Paee 2 Section 1 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, December 19, 1335 FBI Seises 4 in Theft of Oil Mans Worth Millions Red Documents Refugee Hands.'Somc Santas SpiifltpPrnWJ 'Off Rockers' OCUdLC 1 I UUei 5 Philadelphia n,. Highway Toll Ex-Partner of Rubinstein Involved For Holidays, CHICAGO (J) Traffic deaths Arrested in Theft of Oil Maps HEyryi,i,. ""uun I. imiiw mil ,i,jjiinumpwMiiiiin i i ,- VfS;. (1 17 . i ? t . ,V ; j ( V i i u., -.1 w.-.- ."i i ."r"r ! NEW YORK The FBI has arrested four men here in con nection with the alleged theft of top.e:ret oil exploration mjp that a aoernrnent attorney say are "worth millions." The aups. federal s.ud. were stolen from the Pitt.i biirnh ofiices of the Gulf Oil Co. by art employe tney uid wanteil to sell them to pay off aambkwj debts to N'v York racketeers. The arrests yesterday foilcwed 'a raid on the otiices 01 the C S Tackless Corp. in the Bronx. FBI agents said they recovered mjny ot the oil company s eoluiiicai and sei.-imoiil-:iniiic m.ips at the otrices of the carpet firm. Amim the tour arrested on charaes of transporting stolen property acrons state lines was Oriie Richard Til, well known Texas oil and natural as promoter. Seaitraves denied any i connection with the alleged thelt of the oil maps. i Also arrested was Emanuel Les-; ter. K. already in jail awaitmif fit Irvine rn eYlort more than half a million dollars from tecuves to watch the handful of the bet financial manipulator trusted employes who have ac- Serie Rubinstein. Federal ofricials cew to -top-secret ' maps. said Seaaraves was a former part- ' Pittsbursh. L. i. Atty. D. ner of Rubinstein in the early Malcolm Anderson said a Gulf. l'Mtls The officials said the two rnply there got "deeply in dent; Rubinstein connections were co- "hile gamblum with New York; m-nfennal. as far as thev knew, racketeers and took a few of Che I The others seized were .John mJP himself. Ander-i Mar Leivia. 34. Oranae. Tex .. id the information con- SHOW OF STRENGTH and Edward Liebcrman, l, the tJinerf the -oi maps was Bronx. listed as president of Tack- worln a to tne company. less and identified as Lester's brother. If convicted, each could net PHILADELPHIA tfv-The Phila delphia post office has had seme queer ones in its time, such as the Christmas gift that resembled By G. MILTON KELLY : head shrunken in Ecuador. But I. "AsHINGTOX A H'iozar- those false choppers brtiBf into a win soar to a new record during ihanrfJTI'V3;'1 tDdKy h3S Pr n? tumblel u th' Chmtmas holidav period, the i3Elft?bX Pad of fruit - fetr Council sa.d to- f Matyas FUk,. mJ p- bottled flavorings, the teeA,- t0" dfm pet who resided in July as the ciamaed grotesquely, on a pear, j " they e?r d b0: top Communist in Huniary. Even Har R van .hl.f ' The cwci estimated that tut ' TV ref,,. .,., ,k ' veteraa cftie Americans may be tiled on the La 'os K i I of tion. was shaken. -Work i streets and roads during the Ions 'Xc lW hv ih. " .eT ton? ?h." he said, "and holiday weekend - from p. m. ternal Seir tv sfrr ,? -v"u vf "( ' f''" Santa i local time. Friday to midnight , LnTZ ;,. Subf7t:re t0 Clans' helpers are off their rock-. Tuesdav. lioS'H "pUu,ed The highest toQ for any holiday The subcommittee sa-d Raff ' J 1 period was 8fl, compiled during was freed from " SmmunS t IfJ"' threeiay Christmas prison during the October g Jhm !" '"' ' , cekbration. a Hungary. " The council said the forecast in- It said rebel forces assigned - crease is based upon an extra day him to "gather facts concerning PRESS CITES t STARS at noMay observation we immunise dictator. rtjicoski i Ned H. Dearborn, council pres- cial itudy of last year's Christ I idem, urged motorists to drive as mas holiday traffic accidenfci ! though their lives depended on it showed: ' ! ia i'.ii in a "rfnve for life." ..-. " r - f Tl 1! J , t , , ruiy-tive per cent of the driv VI UUV JjyCll I safety demonstration if the toll compare with a normal 1 y l could be held below tSOO. he said tion of about 30 ner .-.. '7T: in a statement. "It could be done V3S a factor in S3 per cent oftk. with a real effort by drivers and Christmas accidents, but ZJH enf secernent authorities.' enter,. mm nnlv 3ii -i u The council reported that a spe- cidents at other times," Completely Remodeled Centrally Located BANQUET FACILITIES Group Meetings From 10 ro 100 People 440 Stare Phont tM-35014 Matyas was presented the golden Jr'Ja apple award of the Hollywood : V Women's Press Club yesterday. A ft " similar award presented annual-: Ji NEW YORK Edward Liebermait. 311. presideot of the I S. TackJess Corp.. Bronx, N.Y.; Richard Seagraves. W). ( Houston. Texas, and New York are shown at L.S. Commissioner's since here today where tbey were fingerprinted after their arrest in coonee--tion with the theft of secret ail exploration maps front Golf Oil Company's Pittsburgh ettices. Two others are also involved by KBL are in prisoa awaiting sentence for trying to extort more than half a million dollars from late millionaire Serg Rnbinstein. (AP Wirephotol "worth millions -Anderson said New York rack eteers soon realized the tremen dous vaiue of the maps and W-vear orison term and a fine of Pressed the emp.oye to stear 510 imji. more. Anderson said no Gulf em- In Pittsburgh. Archie D. Gra. P,,,l' b arrested. Ander- general counsel for Gulf said the I"" "'d the FBI has evidem thefts, involving maps of potential ,maIl portion of the maps o,I-Produc,ng areas m the South- fr ie tor ,;,i .mr F,)ra a capabte of buncmlIg , Th Mwl a3 hr nortn -m "nu '-"Mr - ---- -- - -- 7-"- retaliatory strike force in mini- .North- Pole. were discovered by the company J ' mm time." the air chief of staff "All e.ght bettered the previous J" V- : "e em7Pteted- h"w- said Tuesdav night. B32 record of 24 hours alof He said Gulf became aware that viur,:,'l. , i Speotoag to Air Force Academy simulated combat missions cird the maps were missing when the n ' m 'i"r cadets. Gen. Nathan F Twining , Twining said, "and in doing so company discovered lands it had if concern was to get dclmed tnat more thM , B47 Tv nunst n htJ M ,Qn survey In the Southwest were f th Nl" '" Air Force medium bombers flew LT (Hill miles ' oemg snapped un dv wildcat 00- ' '" "'. ",:T:" iei.uvereu 1,000 B 47s Each Fly 8.000 Miles Nonstop Lir..-vtn. is" uie 1. 3. .ir ing me North American continent. Tint T rv . . ,. who rMi h-Ur .1 . ui ueuuran firsr 41.,'piiripv .i... ti. rerr . j ul luc nun v-oiuinunist rarty. ". -3' aescrlDinz him.-iei a "Hungarian anticommunist re sistance fighter." said he plans to "go back soon to fight another day m hopes of freeing his coun try from Soviet domination. Ruff said that for 3'i years he was a fellow prisoner m Buda-i pest of Joseph Cardinal Mindsien-' ty, the Roman Catholic church leader of Hungary. Cardinal Mind szenty was released during the revolution and took refuge in the L'.S. legation. . to the "most co-operative" it film stars was given Charlton J? Hestoo in New Y'ork. ft1 y 1 ,m 'CASH NITE' 3 y 5atdix5ttiJoeafe SWEATERS I Coos Man Fatallv Burned in Cabin BRIDGE. Ore. LTi - A Coos county man. Frank G. Carlson. 44. was burned to death in his one room cabin near Rock Creek Late Monday. Officers said the tiny home ao- parendy caught fire when a home made lantern overturned and spilled flaming kerosene across the room. T0NITE CRYSTAL GARDENS ADMISSION 80c erators before Gulf could takf he 3aJti- th investigation will be nonstop missions averamna? a.tliH) He d;d not disclose specific conducted at lasp-i on r.hom C.r-.w :uA r.nif immediately assigned private de- ""ly Pa " IitIIiI-I-UI FHONE fiVU3-S778 NEW Show Tonhe Hi 1 I SlMIWJ JUH1D! iS SB vevs themselves. Arraigned before VS. miles in. a t'jwo-weetf Deriuti emii rnurfi nr h.Kxi frnm M:h,.'h rh somewnat more D u ml.uHi Bt:S operated. ttj -1!.,.. rk-(- f.,., .J T, D .i i L. i,u . n . Authorities said the ring not' -."lJ irV., k.1T" .. 'T.",.,-.7r.t'' .u d?T atair't'0 11 tne content in hr- S K Tanl a on fti cZt ctmX IV. , i-ir',Hi" nuDil",p ' 'J r from tanker planes, this at on the Gulf company- oil sur- & ,h th,f ,h h. ,,, ! nation s Strategic Air Force has Iy com- ruutJ.i ,1,. .,, 1 c 1 u .1... o j. ...... n 1S 3 in to '" 10 '-ge mpm. Its bomb load is rated , - ,. .,, numoers during such a short per- officially as "over Ull llllll pounds." ,n s own reeon, .ancer1'eTer "me'" T-. "d. ; Twinin, predicted that by t emamed in nd A heanntf was "T",S of the Air Force procurement budget set for Dec ' ojr",n''' t0 d,!i,ver P''1''"! " b 'P1' W-W between new air- "' ! pons by air has clearly taken the craft and guided missiles. 'profit out of war" he noted in a "Riitht now we are coming into In both Iowa amf N'ew ffamp- lecture commemorating the Wright the missile era," he said, shire 11 per cent of the total popu-' brothers' first flight in 11:1. 1 The 1154 procurement budget latum about one person in nine The operation meant that within went about so per cent for aircraft is s: years or outer. A major a lortnmht the swift bnmners. re- and 10 per cent for missiles. The insurance company says this a fueling in the air. flew a total of I'lSS budget will see about 35 per the highest proportions of elders eight, million miles. cent allocated for missiles. Twin in all 111 states. tiii.'lt of the B bombers made mg added. -Tl Kaon mum-memo woo "y iCA OASA WfHTa EBMCNO OWES 4 L Cinemascope ' ykJL And On Thu Sjme Program DANNY KAYE - GENE TIERNEY "ON THE RIVIERA" DA.WTS VERY BEST PERFORMANCE '.S 8 I JS WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS ...ond no wardrobe is complete without the 3-Holer Knitted Vest U-K j. f i by TOWN & KING PEBBLE BEACH LORD JEFF Great protection against those nippy winds and a decided asset to the appearance too! Soft, fine wool comes in 9 shades to match or contrast with the season's latest men's wear shades. I u S I I Open Eves Til Christmas LOTS OF FREE PARKING Center S S I I s V Vi SI1 i'J Li M I RICHAHO CONTt iH 111! IIM- PHONI tM-J-i0 50 HELD OVER 1 ;.ty PUS An All Time Favorite Joel KcCrea -Tb "VIRGINIAN" wt: "Hollywunl tr Bast" mm. Penmiey's 10 gKDOCrOO OPEN EVER NIGHT 'TIL P.M. UNTIL CHRISTMAS EXCEPT SATURDAY TO 5:30 P. M. (mm tjLLLimcHji uannm l II il AM penny candy jars Anchorglass" tt'-e- ZGc 1-lb. size 41 -us. size o-jc vie. size each TV dc!;;htfu! candy 'nre fixtia-es of a Ct-nf ration a so are back u: ... as useful as thev ever were, and hishlv .1 . T-. . .'-.. : tl I ! e t - cv-i v. xr i icru ui cue ;cen t.-r OVMOS, tea. sii-ar. f!oi:r . . . : the mirserv for powder, nipples, cotton . I J Cv?j';'W cottee. . ! L . . L . IT 1 T . in tne ra:nr-;m r jr Darn salts a:;ct powder for nails, ticks, screws. Give some hr Che fuled with caad;. . CHINA-SKON0 F1.CC . . . in tne caraze emptv or "iCJC L,: lilt rcUi'fi. r' f TfCT .... FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 1,000 CARS