i fic a 8 of Till Ca , "di ; dii i wh yoi '. de : fpi tii. ', 00 : de '. an ; tic an ; st ; ut th " ad it to ! '. C( : i : ; .a it ' : : i : I i i t ; i ;. -i : ji , ' Page 6 Section 1 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, December 18, 1956 rmBmrnmmtmmnammKtmeMmKmmsmmtmB yt 77 TTTTT- VLiapiial Women I I Edited by MARIAN LOWRY FISCHER I I 1 Alumnae Plan Tea JD Bethel Entertains Many Guests Friendship night for bethel 35, Job's Daughters was Monday. Honored and escorted were Miss her 30 . . . The consecration and j college and University of Oregon Delta Gamma alumnae met at the chapter house Monday evening to entertain active members and pledges of the sorority. A gift was presented to the house along with a shower ol jams ana jemes. Miss Lois Latimer, a member of the advisory board of the chap ter, gave a report. Plans were announced for the tea to be given at the home of Barbara Morris, honored queen of bethel .VI; Miss Diane Krskine, honored queen, bethel 30, Spring field: Miss Mary Clark, senior princess, bethel 43: Miss Shirley Reutler, senior princess, bethel 59; Miss Imoccne Thomas, junior princess, bethel 43: Miss Jan Roberts , past honored queen, bethel 35: Mrs. Ray String ham, guardian of bethel 43; Mrs. Eldon Cone, Mrs. Kehne Walhn, past guardian of bethel 35, Mrs. Norman Fletcher, guar dian of bethel 35, and grand 51 h messenger: Warren Pahl, asso ciate guardian of bethel 35: Rus sell Forrest, associate guardian of bethel 43: 0. F.. McCrary, wnr fhipful master of lodge No. 2f)l. Mrs. M. Thomas, council member of bethel 43: Mrs. Kenneth Morris, council member of bethel 39; Clare Holcomb, bethel grandfa ther. Misi Barbara Weatherby report ed on the visit to the Oregon Slate School of the blind. Accompany ing her were Misses Martha Cretghton, Sandra Van Lydegraph and Laura Creighton. Miss Sandra Van Lydegraph re ported on the reception for grand officers recently in Independence. Miss Martha Creighton announced the next drill practice will be Jan uary . Junior princess, Miss Jody Bourne reported on the successful honored queen's ball last month. She also announced that she has the traveling rabbit, and soon will present it to the junior princess of another bethel. The Christmas parly for the bethel will be at the home of Mrs. Norman Fletcher at 2 p.m. next Sunday. A no-host dinner and gift exchange will be followed by council meeting. Installation of officer! will be Saturday, December 29, at a p.m. at the Scottish Rile temple. Prac tice will be Friday evening. An invitation was received for the bethel to conduct the robing ceremony of Willamette chapter. Order of DeMolay, Saturday at the Scottish Rite temple, when Rober Stewart will be installed as mas ter counsillor. Some Notations. . ly M. L. F. A large group of women In St. PauI'd Episcopal church is busy with plan for the reception to beiMrji. Leon Perrv. Thursday, Der given following consecration of the f ember 27, for all active members cnurcn edifice on .Sunday, Decern-1 and pledges from Oregon state ber 30 . . . The consecration and I college and University of Oregon. reception will be a very special I Hours of the tea will be 2 to 4:30 event for a large group in the in. m. Miss Connie Hammond. Mrs. week between Christmas and New Clayton Foreman and Mrs. Carl Year's . . . The consecration cere mony will be at 4 o'clock, the re ception following in the church parish hall . . . Mn, A. D. Wood maniee is general chairman for (he reception, representatives from all the organizations in the church assisting on committees. . . A gala Christmas party was giv en Monday night at the Alpha Chi Omega chapter house, the affair for alumnae, patronesses, mothers and collegiate members , . . More than 60 attended . . . Highlight of j the evening was presentation of guts to the chapter house . . . The Collins will assist the hostess. Further Plans Made For Charity Dance Final plans were announced for the Christmas Charity Ball, spon sored by Salem Spinsters club, at the meeting of the group Monday evening. The dance is to be Sat urday evening at the Senator hotel. The public is Invited and tickets mav be purchased from members of the club or at the door. A new project for the club was discussed, to be announced later, alumnae presented kitchen equip- , ' le mu.n wDas l '. " ment and several pieces of kitchen!" Mm hf'cot"! B;c,k,c' w,ih J'"! furxihrn. The oairooesses ; F.leanor Oakes and Mrs. Richard cave a crvstal nunch bowl . . .The , iulle' co-hostesses. mothers brought jams, jellies and tea towels. , . . w mmM Rainbow m I-'; A A Christmas party was given by the Kflzrr Junior Saddle club Monday night at Keizer Grange hall, the first annual social get School Christmas Program Thursday The Christmas program for the children at Haven School inc. win together for the aroup ... A no-'be Thursday night at 7:30 o'clock host dinner was served followed by j in the auditorium of the State the party . . . Special guests were i school tor the lilind Mrs. Elmo Smith, wife of Oregon's governor, and her daughter, Jan Ice Smith , . . Vern Killings was master of ceremonies. , . . Invitations are out for an open The interested public is invited. David Cumpton is to ;.vt the welcome. Several musical pro grams will be given by the chil dren, also skits and other enter tainment. Mrs. Clay Kunkelman 1 ;:j v I, Wed in South 1st Lt. and Mrs. Michael Menstrom Tavenner t.Marcia Marie Mozaral, above, were married recently at Treasure Island chapel, San Francisco. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .John Mozara of Oakland. Calif, and Mr. Tavenner is the son of Mr. and .Mrs. ltalph W. Tavenner ol Salem. (Hal Mat son picture) Shower Honors Miss Betty Coe house for which Mr. and .Mn. Ted is leading the community singing Mnrrlmn .nrl Mr mil Mr. ii.rnirt Mrs. Ruth Dempsev. Mrs. Carol llnrlm.in arc to entertain next 1 Kraach, Miss Joella Hartman and a linen shower was given re- Sundav evening, December 23, at ,,rs- t ,ne KODcrts. inc teaenmg cently, for Miss Betty Coe, who Dalbcrt and Elizabeth JeDsen was 0 ln0 lrom salem -olle8e the Heather Lane home of the sla"' re assisting Mrs. Alfred ! win be wed to Donald Zeh on De-!on Sunday at the home of Dr nH Academy- Group sin8in8 Ch; i - on ... L-..nnxti I nUi .. mas earn s was (prl hv Prnro. Morrisons . . . Hours are between ; M0SS ln presenting the program. 6:31) and fl 30 o'clock . . . Assisting at the affair will be Dr, and Mn. James Magias, Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Strelblg and Mr. and Mrs. Meeting Wednesday AlDha Psi chanter of Rpta Sirmn George C. Huggins, Jr. . . . GuesU Phi will meet at th. Mur.r.. horn. will include residents In the Hillen- j at the Oregon State hospital. Wed dale area , . . nesday evening, with Misses Lucile ' iHigby and firace Carmen as host- Thinking about a very special : esses. The group will decorate a gift for a very special friend? ... .j Christmas tree for the hospital, Perhaps one of the large group of preceding the Christmas party. cember 22. Mrs. Everett L. OdlelMrs. Horace McGee, was nostess tor tne anair ai ner home on West Rural avenue. Games were played and refresh ments served. Guests invited were Miss Coe, her mother and sister, Mrs. How ard Coe and Miss Wanda Coe, Mrs. D. H. Zeh, mother of the bridegroom-elect, Mrs. B. Cooper. Groups Meet Annual Christmas no-host dinner of Cherry assembly, Order of Rainbow lor Girls, and the Moth ers club was Sunday at the Scot tish Rite temple. Table decorations carrying out the holiday motive were in red, green and gold. Special guests were Wayne Hen ry, member of the executive board; Mrs. Ray Hoffman, worthy matron of Trinity chanter Order of Eastern Star, and her family; Clarence Field, worthy patron of Trinity chapter; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Forster and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Potter, members of the Rain bow board. More than 100 were present For the program, pantomime skits were presented by Miss Bar bara Sharpe; the Triple-Trio pre sented several numbers. Misses Elizabeth Alderson and Linda Sul- 1'van presented baton twirling and .Miss Carol George played a piano solo. Christmas Program For Woman's Club Guests at the meeting and Christmas program of Salem Wom an s club last week included Mrs. Wajne Pettit, Mrs. W. E. Han son. Mrs. J. A. Krebs, Mrs. J. E. i Lucas and Mrs. E. E. Keiser of t Aurora, 111. who is visiting at the ' home of her son, the Rev. Julian J. Keiser. Mrs. Vinton Scott was welcomed as a new member. During the regular business meeting, it was decided that a larger membership would be a goal of the club for the coming year. Mrs. Gerald A. Reeher spoxe briefly on the educational trust fund established by Saidie Orr Dunbar. A donation of $30 was added to the fund. Mrs. George Swift spoke to the group on the purpose and need of Christmas seals, followed by an explanation of different uses of the fund. Mrs. Willis Rosenthal gave an explanation of a part of Annual Christmas recital riven me "wuon u5ea lne c,u?- .A by violin and piano studenU of : F T,u "5 nsl- J mas carols was led by Professor Troth Told at Holiday Party Lions Are Entertained Announcement is made by Mrs. Althea Sayre of the engagement jr- anfj Mrs. Ben Gifford were of her daughter, Miss Sandra Lee n0sts at a Christmas party and Nash, to Ensign John A. Smith. no-host supper Saturday evening USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cyril I for members of East Salem Lions Smith of Huntington Park, Calif. CUD and auxiliary. Christmas The wedding is planned for next decorations were featured about August. I the rooms. Miss Sayre is a student at tne nuests of the evening were Mr. Immaculate Heart college in Cali-iand Mrs. Burton Dunn, the latter fornia. Ensign Smith was gradu- the state president of the aux ated from University of California jjary ; and Mr. and Mrs. Robert at Los Angeles last year. He is I Allison. New members are Mr. Christmas Recital Is at McGee Home D....I. ..j j tugene raaei oi me academy. FoiinrihV'praTr gave the Christmas story. the student. Th. . T h? " Mrs- Denver Yo8 listed by the students. The tea table was h(,r committee, served the rnff set with a pink and silver cloth, and featured a Delia Rohhin wreath with a dark green candle Miss Dee-Ann Cooper, Mrs. Heed in the center. Candles and other Garrison, Mrs. J. Thomas, Mrs. holiday favors, including a gold enthusiastic workers out selling Members are asked to b r i n g A. A. Graber. Mrs. Robert E. Coe, angel, decorated the room Mrs tickets for the Portland Svilllthnnv frinnffl ffftnHc fnf a Phricl mi. lr tr f fl.ira Cn Mr M.r. nlann I i . l ' orchestra concerts here can be of , basket for a needy family. old Norris, Mrs. Marvin Rassmus- help . . . Next concert for the Last week the chapter attended I sen. Miss Sue Rassmussen, Mrs. symphony in Salem will be Janu-'the greens show of the Salem Harold Pickett, Mrs. Robert E. ary 15, so a set of tickets would be , Garden club. A guest was Miss Coe. Sr.. Mrs. Kermit Peterson, transfer lrom VIGITHRQ arrlvinr Ihic .I'.nintf are Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Orth 1"ilc .'" or(l('r al ,llis lime. "u In I Marion Hunter, r.1 SnnV.n. w..h Th.v will K time lor baiila Llaus visit, too .. .1 Astoria. guests at the home of Dr. and I For the January 15 concert, Mrs. A. D, woodmansee through nrune ua aiazzouni. soprano. Is to Thursday A korCar .,rl r-Ki.ln... n..t.. concerts of the Portland symphony . i. . ,1..' imi. -i..L sponsored by the Salem Symphony , mmb , .nd hsb(ind, r d a v 1 night at the home of Mr. and bday's Menu Miss Pat Coe and Miss Peggy Coe. CHRISTMAS party for Kingwood urns and Mrs. Gerald Wing as sisted. Taking part in the Drocram were Carl Jepsen, Barbara Dow, Donna Greenberg, Barbara Knapp, Ann Watts, Janle Bent, Vicki Nilson, Kathy Turnidge, Sue Schaefer, jonn lurnioge. Kicnard Reed, be featured, Mrs. W. C. Gardner. Pinochle was! "J.iJJrf'SI" S." "!J"? m.al' Patri:i Stevenson, Charles society DINNER FARE I Miss Mazzolini w nT. r c .hiinr 'J-JXJZ fsk- f. WW tor the Potatoes Snap Beans program will be music by Mozart, I In the group were Mr and Mn Bread Tray Moussorgsky and Kodaly . . . (George C. Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. Pear Pie Beverage Itrunelta Mazzolini was born in Kirk E. Haley. Mr. and Mrs. KRAUT AND GLAZED APPI,E Michigan and her parents are Llnvd L. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs PORK ROAST Italian. Her husband. Raymond William C. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Ingredients: 4 to S-pound loin of Spurgenn, works for Walston & Co. Theodore Woelk, Mrs. Irene pork. 1 can (1 pound and 11 oun-i Investment House . . . Miss Maz-jBirrh and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. cesi sauerkraut, 3 medium-sized zoiini studied at the Curtis Insti-1 Gardner, apples, U cup firmly packed ture of Philadelphia look a great j brown sugar, 2 tablespoons a 1 1 deal of training from Mr. and Mrs. CKNTRALIA TEMPLE, Pythian purpose flour. : Fritz Zwelg in Los Angeles, and sisters will meet Wednesday at 7 Method: Cut slices in pork on I also studied with I.olte Loh-, p.m. for business session, followed fat side, without culling all the mann . . . She has sung with the by a Christmas party for members way through. Place on rack in ; San Francisco symphony and has , and their families. ' shallow masting pan. Bake in been on several Standard Hour moderate (3YI degrees! oven about broadcasts . . . Miss Mazzolini is MR. AM) MRS. Val Davie will J'j hours, or until meat thermo- preparing In go to l.ns Angeles to entertain the members of Military meter registers IBS degrees. Mean- sing with Rruno Waller at t h e Order of the Purple Heart and while, dram kraut and reserve 2 Hollywood Rnwl in the Mozart auxiliary and families Wednesday, tablespoons liquid. Core and dice j "Requiem." . . . Alter the Howl with a Christmas party at f:30 3 apples. Combine kraut and diced concert, she is going to the Red-: p.m. Mrs George Quesseth will apples Arrange around pork. Core lands Rnwl in Redlnnds. Calif, and : assist the hosts nd slice remaining apple: ar-;will he doing Suzanna in the . range between pnrk slices. Com-j "Marriage ol Fignro " . . . She b'nt 2 tahlespnons kraut j u i c e, ' will appear in Portland on Jan- in 'hree performances of t h e brown .ugar and flour; mix well, uary 14. and the following night Brahm s "Requiem " . . . Poui' over pork. Rake in moderate : makes her appearance in Salem. All seats for the concert are J "'fees! oven 20 minutes. ! after which she will ro to Chicago reserved. They are on sale at Wakes I In I servings. i to sing again with Bruno Walter Stevens and Suns . . . tree, and canned foods for a basket for the needy Wilsons Hosts Business and social meeting for the regional committee board of the Purebred Nutria Associates of W. S. Curtis was Saturday evening, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert R. Wilson. In the group were Mr. and Mrs. Vern Hooker, Che halis. Wash.. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Barth, Vancouver, Wash., Stan Martin. Albany. Frank F e r r i n, Salem, and the hosts. Mrs. John S. Tyler. Jr. and Mrs. A. E. Ullman, poured. Mrs. Fran ces Speerstra won the special prize. SOUTH SALEM (Special) The South Salem Junior Saddle club entertained their families at din ner on Saturday evening at their annual Christmas party at the Salem Heights Community hall. Ninety-seven attended the affair. At the business meeting Miss Ann Cates was re - elected president; Bob Thurlwell. vice-president: Ed wlna Fitzgerald, secretary; Joyce Cates, treasurer; color guard, Lynne Hammerstad and Edwina Fitzgerald. Tommy Chlldcrs was elected to membership. On the program, a movie on the Littleist Angel was shown by Don Barrick, and colored slides of the parades and horse shows were shown by Harvey Thurlwell and Lou Kurth, MR. AND MRS. Robert P. of Berkeley, Calif. The hours are Graves and sons, Scott and Jef- between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. I fery, recently returned from a Mrs. Florence Parish, Mrs. two-week trip to San Francisco Lawrence Hogue and Mrs. A. W. ' and Los Angeles, Calif., where Metzger are to pour. Assisting will they visited Mrs. Graves' brother be Mrs. Hamilton Griffin. Mrs. ' in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Ebner, Mrs. Roger Webb, ; Delmer Dewey, and in Yuma, Mrs. Lawrence Brown. Mrs. Jo- Ariz., where they visited Mr. and seph Solomon, Mrs. Charles Mrs. S. S. Dow, all former Salem Schmidt, Mrs. John H. Hann and residents. They also traveled to 'Mrs. Marvin Helland. Mexico. unit and post and auxiliary. No. Dolores Koch. Susan Wine. Steven ol, American Legion auxiliary, Chambers, Mary Kay Bent, Mari- uc iinnauav ui uic rwiiKwuuu lee VVBIIS. uavifl h.mh.rt Snran Legion hall. A no-host dinner will McGee, Donald Reed Peter Jep bc served at 6:30 p.m. There will sen. Karen Turnidire. Lvle Gross. man, t McGee. SEVERAL friends will be assist ing at the holiday coffee for which Mrs. A. C. Newell is to entertain on Friday at her home to honor her mother, Mrs. George Fltschen now stationed in Seattle. The news was told to friends at a Christmas party given by Mrs. Sayre Sunday evening. Holiday Program Given for Group and Mrs". George Gross, Mr. and Mrs. Al Luhr, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wells. ARRIVING home Wednesday from Pacific Lutheran college at Tacoma will be Miss Patricia Ahronr in snnnri the Christmas A choir of 16 students from the 1 holidays with her parents, Mr. North Salem High school's larger chorus entertained with six num bers for the program feature at the luncheon and meeting of Ro tarian Women Monday noon at t h e Marion hotel. Howard F. Miller, choir director, led the group in their songs. Mrs. Charles Wecber gave a talk on "The History of Christ mas." Mrs. Claude A. Miller pre sided. Mrs. P. J. Brydon led the invocation. Mrs. Elton McGilchrist was wel comed as a new member. Guests were Miss Jean Smith, daughter and Mrs. Eddie Ahrens at Turn er. ARRIVING home today from Fort Lewis was James B. Tooze, who is to be here for over the holidays. He went into the ser vice earlier in the fall. MRS. JOHN RAMAGE, assisted by Mrs. Frank Meeker, entertained the Little Garden club of Salem Heights at their annual Christmas party at the Ramage home Thurs- of Mrs. Homer Smith, and Mrs. I day afternoon. Following the ex- Paul Robbins. The next regular meeting comes on the third Mon day in January. Club Party Christmas party and meeting for Salem Credit Women's Breakfast club were Tuesday morning, at the Brite Spot. Mrs. Chester Cushing sang two numbers. Mrs. John Chamberlain, president, presented gifts to the club. A caroling party was announced lor members of the Retail Credit association, the Credit Bureau and the Ci edit Women's Breakfast club next Friday. Those going are to meet at the Credit Bureau at 7 p.m. Maccabees Meet Maccabees of Capital unit. No. 84TI will meet Thursday evening for a Christmas party. A turkey dinner will be served at 6:30 o'clock, followed by a program and exchange of sntts. Games will be played. Committees In charge of ar rangements are Mrs. Charles Mc Elroy, Mrs. Evelyn Bremiier, Mr. and Mrs. J. Edgar Rejv, Mr. and Mrs V. Koop. Gifts will be col lected to take to the state institu tions for the patients at Christmas. Christmas Project Christmas project for troop No. 10 of the Girl Scouts was to decor ate the Christmas tree at the Sa lem General hospital, with orna ments made by the members. The girls also are making doll beds to be distributed. Patrol leaders of the troop are Julie Blaisdell, Gayle Gross and Martha Mills. Senior leaders are Mrs. F. R. Dunn and Mrs. Charles Mills. change of Christmas gifts, Mrs. R. D, Cooper outlined the history of this club which was organized 25 years ago. Mrs. Cooper . and Mrs. A. A. Taylor were presented gifts as the two remaining charter members. Mrs. Vernon Wadsworth and Mrs. Carl Witenberger were initiated as- new members. Mrs. John Sparks was initiated as i new member at a previous cera. mony. PEN It GuonanlMd VrofkmoraWp ond gamini (oclorv non. Alio a complete lalectioa of pan, and d.ik ,. fohirlng ShMfl.,', rww Snorktl Ptn ond otriw quality writing ktOrmmlii. ITATIONIIY OFFICI SUPnilS FllfS OESKI CHAIRS SAFES 44S State St. Ph. EM-2-2485 Salem, Oregon Fine j ragrance Gifts JfVcOTY PERFUME COFtSAOB Delightfully feminine with a convenient perfume purser 2.00,.ui Your choke of L'ORIOAN L'AIMANT IMIRAUOI 'PARIS CAPITAL DRUG STORE 405 Stats St. Corner of Liberty WE GIVE i.(: GREEN STAMPS Compounded and Copyrighted by Coty, Inc. in U. S. A. It's holiday time . . . bring the family and . . . dine in the Oregon Room Open each evening this week 5 to 8 P.M. Open for Luncheon Daily ll;30A.M.to2:30P.M. 1 1 ' 9 her Santa For such a Gay Christmas Evening White Satin Halter S.in- if ts ifi dal. dyed free to match I j M ""S White Satin Halter Sandal. Pyed free to match your gown. Velvet and Vinyl in the dashing Red trim by Laird Schober. 19.95 SHOP TIL 9 TONIGHT USE ONE OF OUR CONVENIENT PAY ARRANGEMENTS i L II: i 1 .14 ' fl M 111! II 111 i WTm TAKE Y0UR CHOIcTM t the se wj' WmMMi w Monthly ! IMS ft-S ! Tax Included! DIAMOND KING 5 i'fZS'JZ? ESil IS GUARANTEED IB JS5Eb Sli Iia I ' ' Beautiful diamond ringi-at a new, low price. , Choose from four ejqnlslte itylet. Remember, j yon can pay weekly or monthly J at no eitra charge. See thete today! Jackson Jewelers 225 North Liberty G o