. Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, December 18, 1956 THE CAPITATJ JOURNATJ Section 1 Page 8 County Demos Fill Vacancies Decision Made to Hold Monthly Meetings Of Organization Marion county Democrats named 12 new committeemen, all but two to fill vacancies, at a monthly meeting Monday night. Decision to hold monthly meetings was also made at the meeting, S. W. Horn, county chairman an nounced. Mr. and Mrs. G. Donald Land were sopointed to fill vacancies caused by the resignations of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hewitt in Precinct 15. The Hewitts have been pre cinct committee members in that precinct since 1932. While overjoyed at the victories of the Democrats in the general election Nov. 6, Cornelius Bate son, Jr., alternate chairman, told the group that there was much work yet to do in Marion county. uaieson reported 85.3 per cent of the registered voters voted as compared with 88 per cent of the Republicans. New committeemen appointed in addition to the Lands were Dr. Ray Pinson, Precinct 36; Daniel Poling, 124; Helen Bondell, 9; Laura Arpke, 10; Lorraine Meu sey, 28; Delbert McDonaugh, 41; A. W. Lovick, 46; Body Brown, 96; Tom Higginbotham, 112 and L. Stewart Smith. A party relations committee named by Chairman Horn will be chairmaned by Poling. Named to 1 service with him were Edwin W. Butler and Edna Bishop. BISHOP'S PARADE of FAMOUS - BRAND t Interchange Land Obtained A tract of land containing 1.63 acres with a value of $675 was condemned by a Marion county circuit court order Monday in con nection with the Brooks traffic interchange on the Baldock Free way. Owners of the property were William W., Martha 0., and C. W. Cottew, all of Brooks, and the U.S. National Bank of Portland. The State Highway Commission, which instituted the proceedings, was ordered to build a fence along the eastern boundary of the Cot tew property facing the highway. Santa Plans Phone Calls To Shut-Ins rat-la children In the Salem art may receive unexpected tele phone calls from Santa Claus be tween now and Christmas accord ing to plans of the Salem Active club. Frank Sales, president, said the local club got the idea from the Eugene Active club. The plan calls for children who are ill to hear from Santa even if they cannot lee him. Sales said the club had received a number of calls from parents asking that calls be arranged for their children. Many of the club members, he said, had volun teered to work for the success of the plan. Anyone wishing Santa calls to be made should drop a postcard or letter to "Santa Claus." care Active club, 425 Delmar Dr., Salem. Mrs. Finch Fractures Hip in Fall at Home Mrs. M a b 1 e Finch, 78, 1533 Court St., was taken to Salem General hospital by Willamette Ambulance Service late Monday after she fell and fractured a hip in her home. Mrs. Finch's condition was said to be good by hospital attend ants. MIONSON cMXi POCKET f , ' LIGHTER I j I WTTi WIND- I I I I CHAtCI w m t fri Mi 'RONSON LIGHTER and CIGARETTE CASE $1750 ti oo wrnriT TJw Diamond Start of Salem HARIMAMROS. I 1 jjr GIFT ME II II I J I I gjsaswwsswiasiJWjasiiaaswBKtsssTOj J1". " SWEATERS V The Speedy Solution to g Any Gift g Problem: SWEATERS " VJuiimiin, vjuiM,ua, V.UIIIMIUIil K 1 T 1 1 M I Choose HIS gift from the Famous Brands that are favorites with HIM . . . 9 from the store 8 Altman tip g 3 where HE likes best to shop ... BISHOPS . . . r -aw' . K A BDAUI I HiiKun ana MANHATTAN A Gift Certificate from Bishop's WELDON and MANHATTAN where big assortments in any price range you prefer make gift choosing easy for the man on your list 8 8 I 22-BSiJ I $ . Thomas - rife LI J I I Dress Shirts Sport Shirts PAJAMAS J White Mtd 095 i 450np . Cottonind 095 I colored J up mmtmmtmmmmmammmmmxiS s Rayom O op 8 I NECKWEAR I w fi J HOLEPROOF and . I. T J 8 Give pleasure with a Hat Gift jf S 81 095 1 Arrow, Wembley and 1rtnr no I S S,e,w" or 2 fT ;;; 4 Fashion-Craft I t Sl.TPPf.TJS o- B t. i50 I r 8 i f-lu i i m i S 2 &(isa!a!issiaSBi(iasaii!!s2 ' 2 All Types OO up - 'WsaiwiawtBaiwiaajwta Fine leathers up jj SwwitMiitBsi ' g 1 Hill LtLiLt I Lf i 1 g )!!Wiww3siiiai)Waw5i)s5!wwj . I j,iwjjwwijs!)e!5i5)3S!wwiag i.so UP I WOOL , R " Sporlcoab 1 J a 8 HiMStaa The FineS.i i Jr.fjM I I if ' I S 8 J i i 62.50 up 2 mmPm , i I foL&l i I Is z I I i sd SiTOMMBataisaiisiBa!wi 8 ftI i-jj 8 lL 1 I 1 ' 1 Exclusively Men's and Boy's Weor S L I 8 8 , , S 8 YnJ, 1 ::j X I 7' MH I I Hart Schaffner 8 Kfj I aarvi PP,;, s ktl ..... i 1 V V I I - 1,1 r M il ""' n y.f" K Pendleton and Dunmar ROBES lroin A gift that will be warmly received a robe from Bishop's whether it be a virgin wool, tartan plaid Pendleton, a terry cloth or rayon by Dunmar. i g Distinctive Gift Ideas 8 Hickok Jewelry . . f Samsonite Luggage . Hickok Belts . . . 8 Arrow Handkerchiefs 8 s After Six Tuxedos . Hart, Schaffner and S Marx Suits .... from 69.50 Salem's Own Store Since 1890 fa wk n bk i ta k t ca i iS Opcit 9 ci.iit. 9 ii.m. Moii. thi n J ri. I'NTII, Slacks Pendleton, Rough Rider, g Haggar and Others. 1 AW