Salem, Oregon, luui-auay, December iO, 156 CAniAL JOuiuAL Mother Comes Back to 3 Tots She Abandoned JACKSONVILLE, Fla.- (UP) Mrs. Irene Pierce, 23, returns on a "surprise" flight today to New York and the three children she abandoned in CIranA r'fl.,i..i c. " vciium oia- tion because she could not afford v-nnsimas presents for them. Jacksonville Mayor Haydon Burns announced Wednesday night arrangements had been made for the young mother to return to New York and be turned over to wel fare officials who have cared for the children since she left them in the crowded terminal Friday. But Burns said she was not to be told about the "surprise" trip back to her family until this morning. Her plane is scheduled to leave late this afternoon. She said she left Victor, 5, San dra, 3, and James, three months, in the station, expecting them to be taken in by the welfare de partment, because sne could not buy them any Christmas presents with her $20 a week meal ticket. She was living In a Waterbury, Conn., relief project and receiving food money from thecity. Burns took a "personal interest" in the case. And he said hundreds of offers came in from all over the country of gifts, a borne for the children and plane fare home for Mrs. Pierce, Man Retracts Confession of Slaying Boys CHICAGO (UP) Police today planned a lie detector test for an alcoholic machinist who admitted taking part in the slaying of three Chicago boys and then retracted his confession when he sobered up. Erwin Staab, 32, wound up a three-day drunk Wednesday by stumbling into a police station to tell officers he was. present when two drinking companions mur dered the youths the night of Oct. 16, 1955. The murder of John Schuessler, 13, his brother, Anton, 11, and Robert Peterson, 13, touched off one of the most intensive man hunts in Chicago history. Staab dictated a three-page question and answer statement to authorities during hours of ques tioning. Police, who have run into a blank wall after months of in vestigation, called the confession "as hot as anything we've had in this case." Authorities then gave Staab a tranquilizing drug and when he awoke four hours later, he re canted the statement and ex plained "I just talk that way when I'm drunk." "Wa are going to let him rest at long as he wishes, with the hope that he can tell a clear story" later today, Morris said. Held in Killings li "- J if I. V T ANGOLA, Ind. Merlin McNaughton of Ray, Ind who Is accused of killing three persons and wounding two others, stands with arms wrapped about himself In Steuben county sheriff's office. (AP Wlrephnto) Statesman-Journal classified ads reach thousands of readers daily. Call EM 4-6811 and ask for Ad-taker. CASCADE QUALITY Country Smoked Sugar Cured Whole or ' Shank Half Per Pound HAMS i i i Dromedary Reg. 49c Angel Food Cake Mix Limit BISQUICK 40-ot. 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