Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 20, 1956, Page 25, Image 25

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Edited by Morion Lowry Fischer
alefltA Authentic ?W (jui4e U Setter ttm$
C apital AJournal
Salem, Oregon, Thursday, IVrcniber 20, 1956
Published Thursday Each Wk
Christmas Dinner Oneof Year's Festive Meals; Variety of Products Available
-s' - '
For some it will be turkey
, Or perhaps duck or goose.
For othert baked ham.
's Tur
(Capital Journal Foods Section Editor-
again Christmas will & cup dried parsley flakes
3 quarts toasted bread cubes
3 teaspoons salt
3 teaspoons poultry seasoning
3i teaspoon ground black pepper
1 cup toasted sesame seeds
Saute onion and celery in butter.
Add remaining ingredients. Stutf
For many
feature a roast turkey on the
holiday dinner menu. For others,
it may be duck, a goose, a roast
chicken, or a baked ham.
Jf it s turkey, or chicken, you
may want to try something dif
ferent in the way of a stuffing
On Thanksgiving day the writer j lightly into turkey. Will stuff a 2
and her husband were guests of i to 15-pound bird. If you wish an
the Frank J. Burkes for the dinner, old-fashioned basic dressing, omit
Mrs, Burke each holiday tries a I the sesame seeds,
different stuffing for the turkey, I To toast sesame seeds, place in
and here's to say her stuffings are large shallow pan and heat 20 to
something out of this world, f or 25 minutes in a 350-degree oven.
Thanksgiving she made the fol
Western Stuffing
12 slices stale bread (cut into
small cubes)
V. pound of butter or margarine
1 cup diced onions
J egg, beaten
1 teaspoon salt
teaspoon pepper
teaspoon ginger (optional)
2 teaspoons poultry seasoning
1 cup coarsely chopped Oregon
Soak bread in cold water and
squeeze dry. Melt butter, remove
from heat, add soaked bread and
stir until all butter is absorbed.
Then add previously lightly sauted
onions. Stir slightly beaten egg
into mixture, then the seasonings,
Chestnut Stuffing
I U small Beltsville turkey, about
lfl to 12 pounds, dressed weight).
Ya cup salad oil
2 pounds chestnuts
H cup butter
1 cup finely diced onion
1 cup finely diced celery
2 three-ounce cans chopped v
broiled mushrooms
3 teaspoons salt
V teaspoon pepper
H teaspoon rosemary
t cup finely crushed sallines
,'t cup soft fat
2 teaspoons kitchen bouquet
Place oil in frying pan over mod
erate heat. Cut two crossing gashes
through shell on flat side of each
chestnut. Place chestnuts in large
frying pan and toast, uncovered,
and lastly the chopped filberts.
me swear oy me corn oreaaand ski with sha,.p knife. Put
chestnuts through food chopper, or
finely chop by hand. There should
be about 3 cupsful. Melt butter in
another frying pan. Add onion and
celery. Cook over moderate heat
Nut-Raisin Stuffing
For the Roast Duck
Holiday Tradition
If it's a roast duck for the holi
day meal, here is a good stuffing.
It also is a stuffing good for tur
key, chicken or bread of veal.
For the duck, or chicken, cut the
recipe by one-third. i
Nut-Raisin Stuffing !
cup butter or margarine I
6 tablespoons finely chopped
9 cups soft bread crumbs
1', cups finely chopped nuts j
(filberts or Brazil nutsl j
l'.i cups raisins
6 tabelspoons chopped parsley
or dried parsley flakes
3 teaspoons salt
teaspoon pepper
Vt cup water
Melt butter, add onion and saule
until onion is tender, but not
brown. Add bread crumbs, nuts,
celery, raisins, parsley and sea
sonings. Cook about five minutes
over medium heat, stirring con
stantly. Add water. Stuff lightly in
to bird and roast in the usual man
ner. Makes enough stuffing for a
10-pound turkey.
Cut recipe one-third for duck.
Prepare and stuff duck the same
! as for turkey. Place on rack in
Roasting Pointers Given
For Turkey, Duck, Geese
Roast poultry of some type is
likely to be your choice for Christ
mas dinner. Here are some points
about poultry and. how to roast it.
Turkeys: There's a turkey that's
sized just right for you whether
you're feeding two or 20. For the
small family, choose a junior tur
key weighing from 4 to 9 pounds.
Regular hen or torn turkeys, rang
ing from 8 to 22 pounds are a fine
choice for a larger family. Allow
a little more than one pound,
dressed weight, per person for each
serving. Most of us like to double
that amount so that we can nave
! enough left over for turkey sand
wiches, casserole and salads.
Chickens and capons: Roasting
chickens average 3 to S pounds in
weight while capons range from
5 to 8 pounds. Capons are especial
ly treated chickens which grow
large and have very tender, plump.
breast meal. Allow at least one
pound per serving for just one
Junior ducklings: .lunior duck
lings give pleasing variety to meals
at any time of year. jney are
chosen from tender, meaty birds,
8 to 10 weeks old, weighing 314 to
umii sn.iis lumen. simKing pan lie- . rnIng .,, wilh,
-j ...:n. -i. i.-it- o.. out cover or water. A four-pound
Corn Bread Stuffing
(Knough for a 14 to 16 pound
14 cups (2 recipes
corn bread
2 teaspoons salt
2 tablespoons poultry .seasoning
1 cup finely chopped onion
2 cups finely chopped celery
Cooked, diced turkey giblets
Vi cup melted butter or margarine
1 cup turkey broth
Make corn bread according to
recipe on the box of Albers Corn
Meal. Add seasonings, onion, cel
ery, and giblets. Mix well with
fork. Add melted butter and hroth.
Mix well. Stuff lightly into turkey
cavity. Truss and roast.
For others the Christmas turkey
is not complete without it? oyster
Oyster Stuffing
4 cups diced bread
3 eggs
cup chopped parsley
1 cup chopped celery
Vi cup chopped onion
2 teaspoons salt
'a teaspoon nutmeg
Vi cup butter or margarine
1 pint oysters
Beat eggs and pour over bread.
Add celery, onion and seasonings.
Saute oysters, cut in bite-size
pieces, in butter until edges curl.
Add to bread mixture. Will stuff a
10-pound turkey. i
Perhaps you would like to try a
rice and mushroom dressing:
Rire-Mushrnom Dressing j
JVi cups rice
I cup chopped onion
Vi cups diced celery i
'i lb sliced fresh mushrooms j
It cup butter or margarine ;
1 teaspoon salt )
V-z teaspoons ground coriander
1 teaspoon ground rosemary s
13 teaspoon ground pepper j
U teaspoon ginger j
3 cups chicken broth
3 eggs, slightly beaten j
2 cups crushed crackers (V4 lb) j
U cup browned butter or
In a medium sized skillet (about
fl inch) saute the rice, onion, eel-1
ery and mushrooms in "the j cup
butter or margarine until rice is
liehtly browned, stirring occasion-;
ally. Add the seasonings and 2
cups of the broth. Cover and sim-
mer 20 minutes or until rice isi
tender yet dry and fluffy. Remove!
from heat. Combine eggs and re-'
maining cup of broth, then blend;
into rice mixture. Stir in crackers'
and browned butter or margarine.
Makes about 6 cups. !
Heat slowly until brown. Avoid'
Or a sesame stuffing:
Sesame Staffing
cup chopped onion
1 cup chopped celery
I cup melted butter or
!for about 10 minutes, stirring fre
quently. Remove from heat and
add the chopped chestnuts. Add
: contents of cans of mushrooms and
i the seasonings. Mix well. Add
r-rarkpr friimh? and mix acain.
Lightly place in cavity of turkey.
Close vent by inserting poultry
pins from one side of opening to
the other, then lacing string around
pins. Truss legs and wings into
position. Place turkey on rack in
shallow roasting pan, breast side
up. Blend together the sott fat and
kUchen bouquet, then ruh this all
over the trussed turkey.
chicken will be done to a turn in
about Vk hours in a slow oven
(325 degrees). Slow and easy roast
ing makes a lender, juicy bird.
3V4 pounds. Ducklings are easy to
roast because the fat covering on
Ihe birds makes them self-basting.
A four-pound duckling serves 4
persons, and remember, duckling is
all dark meat.
Junior geese: Young and tender
junior geese are chosen from a
special lean breed of birds that
weigh but S to 8 pounds. Like duck
ling, goose meat is rich and has
a delicate flavor. A seven-pound
roast goose serves 5 to 6 persons.
Poultry roasting is simple; the
method is the same for all. Poultry
should he roasted in an open pan
325 deg. oven. For approx
imate roasting time, see chart below:
Thaw frozen bird, stuff and truss.
Roast, breast up, on V-shapcd rack
in shallow baking pan. Brush chick
en or turkey with melted fat and
cover top and sides of bird with
moistened cloth basted with melted
fat to prevent drying. Baste with
additional butter or lard during
roasting. Ducklings and goose be
ing fatter, do not require brushing
or basting with fat. Jf desired.
square of aluminum foil may be
placed over bird during first part of
roasting to control browning
Glazed Ham Fine
For Holiday Meal;
Directions Are Given
Among favored meats for Christ
mas dinner, if it is not to be tur
key, is a baked ham. And adding
interest is a brown sugar and fruit
juice glaze for the ham.
If you're planning a small Christ
mas dinner, select a half ham, eith
er the cook-before eating or the
fully-cooked style. Roast it on a
rack in an open, shallow pan in a
325"F. oven, allowing approximate
ly 22 to 25 minutes per pound lor
a cook-hefore-eating half ham. A
fully-cooked half ham will require
about 14 minutes per pound in t
325'F. oven to an internal temper
aUtre of 125-130" registered by;SPns
a meat thermometer.
The most accurate way lo deter
mine doneness of roast meat is
with a meal thermometer. Insert
the thermometer inlo the center of
the meat before cooking, being
careful bulb does not touch bone
or rest in fat.
Glazing Half Ham
To prepare the glaze, remove
ham from oven 30 minutes before
end of cooking period. Remove rind
if anJf and score fat in diamonds
or any preferred design. Brush on
a mixture of 1 cup brown sugar
and V cup juice drained from can
ned apricots. Return to oven to
finish cooking.
Hot Mulled Nectar
Use these proportions to serve
holiday visitors along with thin
slices of fruit cake. A 12-ounce can
apricot whole fruit nectar, 2 tea-
lemon juice, 'h teaspoon
Giblet Gravy? Yes!
As traditional aa the turkey Is
giblet gravy.
Uiblet (iravy
ft cup turkey drippings
Vi cup flour
4 cups broth from giblets
i cups cream or evaporated
milk, undiluted
Salt (o taste
Finely diced cooked giblets
Pour drippings from pan into
bowl. Skim off fat. Measure fat
into large skillet. Blend in flour.
Add giblet broth, stirring vigor
ously. Stir in cream and cook un
til thickened, stirring constantly.
pounds cooked litle while onions
which have been arranged in a
baking pan or in individual rame
kins. Too with buttered bread
grated lemon rind, few grains of I Add giblels and season with salt. I crumbs. Bits of pimienlo or sliced
salt, 2 tablespoons sugar and a! Serves 10. Ipimlento stuffed olives will add
teaspoon each whole cloves and ! l holiday color as well as flavor t
whole allspice. Simmer S minutes. . the sauce. Ten servings.
Sauce for Onions ' '
Tiny white onions In a cheesa
flavored mushroom sauce offers
the ultimate in vegetable appeal
during holiday rushing-about be
cause the onions can be" prepared
ahead (or you can use the increas
ingly popular canned onions) ready
to drop into this easy-to-do sauce.
Blend one can condensed cream
of mushroom sauce with Vt cup
shredded processed or natural
Cheddar cheese. Pour over S
Junior lurkey
Junior turkey
Junior turkey.
Hen or torn turkey
Hen or lorn turkey
Junior ducklinf
Junior Rons.
POULTRY (325 degree orenl
Table-rtressert weight Approx. tout time
4 to S pounds 21 to 2'.i hour.,
6 to 7 pounds to 3 hours
pounds and over Sl4 to 3'i hours
ft to 14 pounds 3'. to 4?; hours
IS to 22 pounds S' to flu hours
3 In 4 pounds 2 lo 2Vt hours
Over 4 pounds 23. to 3 hours
Same as chicken
3 lo R pounds 234 lo 3U hours
The Time for Much
Coffee Is at Hand
Pickled Peaches
These are pickled peaches with
an old-fashioned flavor. Add i cup
"At Crystmasse, men ought to j vinegar, K cup brown sugar, 1 3
go visit and see his goode friende" incn stick cinnamon and a tea
is just as true today as it was spoon eaPn whole cloves and whole
when quoted long ago. Here is allspice to the syrup from a No.
how to make 32 servings of hot, 1 2)i can cnn(! peacn halves. Boil
full-bodied coffee in practically no 5 mjnutes, add peaches and sim-
time at all lor your goode mpP sinii.PR. Allow fruit to stand
Easy Coffee
Pour contents of a 2-ounce jar
of instant col fee into large coffee
urn, pot or whatever. Add 6 quarts
of freshly made boiling water for
32 servings of average strength.
Stir vigorously to assure a brew
I It you mane nun uane wen ui bvcii, uveiy Mieiigiii, vadiuiuu.
ahead of the holidays, be sure that I never add instant coffee to the
lyou wrap it tightly and store it boiling water. It will foam up and I gar in it and add onion powder
in a cool place. prrhaps overflow the container, for extra seasoning
Orange Glaze Good
For Your Baked Ham
So you're having ham to help
feed the multitude of "droppers
in" during the holidays. This glaze
will help make it handsome as well
as delicious.
Place ham or half ham, fat aide
up in uncovered roaster, broiler
tray or nven ware. Bake in slow
oven, 300 degrees, 25 to 30 nun-
If you make fruit cake
I in pickling syrup several hours or i utes per pound. Forty-five minutes
overnight. I before ham is done, cut off rind
aim imi tin iiium. ui uiu irii in
pan. Cut surface of ham diagonal
ly and decorate with whole cloves.
Blend 1 tablespoon grated orange
peel with 1 cup orange juice and
I cup brown sugar. Spread over
ham, return to oven and baste
often. Garnish wilh impeded thin
slices of oranges and oversizr
sprigs of parsley.
Kver add sauerkraut to pancake
batter? Drain the sauerkraut and
cut it in short lengths. Use a pan
cake that has very little or no su-
U-rnmm,. no wonder it's delicious and tender
. . . It's a
ond Norbest turkeys ore U.
oracled, immediately ready
S. Governmant inspected and
for cooking . . . protected by
Norbest turkeys are Grade A.
durable plastic bags. A
Eat Turkey... Keep Slim! Turkey is
Highest in Protein Low in Fat!
isk i mm - i
L3" ptew off
(The Perfnt tkUud bring) 17 f-y f B W '
Urns rp ymtr hiihtim talud tray
bring out the hidflcn flavor in smorgajibufd, ganiititm, salads aavl aeafocxla
with Nalley'a tasty, franh Tane; Dressing. Always at it Urajy bent -"not too
mild, not too Uif'-Tarrg's just-right flavor pieauM the whole family. Deli
cately manned, nupprior in consistency , Tang n pTA.-( lor salads and sealooda.
Ideal ti tliin or mil with Oliver ingredient kw tastier ineat smicea, hurl
rl'oeuvre dijai, etc. Try Tanaj! Enjoy ft! Tang bound to he beuaw bocaum
it'l made to be taetier!
To enjoy
the very best
Afptisr Dip
ftp? ahrimp nr rh'inlu at
rrah nn eockMtl pR-ka wnA
with howl of Tn
Cold Cat Save
AM ciwii mm
wk la TBf
I',; cir I .r.1- l ln fVrcl Salad llra-lnl
I I ot bollla Ssllay l Cr,ulrT rranta Dmals,
I cun nndr chopfMd criarr
I cup Imh or eannari 4riaip
I small bnUla rrl enum. s!m4
4 avoraflu.
rwh lomala waris.
Ktwtiv. at l.ttuaa
:ib. T.i id Na I lar frck DnWrs
Add ehoptMd oat.iy. annup aarf (wari onMwa Powr ov
lulvas ol avoradna aarwd a" a a andiw 1 aioa.
r r "i mh arith taraalo wmIsm
Jiwl nxntxne Taraf. Um perfect
Salad Dreaaioc, wilh iatley
Chtitraay F ranch Draaoing. Use
aaMXi(h of tlx latter to thin to
amired wwaiwt. Add a dash
i WoavheMerahiM tauce. Add
ccaopped stuffed atiei, too, if
Teas like. Herc'a i grand draaaiag
Ux ehced caKvinben, tomatoea,
carrou. oole slaw with ihroddod
red snd white cabbage.
ee Oratrtar Variety to yowr
giaaata can chooee )uat what thev
Hie, feature Tang or Tang "Laiy
Siaun Draasring" and vegetabW
lasiahea to dies up your holiday
kabie qaakklr and eeaaly.