Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 19, 1956, Page 20, Image 20

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    Pa?e 8 Section 2
Emphasis Put on
Superior Lumber
. Earl J. Parker
': House Stands
At Detroit
"' Capital Journal Wrllcr
When Earl J. Parker, associate!
With the lojcinc industry ami
forestry in the Detroit area lor
the past 22 years, decided to build
a new home tor Mrs. Parker ami
himself he nut emphasis on selc t
regional lumber of superior quai-
it' . Lumber for the home was eu.
"- in accordance with his specifica
tions at an Idanha sawmill.
' In other, bygone years, whci
the corps ol engineers were only
dreaming jbout a big conservation
and power 'lam on the upper North
; Santiam, Parker lived in another
' Detroit now beneath waters of the
dam reservoir. .
When flooding of the area be
Can discarded Christmas Irt'e
be put to any practical use? B 0
- Yes, In a number of wnytt.
Persons who (iisninnfle (hcM
with the clca of us inn (Item for
fuel should be very caulfoua tin
" the liees are probably very dry
j and might cause trouble, par-
1 ticulorly In a fireplace. Some
. trim off tne branches and save
the trunk to use as plant stako
. when needed later on. It's a
KUDU IUCU l MM, OB !.- (
. blends In to the natural foliage
coloring. (J nl rimmed branches
are often used as a protection
over flower beds of perennials or
bulbs If freezing arrnin tl'rtritens
'.' Received a cycl; men plmil w lu.e
in hospital recently, how snoui.i i
care for it at home now? Mis
G. C.
Most potted cyclamens come
." from the florists with several
buds. Even though the lenves
will continue to open until the
plant dies. Do not let the plant
day. Remove the faded flowers
every day,
I want some bulbs for Indoor
flnwprinff. What kinds are
if i in. 11. ii, n.
II.. I U J .-..II 1 i I
cooi pmce ior m monin or six
weeks. The most popular bulln
'at this time of year are the
. Chinese Sacred Uly, (lie papi-.'
whiles and the yellow tiolM
. d'Or. The hybrid anutryllis I,
line ior winter oiooming inaoors
normal run of house plants. The
florists and garden supply store
hove many of these, and other
" bulbs, olreudy sturted In attrac
tive pots, so. you should have
little difficulty In finding some
thing suitable for your partieulai
'. needs.
. I find a dearth of material in
my garden that can be dried ami'
used tor Jecorativc purposes. 1
want to correct this difficulty 'or
the future. What material should
I plant? Mrs. C. A.
nc ure io ineiune t eionia
.' (cockscomb) for their colorful
nnd, sometimes, grotesque
chaffy flower clusters, straw
flowers, strawberry corn, Sumac
and nlindxt any of tht berried
shrubs. Remember, too, that
leaves of many plants such as
rhododendron and magnolia and
even the Heeeh may be glveer
; Ined or spray painted to add n
'' touch ol interest to ;m decora
live arrangement. The plume
of the Pampas grass in also ef
fectively used in its natural
color or tinted to suit your taste.
Tips Given for Preparation
Of Decorations for
Use Suggested
Of Cones.
Last minute frenzied prep.ira
lions lor inc Holidays may
simplified by observing these'
pie rules or suggestions:
. .
and wired to wreaths or
After the holidavs, remove ihe
cones and slorc for use another
Wire Berries to Wrealhx
Red berries may be found on
.many shrubs, trees or vines at this
season and may be wired to
wreaths or xwaes.
Branches of evergreens are eas
ily colored with u spray gun or
paint purchased in Aeresol cans
readv to ujc. Be sure the branch
es are diy or (he results nay to
re.f. MovpmWi k'm tfe
Wafe ; to Wrd twW (to
bw4 of a riww. Voottte n rDtjQicrsctQ
very (jfwlivt.
An ttsr.-aif maO Uflo tree
found in I. , ih T.r, "n"i ,u''"ls' s,'rd l"'
found in many shapes and sizes ol I'aiilownia or Calalpa
IctT nnturlif color Z'"l 1
came imminent Parker was patd
for his home by the federal gov
ernment. Presently the corps ot
engineers put the property up ior
sale as valvage. Parker then
bought it hack with thoughts about
moving the house to a site in an
area conceived as a new Detroit,
.lust then a purchaser appealed
who bought Parker's old home for
himself and undertook to move it
Things happened that way when
Detroit was getting its relocated.
The site .elected by Parker for
his new home was a lot 75 by X
feet on Detroit avenue. Then it w.i
a jungle -f brush and trees thai
necessarily had to be cleared be
fore construction could start. Alter
the bulldozers had finished their
job a contract was made with A
T. Barnhart of Gates and con
struction of the house started in
Parker got along without
architect by selecting a suitable
plan for his home from a number
offered by a Portland newspaper
This plan called for a five room
house 31 by 4ff feel and a livin;
room I4'a by 17'j feet. Ceiling
height is standard eight feet.
Sidcwalls in the living room ar
partially plaster and partially
panel in western red cedar. At the
fireplace nd of the living room
cedar panels extend from the ceil
ing to the floor and arc finished
in a brown stain to simulate the
patina of Hge. Other rooms ahu
carry this wall motiff in piaster
und cedar tut to Parkers specifi
cations. Mimivc Fireplucc
A massive fireplace In the livmj:
room has jambs and a mantle
facing of Roman brick. The mantle
itself is a heavy timber to har
monize with the dark hack-wall.
Furniture, floor covering and fix
tures for the living room were
selected to become a gracious
mode of living.
nrKcr s Detroit home is as
modern as today's modern app'i-
nnces can make It. Klectricity is
used for power, cooking and to
an extent tor heal. Hut power out
:ipe in the Upper ( ai'Von is not
exception and this writer noticed
a reliable old kerosene lamp re
tained on a .standby basis.
An exterior view of this dwell
ingamong the newer and better
in Detroit shows a home that i:
low with widely extending eaves
that keeps roof drainage well be
yond the house foundation. The
garage is adjacent to the house
From the bay window in the liv-
ing room the Parkers eniov mi
attractive view of a new and ex
panding community.
'Mrs. Parker, it may he noten
is Detroit's weather reporter and
has a 21) year pin for tins serviee
Whenever nn inch of rain falls sim
calls the Portland office. Karlv ir,
Dceemhor Mrs. Parker kent liie
phone line hot. Detroit had 9',a
inches of rain in four days).
Your Garden
The term "("hrUtiiiii
k nnniimi i
to Ueeonia in smnirnnni iwrv
Mleteromeles nrhutifnliai, ' Cactus ' 8r;,t vistas ol whicn lncv dream,
'Zygocactus Iruncaelust, Kern;, A nl,1(' 1,0''S om is ,or nder
i Polystichum ncmstchoidr.o. .ind inR-
Hose illellehous nicer'? I
Violent fluctuations in tempera
ture is the primary eause ol house
plant lailure?
No plants are so light demand
ing as cacti?
Caladivims are among our most
Korgeou.. foliage plants?
i wo laminar l lowers of llie deep
South, the Hougainvilleae vine and
Crape myrtle nre hardy to tern-
peralures of 40 to 30 degrees, re-
Landscape architecture is the
art of design by which grounds are
arranged for practical and ncsthe-
tic enjoyment?
selling clipping of l.,.voml. blue!
spruce, arlmn line or lir into the
i , ,..,!,
niesl, and adding the customary
ninamenis, oi iiuiiiaiiue size.
C.-nhinds of ewrgimi hiiim-lies
may lie fashioned in a slung form
ami draped oxer a clonruay.
colored electne lights intcrtu mod
in (l.n I,- 1..
i , '"lm 4i ii. nit.
.inn Hi Kiiiue eini.uueivay .ior ine
c;iny out the interior decorating
l.ame leaed eei L;ieens afford
a wealth of material tor adding
VvVii-"'A'lE fnrlrt m KA m i-l a
F New Bomrt)
I j for Tmit
ft Window!
4 Cvnbiinat'ura icram & Storm Dxant
J (mil Qrvpurf 8a4 mi ffwoWa
0 Mnu(i Mii ." i-han Blinds
0 tut Bt Mure Window Shades
Capital Sttaitt mi Drapery Shop
lk M gain':':'
r '"'IB'?'-.";. fj'i
J??? 3.
Knrl J. Parker's home at Detroit, a five room construction of
l!l!2, frntlircs extended enves to carry root drainage, In this
wet and sometimes snowbound area. A large bay window In thli
.11 by 4K foot home aflords a pleasing vista of the new and ex
panding community. Shown below Is Mrs. Porker In the spacious
New Type Wall Sculpture Can
Give Excitement to Youngsters
AP Newsfeaturcs Writer
Do you expect your little cow
hoy, Indian or space cadet to be
overjoyed that his room is to be
redecorated? Get set for a let
down. He'll probably retort with:
"Who cares". It he's old enough
to be especially voluble he'll let
you know that he likes his room
the way it is bugs in jars, wi
shing arrows and all.
Little boys are not impressed
with crisp organdy curtains and i
' wallpaper. They want a
view that will not conceal the
ls 1,0 impressed by the stars
Plan an astronomical layout for
him perhaps a ceiling etched with !
big and little dippers, planets from
which he can visualiu; Martians
soaring into outer space, stars
twinkling back at his stargazing.
He may make the designs himself
with the aid of Mom or Dad. They
may he cut out of a book, anchored !
with transparent tape or rubber I
cement. A large map may go to j
the wall or a large world globe!
'may grace a desk.
Stiilu nrl rinosn't whin un a little
j fi How's imagination. He needs art
'with movement and flowing lines
zest to n table nrranircment. the
leaves being placed in sunburst '
. . . . .
I fashion, gilded, to form a basis;
tor the table arrangement. A
heaping silver bowl of silver and
.,i.i i-i,ri.i.,....- .,rn.,ti.ntc
,.,.. ... ,,i,,...velv used in place
..r ,rj,,H ;,l..n m.itftri:il
1,1 '""I.
table arrangement
takes on new significance and nov-
cite nl St. Kiacre. the patron saint
of gardener
1 Christinas dec-
e iv w in ine use 01 s man Mam-
so to sneak, is ensv and fun if one
hut utilize available materials
found in the home grounds and,
besides, it's economical!
Draperies, Shades, Venetian Blinds
Parker Home Features Extended
' "isK
LI... JL -Mn a
lie s A vnung Cow Hand So why not give him a home-nn-thp
range deeor. The cowboy nn the wall board Is mnde of braided
nvlor cord rope sculptured nn board.
that may carry him off to the dis-
tant idaccs in his make-believe
j world.
The cowbov mav get all the ex-
cilement ol a thrill-packed "west -
ern" with a new type of wall
sculpture. A leisure lime project
for Mom. it is put together with
nylon cord rope.
Hero's How . . Silhouette nn ob -
ject. such as a cowboy and his
horse with a rope on a piece of
wallhoard. Outline it with the cord
1 !'0,e- li,,w"T ccm 15
i lasiener or use a stapling machine.
mini! hr.iris nr nin If nirw nrp
used, wire snippers may cut the
13 $. Vt Vim SM-49921
. . ' - i
o ti
S, j-2 Cis 'r-
r TrilcirVlfiiAfi
living room of her new home. Center of attraction for this room
Is a fireplace faced with Roman brock and built Into an end wall
paneled In western -red cedarf stained brown to simulate the
patina of 'age.
ends of the pins from the back
of the board. White brailed nvlon
i is a good corded rope for this pur-
Pnse- ut the object up on the wall
1 and watch your little cowpoke s
If the room is large enough, a
section of rail fence along one
wall will put your junior cow-
:hand in the homc-on-the-range
mood. An artistic parent might
paint nn outdoor scene about it,
er a wall mural placed above it
. the way may lend further
illusion to the idea
I iltln ..lnr 11 a it.
salty theme in decor. Give them
Screen & Storm Doors
Including CUter, Latch
And F.K Pima Hinge
a ship's light lamp, put sails at
the window, 'let the floor tile or
rug be a sea green shade. A
ship's wheel on one wall or plac
ed below the window mav take the
little captain on many imaginary
voyages. Fake portholes are easily
made, either sketched and nut nn
the wall or painted on Ihe wall it
self. Life preservers rnay decorate
the walls.
Junior pilots mav eniov s n
bile accessory of airplanes. At
tach some to fishing line or nylon
clothesline cord, suspending the
plnncs at different lengths from
a crossed section of board. Put
a loop on top to attach it to the
Jan. l-Northwest regional
meeting. Men's Garden Clubs of
At last I The first
home heater
So revolutionary
i con only b
f the new jgMjjf f
For Natural Gas J
compered with central heat'mgl
Cvorontees conttonf comfort
Ends drcfly off.ond-on heat
Heots only freshly filtered oirl
Reduces fuel costs maintenance bills tool
Fiberglas insulated cobinet stays cool, soft to tovchl
Hondsome modern design odds to the beauty of your homel
Now on easy terms only m O C
D. E. Cooper & Son
540 Hood St.
Phone EM 3-3603
Holly Trees Possess
Historic Background
Few groups of tree possess the
fascinating and diverse back
ground of the genus ILEX, or, as
commonly know them, the Hollies.
Since the days of the Romans,
the Greeks, the Druids and the
Indians of the Americas, Hollies
have played an important part in
medicine and magic, science and
superstition and legend and lore.
In the days of the Dinosaurs,
botanists believe? there were Hol
lies that arc now extinct.
Druid Priests Used Branchci
Tradition has it that Druid
priests would use Holly branches
to banish evil spirts from the early
Plants Linked
To Christmas
By Tradition
Many Legends Told of
Herbs Found Among
Manger Straw
Persons '.vho enjoy working with
plants in their gardens, seemingij,
have a deeper appreciation or un
dcrstanding of Christmas perhaps
because plants had a piece in tne
heartbeat of that first Christmas
in Bethlehem long ago.
The leeends of many plants anil
herbs associated with Christmas
are multitudinous an beautiful.
One of the most charming stories
is about the Christmas roe
It seems a very young shepherd
ess made her trek to tht Manger
but had not fancy gifts to present.
Tired after her long journey, she
sat by the roadside and wept.
An Angel appeared and told het
to take the little blossoms found
by the roadside as her gift.
She did lliis and when she went
up to the Christ-child. He reached
out to touch her offering among
all of the gifts that had been
brought. When He touched Ihe
petals they changed to a soft pink
as we know the Christmas Rose
Charming Legends
There are many charming
legends of the fragrant herbs found
among the straw in the Manger.
There are. too, several version1,
of the origin of the Christmas
tree, none more logical, it seems
to us, than the story of Martin
Luther returning home through a
wooded area and, upon looking up,
saw the stars in the sky, seemingly
resting on different branches of
the trees. This sight plus the snow
covered branches, so one story
goes, caused his suggestion for
duplicating the sight in the home
on Christmas, using candles to
simulate the stars. Later additions
and improvisations called for col
orful ornaments as well.
Not too many years ago, the
Christmas tree was an object ol
the decorating ability of the cntiie
family, colored paper chains.
strings of popcorn and bright red
cranberries gave the tree a festive
appearance. Commercial interests
soon saw the possibility of capital
izing on a time-honored custom
and tinsel and glass-blown orna
ments, and later, electric lights,
came into being.
These fragments of tradition are
precious mementos to those oi us
who plant gardens, because they
carry us back, in memory at least,
to the source of a new "kind of
In 20 yearsl
flow lo ceiling I J
blasts I
mmm- I'll It I
LnrJLl I
Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, December 19, 1336
Briton household. To these early
Britons, Holly served two pur
poses: lo protect inem irum evn
spirits and, when placed in their
dwelling places, provided a haven
for their beloved Sylvan Spirits,
shielding them from frosts and
cold winter winds.
The early Bomans used a Holly
wreath at a wedding as a token
of good wishes and high esteem.
It was during the great festival
of Saturnalia that it was cust
omary among the Romans to send
Holly boughs along with gifts to
their friends as tokens of their
esteem and good wishes. It is
from this custom that historians
consider Holly to be symbolical of
goodwill, and the reason we dec
orate our homes and churches with
this colorful greenery at the
Christmas season.
The early English herbalist,
forerunner of our modern physic
ian, believed that all plants had
medicinal value. Decorations of
Holly leaves, berries and bark
were considered a cure for many
ills, including broken bones, colic,
gout, skin diseases and gall stones
Pilgrims Found Plant
The Pilgrims discovered native
Holly when they landed in
America. The emotions upon find
ing their first Holly and the re
minder of the Holly that grew in
abundance in their homeland must
have been mixed with joy and re
morse. In the early days of our
country, a new concept of land
scaping was just beginning with
the use of outstanding native trees
and shrubs and ornamental plant
ing. George Washington loved noth
ing more than to be astride a
good horse and to ride about seek
ing out and supervising the plant
ing of specimen Hollies at Mt.
Vernon. Many of those plants are
still thriving in their original sites
even today.
Used In Drink
Little know facts about Hollies
arc the use of concoctions from
the leaves as "tea", and the even
less known use of the wood of
the Holly for tomahawk handles,
chariot shafts, farm tools, furn
iture inlay, drawing and musical
instruments and engraving blocks,
yet. it is reported that more than
30 million South Americans drink
mate daily.
The drink is, formerly known as
Verba Mate. It is a blend of dif
ferent species of South American
Hollies and said to be a most in
vigorating drink.
The Holly tree has long been
prized for its fine, hard-grained,
hope. This virtue, when properly
cultivated, keeps a gardeners
spirit buoyant in the face of pests,
disease, droughts and other diffi
culties that beset him in his out
door ventures.
But, there is more to Christmas
than the renewal of hope it brings
It is the age old emphasis of the
importance and need for gen
erositythe sharing of our plants
and gardens with all who care
about them. Actually, this notion
of giving goes on all year long.
In essence, Christmas serves to
give us gardeners a, broader hori
zon ana a richer meaning to the
things we most enjoy.
din wth mwtm It ffv ym
Normal r Slow foe wih, Nov
tot f Slow for tpn . . . m tmf
tomblMtion H tH ft typot f
w iho bio. fobf tctl
l 1 "i Bori&H
8 ony per week 2
at hm Om m
No Money Down
&C Green Stamps
8 -
1 K.-i'iinriimraTHm
light-colored wood and was often
used for purposes where hardwood
was a necessity. Its light color
made it readily acceptable tor
furniture and inlay work in which
many craftsmen excelled.
Thus we see the use of Holly
at Christmastime, as we know it,
has a basis in the culture and
beliefs of the past. It is doubtful,
too, that Holly will ever bo sup
planted by another tree in our
gardens or in our hearts for the
tradition of Holly use at Christmas
time is more than a custom it
symbolizes a way of life.
Home Repairs
Dos . . . Dont's
DO . . . dilute shellac with de
natured alcohol in a 50-50 mixture
for most ordinary purposes around
the house and in the home work
shop. DO . . . flow on shellac with a
dust-free brush which should be
cleaned with alcohol after use and
kept only for shellac.
DO . . . know that you will get
better results .with two or thre
thin coats than with a single
heavy coat, sanding very lightly
between coats.
DO . . . use sheilac as a sealer
between a coat of oil slain and
the final linish.
DON'T i . i apply, shellac in
damp or rainy weather unless you
want fo wind up with a cloudy or
whitish finish.
DON'T ... put on shellac over
wax or oil, although shellac itself
provides a good base for wax, pre
venting dirt from being ground
into the wood.
DON'T , . . buy a large Quantity
of shellac at one time unless it
will be used up in a couple of
months, as it deteriorates slowly
once the container has been op
ened. DON'T . . . forget that white
shellac is not actually white but
clear and produces a practically
colorless finish, while orange shel
lac (which looks somewhat the
same) produces a slightly tinted
Complete Installations
Free Survey & Estimate
36 Months to Fay
Call Today EM-J8555
Eve. EM-48790 or EM-48821
Salem Healing &
. Sheet Metal Co.
1085 Broadway
High Speed
with Automatic
Onhl d)inM Dim mt
.lii.ull.alhr. Hnr Mih-ip
CWon mmd White
may be m; to amtm
'.o comm( l$tf2P gxas &4
91" H'tO" M- Ph'r, EAA 4-185t