Page 8 Section 1 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, December 19, 1956 Demos Plan to Retain 2 House j Of Representative Officials ; Retention of at least two top flight Republican-elected officers Jnf the house of representatives, Mrs. Edith Bynon Low. Chief Clerk, 1025 Garnet St., and Alma fccnroedcr, La Grande, calendar perienced help must be retained in the house to insure orderly con duct of business House, Senate Klect Under the system followed clerk, was reoorteri viri.,ii, 1 orcon' Principal officers of the assured Wednesday. I and .scna'c1.!rc clccltd by Leaders 01 ,e aemoer.-,tie.. he respective bodies at caucuses trolled house hv nnnrnll fL 1,0111 0n ,ne aaV """" '" lrVa- lowed the advice of Pat Doolcy. speaker-desisnate, who so m e weeks aso declared that some ex Buckerettes Set Schedule For St. Paul 1 f I-rli School's Drill Train lo Appear At Games House Gets Microphones " I lure opens which would be Jan., ST. PAUL 'Special) The hish 13. scnool girls drill team organized ! Nniunillv Ihe m.-iinritv narlv ini""e year aso at the St. Paul Union j this case in the house, the Demo-! School under the direction of crnts, elect the desk officers as noucri .iay, nas announcea well as the serueant-at-arms and : schedule of public appearances the chiel doorkeeper. Patrick Mc-I'"r lhc coming basketball season. Carthy, St. Paul, who was defeat-1 The Buckerettes this year have STEPHENS COLLKGK. Cnlum. 1 ed by County Commissioner lioy ! increased their membership from bia. Mo. (Special) Miss Mary Mice in the general election, is 20 10 27 B'rls and all will make Clare Mooney of Salem. Oreuon ' said to be slated for the .-orircnnt-! 'heir appearance in the tradition- is one of 25 speech class students al arms post. al cowgirl outfit of large Stetson, Miss Mooney to Be Home tor Holidays : Stephens college in Columbia, i ,o word has been received as blue and while uniform and ma-. the contemplated Bcmocr.nie j '' The girls all twirl action on other desk jobs sue batons and go through intricate ' assistant chief clerk, journal clerk d"nee aml dri" routines. fllo.. who has been presenting - .Christmas talks and readings to ; Various church, school and civic ; groups. This is the students' novel .Tnethod of expressing holiday i .reelings to residents of Columbia. j l Miss Mooney read the humorous i ;ltory "The Mouse Who Didn't Be lieve in Santa Claus" on two oc casions, on December 17 to Ihird grade students and on December , ,J8 to kindergarten students. She Is a ,,,rUnt Hf l. n i-i n;.l '. recognized speech 'authority who kPK'' filled im- L p ', ... .. . . . mr-rli.-i i'lv a I or Ihp nrtran- nas aiso aone ex ensive wortc in : , .. ., , . i ici v u, d... i. Ihe art of listenine I lzos- u""k'J' sald ,hal nls l'i"- L '" yii,r 11,0 Biickcrctlea per- i , , ,., ... mittcc on commiltees will make formed at the Marion County "?"'" rurnmmrm .-ilmn.s on fl ;n" t lose ' eacners inslllule at ba em before and reading clerk. Jhese were filled in l!l"5 by Mrs. Lillian Kel lers, Eugene; Mrs. Peg Drager, Salem and Charles Boice, Salem. Boice has announced he is not candidate for return to the read ing clerk position. 60 Olher Jobs The first public showing will be at the St. Paul Union High School gymnasium Friday during the halftime ceremony of the St. Paul High-Sublimity High basketball game. The second appearance will he Feb. 1 at Ihe St. Paul-Perry-dale basketball game and the last -I I l.-.L ,. . Some other BO or more "house- k,m .""T"1", s. on ,wl" De 1 1., i:. wm-ii uasion niavs at Charles V. Mooney of 910 Tama rack. Miss Mooney will bo al home for the Christmas holidays from December 19 to January 6. ;. MRS. THOMAS GABRIEL is entertaining members of her '; bridge club Thursday for lunch- ' .eon and the afternoon. 1. . - I V OAK POINT (.Special) Mrs. ; Elizabeth Comsrock entertained at fl dinner parly last week, in honor I .of her niece, Mrs. Palmer Aust on her birthday. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Aust and John Titus. jobs, the majority of which are likely to go to "worthy" Demo crats. The top jobs in the senate arc "up in the air" due to the stale mate over the presidency of the senate. Until it is determined whether a Republican or a Demo- prnl u'ill fill dir. nrr-sirir-nl's piiair no patronage can be announced. ,ool nom' another first Warren (Jill, Lebanon, is the Re-!""' Albany Timber Carnival pa nuhlican choice for nreideiu and ,ue. more than looo teachers, and again at Ihe Elks state baton twirling contest before several thousand spectators, and at both performances received high praise. They also performed al lhc Pacific College May Day and Ihe St. Paul Rodeo parade, where J-Lain jM ii " " ill M Vista Masons Install Dodd Richard S. Dodd was installed as worshipful master of Vista Ma sonic lodge at ceremonies held at Beaver hall Tuesday night. Installing officer was Harold A. Rosebraugh, retiring worshipful master. Other new officers installed were: John w. Mctallister, senior warden: Raymond G. Rolow, jun ior warden: Bingham E. Herald, secretary: H. Ervin Scheidel, sen ior deacon; F. Gordon Shattuck, junior deacon; Rinchart H. Behm, senior steward; Kenneth L. Buch anan, junior steward; Raymond C. Anderson, chaplain; John M. Fes- sant, marshal, and Albert E. Kel sey, tyler. Silk Topper Sails Away A tall Salem man lost a tall Ilk top hat worth 150 Tuesday night somewhere around Che meketa and North Front. Harold A. Rosebrnugh. 5250 Liberty Rd., had worn the hat during the evening as an officer of Vista Masonic Lodge where he had presided at an Instal lation, When ready to go home after the meeting he put the box enclosed hat on top of his car momentarily and forgot to re move It when he drove away. Somewhere It fell from the car and could not be found. Wilh Ihe opening of the slate legislature less than a month away preparations are being made for Its coming. Installing new microhones In Ihe chamber of (he house of representative! Tues day was M, S. Braa. (Capital Journal Photo) Haven School they won first place, and again I Mlnno PAHnn st place at; 1 ICUIO JL 1 dill 't LEBANON (Special) Lebanellc .' Jlidcrs plan a combined business ; meeting and Christmas party, Thursday, Dec. 20, at the home of 31rs. Wesley Gillepwater at 7.30 v !P-m. By-laws and constitution com , mitlee members. Mrs. Gunnnrd ; Erickson, Mrs. fiillenwalcr, Mrs. ; Wanda Gowan, Mrs. Ralph Cod dinglon and Mrs. Lief Larson will make reports. Walter Pearson. Portland, Ihe Democratic choice. A committee composed of three members of each party is endeavoring to set tle the issue, thus lar williout success. Scolti Mills (Special) Mr. and Mrs. Dick Parks, who were mar ried recently, were honored at a UNICEF Cites 3 Salem Groups For Collections Three Salem groups have been basketball games. Girls on lhc Buckerelte drill team Ibis year are: Charlene Kirk Norma Bunning, Kathleen Mullen. Kalhlene Coleman. Martha Cole man, Gertrude Frith, Wanda Gub bons, Marie DuRottc, Carol reception in the Scotts Mills school ""'"'. nna marie urentano, rafplpria Rrfreshmpnls were sprv- M" VI LaBonle, Loraine Smith, auditorium Included on the program is a skit, "The Meaning of Christmas"; a pantomime, "The Nativity"; and community singing. Parents and other interested persons are invited to attend. p,l nri rianpina u,.n PniVP,l lo M,P AnnC-ltCC Davis, CoHnO m.,ii I, hmihi.rc iHosclla Pclland, Mrs. Parks is the former Carole Boyls, laughter of Major and Mrs. Arthur Boyls. LIBERTY (Special) -Sharon' Knepper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knepper. was comnli mentod on Saturday in honor of her twelfth birthday at the home oi her parents. Attending were Joanne Emmer- on, Kathy Knepper, Pamela Gor don, Carol Jones, Polly Clark, Mary Kay Bent, Chrystinc Butler, Belly Peterson, Barbara Meech The Karen troupe will travel to various I schools lo advertise their college. DAYTON (Special) Miss Joy Gott of Brookings, a student at Linfield college, was a Sunday dinner guest ot Miss Shirley llcdgccock. DAYTON (Special) Miss Norma Blnnchnrd, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Blanehard, and freshman at Oregon College of Education in Monmouth, has been uranium u, mien ivircnoil Iravp no rtramal c trounc The Haven School for Rptarriprt This vear riirppinr Mr. n.,r,ri ' Children will present its annual ! awarded certificates of appreci- Mav hopes lo have the team ner. I unrlsIma5 Pr08ram al r.m p.m. lunu-iaising eiion form at one or two major college I Thu.rsda-V ,n lhc S,ale Bllnd School, "aiioween- lor UHIICEF, an The three groups, Salem Council of Churches, Salem chapter of the United Nations, and the young people of Salem, were honored in the award which was announced by the chairman of the United States committee for UNICEF in few York. i UNICEF, United Nations Inter-! Children's Emergency Niirata prefecture ' u,,u' wl" e lnc of the miles northwest of Dny Kaye television show Sirn ! da-v- j Mrs. Fayc Dickerson was chair- Icarnlp Hario I. ...i.iani pr man 0 the local fund - raising Jeanne McCarthy is the drill I tain. I effort. Conner. I nais Marguerite .lungwirth. VnnDyke, Carole Ilarlc, Jeanne storms .McCarthy, Nudum Gleason, Patsy about 135 Bowers. Nnrene llillcr, Anita Tokyo, ililler. Hose Ann llillcr. banner CaroTv,? Plrit Jun8wir,n and ; 'earn captain for the second year. Plans Made for County Part in NEA Centennial At the meeting of the Marion County NEA Centennial committee, impetus was given plans for the 1957 NEA Centennial Celebration program, according to Wallace Turnidge, general chairman. Extensive plans were outlined for the April 4 county-wide birth day party and banquet. Chairman of this committee is June Emer son, North Salem high faculty. A deadline of June 1, 1957 was set for all schools in Marion Coun ty to complete the histories of their scnools. A check for $50 was presented by the Salem Classroom Teachers association. Activities in the county are planned in connection with similar planning all over the United States in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the National Edu cation association. The climax to the celebration will be the Centen nial Convention to be held at Phil adelphia in July of 1957. LEBANON (Special) Mrs. Sene Dumont, junior district vice-president for the Veterans of Foreign Wars auxiliary, attended the Cor vallis auxiliary Monday night on a visit of inspection. AVALANCHE KILLS S NAGOYA, Japan m Five per-1 Ililler, sons were killed yesterday in national Joanne avaiancnes during heavy snow- Giva A Musical Instrument With Lesions For Christmas JolmLillelund Services Held Services were held Wednesrfav lor jonn w. niieiuno, 83, a former resident of Silverton who died Saturday in Grants Pass. He was born in Denmark, Feb. 2, 1873, and lived in Silverton for 45 years. For the nast 15 vears he had resided in Grants Pass. He is survived by a niece, Mrs. Ebba Christensen, Long Beach, i-aiu. The services were held in the W. T. Rigdon ChaDel. the Bev John Cauble officiating. Conclud ing services were held at Ml. Crest Abbey Mausoleum. Salem Guard Unit Inspected Col. Louis V. Smith from the Sixth Army in San Francisco said he was impressed with the ef ficiency of the organization of Salem's Company D of the Na tional Guard following an inspec tion Tuesday evening. Company D Commander, Capt. Louis Osborn, said that official results of the inspection will be known after Jan. 1. The company has earned superior ratings the last two years. Col. Smith will make an inspec tion Wednesday night of the 732nd AAA unit at its headquarters near the State Highway shops. Inspection was held at Salem's Company B Monday night. Nasser Eager to Meet With Ike CAIRO, Wl A well-informed Egyptian source said Wednesday President Gamal Abdel Nasser would meet with President Eisen hower in Washington if invited. The informant was commenting on a proposal by U.S. Sen. Flan ders (R-Vt.) that Eisenhower in vite Nasser to Washington as a move toward a Middle East settlement. STORES I Open Evenings! 'Til 9 P.M. I Hollywood ' 7M is'n. 1 I r it. I SAVINGS MiM& EARN (m SAFELY ::-v at Salem Federal Your SAVINGS are Feder ally insured Safe to $10,- I ' 000 by the Federal Sav- ings & Loan Insurance I I n i Corporation, an agency of ! ,he Uni,ed s,a'es Govern- III I 7 fjm I ment. Invest with confi- u..I.rrv.lMraT1ICM 1 &i5?-lLl I : -L "'" W)07ftU4C I ZTZMrtzG Farin Court Ho,,5e Open Every Night Til 9 P.M. f sSPftElJ "m' nlsPnhprnf) Capitol Shopping Center AfflL0& Phone EM-281Qg j 3iLS34l- OTiOSITM YARDLEY English Lavender AFTER BATH FRESHENER For that fresh, fragrant after bath feeling . . . splash on YARDLEY "After Bath Freshener". Leaves your kin feeling smooth and soft. and Carolyn Gibson Sorenson. and Save 50 il General Electric ' 12 01 FT, COMBINATION ) REFRIGERATOR FREEZER II oTv 379" I Mognefic Doors yJufomafie Defrost g 77 lb. Zero rreeier Revolving Shelves I EXTRA LARGE TRADE-IN FOR J YOUR REFRIGERATOR No Money Down-; Green Stamps Si i & i in l mm -m tm m . m m i i ' l i m m 7 rIIVMv 1- mm I f I t I , I mtm. .1 ' " ' " m ' " " ' i. i I" ,t,v-.V.u o 365 N. Commercial vxo'm Salem's Oldrsl (f9& Kranchisrri lralrr Salrm' I.arxrl 'Rfci' Applianrr Dtspliy $ OPEN MON. THRU I Hi lU 9 P.M. TILL XMAS to urn ; i Ir-- IJ S l. J mi jj save as von Christmas slion with oreen special purchase! reg. 3. 98 tos8. 98 costume jewelry $U99 plus tax Over 1000 pieces! Fabulous stes in chiding stone sets, antiques, metals, au rora liorealis, rhinestones, orientals. Full cut stones, hand set and prong set! Choose from sets and individual pieces in necklaces, earrings, pins, bracelets . . . nil distinctive many one-of-a-kind i . terrific buys . . . every one! Lipman's Jcuclry, 1st floor mmm stamps 1 BBBBBBBBBBBBaalBBaBBBBBHHHBaMaBa