Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, December 18, 1956 THE CAPITA' "OURNAL Mrs. Hathaway is Honored by Club MILL CITY (Special) A special feature at the annual Toastmistress Christmas party was a program honoring Mrs. Lester Hathaway. It was like the TV "Person to Person" program with Mrs. A. E. Nesbitt interviewing Mrs. Gayle Lowery who took the part of Mrs. Hathaway. Mrs. Nes bitt had original qil paintings of Mill City and of Mrs. Hathaway's home along with clever sketches vhich were flashed on during the urogram. Mrs. Hathaway, a chart er member of the club, was pre sented a toastmistress pin at the close of the tribute. Mrs. Lowery, vice-president, conducted a short business meet ::i2 when Mrs. John Priripanr c'ected president and Mrs. Joe lonnson was elected secretary Mrs. Hathaway acted as installing officer and presented corsages to Hie new officers: also to Mrs. Howard Means who resigned as president due to poor health. Mrs. Lowery acted as topic mistress with topics for the im promptu speeches concealed'in the i'ift exchange packages. Mrs. Nes bitt was toastmistress and con ducted several Christmas contest games with Mrs. Prideaux, Mrs. Robert VenpRi Anri Mr M9rin ! Phminc ,ir . ......j.. miming pii&cs. Members present for Thursday evening's meeting were Mrs. How ard Means. Mrs. Lester Hathaway, MrC iMa TnhnrnH If I ...... uua uumiaUM, HUB. U C O 1 Poole, Mrs. John Prideaux, Mrs. ! -tooert veness, Mrs. Marshall Powell, Mrs. Robert Roach, Mrs. Hartle, Mrs. Al Westley, Mrs. Nels Ingram, Mrs. Gayle Lowery, f -Vs. William Prichard. Guests for ? Lie evening were Mrs. Lowell Meetwod, Mrs. Marjorie Phillips, and Mrs. Mel Rambo. The January meeting of t h e group will be in the Fireplace room of the Methodist church in Lyons. Holiday Events SILVERTON (Special) Mrs. Minnie Ovcrlund is planning two gatherings for relatives and fam ily guests for the Yuletide observ ance at her home. On Christmas Eve. Mrs. Over lund will entertain the members nf tU roml!;. -f j brothers, and two visiting young men, me group 10 include Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Funrue. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Funrue and Bobbie and Donald, all of Silverton. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Funrue and small daughter, Norma, from Philadel phia, Penn., Mr. and Mrs. George Towe of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ellison and Sharon of Mulino; from Nebraska, Milan Garder and Robert Mabin, and Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Towe of Silverton. At the Overlund home on Sun day, December 30, Mrs. Overlund will be hostess to the families of her sons. From Corvallis will be the Lester Rues and children, Gloria Jean, David and Carolyn; from Sweet Home, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rue and Christine and Valerie; and from Mill City, Mr. . and Mrs. Walter Rue and Danny, Darlene and Charles Allen. Engagement Announced DALLAS (Special) Mr. and Mrs. Otto Balzer are announcing me engagement 01 ineir aaugnter, Miss Sylvia Doris Balzar, to La mm iuuiuujr, auu ui mi. dim mis. Vernon Murphy of Falls City. Miss Balzer is attending Dallas high school and her fiance is serv ing in the United States Navy. No date has been set for the wedding. EAST SALEM (Special) The December meeting of Auburn Woman's club was in the commu nity hall Thursday with a dinner served at noon. Hostesses, Mrs. Calvin Durkee and Mrs. C. C. Robinson, decorated the hall and serving table in the Christmas col ors with place settings marked for each guest. Guests were Mrs. L. B. Bruce. Mrs. Cornelius Feskens. Mrs. Rob ert Feskens, Mrs. Charles Gill- ming and her mother, Mrs. Charles Hile, Mrs. Lucky Flsk, Mrs. George Starr, Mrs. Ed Eg gens, Mrs. Cornelia McLain, Mrs. Stuart Johns, Mrs. Enos Simmer- Section 1 Page 7 CHANEL N85 FOR THE PURSI KRFUMt AT YOUt FINGERTIPS WITH THE MOST TREASURED NAME IM PERFUMI CHANEL man, Mrs. Harry Eckstein, and hostesses. The bazaar committee, Mrs. Robbinson, Mrs. Durkee, Mrs. Gettis and Mrs. Starr re ported a successful sale and mem bers voted to send a Christmas 01 K5 Wlth tea towels and other small gifts to Haven Rest School, Inc. The January meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Fisk. Rainbow Project Told at Silverton SILVERTON (Special)-A new ! project of community service is being inaugurated during the term , of Miss Betty Gentry, worthv ad viser of Ramona assembly. Order of Rainbow for Gins. They are underwriting a permanent toy box for children patients at the Silver ton hospital. In previous years the girls have made gifts for the Masonic hos- pitals but the contributions through the year to these organizations I have been so great, helping the lo cal hospital was voted this year. I At a recent supper meeting, a toy gift exchange was conducted with the toys going to the hospital box at the end of the evening. Regular work shop meetings to make stuffed toys are planned and wherever possible, the young re cipients may keep the toys upon discharge from the hospital. Gail Larsen is chairman of the committee. MOLAI.LA (Special) Mrs. Ron Dicken was hostess to the an nual Christmas party for her pi nochle club last week. Gifts were ; exchanged and a dessert was served to twelve. The table deco-, rations carried but the holiday theme and the rooms were deco rated for the occasion. High score was held by Mrs. P. J. Breen; sec-' ond high by Mrs. Sid Gorbett and low, by Mrs. Fred Hall. j Present wore Mrs. F. M. Henrik-1 sen, Mrs. wayne ethumacher, Mrs. Lloyd Bystrom. Mrs. P. J. Breen, Mrs. A. L. Miller of Port land, Mrs. Clyde Fluke, Mrs. Sid Gorbett, Mrs. Fred Hall, Mrs. El mer Cordill, Mrs. Ivan Parks, Mrs. Morgan Johnson and the hostess, Mrs. Ron Dicken. Officers Elected SILVERTON (SpeciaD-Recently elected officers of Trinity Lu theran Ladies guild are: Mrs. Alf. 0. Nelson, immediate past presi dent; president, Mrs. James Phil lips; first vice president, Mrs. Ludvig Meyer; second vice presi dent, Mrs. William Bloch; secre tary and her assistant, Mrs. Shel don Knutson and Mrs. LaVerna Totland; treasurer and assistant, Mrs. J. C. Larson and Mrs. Alvin Legard. Serving on the hostess commit tee are Mrs. Elmer Thompson, Mrs. Silas Torvend and Mrs. Mel vin Brenden. No other automatic washes modern fabrics so safely -yet is perfect for all your regular wash 1 11 SI 2 V,, iHlf i -a v I. ' k i?. V stoyi, -sr. those ,,e.V airspeed end vo' shorter you ,odVY' cycle i inses WosVies cleaner a si five ep' 09 as ne. out reg' com hoi ,nde tViO VieovV (jen'tw oor eyd og1 two ne Ge you' vT)e ,och btigWef- B7 HQ? CEH3H30 ffiSSL? fflmffflfflSM ...ATA SPECIAL .LOW MICE WE &AN OFFER THIS LOW PRICE FOR 4 DAYS ONLY s5 DOWN For Your Protection Sears service is always oj near as your telephone. Al ways prompt and efficient. RUST-FREE WASHES WITH ALL PORCELAIN WASH BASKET No rusty sludge to spoil your clothes. Entire wash tub and basket is smooth porcelain that won't rust. Can't snag or tear clothes, either. Every Feature for Cleaner, Safer, All-fabric Automatic Washdays! LOAD, SET FORGET-Kenmore is completely automatic from start to finish . . . from automatic temperature selection to spin-drying. EFFICIENT AGITATOR ACTION-The best way to wash for the brightest colors, whitest whites. Vigorous, but gentle, too, for your dainties. 10-LB. CAPACITY-You wash more clothes in less time ... you sava time, hot water and detergent. N TONIGHT ti PHONE EM-39191 550 N. CAPITOL