Salem, Ore., Friday, December 21," 1956 L 11 Lj C"Va . XAL Girl Feared Suicide Over Her False Belief girl was missing Friday (cared a possible suicide in the mistaken belief she let her infant sister die while baby-sitting. Margaret Julie Mizzi ran away from her Queens home Monday, leaving this note: "I was washing the dishes. I HarshmanNew Masonic Head MOLALLA (Speclal)-New of ficers of Molalla Masonic lodge, installed in ceremonies Thursday evening, were Marcus Harshman, worshipful master; 'Leonard Mar- shall, senior warden; Alfred JRurns, junior warden; 0. L. Hammond, treasurer; Karl R. ijTreadwell, secretary; Albert A. jl.ambert, senior deacon; Clifford ;Jlitts, junior deacon; Clyde Pitts, enior steward; Ralph Mattison, ..junior steward; Martin Bairn, chaplain; Clarence Olsen, tyler; Dr. J. V. Robertson, trustee for three years. Outgoing worshipful master is George Gilmore. Installing master Was Norman Palmgren. I . Start Pole Harvest i MOLALLA (Speciall-Bob Babb is working on the upper Clacka mas with Lyle and Bill Olsen. Uobb will peel poles and the other two men will fell trees. They also will do some logging, working for themselves. Bill Olsen's family is there with him. i , SPELLMAN FLIES NORTH. MAGUIRE AIR FORCK BASE, N.J. ifl Francis Cardinal Spellman of New York was one of M. passengers leaving Thursday aboard a C118 Military Air Trans port Service flight. He plans a Christmas visit to American serv icemen in Newfoundland. Green land, Iceland and Labrador. ROHUCK AND CO. give him comfort! give him neatness! give him style! PDILGRDKl FG.E2I - FQY S(SC1S OPEN Country Club Clip and Link Set 250 P.T. Truly up-to-date selection ot Jtyln features the slim ind trim look. Stone snd ttieul desienj. Gold Plated. gaffl u&fatffa paawOeed oz you mattey tact ' Sister Is Dead .went over to look at the baby. The pillow was on her face. I took it off. I shook her but she did not move. 1 think she is dead. I get scared. I am running away. "Daddy will kill me when he finds out. J want to save him the job. By the time you read this I will be dead. I will always love all of you." But when Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mizzi returned home aftfr spend ing an hour out shopping for a Christmas tree they found 4-month-old Carol sleeping sound ly and healthily in her crib. Julie, as the older girl is known to the family, was gone. She was wearing blue jeans and a red coat and, as far as is known, had no extra clothes, food or money with her. Mizzi, 39, an employe ot the New York City Transit Authority, notified police. They have spread the alarm in 14 states. "I am worried sick." Mizzi said. "I want Julie back. Of course it was all a terrible mis take." ICG to Allow Express Boost WASHINGTON fl - The Inter state Commerce Commission said ! Friday it will permit a proposed 14 per cent increase in charges on j loss-than -carload shipments of 'railway express to become effec i live Dec. 27. The hike, proposed by the Rail way Express Agency had already been given clearance by a three man ICC division, acting for the organizations and the Agriculture Department appealed to the full U -member commission. The full commission simply an nounced it would not interfere with the increase, which covers less-than-carload business gen erally, exempting only milk and cream, newspapers and human re mains. for the LAST men of the family ! TONIGHT til 9 Worm Pilgrim Leather Gloves 098 Smart leather slove look like piskin. have warm knit linine In black, cork or brown. Sirei S-M-L. Killer Blames 3 Victims for Father's Death ANGOLA, Ind., Wl A 40-year-old eccentric bacnelor said Fri day he killed three ot his neigh bors and wounded two others be cause he thought they had caused his father's death. In the Steuben County jail, where he was held without charge, Bible quoting Merlin McNaughton told a reporter; "I might as well tell you I made up my mind a long time ago to take a crack at those bug gers' (his neighbors) if I got a chance. Tuesday night I decided I had. waited long enough." McNaughton, who described him self as an "executioner," accused his neighbors of breaking Into his two-story home at nearby Ray "several times a week" before his father died in January, 1955. "f know what they were doing, too," he told a reportet. "They were putting carbon compound in the food, and that's what caused my father's heart attack." Sheriff Harry Dirrim, who ov erheard the interview, said Mc Naughton's story' w'as "concoted by a deranged mind." Preston Bradley, one of the wounded neighbors, said Mc Naughton "hated everybody," had shot at some boys last summer and "slept in the daytime and ran around at night watching people." ATTEND FUNERAL MOLALLA I Special ) Mr. and Mrs. Frank Borkenhagen spent j Monday in Portland where they , attended the funeral of Carl Meu- mann. 80, an old friend of the Borkenhagens. MRS. BURDEN ILL MOLALLA i Special Mrs. Grant Burden is in Silverton hos pital and has been there for the past two weeks Her mother. Mrs. Ed Kyllo, is keeping small Karen and Mrs. May Ridings is keeping Denny while their mother is hospitalized. strerch nylon clings tightly . . . never binds or pinches, won't clump in a ball at heel or toe! Fex-Fit socks always look like they've just been put on; they stay up, never bag or sag! Festive colors and color combinations or muted tones, Seors has a style for every taste! Pilgrim' Pajamas of Cotton Flannelette 098 Colorful fttripe and all Ovr patt?. Coal and pull fixrr tyrv All around Iattic waist. In A B C D. Honored Joy Schnorenberg, named to Who's Who In American Colleges. Young Silverton Girl Honored bv Who's Who Pick SILVERTON (Special) A Sil verton young woman has been naaied to "Who's Who Among Stu dents in American Universities and Colleges." . ' Miss Joy Annette Schnorenberg, 20, is the youngest member of the June 1957 graduating class from St. Vincent's college of nursing in Portland which is affiliated with the Portland university. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Schnorenberg of 232 Westfield ave nue, Silverton. Miss Schnorenberg's school ac complishments have included pres ident of the freshman nurses, vice president of her junior class, and member of Alpha Tau Delta and Beta Beta Beta sororities. he was chosen as this year's princess of the "Bug Ball" the biological party. She will be awarded her Bachelor of Science degree in June, and her R,N. degree in Sep tember, 1957, on completing the requirements in her nurse s train ing. give him PJfl. ! Colorful Pilgrim Sport Shirts 498 Handsom chrckd shirt of O.loray . viscose rayon. Ab aolutfly wanhft' In many colon. Sizes S-M-I-XL. MINUTE Bank Robber i Grabs $3,000 SPOKANE W A man hold up a teller at the Northwest Blvd. Branch of the Lincoln First Fed eral Savings and Loan Assn. Thurs day and escaped with an estimated W.0OO in cash. Larry Chestnut, assistant mana ger of the branch, said the main laid a sack on the counter, pulled out a gun and told him to give him "all the money or I'll blow your brains out." The holdup man escaped in a car despite police roadblocks set up in the busy residential" area and at the approaches to the down town business district. IBM 'Brain' for Satellite Ordered NEW YORK tP-The Navy De partment announced yesterday se lection of a high-speed electronic device designed to calculate and predict the orbit of the first man made satellite. The department said the compu tator, to be provided by the Inter national Business Machine Corp., will be used to keep track of the satellite asit whirls through space in an orbit 200 to 300 miles above the earth. Miss Schnoienberg was gradu ated from Mt. Angel academy pre ceding her entrance in Portland university and St. Vincent's -Nursing school. ELECTRICITY r ACCPI IS Jn1 u PORTLAND SINUAl IICTIIC COMPANY ' Neat clocks and contrast with his One size fits oil, SAE ft GIFT SU66ESTIOMS Take his choice of ever-popular argyle patterns; as sharp looking as their diamond patterns. In light or dark colors. One size firs 1 0 thru 1 4. - in a smart gift box! "Charge 550 Indian Graves On 2 Islands Beiiia; Moved THE DAl.LKS tfi Indian tribal representatives and Army Kngi neers, supervising removal of the remains of Indians from Grave Island and Memaloose Island in the Columbia River, expected to complete the first part of their task Friday. Grave Island, which was aban doned by the Indians as a burial site after the 1894 floods, and Mematoos Island, five .miles up stream, will be flooded as the Columbia River rises behind The Dalles Dam. Only authorized workers and supervisors were allowed on Grave Island, where work was to he completed Friday, and the only photography permitted was for government records. Crews next will move to Memaloose Island. The skeletons from Grave Island will be kept at a mortuary here until a vault overlooking the river is constructed. The remains from Memaloose Island, the more mod ollover patterns harmonize or choice of dark or pastel colors. - 10 thru 14. 37tr7eCaiyr 3 It" on SRC N. CAPITOL Sumatra Army Coup Reported JAKARTA. Indonesia Ufi News papers in the Indonesian capital said Friday the army has staged a coup in Sumatra. The newspapers carried a speech by Ruslan Mulkohardo, governor of Central Sumatra, say ing he had transferred his power to a local army commander, Lt. Col. Ahmad Huseln. There have been widespread rumors in the past month that the army has been planning a coup. Leaders of eight political par ties, apparently fearing such a development, met In Jakarta Sun day and agreed to bury differ ences and work together for the preservation of Indonesian demo cracy. There were no details on the action reported in Sumatra, or any confirmation from official In donesian sources. crn burial ground, will be interred in a new cemetery on the Wash ington side of the river a mil above the dam. MAHY MORE DOME SEATS EMPIRE BUILDER Between Portland and Chicago vie Mlnneapellt-St. Paul Only $56.29 coach fare plus tax, Portland to Chi cago; Leaves Portland daily 3 P.M. No Extra Fare. MM I. WAUOH, Tmvthnt Pautnfcr Arrnl, S07 8.W. Wuhinfton St., Portland 6. Ore. CAPITAL 1-7571 Dressy 3x3 ribbed socks are considered "just right" taste wherever he goes! Buy them in bright or muted shades. One size fits 1 0 to 1 4. Soft combed cotton is blended with stretch nylon for absorbency, neatness and wear. Rich argyle patterns. One size fits 10 thru 14. irnn DRESS Pima, luxury f ihrr of tin cotton family skillfully blended with fin cotton, duarantred one year aeainst any defects in workman ship. Korm-eaae collar. Proportion ed itize give tailored fit. III I 3 Tots Die in j nPn ll af TM A 1. ClllJ. JJltlaO BLACK CREEK, Wis.. UV Twin brothers Harold and Gerry Gruetzmacher, age 2, who were born blind, and their 3-month-old sister, perished Thursday when flames swept the house trailer in which they were alone. The charred bodies of the boys were found in the ruins.- Their sister, Jo Ann, died sev eral hours later at a hospital. The mother, Mrs. Harold Gruetzmacher, who pulled her daughter from the fire but was unable to reach the boys, was treated for minor burns and scratches at the hospital Musical Gifts For Every Member of the Family cvfiu AlirXWIlTMYWWnilRS Open Every Night Til 9 P.M. Capitol Shopping Center Phone 2 8708 riy7i.i i if 00 lonnn SHIRTS Pilgrim Gift Ties 1 00 from For Him1 To occent his word robe, a wonderful assortment of pottems to choose from. Save ot Sears' EM-39191