Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 20, 1956, Page 41, Image 41

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    Salem, Oregon, Thursday, December 20, 1956
4:45 pm., Cartoon Time "Flop Goes' the Weasel" starring WUty
Craig KeSy Armt,"',,' Th"l-"Mardi Gras" starring Mary Anderson,
7:00 pm.. Highway Patrol-Broderick Crawford almost gets the
wrong man.
7:30 pm., I Search Adventure Ancient Africa was reachable only by
arduous safari: Col. John D. Craig penetrated that interior, returning
with film, in "Africa" 1928."
:J0 pm.. Climax: Mistaking their victim, kidnapers "snatch" an
elderly retired physician in "Strange Hostage." Raymond Massey,
Richard ("Friendly Persuasion") Eyer.
?,:M ?.;! Pla',lous 90-Nanctte Fabray with Lou Ayres in best
seller, "The Family Nobody Wanted."
11:10 p.m., Showtime on Six"Night Train to Memphis" stars Roy
Acuff, Smoky Mountain Boys In a western hill-billy.
4.45 pm., Playhouse 4:45 "Becky Sharpe," starring Marian Hop
kins and Frances Dee.
7:00 pm., Llberace Liberace plays the music recalling special mem
ories of his and George's career.
:30 pm., Dragnet Friday and Smith probe report of stolen baby.
0:00 pm., Great Gildersleeve "Marjorie's Apartment", starring
Willard Waterman, Stephanie Griffin, Barbara Stuart.
:30 pm., Tennessee Ernie "Voices of Walter Schumann", modern
choral group, and guests, Rin-Tin Tin and Lee Aaker.
10:00 Dm Virfen Thpntr CnrAnn UnpRga tfBr, In 'rH.tMn. la...
- - ..u...ut. DiDia viiuawiias mus
ical Revue," salute of the great hit songs from motion pictures of
iaav Muauci tutniry. uucsis inciuae jeaneue Aiacuonaia, ana kelson
Eddy, Shirley Jones, Jack Cassidy.
11:00 pm.. Playhouse 27 J. Carrol Naish portrays Mark Twain in
"Mississippi Days."
3:00 pm., Captain Z-Ro "Blackhcard the Pirate" whose vallainous
adventures are followed m journey into past.
5:30 p.m., Gene Autry "Lawless Press."
:00 pm.. Jungle Jim "The Avenger," starring Johnny Weissmuller.
ti30 pm., Buffalo Bill, Jr "Redskin Gap."
7:00 pm., Rosemary Clooney Guest Judy Canova on a musical trip
from new xont lo Kentucky.
7:30 pm.. All Star Theatre "Heart- of Gold," snowman fantasy,
starring Edmund Gwenn and Anita Louise.
8:00 pm.. Studio West Howard Garland and Buddy Simmons and his
uregon irau Blazers with Western music.
:30 pm.. Premier Theatre "Night Unto Night," staring Ronald
ncagan, uroaencK Crawford, Viveca Lindfors, Osa Massen,
10:00 pm.. Father's Album "Christmas 1956." discussed with Ann
oley and Bernard White of Portland university.
10:30 pm., Hometown Theatre "Belle of the Yukon" stars Randolph
ocou, uypsy nose i,ee, uinnan snore, William Marshall.
5:00 pm., Mickey Mouse Club Copenhagen is described.
8:00 pm.. State Trooper Action drama.
7:30 pm.. Lone Ranger "Trouble at Tylerville" with lynch mob.
9:00 pm.. Wire Service "High Adventure" in Italy with Mercedes
McCambridge as reporter.
10:00 pm., 'Racket Squad Police adventure. .
10:40 pm., Channel 8 Playhouse "Above Suspicion" with Joan
Crawford and Fred MacMurray.
12:30 p.m., Bob Crosby Show in color today with Hollywood Back
fence segment.
2:00 p.m., Kitchen demonstrates "Paintbrush Cookies" for viewers.
4:45 p.m., Cartoon Time "Slightly Daffy," starring Daffy Duck
and Porky Pig.
5:00 p.m., Red Dunning Show Jack Marks from Ihe Portland Zoo
:30 p.m., Armchair Theatre "The Pemberton Boy" stars David
Stollenv. Robert Shavne. Sheila Bromlev.
8:30 p.m.. My Friend FUcka Escaped convict takes Flicka for
rransnortation and Ken for hostage, in The Stranger.
7:00 p.m.. Chuck Foster's Newscene Filmed coverage from Oregon
and Washington.
8:00 o.n,.. West Point "Christmas Present."
8:30 p.m., Zane Grey Theater Rory Calhoun, "Mulctown Gold
9:00 p.m., Crusader Three rookie police brutally shot down without
reason; Matt after the killer.
9:30 p.m.. Playhouse of Stars Eye specialist (Lew Ayres) ma
ivwinod in Husort. nn Christmas Eve in "A Light in the Desert."
10:00 p.m., The Lineup "The Deadwood Case" of old Cowboy
who for 35 years lived life not his own.
10:30 p.m., Portland Wrestling from the National Guard Armory,
with Bnh McAnultv.
11:30 p.m.. Showtime on Sli "Charlie Chan's Secret" with Warner
, ,
FRIDAY ON KPTV: (27) ...... v i. .
10:30 a.m., Home Honsewarming at Arlcnc s Mount hisco home,
. n( nA "Mmiui that Home Ruilt."
..! .... k'nr iMatinrr Theatre "Futcnic Grandct," in romantic
dilemma. ... .
3:30 p.m.. Northwest Home-shows pictures of Mexico, prepares a
Mexican chicken dish. Pacific University boys choir will sing.
4:45 p.m., Playhouse-"The Rat," starring Ruth Chatterton.
6:30 p.m.. Best 30 Minutes In Football-from each of NFL games
played preceding week.
7:00 p.m.. Cavalcade of Sports Gaspar Ortega of Mexicali, Mexico
vs. Tony DeMarco of Boston. Ten round welterweight match from
Madison Square Garden. .
8:00 p.m.. Crunch and Des-on a busman's holiday interrupted by
a stranged who offers Crunch 8500. j
8:30 p.m., Walter Wlnchell Show Guests are Eddie Fisher and
Frankie Lymon and the Teenagers.
9:00 p.m.. On Trial Dane Clark as accused arsonist and Mala
Powers in "The Fourth Witness."
9:30 p.m., Big Ctory "Reunion" is story of reported Dom Frasca
of Plainfield, New Jersey, Courier.
10:00 p.m., Sherlock Holmes "The Christmas Pudding.
10:30 p.m.. Mystery Theatre When autopsy says "death by cyan;
ide," Inspector Mark Saber moves in "The Case of the Fire of Death.
11:00 p.m., Secret File U.S.A. In "Mission Reaper," on the island
of Sumatra, Major Morgan's mission is lo blow p a Japanese radio
By Ketcham
8:30 p.m., Crossroads Don Taylor in "Our First Christmas Tree."
... 9:00 p.m.. Treasure Hunt Quil panel.
9:30 p.m., The Vise Mark Saber helps woman convinced her
stepmother a spy.
10:30 p.m., Nightbeat News with Ivan Smith.
10:40 p.m.. Channel 8 Playhouse "Rasputin and the Empress,"
story of Russian Royality. Stars original three Barrymoores.
On Television
Elinbi'.h 'Mother Goose." "Vettara Tr:?.'
1:65 liJo Wit!
ifxAliy d & Heust-iiilii Whyiiri gives iisas for list- j
Ciristrr-is gcoies. , . .
i:K 5.., Mtd-Szy MK "House of ti ipar-i.-.
4:45 Fxtier Haley's Koii's Arft-th creates: xy '-
" 5:00 p.m.; The Rg Hlder-"BUr.d Canyon." A corageous bh-.d
boy regains his sight to help the Range Rider.
5:30 p.m., Gene Autry "Western Way." n.w
8:00 p.m., Annie Oakley-Annie meets-with a ' Ddem mail D tab lo.
6:30 p.m., Headllne-"Mercy Killing." Note tips Meve that physi
cian who "murdered" a patient about to kill again. n
7:00 p.m., Sheena. Queen of the Jungle-"Mark of the want
7:30 p.m.. Mickey Rooney Show-"Fur Coat." Mickey decides to
raise chinchillas and grow a coat. Note new time.
1:00 p.m., Sheriff of Cochise-Sheriff Morgan has his hands full
when a profcsional gambler clashes with a local rancher. New time
Md!jo'p.m., Premier Theatre-" Across the
phrey Bogart. Sydney Greenstreet, Mary Astor, Monte Blue. Newly
hl(?M p.m.. Hometown Theatre-"lmmediate Disaster " starring
Helmut Lantine, Derek Bond, Patricia Neal. 1954 release. New time.
FRIDAY ON KGW-TV: 18) , . on
Telescope Guest tame taiu.v.., i- -
Proirams subject to last minute
1:00 p.m. KOIN Red Dunning
KLOR Capt. Z-Ro
KVAL Big Roundup
KGW Mickey Mouie
i:X pm. KOIN Armchair
KLOR Gene Autry
S:4J p.m. KVAI Newe, Wei., SpU.
:00 p.ra. KOIN Wet., Newa, Spta.
KLOR Jungle Jim
KVAL Annie Oakley
KGW State Trooper
:15 p.m. KOIN D. Edward. Newi
6:30 p.m. KPTV Lons John
KOIN Name That Tuna
KLOR Buffalo Bill
KVAL Adventure Road
KGW Newsbeat
S:JS p.m. KVAI, To Be Announced
7:00 p,m. KPTV Liberace
KOIN Hiahway Patrol
KLOR Rosemary Clooney
avai. aieve Donovan
KGW Led 3 Ltvea
7:30 p.m. KPTV Dinah Shor.
KOIN I Search Adventure
klok All star Thea.
KVAL Frontier
KGW Lone Banner
7 :4S p.m. KPTV Huntley, brlnkley
o.uu p.m. nfi v uroucno Marx
KOIN Bob Cummlnga
KLOR Studio West
KVAL Groucho Marx
KGW Clrcua
8:30 p.m. KPTV Dragnet
KOIN Climax
KLOR Movie
KVAL Dragnet
:00 p.m. KPTV Gildersleev
KVAL Man Called X
KGW Wire Service
S:30 p.m. KPTV Ernie Ford
KOIN Playhouse SO
KVAL Ernie Ford
10:00 p.m. KPTV Video Thea.
KLOR Ft. Mac
KVAL Video Thea.
KGW Racket Squad
10:15 p.m. KLOR News
10:30 p.m. KLOR Movta
KGW Racket Squad .
11:00 p.m. KPTV Playhouse 27
KOIN Movie
11:30 p.m. KPTV Tonite
:00 a.m. KPTV Today In West .
KOIN Panorama Pacific
8:15 a.m. KC.W Town A: Country
8:30 a.m. KGW Cartoons
8:45 a.m. KOIN Fun to Reduce
9:00 a.m. KPTV Tie Tac Dough
KOIN Valiant Lady
KGW Telescope
9:15 a.m. KOIN Love of Life
9:30 al. KPTV Could Be Yon
KOIN Search Tomorrow
0:45 a.m. KOIN Guiding Light
10:00 a.m. KPTV Ding Pong
KOIN Stand Up
KGW Movie
10.30 a.m. KPTV Home
KOIN As World Turr.a
11:00 a.m. KOIN Miss Brooks
11:30 a.m. KPTV Tenn. Ernie
KOIN House Party
KGW Workshop
12:00 noon KPTV Matinee
KOIN Big Payoff
KGW Wunda Wtuipa
12:15 p.m. KLOR Public Interest
12:30 p.m. KOIN Boh Crosby
KGW Telerama
1:00 p.m. KPTV Queen for Day
KOIN Brighter Day
KVAL Queen for Day
1:15 p.m. KOIN Secret Storm
1 :30 p m. KOIN Edge of Night
1:45 p.m. KPTV Modern Romancea
KLOR Public Interest
KVAL Modern Romances
2:00 p.m. KPTV Married Joan
KOIN Kitchen
KLOR Elizabeth
KGW New Horizon
2:30 p.m. KPTV Price is Right
KOIN Strike it Rich
KLOR Lady of House
KVAL-Prire is Right
KGW World 'Round Us
3.M p.m. KPTV Telecou'aa
KOIN Garrv Moore
KLOR Movta
KVAL Movie
KGW r.L-r. Feativa!
S:30 p.m. KPTV NW Home
4:00 p.m. KPTV YWCA
4:18 p.m. KPTV Industry
4:30 pjn. KPTV Whittle
KOIN Mr. Moon
KLOR Superman
KVAL Ifa a Fact
KGW Pioneer Club
4:48 pjn. KPTV Movie
KOIN Cartoon Time
KLOR Noah s Ark
1:00 p.m. KOIN Red Dunning
KLOR Range Rider
KVAL Big Roundup
KGW Mickey Mouse
1:30 p.m. KOIN Movie
KLOR Gene Autry
B:4S p.m. KVAL Newa, Wea., Spta.
q.w p.m. aulh wea., news, apis,
KLOR Annie Oakley
KVAL Range Rider
KGW Trouble With Dad
8:1S p.m. KOIN D. Edwards Newa
o.ou p.m. ivriv-pro Ball mutes
KOIN My Friend Ulcka
KLOR Headline
KVAL Sportsman's Club
1:45 p.m. KVAL Fishing Newa
7:00 p.m. KPTV Boxing
KOIN Newscene
KLOR Sheena
KVAL Boxing
rmw nuey
T.30 p.m. KOIN Person - Person
KLOR Mickey Rooney
KGW Rin Tin Tin
7:48 p.m. KPTV Huntley. Brlnkley
KVAL Sports Album
8:00 p.m. KPTV Crunch & Dea
KOIN West Point
KLOR Cochise Sheriff:
KVAL Crunch & Des
KGW Jim Bowie
8:30 p.m. KPTV Walter Winchell
KOIN Zane Grev
KLOR Cochise Sheriff
KVAL Highway Patrol
KGW Crossroads
9:00 p.m. KPTV On Trial
KOIN Crusader
KVAL Susie
KGW Treasure Huns
: p.m. KPTV Big Story
KOIN Playhouse
KVAL Crossroads
KGW The Vise
10:00 p.m. KPTV Sherlock Holmes
KOIN Line-Up
KVAL Walter WlncheU
KGW Stage S
10:15 p.m. KLOR News
10:30 p.m. KPTV Mystery Thea.
, KOIN Wrestling
' KLOR Movie
KGW Movie
11.00 p.m. KPTV Secret File USA
KVAL Let's See
11:30 p.m. KPTV Tonight
KOIN Movie
Lancaster Became Producer to
Avoid Being a 'Bum' as Actor
United Press Hollywood Writer
caster, actor, has another set of
problems when he turns his hat
around and becomes a producer:
Being sued by Oscar-winner Ern
est Borgnine, which, Lancaster
says, is Borgnine's "mistake."
Lancaster is the only star who
also is a successful big-time pro
ducer. His company, with part
ners James Hill and Harold
Hecht, has turned out such hits
as "Marty" and "Trapeie" and
now ranks with the Samuel Gold
wyn studio as a big independent
movie-making company.
But the job is not without head
aches, such as when Lancaster,
who himself fought his bosses
years ago for better working con
ditions, finds , himself being sued
by an actor making the same
beef. Awaiting a court hearing is
Borgnine's complicated suit in
wlr'.ch he asks changes in the con
tract h signed with Hccht-Hill-Incaster
before "Marty" made
him a star.
Normal Position
"Our position is a very normal
one," Lancaster, the producer,
VWe've been extremely nice to
this boy. I remember how I was
treated under my contract with
Hal Wallis so when we started this
company I said, let's not treat the
actors as they usually are treated.
Let's be fair.
"Any actor has the right to
make demands until he gets to
the point of no return. No, I was
n't surprised when Borgnine sued.
You never know what people are
like until they're in an emergency
or crisis.
"Funny thing." the intense, fast
talking Lancaster added, "I was
the one who fought for Borgnine
to ba given the lead in 'Marty.' "
The Borgnine battle is only one
of Lanchastcr's chores' as a pro
ducer. He now Is starring in his
company's "Sweet Smell of Suc
cess." Although HiU is credited as
producer, Lancaster sits in on
casting and script conferences.
Flamboyant Role
This year Lancaster also found
rime to help produce "The Bach
elor Party" and star for his old
boss, Hal Wallis, in "The Rain
maker." The latter flamboyant
role should snare Lancaster his
second Oscar nomination. It has
been called by some critics his
best performance.
Why has Lancaster, incidental
ly, made a go of the tough pro
ducing business a challenge that
has slumped many other actors?
We have reasonably good taste,
we know what we're doing, we sel
dom disagree," Lancaster, a man
of firm opinions, answered
But most important, we aren t
interested in just money, but in
making good pictures. This is the
fun to make movies that reflect
our taste.
"I turned producer because
there are many actors who are
lonj past their peak who still are
around. But some day when peo
ple say about me, this fellow is a
bum, he can't act, I can go on in
this town for 10 years making
gooo living as a producer.
Notes on the News
m Q
"Coal production Is up, but the miners throw U all at ns party
Virginia of 1897 Santa Leller
Fame Makes Christmas Rounds
NW Shippers
Hit Rail Hikej
PORTLAND M Spokesmen,
for Pacific Northwest lumber and
agriculture today prpdicted that
th S per cent freight rate
increase granted by the Interstate
Commerce Commission will add
at least 16 million dollars a year!
to region's marketing bill. !
K. C. Balchelder of the West
the increase will mean six mil
lion dollar increase in transport
costs for the Douglas fir region.
Pine and plywood shipments will
account for another nine million
in added freight charges, he said.
Shipping wheat from Eastern
Oregon and Washington to Port
land and Seattle will cost about
1940,420 more, the Pacific North
west Grain Products Assn. pre
dicted. Another quarter million dollars
will be added on shipments of and frozen fruits and vege
tables, tr.c- Northwest Careers
.ir.d Freezers Assn. estimated.
HOLLYWOOD W) This week
marks the reunion of one of the
most famous teams of movie his
tory .Tcanette. MacDonald and
Nelson Eddy.
The duo sang their way through
nine MGM pictures, from ' naugh
ty Marietta ' in 1935 to I Married
an A-ngel" in 1941. They brought
the flowering of the film operetta
with their tremendously popular
pictures, still I
shown all over i
the world.
Since their last
film together.
they have sought
other fields.
Miss MacDonald
has specialized
years and Eddy (kJSfc
tours with a sue- bob thomas
ccssful night club act. Tomorrow
night, Lux Video Theater will re-
team them on NBC in their famed
"Will You Remember?" duct from
We ve done some radio togeth
er since I Married an Angel,
Eddy explained between rehears
als, "but we've combined on TV.
No particular reason, except that
usually a show can afford one of
us but not both." j
He went on to say that he andi
Jeanette have always been on the
best of terms and have seen each
other socially.
"I'm always being asked about j
the MacDonald-Kddy foud," he I
said. "There never was a feud.
Sure, we had differences on the
set. Almost every day, m fact. '
But that's normal.
"I hear all kinds of stories. Like;
how Jeanette and I tried to out-
sing each other. Ridiculous! We!
always recorded with separate
microphones. It was up to the'
mixer which ont of us sounded
"Jeanette and I have enter
tained each other in our houses.!
We often would get around the
piano and have some fun. It was
out of such clowning that I de
veloped the idea for my night club
act." .
At 55. Eddy is still smooth-faced
and enthusiastic about his career.
"I like the night club business,"
he said. "Oh, occasionally you'll
find a bad dressing room, a bad,
orchestra or bad audience, but ;
most of the time it's lota dt ftm." i
Truck Loaded
With Burned
Drugs Stolen
NEW YORK in i- Police main
tained an all-state alarm today for
a stolen tractor-trailer loaded with
damaged vaccines and antitoxins.
The truck and contents disap
peared yesterday from a Manhat
tan loading platform.
'lhe drugs were part of a ship
ment from Lederle Laboratories,
Pearl River, N.Y., to its Chicago
branch office. The truck carrying
them caught fire in Ohio and 730
cartons out of 2,709 were damaged.
The Chicago office was return
ing the tlamaged cartons to Pearl
River, where they were lo be dc
stroyed. The drugs included dinh
theria antitoxins, tetanus toxoid
and vaccines for mumps and ty
phoid. The police alarm says the drugs
were "contaminated and may be
fatal to anyone making use of the
same improperly."
A Ledcrley spokesman has de
nied this, saying the stolen drues
would not kill anyone if adminis
tered and that they had lost all
NEW YORK W-Once upon a
time there was little girl named
Virginia O'Hanlon who believed in
Santa Claus. Her faith was a
source of great delight, but one
day her friends started teasing
'There's no Santa Clans. It's
your mother and , father," they
told her.
Virginia was shaken, but she
was not one to let go lightly any
thing so precious as her belief in
So she consulted her father. Dr.
Philip F. O'Hanlon. Then she sat
down and scribbled in a childish
hand the following letter to the
old New York Sun: .
"Dear Editor: ,
I am 8 years old. Some of mv
little friends say there is no Santa
Claus. Papa says 'If you see it in
the Sun it's so.' Please tell me
the truth, is there a Santa Claus?
Virginia 0 Hanlon,
115 West 95th Street"
Virginia got her answer in one
of the moat famous newspaper
KVAL Schedules
Color Telecasts
nounced Wednesday that starting
about Jan. 8 it will telecast net
work programs in compatible col.
editorials ever written.
Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa
Claus," the editorial by Francis
Pharcellus Church began. "He ex
ists as certainly as love and gen
erosity and devotion exist . . ."
That was in 1887. Todav
Virginia is Dr. Laura V. Douglas,
principal of Brooklyn P.S. 401.
She is the mother of a daughter
and grandmother of seven chil
dren, all of whom believe in Santa
It has been a wonderful thine
to have my own daughter and to
work with children. It has kept
me young in heart," she said to
day. "I am very happy,"
She and her staff instruct chil
dren in hospitals children suffer
ing serious illnesses such as heart
conditions, cerebral palsy, polio
and malnutrition, which keep
them hospitalized more than three
She started her Christmas sea
son visits 10 days ago and will
see 214 children in 11 hospitals be-
lore uec. gs, helping to keep alive
their belief in Santa Claus just as
the editorial bolstered hers.
A widow, she will spend Christ
mas with her daughter Mrs.
Robert H. Temple at North
Chatham, N.Y.
LACOMB (Special) -Mr
Ralph Piper is a medical patient
in tlje . Lebanon Community hos
pital where she la reported to be
Equipment now being installed
for the color casts will cost about
$30,000, the announcement said.
their potency because of the heat Tn6 station is affiliated with NBC
of the fire. iriiaimui 10. a, rf . muvjreauy.
general manager, said equipment
to permit color programs to bo
originated here Is planned for the
The slation's rhannel 4 satellite
at Roseburg, KPIC-TV, will not
handle color under the present
Thundiy, Die. 10-KPTV
1 Noin-1 P.M.
Phone EM.39201
2140 S. Commercial
1520 kilocycle I
, Tonight ;
:oo p.m., Mickey mouie emu """"- v,-r,iv, mmmenLarv I
f.M In,.. Newsbeat-Filmed new. plus Tom McCall s commentary.
t.i - t,,. ti Ti."Tfc White Buffalo. I J
9:00 a.m.
railroad private business car,
:H a.m.. This Morning's Zi rr Eichhorn,
11:30 a.m.. Workshop Agencies of Lnited runa, rreu
Master of Ceremonies. , , k inimaiv Christ-
a, Wonda Wunda-teUs tne sioq
12:00 noon,
mas Tre '
12:J0 p.m.. Telerama Konnie G.
latest food preparation.
2:00 pjn., N
cities. .. ... v 1
1-.0O pjn.. Afternoon Film FeitW.I-"Hornet I Nest.
. , Uflk Warner.
5:00 m.. MlrlceT Monie Ciub-"Sledless sledding.
Worth amsied at Chef Gino'i
Horttons-Problems 0gon-W,sh,ngton ,
1955 English. I
Whole or
Shank Half
Per Pound
Big 1 1 -ounce Com
2 can. 25C
40 Ol
Limit 1
ii ii i i ir r- -Y f T 1
5 tube chassif
High Impedance
Loop Antenna
Sweep Dial Tuning
HRvy Duty PM
Dynamic Speaker
No Money Down
Choice nf yellow, pink, turquoise,
red, white
Makes early rising easy
at a cost 10 low. Plugs
into any AC-DC outlet.
Exceptional tone qual
ity. In ivory, bronze,
red, mint Ml QC
green LJtlJ
Qn Dfcrgn-tt Eej fart. 'Tii 9 P.M.
Plfie Bnd me lh I'lckird-Bell Tsblt Rh11o
t 125 or 114.95 or the Clock Rdlo t 21.S
or I23.V5. I am enrlo)nn $ and will ivnd
. per werk or I pr month until
the entire amount plut flapping charge It paid.
Color , - . .
Nam , w r, .. Phon
Adrtreaa How Lonf
City Zone . State. , ,. . -
Where Km ployed How Lonf
Credit Reference -
(Tirm nam and where located)
!s Yeur .
Per Christ Hies
Gifts for Men!
Rlqfieit Vrity ol
"Different" Gift Idossl
Famous Brtndsl
Wide Selections!
Free Parkingl
Charge Welcome an
Approved Credit
Open to 9 P.M.
Mom Thru Fri.
Until Christmas
p...- .:
i tv-.ii
. -v A A A A M. d