Salem, Oregon, Thursday, December 20, 1956 THE .CAPITAL JOURNAL Section 1 Page 11 Absentee Vote Ups Del Sesto Margin in R.I. Incumbent Governor's : I 111 Court Tet Threat Brushed Aside PROVIDENCE, R. I. Un Re- publican Christopher Del Sesto, 49-year-old former Democrat, to day was Rhode Island's governor elect but a court test looms over the validity of votes which brought him victory. With only 340 absentee ballots still to be counted from the elec tion six weeks ago, Del Sesto led Democratic incumbent Dennis J. Roberts by 509 votes 194,848 to 194,339. Roberts, seeking a fourth term as governor, threatened court ac tion over me vanuuy oi aosemee and shut-in ballots. But Del Sesto 'declared at a news conference: "I am the governor now, based on the vote. If they think they're going to take it away from me, they're going to have an awful fight on their hands." Roberts led by 207 votes after the counting of ballots cast on vot ing machines Nov. 6. Counting of 10,000 absentee ballots did not start until Dec. 5 because of a state law. John G. Coffey, counsel for Rob erts, took exception to the count ing of "certain absentee and ab sentee shut-in ballots" by the Rhode Island Board of Elections. He asked the board to discard It, hallnte nn thp crnnnH fhyf tho Constitution specifically limited voting to election day. Coffey contends the civilian and shut-in absentee ballot law allows voting by these ballots "on or be fore election day" in violation of the Constitution. The Elections Board delayed a ruling. A registered Democrat until 1945 Del Sesto held state and federal posts under Democratic adminis trations. He split with the Demo crats because of a dispute. British Test VTO Aircraft With 5 Jets LONDON m British aviation engineers lifted slightly Wednes day the veil of secrecy around a five-jet plans combining fast for ward speeds with the ability to take off and land vertically. Newspapers hailed the plane uie SCI as putting Britain ahead of the United States and Russia in the race to develop jets that can operate from small air fields instead of mile-long runways. The SCI SC stands for strange contraption underwent its first taxiing trials at a guarded air field in Belfast, Northern Ireland, Monday. Only one official photograph was released carefully posed to show a minimum of detail. j Manufacturers of the delta i shaped plane, the Short Bros. and Harland Co., said it is powered: with Rolls-Royce jet engines. I Two of the engines, pointing i downward from the fuselage, are used to raise and lower the craft vertically. The three other en gines propel it in level flight. The plane also has an "auto stabilizer" which controls it in the air while it is shifting from ver tical to level flight. The manufacturers said Mon day's trials were the first step in testing the SCI. Thev eave no date on when the plane will be' ready for a full tryout of its! nover-and-dash powers. 40 Nabbed in Dope Roundup CHICAGO OB Police have rounded up 40 persons 15 of them juveniles in a narcotics investi gation. Louis Koloves, 42, of Chicago, manager of a west side barbecue stand, and 39 of his patrons were up iasi nigm. The action which police termed i a major roundup of marijuana peddlers and smokers was based on an anonymous phone tip that drugs were available at the stand. Detectives said they watched the establishment several hours before seizing two teen-age boys, one of whom they recognized as a known narcotics user. Police said marijuana cigarettes were found in the youth's car. Officers then answered the stand's steadily ringing telephone and talked with persons who, they said, inquired if dope was avail able. The callers were urged to come right down and police sub sequently seized everyone enter m? the stand. . Eight juvenile girls and seven juvenile boys were released to their parents. Police held 24 oth ers, including one woman without charge, for investigation. BANKER REWARDS SCHOOL COOS BAY IUPI- Marshfield kgh school at Coos Bay has the kind of a supporter most high schools only dream about. Reidar Buzje, a retired Coos Bay bank er, has sent the school a check of tIO.000 to compensate for the "joy and pleasure" he has re ceived from attending school, ports events and to support the aciaol drama departn.ent. daws smMDm -" i.l-LXlAJ KLUJ ULUJUMJU in nn i ir ci ci til II ft JMI VJLJLUJLVrMJrJ J JLIJLI W WW IThAHW ifl lKli fi n II H JL IUL1JLV AJUJI TTv r1 Osterizer liquefier-blender $44.95 Blend smoother sauces, gravies, batters, salad dressings, chop fruits, vegetables, grind cof fee, mix tasty drinks, puree foods . . . and do it easier with an Osterizer. White base. pink, blue or yellow base, $46.95 chrome base, S49.95 copper base, S54.9S new Oster attachment juices, slices, shreds reg. $3.00 Mary Mead recipe book FREE with your purchiii ( Osttrizir. Mail and phone orders' ELECTRICAIS-SECOND FLOOR reg. $9.95 versatile Scotch oven '39.95 f F?r5r'W f ilk A ul .iktjr. 1 :V . . ..... J" .., ' t it V t Handsome enough to use right at the table . . . and a wonderful Christmas gift! Makes 4 slices of toast at one time with old-fashioned oven flavor. Broils bacon, small steaks, ham burgers, franks; beats frozen waffles, browns dozen rolls. Complete with cord. Mail and phone orders' ELECTRICAIS-SECOND FLOOR Gilbert health massager (94.50 as low as $5 a month NO DOWN PAYMENT A really portable msssager that needs no bolt ing to the floor . . . suitable for home use, for clubs and institutions. Fully adjustable for tall, short, sitting or standing users. Daily Health Massager work-outs will make you look better, feel better. Afai! and phone orders' ELECTRICAIS-SECOND FLOOR Electresteen steam radiator 8 section 10 section $44.95 Here is safe, dependable steam heat that everyone knows and likes . . . plus portability! Electresteen radiators may be moved from room to room . . . plug in any electric outlet Lightweight, carries easily by convenient handle. Safe ... no fumes, no piping, no noise . . . economical to operate. Reg. $9 95 de luxe thermostat FREE with each radiator! Mail and phone orders' ELECTRICALS SECOND FLOOR iifi 1 1 ft '$- t - it! -H H it 41 innr UNIVERSAL GIFT SUGGESTIONS Ml the wonderful Coffeematic !tuP24.95 Brews coffee to your exact preference and keeps it warm until served , , . automatically. New design features include finger-protecting handle, non-drip spout. 8-cup size, chrome on solid copper. 10-cup, chrome on copper S29.9S 5 cup, solid copper S19.95 10-cup, solid copper S32.9S Mnt! ann phone ordert' Universal Cook-A-Matic $ 29.95 Automatic heat control, large cooking surface. Bakes four waffles, fries a dozen eggs at once. Signalite tells when food I ready. Mail and phone orders' automatic frying pan 19.95 Fully washable . . . immersible right up to the Signalite near the tip of the handle. Fry, bake, slew, saute, pan broil . . . with automatic con trolled temperatures up to 420. Complete with cover. 10" size. II" size, with cover - . S2S.9S AfniZ and phone orders' chrome Toastamagic M7.95 Toasts all types of bread to same degree of brownness on same setting. Completely auto matic, super quiet. One-piece body, lifetime chrome finish. Mail and phone orders' I steam and dry iron $ 14.95 "Jiffy switch" clicks for steam or dry ironing. Automatic temperature control. Reversible cord for right or left hand Ironing. Light weight. Polished aluminum soleplata. Mail and phone orders' : ..... j. ji... ELECTRICALS SECOND FLOOR 'Plus shipping cost to areas outside our regu lar truck delivery routes. a-