"IT : 3 THE CAPITAE JOURNAE Saleiri, Oregon", Wednesday, December 19, 1956 0 DUDKMAI J 111 ii MM v 1 11 DINE IN THE OREGON ROOM open for luncheon daily 11:30 A.M. to 2:30 P.M. open for dinner Monday through Friday-5 to 8 P.M. OREGON ROOM STREET FLOOR 15.50 Vjy W 'STATIONERY GIFTS Sheaffer "Statesman" snorkel pen The popular priced Statesman snorke pen, featuring Sheaffer's new and en during palladium-silver point. S ni a r t bands are gold filled on pen and pencil, Contrasting with rich black, burgundy, , pastel green, aqua or gray barrels. The . let with matching pencil, $22.75. - Mail and jiioih; orden' Sheaffer "Clipper" snorkel pen 7if.jf mid Iter9 travel visettcs Clip-on visetto fastens to any ear visorj has zipper pocket for maps and papers, sunglass case (glasses not Included), pencil and memo pad; windows for reg istration and credit cards. Warm suntan color moclc calfskin. 1 3 'A "x4 'i " siie. 'Her' travel visette is mock calfskin with lipper pocket for gloves, letters, memos, maps, sunglass case, facial tissues, comb and large mirror. A perfect Christ mas gift! Ai7 and )lwnc orders STATIONERY STREET FLOOR tsr Sheaffer "Valiant" snorkel pen 1.8.50 75 WMl si Sheaffer's distinctive use of color, set 0f( by silver-toned chased caps add a rich . ,ieo's t the Clipper. New palladium-silvro '.pen po"t, Cyadd-firieJ tri1) on cr of pan andjpetfett-. 7to$ppt - rwbsa flrw(t ; $26. " " Mod oiiti pbojib orders' , Eve'y Sheaffer feature and advancement is mcfliporalod in this popular priced pen . . . point of 14-karat gold . . . rich cap set off hy gold-filled clip and trim. Barrel in black, burgundy, pastel green, aua or ay. Pen and pencil set, $27. Mail ami phone orders' j FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 1,000 CARS STATIONERY STREET FLOOR 'Plus shipping cost to anas ui:lside our tegular truck diliicry routes. q O G . 33?si5nfe $nn mus E0f J