L -i Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, December 18, 1956 24 Persons to Get Citizenship Papers Reception Slated December 27 At YMCA Seventepn resident nf Salem and seven fi'om nearby communities Deer'y i-ummings, Lewis, 4485 iuill be honored with a dinner and ; "ate St.-! Herbert Prosper Bara, (reception in R-'cognition of their 925 Leslie St.; Emma Marie Bara. make the presentation or citizen ship papers. Salem residents eligible for cit izenship include: Elsbieta Akulaw, 2566 Simpson St.; Sylvia Heater Bealey, 883 South High St.; Molly Bush, 5280 Hayesville Rd.; Amelia .Hiiarea Brady, Rt. 4, Box 318: 3 in Court on Forgery Count Three cases involving forgery and one dealing with larceny were disposed of by Circuit Judge George R. Duncan in Marion coun ty circuit court Monday afternoon. Sentenced to twoVears in prison was Arlo Verdel Erickson, Scolts Mills, who had pleaded guilty to rifling the Frank McLaughlin home. Donald F. Schultz, Crabtree, will jhaving become United States citi-,925 Les,ie St.; Aloisa Christine b sentenced Dec. 24 on a charge jens, Dec. 27 at the Y..M.C.A. f '"", 2i ivortn Liberty St.: ' The 24 persons were gi(en their '"an Jacob Madsen, 3560 Portland final interviews Monday and then Rd- appeared before Circuit Judge! Ojars Sefers. 332 North 24th George R. Duncan for a brief ad- St.; Skaidrite Lezdins, 332 North dress. 24th St.; Violet Hilda Wettestad, "t Judge Duncan will be a special' 1340 Peace St.; Rusina Teikmanis, '. guest at the dinner as will be At- Maija Teikmanis, 332 North 24th torney General Robert Y. Thorn- St.; Lih Theodore Thornhaug, 1130 of forgery involving a $22.50 check. Entering innocent pleas to for gery charges were Donald Wil liam Schnee and Charles LeRoy Armstrong. Both cases were con tinued for trial. ton. chairman of the YMCA edura. ilon committee, and County Clerk Henry C. Mattson. The latter will Mrs. Ina Mark Succumbs Here Mrs. Ina Mark, 80, a resident of Oregon for the past 19 years, died Sunday at the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. Vera Pelker, 3215 River Bend Rd. She had been suffering from cancer. Mrs. Mark was born Feb. 21, loX in Shelbyville, 11!., and after coming to Oregon lived for about two years with her daughter. The remainder of the time she lived in Oregon City. Her maiden name was Ina Isabel Middlesworth. She was married in 1898 in North Dakota to William Mark who died in 1949. In addition to Mrs. Pelker, she is survived by another daughter, Mrs. Lola Blanchette, San Francis cot four sons, Lee, Oakland, Calif.; Glen, Oregon City; Roy and Nile. Sad Francisco: a brother, Floyd Middlesmith, Monroe, Wash., and 13 grandchildren and eight great grandchildren. ' Services will be held Wednesday at i p.m. in the Hillside chapel in . Oregon City, The Rev. Clark Enz will officiate anl interment will be in Mt. View cemetery in Oregon City. . Services were arranged by the Oregon City Funeral home. Auction Slated Of State Cars Tie state of Oregon will sell a number of motor vehicles at auc tion Thursday at 12:30 p.m. at the state fairgrounds, it was an nounced Tuesday. Twenty-seven vehicles are listed for the sale including U passenger cars of 1947-53 vintage, two jeeps, 10 pickups, three panel trucks and a 14-ton cab and chassis. The vehicles will be on display Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs day up to the time of the sale. High bidders are required to pay 10 per cent of the purchase price as down payment. Melody Lane; Joyce Alexander, 1995 South Commercial St. From outside Salem: Gabrielle Monique Schultz, Woodburn; Wladyslaw Kazimierz Zyromski, St. Benedict; Mieczyslaw Grzelw ski, Mt. Angel; Leah Margaret Tremblay, Gervais: Johanna Gass ner Knieling. Marion; Benthe Staedli, Silverton. Musical Gifts For Every Member of the Family CvUlO- - iirWI LTSEY-WEATHERS Open Every Night 'Til 9 P. M. Capitol Shopping Center Phone EM-2-8708 Also Children's Sizes So definitely for lounging . , Our "Cozy Toei" in lush velveteen, olive with the jtnglt of golden coins. Foom rubber Insoles give super wolking comfort. shocking pink, turquoise, block or red with goy print lining. Sizest Smoll, Medium, large, hondwaihoble, of course. In their own crystal clear plastic carrying case, $3.95 A wonderful gill I Free Gift Wrapping. ARBUCKLE'S ,335 N. High Storeside Parking fDla our exclusive lovely 'LIZ' hairdo the cut from ! x Four f ptr!i know . : .11 (mm ana bide cut Ttmirinti 'n""v'" - - , , hir lhp tcrt only our ikillod iOW lid CO IO Wtlf. LI Ul asipi I -1 In wntiF Awn fa t Lift)!. n't eruih it, wind wont rufftf it! Juit . ,At into thact and vou'r ttt. Thty'ft cut to iy that way ! Companion cold wove from $8.50 Hals won fht kiplrJ by EUib.th T.ylof. ";'''"' ki Cora. Sti' production fMf ! by M f'b,r '"'" if Wiraor Bret. wiffi or wifhouf oppoinfmenf BEAUTY SAION - SECOND FLOOR PHONE EM 3 2211, EXT. 271 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Section 1 Page 9 " Open Every Night 'Til 9 P M. Until Christmas Except Saturday to 5:30 P. M. For Your Convenience . . SiSBDf GIFTS WNDERfUL WAY KMgBPlPBfP?1 V JCg5 BtYOHD THEIR PRICE TAG! remeysltrlourdanta! AT HIS CASUAL BEST IN PENNEY S 2-TONE SUITS Here's 2-tone styling that boys really want! Handsomely Pen ney tailored and handsomely priced too! Fancy front jackets of 50 wool, 50 rayon just mnrla In motnh tha clnlr nf rayon-acetate. . Junlor bo's' MAIN FLOOR sites 3 to 8 4 98 ! 1 Girl's Kayon Acetate Briefs 39c pair Pretty rosebud prints add charm to acetate tricot and cotton-rayon blend briefs. All sizes 2 to 14. SKCONO FLOOR Girl's Turbo Knit Orlons 2 l) ft Sizrs 0 9 Sizes 3 tn fix 7 tn I I Sweater classics of Orion . . . not just ordinary Orion, but turbo-processed hich hulk Orion, the softest, iightcst, warmest Orion made! SECOND FLOOR W x t ft . dv X . r i 1 ft a-twirl in tafferized nylon . . . CHIC CAMISOLE SLIP As advertised in Life! ... A nylon puff slip with nylon tricot bodice . . . two layers of tulle . . . elasticized back for perfect fit. Hand wash, skip the iron! SECOND FLOOR 98 SIZES 4 to 14 glj Wllilfl lll JH'I WlilMIP.''yy WljMWWSSlllSSlllSU W I MacliiiH- W'iif li. ' V V Corduroy . I Smarlalls Wm r8 :MSL. boys' nylon reversible ' UNANIMOUS FAVORITE! Mom , . . they're machine wash able! Gloaming two-ply taffeta on one side, fleecy nylon on the other. Kven the knit trims are nylon. Lightweight ,not bulky, yet wonderfully warml Choose turquoise, white, navy. MAIN FLOOR 8 90 Sites 10 lo 18 . Sites 4 to 8 .7.9ft PENNEY COWBOY BOOTS FOR LITTLE BOYS, GIRLS 590 A practical "entra" pair of shoes for juniors. They'll lova the real cowhand styling . . . vivid colors, comfortable fit. Long wearing, too, with side leather uppers .synthetic rub ber soles and flat rubber heels. Sanitized. Brown, black. Sizes S'A (0 3 DOWNSTAIRS STORE Boy's Cotton Flannel Shirts 1.59 Sizes A tn 18 Boys' Sanforiedt cotton flan nel shirts in colorful plaids . . . Penney value-priced! Machine washable. MAIN FLOOR Boy's Rayon Nylon, Dacron Gab. Slacks Q98 Sizes jy Sizes u 4 to 8 in tn 20 New Penney hand wnhaMe sheen gabardine slacks need little or no ironing! MAIN FLOOR Stretchahlc Nylon Crew Socks for Girls 49' Pair Snug-fit Stretchahlc nylon crew socks for cirlfl! White, pastels, darks. Machine washable in lukewarm water. SECOND FLOOR flit1 Girls' Corduroy or Tapestry Tweed Rain or Shine Coats Weather-resistant rayon acetate tapestry tweeds and corduroyi . . . lined with rayon satin . . . matching hats . , . assorted colon. SECOND FLOOR 6 00 Sizes 7 to 14 ! ' " ' 1 r ' " " IJoys' Nylon Cotton Argyles 59c s, Penney 's soft, absorbent, long wearing blend that gives a per fect fit every time. MAIN FLOOR Save! Children's Animal Slippers 1.98 All squeak when you squeeze (hem! Soml snlrd all cotton or rayon and rotton plush. Sani tized for freshness. MAIN FLOOR i i Safe! Nonskid plastic sole GROW A YEAR SLEEPERS Blanket warmth In I'rnnoy'i cotton .sleepers! Double rippers adjust for next years wear! Non skid plastic solos, extra safe for young-'uns first steps. Machine washable! SECOND FLOOR 69 1 to 4 Sizes to 4 Thi is the big buv on bib top britches! Quality tailored . . . tubhahle corduroys . . . full cut and sturdy built! Sizes 14 to 4 Stock-up priced, . SECOND FLOOR s Infants Boxed , Nylon Dress And Slip Sets 198 Penney's nylon dress and slip sets for baby'i first debut . . . so thrift-priced ... so very elegant with contrasting color slips peeks through the frosty white dress. SfiCWS Fl.OOIt OPEN EVERY NIGHT 'TIL 9 I SL UNTIL OIRIST3 2 '-si. .Machine Wash. I Terry Cloth I Sleeper Sets J98 Sues 4 to m Rihy sleeps, ests, romps In I'enney's Terry cloth sets . . , cuddly-sofl, sturdy, absorbent! Non skid booties ideal for baby's first steps. Machine washable. SECOND FLOOR AS EXCEPT SATURDAY! o