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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1956)
600 Employment ALL YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING 60 Help Wonted, Lady 4.(10 AfiTi'-iillnrc 430 Merchandise I4-50 Merrliamlitte Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thur-s., Dec. 20, 1956 ins Pst MOORK PETS CHIHUAHUA Puppies, alto RfJ. Cairn. Open eves. & Sun. 400A Slate. Canaries for Christmas! Singers. Ph. EM 2-5154 YOUNG parakeet, Kuarantecd to talk. Ph. EM 2-2283. cinn p3rt.Hi. KirHr- i,.. 3130 Livingston. EM 2-1842. YOUNG parakeets, cages, reed Mickey'. 3825 . Com'l. FM j-2755. KFITH'S PtJPPV ('iUM 5460 Center EM 2-7IA9 .ouuic. f.v Puppies kinds. r,uv , eli. I r a t,ui i a Attnoon Ac eve. No Sun. calls !(.. A. Table model, radio, , ; flood conriiiion . ... $14.50 410 Fruit & Farm Produce :2 end table. 1 coffee table, K1CE Franquette Walnuts, 25c! blonde finish . $12.50 o. aaiem tmbiem Shop, nj Com'l. BERTS-! U N. Fn WALNUTS 30c PKR I.B. KM 4-2a W A LNUT s7e xrel!"" quality , 30c . lb. EM a-HI XTRA larjje franqufUe ' wal nutt. 3ic & 40c b. M 2-2619. EASTER v Orc-nn Aifalfi Ph. dsvs EM 4-Mi2. Alter 6 Dm. EM 2-2769 PASTEURIZED whole mlltc, 75c J gal. Homogenlren 7'c. S gal. lof 40c. Cleary Dairy. EM i 2-3035. ( 412 Market Basket T. GOOD oils hay i.TO T. I Rt. 1 Brx 25 Independence. Hoflvnlle Rd. Johnson. i Po T A TO ES "i I 1 t2per"l00bs. I App'ci, onions, j'i mi. r. 'i i mi. S. of Keiirr school. Watch or 'isns. no sale- alter 4 Fri. , A: Sat, Ed Sproed. FOR SALE: Good Clover' Hav, no calli Sat. EM 4-1193. ' , 414 Poultry & Rabbit PA BY rabbits for ChriiUnas. j A!to bred doe rabbi U. EM ' 4-2422. I CTtAIN fed geese, live or ' d-essed. Phillips Bros. EM l-:ifi. D li KSSK D FR Y K HS Special Price. Ph. EM 4-1W7 ! PABY"ch)ckhatcbeil yr." round. Srwial Rrtl Romicr 5c ea. .Valley Farm Store. EM 4-4624. 6AEY Chiek--for meat or eggs. Rend for tree folder. Wihon'i Halrnery. Lyoo, Or. TH. trLrirkfi-2i3n. WILD DUCKS &GEKSE nsrtpcl at Wine's Pnnltrv K RabbjU, 39B5 SUte, EM 4-tt!A. 1 420 Seeds I Plant fHOP the easy way. Give a gift certificate from Middle Grove Nursery, 4ff20 Silverton Rd. We give S&H Green Stamps. 422 Fertilizer PEA'P MnsB from rhlck travs, 75c aiclc. Valley Faim S(ore. 424 Farm Equipment NEW Manure snretider, M bu. Only 5395. ReKular lelllng price $fi9j0jJr-M. 4-0024. V ANTED for cash Irrigation ays lem 2,000 ft. 3 & 4 Inch pines, F.lec. numD fi to 10 H.P. Will huy aeparate parts of lystem aluo. MA 3-:i07 Dallas. VsED arc voider exc, ahapa rcas. eye, EMn-7fl47. Hi s.C. CAST. Tractor. hot torn roll-nver plow, 84 Case l-t. mowet, 3317 Hamel. EM 1-9510. 450 451 Hotufhold Goods FEKK TK LUXE ROCKER W'TH each new minute her! sofa at only We will give yon a new platform rocker. Offer good till Jan, 1st. Terms. Glen Woodr.v, 1609 N. Summer iPARK oil circulntora$8;.' Gleii Woodry, 1605 N. Summer NEW modern desks $32,50. Glen Woodry,l605 N. Summer. 4 ELL 1 dining rm. table' ft chairs, buffet, good cond. $45. . After 5 p. m. EM 3-3805. CTtX)SEOUT- new, tovelv, mnd ern 8" Sofas In decorator col- 1 or at the low, low price of i $109.50 to $129.50. These are beautiful, Glen Woodry, 1805 1 N. Summer, I PC7"ch"romflinetter:i5;port ahleradiollO.KM 2-870(. I YR. rrib with nmtlre8'$l2.' nien Woodry.JfiOS N. Summer NOT $229.50 but $188, New Sim mons hlde a bed, terms, Glen Woodry, l05N.Summei. ?no DN. UlYR romplete new household nf furniture and appllaneea at h store wtth the clearance prices! I Glen Woodry, IMS N. Summer YES. all our MseiOi7rnlt7irt Is priced at clearance prlcesl Davcnos, J!!)W to $3(1; wlod rnnl circulators $19; davenport els $25 to 175; dinette sets '22 50 up; Radios, rheap. chairs $1 up: beds, mattresH- j5. nringi inn a moo other bargains. Glen Wooilry, 1605 N. Summer. fcou want ftjrnltur',we have the price, new j pe. Ittltwell secltonals. 139 50. Terms. i woory, N, Rummer P X 11 nir Woodry, J05 Make Life Easier - Read & Use Want-Ads Daily! f. . ...i-yrmn prnyirn Ion A. Flscns 51851509 4th St. nmvrj MAr-Hixr fcuy ss you rent. All-makes flon-TypewrUeij. 4$ Court VM .1-677.1. WESTING HOUSE Woodry Furniture (. 4H flo. Com'l. T.M 4 Sill CAPITOL Beddln Mattresi r nova tori. New mattresiea. EM 3-41KW. rARPENTKR-CONTRACTOR Mnr. iitld. Will Build, or helD vou bui "Ralph M. Schtldel, EM J-0701 rEMENT C O NT R ACTOR Contractor 10 yrs. exr. Prompt Service. E Drake. EM 4-633S. EMKNTWORt Tement work. House rtlslnr JeveHnf nd foundations. XM 2-6280. rOftfiKTTIKRK " CHARIS COnSETTIKRK j ftlM 1 anstng em S-9S1S TRAMI WORK f-tnn TralP rnotrT'rrana'.''! -t'ii Rsptt $ Gtivtl f. TM !. 431 Hom-hold Goods BE THRIFTY BUY GOOD USKD 'FURNITURE ' nown Will DUV H C'OmDIPLR $30 down will buy a complete kniiaaknM nr ...i . i . , J. ,. eluding appliances. i Console electric sewing ma 1 ,..;., U'l... ;n antee. Reiiahlc party may as- 1 nt tflhl Umnt nnltorv 1 pi. tamp lamps, polten with red shades $7..'i0 Dryer and Automatic wash- ers elpctric ranges, re- rieeralors. wringer wash- ers. all of snnlianre. re- conditioned h guaranteed. 2 pc. bumper end sectional. ' excellent condition . .$139.50 ' WOODRY-SV? 515 S. COM'L. PH. EM 4-3319 SILVERWARE 1R47 Rogers" Bros. er'ice lor 8. w ith cheU Universal auto, coffee maker, Sunbeam auto toaster. 11 nearly new. EM 4-424H. WE'RE-clearing "the floorsrVe- fore Jan. Is sofa section. st. Love v new 3 nc. fa sectionals. $229. Ml. Glen Woodiy. 15 S. Summer Shag Rues tinted. We ran re store their present rnlnr oi make .them a new shade. LAUNDER KTTK C; bl k E. .f Willamette U) 1255 Ferr St. EM 2-4555 VERY clean "oil t irculato'r ri5 00; 4Ki W. Thermadnre Waj heater, new elements, $49.50. Glen Wood ry, 1605 N. ! HAVE vou seen tlie beautiful ' NEW SOLID MAPLE FURNI TURE at Glen Woodry's? For ! lasting quaht, choose Maple; J for price. choose Glen Wondry 'K lrV5 N. Surniner. j Moving Will sacrifice drapes, I china closet, dining rm set, lamp, misc. china, EM .t-ftft72. .1147.77 NEW 9 pc. living room group, inr. new daveno. matching rocker, 2 end tables. 2 table lamps, coffee table, 2 aofa pil lows. Terms, ves. Glen Wopdry . 1 605N. Summer. TWO good large nil circulators one Estate Heatrola $25, one Wards Sunlight $20. Ph. EM 3-470H, 1488 So. Com'l. Clean blond bedroom suite, large Mi . it Mrs. Dresner, mirror, bed, foot and rails $119 50; Foam rubber mntlres xel. $:!. 51). Glen Wnodry, HX5 N. Summer. UNFINISHED furniture; "h. L. . Stiff Furniture, 17ft N. Hlgh. BEFOIIE Jan" 1st.. Tax time Bargains, new table in nips, I'i.U!'; new ntep end table $ RH; matching coffee tattles, $H 8R: new floor lamps, $R H8. Glen Woorlrv, 1805 N. Summer. 20 NEW bedroom sets, "all gr before Jan. 1st - example, large S drawer Mr. A Mrs. dresser with tilting mirror, bookcase, bed, sliding panels, foot and rails. Jti blond or charcoal $119,50. Terms, yes. Glen Woodrv, 1805 N, Summer 452 Appliances Christmas Specia TODAY ONLY (i.E. Dishwasher Portable Style Fully Automatic Reg. 1229.95 TODAY $159.95 LIPMAN'S 3rd Floor LATE model appliances at the price you can afford to pay -save lief ore .Inn, 1st. Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. SPEED Queen console mdl. Jroner $35. EM J-18B4. LOVELY DeLuxft 30"Hot"rotnL colored electric range. This range used less than 8 mo. the finest push button money can buy. $?1!9.50. Glen Woodry, 1805 N. Summer. 1905 UPRIGHT vacuum cleaner has powe Ph. erful (auction, Only $15. EM 2-6978. USED Ilefilg. $'25 At tip. Modern Appliance Centei, 1141 South t'om'l EM 4-B353. KENMOREfVeluxe IrnnerTTlsed onlv 3 times. ',i price. EM 4 8251. ES"rA'rESALE " 1053 Westlnghnttse 3P" jsnge Call M 4-4443 Save time -Save money For Hi. Bwt rrcifnnonn Scrviir. m exp i KXPAVATINtl EXCAVATING fc Gi auing. Ditrh- mg. Earth Moving a specialty. Hen CM ten Ac Son. operated hv '"C'1 '.Jen FmmIOIo. 818 Jt. Rural Ave. EM 3-3080. FLOOR COVERINGS NOR HI 5 WALKER Paint Co Floor-covering Division tjuali Ity Inslallattons Linoleum. As phatl ,V Rubber Tite. Wall tile Viee Eahmates. EM 4-22i. uRAiiiNo in.tNn B 1 1 LL t H ) z i N ("$A 50 "peVr rT cavattng, trench tng, tile lav lug. serirs etc Enoch 'l Maerr.. KM 4-.VM? ftrr t r m. BULLDOZING rlearttig roads" ponds, n.4 n. r.,vii v HuskeT. EM 2-.U4S. PLUMBING PLUMBING. Rem.TefVew construction lie, plumber. EM : S-P696. ! RKmntMNO rriinins ALL types of music or Ipperh ! tecorded by Connelly. EM 7821, MN. PAY-LESS ROOFING NEVER Knowlnr'v underbid. Renal. EM Tn nre'iert Art Cj.11 YM. 0 ; 452, GOOD used Rendix elec. dryer. Just overhauled. Will sacrifice for $49.88. Terms. 91 a week. "Vour Down Town" Firestone Store. 35 N. Liberty. Ph. KM 2-2431. FRIGIDAIRE elec. rangefused I yr., like new. $150. 168 N. 12. r.nAPAMT.y.n , 1 v- J 1 ' lJ Reconditioned automatic waih- , en, dryers, ranges St re frits Mi so up. YEATKK APPLIANCE CO. 375 Cherneketa St. USED wa9hers )S Sr. up, Mnd- e,n APRll!,nce Center, 111 So. Com FM 4-3353. apt. electric ranges, sasioo. ; oicn Woodryjow n, summer. repossessed Heivy'bii'ty Phtlco elec. dryer. New guar- surne balance for $10 down. sry ,T T0DAYt "Your Down Town' Firestone Store. 305 N. I Liberty. Ph. EM 2-2491. ued"K' enmore auto, washer Uf1 saver, ifto. em 4- - -- - -- --- - .-.I 1 "t? IK, i??.0? COqn used WestJngtlouSe apt. refrigerator. Very clean. JM.BR. i New guarantee. E-Z terms. 51 per week. "Your Down Town' Firestone Store. 395 N. Liberty. Ph. EM 2-2491. 456 T V. A Radio REPOSSESSED 21" Heavy Chas ir all channel table model TV. A mime balance or only $10 down. New guarantee. Your Down Town-' Firestone Store. .i;i5 N. Liberty. Ph. EM 2-2491. THE 3EST SER Vlf F for less. Hansen TV. EM 4-9644. JUST received 6 good used A- ! , repossessed TVs. See them at ( once at 'Your Down Town" j Firestone Store. 305 N. Liberty. ' Ph. EM 2-2491. z-.j. ; 1 " . Kl-A A F M. radio 3 speed phono comb.. 12" A 10" speakers, over 100 records, wonderful tone, beautiful cab met. Cost over $4IMl take $150 or offer. 12 tubes, 15 speaker, console radio good eond. nr trade Inr meat. EM 4-6&V3. 1.15 MMrietta. I "HE to Illness, good customer , returns All Channel 24" Con- sole TV Carries new guaran tee, ,-Z terms n balance. $10 down. 'Your Down Town" Fnestone Store. 395 N. Liberty. Ph. EM 2-2W1. TWO 17" portable TV. Like new. Only $5 down. Your Down Town" Firestone Store. 395 N. I.tberly, Ph. EM 2-2491 , ., 454 Sewing Machines . -. SINGFn featherweight. $115 cash. A-I cond. EM 4-:t:i5. , Christmas Special 6 DEMONSTRATOR SEWING MACHINES AT A RIG REDUCTION TIIKSK HAVK Al.l, BKKN 1ISKD ON SHOP F1.O0H ANI1 AUK PKKKKCT. swim SEVVINf; 1.10 N. Com'l. CENTER EM 3-3812 458 Musical Instruments PLAYER piano A- rolls, rood. 1725 Marifsnn. ORGANS, new A- used. Lessons. Rentals. MORRELLS Organ Sales and Service. 363 N, High. Galanti n cordfon. played 2 mo. EM 4-7696 nr E, EM 2-6055 days before .1 BIjONO SPINET PIANO. A heauly. Huge reduction nt Tall man's Big Xm Piano Sale. 395 S. 1'Jlh. near S P. Depot. Open every eve. NEW SCANnALLI7K;vTth ACCORDION$275.EM 3 7513. WF. pay top cash prti for llanos. Used Mdse. Mart 270 S,Ltberty. EM 4-6371. $10 DEPOSIT holds any "piano for Xmas Delivery at Tall man's Gigantic Xmas Piano Sntel r.vts begin In Feb. We carry vour contract I Jfurrv and Sa'e st TaHman Piano Store, 395 S. 12th, near S.P. Depot. Open every eve. Band lnstr, Save up to 80 Fine old violins. Hand marie. Violins reduced 75rS MUSICAL INSTRUMENT SALE Accordions. Save up to 60 THE MUSIC CENTER 493 Center St. EM 2-5J7I ;ve. EM 4-474(1 PIANO ORGAN SALE Closing out four brandi New Spinets. $395 New Blondes, Reg. $1015. Now $550. Gmmis, reduced ROV Electric pluno. Make an offer. 30 jilsnos to choose from Terms. THE MUSIC CENTER 3 Center Si. EM 3-5371 Kie, FM 4-47W GIVE a rlarlnpt'for Christmas Used but good, $50 Ph. EM 4-4311, Sun. or before 1ft A M. JSAM) A 4iRVKI. SALEM SAND A: GRAVEL CO. Hradv imt concrete, rnished and lound grarl. sand and top soil MU N. Irciu St. EM J-2461. W A LUNG SANI1 AND GRAVEL I 1675 Crushed iiuanv lock arrj I'svel. All size for roads, diivrways nod parking Uls HEADY MIXED CONCRETE, Garden sand, bull-doTtng hovel and diifllna work'. EM 3-fl3. El VALLEY SAND A GH A VKL CO i FURNITURE. APPLIANCES, Crushed A- lound gravel aand i A- MISCELLANEOUS ART1-A- coil. mix. KM 3-40)19. CITS. SKrric jKRVii'R ' i rstfn MOSE. MART. Haniert septic " tanks "Cleaned j 210 S. LIBERTY PH. EM 4-6371 tfie serviie. Gustanteed work. KM 3-,404 or F.M 3-507X. HOWARDS Hoto-liooter sewers". - ""C .tanKl c,"ned- KM MIKE'S Septic service. Tank cleaned D iootcr cleans sewer j drainj. Phone KM 3-94611. i tl l.KVISHlN " '" TV Kmr- . homt. NoJ'.j eh. EM 2-0$17 l-h.HMiTr: " Salem's oldest hom owned Co Hundreds of tocl refer-ncea 'iee jnspectlnn. FM -0J81. WALlTrLKANlNf; " RESULTS' r-rfect Rava paint Mneietn WiM rieantra, -Vl. Gihs for Moml i.AMRKRT'S Mil S. Com'l head- . LAMBERT'S. MS S. Com'l head quarters lor round front rhmn ' closets, marble top InhlnH A I chest, old clocks, love eat. chest, old clock-., love-feats. PRACTICAL kitchen and party I , SINnER featherweiBht sewine niAchine, almost huUril hole atteh. ft etc $140. EM 4-S3H0 eve. f ELECTRIC OH8tcr"wfth ciibiuet ; automalfc timer Hke new half, price.EM371B7. New Hotpotnt Automatic CLOTHES DRYER Regularly $191). 39 $149.95 Nothing down on approved credit THE PHILLIPS CO. 355 Center St. EM 3-3114 Religious Gihspjjj BIRLE BOOK HOUSE 341 FERRY EM 3-4559. Gilt, Bibles, Xmas Cards. TRADE In your ol'l radio or record plnver nn a NEW Hi-Fi phnnngrAph, Columbia, RCA Victor or Wehcor. Easy terms. Salem Record Shop, 428 Court .St. GlftC Iflr Girls Vi3L7(?lHOI'LY Wreaths $1.50 up. Sprays Villa IUI Ullia jVM jots of berries. Open eves. 1860 wa FOR THE LITTLE CAM, j real Sinner Sewine Machine Just like Mother's, only !).U5. ' ISINCJER SEWINd CENTER j I 130 N. Com'l. Ph. EM 3-3512 ' CHILD'S New Master sewing mach., runs on batteries, new, , EM 3-7523. 0-H-Yursetf Gifts Genuine Candle Clow Wax Wicks, glitter At books. Farmers ! Union Co-op. .wis Silverton Rd. Ph. KM 4-37H, 450 McrrliiMiilisp 470 Building MtriU No. 1 painted shakes & UC $10.75 sq .: No. 2 painted Bhakes A ll C $8.95 s.; V" plasterboard $1.30 sht.; M," plasterboard $1 85 sht.; " plasterboard $2.65 sht.; plasterbase 34c yd.; No. 1 oak fig. S210M; No. 2 oak fig. $115M; 215-lb 3-tab compo. ahingles $7.85 sq.; 45-lb. roll rfg. $2.50 ea.; 65-lb. roll rfg. $3.45 e.: fl-lb. roll rfg. $4.00 ea.; Kraft paper $2.40 roll: ii" hardboard $1.90 sht.; V" hardboard $2.25 aht.: Iron roofing mi.ju nij.; B iv in dox nans plv. $12.00 aht.: U" fir shop V fir shop $4.(10 sht.; V' 9'.-v jun.. .iiirttiiiuiK mjii sin.; :? snenininK j.uu sni.; V sheathing $3.45 sht.; 5x9" ping pong tops $9.95 ea ; 1x12 cedar boards $1'J0M.; l4xUt spruce sdg. $120M.; 1x10 cedar hoard At batt $13(lM ; "A" grade mahogany doors $4.15 At up; "A" grade birch doovs $7.20 At up; 1 panel fir doors $5.(10 ea.; 2x4's bunk load lols No. 4 $2IM, No. 3 $52M.; 8' shiplap bunk load lots No. 4 $2UM.; Wciser key-ln-knob sets 55.00 ea.; hath rets $2.55 ea.; passage sets $2.05 ca. ALL PRICES F.O.n. YARD DELIVERY ARRANGED CREDIT TERMS AVAILABLE OPEN ALL DAY SAT. C & X LUMBER YARD I t.A NCASTKr CKNTER SAT.FM, EM 2-1500 Let ti5 Wp secure the blessings of .Liherly For ourselves and our posterity and hold Fust to the faith in the power of free men. Let ns keep secure loo, the spirit of Christmas That rests in the hearts of all good men nnd Nations. MAY YOU HAVE AMKRRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY "Vour Builiiinj; 450 Merrhandine 458 Mutical Instruments Used Organo ?295 40" Spinet Sm, Hungalow player $395 Sm Upright ... $2ti5 Others from JRS TKRMS! DOIWK 1MANO SKRV'K'K 7855 Rd . Salem M 4-1656 MISC. furniture vaiUedTCour irons service. Ph. EM 3-6098. BALDWIN" SFINET.-ipriceat Tollman's greatest Xmns Tiano Sale, 395 S. 12th near S T. Depot. Open every eve. RCA 45 RPM "record player,' ltke newSlOEM 4-?W. PIANO SALE lLsi week of Ta'll m n's biggest Xmas Piano Sale! Save tip to Mt'"" on all st les, makes, finishes. Pvls, begin tn Feb. Open evcrv eve. Tollman Piano Store, 395 S. 12th. near S.P. Depot. "A Mile From High Prices." 46? Wanted Hthld Goods WK NKKD V RNITl RK Valley Kurn. Co. KM 2-7472 $10.000 "cash To spend for High grade Used Furniture A- Appliance. Ph. 3-SU0. Paving Top Prices for Better Grade. Glen Woodry, 1809 N. Summer ""CASH Voit rnnisTM.K iwr pv rnp I'isit imucv vitn 464 Sports Equipment 1$ ELI TE boat 1958 model. , used once. Complete with! windshield and steering wheel. Factory built lilting trailer. StlW or best offer. Ph. Mon- ; rtV1Mr, . ": ' - -1 BOXING gloves $3, punching bag $2. bag gloves 11. & other ! iniNC. equip. EM 2-9568 ater 6 p m, ; II' SeTMl-V-glassed plyw d. boat SFTst i-v-Kiasseo plvw d. boat j v, fc "- A- meUl tlr, $JW. VM 3-8594.1468 tor Rant, MUC. CASR '"I'r1 un'- mw!-!roit ! " tVilfl Z l-cae i Mere. 1X10 Hro-rtwsv. RTVOLVFR hoW- A- ra I ridge belt S.'. t'W J 7874. i tai lalf fir. tfc 'litest 'iftiii SutSw Trts t Trimmings C M iJ .VfM A S ireos tor ae. 50e. V Hp. '2fi7-T J'ortlanf Kd., N. Salem Molel KM 2-66J!3. . xmas t cs, your choice, $1.00. Of anv fir tree. Pine A- Snruee dure window Christina trees, priced bv size. Graham- . Iiws t KH0 State, EM 3-2515. lid. STEINERS WURKKRYH o lT Mistletoe. Christinas trees, Greens. Swaes, Garden supp. Pliinls. 31 B0 Market. EM 2-1944. CHRISTMAS Trees. wreatha, green bounhs & Holly. South 12th at Oxford. EM 4-6340 after 8 P.m. 1000 CHOICE trees, 300 white fir. Cur. Shipping 8c Capitol. L. W. Caudle. HOLLY for decorating St gifts. Basil Zell. Rt. 1, Uox 882. Or chard Hgts. Rd. EM 4-1087. HOLLY it Oregon greens mailed anywhere. Bulbs, shrubs, hse plants. Reb's Garden Center, 4094 PorMand Rd. EM4-7857. FLOWERS Wreaths ""Gifts JAItY FLORIST. EM -433U1. Capitol Shopping Center. CHOOSE- & Cut Christmas Trees. Eldred Caster, Scotts Mills. CHRISTMAS trees for sale any amount, all sizes, 2673 Portland Rd. EM 2-663(1. rimer. EM 3-9314. Pet Gifts BOXER PUPS M PRICE, were 50, now $25. EM 4-8371 eves, or weekends. TROP7CAVfish7uar., ait-sur plies. Come i see. Hollywood Aquarium, 1958 McCoy. WHY not have vour doir trim- t med & bather! for the holi days? RFor aDD't. ca EM 3-6859. Ringiand Kennejs. LOVELY pink apricot canaries. exr. singers, 1340 Chemeketa EM 3-43E13. 450 Merchandise 470 Building Material! su.o Keg; a-3 graae -fi birch $2.35 sht.; V fir shop $3.10 sht.; fir shop"$4.55 sht.; i" fir shop NKW YEAR Supply Friends' USED building materials fo sale at 992 Sh inn inc. Sat i Sun. only. EM 4-12:13 eves. stkf.l Garage Doors, complete I wiih hardware, $13.50. In- j stalled, S53.50. Metal eaves i trough, 13'ir., built-in 4 burn- er range, $82.70. Toilet, $24.50. ; 8-ln. vent fan, $19.95. KPPimr i iMniw rn , , iij mi i aim1 3740 Silverton Rd, Ph. KM 4-6123 464 Sports Equipment SPECIAL tO used shotguns. ' from $29 95. Gil Ward, 380 ! Wallace ltd. EM 2-1476. j 22 ,; V., H,..r ;-J i .J fully equip. F.M 3-8863. 465 Photography NIKON S2 VI 4 lens. new. Call after 7 P M. EM 3-6448. ROLLEICORD 4, 3.5'Xenr lense with fillers Ntlai'h., $110. No. 2 (Minmil! lense. $ Frank Tannehilt. j EM .1B!01. ( TRADE: I.. C. Siulth"i2OArdM. ; specialty erade. enaraved. e, i cond. 3 BHft German 16 Ga. dbl oer 815x46, heavily en- raved horn trim stork, how v. Either or both for 35 MM camera, F28 lens or lsrg- r or small collection of pep- Jer boxes Ar derlngeis. EM -4083. WF. RENT TAP F.R Ea'O H 1 1 F.HS McEwan's. 243 Notth High. 466 Bicycles BOYS 26 - Mooan-h bicvcl newtlies, S15. EM 3-358' BOYS 26" Schwmn bicvcli G.Htd cond.. $22. EM 3-tv'i.W. Ph. WANTED: Girl's 24" hike. EM 4-iotV -- - - BOYS Columbia Hiov.-le 54". t.ti t- RENT e-e l,.,e I.e. .. KoU,e space cement fjoor (, frwr,,WIIi in. 1-He H I Sf't F-irn. EM l-515. Christmos CasK j CONSUMERS FINANCE CORPORATION 2480 S. Com'l. Ph. EM 4-8431 FOR CHRISTMAS Just Call EM 4-2203 Pacific Finance 118 S. Liberty CHRISTMAS CASH Extra Christmas Cash can be yours quickly by calling 4-6811 and placing a fast action want ad on those no longer used items. Auto Gifts Mufflers, Safety Belts, Headers, Traction Masters EXHAUST Specialties it Parts 14th Rt State EM -1-1997 I.I I !. noony uitts p? Novelties and Gag tterna SALEM VINTAGE STORE 509 Court St. 450 Merchandise 470 Building Materials WHOLESALE Mulino Sash & Door pretumg door, wood windowi. ; uhik vugieii Ejivi -oi;u ELECTRIC wall neaters. 257. off 52 gal. elec water heater. $65. 12-2 wire. 41,ic ft. In rolls. Light fixtures reduced. 3 pc bath set. $120 Built-in ranees. bath set, $120. Built-in uvens & 4 burner units $195. Outlet boxes, 25c. 14-2 wire. 4c ft. in rolla. Apex Electric Sc Plumb ing, niu oroaaway. cm z-i WRECKING E E (All materials for sale in our Salem yd.) Old fashioned slate blackboard 25c ft. Steel sell, seats with wide arm rests $2.50 ea. 1x4 used V G. flooring. $45 per M 3x10. 3x12 No. 1 dry Joists $55 prr M 8 ft. Fluorescent lights .... $20 ea. ALSO Many other bldg. bargains E. S. RITTER & CO. 6740 Portland Rd. Ph. EM 4-8311 4 ml. North of Salem. fc mi. Nor lb of Totem Pole Open all day Saturday 500,000 FEET New fresh-milled old At second growth lumber. 2x4 to 2x12 tn 8 to 24-foot lengths. Delivered prices Salem $30 per thou minimum. Ted Muller EM 4-0523. 474 r loor Covering INLAID linoleum SI.7S per sq, Tci, k. L. Etfstrom Co.. 260 S. Libcilv , : L Lllstrom Co 260 S Lihertv VINYL floor tile. 10c each. R. 480 For Sale Miscellaneous : 5" Solid Foam rublwr Itress sets now $93 50. User! ; $59 50. Glen Woodr.v, 1605 Pit Run Gravel TIL FM 4-4747 rH. KM 4-4:47 CEl.Mrtenceposf good qual,17 I ireaien or umreaieo. t'oiex EM 4-3081. NEW Solid Maple Bunk Beds" j with Simmons sprint: and 1 mattresses $79.50; u-cd sets ; from $19.50. Glen Woodry. Ih05 N. Summer. , LARGE generator on truck for Mle. Ph. EM 4-9352. opkn'tonitf Glen Woodrv 1615 N. Summer. SABLE dyed Northern muslcrat lull lencth coat, size 14 - 16. 1 EM 3-7876. 2 GUU.S blcvcles, good cond. I 17" TV, good cond. EM 4-5068. FOR SALE, brown squirrel fvll length coat, excel, cond . siTe lt-16. See St 181 McNsrv or F.M 2-4151 for appointment, NEW 'i12 Linoleums 34.98. Glen Woodrv i fill 5 N. Summer. PIT K1!N GRAVEL " KM 4 2463 DO YOU need a complete house hold of furniture and appli-mu-t'i ' Glen Woodrv Euro v ii; save 'U n o t penmen, 115 a month puts Glen Woodrv 1615 N. Sun icr HA LI ICR-AFTER w.ive radio 1, ! 40P N.rt OH $:?i EM a-Si4. CLOSEOUT". all hi-gr ! ny g.t - H-vrm Glen Wtvxlvv 16P5 N vi .lint il .4. GARDEN trac chain A skill e A ! .hrel w : E'ec (ence i t-ii'er. EM 2-J341 ! green. :ft38 Ever- ; TYPEWRITERS add!" s. , rn-nes. cash f'.ster, (..Pn. eir. eV . fi-.i."1" p- t p1'?. Rri. M C?-iti. ( Gifts for Dadj I NEW barometer only $12.95. i Idea! gift idea. Used Mdse. , Mart. 270 S. Liberty. Ph. EM 4-6371. ! Gifts for All Viewmaster A GIFT for all ages. $2. Reel packets $1, Projector $9.95. Argus 75 Flash Camera kit, $23.50. Other cameras. $4.95 up. It is NOT yet too late to Im print your name on Christmas cards. McEwan Photo ShoD In Hollywood near Post Office REPOSSESSED Motorola 21" Cabinet TV. Under full war ranty. Balance $249.90. As sume contract. 111.50 oer mo Modern Appliance Center, 1141 XMAS. Cards, Aprons, gifts, Mrs. . o. mcinmic, i3i Marion. "HOLLY" Jackson Jewelers, a auiem ownea, personally oper ated tax paying, community building store. And topping I i wc huh uani gooa depen dable jewelry. World renown Omega 4vatches, Art Carved Diamonds. Kirk, Wallace & In ternational Silver. Remember us jacKsons 225 rt. Liberty. PERSONALIZED Christmas Larcis. uraer now. Uommercla Book Store, 141 N. Com'l. EM 3-3163. PHOTO GREETING CARDS Made from your favorite snapshot or photograph. COBURN CAMERA SHOP 174 N. Commercial EM 2-1811 FOR direct delivery of Christmas presents out of state contact BEDSAUL BROS. 1355 State St. Ph. EM 4-0997 Zobel's ChrlsUrias gfft to you. 257o off on any new Baldwin piano In stock until Christ mas. 519 Court ZOBEL'S EM 4-B252 SHOCK PROTECTED, anTimVg- netic JEWELED WATCHES. 1 yr. guarantee. $5.95. Army & Navy Surplus Store. 223 N. com'l. EM 3-4343. THE LAST minute gift- Protect that priceless Portrait with a frame from K F. N NELL-ELLIS 520 State St. Ph. EM 3-7B30. mmmmmm Merchandise 480 For Sale Miscellaneous SALE ON NEW mattress & box springs. (ALL WHOLESALE i'iticui. used Mrise. mart, 270 S. Liberty. Ph. EM 4-6371. CALCULATORS. Choice; Several used. EM 2-6550 THERMADOR Portable elec. heater. 220 Volts. 4000 Watts, auto, heat control. Used 1 sea son. Price $45. EM 4-0626. 1303 Greenwood Drive. $100 TAPE recorder like new. win sen lor iw. 4-a.iy. BUY a deep freeze before Jan. isi ana save: !. in cu. it. $249.50 22 cu. ft. $399.50 Yes you save $140. to $240. Glen woodry. 1605 N. Summer. POOL table and accessories. re 5th St.. Stay ton. NEW Swing Rockers $19.50. Used ones $9.50. Terms-trades. Glen Woodry 1605 N. Summer. Miracle Maid pressure cooker. never u s e a, szd; usierizer Blender $25; Girls English Bike. $15: Sandwich Toaster $3; Corn Popper $2. EM 3-4443. NEW Twin Box Spring and innerspring mattress s e t $44.00. Used sets from $19.50 to $39.50. Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. NEW foam rubber pillows. $3.95 each. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S- Liberty. Ph. EM 4-6371. NEW braided all wool multi colored rug. IO'j x 83i feet. Percy Dunn. Kt. 2. Box 207. Silverton. Ph. Trinity 3-7973. Replacements, backs & linings for wood circulators. Vallev Furniture Co. 219 N. Commercial TRADE lumber, 200' - 2 x 4's, swiss waicn, jusi cleaned. good cond.; G. E. deep-frv cooker, new, for 2 x 6's. EM 4-0326. t LIKK new 77 Skill saw. Call after 6 p.m. EM 2-7467. DAVENPORT &"h7tfYoun'gT town sink unit, refrigerator, elec. Range, make offer EM 2-7830. USFD tires, truck and passenger. Buy, sell, trade. Lytle s K. 481 For Rent Miscellaneous Hospital Red With Mattress Valley Furniture Co. 219 N. Com'l. 1483 Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED: Platform scale tn condition. Call w oodburn ... - - - - - . wain i tu several inousana coras of wJ .U speiVeT Ph" 3-TOl 484 Miscellaneous DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLFR. Dentf Ario!nh Bldg. State & Com 1 Sts. NAI.KM rn. f.M 3-.U11IU8 S. Liberty Ph. EM 4-2203 Cigarette Burns Repaired . i;S:''THE "SAFE-WAY" PROM i rr nnon ittm '1 Stale St. rhone FM 2 7001 486 Machinery & Tools LIKE pew Darra James bench mw complete with rip fence A Tiler csi.ce A- jw blade 119 5i. 11 N. 21th. FA1RCH1LD 7" "elec. hannMw. like new. m.ike : fine Chnt--ias Gift.EM ;-6t;. FOR SALi': Sliehtl used c I'u'lcvh oer rham ww, .t;B wth :'0" hl.ide. FM i-T?47 .;.er 7 p rr. Sh.iper fence new fir i"ixtel 10F.R shopsnnth, EM 2-4K1S SF ARS 6'' wirg"ieCltf Lithe" (75 F.M 4-3-MO. 17?5 s. Ciipitol SEVERAL ujei weide- Seet T'W Stw,,-; p-,i 4-7544 firn'w.M'r- Mte arts' in. Gifts for Boysl ttt irrTRir Am.rir.n Ft v. ELECTRIC train. American Fly er, o cars, v x w tanie wnn dbl. tracks, transformer, 2 switches. EM 3-5513. LIONEL train, track &. switches. Sell separate. EM 2-5257. SAVE! Close-Out On All Toys BATDORF'S HOME & AUTO 1420 State St. EM 3-9532 2095 Fairgrounds Rd. EM 3-7455 s&tl ureen stamps GIVE a Hobbv Horse, the ideal gift for child 2 to 5 yrs. for saie. JiDu neei. n.ivi i-i-hz. 7 ONLY Axle hrome Wheels 24" BOYS & GIRLS BIKES Heg. $58.77 SPECIAL $48.77 BATDORF'S HOME & AUTO 1420 State St. EM 3-9582 2095 Fairgrounds Rd. EM 3-7455 S&H Green Stamps GET your boy with a paper rouie a icuiouy motor jame:, It's Safel'Scotfs. 315 Mission, Gifts for Him : REAL Gift for that Man In your life. $15 life-time lubri cation certificate for his car at Salem Automobile Co. See ad next page. For Den or O' FireDlace Best offer takes: 1 410 Mose- berg shot gun with deer horn rack, also 1 German bayonet (1877). 1-32 cap repeater pistol. EM 2-8885. 815 S. Lancaster. Portable Icebox $8.95 CASCADE MERC. Sporting Goods 1230 Broadway EM 3-5538 Is boating his hobby? More than auo giu selections tor tne Boat ing enthusiast. GIL WARD 280 Wallace Rd. Ph. EM 2-2476 A GIFT for the car this Christ mas. Pacific Auto. Sup. 355 N. Lifierty. To Place Classified Ads Call EM. 4-6811 490 Fuel OREGON FUEL Sawdust, Green It Dry Wood S & H Green Stamps 3087 Broadway, Ph. EM 3-5533 PLANER shavings 2 unit load, Ph. SKyllne 7-1722 Monmouth. SOMETHING new lor sawduct users. We have a Chip Mix fuel. Capitol Fuel Co. 1420 Broadway. Ph. EM 3-7721. CAPITOL FUEL CO. Dry oak. ash it manic wood. Choice slab & block wood mixed, dry or green. Dry mil) wood 1420 Broadway Ph. EM 3-7721 Clean Drv Wood Old growth slab & block wood cora. Also oan wood. Cut any length. Prompt delivery. Ph. SaleinEM 2-94-14. WEST SALE M FUEL Drv erepn wood Tube or pushout sawdust inzo ccigewaier i'h. fc.M 2-4031. HIGHWAY FUEL CO." SAWDUST & WOOD EM 3-6444 ANDERSON'S slabwwd,'ft&-unlt ioaa jo. rn. jlai DRY" lff,-Flr-woodPtupal farm or we del. cord lots. Ph. EM 4-3081. WANTED : Several thousand cords of bark-free wood, fir or hemlock. Ph. EM 3-7721; nights EM4-5633. shavTngs71ve1delTver7 PH. EM 2-6171 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Money to Loan SEASONAL CASH IN A SINGLE TRIP Get cash for shopping need or other seasonal expenses in one visit to office! Phone Beneficial, give a tew facts, then come ml Exclusive! Nationwide Credit Card presented to everv cus tomergood at over 1.000 of fices Beneficial likes to say "Yes 1" Phone for a 1 -trip loan, write or come in loday LOANS UJ TO $1,500 BENEFICIAL FINANCE CO. 1 (Personal Finance Co.t I Ph. 2;2464 105 SHlgn i COLONIAL Investment Co. Real ! Property Loans Contracts Purchased. 687 Court. 4-2283. intertst. Ph. EM $-0794. , PRIVATE mnnev to liwin. at ln,oro, r n-oA interest. Ph. EM 2-0794. S25 to ?2500 PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL LOANS NOW BORROW ! Hollywood Finance! J ! I Hcne ewned Home operated I Ians to eonolidate billi-New Purchases Personal Needs See us at 1980 Fsirgrounds Rd ; 5!m, Ore. Tree Parking lot V 2 Tat? LANS S-V) (VI to (1 500 00 Buv Wrt You Need Coroiir!ate vour hills. Finance troiiK WILLAMETTE CREDIT COMPANY 182 S Church St EM J-UST 515 Investments CherpekeU. EM I-M41, Family Gifts ggfl USED 5 piece dinette set like new. Only $12.95. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. Ph. EM 4-6371. VENTILATING FANS $22.95 Ideal for Kitchen or Bathroom See our operating displays, 1 279 N. Com'l. Gifts for the whole family. Why fight the crowds? Come to Thrift Wise Variety. Open 7 days a week. 9 to 9. 3098 Portland Rd. Next to Erlckson Super Mkt. on North Portland Rd. NEW 3 piece foam rubber sofa. $199.95. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. Ph. EM 4-6371. Pharmacy , HOLLYWOOD BUSINESS SECTION WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS Kodak, films, projectors, Sheaffer Snorkel pens. Whitman Chocolates, Perfume Gift Sets. Open Eve. Free Parking lot. REPOSSESSED 17" TV $10 will handle BATDORF'S HOME & AUTO, 1420 State St. EM 3-9582. s&H Green Stamps. CHRISTMAS PIANO SALEI All pianos go reg.iraiess oi price. New spinets from $.189. Huge Biuvii, an siyies, z., terms. Payments, begin Feb., 1B57. Tallman Piano Stores, 395 5. 12th, near S.P. Depot. ACME cowboy boots for the en ure lamuy. w.yo up. Army & Navy Surplus. 223 N. Com'l. Ph. EM 3-4343. - GIVE A SUBSCRIPTION A SUBSCRIPTION to the States- . man-journal Newspapers! A gift that really keeps on giv ing. Every day of the year, the person to whom you give the Statesman-Journal Newspapers will thank you all over again. Ph. EM 4-6811, ask for Clrcu lation Dept. PORTABLE IV RCA VICTOR. 14" uliimln. Ized tuhe, carrying handle, lightweight. fl3.50 Down. $8.04 per Month S&H Stamps MARR RADIO and T.V. 2140 So. Com'l. Ph. 3-9201 FIRESTONE GIFT . SPECIAL DOMINION "POP-0-MATIC" Regular 817.99 value. Limited time only $9.99 Completely automatic. Use Fire- stones convenient budget plan. "YOUR DOWN TOWN" FIRESTONE STORK 395 N. Liberty Ph. EM 2-2491 Home Gifts ir ANTIQUES cost no more than modern at Lambert's 235 S Com'l. Gold picture frames, drop-leaf tables, odd chairs for needlepoint. CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Pedigree Roller Canaries Reasonably priced. EM 2-789 Treasured Keepsakes for the home. Shop Sahsm's Early American Store; Trivets, Brass A: Copper Novelties. Spoon racks, wall shelves. Spice Cabi nets, Radios, Milk Glass, Pic tures, lamps galore. Ermel'j, Colonial Furniture Open every night 'til t 2745 S. Commercial. OIL PAINTING?. Christmas gifts EM 3-4246. FISH tank In mahogany cabinet with fish Ac equipment. EM 2-3723, between 8 and 3. 600 Employment 602 Help Wonted COMMERCIAL Placement Agency Since 1948 Specialists In Office Placements 494 State St 1411 Or a. Bldg.) Phone 4-3351 CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Specialists m office personnel. BldiT adi Presbyterifl" Cu-ch 354 N. Winter EM 2-0636 Vour fuliire is OL.r iot. APPLICATIONS are now Detng taken for Statesman oicycle routes Several routes will be open. Aoolicsnts mutl be ie ceir nanied hr rt.e:r parents or nave their written DermU aion Aooly at the Circulation Deoartment of the Statesman Journal 604 Help Wanted, Men CREDIT TRAINEE Expanding Co. seek voure man for salaried position with ex rellent opportun Uv !nr ad Vrincemeni to executive re soonsibihttes. Gr.iuo injur ance; raid vacation: retire nent Income plan; profit shar ing etc. Age 21-30, high school neceysarv. some college pre ferred Auto necesary wtth mi!e.i)ie refmbured. Call tor appoir.ineni. r-scuic Industrial Loans 118 S. Liberty 606 Help Wqeitcd Lodv ! M OTV KR T .F5S heme desires vuir -rr."!" under M? to live la EM 1-419 before 1 30. If you are experienced tn typ ing it dictation, & general ledger bookkeeping, & would enjoy workjng In pleasant surroundings as secretary la a loan office with such BENEFITS as 2 weeks vacation after 1 year employment. O.P.S. paid by company, Christmas bonui based on time of employment, and starting salary of $250 or up depending on qualifies tions, THEN COME FRIDAY, December 2!. from 7 'til 9 P.M. for Interview by Mr. Schofield to 167 South High St. STATE FINANCE CO. 610 Sales Help Won fed EXPERIENCED used car sales man. Apply in person. 660 No, Liberty St.. Salem, Oregon. MAN 21-40, to deliver & pick up Fuller Catalogs. $100 wk. comm. to start. EM 3-8357. 61 a Work Wonted, Men COLLEGE man. willing to work, needs job over holidays, EM 2-7959. C A R PENTEP WORK, day or contract. EM 2-1842. Carpenter & Repair Work Ph. EM 2-1459 CARPENTER, repair or remo deling by nr. or contract. Ne Job too small. EM 3-4785. HOUSE Painting irT f out. Charlie Greene, EM 4-7198. FREE estimates on floor cover ings or dralnboards. R. L. Ell strom Co.. 260 S. Liberty. Painting & Paperhanging Anv size job Free Est. Terms. Ph. Nelson EM 3-8493 CARPENTERS, Remodel, etc? Good work, $1.50 hr, EM 4-7782. 1st WORLD War Vet. wlshei work, 5 yn. police guard exp. Masonry or what nave you. EM 4-9535 or EM 2-6811. SMALL carpenter 1obs. Build or repair. EM 4-2029. LOU'S tree service, topping:, prune, cabling. EM 4-8501. 614 Work Wanted, LaJy CHILD care In my home by hour or day W, Salem. EM 2-9985. ' WANTED: Laundry, mending. needle work; WASHING NEW WOOLENS A SPECIALTY. Bring to my home. Ph. EM 4-6943. WILL baby sit eves, your home, EM 4-9540 between & Sc 7:30. CHILD care In my home bv hr, or d ay. S. Salem. EM 4-3461. RUFFLED curtains laundered. EM 3-9610. GENERAL CLEANING BY HR. EM 2-1118 WILL do Ironing tn my homt. aouin aaiem, jsm 4-3462. IRONING, my home. Englewood dist. EM 3-8580. CHILD care, 1st $1 day, rest 75c, hr. 20c. 4 Corn. EM 2-9571 RELIABLE bahy sitter mv h"-' day or night. Ref. EM 3-885. MIMEOGRAPHING, typing. Mrs. roe, dob . mm, njfo. 3-3643. CHILD care mv home 4 Corners EM 3-6349. 25c hr. day or night 615 Situations Wanted HEMSTITCHING DONE AT 1551 MARKET. EM 2-9724. S CH A R FFB : ROTH E IRS ' Installation Repair Sewera, Septic Tanks. Drain Fields. Power Ditching. Backfill. EM 2-5568 or EM 3-5072. LIGHT crawler dozer, leveling, grading. EM 3-7042. L. Kurth. ATTENTION. Roof leak. Reroof now & save $ repair work, gutters cleaned. Also will beat all cmnpetttfon. KINGS ROOF CO. EM 4-3722. 618 Education V S. CIVIL SERVICE JOBSI Many now open! Start high as $340 month. Qualify NOW. Experience often unnecessary. Get FREE 36-paee book show ing jobs, salaries, tests, re. quiiements. WRITE todav: Franklin Institute Dept. 1471-F, Rochester, N.Y. 6?.0 Doy and Contract 'i. 'i, 's yd. shovel, crane, hot drg. line. 25-ton mohile cranes, D-4, D-7 cats, carry all clear ing blade. Rental contract or unit prices. SALEM SAND & GRAVEL 1405 N. Front St. EM 2-2481 700 Rentals 702 Sleep. Rooms, Boord LRG. HEATED sleeping rm. breakfast, priv. 1582 Court EM 3-9S29. HOME away from" home. Mert -lunches.l?95 N. 5th. NICELY iurn. room, also bnt". apt.. closeln. 539 N Winter. WANTED Ma"nto""roomand board . I860 Center. NEWLY dec. HghtHhskpT rrrT. very comfort abl:, laHy, 2 blka. M&F, $25. EM 2-7830 TV, clean, nicely furn! sleeping jnnmen$5jwk. EM 1-7620. MAN eiDg rtn Tv"priv cnL 1505 N. Capitol. EM 4-6134. CLEAN, warm rms. T.V.. close) a. winier, jlm 2-1722. 705 Apartments For Ront CLEAN furn. 3 rm. apt. N. Sa lem.JSOPh. EM 2-5,813. FURN. 1 bdrm. clean,attrac $65. 735 N. apltol.EM 2-4579. FURN. apts., wash-facilities, EM 4-8061. NEWLY decor, ricr'v : rri apt.Lady. $25. EM 2-7B30. CLOSE in mod. furn. 3 rm. apt Ph. EM 3-B430 except Sat. CLEAN furn. 1 rm. aptsTClon in. 633 Ferrv. 3 ROOSt mod". sM. Nlrrtv turn. FM 3-7146 or EM 3-6444. ROOMY 2 Mrm. furn". "apt7 EM 3-6434. 3 KMS unfi;-n. in nod'ra 4 oVt, refrtg. $45.EM 2-7520. SALVAD0RE APT'S ON'F A- 2 Mrrr ipt 'ante h refrig. furn.F.M 23841. NICELY fun. 1 Mrmi"apt4a So 20th. Ef2-6E75. p;!'j,rm uP; .rrv-noc $a5. 935N 5th.EM 2-7763. -tM 2:i T Knapp,Bkr. FURN. 1 and 2 bdr-n., Apts heated. Un Court St. v, nc'l-U"utti; 4 VK. M&. 135 EM 4-7.V.. Attrac newiv dec. light-hskpt or!tA:F.,reas. EM 2-7830. VW Clos n'n'c'f'y furnlrg"l bdrm., Apt, EM 3-S333 alter I r i in t.f hoot. I EM 3-8631 or ESt 3-7165. O 1 8DSM . !-.,. .1. 1 $044 N. Capitol EM a-96Sl T ISMIl