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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1956)
Salem, Oregon, Thursday, December 20, 1956 THE CAPITAL' 'JOURNAL Se'ctioii I, Pagi I Local Paragraphs Bush Presents Fourth grade students and the school's choir will present the Christmas story Thursday night at 7:30 at t h e school. Another program is sched uled for 1 p.m. Friday. Gels Repair Permit Paul Chenowcth was issued a building permit Wednesday to repair a ' house at 1140 Norway St. at an estimated cost of $700. Christmas Spent Here Lt. and Mrs. Charles O. Hargrave Jr., Laredo, Tex., are spending Christ mas with his father, Charles O. Margrave, 732 North Cottage St. On Holiday Trip Stanley Grove, manager of the Chamber of Commerce, and Mrs. Grove left Wednesday for San Diego, Calif., to spend the Christmas season with relatives. Grove will return Jan uary 7. WRAPS OFF URANIUM JOHANNESBURG, Wl South Africa has taken the security wraps off uranium. Minister of Mines A. J. Van Rhijn announced output figures and information about uranium ore reserves no longer would be classified. Gas Thefts Reported Mrs. Morris Crothers, 1517 Court St., reported to Salem police Wednes day that gasoline has been stolen from her car several times re cently. Neighbors also have lost gasoline, Mrs. Crothers said. Frultland School The Christmas program of the Fruitland public school will be presented at 7:30 Friday night at the school house. News of Record CIRCUIT COURT Morris VI. McGill vs Pat C. Gorman and Justine Mary Gor man: Suit for judgment of $9,590 as the result of traffic accident May 24, 1956. Edward E. Williams vs Betty June Williams: Divorce decree to plaintiff. State vi Benedict Donald Toep fer: Order of dismissal on motion of district attorney. State vs Rodney Lee Watts: Order of dismissal on motion of district attorney. State vs Bernard Joseph Lulay: Order of dismissal on motion of district attorney. Chester Kempka va Dean K. Brooks, superintendent Oregon State Hospital: Plaintiff remanded to custody of defendant. State yi Charles F. Lapschles: Bench parole revoked and defend ant required to serve remainder of one year sentence on non-sup port charge. Jack A. Shoemaker vs V. S, National Bank of Portland, et al; Suit seeking judgment of $251,500 resulting from alleged damage to reputation in connection with cm-1 bezzlement charge. ! Amelia Nedcrhode vs. Warren Northwest lnc: Suit for judgment of $10,695 for injuries said to have incurred in a fall. Defendant charged with negligence. D. Richard McMullen v State Industrial Accident Commission: Defendant's answer asking dis missal of complaint. PROBATE COURT Ruth K. Wilson estate: Order admits estate to probate and names Otto J. Wilson executor. Maude Roseman guardianship estate: Order approving final account. Gussle M. Will estate: Order approving fina) account and dis charging administratrix. DISTRICT COURT Judson Laird, 1880 Center St., pleads innocent to charge of as sault and battery, trial to be set, bail reduced from $500 to $100. Arthur and Kdward Gath: per mitting livestock to run at large: appeared by .attorney and pleaded innocent; released on own recognizance. Oron Castle Howard: driving while intoxicated, and driving while driver's license suspended; fined $250 and given 10 days in jail on first charge, and fined $50 a n d given 10 days on second, to run consecutively; previous charge of being drunk on a public highway dismissed.-' ' ' MUNICIPAL COURT Shirley Hendrlckson, Rt. 5. Box 350, pleads innocent to charge of disorderly conduct, trial set for January 4, bail $35. MARRIAGE LICENSES Donald A. Zeh, 19. student. Sa lem and Elizabeth Ann Coats, 18, legal secretary, Salem. , Quentln Carl Greenough, 37, gen eral contractor, Corvallis, and Rae Ardis Greenough, 31, housewife, Corvallis. Fred Delwin Minifle. 20, student. Salem, and Barbara Jean Howard, 21, secretary, McMinnville. Permit Given For Wrecking HowarthHome Rebuilding Planned For Gas-Blasted Residence A permit was issued Thursday to the O. W. Klang Wrecking com pany to wreck a house that is already wrecked the Dennis Howarth house at 785 Norttu 20th St. that was destroyed by an ex plosion of gas on the day before Thanksgiving. The debris will be removed. Howarth is still in Salem Gen eral Hospital recovering from burns suffered in the explosion, but in a telephone conversation Thursday said he intended to re build on the location. He said no plans had been drawn and that he and Mrs. Howarth had not De cided on the type of house to build Mrs. Howarth also is still at the hospital, but in good condition, and their 5-year-old daughter, ueeAnn, has recovered and is back i school. She stays with relatives Other permits Thursday: LF Corporation, to alter an office at 170 South Liberty, $7500. Lester Young, to alter a carport at 555 Wild Wind Drive, $600. O. W, Klang Wrecking Company, to wreck a one-story dwelling at 360 South Owens. POLAND CUTS DRAFT TIME VIENNA, Austria, Wl Poland is going to cut her draft period, the deputy defense minister. Gen Jerzy Bordzilowski, said Thurs day. Bordzilowski said the period for compulsory infantry service will be cut from 24 to 18 month! Mid-Valley Births Turnidge Gets Golden Deeds Award fen , f Turnidge Gets Award From Exch ange Club Salem Academy President Honored J. Henry Turnidge, Talbot farm er and president of Salem Acad emy, was honored Wednesday when the Salem F.xchange club presented him with the Golden Deeds certificate. Turnidge, who became president of the non-denominational school Y.W.C.A. Budget Shop, 141 S. Winter, will be open Fri. Dec. 21st, then will be closed until Fri. Jan. 4th. Adv.) Christmas snapshot folders. Hen ry's Photo Shop, 469 State. (Adv.) Nob Hill Laundromat will be closed for vacation. Dec. 24th through Jan. 1st. Merry Christmas to our friends. (Adv.) Communicate quickly with folks interested in what you wish to sell, swap or buy: Use Classified Ads. EM 4-6811 is the number. (Adv.) Christmas card folders for snap shots. Henry's 469 State. (Adv.) Kari's Smorgesborg every Sun day from 1-8 p.m., $2.50. 840 Union. EM 3-3490. Reservations preferred. (Adv.) Christmas plants, cut flowers, corsaees. decorative greens wreaths, swags, etc., full line of gifts. Jay Morris Florist, 135 East Ewald.- (Adv.) J. Henry Turnidge (right) was presented with the Golden Deeds award by the Salem Exchange club at the group's meeting Wed nesday noon. Turnidge, a Talbot farmer who Is president of Salem Academy, was honored for his extensive but unpubticiied work with youth. Making the presentation Is Dr. George Martin. Capital Journal Photo) SALEM MEMORIAL HOSPITAL BRATENG To Mr. and Mrs. Joel J. Brateng, Rt..l, Box 275, Rickreall, a girl, Dec. 19. KAEMPF To Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward J. Kaempf, 735 Stewart St., a boy, Dec. 19. DANSKEY To Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Danskey, 3655 S. Com mercial St., a boy, Dec. 19. SALEM GENERAL HOSPITAL MELBY To Mr. and Mrs. How ard Melby, 1125 Dietz St., a girl, Dec. 19. CRAWFORD To Mr. and Mrs. Clayton C. Crawford, 570 W. Ma drona St., a boy, Dec. 19. BR1LES To Mr. and Mrs. Max Briles, Stayton. a girl, Dec. 19. BASTION To Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Bastion, Monmouth, a boy, Dec. 19. SILVERTON HOSPITAL KENAGY To Mr. and Mrs. Le Rov Kenagy of Hubbard, a girl, Dec. 17. RICKARD To Mr. and Mrs. David Rickard, a girl, Dec. 17. GOODALl-To Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence (ioodall, a boy, Dec. 17. All toys 20 off Thursday, Fri day & Saturday. Open 9-9. The Cottage Variety. 188 N. Com'l. (Adv.) Order your SMOKED TURKEYS now. Ph. EM 3-6024. (Adv.) MoreThanSOO Given Clothing Elks Conclude Charity Show, Children s Program Slated Officials of the Salem Elks club reported Thursday that more than 800 persons had already received clothing in the charity program which the club is staging. Plenty of clothing remains. chairman Dale Cresswell reported as 'be clothing distribution entered its second of three days. Persons needing clothing can obtain it at the Elks-Temple from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. both Thursday and Friday. The Elks concluded their three day charity show Wednesday night after three successful nights. Well over $2,000 was raised. Saturday more than 1500 chil dren will be. guests of the Elks for a movie, gifts, and candy. Sat urday s program starts at 10 a.m. Poinsettias Prize plants, $2.25 up Jary Florist Ph. 4-3391 - (Adv.) Business Men to - Guard Salvation Army's Kettles The entire advisory Hoard of the Salvation Army, numbering 24, will man Salvation Army Christmas kettles on Salem street corners during the noon hour Friday, George Dudley Henderson, chairman of the group, reminded the public to day, asking that they be given generous contributions for the S. A. program of Chrlstmai activity for those who might not otherwise receive Yule cheer. This is a new porject for the Salem board, some of whose members squirmed Tislbly when lt was mentioned, but all of whom agreed to be good sports and help, Henderson said, add ing that some of the teams will go through the state office build ings during the hour. One of the Christmas projects of the Salvation Army Is a party for children at the blind school auditorium Monday at 10 a.m. with entertainment and treats. Before you buy your Camera for Christmas, it will pay you to shop McEwan's. 245 North High. (Adv.) For the one on your list who gardens a gift certificate in at tractive Christmas folder from Iufcr Landscape Co. Ph. 2-2061. (adv.) HUMBOLDT HAS QUAKE i EUREKA, Calif. (AV-Humboldt County had a minor earthquake yesterday as it neared its annual disaster day, Dec. 21. On Dec. 21, 1954, a multimillion dollar earthquake struck Eureka and the surrounding area. Dec. 21, 1955, saw the start of disastrous floods which swept Humboldt County last Christmas. Santa to Telephone SILVERTON (Special) The Sil- verton Jaycee Christmas commit tee personnel is asking any child whose parents have a- Trinity phone number, Silverton, who wishes to contact Santa Clans by letter, to address hurt at post of fice box No. 184, Silverton, and they will be called on their home phone. SA Workers Becin to Give Out Gift Bass The Salvation Army has begun the distribution of some 900 gift bags to stale hospitals and insti tutions and to some of the nurs ing homes. This program is a part of the over-all project of providing cheer during the Christmas season. A group of Army workers visited the State Tuberculosis hospital Wednesday night and made in dividual deliveries of the gift bags to the patients. While there they sang Christmas carols. During the week gift bags will be distributed at Fairview Home, Hillcrest, and at a number of nurs ing homes where aged men and women with no known family ties reside. Each plastic bag contains a writing tablet, package of en velopes, pencil, comb, toothbrush, toilet articles and a small package of confections. Cost of the project is covered by the money people place m the Salvation Army kettles. In 1951, was given the annual award for his "quiet but consis tent and outstanding work to routh." Formed Sunday Schools Some 20 years ago Turnidge loured the state and organized Sunday Schools in areas needing them. Later he set up a rehabili tation program for youths from MacLaren School for Boys. As president of Salem Academy he has paid off the school's defi cit, expanded its plant, and set up several enterprises which benefit the school. The award was presented by Dr. George Martin, club member. Choral Group Head A choral group from Hillcrest School for Girls presented a pro gram of Christmas music follow ing the award ceremony. Club officials also reported that Ihe club has collected more than 90O0 toys for distribution in the Salem area. Hungary Aid Drive Lagging Red Cross officials reported Thursday that the drive for Hun garian Relief seems to be picking up a little although it is far Irom the goal of slightly more than $3,000. The officials said that more than $600 has been given. Letters were being sent to homes and down town booths was also a possibility as the Red Cross steps up the drive. James Keys Is the local chair man for the special drive. Johnnie Ray Visits Parents Singer Johnnie Ray arrived at the Fruitland area home of his parents early Thursday to spend Christmas. The Dallas-born singer is here for the first tune in two years, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ray, said. He arrived by Diane at Port land's International Airport Wed nesday rught. Ray's latest television appear ance was last Saturday thi Perry Como show. T71 is Small holly trees with bright red berries. Make your selection early, lufer Landscape Co. Ph. 2-2061. (adv.) Salem Home Bldrs. Assn. Annual Christmas party and installation of officers Thurs., Dec. 20, 7 p.m., Marion hotel. (adv.) For Preparing to Greet the Stork . . . Mm KODAK Sif 40 CAMERA Step out uhh new con faience in your picture taking Thi gttot new color.flide cam era is especially designed to get the moil out of Kodak's new, foil films med with lie new suoef.midgel flashbulb!. Hat tint 13.5 lent, 1400 ihutter, ranqennder , , . comet with flaihalder end two reflectors for fop results with ell bulb sizes. All for $65.00 CAPITAL DRUG STORE 405 State St. Corner of Liberty Wl OIVI 2-K GHEIN STAMPJ p&:r mt? V ' BANJUL You will have rtadj cash to draw on hcn the blessed event occurs - if vou bunk some each payday with ul. Vi hv not open your sa ings account at our bank on jour very next pajday? ( jommemal Sank OF SALEM CHU'CH ortel CHEMfKETA STIHTl HOLLYWOOD SHOPPING DISTRICT FREE PARKING WEEKEND SPECIALS Shop in the Hollywood Shopping District and Save MOOTRY'S PHARMACY 25 Discount On All Billfolds $2.50 to $10.00 Values CHERRY CITY ELECTRIC 2040 N. Capitol Ph. KM 4-6761 Reg. $59.95 Apex Canister Vacuum Cleaner Special .... 2995 Limit 1 to a Customer None to Dealers Open Daily 9to9 G. I. SURPLUS 0pen,s,on6'y FREE PARKING MEN'S DRESS SOX Value 59c pair Hollywood Special 2 for 59c TINDALL'S HOLLYWOOD PHARMACY 1098 N. Capitol St. 60c LaCross Naylon Finger Nail Polish . . . Special 10c HUYETT TV & RADIO 1903 Fairgrounds ltd. Phone KM 3-1 FREE ANTENNA - 1 YEAR FREE SERVICE or Generous Trade-in on Model 21D74450 RCA Victor Console TV V." ZENITH ELECTRIC DRILL SPECIAL $17.88 WALLACE HARDWARE "THE MARSHALL WELLS STORE" HOLLYWOOD CLEANERS 2044 X. Capitol Phone KM 3 9698 Cleaned and A f C Pressed "Tx Plain Skirts P. W. HALE Hollywood Jewelry I Watch Shop EARRINGS Values to $2.95 66 Most Hollywood Merchants Open 'til 9 'til Christmas LOTS OF FREE PARKING ill till II TrulvPi tS' Eye WB 2 Salem Girls WM (jlllS 81 (Continued from P. 1) iPk'i lFSSlf JMlvS Schmitz identified them at the hos- Hlji JJ . 9Da' pital as pupils at the school. Mrs. SgLaSal j iM ' ' nt5y5?IS(S5 Mayo was notified at her home 3vS3PEsf HIIP FSHMjffiPS and Mrs. Thomason at work at 'lUtrP, I 11 ' 0SiSS(li3 the Golden Pheasant restaurant. Wi Mrs. Riegel told police she JC&l'iSS KsV Va thought the light was green when j TaT Hr l" li she entered the Intersection. Other LJJiV J. Il-awftl A witnesses, however, stated that it J g H I III ! t? ml was red, officers said. A 12-year- (T" WSZ llllllt t , I old boy told officers he was on iSMa 1 , 1 the west side of the street when ' ' U V -: I the two girls started across. The I ?S?I ,, I lighl changed to "wait" just as IfisAffij Reg- 10.95-H.9S Pi? I they stepped off the curb, he said. Krf-TSij lijtll ODV U I I There Is normally a few seconds BJTmIS ' IWALUJKT fck 1 V..I...U.H Ik. mwtnetrinn lloht VA 1 1 -A I V.& ,mW wnmlnff llcht for HATS V I . traffic, police said, and another! fejSfeS jwTwapv . I few seconds Deiore we reu ugmi SEl fW'J ' IsjlJtktW I 1 I flashes. l - IX I 1 lL...aV.i SW I I t . sJemmpm ml W & tj I 1 tjrll iSm NYLON REVERSIBLE W lSMLJl i JACK fc jlSffli- m i Si -. mm ife 1 MSiy i JACKETS fjfjjl 1 trTZflt 1 Wl 3-W.y KnTrln, 8 rTT , ., k. M 3t Powder Blue AA KK.Q 2 Include: 2 b.llerl, 4 fl.ih- ffl , Fl 3X1 I BKSS S.M 2SQ M :sssrs 1 1 ou Wl .,po.uf.. wuh n.w A-gu.. JfJ& S fe Formerly to I I MOT g torn, le.lher pocket photo el- i a S f.,.y3 M M g bum. fin. 0'"- 8 NljjSj raftS I NO MONEY DOWN, BUY NOW, PAY LATER PLAID LEISURE 2j3 II gjlllte0 1 JACKETS I If !9ifMPW III )L .Li i ' Formerly to 15.95 gl i lWv ft sm"' 80 m S r-S0 Si 'Medium I I UU US f fe fnSlMn Wl All SI. BuNot Every M t I t7Ty'-t:'MUr'- Y Siie In Every Group sSfl 1 COMPLETE OUTFIT: I SUPER-ACCURATE SHUHER jj S3 J 4f fLa Sl' B SPEEDS TO 1300 SECOND -rf AJ ( J t If 1 JI I,. L 1 j WM T J I -P L-rA 5?, S . Open Monday Capitol . El Argul C-3 C.mef. Plug in Fl.ih te.ther C.rrytng Color Setting. NO MONEY DOWN 305 N. liberty, Salem OPEN TONIGHT 111 9 P.M. tawwwiaiwwwiwiaiwiwwwwwiinii!ji Capitol Shopping Center fj 'Til 9 P. M. rr