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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1956)
Page 6 Section 4 Tippling Robin's Disconsolate After Nest-Mate Breaks Neck PASADENA, Calif, to The country's most distinguished robin, Georse. has made his last migra tion, he nas settiea, permanently, in Pasadena. . When George migrated he did not do it the hard way. He went by Buick, with his caretakers, Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Thomas, at the wheel, and his bodyguard Duke, a shepherd dog, standing watch. George has been in the public print often. Originally, he was an Ohio robin. In 1952, when he was a fledgling, he fell out of his nest, and Mrs. Thomas rescued him when he was about to die. She gave him whisky and water from an eye dropper. George snapped his beak and de cided then and there that flying was lor me Dims, out ne was go ing to stay close to the supply of bourbon. He traveled everywhere with the Thomases, spending the Washington for the fishing season, and into Canada and Alaska. On a Canadian trip he manfully swallowed some bonded Canadian whisky and chirped for more. -o,.Arlini a nnnciklA Intamntinnal . ....... B - l-uuu.u.. MI.VMIUUMml situation with the overworked pun that "You can't fly on one wing." . a year ago ine i nomases adopt ed another robin, Washington, who was found with a broken beak. Mrs. Thomas says it was touch ing to see George feed Washington his own food and whisky. Disaster struck last week. Washington was hopping about the yard in search HENRY DONALD DUCK By Walt Disney ii 1 . i Gsee.. arent you eoiNSN I i.m ITO SIT POWNrV "-Ten j.'' OU STEE THESE'VN V 0 V- ACROSS V Everything 4 Veasu'es ef leif-h J.'Wir.eetii: 11. New: conn, im 35. Like 34. Scire 35. Pull hard 36 C. tee 33. Ms'.t swia li. Short Jiiket 40. Aires!-. :3. jewel 4l..j:.-r 15. Word book 16. Mother 19. Relatival JO. Exist , It. Gambit 11. Gratis 24. Corroded 42. Surr.nt 4o. Invr.e 44. Chin, measure 45. Arbitration 49. Silkw orm tl.r'harles Lamb 11. Solemn promise 53. Salamander 54 S,)ivad.s looselv M Netherlands commune J5. Trick It. Steep 17. Article 28. Hobbv J. Pionoun SO. Macaw . tL Pmpti , beat i I fci I 1' I i 11 I'o i ; vvs M g ' .4 IJ 14 is" " i6 n """ To" ffp s n fei; " isi. v H y?il ftj'v: 5r- & q 4? w "7 IT Kf of a snack when a stray cat charged out of the bushes. Wash ington streaked for the window but it was closed and he fell to the ground with a broken neck. Thomas, a retired magician, says George has taken to solitary drinking and is very depressed. Thomas says they may try AA (alcoholic abstinence, in this case) because George likes the stuff too well, and Thomas figures he just can't have a stewed robin around the house. Former City Hoy To Get Operation PORTLAND im Six-months-old Mike Thomson won't be home for Christmas, but an operation next week promises an excellent chance he'll grow up to enjoy many other Christmases. Mike, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Thomson, formerly of Salem, en tered Providence Hospital here 10 days ago for the second time in two months. He is suffering from blood clots on the brain. Doctors said Tuesday they would operate on Mike sometime next week. They said the condition was not caused by injury, and the op eration should he successful since no complications were expected. Every team in the National Hockey League has three alternate captains. Each wear the letter A on his sweater. By Cart Anderson A NiT'F VISIT:!!: ' af "'i-'1'-ii ' OIVIA HiF I AlT iF.InHm A R plAl?GTnepfeTcq IITKM O' -no; CM LI I T FJ'lIi fcE.??BAri!lAislw SiLlAlU1 HlAiT mm EwCTB RlElTIE oltrtlon of Yaattrday'a Puxale DOWN 1. besides 2 Hawaiian garland 1 Neck ornament 4. Driving line 6 S.oi.mi Indian Present 1. Trap I. Ta!lv 9. Higher 10. Kntitles 14. Tardy 16 Bind 17. Concerning 3! Virtevel opl flower ti. Same SI Frmaie tandpiper 14 Sunken fence W. Uncooked 27 Attempt 26. Dense mist 30. Insect 31. DiBicultr 32. Mr. Lincoln 33. Plant 34. Painting 35. Kali 36. Salnd plant 37. Vallev W. lurnin(t 39 Uraveauy beriy 4. fupan 4t For 43. Coastrtotm 44,. Iiosietic m i mil 4 Cn 4V Sv.ikut 411 6u,p 4(),fniYide4 ADtraSaM . ' ' I I I i GioLUn u i II Astoria Halts Bridge Plans PORTLAND to Plans for a bridge across the mouth of the Columbia River have been shelved for the present, Port of Astoria president F. L. Wright told the Oregon Highway Com mission Tuesday. Wright said that the tight money policies of the Federal Reserve Board make it Impossible to ob tain financing for the span. "We will continue planning for the future and should the money market change to our benefit, we hope to be ready," he added. Wright's statement preceded a discussion of ferry service across the river between Astoria and Megler, Wash. The ferry service resulted in a $90,000 deficit for the year but the commission decided it will continue, for the present at least, to subsidize it and fares will be unchanged. The University of North Carolina basketball team began the 1956-57 campaign with 50 victories as against 36 losses since Frank Mc Guire became head coach in 1953. 6ry QCue. "BamJU Friendship Quilt! Gay tulips bloom on your bed remind you of friends who contributed scraps for this Friendship Quill! The gayer the colors the more beautiful the results. Patches easy applique, even for beginner! Pattern 7142: pat tern of patches, directions. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS In coins for this pattern add S cents for each pattern lor mail ing. Send to Capital Journal, Household Arts Dept., P.O. Box 168. Old Chelsea Station. New York II, N. Y. Print jj-'nly NAME, ADDRESS. ZONE, AND PATTERN NUMBER. Two FREE patterns printed in our ALICE BROOKS Needle- craft book stunning designs for you, our readers! Dozens of other designs to order all easy. fascinating hand-work! Send 25 cents for your copy of this won derful bonk right away! 017 jBiian Your Favorite! Indispensable 'go everywhere" dress solves your fashion worries this season! So feminine, flattering with Rracefu! yoke, simple bodice, soft flare skirt. Wonderful now in winter-cotton, rayons; for next summer, there's also a cwl scooped neck version. Pattern 9167: Misses' Sues 11, 14. 16. 1. 20. Size 16 requires 4l yards 3y-inch fabric. Tim easy-to-use pattern Rives i nr4vct t. Complete, illustrated n I'bnrt stiowa you every step. od ac in com tno stamps, plow) tor Pattern, with Name, AddinoL SvW Numbtr and Sue. AJrw PATH flo) Bl'IKAU. Cnpu) Jcwuu. Box 47. i "4 Ckel avu Stitluo, v Veik 11. Y. irw Hni tlian km4 Di W awrt per PiyHcrn. K. Xi. SLOANS ANt f YOOVS ALL SEEM THE V SLOANE S AGENT V " TA. UIS AOENT THINKl FILM IM WHICH CAMVOM SAYS ME H PLENTY 1 I NOW, THIS IS 1 VI CANVOM COULO BE OOUSLEP Foe HUNT AWAEE, SO PONT 1 -SilT WHAT IN IT FOR US le I 1f?l s J I ai6 IN PICTURES. I SHEFFIELD... SO THS BE SCHMALTZY- WE SNAO THIS CANYON FOR 1 f A SLOAW6 IS BUT TUP cm nuci I I M rtT & tn ajittcb IIP . 1IKT ftivc UIAA TU6 I IA SLOANE AMD THE FLESH Tf 5 i Y BSIMOIN THIS WON'T BUY IT... J I THE BOY SO HE1X J OLD SOFT SELL... J ejsrr-rafETO'-Ele ? AWa1'' 1 S p 'a'V PIGSKIN, ( RECKON VOU . A K'hXA Si 'maw l LTJOKS L1KS BtTTUH CHANGE If WJ" J A 1 HAVfTtO MAKE "" I ,r O "rl I A PEOSONAL, FILE 1 INJtLV THE I SPSSrJ EZC r X V ON each or vou 7 f fMN' I I V F 65 O8 i kA-wxTVNEWMEN FOR t yCbL A K eV. ZYMFUICH, I I ' . ii'&ll'ii Tf WOW I HMO THAT oT"" WHflT'S THE ASflTTER. SANDy? " -:.;Vv WITH CHAINS WE CAN STILL WS0 I QOIN ' I OR WA"T A 1 COTTA (SET OUT? O.K. -NEXT t&r r - &rJ GeT THROOaH-THEYVE PLOWED K' I (NeFLVIN'LOW? lM m FILLINQ STATION, ABOUT gy nCO ETV MJS AHEAD- r ThONE O'US VJILL HAFTA ) If AN'SO-TOKF-EP i'l 1 1 .ATEiF-En - : I LEAVE TH ENCHANTED GOOD OLE DOG PATCH I j1 I -yz hour LArEK I IF ONE CX3GPATCHER WNDERLAND O' DOGmTCH 1 ALIVE WHO WILL r' WILL RISK HIS LIFE. I ( FW TH' UNKNOWN TERRORS I I STEP FORWARD ? J V ( SHALL AH IN THET SHAKV OLE 1 AN' HARDSHIPS O MIAMI.? J . ' if REPEAT TH' I ..ZAfli . f - v, -1 1 n .zczr i . z i a a - - i imbv slt s k. s i OH.Boy WOT A HUNCH LAST NI6HT I DREAMED T WAS FATlMG SALAMI. LIVE RWURST AND B ALONE y'J 4. J ThtRt MiOT I I I II "eSy' 0, 6HE LEFT 1 J CAN 1 1-" 40M6 T'ME IF WEI Tm oev to sothe cv eroi pk. 1 I serk I --BUT li MI4 LOCK HERE tj MOROAN I S . 5T 8t A " Sa, H IL.,ON KLAXON'S WMV w YOd WtfT WAWIA IRAKHY ML. I MIAN MO 2 KJWtO BJl hAAV-UNt; ryv Sv 7 -m w : P 1 l ' $2 OH SALAMI ! 2 OM LIVERWURST 2 OH BALONEy ALL TO MOTHCR.KMT.. ANP trt . lu r CAN lOU TELL WE T IT WA A RATHER BAOl W K4Y.I YOt'R X CERTAINLY--Rl&MT IF HER HAND WAS I LACERATION ANP ( PXONE '. I WOULO 1 IN HERE lOtrRE l I SERIOUSLY HURT J REQUIRED SOME LIKE TO CALL HER.' A4R. WiU.IA.MS, v iV-, Y SUTURE BUT I jrV . AREN'T lOU ? M WW uteu.l.r DON'T 1 -Birr what in rr for WE N0 TH MNVON U0 TWfc FLESH COME ON SALAMI COME ONgNEV. VOu 5tt,MOTWLR6NT ? 1 KiALLY REUEVESHt ' WlL KwV. !...lf THAT'S fl WELL'."- I M ALL HE HA e mORE FRjjmTlNED AT THE JSTml ONLY HuRSLE J -TTA H -ef" L'AVtNSHLR TVANAT 7 "...AL7 5TJ, EC. RIGHT VH E7 I lT TMETH3uiMTOr...OF 3A NOW WANT TO TWTOIN,WEETIE ,WT WEEK foe AM INPEPENO- us CNT-ANOTHEEE 5S0ME foK JUICY PARTS IN IT FOE 1AU- EEPUEAPS SAY NO SiS. WHO A A HORSE I fry!0?! NAMED jKr-n'COLDCUTS - 4y .ggr" Salem, Oregori, Thursday, December 20, 195 RDO PROGRAMS LM n KOnO I4W, KGAT I4J. THURSDAY HOUR 00:00 00;15 nnh A. Rav Bob i Hay Newa-Sporu Soon Sund'n 5S""l55i News"..ther KSLM KOCO KGAT KOIN KOW KKX vTndirhool IVanderhoot Mel Allen ml newa N'" .-BI?Kbm Bod BlacjmrnBobBla.-Kburn Bob BlaLkbrn KSI.M Dinner Newa Newl-Sportl Snarls. Stvt Edw. P. M'rg'n I Bob Blackb'rn KOIN K1W SIX ,Krt-l Heater Eddie Tlsher Show Tunes ShowTunea Nw.-SporU Rhyth. it BluanRhyth. 4. BluaalRhyth. S, Blu Melody iMelody IBIng Crosby Almanac IMusic IMuste fMusic Mel Allen Books avolrea lAdklns Show Adkina Show 'nav Dreams Day-Dreams Whlstlin' Tunes Whlstlin' Tumi KSLM KOCO KOIN KOW KSLM KO O KI1IN KOW KKX Hnht U. LeWll nuut w. Music Music AQKina Show AaHtrn Show KSLM KOCO KOIN KOW Newi Newi-Srpoiti Tune Tabli Music Hon rtdklni KKX Gabriel Heater Music 'SfS'JL m,. Newi-sporti 'Rhythm Bluet Rhytnm-BHiefl 1KSLM KOCO KOIN Rir.httld PsDtr banc Time OKGW KKX News Jeu Mason Detective Newi-Roorti Newa-Musie Dance Tim Danceland iDeteetive Silent IMusic IDance Time IDanceland Koro KKX FRIDAlr "1)0:15 "oo-fio HOUR Vail. Tarmcaat IVall. ranmcast IVall. Farmcast Newa rarmNewl IMorn. Maf. Morn. Maf, KGAY Newa NewsAnTeric. KOIN Kio'ck KOIN Klorfe XOIN Klwh jews Vanderhoof Vanderhoo( (Vanderhoof Newi-Kp. TlmeiKeep Time iKeep Time iKeep rime Heminfniv Breakf. Ganf 'Breakf Gantr 'Newa Si Wthr KSLM KUAY KOIN KGW KEX KSLM KOCO KGAY Newa Morn, Mag. KOIN Kloclc News . Newa KOIN KGW KEX "Cliff Enile IFamtlv Altar Newt ITunea A Tim Herb's Shew jHerh'a Show Consum'r NewalVaille Newa Kews (Sports Keep Tim (Keep Time KSLM 8 KOCO KGAY KOIN KGW KEX in .w Miaur INewa 9 KOCO News uianna uaiiing Kr.Av Hrrb'a snow mero a snow KOIN Wendy WarrenlHoward Miller KGW BreaKiasiuiUD ureaKiasi uuo , KEX Nws Keep Time I KSLM KOCO 1 KGAY I KOIN I KGW ' KEX Newa News Herb'a Show Nora Drake iTello Test Clarlne Calling Clarey Dyer Ma Perkins Chief Geno ABC News Coffee-K West iRuss Conrad IASLiiYI KOCO KGAY Newa Queen a Day News Clarlne Calling Dinner Winner Dinner Winner Happiness Mrs. Burton True Story True Story News Russ Conrad 1KOIN KGW KSLM KOCO KGAY k KOIN 'KGW ' KEX News News KGAY News Noon Newa Mitchell Repta. News News Easy Show KolHe's Recrds (Come Get It Paul Harvey IGpo McGowsn KSLM KOCO KGAY KOIN KGW KEX Matinee News Rollie's Rerrds Godfrey Time News News, Conrad Matinee Easy Show Rollie's Recrds taodfrev Time Merry Go Rnd. Russ Conrad KSLM KOCO Matinee News Rollifi's Recrds Godfrey Time lsws News, Cnnrsd "wVllam. Mat News Rollie's Recrds Backstage Wife News News, Conrad Fulton Lewis News Matinee News Easy Show 'Easy Show Rollie's Recrds Rollie's Recrds 'Godfrey Time Ruth Ashton IMerry Go Rnd. MerryGoRnd. Russ Cnnrad Russ Conrad "willam. Mau IWillam. Mat. Easy Show lEasy Show Rollie's Recrds IRollle's Recrds lOur Gal SundylTake Thirty IMerry Go Rnd. MerryGoRnd. KGAY KOIN KGW KEX KSLM KOCO KGAY KOIN KGW KKX KILM Hemingway Here's Answer Rumpus Boom Rumpus Room rm ' Gia rut KOCO KGAY Rollie's Recrria Art Kirknam News News-BiarVb'n KOIN KGW Mexandera IWanrlarhnnl KEX Bob Blachh'rn 'Bob Blackb'rn KSI.M KOCO KOIN Bob & Ray Bob & Ray Bob & Bay iSports Scope News Rumpus Room Rumpus Room Rumpus jwora Ed. R. Murrowl News-Weather fTom Harmon fFrank Gois News Vanderhoof Vanderhoof Vanderhoo! News-BIarlch'n Bob Blackb'rn ,Boh Black burn iBob Blackburn Dinner News Bill Brundane BIdg. OreRon Sam Hayes News iSongs S'.ind'wniSongs 3und'wnSongs Sund w Snorts-News t.oweli Thomas'Amos & Andy Amos & Andy Ed. P. Morgan McCall MysteryTime Mystery Time Bob BlackDurn Bob Blackburn Bob Biackhurn Boo Biartcnurn KGW KEX KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Gabriel Heater Silver Serenade IMusic Music News Rumpus Room Rumpus Room iRumpus Roora. Melody Melody iBlnn Crosby (Look to Sklea FiRhts JFights IFights R20 Revue News fAdkins Show Bob Adkins Bob Adkins KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX N.S-McMlnn. Newa Robt. Q. Lewis News Bob Adkins NTs.-McMinn. News Tune Table News Bob Adkins IN.S-McMinn. N.S-McMirm. IRumpus Room Rumpus Room iRoht. Q. Lewis (World Tonite Music Music Bob Adkins Bob Adkins KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX KSLM KOt'O KOIN KGW KEX S.S.-Eugene News 5 Star Final News News ISS.-EuEene Rumpus Room (Rumpus Room Sports Desk ,Good Evening Dance P me Dance Time .Coun. Editor Panreland KSLM Counter Spy Silent City Club News Danceland Counter Spy ICUyCluh Dinre Time Dunreland KOCO KOIN KGW KEX SATURDAY A.M. HOUR 00:00 00:15 6i K 7 K KSLM KGAY News Farm News News-Amer. Heck Harper News-Kp lime Mus Timkpr Salute To Sat KOIN Klock Heck Harper Keep lime JKOIN KGW KEX KSLM IKOCO Hemingway Go to Town Game Comm. KOIN Klock Heck Harper News Break Ganc Tunes A Time Salute To Sat. News Heck Harper Keep Time "Music Local Newa Slute To Sat Rnbt. Q Lewis I No School Kfifi) '! it i KtiA Y r KOIN KGW KEX KSLM KOCO Bible Hour Sport Shots Salute To Sat. Story Master No School tieep luv.t 8 KGAY .KOIN 'kgw KEX 3U 4- H Show Tirrr. i: Hc- Pastors Call Sirji: Cour.ier News-Sports i T'.-.e i Tt. L- TVa Sxlut To Sit Salute To Sat Salute To Sat KGAV Newa 5- otv "'ister News iCrrv.o (Cu-snoe Vc School 'y& 3c.c5: 3oc's IXlidle S'.cw Xews. ' Xee? Tirr.e 'Xeep Te 'Xe SSLM News Mus:c ukc Vtisic KOCO News-Sports U3C Tur.e St (1430 Tut. St C50 Ture St ' XGAY Camera Club SiIuU To St Salute To Sat 'KGAY News i KOIN Story Master Gt'.er. Drake Gtler. Drtkt 'Galen Drake I KGW Merry Go RndlMerry Go RndiMerry Go Rrid'Merry Go !tr.d KEX Coffee Tune Russ Conrad IRuss Conrad Russ Conrad "ITsTm-Music Music Music IMusic KOCO News-Sporta MM Tun St '1490 Tun St IHM Tun Bt KG AY Salute To Sat Salute To Sat Salute To Sat Salute To Sat i KOIN Storv Master 'Guest Stars 'Don Glasser iDon Glasser i KOW Merry Go RndiMerry Go RndiMerry Go RndiMerry Go Hnd KEX News Russ Conrad iRuss Conrad Russ Conrad WISHING U. TgllT I $ i (II AYBWFPOAEBVAlt 4 i I 8 .1 i 1 5 S S' i" i ti I L, I S8IRTLCHH 1 ' ? '.4 I 7 5 ' 5 " J " I i 0 LI SOZHWIOM8A 1 5 ? 5 is 2 4 S " WTN EAEHD K FKKX 2 5 3 8 7 4 5 2 8 4 FTRTI,URWBIRAL 1 4 ? ii i 5 2 6 4 3 ' 2 "5 O E L FOCOEROODN "8" 6 2 1 4 I 5 T2 S ? T AULOEVS MSKDEK TJERE ii a pleasant little fame that will give you metxf every L A day. It it a numerical puule inifnti to ipell out your fortune. Count the letters' in your first name. U the number of letters is or snore, subtract 4. It the number is less than . add t. The result it your key number. Start at the upper left-hand comer of the rec lancle and check every one of your key numbers, left to rifht. Then read the message the letters under the checked (I lures give you. HU. fcr WIHia. J. kill. 0MY4 t IM ImalilM. Mr lZ-4 KOIN tit. KOW tf. KKX MM P.M. 00:30 00:4i Bob ii Ray bporli Scops Sonss Sun'n Sonja Sund'n Tom H.rmon Trank Com Bill Brundnne Newareei om nayai Songs at Sund.lSoncs at Sund. Sonea at Sued. Lowell Thomas Amot n' Andy Amns -n' Anoy IMcCall Mystery Tima IMystery Tlma Bob Blackb'rn IBob BlacKDTn IQIymp. Gamtj Show Turn - ... , IV.SIC IMusic Ad kins Show Adkins Shaw IMusic Swee: St awing sweei ee swing Rhythm Bluel Rhythm Blues Rhythm Bluet ITune Table ll.ead. Question Lead. Question I Music (Dance Tima IPance Tima tioD Adkina Jimmy Fidlff 'Dd P Mortrar- Music RhytrimBlua Good Evening Dance Tima Danreland Dance, Time Danceland iMid-nite Utl IMld-nite MeL I I IMuste Music IDance Tim IDance Time IDanceland Dance!and 00:30 00:41 IWestern JubileelWestern JubileelWestern Jubilee IMorn. Maf. (Morn. Mag. (KGAY News iNewi (Joss News iBabbitt Show I Vanderhoof Vanderhoof Vanderhoof IKeeD Tlma 'Keep l ime IBob Hasten iBible Institute IBible Institute ITunea & Time ITunes & Time LHcrb'a Show (Herb's Show i.Shellev Ser. iShellev Sere. Vanderhoof (Vanderhoof iKeep lime IKeep 1'lme pastor's Call Pastor's Call Clarlne Calling IKGAY Newt 'Mid morn News Breakfast Club Keep Time Clarlne calling lUAPh'a Shnut iHelen Treni (Breakfast Club Keep Time Wings of Song Clarine Calling JtGAY News Aunt Mary Whispering St. Russ Conrad Queen a Day Clarine Calling Rollie's Recrds .Pat. Buttram JKonnie Worth Russ Conrad Val Farmcast Easy Show KGAY 'Newa IHouse Party Merry Go Rnd. Farm News Clanne Calling IHerb'a Show Dr. Malone Girl Marries Russ Conrad Clarine Calling Route's Recrds Strike It Rich Konnie Worth. Russ Conrad iTop Trades (Easy Show (Town Crier IHouse Party Merry Go flnrl. IGeoMcGowan Matinee Rasy Show jRollte's Recrds IGodfrev Tlmo Merry Go Rnd. IRuss Conrad Matinee iEasy Show (KGAY Newa IGodfrev Time Merry Go Rnd. lull Conrad Matinee Easy Show IKGAY Newt News-Weather Merry Go Rnd. Russ Conrart ITello Test lEasy Show 'KGAY News Take Thirty Merry Go Rnd. Russ Conrad Sam Hayes Rumpus Room iNewspaper Air 1 V 3 nrt (rhnnf Vanderhoof t COO Plitm IN.S.-McMinn. Rumpus Room IWorld Tonite IMusic Bob Adkins N.S.-McMtnn. IS.S.-Eugene S.S.-Eugene Rumpus Room Rumpus Room Rumpus Room ITune Table So They Say So They Say Music Music (Music EiobAdktni Lift. Shadows Lift. Shadows' m IS.S.-Eucene "js.S. -Eugene KUmpUS noom Good Evening Dance Time Danceland . Melodies I IMusic nance Tim lMelodiea I IMusic Panceltr.fl (Danfe Tirre 00:30 00:45 Mus. Timkpr. Salute To Sat KOIN Klock Heck Harper Keep Time Breakf. Gang iTunes & Tim Salute To Sat nnan Npws (Heck Harper Keep Tune iNews KGAY Newa KOIN Klock Heck Harper IKeep Time jfews iTunes & Tim KGAY News Cnnsum Newa (Heck Harper Keep Time IHaven of Rest Tunes Jfc Tim Salute1 To Sat Robt. Q Lewis No School Keep 1:: Haven of Rest unes & Tim KGAY News "Robt. Q Lewis IN'O School 'Keep I1;n WELL y Pat.nt Offict. (. Ml THM W MUM. 'I