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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1956)
t Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, December 19, 1956 V Local Paragraphs First AM Pall. r-:- -:J . -I---: aw at tended Mrs. Donald Crawford, 2145 South Cottage St., Tuesday after noon when she got a laceration on the right shoulder from a piece of broken glass. The cut was treated later by a doctor. Theft from Car Two ther mometers and a pair of novelty dice were stolen Monday night from the car of Donald tt'iltse 1400 North 15th St., while the car was parked at the rear of North Salem High school. Finishing Job-City firemen are rearing the end of the annual repairing of toys that have been donated for the Christmas season distribution. The work will end Friday and the firemen request that no more toys be brought to the station. Coin Boi Tampered With Po lice said Tuesday that someone had tried to pry open a telephone coin box in a booth at 400 Marion street, but were not successful. Laird Arrested Judson W. Laird, 1880 Center St., was ar rested by city police Tuesday on a charge of assault and battery. He was released on $500 bail. Bike Abandoned An abandoned bicycle was found in the 400 block on Court Street and is being held at city police headquarters. It is of Robin Hood make. Wecter Initiated James Wecter, son of Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Wecter, 225 Hansen, Salem, has been in itiated into Pi Kappa Phi social fraternity at Oregon State college. He is a sophomore majoring in engineering. Sign Broken Damage estimated at about $35 has been done by someone to a metal sign directory on an office building at 659 North Cottage street. Report to police was made by L. H. Periman, 670 North Church. Can Collide Cars driven by Anthony James Becker, 590 South Liberty St., and Gerald Duane Biggins of Brooks collided about 6:15 Tuesday evening in the 500 block of Hood Street. The vehicles got minor damage and no one was hurt. Christmas card folders for snap shots, Henry's 4(i State. (Adv.) Kari's Smorgcsborg every Sun day from 1-8 p.m., $2.50. 840 Union. EM 3-3490. Reservations preferred. (Adv.) Christmas plants, cut flowers, corsages, decorative greens, wreaths, swags, etc., full line of gifts. Jay Morris Florist, 135 East Ewald. (Adv.) Wise move: When you've some need to fill, phone a Classified Ad to EM 4-6811. (Adv.) Quick service! Have glasses in one day, made to prescrip tion of your optometrist by Semler Optical Offices, Waters Adnlph Bldg., State and Commer cial. Phone EM 3-3311. (Adv.) For Outstanding Wallpapers With Fabrics & Harmonizing Paints plus Fxpert Decorating Assistance, visl1 Clarke's 220 N. Commercial. (Adv.) Castle permanent Wavers. 305 Livesly Bldg. Ph. EM 3-3663. Per manents $5 up. Ruth Ford, man ager. (Adv.) Capital Variety Open every right until 9. 1262 State. (Adv.) NO HURRY, NO WORRY when you shop The Gift-Spotter in Clas sified. Makes it easy to find what you want. (Adv.) All toys 20 off Thursday, Fri day k Saturday. Open 9-9. The Cottage Variety. 188 N. Com'l. (Adv.) Order your SMOKED TURKEYS now. Ph. EM 3-6024. (Adv.) Poinsettias Prize plants, $2.25 up Jary Florist Ph. 4-3391 (Adv.) Before you buy your Camera for Christmas, it will pay you to shop McEwan's. 245 North High. (Adv.) For the one on your list who gardens a gift certificate in at tractive Christmas folder from lufer Landscape Co. Ph. 2-2061. (adv.) Small holly trees with bright red berries. Make your selection early. Iufer Landscape Co. Ph. 2-2061. (adv.) Taylor's Variety Store. 1115 Edge water, will be open this week, evenings. (adv.) Salem Home Bldrs. Assn. Annual Christmas party and installation of officers Thurs., Dec. 20, 7 p.m., Marion hotel. 'adv.i 8 seiNK fintft Owalitv imel 1190 S Billfolds, Luggage, ?. 5 Stud Boxes,, Ladies Purses jj I LEATHER, g fs. I ao6ii. i j SHAFER'S j Leather Goods 1J5 N. Commercial J I -J.'tc Omen Stamps ? To Hear SentenitTh. ri;Gtri( court has set January 7 as the "ie io sencence Alfred F. Stray er, 2655 North Church St.. hn :as fnnnH onihu nf .u;i - e-j vi uiitiug nunc intoxicated. Sine Thurulav Can-, kl'c Glee Club Will nnnaw hafiro tho Salem Lions qlub Thursday noon o mo groups regular luncheon in the Marion hotel. A pantomime by Miss Jan Summerlin i iniinriri on the program. CflUllIp In Mi t A r DaVld n Cnr-nlnfelru ...U. I wMiisnji wnu nave been living at the Methodist Home here, will move to the Northwest unnsuan nome near Beaverton, Socolofsky said Tuesday. Assumed Rll.ln.c vnm. . . An assumed business name certificate has been filed with the county Clerk bv Richard HnhUrWf f C. Bowcut and Kills Vnn Pt'i-hon for "Dick Gahlsdorf Insurance Agency", 2480 S. Commercial St. Polif Hold TriiMrA aluminum truck was found Tues day in the 100 block of South Church street and turned over to city police who are holding it at neauquaners. Schools' Yiile (Continued from Page 1) with choral ernuns ih hsnri ,.J orchestra, and the ri partment presenting numbers. i-arncipating are the eighth grade chorus, band, chorus, girls' Chorus. Strintf orchestra nnrl tho orchestra. The drama department is presenting a play, "Puppy Love." The chdrus is under th Hirop. tion of Mrs. Madeline Suko with Miss Carol Hewitt directing the drama department; Howard Mil ler, choir; and Karl Thelen, band and orchestra. The Drnrrnm ic unrinr !ia rili-nr.. tion of Victor Palmason and Wal lace Johnson. Puhlir lnvlleil The general nnhlie is invited in a program at tne Blind School at 7:30 tonight. On Thursday an open house is slated for the school from I to 2:30 p.m. The same pro gram witn auout 40 participating will be given at both times. "Chants dc Noel," North Salem's annual Christmas concert, will be presented in the North Salem auditorium Thursday evening at 8 0 clock. The program is put ort by the music and dramatic de partments. Mid-Valley Births SALEM MEMORIAL HOSPITAL CAROTHERS To Mr. and Mrs. Norman Carothers, Rt. 2, Box 364, Canby, a girl, Dec. 18. LANE To Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lane, 2690 Broadway, a girl, Dec. 18. MCKENZIE To Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. McKenzie, 735 E. Mc Gilchrist St., a boy, Dec. 18. SALEM GENERAL HOSPITAL HILMIKER To Mr. and Mrs. Norville Hilmiker. 4.140 Dallas Highwav, a boy, Dec. 18. HANSBERItY To Mr. and Mrs. Daroll D. Hansberry, 2950 Fisher Rd.. a girl. Dec. 18. DEMAREST To Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Demarest, 1255 Vista Ave., a girl, Dec. 18. SA.NTIAM MEMORIAL HOSPITAL COLEMAN To Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Coleman, Rt. 1, Turner, a girl, Dec. 15. Wfteit Sun lu's Stumped ... ' i"" . ' ' i g Ope Dece pen Friday December 21st Only .8. ... Until $) Elks Start Clothing to Needy $1,600 Raised in 1st 2 Nights of Charity Show The 1956 Christmas Charity show sponsored by the Salem Elks lodge has already raised $1600 in its first two nights and is scheduled again Wednesday night and pos sibly Thursday, officials reported. The Elks began to give away clothing to needy persons Wednes day morning as a part of their charity program. Several tons of WARNER DAUGHTER SUES LOS ANGELES Ufi A daughter of the late movie producer Sam Warner is suing her doctor hus band for divorce. Mrs. Lita War- Hiatt charges Dr. Nathan Hiatt, Beverly Hills physician, with cruelty. Her complaint asks custody of their three children. News off Record CIRCUIT COURT State ex rel Roberta Jean Keus- cher vs Calvin Keith Keuscher: Defendant found in contempt as to support payments. Case con tinued to 1:45 p.m. Dec. 31 for sentencing. William Frank Cory vi Warden Clarence T. Gladden: Defendant directed to produce plaintiff in court Dec. 19 in connection with application for writ of habeas cor pus. Dorothy Evangeline Stockbridge vs. Lester Ray Stockbridge: Di vorce complaint, alleging that de fendant is prison inmate. Married at Salem, Nov. 18, 1953. Plaintiff asks custody of minor child. Delores Richardson vs, Murriel L. Richardson: Divorce complaint, aleging cruel and inhuman treat ment. Married at Reno, Nev., Jan. 6, 1951. Lena Mary Carpenter vs. Clyde Carpenter: Divorce complaint, at leging cruel and inhuman treat ment. Married at Butler, Mo., Feb. 23, 1927. Bobby J. Frdde vs. Bonnie Jeane Fedde: Divorce complaint, alleging cruel and inhuman treat ment. Married at Salem, Dec. 8, 1955. Plaintiff asks restoration of defendant's former name of Esp- lin. PROBATE COURT Peter Rorvlk estate: Order ap proving final account. MARRIAGE LICENSES John Wesley Eltlin, 19, student, Silverton, and Velma Jean Reed, 18, at home, Hubbard. Larry Lee Ped. 19, U. S. Navy, 5230 Portland Rd., and Lercne Joan Hankcl, 18, at home, 580 Fine St. ALBANY (Special) Hans H. Junker, 24, San Francisco, Calif., and Shirley Cleaver, 24, RFD 4, Albany. Leonard F. Williamson, 23, and Violet J. Hunt, 22. both of Albany Ray Workman. 18, and Peggy Primaslng, 18, both of Lebanon. Frank G. Decker,' 22, and Flor ence Ruth Young, 17, both of Leb anon. Edward A. Carlson, 51, and Jeanette McNuliy, 41, both of Eu gene. Lawrence E Wilcox, 24, and Ar ietta Jean Oxford, 19, both of Al bany. p. in 35 N. LIBERTY to Give clothing have been collected and persons can still donate it at the Elke lodge. The officials said that any needy person could line up for the cloth ing and that no questions would be asked. The Monday and Tuesday night shows drew packed houses of 450 at the Elks club Those attend ing donate any amount they wish to. The cast is made up of Elks members with Clyde Cook acting as master of ceremonies and di rector. Among the acta In the show are "All Things are You." featuring Dave Kennedy; "A Visit to Ha waii," including Norval Edwards, Vern Wadsworth. Kenneth Hill, Glen Blanton, Don Lutz, Dick Orey, Joseph Coovcr, and Dale Cresswell; and "From Hawaii to Paris." Nehru Talks (Continued from Pane 1) na's thinking about some Far East problems. Asked to give details of his re port, Nehru said Chou had made certain complaints. He said Chou's position' is that Red China has "gone several steps forward" while there have been no comparable moves to improve relations by the United States. The 67-year-old Indian leader faced 300 newsmen from all parts of the world at an early morning news conference at the National Press Club auditorium in down town Washington. He wore his familiar white Gandhi cap, white jodphurs and a tight-fitting, brown coat. Wants Suez Cleared Other highlights of the Nehru news conference: He said his talks here and at Gettysburg with Mr. Eisenhow er had resulted in a "much better understanding of American poli cy. 2. India is anxious that steps be taken to clear the Suez Canal as quickly as possible. But he ruled out any steps which would ancct fcgypt s sovereignty. In a radio-lv address to the nation Tuesday night, Nehru said the forces of peace are strong1 and world opinion no longer will permit "powerful countries to re vert to old colonial methods or to impose their domination over weak countries. That, he said, is the lesson to be learned from the "tragedies In Egypt and Hungary." Burglaries (Continued from Pige 1) from the cash register was mis sing. Exit was made by a rear door. The Davidson Baking Co. was entered through the front door by forcing the lock. The thieves took about $2.50 from a cash box and about the same amount from a coke machine. 4 SHOPPING DAYS TO CHRiSTMAS He Pucks His WkBsM P of 1956" ! 2975- - riV5 w r 1 mOm f I STARRING AN ALL ELK CAST fi I I ' fXP " ffl l I I Wjm mi ijj, 1 o villi :.l gg l Show Time: 8 P. M. J SJStSu li5iSSSp; Z PRICE'S GIFT CERTIFICATES l 1 y, c;y fi 8 Upon presentation of this certificate you may select gift items in our stor 8 k to value of: 5 From: THE CAPITAL JOURNAB Cliemawa The Cincinnati Redlccs feel that with a heavy hitting team behind him, ex-Cub pitcher Wnrrcn Hack er will Improve on his 3-13 record made with Chicago in 1956. Such Willi tCj Elks Annual Christmas 'MlilCi 7.1 IN I ySWmwiS ft V ii'l 1 WC f) WwMm I fh( "Variety Minstrelette fExquilit. Brid.,f Ticket, Door... by Donation f - T-SUl"! 3 ffl j! ' I i 50.00 or mor.. 3 d.yi only Witch (vS3? w I I I I i I i 1 - Fri.-St. ind Mond.v. ! 'nc. tx WOSfVJ 1 I Don't worry! . . . don't rush! Here's the gift that fits perfectly and receives such a wonderful welcome whenever it's given. Price's Gift Certificates may be purchased in any amount and may be cashed at any time. gift .By. Boys Meet Santa Claus Danny James, left, and Sylvester Quaglgant, were two of the 25 Chcmawa Indian School studenti who were present at the Christ mas party given by the Salem Junior Chamber of Commerce Tues day noon. Chairman of the Jaycee committee who arranged the affair was West Tombleson, standing next to Siinta Claus. Santa had a present for each of the youngsters attending. (Capital Jour nal Photo.) certificate Price's ,S I FREE. FREE. FREE! "'i.. SS"1 g II I lllillllllllHIIlfiSllli I S 1J iTftMfl f3 'lo compter ieltion of Bulovt- w ff I $ Himllton-Elgin-Grutn-Benrui n d S I I ludi..' X a LJ ...lum. .lnOl50 I Pried from $17.10 Inc. T. ill 7 B 1 A" '" 1 (Som. Model! from U.5) J1 ? W IN GOIO MOUNTINGS ' l A C ft I J0!?'' 'ERiiKSBaswisaiwjnaicfiijof' lllii! tea lATt SHOPM SMC1" I FREE GIFT WRAP Ffltf Nam ngravtd en 1l Jtwilry Purthattt Open Ivtry Ivtning 'til t P.M. 'til Xmi. except Sat., 5:30 P.M. 443 STATE ST. S a "OUAtltr MIICHANOKE "Vifjlr.! r5 kiivr X mTiJ' Truck License Plan Prepared A simplified procedure for li censing trucks operating in Ore gon, Idaho and Washington under the proration plan of registration has been worked out according to Warnc H. Nunn, director of the department of motor vehicles has announced. Under the new system, truckers prorating between these three states will secure their licenses from their home state. Oregon truckers operating interstate must secure their licenses from the Sa lem office, as the records must be consulted before the plates are Issued. Plates may be secured either through the mail or over the counter in Salem, Nunn said. Instructions relating to the new plan and forms have been sent to all truckers in Oregon licensed under the proration plan for op eration in three northwest states. Burglars Snatch Radios at Store Hogg Brothers Furniture Store, 260 State St., reports that three radios were stolen by burglars who got into the building Sunday night. Police found a window open at the store Sunday evening and spotted a wet footprint, but first investigation by Manager Fred Carstenscn did not reveal that anything had been taken from the store. The radios were later found to be missing. SHADE LONG ILL SCOTTS MILLS (Spccial)-Mrs. Clifford McMorris visited her fa ther, Shade Long, at the Molalla nursing home Sunday. He has been a patient there for some time and his condition was worse Sunday. no nns nau inree siroxcs. Hamllton-f Igin-Grutn-Btnrut and tonglnti vratchu , Prlcid from HMO Inc. T. (Som, Modfli from iW5) E!3jriBaw3iisatji)nafiijr' Diamond Earrings in g fine Mountings Priced J from $27.50 Inc. Tax FOR SOMEONE SPECIALI Pint - NecVl.rcf Br.ctlfftt Etr ringl Friendthip tnd Cri.rm Br.c.latt Priced From 95c to 49.50 SALE M. ORE. AT THE P.IGHT PttCES" g 2. 2 n Section' I Page B I LP IS (I O cr i 3- 3 4 " - O sT n O a ' it M J