I - 15 I7 Page 8 Section 1 Check, Toys Added to SA Drive "751 THE CAPITAL TOnRNAT: Salem, Oregon, Thursday, December 20, 1956 2 3 3 I i STORE HOURS: Open Tonight and Friday Until 9 P.M. For Your Shopping Convenience . . . Saturday We Will Close at 5:30 P.M. 8 1 n 1 '-- Tim' woirin'l Take or of L U.h"JU.JHw- 8 IM N IM if V y vryon on yowr w,... - Jl JJU1 41 M JJJ JL kH .u--.-m .... c ' - -f- I I FPG Hearing ! tfttSP50? Sv7 i Assortment . Men's Combed MMmS ISi PS I n o ? 8 j V1 1 Men's Beller Cotton Knit L1 I On Two Snake Gift Ties' Polo Shirts tfwSfeH I ' Dams Closes! I K n A HHc flOc Msl I ; 7-Point Contour Tailoring! H p , .. U s, S,1" B FLANNEL or SHARKSKIN 8 f i J Penney's silk.-rayon w o v e n Wm Resilient, soft-draping all wools Wm IS f . f loin' !u,ury P'm" ' jacquards combine rich lustre, nvlon r,infor(.,d ,r.w Rfl . . . n unusually fine corabin- -y m K 3 ft ton with exclusive new design ,in r fQ full bodv smooth easy knot reinforced crew K ,Uoll , fabric and Penney qua- f I US P 1 g , an all-new Towncraft built for . W O . a , neck Pol"' Pe"ncy l"8' HI l"y tailoring ... at a Penney I "() fe 5 perpetual comfort and good W S KJ ting. Now m a wider range of ..,.....,,, fl price which consistently defies KM i ft , grooming .... dress shirt built Xj ' neat, tasteful "p i c k -of-the- fine combed cotton for com- S Jomparison. In 3 shades of gray, R ( way you ire! , sil" r. J crop" gift patterns for every- fort, easy washing. White only. f other wanted colors. 8 I i MAIN FLOOR "14 ; 1 bodj. MAIN FLOOR Sizes 29 to 42 8 I V- T .-. ' - j ' MAIN FLOOR MAIN FLOOR lKS 1 3 3 Hopei 9 a brf ffht Chrlalmei for needy children of the Salem area picked up Wednesday when the Salvation Army'i toy itock wai increased with donations from Exchange club and the Salem" V golf club. Frank Ward (right), president of the golf club and ;.' toy drive chairman of the Exchange club, Is presenting a check .- .'for $150 collected In a week-end tournament to Major Karl- West :f the Salvation Army. Assistant Fire Chief Glenn Shedeck Joins -tke group amid hundreds of toys repaired by the fire department vbnd other groups organized by the Exchange club. (Capital Jour 'nil Photo) Tree Lighting Set ) At State Hospital r Ceremony Will , Take Place Thursday '' The annual tree lighting cere mony at the Oregon State hospital is scheduled for 7:45 p.m. Thurs day night, following a series nt ward parlies held during the aft ernoon. A nnrtv and dance lur the pa tients was held Wednesday night Owner Gels Topper Bach Harold A. Rosebrmigh once again has his ISO silk top hat hark in his possession, in as good shape is .ever. . Rnsebrauuh olared the boxed hat on the car root otter a lodge meeting Tuesday night and Inrgot II. When he reached his home tho hat was missing. Fred Hartman, an Oregon Pulp and Paper company employe, found it near the paper mill on his wav to work Wednesday and having read ol the loss ot the hat )) in the newspapers, immediately , notified Itosebrmigh who came tu S the mill and recovered his topper ill 8 MILITARY MKN.J AND VKTKKANSj ; B RrprcHrnls Company g FOHT C A M P B K I. L. KY. S (AHTNO Army Sprcialisl Third g Class Bruce T. Buckmshnm. son ft )( Mrs. Kalhchno Dean, 31R0 Lynn Ac.. recently was selected to re- w present his company in "Mump " Light", a troop training test with fl the 101st Airborne division at Fort Campbell. Ky. w Specialist Buckinghiiin. a nflr- g man in Cnmpany A ol the dm- (J sum's wr.th Infantry t'ombat jj (Iroup, entered the Army in lr- m ceinber 1 r3 and completed basic training at Ford did, C.ilil. ft The 20 year old soldier altcndrd Salem High School. with entcrlainment furnished by the Willamette Urcside group. Caroling by the hospital choir and a number of nutside choral groups added to the Christmas spirit prevailing in the hospital. Sunday morning at 8:30 a Christ mas service will be held in the auditorium, and from 2 to 4 p.m. bunday there will be an open house with music In be provided by the Salem WurhUcr Organ guild. Among those who will nlnv the organ will be Itussell Morrell, Sa lem and Dr. Urlunu M. tlcucock ol Portland. Special services will be held on Christmas day, Dr. Dean Brooks superintendent said. Members of a number of Salem organizations have volunteered to assist in dis tribuling gifts from all parts of the state for the patients. WASHINGTON Wi A long Fed eral Power Commission (FPC) hearing on a proposal to build two private power dams in the Snake iiiver ended Wednesday. The hearing, which had run In termittently since June, was on a construction license application by the Pacific Northwest Power Co. (PNP) for the Mountain Sheep and Pleasant Valley dams in the river bordering Idaho and Oregon. ; Examiner Edward Marsh set. Feb. 15 as the deadline for the filing of a written argument by PNP. He directed also that reply I hriefs bo-filed by March 15 by the M'C legal staff and by the Na tional Hells Canyon Assn. which opposed the PNP proposal and ad vocated a federal Ncz Perce high dam. PNP later may file a rebuttal brief. After the briefs are received. Marsh will make an initial deci sion. This is expected to be ap pealed to the Power Commission 40 ONLY Men's Leather Billfolds . . . ()() Plus Only vll Tax Assorted styles . brown or black. MAIN FLOOR ONE GROUP Men's Belter Gift Ties Only L50 Assorted styles and fabrics. MAIN FLOOR for a final decision. Hearings were held in Idaho and Jff DOCK M It IKK Nr. Alt t,MI jwirnuii ihic ... ..vn.i nar; YOKOHAMA, Japan Ifl-Aboul i Jf . 2.4A"' ".'"J ! g flOO .l.-..mn.cn snv..(W rpnnrlnri I 'P'- l' 1 "e I,,M V"K U1 f. ,,i , nc a the hearing opened Nov. 7. itg port m Yokohama and the Army in an Hearing nays. said the end ot a three-week strike wore . k I. .! c.., I "'""V ''..tll .1 IU UV III oihin. .'" it 241 exhibits introduced and the testi nl 37 witnesses appioxi- malins a million words was 1,100 American soldiers have been spread over 7.300 pages of Iran- working cargo. script. !W!SJll!aJWJea;Jl.!W!WJ1)KrlWlMlW3Kg GIVE HER A GIFT SHE WILL ENJOY THREE Jj TIMES A DAY FOR YEARS AND SAVE $32.9S M U0 ONI.V Men's Belter Sport Shirls Only 3.66 Betler cottons, now priced. MAIN FLOOR ONE r.ROUP Meu's Belter Sport Shirts 2.66 Only Good selection sizes. MAIN FLOOR Most all THE 1956 GENERAL ELECTRIC PORTABLE DISHWASHER AT PRE-CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 20 ONLY Boy's Nylon Jackets Only 6.00 Qnilt lined. Most all sizes. MAIN FLOOR Boy's Cotton Sport Shirts I 77 Only 1,1 ' Assorted styles ... si 4 to 12. MAIN FLOOR LAST MINUTE GIFT SUGGESTIONS Men's Cotton Flannel Shirts 1.98 Fleece Lined Gloves Men'0nly 2.29 Men's Plaid Sport ShirlsAt(1. 3.98 Challis Sport Shirts .... 2.98 Boy's Ski Pajamas JV 1.98 Boy's Sweat Shirls 1016 1.00 59c Boys Sport Socks Si,04forl 55 ONLY Men's Leather Insert Jackets Only 9.99 Assorted colors. Most all sizes. MAIN FLOOR Men's 35 ONLY Leather Jackets Only '17.77 Quilt or rayon lined . . . most sizes. MAIN FLOOR o iiijuuii, Ny,on Boys Dragster Jackets! 9.90 250 FAIR Men's Cotton Work Socks Only n White and 1014 to 13. MAIN FLOOR for ! colors. Sizes 45 ONLY Men's Wool Shirt Jackets Only 7.77 Assorted plaid colors. Most sizes. MAIN FLOOR Moo (Jrinliialfs foist niriiAiinsoN. l.sk ( HTNC Sgt. (ierald K. Moc. son ol Mr and Mrs I. K Mm'. 8:K) McClaine St.. Silverlnn. Ore . recently was graduated from the ;:toth Infantry Hegimenfs Non Commissioned OllniT Ar.idemy in Alaska. A squad leader in Company R of the regiment. Moo received in struction in leadership ol units, map reading and nlher military subjects. Moc entered the Army in No- ember 1955 and completed basic training al Fort Ord. Calif. He was employed by the Jack Tacsard Construction Company. Salem. F.nds H;trii' s I ritiiiin J (lately, son of g Now Only $17700 Rc9. J209.95 Pay Only 210 Per Wk, Fully Automatic Large Capacity No Plumbing Required 600 PAIR Boy's (lotion Knit Briefs Only 2 for l Dtirene cottons . . . sil 4 to 14. MAIN FLOOR 35 ONLY Boy's Flannel Lined Jackets Only L88 Pcnim face . . . size l'.-a to R. MAIN FLOOR 150 ONLY Boy's (lotion Sweat Shirts I 19 Only ' ' Collar style. Sizes 10 to 16. MAIN FLOOR 60 PAIR Men's Leather Koni. Sli)ers Only 1-98 Rrown or black. Sizes 6a to 11. DOWNSTAIRS STORE Final Clearance NOW! ENTIRE TOY STOCK REDUCED ! ! 1 lurry! Sac! Quantities Limited! ! Buv Now, Save! ! 200 ONLY Men's Co I ton Flannel Shirts 9 .10 Only ' Assorted colors. Sizes S, M, L. MAIN FLOOR 250 PAIR Cashmere Work Socks 69c. Only Sizes 10'i to 13 eral pair. MAIN FLOOR pr. Buy sev- 40 ONLY Men's All Wool Sweaters Only 4.98 Grey only. Sizes 38 to 46. MAIN FLOOR 400 ONLY Red or Blue Bandanas 8 t-1 Only " for V-1 Large sizes , gift. MAIN FLOOR practical 130 ONLY Men's All Wool Suits 90 OO -Only " Assorted fabrics. Most sizes. MAIN FLOOR all 30 ONLY Men's All Wool Topcoats Only 29.00 Assorted patterns. Most all sizes. MAIN FLOOR T . Pvt. Craig A. dntely. son Air. and Mrs. .1 K tiately. !:5 Ciarnet street. Salem, has grad uated from basic training in the Marines in San Diego. He is cur rently stationed at Camp Pendleton. MARY'S CARDS PLAIN 1.AWRKNCKV1I.I.E, ill -Marv Christmas, a schoolteacher aays she has just about exhausted ways of making her Christmas w greetings different, so she's mail- ing plain Christmas cards this U year. In 1953 Miss Christmas g mailed autographed photos as m greetings. With her name that was I) Large Copocity f; S ft ' No Plumbing ?. J g NO MONEY DOWN GREEN STAMPS J IMASIEM1I 365 NORTH COMMERCIAL OPK.N MON. THRU IRI. TILL 9 P.M. TILL XMAS Solem't Oldest Franchiscd Dealer Salem'l Largest Appliance Display 8I it 8! Men's Bij; Mac Army Twill Matched Sets 969 Q Shirt Pants Prnnev't Big Mactfi t-ply stork twills are rugged, men! tlraduated fit and reinforced at all points of strain. Com pletely Sanforuedr. MAIN FLOOR Men's Insole Felt Cushion Soft Slippers 1 77 -"- Siies 7 to 11 Men's Penney fell slippers are the tops in easy living! Soft platform cushion soles with colorful cotton corduroy trim. Sanitized Jt. DOWNSTAIRS STORE Mens Cotton Chanihrav V'ork Shirls 1 00 Sites to 17 11 Chambray work shirts are sturdy yet cooL Penney's own rugged construction of 4 4 ounce Sanforized? fabric. MAIN FLOOR Feature! Men's Reversible Nvlon Jackets 11 id Reversible jacket for men (s jttpamint nvlon taffeta on one side, and fleecy nylon on the other. The knitted collar, cuffs, and waistband are ny lon, too so the jacket is ma chine washable. MAIN FLOOR Hi.- Feature! Bov's Reversible Nylon Jackets 790 Sties A to 8 8 90 Sites 10 to 18 It's gleaming nylon taffeta on one side fleecy nylon on the o;her. Even the knit trims ire nylon. And mom . . . you can wash it in your machine! MAIN FLOOR Boy's Cotton Flannelelie Sport Shirls l59 Sizes 4 to IS Boys' Sanforized? cotton flan nel shirts in colorful plaids . . . Penney value-priced! Machine washable. MAIN FLOOR all that was necessary. FiwwvwwwwiW'.-awwwwmsiwwv!!! LwitwwwWMnwnwtwwntKWwwMWiiinMmMnwwwM o