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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1956)
Salem, Oregon, Thursday, December 20, 1956 THE CAPITAL" JOURNAL Section 1 Page oreign Policy iestudy Asked By Sparkman Nun's Sadness Brings Gift of Dolls by Store PHILADELPHIA l-Sister Ma ria Virgo went shoDoine one day this week for toys to give to Klamatlis Ask Gradual End to U. S, Control Menjou Lists Best Dressed Voodoo Breaks up udy Asked Doih by store Gradual End to m7lll JtslS - M0N!" - f PHI1.Anpi.VHIl iaCi.i.. HOLLYWOOD U! A C 1 0 r . . . . . fc fc Adolphe Menjou. . fairly aland-1 o( ,he onc(ime ... ard fixture on lists of best SwMlhcartl 0, Radio. ,ccording ... K "ito Mrs. Victoria M. Kelvin, 32. A group of Klamath Indians his own list. sh h, yesterday Wednesday told the governor's BM,-, natural ' resources oommittee it I to California, released this list of;Ke,vi nd sajd ,hat he s(uck airln k uimilrl tu uifaha ff a anil i sVininlln I w . i . j ,h irnn Curtain and in the ... unaries l nomas oi i-os Angeies, hind the Iron curiam ana in me Touched b lh . rti j ,jr, ,..i ,k. vi..,k I v.. 7:. iddle Last. Ipointment. a saleswoman at an!.. r.. .i,. jjk,..i ' n.. Lockheed avt$tion executive: Jac- Flower Bowl, fillie with victories in the Delaware Handicap and La- diet Handicap, won her lint race Jan. 17, 1955 at Hialeah. children of the poor in Our Ladv in sn Snarl,. . -armei ransn. All loo BNaniliu'v.' ....... ' r mi. nul.. I . I ' .n il.) Imtau railed fnr . I money was spent. IT i; rrion Dul. shc '"red over some dolls i. light of development, for a lot hindUie iron curiam ana mine Touched . t)e CknVan, . member of the Sen-! fl- A "1" wm" " ! Reservation. -"".'" uchoiiiiiciu aiuie ,. , .!:.., ....... I LOCH lrean"" " tne manaeena tff aairi h ,"" ramum- . ..,.; j.. pKrt v t of questions about the hisen-, would ., inlt ,. . ,. tion date was too soon. ; J, " l..V,,.K." WPr administration s course " ; on the floor also contributed. Soon i He said that termination too artor. jjeigh Batso'n, broker, and ,F c. liiisier Maria virge nad monev ""iifi w am Kpek. Suoer or Oil Co. "I dnnt look lor any lormai in- 5 enough to buy alt the dolls and sources of the area. Indians, he 1 ..-,,.. liSaiion 01 our international many more t0.s in lhe ba in .said might have to seU their .Each of these me Menjou scape of fading elegance on the l,c'"- "s " a,n0.llmber t low " commented, ' stands out as an part of the a v e r a g e American i,a uiere should be a reappraisal -" , 1 P'ce. Cutting might menace the oasis in an otherwise bleak land-'male." where we stand. 1 have no doubt 1 '"- llltflrPH Klamath Basin watershed, he 1 nere should be a reappraisal .of rp T' 'a D ! added. f ,here we stand. 1 nave no aouot x r Mil x 1 latru other spokesmen reviewed the I nal the administration itself is do-! VANCOUVER. B.C. 11 The often-discussed plan for govern- g some reappraising. province of British Columbia is me nt purchase of the land and re- L It has made mistakes in the sendine a hundred rhilHron in itc Davment to the Indians over a I ,at But I am not SO much COn- OaWalla nrinn in Iho novl It,..- long Deriod nf time li Lrned with what already has hap-' davs and it nromises tn he 'I kpned as wun wnere we are going happy occasion. I 3-YKAR-OJ.D ROBBED li roni nere. 1 u.i,. lue ouiiuiiisu a-! me cnnoren and other mem- ST. LOUIS wv-Police said two pins in dolls named after her rela lives. She said he tried to induce their daughter Kathleen, now 6, to believe in voodoo by teaching her to stick pins in the dolls. Wed in 1944, the couple separ ated in 1953. Kelvin gave up music and became an attorney in New York City. He is contesting the divorce. s reliance on tne 1 nnca rva- bers of the families of 106 "spe- men. one armed, held up a drug- I mns in tne miuuie r-iipui 11 isis . dally selected inmates have store veslerHav look tin nnH nn Si Las all to the good and I'd like to. been invited to an unprecedented : the way out grabbed a purse from f- .now moie ouuuu , u 1. wiiiisiiiias pany wun approval 01 1 a syear-oid girl. It contained 115. j 0 do in that field in the future." ; the provincial attorney general. I Olficers said the girl was holding t Sen. Noiauver oi icnnessee, me ineyn De iree to mingle with the the purse for her mother, Mrs. jt 9S6 Democratic vice-presidential I convicts in the prison gymnasium. Joan Rasnic. ,1 Candidate, saio in a separate in- ervicw a formal investigation sht not he needed But that "a eneral foreign policy debate light help clear the air. J.S. Checking For Red Spies With Refugees WASHINGTON IJI Immiflra- tion authorities said today Hunga rians being admitted to this coun try under lhe emergency refugee program are being subjected to "more oi a security screening than regular visa applicants. One official expressed conn dence the various security steps ould prevent Communists from slipping into the United States un der the guise of refugees. President Eisenhower has or dered the admission of 21,500 Hun garians who fled their Soviet-oppressed "homeland into Austria. Permanent visas already have been granted to 6,500 under the Refugee Relief Act, which is due to expire at the end of the year. Another 15,000 refugees are due' for admission under special "pa role" granted by . Atty. Gen. Brownell. Officials said the latter are be ing checked in Austria. They will be screened anew before getting permanent residence visas. Congressional action probably will be necessary before refugees In the parole category can be granted permanent residence visas. Any parolee who violates American law before getting such i visa is subject to deportation. NOW OPEN 0'Shea's Health Food Center 696 NO. COTTAGE ST. PH. EM-2-3448 COMPLETE LINE HEALTH FOODS AND DIETETIC NEEDS COME IN AND CONSULT US OPF.N 8 TO 8 MONDAY THRU SATURDAY t i CASCADE QUALITY Country Smoked Sugar Curtd Whole or Shank Half Per Pound M-D 80 Count Moxwell Homo NAPKINS INSTANT COFFEE Per jf-v 6-oi. Jor $1 1 ft Pkg. J Limit 2 Limit 1 I. I 7 II il W.-aV-l llaf Lh2 Downtown Shopping Center Keiier GENERAl 11 K ELECTRIC Fast Recovery Water Heater 52 Gal., Reg. $119.95 $9995 NOW ONLY Pay Only $1.25 Per Week No Money Down W Green Stami IWMM HM.I.I,'U.II.'I4 c 365 N. COMMERCIAL I OPEN MON. THRU FRI. 'TIL 9 P. M. TIL XMAS jj HWIWWWWWIlWW((IWIlWCHWl'l I T- If V with the purchase of any NEW KENMORE SEWING MACHINE Do Your Christmas Shopping On Us SPSsss-j UN Ready to Clear Canal CAIRO. Ko-pt (l The United , Nations information office herej o.iiivuiii..u IlllHMld.v mat piaii. art nnw ready to start clearing the Suez Canal of sunken ships immediately after "E Day" nen British-French forces are evacuated from Port Said. V.S. Lt. Ken. Rivmond Wheeler, special U.N. adviser on lh. i "'t iical rtlllc upKl dLlill, la iiui.-i inj his headquarters to Ismailia, p miriu'au nn 1Kb lOl.mila fnn nn the day after Christmas. Egypt's uur. mnm rtuinoruy nas us ui- The canal has been blocked amce uct. 31. $30 Worth OF CHRISTMAS GIFTS for the family with the purchase of this Automatic Portable ONLY 10.00 DOWN $40 Worth OF CHRISTMAS GIFTS for the family with the purchase of this Automatic Console ONLY 10.00 DOWN Planes Depart From Antarctic SOUND, Antarctica ' - The U.S. Air Force flew the last of its Globemasters out the antarctic Wednesday be cause fuel )S short and the weath er arm. The Navy tanker Nespelen is on its way to McMurdo to relieve the gasoline shortage, but the run ways used by the big planes need a break in the antarctic summer 1(1 Set hack in shape. Temperatures have been above freezing here part of nearly every ay during the nast week. Run- ay surfaces have become rough "ii slushv. Broadway Actor hi Poor Condition ATLANTA -I.athrop Mitchell "year-old Broadwav actor, was rerjorted in " , i.. ... p,,, UMIU . "y with what hospital attendants -".nnca as an infection ot "nwermined nature. I Mitchell was taken from a plane J're Saturday on his wav from v"rk to Tallahassee. Fla.. al"r the pilot had radioed a re 1"ft to have a passenger re moved. Police booked the actor on "Urge of intoxication, but later railed a physician who sent Milch " lo Grady Hospital. 1-l'MBF.R.MEN TO MF.FT PORTLAND m The 46th an l meeting of the West Coast '-umbermen's Assn. will be held v Simpson, executive vice P esideni. said emphasis will be l lumht'r"18 m,rchandisin(! Sew. on Button I I J I.' ; mMF&BWik IMA H ttitrhac with Sinale or IPiT. ...... V I Plfi I Double Needle Simply, Automatically with the n KENMORE AUTOMATIC h rl vkym i . i u -r m&L asfflmiTrr nu c;nwu i t&yALm s. ii Mcs- . r i' r a. ' ' 't .i.. .. :i j .vr i i i w ii in IrW&A 'QXlrK "lmT OF CHRISTMAS GIFTS Wmb&S- WfLi m J for the family rAaS Corns for fashion Hitching are $l lj (l with the purchase of I easy o insert ... o. .o.y a, 'N CHR,sTMA$ Hi ' ff IP thi, Automatic Desk I xiA Pp" ... u i c u GIFTS witu 't f ' V' '' ' Model . "Of -7:p-"2:. J1' only 10.00 down a CrtrT stitches. You con do countless SESVING MACHINE 22 . r VtJ 1 fashion stitches simply!., auto- a.CN moticolly. Try it! Today! . ONLY 10.00 DOWN &L W& HHP $50 Worth wxSS?A r&Q r- ypm, p T Christmas gifts WJA V'V-V H' I '!'. J j for th family WM iJTl S Slcter Itvtr... Wittlh Hmtl Uck .., Sellf wheel . . . h TTl i" ( L L L I I .,1 ihiB ttiUht mn4 button K let mmdm rnvfrnlitmUy jj f jLilJ- -j AutomoHC Defk ! hvy 0?J iitei A0 h fJ ONLY 10.00 down I Va5pl,kii 7 H..aU fitian O.ul.1. l.fin.n . .. '..ward, rtv.rt. I Btfi' (anli.l . . . chaita al n,M I., i.ngl. .r il.ih hgih I ilTf flVllX 4.. al. ..fatal. If Imx- . norms P"'ho.e of ,hi, IJ . 1957 WEIGHT & If Automatic drte feetl . . . fr darnifif f French knett From $269.95 up I WM IVorfb $ Rofary I ton nenmore if lock i W ' Hi"9edp,e. U 0v' Pint PORTABLE 81 16995 I W M 5.00 Dow, M I 1 "verse; Double 8 5.00 1 GIVE MOM THE BEST! . . . GIVE HER A KENMORE AUTOMATIC SEWING MACHINE EM-39191 550 N. CAPITOL OPSM TONIGHT 'HI 9 P.M. -SEARS Q