Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 21, 1956, Page 8, Image 8

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    Page 8 Section 1
Salem, Ore., Friday, December 21, 1956
2nd Arsonist
Puts Torch to
Two Churches
TRENTON, N.J. un Another
hunt was under way rriday lor a
rliurch firebug in this state cap
ital, ,
Two more blazes broke out in Ths nas not been so in other
churches Thursday less than years in the wcck be(ore Christ
three hours after a man was mas
jailed on arson l,d '"ur'r! The Herald and News experl
charses in live earner cnu.iu mcn((.d ,w yfars a(,0 and
tires. ii,- t, : list year with restricting page one
Police reinforcements have been. chm(ul ncw5. new Vkeep
called in and plmnolothesmen Christmas spirit,
nnsled at as many churches as, .,,.. '
& in an effort to trap the1 But m h,s year,
tirebug at work or prevent another ' The best news wc can offer the
in the bizarre scries of fires. I reader during the duration of the
The Rt Rev. Michael Zapary- perilous world situation that faces
niuk priest at the Holy Trinity1 us this Christmas," said Bill Jen
Ukrainian Orthodox Church, grnp- kins, managing editor, "will be
pled with a man he saw running an objective job of reporting the
from his burning church Thurs- news nl international import,
eiy night and noted part of the Maybe the news that will be most
license number of the car in which appreciated will be those hi ad
the man escaped. 'incs ,nat ,c" ne reader that we
Within 40 minutes, a fire broke arc not yet at war."
out in the alter boys' sacristy of But, said Jenkins, "this is not
Sts. Peter and Paul Roman t'nth-an admission of defeat. Wc plan
o!ic Church with damage csti- to go back to the cheerful spirit
mated unofficially by police at as soon as world conditions will
$750, : permit us to do so honestly."
Police saia noin nrc
started by an arsonist. They were1
brought under control within mm-
" timer Cooper Lucas, 40-year-old
rarttime bakery truck helper, is
being held in Mercer County jail:
without hail on charges of arson
and murder.
Police say he has admitted set-
ting four church (ires early Inst
Sunday and the blaze Inst March
11-at St. Mary's Roman Catholic
cathedral which took the lives of
flsgr. Richard T. Crenn and two
t .
WEST HAVEN, Conn. Police
,:,i Vt- ami Mr Thomas H.
Johnson were eating supper when
a man came to tne uoor wim a
Christmas packuge. He to'd jonn-i
on he had a present for Mrs.
Johnson, so Johnson let him in,
and led him to the kitchen. The
man put down the package.
whipped out an automatic and
robbed the couple of J22.
1' V CTliriT flllflTlTlllYC as jailer of Archbishop Step- Rarlon of Portland bit into some
jl'ILH I Ml ill IU:V' inac, the persecutor of religion, ' thing hard while he was eating
,hv ih Auinin hipw
Admiral Corporation
Allied Chemical
Alii Chalmers
Aluminum Co. America
American Airlines
American Can
American Cyanamide
American Motors
American Tel. (t Tel.
American Tobacco
Anaconda Copper
Armco Steel
Atchison Railroad
Bethlehem Steel
Boeing Airplane Co.
Borg Warner
Burroughs Adding Mach.
California Packing
Canadian Pacific
Caterpillar Tractor
( dlanese Corporation
Chrysler Corporation
Cities Service
Consolidated Edison
Crown Zellerhach
Cgrtiss Wright
Douglas Aircraft
du Pont de Nemours
I'.aslman Kodak
Emerson Radio
Ford Motor
General Electric
General Foods
General Motors
Georgia Pnc Plywood
Goodyear Tire
International Harvester
International Paper
.lohns Manville
Kaiser Aluminum
Kennecntt Copper
l.lbhy, McNeill
Lockheed Aircraft
l.oew's Incorporated
Montgomery Ward
New York Centrnl
Northern Pacific
I'acilic American Fish
Pacific Gas k Electric
Pacific Trl k Tel.
Penney J.( Co.
Pennsylvania It It.
Pepsi Cola Co.
Philco ilailin
Kudio Corporation
Itayonier lncorp.
Republic Steel
KrvnoMs Melals
Itichfleld Oil
Safeway Stores Inc.
Sh Kreis
Scott Paper Co.
Senrs Roebuck d Cu.
Sljrll Oil Co.
Sinclair Oil
Socony-Moltil Oil
Sdtilhcrn Pacific
Standard Oil Calif.
Standard Oil N .1
Sludrhaker Packard
Sunshine Mining
Stvift ft Company
Trnnsamenca Corp
Twentieth Century Fox
Union Oil Company
Union Pacific
United Airlines
United Aircraft
United Corporation
United States Plywood
United States Steel
Warner Picture
Western Union Tel
Weslinghouse Air Brake
Weslinghouse Electric
Woolworth Company
13 H
33 Mi
40 Si
72 V.
26 V4
5.1 S
41 Mi
33 !4
71 4
co IT
66 i.
44 "i
5.1 ;
47 i
89 ;
f)7 Tl
1117 'j
56 Jt
10 'j
3A .
30 ,
40 4
1211 'l
21 '
III '.
35 i-
.V.I '
4H 'a
ROSES From $125
HEATHER From 75c
, Niirserv l-anilM-auing Harden SiipptiM
Open Monday Through Saturday 8 a. ni. Hi S p. m.
250 N. Lancaster Drive at 4 Corners
Newspaper at
KF Drops Its
'Joy' ssiiesK
;ers o( the Herald and News this
r week will be able to learn of un-
a happiness and cruelty and blood
' shed, if there is any, without
turning to inside pages.
TA IpOflpr
-r -ji
I'miPSTS! I iff
1 ltVOlO
11 1 . 'I1,,,
DM li) 1110
NEW HAVEN, Conn. Ml Luke
K. Hart, supreme knight of the
Knights of Columbus, protested
Friday to President Eisenhower
against a reported administration
plan to invite Marshal lito 01
Yugoslavia to the United States,
The head of the Catholic frn-
tcrnal organization said in a tele-
si-.. . t
"Nothing else that your admin-
istration might do would be so dis-
appointing or would so grievously!
otfend our more than 30 million
Catholics and a large proportion
'of others."
B0n j ,c telegram to Risen-
hower and a letter to Secretary of
Stale Dulles. Hart referred to Tito
tne tyrant oi Jugoslavia anu me
accomplice of the butchers of
"World politics or power poli-'
jcs or wni,t have yOU " ij,ri
1 wrote Dulles, "would 'not be
U-rveH hv this rmintrv entrnriine !
wnlffimo in Tin fin iho rnn.
trary, much harm would result."
Hart urged Knights of Colum
bus groups to dratl resolutions of
protest and forward them to Eis
enhower and Dulles.
IIcllzcl Suspends
Express Increase
SALEM m Public Utilities
Commissioner Charles H. Heltzel
Tln.pcrlnu tiiEnnnrlnfl a nmnnenrl
J .,M...v....tU .. up.,...
v.v...... ..j
1 Express rales within Oregon,
pending a public hearing.
Earlier in the day the Inter
state Commerce Commission
granlc1 the linn an increase in
that amount for interstate ship
ments elfcctive Dec. 27.
The new rates for shipments
56 ii within uregon were to nave gone
HI n into effect Dec. 27 also. Dale (or
43 rt the PUC hearing was not set im-
44 34, mediately,
311 " 1
The Mirlnn Co. Sch. Dint. No. 102
ll.akr l.ahisln hnaril hit!, brrn au
tlmmi'il In rrtrivi MMli'd Imls un Ihe
srtlr of thp nlfl st'hoiilhousr Irxclu
ilir lit the putnp liousi-l un Januiiry
8. 1 n.i 7 . nl 8 p in. lit lhe , h(ii,lhmi-r
All bids must br Hi'i'iiiniinnlrd ly
a icrllflrd i lipi k nf 1!0 r.o. '1 he un-
Mit'i-rs.shil liliiclrrs will be rrfundrd
tbrir rh-k.
The building nuiM br rrinr'i'M
tnim tlir prrintsca mil lalrr than
Sri"- '
iMnt irrip. uir iicm in
rrjfi t "j'1 '"
j KitKii rkmixctun cirrk
lire in :'n, 'ji,j:',:i.:'fi :t 2 2i.ii.
i J :i.4 .i
. 1:L,1"W,L 'ffi-lS
me I' I'.'un. n ni tn- i iiy u.iii.
.rnihiT 2. ii'.-s in iiu- tii.iticr ,,t
''r,",',';B,i iS'onS: u!Jh: WIS
uii-Tiiiiii z.,.ni. i ii ci Humiicj znr
The iiiiriiiriiv an ten ni me prviii.
1 1 !"ll"iI
line nl ("hiii i h Slrcrl. 2M 0 lect nur-
lltrrh (nun Un- Mullir--i
Block (ill us slinwn 1 th
,x of tt.f Cil n( S.ilrni.
Coimu, Otf O'lt. .nut rum
car If i iui .illi-l v nh tnc
nth hr
i hi.-, k. Lti.i n ti-cl in
u hlo.k.
rnlrr line
nii ttietO'
Iv p.n ;!lel
K 1H5 it
ns thr
oi h Ull llln. K HTlll Pxlrn
of. .SOU fCPt. tl)l'IH-f HOslCI
with ihr MUitlt line o( ,u
tret, n nie or lt. io the i
ni I liurvK Mreet
iC Ihr
rrrt : 0 1eit to tlte tl;oe of tx-tiin-ma.
All m ttie Cilv ol Salem. Oreu-m
Hrecon tleernoer
Budded Hybrid
Rhododendrons From $5
ODORA From $250
If If
a J
li it'i A MiHt
FKL'ITLAN'D (Special) Loaded with Christmas mall that are destined for grandchildren on Chrlsl-
gifts, Johnnie Ray, singer, Is greeted by his par- mas Day. Their daughter, Mrs. Klma Hass of San
ents at their Fruitland home. Ills mother, at left, Francisco, will Join the family reunion Friday
and father, at right, are holding stuffed toy ani- with her son, Roger. (Capital Journal Photo)
Singer Johnnie Ray Says
He Thinks Presley's Fine
(Capital Journal
FRUITLAND (Special I Wing
singer, flew back home Ihur.sday irom Miami, rla., tor his first
family Christmas reunion In six years.
And with him he brought his third gold record, an honor conferred
upon any star whose record sells
i l-VSl.OW YlPllS
$25 Pearl to
Portland Man
PORTLAND (UP) William K.
ineu oysters at dinner
pearl which1
turned out to he a
ibis wife rightfully clai
She had bought a pint of oysters
earlier at a seafood establishment.
onc o( the shelled Pacific oy-
Wlllapa Harbor, the
iiarion ana nis wue Dotn lona
of oysters had never come
across a pearl in one of the oy
sters belore. Neither had Henry
Nicmela, proprietor of the fish
market where they bought the oy
sters. Mrs. Barton took the pearl to a
jeweler. He expressed regret that
the pearl market was weak be
cause of heavy Japanese exports.
But even so, the smalt pearl was
worth $25. Mrs. Barton had paid
69 cents for the oysters.
So now, Mrs. Barton is dream
ing of a ring mounted with onc
pearl Willapa oysters style.
High Schools
Greet Grads
North nnd South Siilcm hih
schools honor their returning grad
uates at homecoming programs
I-'riday afternoon.
South Salem's homecoming was
expected to bring back between
ion and 200 graduates of the
school for a reception and as
sembly. At North Salem more than 200
were expected lo attend the home
coming assembly.
j , ,,s (;KT AWA1U)S KRt)AV
1 HnVS receiving awards at to-
niclit's meeting of Cuh Scout Pack
i ri a u .nhitii-inn ci'h,m ui he
'Gary Lane. Mike Dcl.aney and
David Ksclu'tihauiii. wolt badges:
linn Itauitt. .Iiininv Brandon anil
Hick Dickvel, Bobcat pins and!
Fi'i-.l i:,nli:irill nnrt Wnhorl Anno. I
sin. one year pins.
ih.' ' ,1 w . w :irH , ',.., ,: ..
' na hosnitnl are being made hv ""d Mrs. Frank Wolt nnd l.niuly
! several of the .lens. A number .ifjlclt Tuesday for a Christinas (am-
Christmas fond baskets for necilytilv reunion with Mrs. Wolfs par-
I by the ents. Mr. and Mrs. John .1. Schu-
ipack. I bring at harlvillc. Iowa. At the re-
I ilno rnh Si-lint from iMih rien union nlso will be Mr. and Mrs.
,,., n ,,
lhe Moihers' Club Christmas treat
at the school.
Depend on
Prescription fwict
When you need a prescription filled just call on us. Our
long experience and large stock of pharmacais, of all va
rieties, mean quickest service for you. So when your doc
tor gives you a prescription stop in here ... or phone
us. EM-331 18 or EM-39239.
405 it.
417 CWiamknta
Johnnie Welcomed by
,1.11 III. IL.r.
Valley Editor)
weary Johnnie Ray, Dallas dream
a million copies. Johnnie won his
liiiiu guiu lecuiu iui :
Third Gold Record
"Walking in the Rain." And he
got soaking wet in the rain that
hit Salem Thursday while he fin
ished his Christmas shopping.
A grand welcome from his fam
ily awaited the singer when he
arrived at Portland airport after
a troubled flight from the east.
The plane was 3'i hours lale be
cause of adverse weather condi
tions west of Chicago.
At the home of his parents Mr.
fn'SJvs; '''n',r V. "I 1" '
.no iiuic iiu ,u me b i m.
n'ii-u nun Kiua mini mi uvi-i uiv
world, a reminder of his recent
world tour Ihere were gilts
.7 . ii. , ij .-j ii,-' iu
over the world and throughout the
United Slates.
Kick to Be Home
"Boy, this Rure is a big kick to
be home "again," Johnnie told his
parents as he looked about the
house and noted the renovated
living room with a new, large pic
ture window. With him as a guest
was Stan Hoppert, a member of
the staff of Harper's Bazaar of
New York. They expect to re
main at the Ray's family home in
hruinand until alter Christmas
"What about this singer Klvis
Presley?" Johnnie was asked.
"I think Presley is fine." John-
nie said. "I think it's about time
some new talent came along.
There always is room for new.
good talent. I like him."
Cotno's the (.real est
"Perry Como? He's, the great
est. They say that in all the lime
he has been producing TV shows
no one ever has raised their voice
on the stage during rehearsal or
doing a show. Once you meet the
guy you understand why."
Johnnie appeared on the Perry
Como show at Miami Saturday
Zt? n V IK . '"-
About the future, .lohhnie is a tne Bureau ol Land Management Af.,,,.1.,.. rr,,.t.l .,,r
little uncertain. He is scheduled by the Funderburk Construction I'l'HIUcly, I IH MI1
(or another shirt-tearing world Corp.. Stilherlin, Ore. Kleven oth- nkV YORK i.f Stock ex
tuur starting in February, hut heer bids ranged as high as $641,760. changes throughout the United
still is under contract to 20th ! The construction on Yellowstone States will he closed Monday Dec.
Century Fox in Hollywood. j
In January he will celebrate his i
.10th birthday in New York, then,
do a show in upper New York.
And alter the world tour.' nen.
.io inn p sovs. li a t ucnenii:,. i
j may do my own TV show, hut I've
I always been against that. It all
1 depends.
l.ctivc for Reunion
u'nW iri,.mnnli,ii irhiu
bring i and sons of Mt. Angel who
i left Inst week.
Us for . . .
Living Costs
Creep to 5th
High of Year
, WASHINGTON ifl - The gov -
ernment Friday reported another
slight rise in living costs one
tenth of 1 per cent during No -
vember. This took its cost index
to the fifth new peak reached in'
a 1950 climb.
,, ,. ..
At the same time the Bureau
of Labor Statistics said that net
spendable earnings of factory
workT. a"d "lP'r huyJ-n pmver
mivcu o an aii-ume nign, more
uiiiii niiseiiing me rise in reiau
Nol sppdaWe earnings-mean-!
laKe nomo pay rose 17 cents
over the month to $75.20 a week
lor a taciory worker with three
dependents and to $67.79 for a
worker with no dependents.
Kach figure is about $2.30 high
er than the comparable figures of
a r ago.
The rise in the living cost index!
will mean a wage increase of 3-cents-an-hour
for about 900.000
US iv.I?r ?niM ?nS
by this month's index change are
in the steel industry
Scaton Okays
Linn Road Bill
WASHINGTON (J) Secretary ;
of Interior Seaton Thursday an-!
nounced approval of a $274, 8M1
contract for construction of 6.8
miles of timber access road in
Linn County, Ore. j
The low bid. was submitted to
Road is part of a system which,
upon completion, will tap an esti-
mated 2.70O.OOO.OO0 hoard feet of
old-growth limner. About 10 per
cent oi me timner is privately
owncu. nan in tne rcnia n ic :m
per cent is administered by the
Bureau of Land Management and
, uie remainder Dy tnc r oresi erv
I i" s, - svYvVVV -
ONLY 125 Per Wk.
S Easy to Install
j k Eliminates
jj k Fits Any Standard
B ' Sink
k Use on Sewer or
Septic Tank
365 N.
State Police
Shifted Into
Road Patrol
., . , , . ,. .
All available state police will
transferred to highway patrol over
the, Christmas holidays for wtiatjing " that un.Christmas
could be lhe worst sing,e four-day!"You Ain't Nuthin' But
I traffice accident period this year ; Dog."
in Oregon.
Six persons already had been
killed in pre-holiday traffic since
. h.gHn..9rl.r. hor
j it- a : r
Dn0A nA nnihu mn
i.uimmu oiiu, -1 v Ku.ioiuit, ..
uamaiicu muui umvi b-"'6
ments to guard the highways.
Last year, when the holiday
consisted of three days, seven
persons were killed and 203 in-
jurcd in 633 Christmas-time acci
dents. State Police Superintendent H.G.
rtiaison remmaca arivers mat me
"big job of accident prevention
will rest with each individual who
Maison said anyone who drinks
and then drives faces arrest,
which could result in a stiff fine
and jail sentence as well as a
mandatory suspension of driver's
license for at least 90 days.
The Oregon Traffic Safety Com
mission said that last Christmas
weekend, drinking drivers were
involved in nearly 55 per cent of
the fatal accidents although norm
ally they are involved in less than
half of such mishaps.
Record B. C.
Coast Quake
SEATTLE tin A strong earth-
quake, recorded in seismographs
across the nation, was believed to'
have centered early Fridav near '.
the Queen Charlotte Islands, off.
the northern British Columbia1
nnni .
, The' University of Washington
estimated it centered at sea. about
480 miles north of Seattle. He
1 described it as "a very strong
iTor- ' ......
" "?m" La' " lnc:
California Institute of Technology j
in Pasadena. The first wave was I
i c.,m. ni.nn.w
2 minules and .) irnnk IWnr'i!
ihe first Pasadena 'needle quiver.!"' Up5a
Neumann said the shock waves dcad and
continued for about an hour and
a naf
Tnc Canadian Press correspond-
ent at Queen Charlotte City, a
village near the center of the is
.lands, reported residents there did
not feel any tremors during the
Little Chance of
IxCllIWCS LOllllIlg
To Salem Area
There was little prospect that
he "cw contingent of Hun-
"TZn ,n
area sponsors. F.rnest Brewer, co
ordinator lor the Oregon Commit
tec for Hungarian refugees, told
lh .innrmal
I Rr-unr cnirf lh r-fnon. ra
coming into Oregon so rapidly the!
funds nf the committee are becom-1
ine donloted allhnueh the new
group will be taken care of. He
indicated that the new group, like
the others that have come into the
state, will be assigned to Portland
area families.
, . 1 y-,.
i'larkClS IO L.10SC
j 24, and Christmas Day Dec. 2.V
Banks and foreign exchange mar -
kets will remain open as usual on
i tne tnicago Hoard ot trade,
irw iorK rriKiuce r.xcnancc ana
I cottonseed oil and soybean mar-
kets will open Monday for a half
- , day. inner acw orn commodity
'markets will be closed.
rr5FS as
g n j okecim aiAmra j
lid iiiiuitb iiiitn 8 Si Jvk'f
Presley Hoid
Follows Carol
ALBANY, Ore. W Christmas
carols sounded out over the busi
ness heart of Albany in the tradi
tional manner Thursday. One of
. them ended and when the next
be;., -h-j ,hnnn, halted in His.
j maJr , was Elvis Prcsley render.
a Hound
,.BLfh. tiffin- nMh. S!el' withdrawal from the Gaza
reached the location of the record ,c, -A c- D;ri
player, the Presley number had Stnp and Sina. Peninsula.
been 80'n 0Ut 0Ver tHe SOme
10 minutes.
The chancer, which normally
. t , ,
h , , . , , .
i?e" J""med and 'he Preslc
" "
I Tnere was no report of who had
j aone
And Daughter
Shot to Death
prominent local industrialist and
his daughter were shot to death
in their home here today and two
other persons were critically
wounded in the mysterious shoot
ing. Chnrirf nan TnI.-n iA
.man mu i "'i in njijivaii-ii iii me .nscinuiy io
Aue. ..4, vice president of the'hring "this phase of discussion":
Drackctt Co., and his daughter, ! to a quick end for fear it would
Sue, 17, were killed
Critically wounded were Mrs.
Helen Auc, 50, wife and mother of
the slain pair, and Gordon Pape.
19. Sue's friend and classmate at
Miami University in Oxford, Ohio.
The sheriff said Pape, fully
clothed, and Sue, dressed in nisht
clothing, were found in the 'girl's
bedroom. A pistol was nearby,
PaPe reached the house only a
'cw minutes before the shooting,
Aue was in the master bedroom,
Mrs. Aue was lying at the foot
Of the Stairs InflHini In Ihp cnrnnri
I floor bedrooms. She had been shot
in the chest. Authorities said the
wound indicated the bullet was
fired from a downward angle.
, Joanna Jones, a maid, told po
lice the shooting occurred just be-
ore 9
a.m. She said that PaDc
reached the house about that time.
i She said she was at wjrk in the
I basement, heard the shooting, and
airs where she found the
Officials Mourn
Death of Tooze
Gov. Elmo Smith and other high
state officials expressed sorrow
todoy over the death of Justice
Walter L. Tooze.
The governor reserved his first
condolences for the family saying
Judge Tooze was "an able lawyer
and jurist."
He said no successor would be
appointed until after the funeral.
State Treasurer Sig Unander
said Tooze's death was "tragic
loss to Oregon."
"My most earnest sympathies go
out to the family at this time,"!;
Unander said. I
Secretary of State Karl T. New- i
bry said he was "deeply shocked
at tllC nCWS Of his passing."
"' always regarded him as one
r lhe most outstanding justices
i "regon nas ever produced, ew
bry stated. "He was a man of tre-1
mendous ability who had a host I
of friends.
"He endeared people to him j
from all walks of life because o(
his sincere approach to their prob-1
lems,' the secretary concluded.
' ftT
8l5 LOTS 'OF
Jordan Seeks
Dag Report on
Sinai Pullout
By, Toy HOGE
Jordan called on Secretary Gen-
cral Dag Hammarskjold Friday
to report at once to me general
accused Israel of refusing to com
ply with the Assembly's call for
withdrawal behind the 1949 arm is-
MlUIUIdtt lll UCI11HU
i ute line, fie puie as uie ou-naiion
I body began debate on the Middle
I Kast crisis despite precautionary
urgings from Hammarskjold and
the United States.
Rifa'i expressed hope Hammars
kjold could have his report on
hand before the Christmas recess
begins this weekend so that the
Assembly could take appropriate
Earlier, Syria's Farid Zeined
dine accused France and Britain
of "collusion" with Israel in in
vading Egypt. He called for a
U.N. probe to prove. such a link.
The Middle East debate began
anew Thursday night when
France's Valery Giscard d'Ksta
ing brought in fresh charges that
French nationals had been beaten
and imprisoned in Egypt.
U. S. Delegate James J. Wads-
ll. lJ . t-,.. .
touch off a lengthy, heated debate.
At the same time, however. Wads-
worth supported charges brought
by France and Britain that their
nationals had been mistreated and
subjected to deportations from
Pilot Searcl
Clues Lacking
minican government and t h e
American embassy at Ciudad
Trujillo are continuing, without
success up to Friday, the search
for a Eugene, Ore., man missing
since Dec. 3.
The State Department said that
so far there have been no solid
aeveiopments in the hunt for
Gerald Lester Murphy, 23, a
former co-pilot for the Dominican
The young man disappeared the
afternoon of Dec. 3 and his auto
mobile later was found abandoned
on a street in the
His father is reported to have
gone to the Dominican Republic
to help in the search.
SU George, Bermuda, is believed ! sion program would boost capac
to be the oldest English-speaking 1 ity 26 per cent,
community in the Western Hemis-1 The loan is in the form of prom
phere. It was founded in 1612. issory notes with a group of in
eight years before the Pilgrims ' stitutional investors. It will be for
landed at Plymouth Rock. la period of 25 years
O'Shea's Health Food Center
696 NO. COTTAGE ST. - PH. EM-2-3448
...and no wardrobe
is complete without the
Knitted Vest
PTT Increase
Up to Heltzel
The question of a 7 per cent rat
increase asked by Pacific Tele
phone & Telegraph Co. was before
Charles Heltzel. public utilities
commissioner, Friday.
The three-day hearing on the
company's request, which would
add $3,200,000 to its annual rev
enues, was completed Thursday
afternoon with presentation of a
detailed accounting report.
Heltzel can grant all, part, or
none of the requested increase.
The company said additional
earnings were necessary to fi
nance improvements.
Mail Service
Moves Swiftly
Delivery service out of the Salem
post office has been operating so
smoothly during the current holi
day rush that all parcel post mat
ter is being delivered the day of
This was indicated Friday aa
the result of an inspection of the
temporary warehouse being used
on South Liberty street for incom
ing parcel post matter.
Cross-country time is fairly nor
mal, with packages being mailed
at points east of Chicago reaching
Salem in less than a week in most
rnnPltllatinn nf n.lnnln. lolla
.. . . '
mail nas decreased to some ex-
lent. T h u r s d a y's cancellations
totalled 153,153, bringing the total
to 2,059,041 for the month.
No Youths in
TB Hospital
There will be no Christmas for
teen agers at the state tuberculosis
hospital this year.
The reason? There are none
there any more.
Authorities at the hospital re
port that for the first time in many
years there are no children of
school age on the patient list.
It was not long ago that the
service of two full-time teachers
were required to instruct the chil
dren who were hospital patients.
lhe number was reduced to one
last year and since then to a half
i time insctor. With no children
: teach sne nas bc(f1 !'ven othcr
r. '
AeiKTbach lO (jCt
60 Million Loan
A con-
I g expansion by Crown ZeN
ici uatu v.orp. win ne nnancea
partly under a 60 million dollar
loan on which arrangements were
completed Thursday.
The company said that over a
nerinri of S In 7 vpnrc ile ovnan.
Great protection ogoinst
those nippy winds--ond
o decided osset to the
appearance too!
Soft, fine wool comes in
9 shades to match or
contrast with the seoson's
latest men's wear shodes.
rr ji