Salem, "Or egos; Thursday, December 20, 1956 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Section 3 ?age I F ;-...,.Hi""'w- JN 5 ,Sr3-. Snacc Food in Demand for Drop-in entertainment Traditional In many homes is a steamed pudding for Christmas dinner. Puddings for Christmas; Steamed Ones Traditional From now on through the holi day period there will be much in formal and "drop in" entertaining, occasions that always call or something in the way of food. Be low are some snack food ideas. Larger gatherings, such as egg nog, Tom and Jerry or hot spiced punch affairs, also call for light refreshments. Christmas cookies and slivers of fruitcake are always acceptable for these special parties. But if you are thinking of those guests who prefer less sweet fare, be sure to stock up on such things as salted nuts, cocktail crackers, as sorted chescs, and coconut chips. Should you still be on the hunt for something a little different, but easy to prepare, try some of these tidbits. Swiss Cheese Sticks Cream 3 ounces of blue cheese and Vi cup butter together thor oughly. Spread mixture on slices of Swiss cheese. Chill in refrigera tor until cheese is firm enough to slice into little sticks. Serve on crisp crackers. Hot Cheese Puffs Spread 2 inch rounds of whWo bread with butter. Add Vt teaspoon salt and 1 beaten egg yolk to 1 stiffly beaten egg white; beat un til blended. Fold in 2 cups grated natural Cheddar cheese, mixing with fork until well blended. riace 2 teasnoons mivtnra bread, spreading to Vi inch from outer edges. Place on cookie sheet, 2 inches from heat, and broil about 5 minutes at 400 degres. Other Foods Other interesting finger foods that have found favor with party givers recently are chow mein noodles. The crisp, golden noodles are delicious just as they come from the can, but try serving the morsels warm and flavorsome as one of the leading makers of these noodles sugges: Spread 2 cups noodles in a shal low baking pan. Melt 2 tablespoons butter and stir in V teaspoon onion powder and 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese. Pour over noodles, stirring constantly to coat evenly. Heat in 250 degrees oven for 30 minutes, stirring oc casionally. Serve warm. SUGAR MEASURING A pound of brown sugar equals 2V4 cups (firmly packed). Gelatine Waldorf Salad for Christmas Aha! A wonderful crispy, color ful holiday salad thatTcan be pre pared ahead of hime. Solution to hostess' dilemma. Jellied Waldorf Salad Dissolve 2 packages apple-flavored gelatine in 2 cups hot water. Add 2 cups cold water, Vi teaspoon salt "and 1 tablespoon vinegar. Chill until slightly thickened. Fold in 2V4 cups diced unpeeled red apples, 1- 3 cup coarsely chopped walnuts and 2-3 cup finely diced celery whicli has been seasoned with Vi teaspoon salt. Pour mixture into 2- quart mold. Chill until firm. Unmold on crisp salad greens and serve with mayonnaise or French dressing. If a main lunch eon course, serve with cream cheese balls rolled in finely ground nutmeals. Ten generous servings. Salad Mold Boil 4 cups cranberries in 214 cups water S minutes or until cran berries pop open. Add cups sugar and cook S minutes longer. Stir in 2 packages cherry-flavored gelatin and cool until it begins to thicken. Fold in 2 cups sliced cel ery and 1 cup chopped walnuts. Turn into mold and chill until firm. Serve on crisp grens. PINK FROSTING Next time you make up a pack age of fluffy white frosting mix tint it pink. CASCADE njl A QUALITY nJS Country Smoked Sugar Cured Whole or Shank Half Per Pound Bisquick X: 29c Limit 1 Maxwell House INSTANT COFFEE 6-oz. Jar $1 i A Limit 1 I 17 rw Downtown Shopping Center Keizer Si 8 Traditional at Christmas for many is a steamed pudding. And judging from all the interest in them this year, it will be a popu lar dessert for the holiday feast. Food releases from many sources feature steamed Christmas pud dings and such a variety of them! You no doubt have your favorite recipe handed down in the family, and perhaps your pet cook book has special puddings, but just in case, here are some more: Steamed Fruit Pudding With Foamy Sauce 1 pound white raisins 1 pound pitted dates Vi cup currants 2 candied pineapple rings V cup candied orange peel Vi cup citron Vi cup sugar 1 Vi cup suet Ji cup apple jelly or peach juice 1 cup flour 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon clove teaspoon allspice 2 eggs ','t cup sour milk ,'t teaspoon soda Juice of a lemon Cut fruit into small pieces. Sift flour, measure and add Vt cup to cut fruit and peels, mix well. To remaining flour add spices, salt and sugar and sift again. Beat eggs, add milk and lemon juice and stir in the flour spice mix. Chop suet and mix with chopped fruits. Then add batter and jelly or juice and stir well. Fill well greased pudding mold. Cover tightly and steam for 3 hours. Makes approximately 214 pounds pudding. Foamy Sauce: 1 egg, separated 1 package vanilla frozen dessert mix Vi cup whipping cream 1 tablespoon brandy Beat egg white until stiff, then fold in the frozen dessert mix. Add egg yolk and brandy and blend well. Beat cream and fold into the sauce. And here is a version of the cranberry pudding, this one with prunes also for the fruit part: Festive Steamed Pudding 1 1-3 cups sifted all-purpose flour Vt teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons soda Vi teaspoon cinnamon Va teaspoon cloves Vt teaspoon nutmeg 1 cup chopped cooked prunes 1 cup fresh cranberries Vi cup molasses Vt cup hot water Creamy sauce Sift together flour, salt, soda and spices. Add prunes and cran berries. Combine molasses and water, and stir into first mixture, blending well. Turn into greased lVi-quart mold (or a 1-lb. coffee can), cover closely and place in kettle with boiling water to half the depth of mold. Cover and steam 1 hour. Serve hot with following sauce. Creamy Sauec: Heat together Vi cup table cream, 1 cup granu lated sugar and Vi cup butter or margarine. Blend in Vi teaspoon vanilla extract. Serve warm. Serves to 8. And still another version cranberry pudding: Steamed Cranberry Padding 2 cups sifted enriched flour 2 teaspoons soda i teaspoon salt Vi cup shortening , H cup sugar V, cup molasses 2 eggs Vi cup water ! cup whole cranberry sauce 8 8 Vi cup chopped walnuts or filberts Sift together flour, soda and salt. Cream together shortening and sugar until light and fluffy. Add molasses and eggs and beat thor oughly. Combine water and cran berry sauce. Add flour mixture to creamed mixture alternately with cranberry mixture. Stir in nuts. Pour into greased IVi-quart mold or 8 individual molds. Cover, or if molds have no covers, tie a double layer of waxed paper or aluminum foil securely over top. Set on rack in large pan. Pour 2 quarts of water into pan. Cover. Bring water to boil and let boil until steam escapes, then reduce heat to low. Steaming should be steady but gentle. Steam 1 hour and 15 minutes for large mold or 45 minutes for individual molds. Unmold. Serve warm with whipped cream or hard sauce. Makes 1 large pudding or 8 individual pudings. Here is a fruit pudding, featur ing applesauce, raisins and candied fruits as well as dates. Christmas Fruit Pudding 1 egg Vi cup molasses 1 cup canned apple sauce Hi cups sifted all-purpose flour Vi teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon baking soda 2 cups seedless raisins 1 cup mixed candied fruits 1 cup chopped dates 2 tablespoons melted shortening Beat egg; add molasses and apple sauce. Sift together flour, salt and baking soda; add to first mixture. Mix smooth. Add raisins, candied fruits and dates; mix thoroughly. Add shortening. Pour into IVi quart greased pudding mold;' cover tightly. Steam 3 hours. Unmold; serve with your favorite pudding sauce. Yields 10 12 servings. And below are two old-fashioned varieties of plum pudding. New England Plum Podding Sift together: 1 cups sifted flour 1 teaspoon salt Vi teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon cinnamon Mix in Vi cup cut up seeded raisins, Vi cup finely cut citron. Mix and blend in Vi cup ground suet, V4 cup sour milk (or sweet milk) and Vi cup molasses. Pour into a well greased 1 quart mold. Steam 3 hours. Old-Fashloned Plum Podding Pour 1 cup milk over i cups coarse soft bread crumbs. Blend in: Vi cup melted shortening Vi cup molasses Sift together: 1 cup sifted all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons cinnamon Vi teaspoon each allspice and cloves Stir into bread-crumb mixture with: Vi cup cut-up seeded raisins Vi cup finely cut citron Pour into a 1-quart mold or heat- resistant bowl or casserole well greased. Steam 3 hours by placing mold on rack in covered kettle or roaster containing 2 inches or inches of water. Serve piping hot with your favorite sauce. Makes 8 servings. on ; QUICK PIZZA Split English muiiins, spreaa uie cut surfaces with a Pizza topping and then bake in a hot '425 de grees) oven for five minutes or so. PREPARATION NOTE n - Accomht nil the ingredients listed in a .recipe j before you start preparing theiVi 8 vv wIVlvK r J I (I -W or A. -- Vtlit--- (amation corner CARNATION HOME SERVICE DIRECTOR Time to say"thankyou" to all my reader friends for giving -"Carnation Corner" and all out fine Carnation Dairy Product ; such a warm reception ll year round. MERRY CHRISTMAS! We have the best of everything for your holiday feasting everything you'll need to please your family and dinner guests. There's a long, long week end ahead so stock up now for Christmas food celebrating. And, may we express our sincerest appreciation for your patronage and wish you and yours the Very Best Christmas Everl -Piggly Wiggly. FREE! Sample Curly't Cottage Cheese Mt. Angel Chddar Cheese AH Day f riday end Saturday. 1240 N. Capitol i STORE HOURS: 8:30 A.M. 10 P.M. Sunday 9 to 9 Prices Effective Fri. Sat. Sun. Mon. Dec. 21-22-23-24 Free Parking $ CURLY'S COTTAGE CHEESE Creamy Delicate Flavor HUDSON HOUSE FRUIT COCKTAIL For Salad Sundaes or Desserts HOLIDAY MARGARINE An Economical Goodness I "xflSr? . n . .... Ifc 2f 17 2-49c Oranges sL JO' I - ll Potatoes 10, 39' SUNSHINE HI-H0 CRACKERS .large Pkj. SUNSHINE HYDR0X COOKIES SUNSHINE Party Mix Candy .12-01. Pkg. .21k. Pkg. 59 8 J GREEN GREEN MAX'S MKT: STAMPS STAMPS DUBUQUE CANNED PICNICS 5 lbs. Each $2" MT. ANGEL CHEESE 2-lb. Loaf T LUXURY OO M Ready-Cubed Dressing Bread 49 mimm plum pudping g m wmm : mm Kill OK M IN S JS iom & jerry Doner .. TANG SALAD DRESSING Moans Wonderful Salads Qt. FAB, VEL The Dressing That MarVELous For Miracle Fabrics Giant Size If 1- f J If i t,trr ti, WW ETV dish too. Get out the utensils needed, 8 491 55 MEBEST CHRISmAS AND ALL GOOD WISHES FOR A HAPPY" NEW YEAR. FROM JUNE GOODE AND THE FOLKS AT (amation EM-4-5441