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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1956)
Salem, Oregon, Thursday December 20, 1956 Page 2 Section" I THE CAPITAE JOURNAL ' Dallas Judge Delays Mixed School Start Negro Parents to Appeal Federal Court Rule DALLAS, Tex. Wl A federal Judge's refusal to order imme diate integration of Dallas public schools will be appealed. W. J. Durham, attorney for the parents of 19 Negro children who filed the suit, announced the planned appeal yesterday alter U.S. Dist. Judge William H. At- well gave his decision. RCAFtoKeep On Searching For Airliner VANCOUVER, B.C. UI Mors than 11,000 square miles of moun tainous terrain have been covered in the 10-day aerial search for s North Star airliner and the 2 per sons aboard, the Royal Canadian Air Force said Wednesday night. The search for the four-engined plane, which vanished Dec. 9, has extended over a rectangle 100 miles wide stretching roughly from Princeton west to Chiiliwaclc In the upper Fraser Valley. Heartened Wednesday by the first break in nine days of harsh weather, 21 pilots flew over the Hope area but turned up no clues to the location of the Trans Canada Air Lines North Star. "But," said Sqdn. Ldr. George Sheshan, "we'll keep going right through the Christmas season, if necessary." AU ground search teams have been recalled. Some had spent several days camped In the mountains. Their efforts wera thwarted by deep snow and the danger of avalanches. One ground searcher said they sank deep in snow in spite of inowihoei. Pair in Wreck Get Sentence Jail sentences were handed Portland 'couple Wednesday In Marlon county district court after they pleaded guilty to charges filed after their car was involved in a wreck Tuesday evening north of Woodburn. Oron Castle Howard was sen tenced to 10 days and fined $250 on a charge of driving while intox icated and was fined $50 and sen tenced to 10 days on a charge of driving while his operator's license was suspended. The sentences are to run concurrently. Judge K. O. Stadler Jr. ruled. lone Bealty Howard was sen tenced to five days in jail after pleading guilty to being drunk on a public highway. Meanwhile, Dr. Edwin L. Hippy, president of the school board, said, "The board is naturally pleased with the decision of the court and will continue to work in good faith with the people of Dallas of all races to the end that the interest of their children will be best served." To Give Board Time Judge Atwell said he dismissed the case "in order that the school board may have ample time, as it appears to be doing, to work out this problem. The 87-year-old jurist, a federal judge 34 years, recalled in giving his decision that the Supreme Court had left it up to lower courts to carry out its public school desegregation decision. He also said: "l believe it will be seen that me court based its decision on no law but rather on what the court regarded as more authoritative, modern psychological knowledge than existed at the time that the now discarded doctrine of equal facilities was initiated. It will be recalled that in 1992, Mr. Justice (Felix) Frankfurter (of the U. 8. Supreme Court) said it is not competent to take judicial notice of 'claims of social scientists.' " He declined to elaborate on his decision, saying, "it would not be proper." Ruling ea Rehearing Judge Atwell gave his decision after a 2Vi-hour rehearing of a suit started Sept. , 1959, in which the parents sought to gain admittance of their children to white schools. He ruled then that the Dallas schools need not integrate lmme diately, but did so without hearing testimony. The U. S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals at New Orelans sent the case back and ordered him to hear It on its merits. Yesterday Judge Atwell sail the policy of separate but equal schools in Texas was based on a state constitutional provision and had been in elfect for a long time. He noted that there was no com plaint about the competency of teachers or of school facilities. furthermore, the suggestion of the Supreme Court thut the in volved parties should studiously and carefully seek to integrate seems to have been attempted here: but so fur has not succeed' ad; but it has not been abandoned by liie school authorities," he said. Doing Their Best "I think that the testimony shows completely that the school authorities here in charge of this independent school district are certainly doing their best to com ply with the ruling of the Supreme Court of the United States. And thnt court, it will be recalled, left it up to the school authorities and the local courts to further this in tegration process." The Supreme Court on May 17. 1954 declared that race segrega tion in public schools is unconsti tutional. On May 31, 1955, the court directed that school segregation be denied "as soon as praclible" but set no deadline. It said "lower courts may find that additional time is necessary to carry out the ruling In an effective manner and placed upon defendants the bur den of showing that such time is necessary. Lift From Nixon tor m jay N.Y. Gunf ight Sends Shoppers Scurrying Vice President Richard M. Nixon holds a Hnngariaa refugee child in bis arms at the Schwechat airport, Vienna, Austria, shortly after his arrival today. Nixon took the little girl from her father's shoulders and posed with her while meeting a group of Hungarians who were about to take off for the United Stales on a chartered commercial airliner. Nixon Is la Austria ea a three-day visit to assess the needs of Hungarian refugees. (AP Wlrephoto via radio from London) DENVER (UP)-Michael Wieg- ner, 16, fugitive from a California mental hosDita . and his 17-year- old estranged wife, whom he kid naped Monday at gunpoint Irom her parents' home, were hospital ized here today following a police chase and auto wreck. Clo Ann Wiegner, the young wife, an honor student at Daly City, Calif., a suburb of San Fran cisco, was in "serious condition" at Denver General Hospital, with possible head injuries and a com pound fracture of the left arm. Extent of her young husband's iniuries was still undetermined. The couple was injured when their car, driven by Wiegner, cracked up in a gully In North Denver following a chase by po lice of 10 to 15 minutes alter po lice spotted the car about 2 a.m. The car, a Mercury believed stolen by Wiegner after his escape from Napa State Hospital, was completely wrecked. Search Started A second fugitive from the men tal hospital, identified as 35-year-old Jesso Eastman, a Sioux Indian also known as Jesse Red Cloud, Oakland, was not found when po lice arrived. Detective Lt. Roy Tangye said Eastman might have left the car before the police chase began or might have fled after the car plunged into the gully. He said a cilywide search had been started for the missing mental patient, labeled an alco holic by California authorities. Tangye said he had been able to question Wiegner but the young fugitive "doesn't want to remem ber anything that happened in California." Parents Relieved The detective said Wiegner did tell him they came across Nevada but refused to elaborate. Parents of both youngsters went to the Dolice station at Daly City Hungarian refuses who rime in '0 "' wne." w"e. ' Oregon to begin new lives will do SX'S Crash Puts Fugitive And Wife in Hospital Ore. Kef usees Plan to Wed PORTLAND Ufi Two of the "They seemed relieved that the youngsters were found," police said. Thus ended a search that began Monday night when Wiegner and his companion broke into the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Mo- watt in Daly City. Brandishing a .22 rifle, they tied up the Mowatts and forced Clo Ann to go off with them. URBAN RENEWAL EYED SPRINGFIELD, Ore. Ifl Ur ban renewal of a large tract of property northwest of Springfield is under consideration by the Cen tral Lane Planning Commission. The agency will survey the 161 acre trad to determine what would be the best development plan. A 165,000 federal allocation will finance the study. 't J SHOPPING DAYS TO CHRtSTMAS Ike, Mamie to Spend Yule in White House WASHINGTON (UP)-President Eisenhower and Mrs. Eisenhower have decided to celebrate Christ mas in the White House again this year in probably an old-fashioned family style. Presidential Press Secretary James C. Hagerty gave out no de tails in announcing that the first family will spend Christmas in the executive mansion. But it is more than likely the Eisenhower chil dren and grandchildren will be on hand as they were last year. The White House already is dec orated with poinsettias, mistletoe, greenery and Christmas trees in cluding a giant silver-trimmed tree flanked by a manger scene in the east ballroom. NEW YORK (UP) Hundreds of Christmas shoppers in the Bronx scurried for cover Wednes day night during a running gun battle between police and an ex convict gunman. The ex-convict and a cab driver were wounded. More than two dozen shots were fired. One by stander was grazed by a bullet. The shooting spree began when the gunman and two accomplices tried to stick up the taxi driver, David Suro, 49. Suro got quick at tention from two radio patrolmen when he rammed their prowl car. Suro was shot twice by the gun man. The gunman fled the cab with two policemen in pursuit. They ex- i changed shots in a two-block chase in the crowded shopping area of Tremont and Webster Avenues. Police felled the bandit with five hits. He was identified as Leroy, (Frisco) Keith. 42, on parole from an Ohio killing conviction ana wanted in Ohio in connection with two other killings. His two accomplices, a man and woman, fled the scene m the op posite direction. Police captured James T. Morris, 22, of Riverhesd, N.V. cowering under a parked car. The woman accomplice escaped. Statesman-Journal classified ads reach thousands of readers daily. Call EM 44811 and ask for Ad-taker. Party Staged at Salem General Salem General Hospital em- ployel and their children were treated to a Christmas party i Wednesday with everything from ' cinnamon bears to Santa Claus on : the program. j There was also a gift exchange. presentation of Christmas stock-I ings, games, and music on the ! program. Mrs. Marjorie Bostrack ! as in charge. i 70s C(wrft artitafj 9m TAYLOR RicwjiTODD Du. WYNTER mm 0' to IClNnuScoPi:' And "ON THE RIVIERA" DANNY KAYE'S BEST This Year Give Food orange CALIFORNIA NAVELS $269 A BOX OR 9c A POUND DATES 12-oz. Pkg. 19' RADISHES or GREEN ONIONS Police, Fire Exams Slated Examinations for positions on the city police and fire depart ments will be held January 23 at the city hall, the Salem civil serv ice commission announced Wed nesday. Names of successful candidates will go on eligibility lists for fill ing vacancies as they occur on the two departments. Final date Df filing applications to take the exams will be posted soon by city Recorder Alfred Mundt. The commission Wednesday also :ook under advisement a request of Frank Hills for reinstatement to civil service. Hills wishes to return to the fire department. He resigned last June to take an other job. Eugene Sets up Goodwill Branch EUGENE i - Ira Stewart of Eugene will head the Eugene Rranch of the Goodwill Industries of Oregon which has been organ ized here. The organization, which pro- viriM emnlnvmpnt fur iinnrii. capped persons, plans to collect l"la' M- wh0 1!,'"-d Wednesday 1 they mt be reported for tear n! h 'mp(h initios (inn yian iu luaniim i ........ Hr...,,i ...... vet in iheir Lommuniii oppresi- land for repair The items then chapel here. I Miklns said' he plans to get a job will be returned for sale at a They s(.d tMr s( namcs , ' , eeclrician. His wife-to-he r.ugene i.oonniu nor. onoraieo j rheir application but asked that said she also is looking for work Eugene residents may eventual ly sponsor a workshop here so re pairs can be made locally. it together. They are Miklos 25. and Ter- . ui i ,i . , ,. ;mr a marriage license and plan to po: repairable clothing and household b, milrrlod al 4 m Saturday tiv terns "ere and ship them to Port- U ,,, Uwi, anU clark College od GUNMAN ROBS MARKET PORTLAND (UP) - A holdup man carrying a long-barreled re volver, escaped with more than $1000 from a Kienow's market in southeast Portland last night, po lice reported. Why Not! t : i 9 A &tcme riANO COMPANY l Open. Mod. k Frl. Til t 12M Mats St. Ph. 2C2S1 IF LI LI CHILDREN'S Christmas Party ALL CHILDREN WELCOME! Sat., Dec. 22nd 9:30 A.M. Old Saint Nick will be thrre In person to hand out treats to all kids EVKRYBODY WKl.t'OME! Parents are alto welromr to attend this gals Christmas Party ELSINORE THEATRE im SALEM Sponsored by thf Salem Trades and tjibor Council A.frrd K Chivrrn. Chairman of f'hf't - Part" GENERAL Q ELECTRIC 1957-30 INCH MODEL RANGE AS Low As jgy rLH T.:yf"""' 1 &mUsifo Model J300P Jfr , , rr-nl NOT IUUIIMIID I Ja zvc vCcllg& gg3s Green F IT Stamps -V Models to Choose From i( Remov.ibl. Door -Easily Cleaned i( Huge 23 Inch Oven Ik- New "No Drip" Cooking Top i Focused Heat Broiler J303P Illustrated S.'W.M 365 N. Commercial OPEN MON. THRU FRI. Till 9 P.M. Till XMAS SALEMS OLDEST SALEM'S LARGEST o FRANCHISED DEALER APPLIANCE DISPLAY Phone EM 3-5050 STARTS FRIDAY Ends Tonight 2 Years Before the Mast" "The Virginian" JERRY LEWIS aHALWALUS'- . ODD DEAN MARTIN img ICES. ' - A taw- SONOSJ: IMM Of But tJ Frfeidhr TOWKOiOR MAXIE R0GENBUXIM . : CUitT IT, i AMTABffiERG ' tXUCTTD tV fllANK TASMUM Vj. M-fprn It Mr UsiAWf Phone EM 3-5798 Now Showing! wxi I 7! 55 tm him. SUEPING0TY FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS 3 ,J0' 3 'fbs' CELERY HEARTS J8-OZ JAR MINCE MEAT 35' SUNSHINE-MR. HI-HO CRACKERS 33' 300 SIZE FRUIT COCKTAIL 19' NO. 1 CAN BROKEN SLICE PINEAPPLE NESTLES CHOC. MORSELS AA LARGE NESTLES AIL PURE CANNED NT11U I rust isJUtT.ivieipnyrD a in I .mwn wwpiB.ii win wwwnin " mm i i hh wiitmu - sr 1 1 crrc pQpOTMffip MILK I TURKEYS 1 Tfy At Salem's Lowest Prices i I oy a ,,Mw,niT i miEa ....... s v u!ffl re j' " yf rji birthstone si f I S MEN'S FINE VV) $1095 I t JEWELRY s2iit ,y : 8 $195 . I 'oowwaT jj; 8 1 urn w I Ai rant tmmt ad J n a iHKt S I $1 90 WIlKir eie.iiBLki' I L Doz. 10' 19' 53' ft M w cam I $100 OYSTERS Pint 59' Slewing Hens 3 lt, 99' FANCY BEEF RIB STEAKS ,, 39 SWIFT'S SWEET RASHER SLICED BACON lb. 49' Gizzards or Hearts L 4" COUNTRY STYLE j "The Diamond Store of Salem" I HARMAN BROS, i I (I STATE AXD L1BERTY 4 Pork Sausage 3 ,t, 89' We Reserve the Right to limit-No Sales to Dealers Prices Good Through Thursday $ AVI f)G(t ENTER Portland Road Edgewater St. SALEM WEST SALEM