THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Section 8 Pagt Salem, Oregon, Thursday, December 20,' 1956 f U r A luscious cake A Cake at In manv homes, tradition has it. that there is always a cake some-1 cake; then cut cake crosswise into where along the line come Christ- three pieces, one 5 inches across mas. Here a jelly log cake macfeland two 4 inches across. To make with lemonade jelly adds its bit log, place one of the 4-inch pieces of color and taste. Jelly Log Cake 1 package 120 ounces) instant yellow cake mix 1 cup Lemonade Jelly, tinted red Seven minute frosting, tinted green Prepare cake batter as diretced T..i, o ...... u.. on package. Pour batter into a f 49"? A JCIIJ IWII bottom which has been lined with paper. Bake in moderate oven 350 degrees F.) 25 to 30 minutes. Cool in pan 10 minutes; j then turn out and remove paper. I Cranberries Used in Many maws for Holiday Meals Nearly every holiday table willi have cranberries in some form. addition to the Christmas dm-j . there are many other meals which cranberry goodies will) he served. Most homes will have their old reliable recipes, but it t is nice to change the offering once! in a while. Here is a perky relish: I I Sassy Cranberry Horseradish j 2 cups tVa lb.) fresh cran- berries 1 small beets (or 1 large, skin removed 1 small orange 'quartered and seeds removed 'i cup i.i oz. jar) horseradish 2 tablespoons sugar i. trastwin nutmpff P.t cranberries, beets and -rna. .h,nh innH rimnnor ifmp Made i. Add horseradish, sucar and nutmeg and mix thoroughly. Chill. Makes about 1 pint. And here's a cranberry mint of fering: ("ranhprry Mint Cocktail 2 bananas, diced 2 large apples, peeled, cored and chopped 1 cup small green grapes cup miniature white mints 1 cup cranberry juice cocktail Prepare fruit and mix with cran berry juice cocktail. Chill. Just be fore serving, spoon into sherbet s'-asMs. Sprinkle mints iTtop of :Utes. Cool and put through strain each serving. Makes 6 to 8 fruit er. Add milk and lemon juice cnps Chill. Fold in stiffly beaten egg How about a molded apple juice : whites. Pour into refrigerator tray and cranberry jelly? Srt refrigerator to coldest point Molded Apple Juice- Pe tray in refrigerator. Freeze Cranherrv Jellr musn'- Turn '"to chilled 2 envelones'iinflavnred gelatine ' bowl. Beat with rotary beater until 2 cups apple juice lcup canned apple slices, wen drained 1 cup home-made cranberry sauce 4 cup chopped celery j 4 cup broken walnut meats 2 tablespoons sugar 4 teaspoon cinnamon Watercress Soften gelatine in 4 cup apple juice. Heat remaining 14 cups ap pie juice: add gelatine, stirring un til dissolved. Chop apples, mash or break up cranberry sauce. Combine apples, cranberries, cel ery, walnut meats, sugar and cin namon. Add apple juice gelatine mixture; mix well. Pour into mold, which has been rinsed in cold wa ter. Chill until firm. Vnmold on atercress: garnish with whole irefh cranberries, if desired. if Ids R-M servings. Substitute canned pineapple bits ffir the celery, if jelly is to be used a a dessert. Or another relish, one that goes with pork, chicken and other meaLO CRISPY CRANBERRY RELISH Crispy Cranberry Relish 1 pound can whole cranberry sauce, drained 2 carrots, grated 4 cup diced celery 4 teaspoon mace or nutmeg 1 teaspoon lemon juice Combine ingredients. Let stand several hours before using. Here's a relish" using the cran berries with orange and walnuts Cranberry-Orange and Walnnt Rfllnh ' Makes about 1 quart' nips fresh cranberries 2 orantes, quartered X cups sugar is always a part of the festive holiday food. i Christmas Time Trim 1 inch off each end of i on flat tray or plate. Spread with 4 cup of the jelly. Top with the 5-inch piece of cake and spread with remaining jelly. Place remain ing 4-inch piece of cake on top. Tl'he larger piece of cake in the middle gives cake the shape of a log.) I frostn rrost log with seven minute. ,nA , , -, , C( . . . ,; ,i,j .i ; uDo not boil.) Stir in a few drops . mJL n ' V1I, K : frosting Decorate top with candles, if de.;""H. . . r ' Cover jelly at once with m inch i sired. Lemonade Jelly 1 box 12'a ounces) powdered fruit pectin cup walnuts, chopped Put cranberries and unpeeled quarters through the food chopper. Add sugar and nuts; mix well, Chill in refrigerator a few hours before serving. 'If relish is made in larger quantities for future use. add walnuts just before serving, And here are two versions of cranberry sherbet: cranberry Cranberry hherbel 1 pound can jellied sauce 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind cup sugar 6 tablespoons orange juice 2 stiffly beaten egg whites Break up cranberry sauce with fork. Combine with lemon rind, su- Sar ana orange juice rreeze unu. mushy. Turn into cold howl and heal until fluffy. Fold stiffly beaten egg whites. Freeze until ; firm. Serves six to eight. Creamy Cranberry Sherbet (Makes about 1 quart 14 cups sugar 14 cups water 3 cups fresh cranberries cup canned sweetened con densed milk 2 tablespoons lemon juice 2 egg whites Combine sugar water and cran berries: cook until cranberries are soft and mushy (about 15 min- smooth but not melted. Return to ' ' ' - , ' And lastly, but not least. winning cranberry pie. Cranberry Pie 1 baked pastry shell CASCADE QUALITY Country Smoked Sugar Cured Whole or Shank Half Per Pound M D 80 Count Maxwell Horn NAPKINS INSTANT COFFEE Per C 6"01- $110 Pica. DC Limit 2 Jr lolT Limit 1 m 17 T I MJ 9 9 24 cups water M cup (6-oi. can concentrated quick-frozen lemonade, thawed 2'i cups '1 lb. 2 oz.) sugar Red food coloring MfnrP fruit nortin nnH utalar int.. a l.r,. Mln.n nH mi large saucepan and mix well. Place over high heal, bring to a full rolling boil, and boil hard 1 minute, stirring constantly. Re- duce heat to low. Add thawed lemonade and sugar and stir un- red food coloring. Remove from a villi- iK.,u.i l . hot paraffin. Or, if jelly is to be used within 2 months, just cover with lid, waxed paper, or foil and siore in refrigerator. Flaming Pears for Colorful Dessert Try these flaming pears in using some of those delicious winter j pears that come at holiday time: Flaming Pear j ' 1 cup sugar I 14 cups water l'tfi teaspoon sair j 4 cup fresh lemon juke fi fresh winter pears ' 12 lumps sugar i Lemon extract. Bring sugar, water, salt and lemon j'lice 10 boilinR Point in a .saucepan. Wash pears, cut into halves and remove cores. (DO NOl PEEL-. Add to sugar syrup. Cover. Cook 25 minutes or until tender. Arrange pears in a deep serving dish and surround with pear syrup. Chill. Just before serving, place a lump of sugar, soaked in lemon extract, in each pear cavity, and ignite. Yield: 6 servings. 1 pound whole cranberry sauce 1 tablespoon cornstarch 4 cup granulated sugar 4 cup water 1 envelope unflavored gelatine. 4 cup cold water 2 esg whites 4 traspoon salt 2 teaspoons lemon juice 1 teaspoon almond extract 1 cup heavy cream. Cook cranberry sauce and corn starch until thickened. Cool. Cook sugar and 4 cup of water to soft ball stage. Add gelatine softened in 4 cup water. Slowly pour this syrup over stiffly beaten egg whites, beating constantly. Add salt, lemon juice and almond ex tract and continue to beat until cold. Beat cream and combine with ,cr? wh,te mixture. Pour into pie shell. Chill. Spread cranberry sauce over top and place in re frigerator until serving time. llJIilWl II Mil l EMS Strufoli One of Treats of Holidays These Magi cakes are deep fried : and are a delicious holiday treat Strufoli Cakes 2 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla teaspoon salt lVa cups sifted enriched flour Shortening for deep frying Syrup: V cup honey , cup sugar Va cup water 1 tablespoon grated lemos rind Beat eggs until fluffy. Add vanilla and salt. Add flour until dough is manageable. Mix well. Place on floured board and knead for five minutes. Divide in half. Wrap half .of dough in waxed paper. ' Roll dough into square about v inch thick. Cut into strips inch wide. Roll strips between hands to form small rope. Cut into i inch pieces. Spread pieces on waxed paper. Let stand for a' half hour. Fry in deep fat 365'F.) for about 2 min utes or until golden brown. Stir to keep separated. Do small amount at a time. Remove and place absorbent paper. Syrup: Boil honey, sugar and water together in sauce pan tat 230-234' K.) until syrup spins a thread. Add grated lemon rind. Add fried cake pieces to honey mixture and stir with wooden spoon until all are covered. Remove and place on platter to form mound or press into greased mould. Dec orate with candied cherries and citron or powdered sugar. Fine Baked Fish Any epicures in the family? Sprinkle whole small fish with onion rings, sliced fresh mush rooms, salt and pepper; dot with hits of butter and wrap tightly in aluminum foil. Bake in a hot "YL,V imui m ciuFihim. wnu P0 tflble- "TV' if U Christmasy Peaches Cnmbme the svruo from a No. 2v can of cling peach halves with 1 cup each water and sugar, 4 cup each red cinnamon candies and vinegar and a couple of drops of red food coloring. Boil 5 min utes. Add peaches studded with whole cloves and simmer 5 min utes. Let stand in syrup overnight. FOR BIRTHDAY CAKE Birthday party coming up? Frost a layer cake and mark the initials of the birthday boy or girl in the center of the cake with small pieces of semi-sweet choco late. Add birthdav candles! Gene's TURNER, OREGON "Alwayt the Beit of Competitive Prieei" Trices Effective Thru Monday, Dec. 31 rh. Turner 265 ASSORTED FLAVORS JELL0 POWDERED OR BROWN SUGAR RADIANT FRUIT CAKE CASCADE OR NEBERGAllS HAM Vi or Whole SWEET POTATOES Closed Christmas Day STORE HOURS 7i(w"vrr vxwmimm? Karw - NALLEY BIGGER 'N TASTIER irllrttU Every golden crisp Nalley's Potto Chip out scoops 'em all for flavor. Perfect for dipping every time bigger, stronger, crisper! It's the Nalley'i chip that make the dip. for Sunday Supper Three cheers for the holidays. But along with the holidays you have snappy weather, vigorous out door activities and lusty appetites. Prescription: Place 1 can (pound size) pork and beans with tomato sauce in a shallow baking dish. Cut 2 slices of bacon in half and lay over top of beans. Rake in a 37$ degrees F. oven for 15 minutes. Remove from the oven. Break 4 ; eggs and slip each gently onto the 1 1 be&ns. Return to the oven and bake I 1 10 minutes longer or until whites ; are firm. Makes 4 servings. This is good with a grapefruit and orange salad for Sunder mqm supper. Grocery JO 49 MIX lb. 6,49 WEEK DAYS S A.M. 10 8 P.M. Sunday 11:30 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. ww'? r-v-sjww r iniH IDEAS FOR AND CHIPS 3 e NEW DIPS MARINER DIP t I K Pl rm 1 rup ertb mt t uhlwporni minrtd m ntrm Nlir TM sny't rn rb bmi iM An 0 - (MBrtlMM tllMlM"""M SREEN GODDESS OIP I rtn tntnrwl lr 1 ubMpooM irxnoT S . rm rbovv 1 1 K rap ritrd I cup NrntMr 1 MP ? Htqnopri pwtHrt SHORT GROCERY BUDGET THIS MONTH? SHOP OUR STORE AND MAKE IT 1940 Mission St. NAUEY'S UtfYlUNblKAHUN iALt Free Chili and Beef Stew , .12-14 Lb. WHILE THEY Cottage Strained TURKEYS 3Pjc CRANBERRY SAUCE Come To Us For A Nice Big Christmas Goose, or Duck, Or Capon, or Roasting Hen. Also Fine HAMS Whole or Shtnk Hilf BONELESS ROLLED RUMP ROAST TENDER TASTY T-OONE STEAK LEAN ROUND STEAK 49 59 All MEAT TOP SIRLOIN 7' mi .. nui C&H Powdered or Brown LAST BULK XMAS CANDY LAST CHANCE For Tickets On Our Big Free DRAWING To Be Held Sat. 1222 At 7 P.M. BLUE PLATE SWEET SPUDS 25 tirge Tin Vic Neb PIUSBURY ANGEL FOOD MIX 39 teg. Sic PVg. DUBUQUE SMOKED SUNSHINE KRISPY Crackers ALCOA ALUMINUM FOIL PICNICS 19 1 25-ft. Kofi STRETCH TO FIT Phone EM 2-7661 B-.f f..... oeeT 3Tew 5M.OO 3 M OO SUGAR lb. Pkg. LIMIT Gum Drops or Orange Slices 6)0 ib, (o NAMELESS Is The Best Place In Town To Buy Produce CELLO BAG CELERY HEARTS Pkg. SNOWY WHITE CAULI FLOWER lb. FRESH CRAN BERRIES Ib. 19 & To Allow Our Employees A Chance to Spend Christmas With Their Families We Will Close At 6 P.M. Christmas Eve And Be Closed Christmas Day Shop EdJy And Sdvi Li