- A. . Saicia, Ore., Friday, December 21, iy56 MARKET QUOTATIONS PORTLAND (fi Bultrrlat Tentative, subject t o immediate change Premium quality, deliv ered in Portland, 64-67 cents per lb; first quality, 61-M; second quality. 56-sn. Butler Wholesale, lob. bulk cubes to wholesalers Grade AA, 93 score. S3; A grade, 92 score, 62: B grade, 90 score, 6014; C grade, 89 score. 58'i. Cheese To wholesalers Oregon singles, 41-48 lb; Oregon 5-lb loaf, 434-53 'i. Ejgs To retailers Grade AA, large, 51-52; A large, 48-49; AA medium, 46-48; A medium, 46-47; A small. 37-38. Cartons, 1-3 cents additional. Kggs To wholrsalcrs A large, 46-47',; A medium, 43-43' j; A small. 35-364. Live poultry No. 1 quality, l.o.b. Portland Fryers. 2'i-4 lbs, 15-16; light hens, 10-11 at farm: heavy hens, 13-14 at farm; old roosters, 7-9. Turlrftva Tn nrnHiirnri weight fryers, 27-28; young turkey hens, eviscerated. 3.V.16; youns toms to 24 lbs, 34-35; 1-2 premium for heavier. I Rabbits-Average to nrnwcrs- Live white, 3'i 't lbs. 21-24; col- ored pelts 4 cents less; old does. 10-12, 1 1 w higher. Fresh killed fryers to retailers, 56-58; cut up, 60-63. Wool Nominal, clean base, V blood. 1.00-05; t. blood. 1.0348; b blood. 1.12-18: fine. 1.17-23. Country.dretsed Meals, f.o.b. Portland: Beef Young cows, utility.. 20-22 lb: canners and cutters. 15-16. Veal Top quality lightweight, 30-32; rough heavies. 15-22. Hogs Best light blockers, 21-23; lean light sows, :9-20. Lambs Top grade, 34-36. .Mutton Lightweight ewes and wethers, 10-12: rough heavies, 5-8. Fresh Produce ' Onions Idaho Yellows. 50 lb, 2 35-50; mod, 1.25-50; while, 3 (Kl 50; Ore. Danvers, mod, 1.50-2.00; 3 in, 2.2.50. PntainAfi inrBi iiiiskpIc Nn 1 ' " imi iu ..-fo, v.cihi,ii hub-. sets, 3.00-50; lge 6-14 nz. 4 00-25; ' ivo. 2, 50 in, 1. 15-25; ldalio bales. 5-10 lb. 2.25-50; Wash. Russets, 100 lb, 3.00-25. Hay No. 2 green ailalfa, baled, f.o.b. Portland, 34.00-35.00 ton. Apples Boxes Oregon. Wash tngton Red Delicious, extra fancy ; tray pack ana wrapped, menium w'-w: n.au-o; man .iv.,i, ii-Kuiiii uriiumu m Io. I hulk, delivered const: tray pack 5.50-8.00; Red Homes ! Soft While 2.5(1'.: Soft While (ex tray pack, extra fancy, 4.25-4.50; I eluding Itexi 2.50',; White Club winesaps wrapped extra fancy ; 2.50'i. 9 50 6 00; loose 4. 50-4.7.1: Newlons; inose, extra lancy 4.'j.5u; May mans loose 4.00-4.25. Celery Local 2 do.. 2-75-3.25; California 2-2'i doz. 4.00 5.00; hearts 2.50 2.75. Chicago LivRtock CHICAGO m Hors sold at Iheir" best prices since June early Friday but before the market closed all the sains had been lost Prices generally were steady to cents higher on hulchers al though some Inle sales were ns n-,,nn it ,,.. c Li .. .M ... j'., 1 V . 1 "'hack lines on Center Street mostly snld Steady lo 2.. cenls ; and on .seventeenth street In order lower. Top was $18.15. hichesl I 'wht poles and pump Island l... 1n. 1 dne areas for a service atatlon Since dune f. I might proirct Into the aelback areaa Most 200 to 2.10 pound butchers i '"''r,0" streets. sold at 117 00 lo 417 7S OKerinps Tl IS fnoi'KRTY Is located on the amu at l(.w to tl lerincs a.M.ihwrxt .nrn.r of Scvrnleenth and scaling 250 to 2,0 pounds sold Cenler SlrecU In a C 2 Business Zone mostly at $16.75 lo J17.25 but ",','m,,, !'""' l"mU'"li"'l)' 1'.,r"'a thera were some lale sales at ; i..'.ts I and 5 n Addition $16 50 to SIR 75. I,THK K.STARI.ISIIKI) SKT1IACK Sows largely moved from $1400 "'so "lUrtt. "a'b'i.S.Vd'".," U) $15.50. I 'rom tlie rrnter lino i.f .Scventcrmn Sleern anrf hrifers wnri rnllrH ' s,rr,ft ' Applit-nnH seek lo oipprR ann miiirs wrre cmirn ,,,,,,1,1,. thPM. M-miitcmcniii turn the nominally Stradv, A IPW ROnd to pniposed ilrtve .urau and ll irlit poles f:rBf ,cs s'o'r, fold aM,,,A-'-''N,i'ri Cows were steady to 25 cents lower at $10 25 In $12 00 for utility and commercial and $8.75 lo $10.25 for canners and cutters. Wnoled lambs were about 25 cenls higher at SIR so lo $20.50 for good to prime types. Salable receipts were 7,000 lines. 600 cattle, 100 calves and 800 sheep. Cliirao OnioiiH By I'nllril Prow Supplies modrr.itr; demand slow; market dull. Track sales t5 bO V. S. 1 un Street sales; Colnradn Spanish 3- inch and larcer 2 40-2 M, (pw 2.75; rmmiv, Orrcon. tr' the hiRhm bul White Spanih 3-inch and larsrr iir"r , 0,1 hfrrtnuftrr mniionfd. 7 0 i 9 In 1 mfh 1 -i i nn i-... ul 1 ,0 h rrnortril to id Court .7.VZH.1. 2 tn .1-inch 2. 1 5-3 .On, fPWinri to bf Hihirrt to rrlr nrl re- 3 25: T'tah Spanish 3-inch and l.trs- "iiirmtion hv id Court, the tr 2.60-2 H; Midvve.M Yellows me- J 'i'Ttr 'Tolw.t: proper,y ot qmm l.is-i .t.i, iew i 4(t, irregulars me 100-1. 10. Manufacture and distribution of lumber employs 7.S0.0W pwaon.1 in the Vnited States. Salem Markets Complied from rennrli of Salem dealers for Ihe (ulilinre of CtpiiAl I' jnurnai neaaert. tKtTlied da'lr) Fwdi: Rubhlt Pelleit - 3 39 ( 80-lb. bf) $4.44 on 100-lb big V.rt Maih - if is tso-lb.l. TiMry feed $,i n5-$.i :o t80-lb bafi IT .Hi-$4 (100-lb bag. roullry : fiuviPR price Colored frveri, y-. eld roosten. Si-; colored fowl. He, leihorn fowl, lie. rcn: Buylnf pnrf - A A, 4V; lari A. Sfl 4c: medium A. .T5o; imall A. J4r. WbelenalB prtcm A jumho, Sic; extr larfe A A. 5.1c; large A A. 51r; larfe A. 4Sr: medtum AA 47r; A th 11. 3Ar. On eartoni. 3c additional Butterfal: Buyinf prlret Premium Sc; fint frade, 50-.lc; (rad 2. &c. Butter: Retail AA frade, TJr; furlfri He. WheleUle Solid AA. 71c; quar. trt. 13f. I INIIAL dltjF' company '"iie; POITIAMD iticftle SSItdICITY Portland Livestock PORTLAND m-(VSDA) Cattle for week 4,800. trade slow; fed steers over l.ioo lbs mostly 50 lower, other fed steers and heif ers steady; cows weak to 25 low er, losing all early advance; Services will be held Saturday trucked lots choice 1,182 lbs steers for Mrs. Elma H. Wiley. 87-year-21.00 Monday, oilier choice steers, old Salem woman who died Thurs- 19.50-20.00; good steers 17.50-19.00; sianoara lo.so-w.oo; utility down weeks ago. to 9.50; low good and choice 775, The services will be held at 1 lb fed heifers 1825 good heifers ' p.m. in the Clough-Bamek Chapel !.?S'.!8J0;;..S!ndd .""!"''' ilev-,!!r,nlV:,!."'J.'C.l'l cutters on the close ' 6 00-8 25 few 8.50, beef type to 9.50, shells down 1 to 5.00; utility cows 9 50-11.50: i commercial 12 00-50. utilitv hulls I 13.00-15.00; light cutter bulls downilva Kilpatrick, 2045 Bluff St. 10 "M Calves for week salable 500. iraue siow, goon ana cnoice veal-1 crs mostly weak to 2.00 lower. calves mostly 50 lower; good and1 choice vealers Wednesday 21.00- 2B.00 with no test on the close; standard 14.00 -20.00; good and choice slaughter calves 15.00-16.50; If,., ........ "" ,or "' .175: hulch" and f-'S '"wer. I sl'm,r, N"- 3 rlVrie 100 'ower: "ort-i l'- s; 1 and 2 Rrade butchers : ?n "le clo(' J-K-M: mixed grade ' i'--!-" m w.ao-in.oo; sonoa ; nlf . 3 mixed 1, 15.50. 7.00-M; sows 300-500 lbs 2 and 3 grades 12.50- Shoop for wcok salable 1.485, wnolcd and slaughter lambs about steady, shorn lambs strong to 25 higher; other classes steady; good; and cliojce uooled slaughter lambs 15.50 17.50; numerous lots choice 18.00 early, no test late; good and choice shorn lambs 15.00 17.00; choice lots 17.25-75 early, no late test; utility and low good slaugh- tcr lambs 15 00-16 00; good and choice 70115 lb feeders 15.00-10 00; lightweights down to 10.00: cull to, good slaughter ewes 2.00-5.00, few , choice 5.50. The North Portland livestock yards will remain open Monday, n , ir s V T . , Ihc LJ. S. Denarlment nf Aon. a,,Ii,..-a : -,iv.,,,w,c iimini-i lf iiUlln I.-Vlie win do cioseo. Monday ana rues- day. INirlland Grain PORTLAND Ml Coarse grains 15-day shipment, hulk, coast rieliv- Iprv- D.1U N'n 9 .1A In whiln S7 no Barley No. 2, 45 In B. W. 51.50.! corn No. 2. K. Y. shipment 61.50. wheat I hid i to arrive market, umi na winter: . Ordinary 2.5UI,: 10 per cent 2.50V,; 11 per cent 2.50',: 12 per cent 2.50',4. Car receipts: Wheat 41: barley! J; Hour (i; corn 3; mill Iced 3, LEGALS NOTIt'K OF I'UHI.IC HKARINO AFKRCTINIi Tills AREA Established Setback Variance NOT1CK IS HF.HKRV filVF.N tn the public that a hearing; will be held before the Common Cnuncll at the City Hall. Salem, Oieson, at the hour of a-no n'clork p.m., on Wednesday, December 26. ff36 to consider the Application of David Lear. I)wlm t and Marsaret L. Lcnr and Masler iScrvlce Slatlolis to nitxlifv Hi e.lal,. on this iiMpliiiiti ftOier for nu.ntisl, ttlnuil't tnu.ir iti p4TsiJii ur tiv an (win jrclmns m.iv he al Ihlt hr.trlnK v WiUlpii n. tilh the Cil Itrrordf r bv mvneift ot property In the nffpilrd arr. OA'I'Kl) nl Sjilem, On-K.-n this D ccinhrr 17. I'iMi AI.KHKl) Ml'ND'P City II n Uirr NOTICK IK FXriTTIMV SALE OK it v i. rmti-i it rv NOnrK IIKHKHV IS (J1VEN thit puiMi;mt tn Hit .nil.-r ..f the Circuit C.iiirt of the SI i1i t,f Otci'oti lor the (.'Mintv cf Mai ion, in ,'u.u.iic, nunle nr.tl i-nteird on tlif l'.'t'i d.iv of )f. rctither, If.'irt, lit llir M it tcr of the Kst.ite of KltAN'K K ll'HNEIt Dr rrnu'd, the umtri niinrtl. s Fxitu ln of Ihf jfor4'!.i;rl cj.t.itr. will pro icrd to II. at privntr salr. from irnct ftrr lti Hih rtnv of Jemimry, 19M, l Jit IMonrrr Truit Hulltlini. North I..t 8 Block w. in lh Cltv of S. lem. Marlon Countv, Oregon. I See Vol 1. pace Jl, Record of Town Plan for a.nd countv ntid atatei: Mve and eceI thereftom 40 ft It t of Unci off the ennterlv end thereof b err Iti he fore conveyed bv Niithanlai Croiai to A K. Turner bv de -d remrded on piRe (Wl. Vol Heed Recortti Mnrlon Countv, Otr(.Mi. TKH.MS ANI1 CONDITIONS OF SAt.K- Caiih. I.iw!ul nmnrv of the I'nited Si.ilei. or on endit with one- thud or more of the pun-hue price d at time ot execution of a con- ti j I fie underwent d ai ld exeeutrW henhv resrrvr the riRlit to refect nv .iud ell bid for a.itd real prop- r r t v. D.tlrd thu 14th day of December. 1U.6. AI.ICI MAY HtTNT, r.xeculnx afure.iid lit Pioneer Trust Building Si'ein, Oi eRon prrnY T BURFN Atlornev for Kxrrtitrii ?ll Itoneer Truit Ruildinf Salem. Oreon Schaefer Corn Remedy The corn or callous should corns off in 6 to 1 0 days. 25c SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE Open Diilt 1:30 i n. tn X p m SunHivi, 9 a.m. to S p.m. 13.S N. fommTrtil lElma R. Wiley jDies Thursday day alter sultcring a MroKc two morial Park. Mrs. Wiley, who had lived In 1 Salem for the past nine years, died , at the home of a daughter, Mrs. , '.n8 ,-,,"a"u ""V' J ,k,'r r, r;. "L:...", , i t ,7v r Ir j Wiley. Ihey moved to Vancouver, . Wash , where they lived on a farm i for 25 year,. He died In 1945. . Mrs. Wi ey was a member ot 1 the First Christian Church Survivors include daughters. - k". w.iSLr ,,me -8 dcep ,eN.j.m,,thHof; Ashland: and Mrs. Shirlev Gilbert Ashland; sons, Itusscl Wiicy, Van- couvrr; Worth Wiley, Dayton, and Jhme, Wlley, Kvcrelt. Wash.; sis- t(.r5 Mrs nollic Cassidy. Mil- waukie , and Mrs. Ethel Sanderson, Dayton; and 32 grandchildren. 64 great-grandchildren; and one great-great-grandchild. Chicago Grain CHICAGO I - Soybeans firmed while corn sank to new seasonal lows in routine dealings on the Board of Trade Friday. Other grains held within relatively nar- row price limits. I New crop wheat tilted lower but the March contract resisted sell-i ing. ! Wheat closed lower to HI higher, March 2.40!s-2.41; cornj y4.i, lower, March 1.34's-4; oats; Vt lower to H higher. March Ti rye unchanged to l'i h i g h e r, March MD'.i-ft: soybeans !41V ,' T r; ; T" a .nrH 5 tn 17 Mn i ji hiindrnd , t 1 1 in pOUDUS nigllCT, dHIIUUiy It-OV. Wall Street NI-IW YORK m - A bit Of 11,0 hrielma. hnv hi mnnri nrnvadcH Christmas buying mood prevaded the slock market lale Friday as a rallv hv Industrials bnosted the i v-" , ojume mr me nay was fsh- mated at around 2,200.000 shares day VOOH C.KTS CIUNNKL 11 WASHINGTON - Television v..-...,,. .0 m Rnv fin. hv ihp rnmmnnl cations Commission, Th. FCC announced Thursday it is making the assignment to Coos Bay by substituting channel 19 for channel 11 at Yreka City, Calif. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES COMPLETE RESORT. So. W Ore, Lodfie, 3 mdrn. cabins, trailer .pace & an acrea iana. cop. tour st toot. Priced to lell lmmed. Dept. 2304S. GROCERY. No. W Oreaon. Klnt. nrofit Dirt lire Ideal Ji Well-estiihl. Val. H.E. wlvnfl rlrs. nc . Comnl. eouip. priced owl Terma. Dept. 23664. GROCERY ft SVC ST A., N W Ore. Well-eatabl. Gd. loc. Futl- ouipt. Unlimited poienuai. uepi. WMLSE. CONCESSION SUP- PL IKS & EQPT. K. Cen. Wash. Idenl ecu, lnc! Tup fraeh., arcts HMJ.OOO groaf. Opptyt Dept 23S79. RESTAURANT. W. Cen. Ore Oil. pr.-ntf . Ideal Inc. Compt equip. Well-establ. F.P.: $14,000 Ucpl. 2.10U1. ELECTRONIC MFG., CO., Loa AiiKi'les. Calif. Mfra. qual. nole- loidS lor weil-eilROi. irwuc. mrni Gd proliti. 1'riceu ngrii. ept. 2:i,03. ICE CREAM Mr'GR. ft CAFE. Se.ittlc, Wash. Ideal lor Compl 'iuip. 10. proini. iTireu iw . OISl'LAY EOUtl'MKNT MKGR M. Ct-ii. Citil. Nationally -know r n mini Is. OutstindinK repulaltri In. In ill's iiiugiti- iiiaimrquin. I'u pLii'iUmr. rncrn t1 .il Te l).-pt. health roon uistr . ore ld-.il l"i . A'K. 21 per cent lie in.ihi! All einiip. kncl Mnt. acc'ti I'lidiiTiccd. Uept. 237&S. APPLIANCE ft SPORT COS No. E. Waiih Ide.il cen ln. I".- All facil ft deliv. quip. i.d piofits. J'rtced rifht. Dept. 237!' At 'TO. ft TRUCK, SALES I SERVICE. N E. 1I1A. Leading lr.inrhi.iei: Chrvsler: Plymouth International Truck. Extensive eouip Uted Car lot available Owner retiring;. Dept. 2.1S04. FEED ft SEED STORE. W. Cen Oie Gr. f.ST.517 annually! Idea rural lor. vai. h.c. inci. uv ret. Dept. 1W05. WHI.SE OPTICAL CO. Framiico yr. landmark! Bit nrntUd A I arela. Xlnl loe. Lnmpl -nni A marh. Lifetime oppty Dept. J.tMS. FOOD CATERING SERVICE No Weitein C.illf. Xlnt hunme1 'itc.ilitm Modern equip New hide I'kK. lot Opplv! Dept. 2.UWIH. MII.t.WOHK ft CAR1NET PRO 1)1 v LION S.W. NC'. l.M.lt A opnlv for expansion. Owner I1'!'! lntnets. Xlnt. buy! Depi -.1. MOTEL. SO. E. IDAHO V e.:u.:ipi-d ft Milt. 'C 16 Unit iivinic m" .'ft era. Owner retlrinjt Deri 2-1' Ui. FAftM MACHINERY. Sales Svie. S. Cen. Idaho Top profits Xlnt I.k- A I d-.ilerahlp!. Money nuking oppl1 Dept. 2AMI. HARDWARE STORE. NO EAST un i'ai if We il cMihi . nt. i A rood profit Poh-niul unlimited Xlnt. bu ! Dept. IMfliZ. SALES AND RENTAUS. Cen Calif. Chain iiwi, mower I tor etc La. land tract Wiitv X'H. profit oppty ! Dept TWH:, Cent W Vol He i id r"' :vn en- e SIT OOO e'.i i frr-r eer It .-e Or;M ' Dept MTER MARK E V N f ORE 'Jet i emplefe li'i f-(f ene ive t eu Well eou'PWl gi'M inronie AH Rei! Eitjie Owner ether Interests. Dept. 2.tf34 Pit MFGR , W Cent Ca!l' Xint acrti 70 per cent retail K l ioe Compl. eqpt. Investigate iepi iwi. MOTV L Cent W. Calif Re-n ton t Mam hwv. lor All ne Ti'-dern. A delus. Manv axtr X!-it arc re'aM A-I t ",'"pl. eqnpt. !nvettatel Dpt CHAS. FORD ft ASSOC. . Hi' " R' AMfe'ei In: Death Takes Earl Jaeger O i Earl J. Jaeger, 33, died Thurs- day in a Salem Hospital after an illness of less than a year. Serv- ice, wiU be held Saturday at 2:30 p.m. jn tne Virgil T. Golden Cnape wi,n Hev Wayne A. Greene officiating. I Ritualistic services will be held ! lby Salem Lode A F- 1 A M- Jaeger, an employe of the First National Bank for nearly ten years, was a resident of 365 W. Madrona. He was born in October, IZ';' ,r ; c-.-l'made her home in Polk county, hVJh hnnl "'"".living in Rickreall from 1878 to i " .... . J1,f r""1 " l0rmer Ba" I kar. Becker in 1944. ..... , I.." "LZ? 1 7 , , branch of the Navy and partici- I"". " rrontei diver. His position at First National 'Portland, Solomon C. Walker, was assistant cashier in the install-, Bu" "! Jack A. Walker, Rick-ment-credit loan department. He rca": nine grandchildren and ten was a rifle Instructor in the Sa- great-grandchildren, lem Ontimisi rlnh and was mem. I Funeral services will be held at ber of Salem Lodge 4 of the ! Masons. ., Wi'e; lunula H11.1UUC ins wile; daiizhtors Chervl and Denise' udiigniers, t-neryi ana uenise. son, Jon; and mother, , Mrs. Edith, hnm, all nl Colon. ntkM. Fd fj Ja(!j!cr Dajlas and car; ence rj ja(.ger Corvallij ' ' ' H71"I I I"C Y 1 1 1 1 ClIMC I'll o IT llllttllio Rites Pending Funeral services were pending Friday at the Howell-Edwards Funeral Home for Mrs. Martha Williams, 85, 4035 State St., who Wednesday In a Salem hospi ... ... ... . .. . p " " " ..u. H..w-n. Mrs. Williams was born July 12, 1871, at Houston. Mo. She married A. D. 1 r. trillion u.-oi mn:. ttiinams at west l lains, chM .O t n23 , ' ney came 10 uregon in l.MB and made their home in Ihe Lib- "". ""'" m me rour couniy whpre ne is wanted' sr." mr:"b zJkzjs check charge - church. . . - , Surviving are five daughters, Mrs. Eula Green, Pea Ridce. Ark.: Mrs. Myrtle Hobertsnn, Raymond, Wn.h Mm Aannm D.h,nn Mrs. Lillie Miller, and Mrs. Vai Kea nscner, all of Salem: three sons, Jeff, Hugh, and Palmer Wil- . ' . ' , i and 32 great grandchildren. (was and all thank, pleasure greeting came . . question and from bookkeepers, knew, to you. loud and clear, . . . and Or, ta put it c9'Ser way, the peo ple of the 74 jloiewide bonking effites of The firjt National Bank of Portlond wish you and youri a very merry Christmas and o happy, prosperous New Year! ?,lrs. Ora Smith Dies at Home of daughter in city i Mrs. Ora Priscilla Walker Smith. 78. died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Mary L. Siefarth, Salem, Thursday afternoon. I She was born in Oak Grove, Polk county, January 27, 1878, the daughter of Polk county pioneers, Solomon and Anna Crowley. Mrs. Smith was married May 11, 1898 . to Archibald A. Walker at Mon mouth. He died in December, 1916. In 1929 she was married to Lee Smith in Salem. He died the year following. Most of her life, Mrs. Smith had 1929 when she moved to Dallas " "sided until 1944. .u . u. i... " ""! ".J V .... . - . .k. L , .7 , M" Mut' Calvary Baptist church of Salem. one is mrvivra oy iwo oaugn- three sons, Robert H. Walker, 1:30 P m- Saturday, Dec. 22, in the Hoiiman funeral cnapei m Dallas. The Rev Berkeley Ormand Sa- . . ii' -L.V. ,, , :,, lem' w,u 0I"clale- interment will . , r. rj;i,oii ... Jail Sentence Is Given W. R. Myers DALLAS (Special) Billy Ray Myers, 25, Monmouth, was sen- tenced to a year in the Polk county tail nnrl fjnrtrl slOO when he arj- jail ana linea J10U wnen ne P - peared before Justice of the Peace Elmer Cook and pleaded guilty to a phnroa nf nhtainino mnnnv on. a charge ot obtaining money un - der false pretenses. Mvpr wns hrnuffht hack from Myers was Drougm Dacn irom The Dalles to answer to the Check charge which involved upwards of e.onn Pn k niintv nfflcin cflirl I Later the sentence was modified , i hv the pnnrt tn nlnce Mvers nn1 rhatinn for five vears and irive him . stmal nf " -" w ' . ' . . . . the fine and two vears in which "w J"1?" """" checks he SSUed. chPCkS he issued. Myers is held for Hood River uintci s sam. MADRAS TV OKAYED WASHINGTON Iff - Jefferson County Television Inc. received ..tt.nruni;nn fm iu- rn..,.ni cations Commission Thursday to operate a channel 74 TV trans- lator station at Madras, Ore. I j I programs of KOIN-TV, Portland. I the night through the bank, were asking just whom for making and joy, each man I TO -. hen out in the lobby, loan officers . and typists the same. From offices, vaults, trust department gn seventy-four branches that they had a message And so they all a Happy iy j I 'Frank G. Block Rites Saturday J Services will be held Saturday at 1:30 p.m. in the Howell-Edwards Chapel for Frank George Block, 20-year-old Salem man who died ihursuay following a lingering ill ness. The Rev. Harold Grindal will of ficiate and concluding services will be held in Forest City, Iowa. Block, a 1955 graduate of Ore-' ElmB R W)lFr gon Technical Institute in Klam-1 Late resident of 2849 Bluff St.. 3a ath Falls, was born Aug. 16, 1936, "". . FV vived by i ,, . daughter, Mrs. Elma Hickman, 3a- in Forest City, Iowa. He is the son . iem Mn. Iva Kilpatrick. Salem. Mrs. Of Mr. and Mrs. George Block, 340 , Dorothy Crosslin. Ashland. Shirley V ' Wachtnntnn 'Gilbert. Ashland, Mrs. Verna Wen- t,, wasnmgion. t onrfn- ann. nu.ii wiuv The family moved to Gervais about six years ago and to Salem about a year ago. His parents operate an apartment house. He underwent brain surgery a year ago for a brain tumor. Block was a member of the Cen tral Lutheran Church. Survivors besides the parents in clude a sister, Mrs. Frank Grat singer Jr., of Gervais. Deaths Frank George Block: At the residence of 340 X. Waih. ue"m?r i",n. al Ine "fe ?.' 20 SrvlvedPy, P"rntl. Ingtnn St., December 20th at the age Mr. and Mrs l,eorge Block, salem. sister. Mrs. Frank Gratslnger. Ger- al, Mernbet , ,h. Centrai Luth- "in tnuicn. services win DC neia t tw. . Saturday December 22nd at 1:30 "' ;'""'"? , ., p m. In the Chapel of the Howell- , ,c"1,h0,!p''f' 'mb' 'L1' Edwards Funeral Home. Rev. Harold Lata resident of ?2M Center St.. Sa Orlndal will officiate. Concluding "T- Survived by husband. Charles services will be In Forrest City. Johnson. Salem, daughter. Mrs. Bll- towa. Earl 1. jaeger I Late resident of 365 W. Madrona. Salem, at a local hospital, December ,,,h, 'survived bv w-ife. Mra. Bar- , bar, j,eger. Salem, daughter. Miss Cheryl Jaeger Dcnise Jaeger, both 'Salem; son, Jon Jaeger, Salem; , mothw M Edlln Ja.g.r, Saitm; , I brothers. Fred C. Jaeger, Dallaa, Ore., Clarance Ft. Jaeger, Corvallis, , Qrt Servl(,,f wl be fleld Sllurdty; December 22. at 2 30 p.m. in the Chapel of the Virgil T. Golden Co. , nu.. n ,.nn j ll,M.,it A. M., Rev. Wayne Green officiating, Andrew Kletl . At San Francisco. Calif.. Decern b-r 17 services er 17. services win he neia r-riaay. December 28 at 2 00 n.m. in the ,ptonV.,,rilCem,?e'r,yd.CnRi?ut,: ..li.tle ..rule, hv H p n f H. ssa allstic services by B.P.O.E. No. 336. salem. - r:, , se.,, ton, December 19th. Survived by wife. Mrs. Betty Sykes, Seattle, daughter. Mix. Henry DeLong, Sa- EE. ",Lri, . V... Ti, he held at the City View Cemetery Monaay, uecemner zttn at 10:110 a n Monday, December 24th at 10:00 a m. L7v,ce?' th'dleW'Vh'e t - iougn - uarncK cnapei. Eleanor Trlndle At a local hospital. December 30th. Late resident of 196 s. commercial before Christmas, the tellers they should their year 1956 while meeting and or boy. and clerks the managers to sang Wb in tones "Merry Christmas New Year!" SAliM BRANCH FEfcST NATIONAL BANK f" OF 0TIMD UTS KM QfCM TOMTMS ISt.. Salem. Survived by mother, Mn. I William Trindte, Salem; brother, Wil liam Trindie jr.. worm powaer, ure.; liter, Mrs. Helen Reltzer, Portland; aunti. Mra. Leone Goo kins. Mrs. Mildred Klttelson. both of Salem, Mn. Ethel Rucker. San Francisco, Calif., Mra. A. Lee Golden. Berkeley, Calif., Mra. Frank Wood. Carpentena, Calif., Mra. Frank Rodgen, Amea, IT-a; uncle, W. C Jones, Baker, Ore. Services will be held Saturday, De cember 22nd at 3:00 P.M. In the C ha Del of the Clouah-Barrick Fun eral Home. Interment. City View Cemetery. Dr. Brooks H. Moore will officiate. Family request that In lieu of flowers contributions be made to Medical Research Foundation of Ore gon at U. of O. Medical School at Portland, Ore. Casket will be open to friends at the Clough-Barrick Cha- 'pi until 2:oo p.m. Saturday. Vancouver, wasn.. May wney. -asue Rock. Wash.. Worth Wiley. Dayton, James Wiley. Everett. Wash.: sisters. Mrs. Dollle Cassidy. MUwaukie, ore., Mrs. Ethel Sanderson. Dayton. Sev eral grandchildren and great-grandchildren also survive. Services will be held Saturday, December 22, at 1:00 p.m. In the Chapel of the Clough - Barrick Co. Dr. Wayne Greene will officiate. Interment, Belcrest Memorial Park. Martha Williams Late resident of 1246 Center St., in a local hospital December 19th at the age of 85 years. Survived by sons. Hugh and Jeff Williams of Sa lem, Palmer Williams. Salem: daugh ters, Mrs. Agnes Robertson, Salem, and Mrs. Myrtle Robertson of Ray mond, Washington. Mrs. Eula Greene of Pea Ridge. Arkansas. Twenty five grandchildren and 3Z great grano- children. Mrs. Williams Is a member of the Baptist Church. Announcement oi me Dapiisi unurcn. Annuuncruicn 0( ,vlces will be made later by uwi.rdu,. s-n.Pai rh.nef. -.- r ,i"c r"' j'A' ;,' I W. C. Tremblay, Grants' Pass,' Ore., trum. Gresham. Ore. Services will be held Wednesday. December 26th at 2:0O P.M. In the Chapel of the Virgil t. Golden Co. Walter L. Tooze: At the residence of 1755 Hlo Vista. Salem, December 21st. Survived by wife, Mrs. Helen J. Tooze, 5a!em. shpm.t h., been made to Portland. Ore., for services and Interment, by the Virgil T. Golden Co. George Lorick Late resident of 2600 Center St.. at the age of 84 years. Announcement of services will be made later by the W. T. Rlgdon Co. SURGICAL SUPPORTS Of All Rinds. Trusses. Abdominal Supports, Elastic Hosiery Expert Fitters Private Fitting Rooms "Ask Vour Doctor" Capital Drug Store 405 State Street Corner of Liberty )Jm Green Stamps one of , their carry to all ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED . . . Too Late to Classify MUST lell equity 1953 Mercury Monterey hardtop. Sharp in alde and out. KM 2-483- UNFURN. 3 bdrms.. bsmt.. aaw duat heat. WO. &60 N. 5th. CUTE, clean Court apt. turn. J40. EM 4-5442 or EM 2-0817. RESPONSIBLE couple interest ed In managing a p t a. or courta, in aiem or Albany area. References urn. Ph. EM 2-4425. COLLEGE atudent desires job during Christmas Vacation. EM 2-5112. USED 3 ft. Safe 140. 105 N. High St. EM 3-3556. PLASTIC seat covers. $10. '53 & '54 Chev. 2 dr. Misc. elec. train equip. 17" GE TV. EM 4-8749. 26" BOY'S bike, good cond. & paint. 1065 Kapphahn. EM 3-8361. '56 ZENITH elec. range A- refrlg. brand new. Both for S2T5. EM 3-5591 atter 5 p.m. GERMAN brown short haired puppies. 8 wks. EM 4-4883. Small Christmas puppies. Ph.EM 2-3186. 2 REG. Jersey's freshen Feb. St March, 1175. Dallas MA 3-2719. LOST: 15" tire, tube St wheel. Reward. Contact Jay Hawk Trailer Sales, EM 3-8043. 300 Personal 312 Lett ond Found BLACK cocker spaniel, 5 mo. old pup, white on throat. "Cuddle'', 400 S. 19th. LOST: 2 black, white & tan spotted Fox Hounds. 1 male & 1 fern. In Keizer Dlst. Both wearing Identification tags with the following info. W. C. Wilson. 3620 N.E. 162nd, Port land 20. Ore. Ph. AL 3-4792. Please call collect. Reward. LOST around 2200 Blk. N. Front small Shepherd dog, old and partially blind. If found please notify at 2173 N. Front. LOST: Male Short haired Ger man Pointer, long tail. '58 lie. 3BS8. EM 2-3383. 314 Tromportotion WANT ride to T. B. Hospital from W. Salem, day shift, hare expenses. EM 4-9540. 3lO Personal MORE people buy World Book Entgclopedia. Why7 EM Flowers tor all Occasions. JARY FLORIST. EM 4-3391. Capitol Shopping Center. MADAM Hazel. Psychic reader, advise on all affairs. 3785 S. Commercial. EM 4-9265. FOR FACTS about the Catholic Church, write P. O. Box 6.143, Indianapolis. Indiana. Informa tion sent under plain cover. No personal follow-up. HELP I cfothnVg. shoes"! furnT ture. toys, etc. needed NOW for needy families. Ph. EM 4-5141 NOW or bring items to 3-11 No. Com'l St. St. Vincent DePaul store. ALCOHOL I C S Anonymou s group No. 1. 2088 NConVlEM 4-2248. ALCOHOLICS Anonvrnous. 9R8 S. Commercial. EM 2-2108, EM 2-2850. 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock for Sale 7 YR. old chestnut mare, very Jen tie with children $200. EM 5833. SALEM Meat Co., Jocker beef, 21c. Custom killing, cutting and wrapping, Bacon sliced free & trailer loaned. HUBBARD squash for stock feed 15 oe- ton in field, $7 banked out. EM 2-2047. GRAIN feH 'ean tvne hogs, de livered. EM 4-7182. 403 Livestock Wanted""- LIVESTOCK buyer. Claude Ed wards. Rt. 3. Box 809E. EM 4-1113. CATTLE buyers 4297 State. K. I. & H. Snethen, EM 2-134S, EM 2-4380 CATTLE, horses, at your farm. E.CMcCandlishEM 3-6ia9. CATTLE buyer. A. F. Sommer, 1260 Harmony Dr. EM 4-9067. TOP cash nrires at your place. Ray Cozel, EM 4-3168 Collect. 405 Pets FISH tank In mahogany cabinet with fish Sc equipment. EM 2-3723, between 9 and 3. "MOORE "PETS CHIHUAHUA Puppies, also Reg. Canaries for Christmas. Singers. Ph. EM 2-5154 YOUNG parakeet, guaranteed to talk. Ph. EM 2-2285. BIRO Paradise, bird-:, tron fish, 3180 Livingston. EM 2-1812. YOUNG parakeets, caces. feeds" Mickey's, 3825 S. Com'l. EM 2-2755. KFTTH'S" PUPPv"AM 5460 Center EM 2-789 Puppies all kinds. iiu a sell. Aff noon St eves. No Sun calls LABRADOR pups. 6 wks." EM 4-9154 after 5:30 or weekends. HILLTOP AIREDALES have beautiful well bred puppies ready for Christmas. CH. Stud service RT. 1 Box 184 Cor valln PL 3-7562. BEAGLE PUPS A.K.C. REG. EM 2-4270 REG. Beagle pups" $25l 685 Boice St. EM 3-3480. WANTED good homes for cats, kittens and banties. EM 4-1170. Let A Classified Ad Solve That Problem EM 4-6811 REIAX 400 Agriculture 405 Pets MOVING forced to five away Collie-Shepherd male dog, if male cat. Good manners, both love children. EM 4-823L PUPPY LAND REG. Springers, cockers. Toy Fox. others $7.50. EM 2-1248. SIAMESE KITTENS Ph. after 5. EM 3-6711 SIAMESE KITTENS EM 2-5167 BOXER pup, fawn color, 8 mos, old for sale or trade on to car. Loves children. 1 3U9 Waller. COCKER pups Will keep till Chrirtmas. F.'nT W-MSt cen tral Howell. EM 4-1043. 410 Fruit & Farm Produce ORANGES 12.49 Case any size Ped's Produce 5230 Portland Road. BRITE Oat Straw for sale. 30c bale. Ph. Salem 26-F-5 or Aumsville 4434 eves. NICE-Franquette Walnuts, 25e lb. Salem Emblem Shop, 147 N. Com'l. FILBERTS and walnuts 30c lb. 2743 N. Front St TOP quality plants for less at Middle Grove Nursery 4920 Stlv Rd We Give SA-H Green Stamps "WALNUTS 30c PER LB. EM 4-2968 WALNUTS, excel, quality, 30c. lb.EM 4-23LT EXTRA large franquette wal n uts. 30c at 35c lb. EM 2-2bia. EASTERN Oreiron Alfalfa. Ph. davs EM 4-6432. After 6 p.m. EM 2-2789 PASTEURIZED whole' milk, 7St fal. Homogenized 79c. M gal. or 40c. Cleary Dairy, EM 2-3035. ' 412 Market Basket 8 T. GOOD oats hay 30 T. Rt. 1 Box 25 Independence. Hopville Rd. Johnson. POTATO ES,"$ Cat S2 per 100 lbs, Aoples, onions. I'i mi. E. s mi. N. of Keizer school. Watch for signs, no sales after 4 Fii. Ac Sat. Ed Sproed. FOR SALE: Good Clover Hay, no calls Sat. EM 4-11S3. 414 Poultry & Rabbits DRESSED HENS DELIVERED EM 4-1378 BABY rabbits for Christmas'. Also bred doe rabbits. EM 4-2422. GRAIN fed geese, live or dressed. Phillips Bros. EM 4-3081. DRESSED FRYERS Special Price. Ph. EM 4-1327 BABY" Chicks hatched yr. round'. Special Red Roosters 5c ei. Valley Farm Store, EM 4-4624. BABY Chicki--for meat or eggs. Send for free folder. Wilson's Hatcnery, Lyons, Ore. PH. ULrtck 8-2533. WILD DUCKS & GEESE fjrer at Vn? Pfi.ltr' Rabbits.3985State.EM 4-3918. 420 Seeds & Plants POINSETTIAS $1.98 4 up. Other Christmas plants, cut flowers, etc. A. Plant Greenhouses St Florists, 1298 S. 13th. Open Eves. St Sun. SHOP the easy way. Give a gift certificate from Middle Grov Nursery. 4920 Silverton Rd. W give S&H Green Stamps. 422 Fertilizer PEAT Moss from chick trays. 15 sack. Valley Farm Store, 424 Farm Equipment NEW Manure spreader, 85 bu. Onlv $395. Regular selling price $600. EM 4-0024. WANTED for cash irrigation sys tem 2,000 ft. 3 & 4 inch pipes. Elec. pump 5 to 10 H.P. Will buy separate parts of system also. MA 3-3807 Dallas. USED arc welder exc. reas. eve. EM 3-7947. ship 54 S C. CASE Trictor, 1 bot tom roll -over plow. '54 Case 7-ft. mower, 3317 Hamel. EM 2-9510. 425 Auction Sales Scotty's AUCTION HOUSE AND FURN CO. 4840 Center St. Salem On Sat Dec. 22. 10 A.M. at 7 P.M. Public Auction on Livestock, poultrv. furniture, &; misc., 5 p. Bedroom set, 5 p. Chrome set, Daveno St swing rocker, typewriter, desk. S D Chest d'aw. large Fireplace mirror. Roll top oak desk. 2 'i'wm H"i.y wood beds & matts., complete Hot point Elec. range, elec. washers, gas Homart water healer, hot point 30 gal. elec. water heater, floor lamps. Wedcewood gas rpnge. T"h' lamps, comb, record player St radio. Box surwgs :na i. full size, misc . tovs. bov's 24 In. bike like new. New silk wool comforters, new tools & misc. Shrubs, applet, 6 potatoes. Livestock sell 2 P.M. Free drawing for prizes, everybody welcome. Auctioneer Col. Ernest E Scott Ph. EM 4 6433. 450 Merchandise 451 Household Goods VACUUM CLEANER Etetreln This beautiful cleaner left on our hands wixn ibl. (..nance, 'lane over frr tl 25 per uk. No mon ey diwn on approved credit. EM 4-7102 $147.77 New 9 pc. living room group inc. daveno. matching rocker. 2 end tables, coffee table. 2 table lamps. 2 sofa pillows. Terms . ves. and OPEN TONITE. Glen Wocdry. 1605 N. Summer. SELL 1 dining rm. table & S chairs, buffet, good ennd. $45. After 5 p. m. EM 3-3896. USED bunk beds. $19 50r$29 50 Glen WoMry. 1605 N. Summer NEW 9x12 leaf tugs. $29 50. Glen oodry, 16QS N. Summer. TWO goed large oil circulators one Estate Heatrola $25. one Wards Sunliiht $20. Ph. EM 3-4706, nsg So. Com'l. $15 00 A MONTH delivers com piete household of furnitur and appliances at the store. ilh the low overhead Glen ry . l ttN . Su mm er LARGE Invely new-J-pc. sofa sertionali at the low. low price of $229 5n save $70 at C.lenWjodyJjtY5N. Summer NEW Simmons rollaVa$V2CT: Nw mattre. $13 M Glea . op!rlJsrt3 NSummer. TWIN box sprang, inner spring IT kraie Hollywood bd. $39 So. Glen Woodry, 1605 . Summer.