Salem, Ore., Friday, December 21, 1956 Page '4 Section 2 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL RADIO PROGRAMS ISLM 1394. KOCO MM, KOAT 1410, KOIN m COW ilt, KEX I1M FRIDAY P.M. HOUR 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 8 KSLM Muile iMusie 'Muiie iMuilc KOIN Chrlstm lUiinswnai n-nnsimai juhrutmai KGff Music Festival Muilc Festival Music Festival Music Festival KEX Argmnt. in Ore. Argmnt. in Or. Look to Sky SporU 9 KOIN Mitch Miller KGW Music Frstival KEX Hi-Fi Tuna 5 KSLM Bob St Ray Bob It Ray Bob & Ray Sporta Scnpe KOCO Newa Rumpua Room Rumpus Room Rumpua Room KOIN Ed K. Hurrownews-weatner iom Harmon iranit uou XGW News IVandarhoof Vanderhool Vanderhoof KEX Newi-Blaekb'a Bob Blackb'rn .Bob Blackburn iBob BiacKburn 6 KSLM Dinner Newt Bill Brundaxa Bid. Oregon Sam Hayes KOCO News jSonfi flund'wtiiSonfi Sund'wnlSonrw Sund'wn KOIN Sports-News (Lowell Thomas1 Amos & Andy Amos St Andy KGW Ed. P. Morgan McCall Mvstery Tim Mystery Time KEX Bob BlackDurn Bob Blackburn Bob BiacKburn Boo BiacKburn 7 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Gabriel Heater News Melody Fights News ISIlver Serenade Rumpus Room Melody IFIghts fAdkins Show 8 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX N.S-McMinn. News Robt. Q. Lewis News Bob Adklnt iN.S-McMlnn. iRumpua Room IRobt. Q. Lwls Music Bob Adklns IMustc Rumpus Room iBInft Crosby TlghU (BobAdklnf lS-McMlnn. Rumpus Room (World Ton. to Muilc Bob Adklns IMusIc (Rumpus Room ILook to Skies 620 Revue )Bob Adkina N.S.-MrMlnn. Rumpus Room (World Tonlte (Music Bob Adklns 9 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KKX N S.-McMlnn, Newa Tune Tabl News Bob AdWns IN.S.-McMlnn. S S.-Euitent-Rumpus Room jRumpus Room Tune Table JSo They Say Music Music Bob Adklns Lift. Shadows S S.-Eugene Rumpus Room i So They Say Music Lift. Shadowe 1KSLM S.S. -Eugene SS. -Eugene ,SS. -Eugene KOCO News Rumpus Hoom 'Rumpus Room KOIN 6 Star Final Sports Desk Good Evening O iGW News Dance Vmm Dance Time F.X News Coun. Editor IDanceland KSLM KOCO KOIN 1 KGW Counter Spy Silent City Club News Danceland Counter Spy Melodies i City Club Muilc Dance Time Dance Time Danceland IDanceland S S.-Eugene Rumpus Hoom joooa evening Dance Time IDanceland (Melodies I IMusie Danceland (Dance Time SATURDAY HOUR 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 6 KSLM Newa KGAT Farm News KOIN NwsAmer. KGW Reck Harper KKX Sews-Kp time 7 KSLM Hemingway OCO Go to Town KG AY. Game Comm. KOIN KOIN Klork KGW Ileck Harper KEX Nlws Mui Tlmkpr Mus. Tlmkpr. iNews Salute To Sat Salute To Sat KGAY Newt KOIN Klock KOIN Klock KOIN Klock (Heck Harper Heck Hirper Heck Harper Keep Tune Keep Tliue Kecp lum Break Gang Break. Gang Newa Tunes 4c Tim (Tunes & Time Tunei it Time Salute To Sat. Salute To Sat KGAY Newa Newa fiim News Tonsum NVwe Heck Harper Heck Harper IIeck Harper Keep Inn Keep Tune Keep 'Hint 8 KSLM Bible Hour KOCO Sport Shout kuay salute To sai. ,KOIN Story Matr AG W No School KEX Keep lime Music IHaven of Rest Haven of Rest Local News Tunes & Time Tunes St Time Salute Tu Sat Salute To Sat KGAY News Robt. Q Lewis ltobt. 0 Lewis Robl. O Lewis No School (No School (No School Keep Tune K ee piin i e Kt;c p H n ie Farm St Home Pastors Call Bargain Counter Tunes St Time iTunes St Time jTunes St Time Salute To Sat Salute To Sat 'KGAY Newa News iGunsmoka IGummoke (No School iRooks I Kiddle Show i neep i una ( n.eep i ime tveep i ime 1KSLM News Music Music Music KOCO News-Sporta H90 Tune St 1490 Tune St iMOO Tune 8t , KGAT Camera Club Salute To Sat Salute To Sat KGAY News OHO IN Story Master 'Galen Drake Galen Drake 'Galen Drake KGW Merry Go RndlMerry Go Rndl Merry Go Rnd Merry Go Rnd KEX Coffee Time Ruis Conrad Ruii Conrad jRuss Conrad 9 KSLM 4-H Show KOCO News-Sports KGAY S.ilute To Sat 'KOIN Story Master KGW No School KKX News IKSl-n nr. or ucl-isiuu KOIN .Sun Nite Fin KGW Rich Reporter A HEX News-Sports IDave Hoss iValley IMitch Miller Childs Story Music Festival Music Frstival HI-FI Time Hi-Fi Time Hr. of Decision Music Mus. Me mop. The Messiah V'tK News Hr oi Decision Music Music IMusJc (Childs Story Music Festival Hi-Fi Time TMiisIc IThe Messiah Hr ot Decision Music KSLM News-Muile cat nolle ir. Music I (Music iCatholic Hr. Music Music Cm C( Music IMusIc Citv Council Music MONDAY A.M. HOUR 00:00 00:1 00:30 00:45 6 7 KSLM Val rarmcast Vel. Farmcast Val Farmcast KGAY Farm News Morn. Mag. Morn. Mag. KOIN News America "uJN urk "hin Kinck KGW News Vanderhoof Vanderhoof KEX iNe .-Kp Time twtjj time ah.u,j i una BkTit Gang B'kf'st Gang West Jubilee West Jubilee Morn Mag. Morn Mag. Headtm- Jewa'n! Ncw Vanderhoof Vanderhoof .Keep i ime ,n.eep t line KSLM Hemingway KOCO News KGAY Morn. Mag. KOIN KOIN Klock KG If News KKX News News KGAY News Knpj K Vanderhoof nettj 4 ine " News St Weath. West. Jubilee KGAY News Vanderhoof quo ilzen KSLM Cliff Cngle Family Altar Bible Inst. Bible Inst. Kino nrwi iunes at lima Junes et lime lunci ot ntnv KGAY Herb's Show Herbs Show Herb's Show KGAY News KOIN Cnn'iim. News Vmle V ) eH'ew Sfren. 'e. KGW News Vanderhoof Vanderhoof Vanderhool KEX Keep Time Keep unit Kt-ep Hint rerp i ime KSLM News News Pastor's Call Bargain Counter KOCO News If Marine Calling Clarfne Calling Clarine Calling KGAY Herbs Show Herbs Show Herbs Show kgay wpws KOIN Wndv Warn-n Hnwar" 1inf "-Inn Trnt Mid "orn w'wl KGW Breakfast club (Breakfast club (Breakfast club IRreakfnst club KKX News Keep Time Keep Time IKeep Time KSLM-News ITello Test iWlngs of Song- Wings of Song Clarine caning ews I KOCO News " KGAY Herb' Show OKOIN Norn Drake KGW Chef Glno KEX Coflee Time Clanne Calling Clarine Calling Clarine Ci K'larry Dyer Herb' Show tKGAY Ne Ma Perkins IDr. Malone lAnnt Mar: 0. Anderson muss LQnraa . KSLM Musle :1 KOCO Nsws -Sports IMuslC IMusIc (Music 14Su Tuna St 1490 Tune St 11490 Tune St. KGAY Salute to Sat Salute To Sat Salute To Sat Salute To Sat 1KOIN Storv Master Guest Stars 'Don Glasser 'Don G-tasser KGW Merry Go Rndl Merry Go Rndl Merry Go Rndl Merry Go Rnd KKX News Russ Conrad Russ Conrad Ruas Conrad I KSLM Top Trades KOCO World Newa KGAY KGAY Newi 2 KOIN News KGW Drcler New KKX News I KSLM Records KOCO NewsSporta KGAY Sat. Hits KOIN Newspaoer KGW Club 620 KEX News Music Music Sat. Matlne Sit Matlnoe Sat. Hits Club 120 R'vtew Garden Facta I Club 820 Club M0 I Farm Facta 2 News Sat. Matinee Sat. Hits IWeather (Club (120 Geo McGowanj Geo McGowan'Farm Newi IRecorda Muslc Muslc Sat. Matlnea Sat. Matinee Snt Mattnea Sat. Hits ISat. Mils tKGAY News INewspnner IWalter Hlnger I Walter Ginger (Club (120 ICIub 620 Club 620 itus Conrad Uus Conrad fhuds Conrad IMusIc News Music Sat Matlnea Sat Matlnea Sat Matinee KSLM Music toco NewsSDorU KGAT Snt. Chase Snt. Chase Sit Cliawe Treasury Show KOIN Cltv Hosnital 'Cltv llosnilnl IWav for Yonlh 'Wav for Vout KGW Merry Go RndlMerry Go RndlMerry Go RndlMerry Go Rnd KKX News Husa Conrad Russ Conrad Russ Com ad Merry-Round Merry-Round Sst. Matinee Sat. Matinee Pend, RounduplPend. Roundup iiwnn Hues nee irvinn mien Ke KSLM Merry -Hound Merry-Round KOCO News-Sporta Sat Matlnea KGAY Sat. Hits Hat. lilts KOIN Mn Rites Ree. 'Man Bites ReP, 'KGW Merry Go RndlMerry Go RndlMerry Go RndlMerry Go Rnd ilka titvM irtuss Lonriu nuaa t-onrau inuas tonraa 4 KSLM Guest BUr News Show Boat Music KOCO Jrny. Into Jars Jrny. Into Jart iJrny into Jassi Jrny into jean koat rena. nounaup r ena. nounaup inai. mui uviiai news AOIN KlrkQa Newa Danger Ahead (Man Bltf Ree. Man Bile- Ilea. SOW ClUb 620 IClUb 620 Club 6Z0 IUIUD B2D KKX News-BlKbrn Bob Bl.iCKburn .Hob BMcHburn HoD BiacKburn KSLM News Country Styla rVXOCO Sports Pop Tunes LkGAT Sat. Hits Sign Off lOIN News-W-ather U N Rerord FKGW Dreler Newa Club 620 hex news .-iod Jck Klzzlah Pop Tunes Jack Klitlah Wally's Sporta I 6 7K I K JKCI . KfJ T'Tmon pta. Frank "is ICIub 620 ICIub 620 Blackburn Bob BiackburniBob Blackburn KSLM Hawll Calls Hawaii Calls Western Ser. (Western Ser. Horn Newa Poo Tunes Khvthmairea Rhvthmatrea IKOIN Entertainment Entertainment Romance Romance KGW Jazz Concert Jazx Concert I Jar.. (Joncert Jazz Concert KEX News I Bob BlacKourni Bon Ulactcnurn Bob BUicknurnl rKSLM Word of Llfa Word of Life KOCO Rhvthmalres Rhvthmaires rKOIN FBI FBI KGW Jan. Concert )Jn.z Concert KEX News Adkina Show IS. S.-Ft. Van, S. S.-Ft. Van. Dance Hart Uance Hnrt Jimmy Wnkelv Jimmy Wakrlv Jaz Concert Jarz Concert Adklns Show Adklns Show B.KSLM S. S.-Ft Van. S. S.-Ft. Van. S. S.-Ft. Van. S. S.-Ft. Van. JKOCO News-sporta Dance Hari Dame iJari Dam-e I'artv KKOIN Gil Henry IGll Henry mil llenrv Gil Henry KGW Jazz Concert IJaz Concert Jan Concert Jazz Concert KKX News Adklns Show Adkina Show lAdklns Show .KSLM N S.-Hud. BayN S,-Hud. Bay N.S.-Hud. Bay N.S.-Hud. Bay" JKOCO News-Sports Dance t'trty U.nire c,irt Dance KOIN Tune Table (Tune Table IGll Henry IGll Henry fKGW Jarz Concert (Jarr. Concert JJazz Concert Ja.z Concert KEX Adklns Show Adklna Show Adkina Show Adkina Show KSLM N.S.-Hud. Bay N.S.-Hud. BayDance Party iDance Party KOCO News-Sporta (UaM-e Htirty Juice Pari Dance Parly KOIN Sat. Final SporU Desk Good Evening Good Evening KGW Dance Tlmo Dance rime Dance Time Dance Time KKX Newa Country Edit, t Danceland Danceland KSLM Dance Party KOCO News-Sports KOIN Mus. Midnight KGW Dance Time KKX Danceland Dance Party Dance Party Mus. Midnight Danceland Danceland Danca Partv Dance Party Dance Party Dance Party Mus Midnight Mus Midnight Dance Time Dance Time Dance Time Danceland SUNDAY HOUR 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 71 8: KGW 4:3ft Church Hyms KOIN :J0 Church of the Air KSLM Melody Journ'TlMelody Journ'vlMusle Church Bells I KOIN B. Power Biggs B. Power BtsgslChurch of Air Church of Air f KGW Radio Pulpit Radio Pulpit Church Hymns Another Chance hftA iiimi uom. join ravy iierea o veia inquiry . KSLM Cone'v Baptist Salem Aead. Back to God Back to Goel I KOCO Never Know .4-11 Club Naiarene Ser. Mus. tor Sun. LKGAY Watlfa Club Watlfe Club Waflfe Club KGAY News I KOIN Inv. to Learn Inv. to Learn Salt Lake Tab. Silt Lake Tab. KGW Voice Prophecy Voice Prophecr'Dr. Barnhouse Dr. Barnhouie KEX Faith In our TFallh in our TFaith in our TFaith in our T KSLM Bible Class Bible Class Voice of ProphlVolce ot Pro ph. KOCO Mus for sun. Mui. for sun. mus. for sun. Mus. for Sun. KGAY Roberts Organ Roberts Organ Hit Review KGAY Newa KOIN Jewish Faith St. Francis Fore tun Affalrt'Sunriav News KGW Scandinav. Hr Scandinav. Hr Scandlnsv. Hr. Srandlnav Hr. KKX Parade of Hits Parade of Hits Parade of Hit Parade of Hits KSLM News Christian Set Frank A Ern'ltlMusio KOCO Presbyterian Preehvterian Manrt. Mel. Snnis to Rem. KGAY Hit Review Hit Review Hit Review KGAY News MHN Washington Art Museum (Treasury ShowlTreasury Show KGW Music for Sun. Music for Sun. Eternal Llaht Fternal Lliht KEX Newa-Weekend Weekend Weekend Weekend 1KSLM Join Navy Concert Mtn'tr First MethodistiFlrat Methodist KOCO First Baptist First Baptist First ilantlst Prt Baptist KGAY Calvary BaptlstlCalvary B.iptistlCalvarv Baptist Calvarv Baptist m KOIN Svmphonette Symphonette N. Y. ('hilh.irin.-N. Y. Vhllharm. I KGW Church Service church Service "hurch Serve. Church Serve. KEX News-Weekend Weekend Woi-kcm Weekend KI.M News MtiMC RDl'O World Newa Sun Matlnea KGAY KGAY News Srrenaite KOIN N. Y. Phllharm iN. Y. I'hllhar KGW News-Monitor Monltur KKX News-Weekend Weekend Mrnuonltes Sun M.itinee Seirnaila VN. Y. PMlharm N. Y Monitor Weekend Mennonitea Sun Matlnea KGAY News rhklharm. IM nnilor Weekend 2 KSLM Sun. Serenade Sun, Serenade ISun. Serenade Sun. Serenade KOCO Run. Matinee Sun. Matinee Sun. Matinee Sun. Matlnea KGAY Sim. Serenade Sun. Serenade Sim. Serenade KtiAY News KOIN Tercy Faith Hr.iPercy Faith Hr. (Percy Faith'crvv FaiUi Hr. KfiW Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor K EX News-W e e k e nd W eek e n d KSLM Sun. Serenade Sun. Serenade KOCO Sun. Matinee sun. Matlnea KGAY Sun Serenade Sun Sercn u .uis Phtla. Oreh. I'tnia. Orch. KGW Monitor Monitor KLX News-Weekend 'Wrrkend Weekend Sun. Serenade Sun. Matinee Sun Serenade Phi I a Oich. Monitor Weekend Weekend Sun. Serenade Sun Mi tinea KGAY News nil Orch. Muniter Weekend 3 KSLM Sun. Serenade Sun. Serenade Sun. Serenade Sun Serenade KOCO Teenage Tunes Teenage Tunee Teenars Tunes Teenage hi nee KRAT Slanlev Butler Stanlev Butler Stanlev P iller S'..inlrv Butler KOIN News Unlv, txp. IRound n Round Round n Round KGW Monitor Bob Conldine Conversation Cn ersition KEX News-Weekend Weekend Weekend Weekend 4 KSLM Jovful Hour JovfuI Hour Joyful Hour Jovful Hour KOCO Teenage Tunes Teenage Tunes Teenaie Tunes Teenage runes KGAY G'fwn. Forum G t'wn. Forum Airtime Air Time KOIN Juka Box Jury Juke Box Jury Radio W'rkshop Radio Workshop KGW Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor KEX News-Weekend Weekend Weekend Weekend 5 6 ill M Newa Music T uttieran Hour I utheran Hour KOCO Teenage Tunes Teenage Tunes Teenage Tunes HI. There KGAY KGAY News Sign Off Teenage funee KOIN Music Hall iMusic Hal! TBS Newsroom CHS Newsroom GW News-Monitor Monitor . Hi. There Hi. There KKX News-Weekend Weekend V eekrnd Weekend KSLM Walt ' Winchell Fmnl Page Newi (News KOttl Teenage Tunes Teenage tunes Teenaee Tunes Teenare Itmea KitIN Indictment Imilclment Jack Hennv I Jack Benny KGW Old Dusty Old Dusty m.otai iruuiren urn. Itevue KEX Drew Pearson Jimmr ndler Heigrn Kvans Hume Ietnon. 7 KM.M M.rlon TliMl.rlM.rlon Th.tfl Druv I'r.r.on iMuile KOCO T'nr T'lni.. rli.f. 'Jlin" Irrn.r. lun.. flcrn.r.TunM KOIN Johnny Dollar IJohnny Doll.r lOunimok. liummok. ii . A.. t. ,ui ihi Pnu i OUth I Youth KEX Growlni Pains prowlng Pilni pretteit Story Graatest Story !GirI Marrien iWhtsnerlng Sts. Russ Conrad Russ Conrad 1KSLM News Queen for Day Queen for Day Queen for Day KOCO News ICIarlne Calling Clarine Calling IClarine Calling KGAY Dinner Winner Dinner Winner Lucky 7 (Lucky 7 IKOIN Happiness 'Mrs. Burton Strike V Rleh Pat Buttram KGW True Story (True Story IKonnle Worth Konnle Worth KEX News Russ Conrad Russ Conrad Russ Conrad Inai.n in ews news KOCO World News Kjsv Show KGAY KGAY NEWS Rolfie's Rec Se ts nke Shop Vail Forecast 'Easy Show Easv Show lecordslTown Crier KGAY News , KOIN News Weather n,r- r;ri It Mou.te "artv House fa'iv KGW Mitchell Hpts. I Paul Harvey Merry-Go-Rnd Merry-Go-Rnd 1 KEX News 'Jco.MiGnwan iGco.McGowiin , rami Ncv.t " KSLM Willam MatT" Wlirm-teaTaV iVillameite Mat. Willamette" Mat I KOCO News ir-asy Show Easy Show Easy snow KGAY Rollle's Records! Rollle's Hcrords Hollie's Recordsl KGAY News IKOIN Gudrrey Time Gnrifrev Tmje fJodfrev T'nie Gndfrpv Time KGW News Merry-Go-Rnd Merry-Go-Rnd Merry-Go-Rnd KKX Nyws-Conrad Uusa Lunraa Husa Cunraa rtuss Lonraa KSLM WHI'm'tte Mat iWill'm'tTe Mali Good News Matinee KOI () News - Sports Clarine calling Clarine calling cianne caning KGAY News Easy Show Easy Show Eaay Show KOIN Godfrey Time Godfrev Time Ruth Ashton iNews-Weather KGW Newt Merry-Co-Rnd Merry-Go-Rnd Merry-Co-Rnd K E X News-Conrad Huis CoiiraO Htiss Cunraq Husa Conrao KSLM Wtllam. Mat Willam Mat. Willam Mat Tello Teat KOCO News (Easy Show Easy Show :Easy Show KGAY Rome's Records! Routes Records'Rollle a Records! KG A Y News KOIN Raekstage Wlfe'Gel Sundnv Take Thirty Take Thirty KGW News Merry-Go-Rnd Merry-Go-Rnd Merry-Go-Rnd KEX News-Conrad Husa Conrao rtuss Cunrau rtu Lunraa Keep plenty ofWrigley's Spearmint nn hand for the Holidays You'U hear loli of "Thank You'a" when you pasi thle pure, tasty treat around to friends aerva it after party meals give it to tha children. Every body appreciates delicious Wrigley 'sSpearmint G lira nnd it costs so little. Get a supply today. Rotary Amies Party MOLALLA (Special)-Women of the Rotary held their Christmas party Monday evening, their regu lar meeting night, in the home of Mrs. Bill Williams with Mrs. Ted Kaylor assisting. There was no business session. Mrs. Hans Chris tiansen received the prize and there was a gift exchange. Re freshments were served to 15. The next meeting is slated for Monday evening, Jan. 21, with Mrs. Jack i Stafford as hostess. WISHING WELL R.giit.r.d U. S. P.lcnt Ofnct. 884378268 3 7 4 P FMHBEOWIEXXA 1 i 5 4 8 3"7 5 8 4 7 5 5 QBLNCTUR K Y I R F "3 5 ii 2 7 4 8 3 7 S 4 6 T AB8PSMYEICOHD 4 6 2 8 3 7 "' 5 " 4 '8 2 7 3 ST R T I LATTE I N E R V B i f 5 4 I 2 7 38 4 5 7 I N H PFAGE ENRRA Tf 4 5 3 8 Ti 5 3 8 4 E I O DILEOCOCTN 1 !i 4T 2 i S i 1 4 J 5 3" A K D T H 8 A H H S O M H HERE Is s pltssant little game that will five you s message every day. It is s numerical punle designed to spell out your fortune. Count the letters In your first name. If the number of letters Is 6 or more, subtract 4. If the number Is less than , add 3. The result Is your key number. Start st the upper left-hand corner of the ree tangle and check every one ot your key numbers, left to right. Then read the message the letters under the checked flura give you. C UN. tr WlltUm i. MllWr, Dlitrlfcutri hy Kim Tiuw a)Mlki., Inr.tZ'Z) ACROSS 1. Broad pieca S. Poultry product 8. Hag vein 13. Conversa. tion 15. Undecided 17. Tranquillity 18. Name 19 l orded fabric 20. Turn left 22. Nine plus one 24. Copy 27. Statute 29. Clear ii. Mtuioal instrument 33. Silence 37. Conserva tive 38. Celestial being 40. Uncle 42.Tinv 41. Make lact 45. Flying mammal 47. Poke 50. Huge wave 52. Awaken 5tl. Continuous 6S. Attacked 60. Comfort 61. Pallid 62. Owns 63. Leg bone DOWN 1. Slide 2. Solitary 3. Kgyptuus stunk I ALLnalOOl5HTuiNO I N O bIETO NlgOPJAIL J n I C TlTotN A PV Bma Pi3 K TIN A R E H tilEiT LEE EH a t e B R u5E ret Bt h e H f a DlS yIe BHr a B r o w Bas B9 ainTy bx y G B D A R Tfl C 0 B B A NlEW aft b7 oJp B b i dJH l 1 H cioTm "p r 61M 1 sic: E 5 i "IIe k 1 Anv Pr BeTmtUte1dsUe1pe Solution of Yeslerday'a Puzsls 5. Duti h com nuine 6. Kncircle 7. Scale 8. Male child 9. Culture medium 10. Cunning 11. Maintain 4. Kind ot tree 14. Defamation ' I2 I1 l I -I lb I1 h I'4 " , ss Ig ,m IJ 14 - - Si , . -s 7 1? !.0 bl Si iJ Ii4 i b6 57 b8 I I I I'ii III iiii Ill 18 Fresh-water duck 21. Witty person 23. Hard shelled fruit 24. Reclama tion 23. Wash for gold 26. Unit of work 28. Existed 30. Bovine 31. Anger 32. Stain 34. Favorite 36. Chatter 39. Endures 41. Jap. ship 44. Parts of a saw 48. Small sharks 47. eap 48. Wild ox 49 Statement 51. Kecion 53. Beehive State 34 Hlackfln snapper 55 Paradise 37 Born 53. Highways! abor. , Lebanon Plans Recreation Park LEBANON 'Special) Financial cooperation with the city planning luiiiiiiiasiun in aeveioping plans ; and maps for a recreational park! at Fifth and Rose streets was voted by the city council Tuesday. Funds budgeted for parks and playgrounds up to 100 will be uaeu. lreuminary maps were ap-l Droved Mnnriav hu tha nlann;n( commission, based on plans drawn uj niiour jacuson, recreation specialist and teacher in the pub lic schools. The area includes more than six acres. Plans include off street parking, two picnic areas, three tennis courts, multipurpose area, tot's play areas, and space iur recreauon lor all age groups. fZRFRT r.vlvnBAU MOLALLA (Special) Mr. and Mrs. Henrv rarmsn a annn., mg arrival 01 a new grandson born Monday mnrnini in (hot BrtA mr. ana jurs. jerry rarmen, in in fori ann Kan .mn, rAr. land. The new hahv UrAiohoH puunua iuv ounces and has been named Kent Allen. The two other children, Pamela and Larry, are StftVinff In Mnlalla umIIi (lialr grandparents for a few days. f ( ..up r inr 1 WJII L VrtU rtlVP MCA KAN INTO IHfe yVlKfcr V K"H .v- ONS Of MY AIE FCEtE- 3 r-aiENOi PAervy .rvi; eOTA LOT CATCUIW0- yp IO w 1um new w 1 UEK NU5BANC7S OorFIT.O I ' 1 Smart Combination. Smart com bination of simple embroidery and crochetl Together, they make a prize-winning chairset In lovely I peacock design. Favorite pineapple crochet forms tha plumage; colorful embroidery, the body. Pattern 7224: transfer, easy crochet directions. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS In coins for this pattern add 5 cents for each pattern or lst-class mail ing. Send to Capital Journal, Household Arts Dept., P 0. Box 168. Old Chelsea Station, New York 11, '. Y. Print Li-'nly NAME, ADDRESS. ZONE, AND PATTERN NUMBER. Two FREE patterns printed in our ALICE BROOKS Needle craft book stunning designs for you. our readers! Dozens of other designs to order all easy. fascinating hand-work! bend 2o cents for your copy of this won derful book right awayl n sew ; Qs Lai Printed titMQ Pattern Tt 9397 ,4--ir ' ru nan it auv Uli Style Winner! Sew-easy; direc tions PRINTED on each pattern part of this now skirt! Note its smart back interest slimming box pleats, novel belt. Make several in gay plaid, solid color woolens to mix and match with your favorite tops! Printed Pattern 9397: Misses' Waists 24. 25, 26, 28. SO. 33 inches. Sue 28 takes 2 yards 39-inch. This easy-to-use pattern gives oerfect fit. Complete, illustrated llew Chart shows you every step, j Send 35c In coin mo stamps , please) for Pattern, with Name. Address, Style Number and Sue. 1 Capital JournaL Box 42. Old Chel sea Station. New York ll. N Y. For first class mall loclndo aa extra I cents per pattern. (VJ5CSiSla2f VY OUMTMM f rTSV6.YOU CAN 4TEW 'W' WAT WILt-G 'Y TIAFRC I IMA5IMB U NEXT WEEK ASCOT MY VI BE EASY , 1 1. l.efi,AiuF tu.lT.- " I kr.e.ur'e neeea mini ucvlTUCSctt f3T-7 THAT MLCANVnu lVyiX I UOP6 N TO IEC0MS AN AC TOE.' X AU.BE AtP6AN! f 1 CBONIE5... . r 1 Z I i A IOWA TIMR I if & TUCiv MAts I I ttl&UT NOW BLAX AND I HEY. ALLEE j I N l 2 li'V settino Hses? M'trvrj rrooN...o ewoy the vcxu.xeKtj-excuse me a J StDi KJz T. tllV SZfiCmA' Wfl 1'IL FOBrtCT I L - WITH OE WITHOUT A MOMEHT. lf)tlf? I K V I v V mE2Mdli rVaJW.asa .... M S 1 11 1 a T xnavjre 1 I I Wit IMAI WAS A I . I I I I ft-, "V I I S a I ' ""1 v j ffiHKi jOVJZarj&S' 1 i ! bad JUST SETTLED A THIS FIRST ROLL OF f SIR.'.-THf MAI A J MORE AS 6000 AS THESE ' VOU SAV YOUR DAD NwANTED TO SPEAK 10 "F'T:T?iHlrir as DOWN WITH A SLASS OF (FILM FROMMiKE NOHAO. V MATURAL BORN -. AND" PROOF " MAGAIINE 1 k WENT OUT, PEGGY? ) 1CU ALONE. MlkE j SHERBANO EEl v&?rV y CAN T WfiO WTTH A CAKlfl ry EVE?YWfyiO 0NWSTWktEy,vl1Y7vN0TBgAPyTO MS I H I II " 1 ...,.. II. ,- I L I mil tMM0A TH' OOQ? I B6BW HW GO Hj?! SANOV! HERE, SflNOVf VLS wlaX hey ' 7 He didvw) over that kw-seemeo vjij I TrnT-s STRANQE-WHV Wfc. SllBM WHeRE-8 OW4NOT U SEE him? Jffl TKNOW what he tons OOH- JK" , I WCXJLO he run vwv W- wlz Bounds like H you wor BooB3NTf to m6,it M Kpaon.aaamwhatIws that was ragtime. i"i5 HOCK U'COLL "y"00 KNOWCLASSICAL I SOUNDS LIKE LTHAT vou WERE PLAVINS. DUSTING OFFTHE T.I g; 1 EXCU E, A I TES, TM FINE VNS' TO LIKE TO f IT Wta HA1E TO T WELL. IF THAT -rue rSiL PLEASE I ilH I NO, TP RATHE PSl TALK TO W, f BE SOME OTHER I WAY YOU FEeI ABSt rT C7,i'-b---AK ( y2X X1?"'1 VVTMA.' TME! :--!' ) SAiRt&HTWrrJJ'f 7-SLrrr--Jii Hi i V lV JTr9S! S x -sSSetHto, toerb wont M V viral aw .1 ' A-'XTiiRa I tU - Ok.vO.HcJtY!...loO;!--jrrtfnAMATTt i WtU FK UP A WHOLE WUi Of- TK MONEyTwALT ' HOUSE FOR YOUR IAOM1. HIU AatlAl.LY.IPROlbt HAVE NURSES AROUND THE QOCR! HrrTTH EVTRY--THE KSt '-TSlNaSHE WAS TH!4 uOES OtEPERj-OOWN IWTCA PAR PSCHCXOutAL POOL WHERE A LAYMAN B TOTALLY UJ5T ! IT IN VOLVES, 1 THINK, AN OVERTCVELOftD MOTHER INSTINCT A FIERCt DETERMNAT10N MEVtK OSHWir. THE THING SME. LOVD M35TI -1 COULD I JLSTSOR.TA AWHItX,CAMO?...AN0TRVTO YJ3 XXr iU -OL. t JTH TO CHANCE Vlii I .L""A?M?.NT- WINOS? XJUHAVLONIT CHAMjt! Lea