Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 19, 1956, Page 14, Image 14

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    Ss'err.. Or-rjrnr., Wer.elday, Drrlr 19, ip.f
Tommy Pro thro Named UP's West Coast Coach of Year
Ladin Tam to
'KofV Brings
I nrW Front 4n W tt
f t.S T?.K' Z'Jf.b V? - Tkt-
rJ P.'VUiV rat"-.:. i ffcTV
1.ts. -jrjtj ijT-et turret
E- l .STA ? . Ckr
Rjw !tnr. :r.i a i.j w-rtir.t
art itrr tf a
iT Zjf. WfS WJt t5T
Ivrr" ... Kit if vti ' Tlk"
Pr.-arV.;-?. ?r ;:. .
cut jwhc e- tr ixjz. cr
ftr ens -e ?.- ri
Zr. irjr a IK. Or-.
if-' - I-aVI 1 l 41 J.fcTV J
me atwLi at. i .
Z-X a. : y: Prv.tsv i
cut U. . lie
tj rvj
. ! vj& at jr.
e4 11 Frr-Tjff .
Aa-i i ar it --vu-t rati
T:r A(ri tit ! taw , ;M cisf Prr. t
are cj-.j4 t a r.s
a.vj e i t-e refr to jr tij
Evert Mfi tt
'Fans Can Sisn
Giant Telegram
! To OC Team
5'-r tr-li x a -i a-'-r-at
; :r
A V. lo t L If Z j". .i fat 'S z.iJ?xn cvi
i!jif uz 'e hkjut .Afjbrz ,r.iC
ur ?auxi
"fytgrta mLmTjw O . f Kav
rr axrf T ob Prckr !r
ur mm! vis rit
it( l ;m h Jaar7 Oi a
futj TOf Oar nttWr
Wa iTOP irva' tl
iifc &av r4
r is Ua".
Rivals Take to the Floor
'. Beavers Set
Practice Meet
Royal Takes Longhorn Job
3 f M"-fc mri fc-l 'fT 7 taj ri"T iwr.e 1XT. IHJ ISO la 0ll
A: a tr cjt F-r? il Sea!?, c-i-rrie tr S.7. a r-trwijCTi Rct jI u
it ij v n.r&i--rr rw mi m i
nr. cer Zexa '
Cir?ic a: lt V..fr7 af Est-
p . Roal Firt in 40
a c tr iux.-z. 1 t?ar ot Bounced
3rjrrvrt irx -- ko he twi to sea:
jtclC oat ti.Tie ti oc-jrr 1. P.oja Vot! a? ft tiir.
rer. ejn- Jrjc ?.rr; 2: Otjicc-j in Sea.1?' hzstrri- "CStiiJinrrj
Pat McAteer, f Jeff Sicamps
ttll Amity 81-38
FER50N -Sf-tia') - fit
Webb Has Lot Onlv
Once in 19 Pro .rtujsMoi over cr aest .
iE b4ki3 here Tviea!,,
:Kt a. a-rr. ' tira: as Erroe s rK e.Ta Tb ?? u
ij:o "fA at , mq-,, a f rK Esir fx- strii tK prot?c rr ica s-'T oL'-JS lead,
ro-pat- r'r4 trf j- c-i-. fv--. rr-f- Botirr Ha . Vd -W i. -
' " . . : r.'' . il
r-r IK a jar jl tt u csnr. A 'rr i rf'n-wi. romd baJ a: r-iraro S-iint for tr t-jr-rs. Vij iraeii VKscfca.T trt. A--r OT th B .
ttrrt. Nirta Salra JiUr rrar. has
fix kulJl bp um tra4 u Lfcrvw i
leajLoi; Dfttntf MrKe Oa i TWii maty
u Da4 M Irrmaa ilrfti al
u4 crralxf am4 (ran attaa k With IU
af &u faVm. ra Sasaat waa, il-C u
rrra aftV. fCaasaJ Jamaj Pkauj
Bribe Offered
Fiditer; Life
Is Threatened sfr?.
(' tan
.f rH-c A ;BIack Niffht5 for Beavers.
Ducks. Other W Ball Clubs
w allopcd,
0 Edge
In Pair
ii :fi H -j). TCinrrjM :Ji
;rtfeaxjL rr ij ri-j a 1 ctrjasalr :ejp-j eroj:fr ?i-r
.1 carr aeac cca a: Mr- crArrpicoL -j.-
am tac a :c. .f- a Z3vne a t.. ifc- (-r- mr-r-j . ...
Hf aers Tx WKrr.Ixc tin Tar tri M t-j"t i -- - E-n t Knaer i. 4.
Kff-yei- eosrcl t::.- arj a kf. banc Tr i-Tr,id
7"-- E had a J-J record rsTader has ana 2 oj of 44 t U5. Orrrroi iyjnrr tan, aMi
' trrf srored a irxckxrj. af;er Krsrri pro ra 11 ttranw
SA.V AXTOVX). Tex. f Diri Hj jrr r Teiii ti tix eSj- li Keco nf r pr.ib -3 before e.enz4 bt Anr.r. He has
Guir-ei. Kaedad te f f A.-. cjcri bi aictivnci vere tjias E rr Jaer G xrirZo nrr. en lt aco ci u 1 rtrw sdc his da-!A.-i:a.
r riri a e 1 1 e r- xid be awra: a mtx as a: U64er te aa errarrjj arrii tn ciane ArriL Ke has lost oelj
ux Trjescii 114:3; erorreti " i t-ot corf m i bou-j
eir.r ecriiT n a r;rj r-T; ar; recrrrs bara t tes w6b a a tJjffsbeT f tie :sa
jta r:,2e tia: ar. at
u aas rr-aoe 10 -j . e hrra
irrn rn f;rr.i for r
Areir ''.'ti a rr-rorr be krje-a-
A3C aiii tecaj at T p-rc-PST,
L O Edsed
Edes Dallas
TyieT rA -: ajj a r t C.17 C..Ij. Ttve ir.i.s P-' CoaK Cie'ererz-.e. arj -j-e Oomu, lri.r. br
,. . - .... ircrr a:. G0iri s rrart.
-ji fyrstr arj .
:r tirju 3 it E..-ne. - "'-- - D. Htsr A Arara tad a :err
Mwjri Or Slate. vj. Eir Mm: 1 drr.-j per:r srrf a -sn iru'ecnr
arrf rfce R-c Craj o! tre la---p tae Gtiirs t- a A Cipc::T crrrni arj; a fa:e ci
Sy.-j-.-. C-.'re eiifi Ore- r-r .-- . a- i:c Xi irx is trT batt
c-:rr..f roer r ib Sar
ed br -n-tCjO arta. sijd an L-rnecj-.e
SJ-H ..
1 " : .'-. tr.e
t o?f-5 ta tr pres., txji
.ei.Ti! v--i aJ tax- -.-;rjt a.-..-, w- jy -, rr.-zM 'si '.
- aj:rrf rr.j.-r.r..
kalaWI u r .. . . t: '
I,. -I 7i, . 1 ' ori &a
k7 VVJ.:. w T "Ta to t a
k at f-..1
a far tar-
li aa4 Jix
Jvt rrT a. a
"SaW Cla.1 a-loxn. irt. shj, at the -terrniMAa
IS tan Jtyitxt ts-?p4 a
B tame.
fnltniiXiiflffPS Cw.oh Scana
, . c Hanks Braves a.
T,l! 9" 0 " r.Ar... p . i-t a 2
lJUJIdll. J l m)t) - . i.a" aie.r. t, -. - Ji-fc
DjkIi Tie LS T-icrt
r.r v.r (j-vraiza.
rS Co . ? ; s n ;j.
P.iCt-0 r e 1 c b firs? a as
sjL at -Jk
r. r: i iiii i . . . . . . , . ,
ij xa tr 1 1 C.-.jta jrai a-jd Pco &--
fi-r are fc:f irri-jx i-A t z'. v.-srj. v'.ti-X. t- ba.-i-.-JM j.i-j-j .- s-t, K- til' r--d r.;- ,-',".
r:MAeef - J- " .z zr.r- j Xi
' a f.-c. r7 . 7..ra-r r.1:.
"-lv " ia.ers ak ! ;a-. r-l c--'iV'. ar : lc- : - j-- -a . . -1
W ' fit)
h-u A. r
;T r
r, !i--, .0 c
7 : 1 1 C
I H-
.(-! a- is reacv kb.
7 C--
(,'ania-. Defeat
ftararla. .6-H
"Mil - . -.
r 1 cere . a ea2 rjj t.
rr'j--0-r to cr-.i-p c-'.w-r,. Gerrr
: rr :i arii Tv . of P:e :-.c:-r ir si-Trer?
ra! t
ver, raj
Val-.'tz Beats
Brov,n ille
IT J i .
.- a tvs;
L..r.T:a .-jt a-,;
;-. a
Oitln ill
f4!.!. --: -c
M'l C.'.la-i r-r
- ti-a ' a.. m
P, -.. irw r.
b f.-yii I; T. r.J-
7,C.D. 'tit t Priieri . f i'- ' r.- flw? '..-aiif-3
'a' -i-ara P.-r-i y, - .-.'a; fw C:--
M .- a T.-..Aiij i-ce-r -it- P.f-r-r. i
"-1 !r t i f '-..
.'. ...-.-.;. A-r.-'x lt--. 1 f 1...
I Kir
- as; - i- kit ., c.
B - y C-rf. S;- tr u-k
(i tun f-'r' m tv-ttt: card
T I - ' V ' 5are-f far W:..M
f-''-.-. utr r.t r.rt'-t :'er;j
f.::r r.r tre s.:r--
v.-a- :i c :rn :., ;cr X .-ir.-ts
Firw!.-. fir. warrrrj up 1- -.- :rri:-z rr...v
-. oi trie f..-R b:f. .M'a.?.-n
.-'.! to a SJ.JS tni s:
V--- a exre-err
- 1
.Molalla Upends
a.- as
nt e.-
a-.r i-
i-.- i-t
ba -..
7-j h".i
C-- r
t 1 . fc u
r .f.'j. a.jj-i (-,-r I,
K-r--1 -rrc-T
, .... . . I
a f-r-'y
antiain Ie.
I o Ilarri-hnrir
y 1 .- . .1.-, -nry s.m.-t tacirf -p b.Tr.
1 Igard. i tO .M pan s Da e Garr.oee ir,i
'A .ij V - A-r le.;. .yr. a v. r.t. points
1'", -". Jw tne
ire tearrj rr.r.e to toraa
ri r Pi:cr -
M'.-i lrxan i .-.2 r r rd a 4- t,aaetoaj a.a 'dsiay s.j.-t. .'.h Orena
-srr H- K-.-.J here T jia-r S:. tacisf oa F.:ce asd Ore;ois
". T- :ae.ar4 f:d a 3-is nveetiif M:s$o.-n. Tre other three
' rr NortrK-m D:-.x.rj tarr4 are ic.
North M;
iiarrr Carh t-.c ir,e
tr..r.-.-oc bv j
1. tr- a
Appointed Managar of
Gas HaaHng
Department at
Cherry City Btclrit
Wita sutur
al pas se
iac aa ea
tirelj a e v
fill t a
mt of as
O r e a a
iaas ae are
err for
tocate ta bae xaired a aaaa
aita the qaaiiricatians aad
'ears f eipenenee taat Earl
Xorrar has bad. Earl bas sold
aad iattalled satoral eas bea
ial ergsipment (or the pan I
earv Tt aotone aba is eon
udenrir cbaain( to natural
in beat. Eari is awilible t
Cherry City Electric
2040 N. CiDltol,
Ph EM 4-6761
and a ill be glad ta site yoa a
free analysis of our heatinc
Open Til P. M. 'Til Xmas
IVrrvdale I.a)
erlntort. -21
PEP.h, :.;. --. a - '
'..' 'Jj 'i i.
a . ;t v - f - !-'-
ra -.-j 1 C.r -.- t
b '. :: .-. - . - J
I' - - 7 r.--
Ph. . a .- ..
La-r. !.a'-i'.- ;.'.--r---a.-
Ha.:-.rr.T a,- 1- ,s: j
1 r..t '.-'rfr.'t f ra-t
t-' pa e .r. t.- wr. ra.'
T'J P.ra-e bav 'p-2 irj P.
fyai &pTi'. s: 5t
"rfala n:, WM-!
i j h rv(io(
sr. r-Tr. : r;
' "-'r r.a-j-.a..
7.-.-aT c i-l ;-
a 1: u ..ver-
Pr' 1j'. -:. cp;--:
: .a. k v- ri t.-. ji -
V Crr.-r.
i 'a.:r,
- ! 2.
A.rf.- 4.
NM llu-ki. . Mat
W in Over I,
la-..--, I
l I- ;-
r :: 4
C -ia- -.
a".ar I Fi-i
mrl A
.Onlral Malinen
1 (,Hturr Virlorv
V. ar.r.i'ton Iri'frr.a'fr.d
tl fintnH fith m ir,t
;a ' 4.1
Lo;eri Tip hedil
For 1 l-.3i Mrtory
V. -ij .a a s. wnd qa.-r
' pertTar,Tr.i anJ 20
,-r. to Sv-i'i .., a rr--ae
'.4.'rj Gfr. Marv Rored .2
r-- " tvi K n R ; n jn 11 ; n
1 rtfi .t.i IT T-e Scio
aw Ga. SC"-'. .Vet. srr
' r Ixjrfi corn Tr icay
: B:-.t.-.5 .e.
"A H'.Z:'. PLIS V V - Oh n
1 . it Da-, it. 1ST. Ne Yo'it.
.'t "'j Be Prov:iiu. W z.
rH-iarl Pa . I
-J .q-IO- OUT.'.'
r r- ali J .
-a - 11.
"1 I -.a
-By Ham Fither
-I. JOH-AJt'O VlC I C's ' .. T
XAITa, T IVT Vl f !ST C-f TJ 1
h0 lUiStO ? r.-atMrS i ,fV
. t ...
ar Ja BalaaaaaS
Siiea 6-12
Burxundy or brown
Sirirlieet Til, tki irMi Is taly
U SI. akil 1 iirfil tftl Ikis
flifce-llita eitra salts. Hiiliia
tsatier lattr. It "sl.t laitaaa
t OUTUtHDIlrt) MLElT,-t 0 0T 1 1 PC SI V I-LO 0 KIMS
176 . itswrr sr.
e: I' venial- Til J P. M. Saturday
Til S I P. l. I mil Christmas
hjb & Andersen
Celebrate 20th
Richfield Anniversary
pmq,- mm,, aT.wa, . " r. "luni i . ..iia.uuaa-'. . erW'4
f-y ves-s with R chfe'd wes ,
; rece-t.y ce'eb-s-e--' by a c -v
. t i b .-.-v-. ora .-s Ksv .Serrrr e-ri V-
F. B. Anc'ersen, climaxed by a-dng the twen'y-jej- p
e-3 V.i.
THis ce'ebra-ioi for the Webb and Aic'e-se-i tea-i is c-:y c-e c; ... f
along the path of a real SL-ccess s'ory. They far-ed in 193j ,
eqjipped with vis ble pumps and a grease pit and sold an asfc-s-: j coj
gallons per month. 1936 to 1956 has been a pagean-y cf g.-w.h.
Webb and Anoe-sen team. They have remode'ed tre r fa-on t -es
T-e last time was in 1950 when they added a mode-n $4" 0C (V ej .-- e
' reca r unit. Today their station is the show place of Sa'e-i and ,, rre-3 to
g ve the f nest and most compie-e service available to t-e mc'cr.-g p r '
Only thro.'gh the cor-bmed e'forts of Mr. Webh and M-
.L -. . U .... U' Tl . .
i n mvinj i o -a nac e inrougnout rn twenty es'j tkev
g ving the-r cjs-ome-s the utmost in service at all times. Covect p.-s
proceoure. careful lucn
cation, spotlessly deal
rest rooms and a smile
for eve-y customer have
been their code.
We in R chf eid taV.e
g-eat pride in telling the
success story of Webb
and Andersen. It is anv
tt'e proof of what can be L farrrft'fj
,-,i..k.j u.. t '. L . .
a- V" VT
s'ant de'ermma'ion and
Sard wo'k. It is there-(-
a p easure to e
nd to you our cc-g-at-w'a-iens
upon a job well
"". , asfM liiaasi. aaa-a
i 11 Imir i l
. .. " j