" Two Presentations 5:00 P. M. ind 7:00 P. M. SAINT PAUL'S EPISCOPAL S. Liberty & High At Myers Holy Communion 7:30 P. M. Family Service ....9:30 A. M. Service, Sermon 11:00 A. M. Pageant 5:00 P. M. Rev. George II. Swift, Rector MISSION VFW HAIL 9:30 A. M. Family Service FIRST CHURCH OF GOD 3030 N. Lancaster Drive 10:00 Child's Program 1 1 :00 Special Christmas Music Sermon "GOD SENT HIS SON" 7:30 Christmas Party -FUNERAL HOME 1 24-Hr. Phone: EM-39139 Salem, Oregon, Saturday, December Z2, 1930 Mittens Will Be Sent Hungarians The Unitarian Fellowship andj Church school Christmas service; will be held at 10:30 Sunday morn-; ing at the YWCA. j The upper grades of the church ; school will present a play entitled ! "The Wreath" which will be di-! reeled by Mrs. Lorene Roberts. I Ornaments, symbolic of those used in other countries, made by the children of the school will adorn a large tree. The traditional mitten tree will also be there. Each family brings a pair of new or used mittens that will be tied on the tree, later these mittens usually sent to the Navajos, will be boxed for Hungarian refugees. ' The annual Christmas gifts were( sent to the Navajos last October. "For unto you Is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord." Luke 2:11 9:45 A.M. Church School (lines 10:45 4.M. The Annual Christmas Program Presented by The Elementary Church School Department 7:00 P.M. The Christmas Vesper Servlc Featuring The Nazarene Church Choir Presenting . . . the Cantata "Glory To God" Duan E. Muth, Pttr Wly Rogort, Miniittr of Muiit ' Firsl . Church of the Nazarene Center at 13th i Christmas at Central Lutheran North Capitol and Gaines Harald Grindal, pastor SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23: Worship in Song by Senior Choir 1 1 A.M. Children's Christmas Program 7 P.M. CHRISTMAS DAY: Festival Service 11 A.M. Theme: "And The Shepherds Returned." Junior and Senior Choirs singing SUNDAY, DECEMBER 30: . Norwegian Christmas Service 3 P.M. MAY YOUR CHRISTMAS JOY BE FOUND IN CHRIST EVANGELISTIC TEMPLE Market and Park L. A, Larson, Pastor 9:45 A. M.-A Sunday School hundreds enjoy You will tool 11:00 A. M. Faith Inspiring Christmas message 7:30 P. M. An Impressive Christmas program wilt be presented by the Temple Sunday School A Cordial Welcome To All i Merry Christmas i i FOURSQUARE CHURCH f 490 N. 19th St. 9:45 A.M. Program by the Sunday School 7:45 P.M. The Christmas Story" by the Choir A Friendly Welcome Awaits You j Pastor, Rev. Roy E. Worthington Cfiristmas Fellowship with u in this aervice of Christmas music. Sing familiar carols and hear inspiring musical selections centered about the birth of Christ. "The Christmas Cantata" "The Music of Bethlehem" will be presented by the Joint youth and Adult Choirs on Sunday night at 7:30, under the inspiring direction of Walter Weathers. Plan to attend the traditional Christmas Eve Service at 11:00 to midnite on Dee. 24. Beautiful surprises, colorful lighting and a message by Dr. Anderson will make your Christmas complete! Pastor Anderson speaks at 1 1 :00 A.M. "There Was a Man Named Simeon" Sunday School, with iri progroi tiva cUmt hi the Word of God, invitoi you t otHlfld. Tun In to tho Churth Brotd om: KSLM 8:15 A.M. Daily I Potoc 1:U FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH C The Lutheran Churches of Salem WELCOMES YOU ST. MARK'S (U. L. C.) 343 North' Church Services 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. John L. Cauble, Pastor ST. JOHN'S (L. C.-Mo. Syn.) 14th and Court Sts. Service 10:30 a. m. Sunday School 9:15 a. m. Walter G. Boss, Pastor GRACE (E. L. C.) 3300 Sunnyview Avenue Sunday School at 9:45 a. tn. Service 11:00 a. m. - Lowell Holte, Pastor GOOD SHEPHERD (U. L. C.) 3720 South Commercial Service 11 a. in. Sunday School 9:45 a. m. O. W. Ebrlght, D. DH Pastor FAITH (U. L. C.) 4505 North River Road Services 8:30 a. m. and 11 a. m. Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Warren W. Pechman, Pastor CHRIST (A. L. C.) State at 18th Street Services 8:30 11:00 a. m. Sunday School, 9:45 a, m, T. M. Gebhard, Pastor CENTRAL (L. F. C.) North Capitol at Gaines Services 11 a. ra. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School 9:45 a, m. Harald Grlndal, Pastor itlugtcale special Yowr Bibiti and Small Children ft in good handa whtn yew Uavt thtm in our nvrttriet and Toddltra' group Youth Time ahwava hat rta plact in Fit-it Baptist. Htrt h co-ordinated youth planning. iWHICH TREE ? Tinseled trees symbolize the warmth of the Christmas ftMson. But the cross of Christ brings lasting purpoM and satisfaction. "H'A Hit eun ttlf ban cur sins in His eu-n body on At trtt, rtar u, bting dead so sin, should ire unto righttousntu.'' 205 S. Church it Ferry i t